Upadesha-Initiation, prescription, teaching, information

nistaraṅgopadeśānāṃ śatam uktaṃ samāsataḥ |
dvādaśābhyadhikaṃ devi yaj jñātvā jñānavij janaḥ || 139 ||

upa-deśa [p= 199,1] [L=34693]
pointing out to , reference to Pa1n2. 1-4 , 70 Kap. Ba1dar. Jaim. &c

TUp. MBh. Mn. Sus3r. S3ak. Hit. &c

= apa-deśa) Mn. ix , 268 Ragh. Katha1s.

mantra or formula Ka1tyS3r.

Gr.) original enunciation (i.e. the original form [often having an anubandha] in which a root , base , affix , augment , or any word or part of a word is enunciated in grammatical treatises) Pa1n2. Ka1s3. Siddh. &c

of a class of writings ( Buddh. )

upa-deśa [p= 199,2] [L=34769]
» upa-diś.

(H2) m.
[L=34694]specification , instruction , teaching , information , advice , prescription
[L=34695]plea , pretext (
[L=34696]initiation , communication of the initiatory
[L=34699]a name , title
(H1) &c
upadeśā* rtha-vākya [p= 199,1] [L=34708]
" a tale for the sake of instruction " , a parable.
(H3) n.
upa-deśaka [L=34709]
giving instruction , instructing , instructive , didactic Sarvad.

(H2) mfn.
[L=34710]teacher , instructor
upa-déśana [L=34711]
the act of advising

TBr. Sa1h.
(H2) n.
[L=34712]instruction , information , doctrine