Bahya - outside

bāhya [p= 730,3] [L=145055]
(ā)n. (fr. bahis ; in later language also written vāhya q.v. ; m. nom. pl. bā́hye S3Br. ) being outside (a door , house , &c ) , situated without (abl. or comp.) , outer , exterior (acc. with √ k , to turn out , expel) AV. &c , &c
731,1] [L=145056]
MBh. Ka1v. &c

Mn. MBh. &c

abl. or comp.) ib.

artha) , meaning external to (i.e. not resulting from) the sounds or letters forming a word Pa1n2. 1-1 , 68 Sch.
bāhya [L=145060]
a corpse (for vāhya?) Ka1v.
bāhya [L=145061]
N. of a man (pl. his family) Sam2ska1rak.
bāhya [L=145062]
(pl.) N. of a people VP.
bāhya [L=145064]
(ifc. f(ā).) the outer part , exterior Ra1jat.
bāhya [L=145065]
outside , without , out S3Br. &c
(H1) mf
[p= not belonging to the family or country , strange , foreign
[L=145057]excluded from caste or the community , an out-caste
[L=145058]diverging from , conflicting with , opposed to , having nothing to do with (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) ibc.

bāhye [L=145065.3]
outside , without , out S3Br. &c
(H1C) ind.

bāhya--tara [L=145072]
being outside , outer , external S3am2k.

Mn. x , 30.
(H3) mfn.
[L=145073]turned out (of caste or society) , an out-caste

Outside Words

bahís [p= 726,3] [L=144088]
(the final s is changed before k and p into ; cf. Pa1n2. 8-3 , 41) out , forth , outwards , outside (a house , village , city , kingdom &c ; also with abl. or ifc. = out of , apart from , except , beside) Br. &c &c (with √ k , to place outside , expel , banish , exclude ; with √ bhū , to come forth ; with √ gam , or , to go out &c ; cf. comp.)
(H1) ind.
bahi--śīta [L=144093]
cool or cooling on the outside Sus3r.

(H3) mfn.
bahi--sastha [L=144095]
lying or situated outside (the town) Katha1s.
(H3) mfn.
bahi--sád [L=144096]
one who sits outside (said of a person held in low esteem) TBr.
(H3) mfn.
bahi--sadas [L=144097]
outside the sadas , S3rS.
(H3) ind.
bahi--sadasam [L=144098]
outside the sadas , S3rS.
(H3) ind.
bahi--sadhya [L=144099]
one who performs his morning and evening prayers outside (the village) Gaut. (-tva n.)
(H3) mfn.
bahi--stoma-bhāgám [L=144100]
outside the bricks called stoma-bhāgā S3Br.
(H3) ind.
bahi--stha [L=144101]
being outside , external , outer MW.
(H3) mfn.
bahi--sthyin [L=144102]
being outside , external , outer MW.
(H3) mfn.
bahi--sthita [L=144103]
being outside , external , outer MW.
(H3) mfn.
bahir--ātmám [L=144112]
outside one's own person , away from one's self. MaitrS.
(H3) ind.
bahir--geham [L=144122]
outside the house , abroad ib.
(H3) ind.
bahir--grāmam [L=144123]
outside the village Pa1n2. 2-1 , 12 Sch.
(H3) ind.
bahir--grāma° ma-pratiśraya [L=144123.1]
living outside the village Mn. x , 36.
(H4) mfn.
bahir--jānu [L=144124]
so that the hands are outside (not between) the knees Hcat.
(H3) ind.
bahir--dś [L=144126]
seeing only what is outside , superficial (in judgement) S3ak. Sch.
(H3) mfn.
bahir--dvāra [L=144129]
an outer gate or the space outside a door or gate MBh. Katha1s.
(H3) n.
bahir--dhā́ [p= 727,1] [p= 726,3] [L=144132]
out , outward , outside of or away from (abl.) VS. Br. ChUp.
(H3) ind.
bahir--nidhana [p= 727,1] [L=144135]
the singing of a finale outside or apart Ta1n2d2Br.
(H3) n.
bahir--bhava [L=144138]
being outside , external (opp. to antar-ja) L.
(H3) mfn.
bahir--bhavana [L=144139]
the being outside , coming forth , emanation MW.
(H3) n.
bahir--bhāva [L=144141]
the being outside (abl.) ib.
(H3) m.
bahir--maṇḍala-stha [L=144145]
(ā)n. standing outside a circle S3a1n3khGr2.
(H3) mf
bahir--manas [L=144146]
being outside the mind , external Sarvad.
(H3) mfn.
bahir--yūti [L=144158]
placed or fastened outside Bhat2t2.
(H3) mfn.
bahir--yoga [L=144159]
relation to " outside " , sense or meaning of " bahis , outside " Pa1n2. 1-1 , 36

cf. antar-y°) Cat.

of a man (pl. his descendants) g. yaskā*di.
(H3) m.
[L=144160]external meditation (
bahir--yoní [L=144162]
outside the fire-place S3Br.
(H3) ind.
bahir--vartin [L=144168]
being on the outside L.
(H3) mfn.
bahir--vedi [L=144174]
the space outside the vedi or sacrificial altar MBh. Ma1rkP.
bahir--vedí [L=144175]
outside the sacrificial altar MaitrS. Br. MBh. &c
(H3) f.
(H4) ind.
bahir--vedika [L=144176]
being or taking place outside the vedi (» prec.) Kull.
(H3) mfn.
bahiś--cara [L=144180]
going out , moving or appearing outside , external MBh.
bahiś--cara [L=144181]
(with prā*a m. or hdaya n. another life or heart outside one's self dear as one's own life or heart ib. Hariv. Katha1s. &c )
bahiś--cara [L=144182]
" crawling out of its shell " , a crab L.
bahiś--cara [L=144183]
an external spy MBh.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
bahi--karman [L=144187]
a sacred rite performed outside the sacrificial place S3a1n3khS3r.
(H3) n.
bahi--kratu [L=144196]
outside or apart from the sacrifice A1pS3r. Sch.
(H3) ind.
bahi--patnī-sayāja [L=144201]
being outside the patnī-sayāja (s.v.) La1t2y. (-tva n.)
(H3) n.
bahi--pathám [L=144202]
outside the road MaitrS.
(H3) ind.
bahi--paridhí [L=144203]
outside the enclosure TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) ind.
bahi--pavamāná [L=144204]
N. of a stoma or stotra (generally consisting of 3 tricas and sung outside the vedi during the morning libation) TS. Br. S3rS. ChUp.
(H3) m.
bahi--piṇḍa [L=144208]
having the knots outside Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) mfn.
bahi--prā* a [L=144211]
external breath or life , anything near the heart or as dear as life R.
727,2] [L=144212]
bahí--prā* a [L=144213]
one whose breath or life is outside TS.
(H3) m.
[p= money
(H3B) mfn.
bahíṣṭāt [L=144214]
outside TS. Br.
(H2) ind.
bahī--rajju [L=144218]
outside a rope Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) ind.
bāhirvedika [p= 730,2] [L=144904]
(ī)n. (fr. bahirvedi). situated or taking place outside the vedi Ka1tyS3r. Sch. (cf. bahir-vedika).
(H1) mf
bāhīká [L=144905]
(fr. bahis ; but also written vāhīka) being outside , external , exterior Pa1n2. 4-1 , 85 Va1rtt. 5 Pat.

bāhīkas , g: palady-ādi
bāhīká [L=144907]
(pl.) N. of a despised people of the Panjab S3Br. &c &c (often confounded with the bālhikas)
bāhīká [L=144908]
a man of the bāhīkas MBh.
bāhīká [L=144909]
N. of a priest Cat. = upa-śama Buddh.
bāhīká [L=144910]
= ṣṭhaka , pālaka , or go-rakaka Hcar. Sch.
bāhīká [L=144911]
an ox L.
bāhīká [L=144912]
N. of a lake or piece of water in the country of the bāhīkas MBh.
(H1) mfn.
[L=144906]relating to the
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
bāhya [p= 730,3] [L=145055]
(ā)n. (fr. bahis ; in later language also written vāhya q.v. ; m. nom. pl. bā́hye S3Br. ) being outside (a door , house , &c ) , situated without (abl. or comp.) , outer , exterior (acc. with √ k , to turn out , expel) AV. &c , &c
731,1] [L=145056]
MBh. Ka1v. &c

Mn. MBh. &c

abl. or comp.) ib.

artha) , meaning external to (i.e. not resulting from) the sounds or letters forming a word Pa1n2. 1-1 , 68 Sch.
bāhya [L=145060]
a corpse (for vāhya?) Ka1v.
bāhya [L=145061]
N. of a man (pl. his family) Sam2ska1rak.
bāhya [L=145062]
(pl.) N. of a people VP.
bāhya [L=145064]
(ifc. f(ā).) the outer part , exterior Ra1jat.
bāhya [L=145065]
outside , without , out S3Br. &c
(H1) mf
[p= not belonging to the family or country , strange , foreign
[L=145057]excluded from caste or the community , an out-caste
[L=145058]diverging from , conflicting with , opposed to , having nothing to do with (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) ibc.
bāhyam [L=145065.1]
outside , without , out S3Br. &c
(H1C) ind.
bāhyena [L=145065.2]
outside , without , out S3Br. &c
(H1C) ind.
bāhye [L=145065.3]
outside , without , out S3Br. &c
(H1C) ind.
bāhya--tara [L=145072]
being outside , outer , external S3am2k.

Mn. x , 30.
(H3) mfn.
[L=145073]turned out (of caste or society) , an out-caste
bāhya--tás [L=145074]
outside , externally , on the outside of (with gen. or abl.) VS. &c
(H3) ind.