(H1) | bhāvá [p= 754,2] [L=150178]
m. |
( √ bhū) becoming , being , existing , occurring , appearance S3vetUp. Ka1tyS3r. &c
[L=150179] |
turning or transition into ( |
loc. or comp.) MBh. RPra1t.
[L=150180] |
continuance ( |
opp. to cessation ; eko*ti-bhāva , continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh. , wrongly translated under eko*ti-bh°) MBh.
[L=150181] |
state , condition , rank (with |
sthāvira , old age ; anyam bhāvam āpadyate , euphem. = he dies ; state of being anything , esp. ifc. e.g. bālabhāva , the state of being a child , childhood = bālatā , or tva ; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. tanutā-bhāva , the state of thinness) Up. S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=150182] |
true condition or state , truth , reality ( |
ibc. and °vena ind. really , truly) MBh. Hariv.
[L=150183] |
manner of being , nature , temperament , character ( |
eko bhāvaḥ or eka-bh° , a simple or artless nature ; bhāvo bhāvaṃ nigacchati = birds of a feather flock together) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150184] |
manner of acting , conduct , behaviour |
Ka1v. Sa1h.
[L=150185] |
any state of mind or body , way of thinking or feeling , sentiment , opinion , disposition , intention ( |
yādṛśena bhāvena , with whatever disposition of mind ; bhāvam amaṅgalaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to be ill disposed against ; bhāvaṃ dṛḍhaṃ- √kṛ , to make a firm resolution) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150186] |
(in |
rhet.) passion , emotion (2 kinds of bhāvas are enumerated , the sthāyin or primary , and vyabhicārin or subordinate ; the former are 8 or 9 according as the rasas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9 ; the latter 33 or 34) Ka1v. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c
[L=150187] |
conjecture , supposition |
Mn. Pan5cat.
[L=150188] |
purport , meaning , sense ( |
iti bhāvaḥ , " such is the sense " = ity arthaḥ or ity abhiprā*yaḥ , constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations)
[L=150189] |
love , affection , attachment ( |
bhāvaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to feel an affection for) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150190] |
the seat of the feelings or affections , heart , soul , mind ( |
parituṣṭena bhāvena , with a pleased mind) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150191] |
that which is or exists , thing or substance , being or living creature ( |
sarva-bhāvāḥ , all earthly objects ; bhāvāḥ sthāvara-jaṅgamāḥ , plants and animals) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c
[L=150192] |
(in |
dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) Mr2icch. Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m.
[L=150193] |
(in |
astron.) the state or condition of a planet L.
[L=150194] |
an astrological house or lunar mansion |
[L=150195] |
N. |
of the 27th kalpa (s.v.) ib.
[L=150196] |
of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years |
[L=150197] |
(in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb , the sense conveyed by the abstract noun ( |
esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. pacyate , " there is cooking " or " cooking is going on ") Pa1n2. 3-1 , 66 ; 107 &c
[L=150198] |
N. |
of the author of the bhāvaprakāśa (= miśra-bhāva) Cat.
[L=150199] |
wanton sport , dalliance |
[L=150200] |
birth |
[L=150201] |
place of birth , the womb |
[L=150202] |
the world , universe |
[L=150203] |
an organ of sense |
[L=150204] |
superhuman power |
[L=150205] |
the Supreme Being |
[L=150206] |
advice , instruction |
[L=150207] |
contemplation , meditation |
L. (cf. -samanvita).
(H2) | bhāva [p= 760,2] [L=151460]
&c |
» p.754 &c