Gunanvita-Endowed with virtues, excellent, auspicious

ajarāmaratām eti so 'ṇimādiguṇānvitaḥ |
yoginīnām priyo devi sarvamelāpakādhipaḥ || 141 ||

guā* nvita [L=65736]
id. , vi , 4

Mn. ii , vii (ifc. with rūpa) Veda7ntas.

nakatra) Mn. ii. 30.

(H3) mfn.
[L=65737]endowed with virtues , excellent
[L=65738]auspicious (a

guá [p= 357,1] [L=65497]
( √ grah Un2. ) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e.g. tri-g° q.v.) , string or thread , rope TS. vii Mr2icch. Kum. Ragh.


R. iii , 33 , 16 (cāpa-) Ragh. ix , 54 R2itus. Hit.

geom.) a sinew

S3is3. iv , 57 : ifc. (f(ā). ) with numerals " fold , times " (» cátur- , tri- , daśa- , dví- , pañca- ; rarely the numeral stands by itself along with guá [e.g. viśiṣṭo daśabhir guai , " of ten times higher value " Mn. ii , 85] AV. x , 8 , 43 MBh. iii , 15649 Hariv. 509 ; [gua = bhāga] Pa1n2. 5-2 , 47 Ka1s3. )


e.g. gandhasya guā , the different kinds of smell MBh. xii , 6847)

Mn. vii , 160 Ya1jn5. i , 346 MBh. ii , 155

upā*ya (q.v. , denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) R. v , 81 , 41

» °o*pe*ta

e.g. sarva-gua mfn. " reaching to all subordinate parts " , hence " valid throughout " Ka1tyS3r. ) S3a1n3khS3r. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. R. v , 1 , 71

S3a1n3khBr. xxvi , 4

anna i.e. rice or the chief dish) , side-dish Mn. iii , 224 ff.

= -karman , in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of an action Pa1n2. 1-4 , 51 Sch.

La1t2y. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. iii , ix , &c

śabda , or sound for its gua and the ear for its organ ; 2. the air has tangibility and sound for its guas and the skin for its organ ; 3. fire or light has shape or colour , tangibility , and sound for its guas , and the eye for its organs ; 4. water has flavour , shape , tangibility , and sound for its guas , and the tongue for its organ ; 5. earth has the preceding guas , with the addition of its own peculiar gua of smell , and the nose for its organ) Mn. i , 20 and 76-78 MBh. xii , 6846 ff. S3ak. i , 1 BhP. iii , 5 , 35

khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of prakti , chief quality of all existing beings (viz. sattva , rajas , and tamas i.e. goodness , passion , and darkness , or virtue , foulness , and ignorance ; cf. RTL. pp. 31 ; 36 ; 163) Mn. i ; iii , 40 ; xii , 24 ff. Sa1m2khyak. Bhag. xiii f.

VarBr2S. iic , 1

nyāya phil. twenty-four guas are enumerated , viz. 1. rūpa , shape , colour ; 2. rasa , savour ; 3. gandha , odour ; 4. sparśa , tangibility ; 5. sakhyā , number ; 6. parimāa , dimension ; 7. pthaktva , severalty ; 8. sayoga , conjunction ; 9. vibhāga , disjunction ; 10. paratva , remoteness ; 11. aparatva , proximity ; 12. gurutva , weight ; 13. dravatva , fluidity ; 14. sneha , viscidity ; 15. śabda , sound ; 16. buddhi or jñāna , understanding or knowledge ; 17. sukha , pleasure ; 18. dukha , pain ; 19. icchā , desire ; 20. dvea , aversion ; 21. prayatna , effort ; 22. dharma , merit or virtue ; 23. adharma , demerit ; 24. saskāra , the self-reproductive quality)


Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) Ka1vya7d. i , 41 f. Kpr. viii Sa1h. viii

bāhya-prayatnās [q.v.] and the 3 accents) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 9 and 50 (cf. -mātra)

a (with ar , al Pa1n2. 1-1 , 51) , e , o Nir. x , 17 RPra1t. xi , 6 Pa1n2.


cf. -kāra) L.

(cf. -kāra) L.
gua [p= 1326,2] [L=330400]
āt, "by virtue of", "in consequence of", "by means of")
(H1) m.
[L=65498]a garland
[L=65499]a bow-string
[L=65501]the string of a musical instrument , chord
[L=65502]a multiplier , co-efficient (in
[L=65503]subdivision , species , kind (
[L=65504]the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace , war , march , halt , stratagem , and recourse to the protection of a mightier king)
[L=65506]" requisite "
[L=65507]a secondary element , subordinate or unessential part of any action (
[L=65508]an auxiliary act
[L=65509]a secondary dish (opposed to
[L=65511]a quality , peculiarity , attribute or property
[L=65512]an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense ; thus 1. ether has
[L=65514](hence) the number " three "
[L=65515]a property or characteristic of all created things (in
[L=65516]an epithet
[L=65517]good quality , virtue , merit , excellence
[L=65518]the merit of composition (consistency , elegance of expression ,
[L=65519]the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number , viz. the 8
[L=65520]the first gradation of a vowel , the vowels
[L=65521]an organ of sense
[L=65522]a cook (
(H2) (also "power, might" ;

Viśvambharā, probings in orientology: Prof. V.S. Pathak festschrift: Volume 1
Vishwambhar Sharan Pathak, Ajay Mitra Shastri, Devendra Handa - 1995 - 526 pages - Snippet view
... deserve to be imparted with the knowledge of brahma-vidya.10 In other words, the person endowed with all such merits is a real ... Chirna-vrato balaeva buddhi-sattva-gunanvitah Namach-asy-abhavatkhyatam lokeshv-Astika ity-uta . ...


kā́ma--gua [p= 272,1] [L=48006]
" quality of desire " , affection , passion

kā́ma--gua [L=48009]
the objects of the five senses , sensual enjoyments Lalit. 225 , 4.
(H3) m.
[L=48007]satiety , perfect enjoyment
[L=48008]an object of sense
(H3B) m. pl.

guā* laya [L=65746]
" abode of good qualities " , one endowed with all virtues Pan5cat. i , 16 , 16

sarva-) Subh.
(H3) m.
guā* śraya [L=65751]
" abode of qualities " , substance , matter L.

(H3) m.
[L=65752]one endowed with virtues , a very virtuous man
guo* papanna [L=65762]
endowed with good qualities VarYogay. (cf. Mn. ix , 141 Nal. )
(H3) mfn.
guo* pe* ta [p= 358,2] [L=65764]
endowed with good qualities Mn. iii , 40 Nal. R. i S3ak. Hit.

Ya1jn5. i , 347.
(H3) mfn.
[L=65765]endowed with any requisites
guin [L=65801]
" furnished with a string or rope (as a hunter) " and " endowed with good qualities " S3a1rn3gP. Subh.

Pa1n2. 5-2 , 47 Va1rtt. 1

S3vetUp. vi Mn. viii , 73 Ya1jn5. &c

Das3. vii , 296 f.

comp.) Ma1rkP. xxvii , 9

Ka1t. iii f.

Ya1jn5. iii , 69 BhP. ii , 8 , 14
guin [L=65808]
" furnished with a string " , a bow L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=65802]containing parts , consisting of parts
[L=65803]endowed with good qualities or merits
[L=65804]auspicious (a day)
[L=65805]endowed with the good qualities of or contained in (in
[L=65806]requiring the first gradation (a vowel)
[L=65807]" possessing qualities " or (m.) " quality-possessor " , object , thing , noun , substantive
(H2B) m.
guya [L=65818]
endowed with good qualities or virtues Pa1n2. 5-2 , 120 Va1rtt. Pat.



A1ryabh. ii , 23 Sch. (-tva n.)
guya [p= 358,3] [L=65850]
(H2) mfn.
[L=65819]to be enumerated
[L=65820]to be described or praised
[L=65821]to be multiplied , multiplicand
(H1) »

guá--tas [p= 357,2] [L=65561]
according to the three chief qualities of all existing beings Bhag. xviii

Mn. xi , 186 R. iii , v



Pa1n2. 1-1 , 50 Ka1s3.
(H3) ind.
[L=65561.1]from the side of the good qualities or virtues
[L=65561.2]according to property or quality
[L=65561.3]according to desert
[L=65561.4]according to the properties of the letters
guá--dīpaka [L=65577]
a simile in which a word denoting a quality forms the tertium comparationis Ka1vya7d. ii , 100 Sch.
(H3) n.
guá--bheda-tas [L=65602]
according to the difference of quality W.
(H3) ind.
guá--vacana [p= 357,3] [L=65630]
" word denoting a quality " , an attributive , adjective Pa1n2.
guá--vacana [L=65631]
denoting a quality , used as an adjective , iv , 1 , 42 Ka1s3.
(H3) n.
(H3B) mfn.
guá--vācaka [L=65646]
denoting a quality (an adjective) Vop. iv , 17 Pa1n2. 8-1 , 12 Sch. (-vacana Ka1s3. )
(H3) mfn.
guá--saskāra [L=65675]
comp. quality and preparation Gaut. xv , 6
guá--saskāra [L=65675.1]
the highest limit of excellence R. v , 85 , 5.
(H3) in
(H3B) m.
guá--sakhyāna [L=65677]
the (enumeration i.e. the) theory of the 3 essential properties Bhag. xviii , 19

BhP. v , 17 , 17 (ifc. with sarva-).
(H3) n.
[L=65678]the appearance of a quality
guā* ntara [p= 358,1] [L=65731]
a different quality or kind of merit Pa1n2. 5-3 , 55 Pat. 20 and 33
(H3) n.
guā* nta° ra- √ vraj [L=65732]
Ma1lav. i , 6
(H4) to obtain a better quality , become superior
guā* nta° * dhāna [L=65733]
" addition of another or better quality " , being active or caring for (gen.) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-3 , 32 and ii , 3 , 53 Bhat2t2. viii Sch.
(H4) n.
guā* nta° * patti [L=65734]
attainment of another quality Nya1yad. ii , 2 , 59.
(H4) f.
guaka [p= 358,2] [L=65767]
a calculator , reckoner (for ga°) W.

arithm.) the multiplier VarBr2. viii , 4

quality Veda7ntas. 43

of a maker of garlands Hariv. 4479
(H2) m.
guin [L=65801]
" furnished with a string or rope (as a hunter) " and " endowed with good qualities " S3a1rn3gP. Subh.

Pa1n2. 5-2 , 47 Va1rtt. 1

S3vetUp. vi Mn. viii , 73 Ya1jn5. &c

Das3. vii , 296 f.

comp.) Ma1rkP. xxvii , 9

Ka1t. iii f.

Ya1jn5. iii , 69 BhP. ii , 8 , 14
guin [L=65808]
" furnished with a string " , a bow L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=65802]containing parts , consisting of parts
[L=65803]endowed with good qualities or merits
[L=65804]auspicious (a day)
[L=65805]endowed with the good qualities of or contained in (in
[L=65806]requiring the first gradation (a vowel)
[L=65807]" possessing qualities " or (m.) " quality-possessor " , object , thing , noun , substantive
(H2B) m.