Shivavastha- In Shiva, down into Shiva, abiding in Shiva
Siva or Shiva:
- " in whom all things lie " ; perhaps connected with √ śvi cf. śavas , śiśvi) auspicious , propitious , gracious , favourable , benign , kind , benevolent , friendly , dear (°vám ind. kindly , tenderly) RV. &c
- happy , fortunate BhP.
- m. happiness , welfare (cf. n.) R. v , 56 , 36
- m. liberation , final emancipation L.
- m. " The Auspicious one " , N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindu trimūrti or Triad , the other two being brahmā " the creator " and viṣṇu " the preserver " ;
For more on Shiva, see
(H1) | ava- √ sthā [p= 106,1] [p= 105,3] [L=18389]
P. |
-tiṣṭhati (impf. -atiṣṭhat ; aor. Subj. -sthāt ; perf. A1. 3. sg. -tasthe ; perf. p. P. -tasthivás) to go down into (acc.) , reach down to (acc.) RV. S3Br. ;
(aor. Subj. 2. pl. -sthāta) , to go away from (abl.) RV. v , 53 , 8 ;
(aor. Subj. 1. sg. -sthām) to be separated from or deprived of (abl.) RV. ii , 27 , 17 : A1. ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 ; rarely P. e.g. Bhag. xiv , 23 BhP. &c ) to take one's stand , remain standing A1s3vGr2. &c ;
to stay , abide , stop at any place (loc.) MBh. &c ;
to abide in a state or condition (instr.) MBh. i , 5080 BhP. &c ;
(with ind.p.) to remain or continue (doing anything) MBh. i , 5770 ; iii , 187 (ed. Bomb.) , &c ;
to be found , exist , be present MBh. Ya1jn5. i , 272 , &c ;
(perf. 1. sg. -tasthe) to fall to , fall into the possession of (dat.) RV. x , 48 , 5 ;
to enter , be absorbed in in (loc.) Mn. vi , 81 ;
to penetrate (as sound or as fame) MBh. xiii , 1 845 : Pass. -sthīyate , to be settled or fixed or chosen S3ak. : Caus. (generally ind.p. -sthāpya) to cause to stand or stop (as a carriage or an army &c ) , let behind MBh. &c ;
to place upon (loc.) , fix , set , array A1s3vGr2. &c ;
to cause to enter or be absorbed in (loc.) MBh. iii , 12502 ;
to render solid or firm R. v , 35 , 36 ;
to establish (by arguments) Comm. on Nya1yad. : Pass. Caus. -sthāpyate , to be kept firm [" to be separated " BR. ] BhP.
(H2B) | ava-sthā [L=18391]
f. |
appearance (in a court of justice) Mn. viii , 6o
(H2B) | ava-sthā [L=18392]
f. |
" stability , consistence " cf. anavastha
(H2B) | ava-sthā [L=18393]
f. |
state , condition , situation (five are distinguished in dramas Sa1h. ), circumstance of age ([ Pa1n2. v ,4 , 146 ; vi , 2 , i 15 , &c ]) or position , stage , degree
(H2B) | ava-sthā́ [L=18394]
f. pl. |
the female organs of generation RV. v , 19 , 1.
Dancing With Siva: Hinduism's Contemporary Catechism - Page 820
| Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami - 2003 - 1008 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Progress through sakala avastha is measured in three stages: i) irul, "darkness; " when the impetus is toward pasa, knowledge and ... The active power or manifest energy of Siva that pervades all of existence. Its most refined aspect is ...
Shiva Samhitã: a unique classical text on the theory and practice ...
| 2002 - 90 pages - Snippet view
Then it becomes possible for him to enter into Arambha Avastha (the state of beginning). ... There are four stages in all kinds of Yoga: 1) Arambha Avastha ( the state of beginning), 2) Ghara Avastha (the state of realization of the ...
Mythologies and philosophies of salvation in the theistic ... - Page 177
| Klaus K. Klostermaier - 1984 - 549 pages - Preview
Siva acts as a guru to the soul; without Siva's guidance the soul would not be able to reach mukti. Through Siva's love the soul passes from irul , or darkness , in the kevala avastha, to marul , or confusion, in the sakala avastha, ...
Soul Searchers the Art of Breathing - Page 76
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This chakra is where the Shakti Devi Kundalini meets the Shiva or the union of the Shakti & Shiva takes place. ... awakening of Shiva from the Shava awastha of the mundane physical body to take the form of the ArdhNareshwar ie Shiva on ...
A Sanskrit-English dictionary: being a practical handbook with ... - Page 214
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N.; -anta- ka, TO. destroyer of Kama, ep. of Siva ; - ari, m. foe of Kama, ep. of Siva ; -avastha, a. enamoured, in love : â, f. being in love ; - аяауа, m. sexual desire. [eating. *1е^(чЧ|| madan-ikâ,/. N. ; -iya.n. intoxi- *^Ч|<Ч1Ч ...