Pratyahara - drawing back (troops from a battle) , retreat

praty-āhāra [p= 677,2] [L=134287]
drawing back (troops from a battle) , retreat MBh.

esp. of the senses from external objects) , abstraction MBh. Mn. Pur. Veda7ntas. (cf. IW. 93)


&c into one syllable by combining for shortness the first member with the anubandha (s.v.) of the last member

&c so combined (as ac or hal in the śivasūtras) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 1 &c

dram.) N. of a partic. part of the pūrva-raga (s.v.) Sa1h.

°ra-k , with gen. , to speak to a person) Ka1ran2d2. (prob. w.r. for pravyāh°)

ib. (prob. w.r. for id.)
(H2) m.
[L=134288]withdrawal (
[L=134289]withdrawing (of created things) , re-absorption or dissolution of the world
[L=134290](in gram.) the comprehension of a series of letters or roots
[L=134291]a group of letters
[L=134293]speaking to , address (

In Meditation Secrets for Women, Camille and I use the term “Inner sensuality” to refer to the aspect of pratyahara when our senses are functioning in the inner world.

Meditation Secrets for Women: Discovering Your Passion, Pleasure, ... - Google Books Result
Camille Maurine, Lorin Roche - 2001 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 336 pages
Outer and
Inner Sensuality In this chapter you will leam how to let your favorite sensory pleasures be the focus for your meditations. There is a loop of enjoyment ...

praty-ā- √ h [p= 677,2] [L=134281]
-harati , to draw in or back S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c  ; 
to withdraw (the senses from worldly objects)
Pur.  ; 
to replace , fetch or bring back , recover
S3rS. MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to rearrange , restore
R.  ; 
to take up again , continue (a business , sacrifice
&c ) MBh. Hariv.  ; 
to report , relate
MBh.  ; 
to utter (a speech) , cry
MW.  ; 
to withdraw (what has been created) , destroy
Hariv. Pur.  ; 
w.r. for pra-vyā-h MBh. &c

MW reverse search for “retreat”

(H1) P.

an-āśrama-vāsa [p= 29,1] [L=5693]
one who does not belong to the āśramas

non-residence in a religious retreat.
(H2) m.
an-āśrame-vāsa [L=5695]
one who does not belong to the āśramas

(H3) m.
[L=5696]non-residence in a religious retreat.
apa- √ kram [p= 48,1] [L=9033]
RV. x , 164 , 1 &c  ; 
to glide away
to measure off by steps
Kaus3. : Caus. -kramayati , to cause to run away PBr. ?? : Desid. -cikramiati , to intend to run away or escape (with abl.) S3Br.
(H1) to go away , retreat , retire from
apa-kramá [L=9034]
going away S3Br. &c

apa-kramá [L=9036]
not being in the regular order (a fault in poetry).
(H2) m.
[L=9035]flight , retreat
(H2B) mfn.
apa-yāna [p= 50,2] [L=9401]
retreat , flight

astron.) declination.
(H2) n.
apa- √ s [p= 53,1] [L=9845]
impf. -sarat) to slip off from (abl.) RV. iv , 30 , 10  ; 
to go away , retreat: Caus.
-sārayati , to make or let go away , remove.
(H1) (
apa- √ sp [p= 53,2] [L=9855]
to retreat.
(H1) to glide or move off
apā* -vartana [p= 54,3] [L=10087]
turning away or from , retreat L.

(H2) n.
ava-yā́na [p= 102,2] [L=17838]
going down AV. viii , 1 , 6


RV. i , 185 , 8.
(H2) n.
ā́-vtti [p= 156,2] [L=27267]
turning towards , entering , turning back or from , reversion , retreat , flight

TS. S3Br. Bhag. Katha1s. &c



S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. &c


(H2) f.
[L=27268]recurrence to the same point
[L=27270]repetition (as a figure of rhetoric)
[L=27271]turn of a way , course , direction
[L=27273]revolving , going round
[L=27274]worldly existence , the revolution of births
[L=27275]use , employment , application.
āśaya [p= 157,2] [L=27429]
» 3. ā-śī.
ā-śaya [p= 157,3] [L=27492]
resting-place , bed

S3Br. MBh. Pan5cat. Bhag. &c

e.g. raktā*śaya , " the receptacle of blood " i.e. the heart ; āmā*śaya , the stomach &c ) Sus3r.


Ya1jn5. R. Katha1s. &c

Prab. Katha1s. Pan5cat.

yoga phil.) " stock " or " the balance of the fruits of previous works , which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit , until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank , years , and enjoyment "(Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168 , 16 ff.)


of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L.
ā-śayá [p= 1320,2] [L=320430]
S3Br. )
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=27493]seat , place
[L=27494]an asylum , abode or retreat
[L=27495]a receptacle
[L=27496]any recipient
[L=27497]any vessel of the body (
[L=27498]the stomach
[L=27499]the abdomen
[L=27500]the seat of feelings and thoughts , the mind , heart , soul
[L=27501]thought , meaning , intention
[L=27502]disposition of mind , mode of thinking
[L=27504]the will
[L=27511]a miser , niggard
(H2) (
ā-śrita [p= 158,3] [L=27686]
attaching one's self to , joining

MBh. Katha1s. Ra1jat. Kum. &c

R. Hariv. BhP. Ma1rkP. &c

MBh. R. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. &c

Mn. MBh. BhP. Kum. Pan5cat. &c

Bhag. R.

Katha1s. BhP. Ra1jat.

Katha1s. Pan5cat. Ragh. BhP.

Katha1s. Ra1jat.
ā-śrita [L=27698]
a dependant , subject , servant , follower Kum. Hit. Ya1jn5. &c
ā-śrita [L=27699]
(with Buddhists) an object perceived by the senses and manas or mind.
(H2) mfn.
[L=27687]having recourse to , resorting to as a retreat or asylum , seeking refuge or shelter from
[L=27688]subject to , depending on
[L=27689]relating or belonging to , concerning
[L=27690]inhabiting , dwelling in , resting on , being anywhere , taking one's station at
[L=27691]following , practising , observing
[L=27692]using , employing
[L=27693]receiving anything as an inherent or integral part
[L=27694]regarding , respecting
[L=27695]taken or sought as a refuge or shelter
[L=27696]inhabited , occupied
[L=27697]chosen , preferred , taken as rule
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
ud-drāvá [p= 188,3] [L=33055]
running away VS. xxii , 8 TS.
ud-drāvá [L=33056]
going upwards
ud-drāvá [L=33057]
flight , retreat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 49.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
ni- √ vt [p= 560,1] [L=110355]
-vartate (ind.p. -vtya AV. ; infin. -vartitum MBh. ; rarely P. e.g. Pot. -vartet MBh. Hariv. ; impf. or subj. -vartat RV. ; pf. -vāvtur ib. ; fut. -vartiyati MBh. ; -vartsyan Bhat2t2. ; aor. -avtat ib.) , to turn back , stop (trans. and intrans.) RV. &c  ; 
to return from (
abl.) to (acc. with or without prati , or dat.)  ; 
to return into life , revive , be born again
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to turn away , retreat , flee , escape , abstain or desist from , get rid of (
abl.) ib.  ; 
to fall back , rebound
R.  ; 
to leave off (
sāmi , in the midst or when anything is half finished S3Br. ), cease , end , disappear , vanish TS. S3Br. Up. &c  ; 
to be withheld from , not belong to (
abl.)  ; 
to be omitted , not to occur
La1t2y. Mn. MBh.  ; 
to be ineffective or useless
MBh. Katha1s.  ; 
to be wanting , not to exist (
yato vāco nivartante , for which there are no words) TUp.  ; 
to pass over to (
loc.) MBh.  ; 
to be turned upon (
loc. or tatra) ib. : Caus. -vartayati , °te (A1. Pot. -vartayīta A1s3vS3r. ; Pass. -vartyate Ragh. ) , to turn downwards , let sink (the head) TBr.  ; 
to turn back
i.e. shorten (the hair) Br.  ; 
to lead or bring back , reconduct , return
AV. &c  ; 
to turn away , avert or keep back from (
abl.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to give up , abandon , suppress , withhold , refuse , deny
to annul , remove , destroy
Mn. MBh. Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to bring to an end
i.e. perform , accomplish (a sacrifice &c ) R. BhP.  ; 
to procure , bestow
Hariv. Ma1rkP.  ; 
to desist from (
abl.) MBh. R.
ni-° vt [L=110387]
for ni-ct.
(H1) A1.
(H3) w.r.
ni-° vártana [L=110360]
causing to turn back RV.
ni-° vártana [L=110361]
turning back , returning , turning the back i.e. retreating , fleeing AV. MBh. &c (mtyu ktvā nivartanam , making retreat equivalent to death i.e. desisting from fighting only in death MBh. vi , vii ; w.r. ktvā mtyu-niv°)
ni-° vártana [L=110362]
ceasing , not happening or occurring , being prevented MBh. Hariv. &c
ni-° vártana [L=110363]
desisting or abstaining from (abl.) MBh. BhP.
ni-° vártana [L=110364]
desisting from work , inactivity (opp. to pra-vartana) Ka1m.
ni-° vártana [L=110365]
causing to return , bringing back (esp. the shooting off and bringing back of weapons) MBh. Ka1v.
ni-° vártana [L=110366]
turning back (the hair) Ka1tyS3r.
ni-° vártana [L=110367]
a means of returning RV. AV.
ni-° vártana [L=110368]
averting or keeping back from (abl.) Veda7ntas.
ni-° vártana [L=110369]
reforming , repenting W.
ni-° vártana [L=110370]
a measure of land (20 rods or 200 cubits or 40 ,000 hastas square) Hcat.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
parā--mu° khī- √ bhū [p= 590,1] [L=116827]
Ka1v. Vet.
(H4) to become averted , turn away the face , take to flight , retreat
pari-trāa [p= 595,3] [L=117701]
rescue , preservation , deliverance from (abl.) , protection or means of protection , refuge , retreat Mn. MBh. &c



(H3) n.
[L=117703]the hair of the body
pra-° cyuta---tva [p= 658,1] [L=130819.4]
prá-) n. deviation , retreat MW.
(H4) (
praty-apa- √  [p= 675,2] [L=133995]
-yāti , to go back , withdraw , retreat , flee into (acc.) MBh.
(H1) P.
praty-āhāra [p= 677,2] [L=134287]
drawing back (troops from a battle) , retreat MBh.

esp. of the senses from external objects) , abstraction MBh. Mn. Pur. Veda7ntas. (cf. IW. 93)


&c into one syllable by combining for shortness the first member with the anubandha (s.v.) of the last member

&c so combined (as ac or hal in the śivasūtras) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 1 &c

dram.) N. of a partic. part of the pūrva-raga (s.v.) Sa1h.

°ra-k , with gen. , to speak to a person) Ka1ran2d2. (prob. w.r. for pravyāh°)

ib. (prob. w.r. for id.)
(H2) m.
[L=134288]withdrawal (
[L=134289]withdrawing (of created things) , re-absorption or dissolution of the world
[L=134290](in gram.) the comprehension of a series of letters or roots
[L=134291]a group of letters
[L=134293]speaking to , address (
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.23, 31.9
Whitney Roots links: yu1, yu2
yu 1 [p= 853,1] [p= 852,3] [L=171682]
cf.yuch) cl.3 P. yuyóti (Impv. 2. sg. yuyodhí RV. ; yuyudhi Pa1n2. 3-4 , 88 Sch. ; 2. du. yuyotam or yuyutám RV. ; 2. pl. yuyóta or °tana ib. ; A1. Subj. 2. sg : yuyothās ib. ; A1. impf. 3. pl. ayuvanta AV. ; aor. P. yaus , ayauīt ; Subj. yoati , yoat RV. ; at AV. ; yūyāt,yūyātām Br. ; yūyot RV. ; yāvīs ib. ; A1. yoṣṭhās Br. ; yavanta RV. ; Pass. áyāvi ib. ; inf. yótave , °tavaí , °tos ib. ; -yāvam AV. ) , to separate , keep or drive away , ward off (acc.) , exclude or protect from (abl.) RV. AV. VS. Br.  ; 
to keep aloof , to be or remain separated from (
abl.) RV. AV. S3a1n3khS3r. : Caus. yaváyati or yāváyati , to cause to separate or remove or keep off &c RV. AV. VS. S3Br. : Intens. yoyavīti (impf. áyoyavīt ; p. yóyuvat) , to retreat back , recede RV.  ; 
to be rent , gape asunder
ib.  ; 
to keep off from (
abl.) MaitrS.
yu 2 [p= 853,1] [L=171694]
cf.yuj) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 23) yauti (Ved. also A1. yuté and cl.6. yuváti , °te ; accord. to Dha1tup. xxxi , 9 also cl.9. yunāti , yunīte ; pf. yuyāva , 2. sg. yuyavitha Pa1n2. 6-4 , 126 Sch. ; yuyuvé RV. ; aor. -yāviṣṭam (?) ib. ; ayaviṣṭa Gr. ; Prec. yūyāt ib. ; fut. yuvitā S3Br. ; yavitā,yaviyati,°te Gr. ; ind.p. yutvā Pa1n2. 7-2 , 11 Sch. ; -yūya RV. ; -yutya Gr2S3rS. ) , to unite , attach , harness , yoke , bind , fasten RV.  ; 
to draw towards one's self , take hold or gain possession of , hold fast
AV. TS. S3Br.  ; 
to push on towards (
acc.) AV.  ; 
to confer or bestow upon (
dat.) , procure RV.  ; 
yauti) , to worship , honour Naigh. iii , 14 : Pass. yūyate (aor. ayāvi) Gr.: Caus. yāvayati (aor. ayīyavat) ib. : Desid. of Caus. yiyāvayiati ib. : Desid. yúyūati ( RV. ) , yiyaviati (Gr.) , to wish to unite or hold fast: Intens. yoyūyate , yoyoti , yoyavīti &c (» ā- , ni-yu).
 3 [L=171720]
( √ ) going , moving RV. i , 74 , 7 ; x , 176 , 3 (viii , 18 , 13 ?).
yu 4 [L=171721]
du. and pl. numbers of the 2nd pers. pron. (» yumad).
(H1) (
(H1) (
(H1) mfn.
(H1) the actual base of the
va-krama [p= 911,2] [L=184514]
(for ava-krama) flight , retreat L.
(H1) m.
vi-drāva [p= 967,1] [L=196396]
flight , retreat W.

(H2) m.
vélā--kūla [p= 1018,3] [L=206286]
the sea-shore , coast (rarely the bank of a river) Uttamac. BhP.
vélā--kūla [L=206287]
situated on the sea-coast BhP.
vélā--kūla [L=206288]
N. of a district (the modern tāmalipta or Tamluk [see tāma-lipta] , said to be in the district of Midnapur or in the southern part of the present Hugli district , forming the west bank of the Hugli river at its union with the sea ; a village having the name Beercool [Birkul] , said to be derived from velā-kūla , still exists near the sea-shore ; it is a hot-weather retreat from Calcutta and was formerly a favourite resort of Warren Hastings ; » Hunter's Gazetteer).
(H3) n.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) n.
vy-apa- √ gam [p= 1031,3] [L=208718]
-gacchati , to go away , retreat , escape , disappear MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to move away from , be entirely removed or distant
(H1) P.
vy-ap° apayāna [L=208763]
retreat , flight ib.
(H3) n.
śrāvastī [p= 1098,1] [L=222825]
N. of a city situated north of the Ganges and founded by king śrāvasta (it was the ancient capital of kosala and said to have been the place where the wealthy merchant anātha-piṇḍika built the buddha a residence in the jeta-vana monastery which became his favourite retreat during the rainy seasons: other authorities derive the name from a ṛṣi called sāvattha , who is said to have resided there ; it has been identified by General Cunningham with a place now called SahetMahet , about 58 miles north of ayodhyā in Oudh) MBh. Hariv. Buddh. (cf. MWB. 48 ; 407 &c )
(H1B) f.
sa-dāva [p= 1143,2] [L=231444]
flight , retreat L.
(H1) m.
su--palā* yita [p= 1227,3] [L=247475]
well fled W.
su--palā* yita [L=247476]
skilful or well-managed retreat , total rout MBh. Hit.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
sgālī [p= 1245,1] [L=251893]
a female jackal Pan5cat. Katha1s.
sgālī [L=251894]
a fox W.
sgālī [L=251895]
flight , retreat L.
sgālī [L=251896]
tumult , uproar (= amara) L.
sgālī [L=251897]
Asteracantha Longifolia L.
sgālī [L=251898]
(prob.) Batatas Paniculata (cf. sgālikā) L.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.