Ucchid - Analyze
(H1) | uc- √ chid [p= 173,3] [L=30392]
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ud- √chid) P. -chinatti (Impv. 2. sg. -chindhi AV. ; inf. chettum S3ak. ; -chettavaí S3Br. i , 2 , 5 , 10 , &c ) to cut out or off , extirpate , destroy AV. vii , 113 , 1 S3Br. MBh. R. Ragh. S3ak. &c ;
to interfere , interrupt , stop MBh. Mn. Sa1h. &c ;
to analyze , resolve (knotty points or difficulties) ;
to explain ([ W. ]) : Caus. P. -chedayati , to cause to extirpate or destroy Pan5cat. : Pass. -chidyate , to be cut off ;
to be destroyed or extirpated MBh. ;
to be interrupted or stopped ;
to cease , be deficient , fail MBh. Mn.
(H1) | ud- √ diś 1 [p= 188,1] [L=32962]
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-diśati , -te , to show or direct towards S3a1n3khS3r. TBr. ;
to point out , signify , declare , determine R. Mn. Megh. S3ak. &c ;
to speak of ;
to say , enunciate , prophesy R. S3ak. ;
to mean , point at , take for ;
to aim at , intend , destine Ma1rkP. Katha1s. &c ;
to explain , instruct , teach Bhartr2.
(H1) | ud-díś 2 [p= 188,2] [L=33001]
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a particular point or direction of the compass (cf. 2. ā-díś) VS. vi , 19 A1s3vGr2.