(H2) | cintana [p= 398,1] [L=74110]n. |
[L=74111] | anxious thought |
[L=74112] | consideration |
(H2) | cintā [L=74117]f. |
[p= | 398,2] [L=74118]consideration |
[L=74119] | N. |
(H2) | cintā [p= 1327,1] [L=331240](in |
(H3) | cintā--para [L=74124]mfn. |
(H3) | cittá--cetasika [p= 395,3] [L=73551]m. |
(H3) | cittā* kūtá [p= 396,1] [L=73610]n. |
(H2) | cítti 1 [L=73625]f. |
[L=73626] | intention (along with , |
[L=73627] | ( |
[L=73628] | a wise person , |
[L=73629] | " Thought " , |
[L=73630] | cf. |
(H2) | cittí [p= 398,1] [L=74091]2. |
(H1) | cítti 1 [L=74099]2. |
(H2) | cittī-kṛta [p= 396,1] [L=73632]mfn. |
(H3) | cid--acit [p= 397,3] [L=74008]" thought and non-thought , mind and matter " , in |
(H3) | cid--ātmaka [L=74015]mfn. |
(H3) | cid--ātman [L=74016]m. |
[L=74017] | " thought and joy " , in |
(H4) | cid--ānanda---daśa-ślokī [L=74017.1]f. |
(H4) | cid--ānanda---maya [L=74017.2]mfn. |
(H3) | cid--rūpa [L=74024]mfn. |
[L=74025] | wise |
(H3B) | cid--rūpa [L=74026]n. |
(H3) | cin--maya [L=74030]mfn. |
(H1) | cint [p= 398,1] [L=74105]( |
(H2) | cintana [L=74110]n. |
[L=74111] | anxious thought |
[L=74112] | consideration |
(H2) | cintanīya [L=74113]mfn. |
[L=74114] | iii |
(H3) | cintayitavya [L=74116]mfn. |
(H2) | cintā [L=74117]f. |
[p= | 398,2] [L=74118]consideration |
[L=74119] | N. |
(H2) | cintā [p= 1327,1] [L=331240](in |
(H3) | cintā--° kula [p= 398,2] [L=74122]( |