Dagdham - Consumed by Fire, Burnt

evam eva jagat sarvaṃ dagdhaṃ dhyātvā vikalpataḥ |
ananyacetasaḥ puṃsaḥ pumbhāvaḥ paramo bhavet || 53 ||

dagdhá [p= 466,2] [L=89538]
( √ dah) burnt , scorched , consumed by fire AV. iv , xviii Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c

R2itus. i , 10 Amar. 24 Ra1jat.



Das3. vii , 290 Ka1d.
dagdhá [L=89543]
cauterisation (cf. agni-) Sus3r. i , 11 f.
dagdhá [L=89545]
(scil. tithi) N. of certain inauspicious days
dagdhá [L=89546]
= -ruhā L.
dagdha [p= 1328,2] [L=333210]
(H1) mfn.
[L=89539]tormented , pained , consumed by grief or hunger , distressed
[L=89540]dry , insipid
[L=89541]inauspicious ,
[L=89542]miserable , execrable
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: etymologically and philologically ... - Page 466
- 2005 - 1333 pages - Preview
... KliySr.; Laty.; AsvGr. ; Mit.; R.— murti, m. a Tantric form of Siva ; N. of a copyist of the 17th cent.; -prayoga, m. .... kalita-vat, ind. like one driven by a stick, ApSr. xi, 12, 6, Sch. -kaka, for dagdha-k", W. — kashtha, ...
Sir Monier Monier-Williams

The cult of the goddess Kubjika: a preliminary comparative textual ...
- 2001 - 84 pages - Snippet view
A Kubjika Tantra goes on to add its own slant to the story: When the goddess came to know of what had occurred, ... tu mudrdmandalamadhyatah II vajrdsanam tato badhva smrtdghoreivarikala I kaldgnind svayarh dagdha nirdhumangaratarh gata ...
Mark S. G. Dyczkowski

The Yoga-system of Patañjali: or, The ancient Hindu doctrine of ... - Page 284
, Vyāsa, Vācaspatimiśra - 1914 - 381 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
Then there is the absolute absence of correlation of the Self with 1 Compare siiksmikrta dagdha-bjja-kalpa dagdha-klefa-bya ii. 4, 13, pp. 109* and ii. 2, 10 , 11, pp. 107* and 1201.7; dagdha- 1241 and iii. 55, p. 273' (Calc. ed. ...

The Journal of Asian studies: Volume 53, Issue 3
, Association for Asian Studies - 1994 - Snippet view
... of the pas'u or jtva" and the stages of its transformation in the second chapter of his book on Tantra philosophy. ... (bijasahita) and are born in bodies again because their bond of karma is not yet cooked' or 'burnt' (dagdha). ...
Far Eastern Association (U.S.)

Whitney Roots links: dah
dah 1 [p= 473,2] [L=91164]
dahati (ep. also A1. ; p. dáhati impf. ádahat ; aor. adhāk RV. ii , 15 , 4 ; 1 .sg. °kam MBh. vii ; 3. pl. °kskur Katha1s. ; Subj. dhāk RV. i , 158 , 4 ; 2. sg. dhaki , iv , 4 , 4 ; p. dhákat [also nom. m.] , vi , 3 , 4 x , 91 , 7 dáhat , i , 130 , 8 ; fut. dhakyati [ Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Siddh. Ka1r. 6] MBh. [Pot. dhakyet , i , 8383] &c ; dahiy° , i , 2120 BhP. iv Prasan3g. xix , 7 ; inf. dagdhum) to burn , consume by fire , scorch , roast RV. &c  ; 
to cauterise
Sus3r.  ; 
to consume , destroy completely
Mn. vii , 9 MBh. &c  ; 
to torment, torture, pain, distress, disturb, grieve
MBh. &c : Pass. dahyate (°ti Ma1nGr2. ii , 15 MBh. i f. , xii f.)  ; 
to be burnt , burn , be in flames
AV. Nir. &c  ; 
to be consumed by fire or destroyed
Mn. vi , 71  ; 
to be inflamed (a wound)
Sus3r. i , 28  ; 
to be consumed by internal heat or grief , suffer pain , be distressed or vexed
MBh. &c  ; 
Caus. dāhayati to burn or be burned Mn. Ya1jn5. i , 89 MBh. &c  ; 
to cause to be cooked
Hariv. 15523 (aor. pl. adīdahan): Desid. didhakati (cf. °kā , °ku) to be about to burn or consume or destroy MBh. i-iv R. (p. °kamāa): Desid. Caus. (p. °kayat) to cause any one to make efforts to burn Bhat2t2. iii , 33 : Intens. dandahīti , °hyate ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 24 ; 7-4 , 86) to burn or destroy completely Hariv. 8726 BhP. vi , 8 , 21 (Impv. °dagdhi) S3is3. Prasannar. vi , 32 and 48  ; 
A1. to be burnt completely Hariv. 7040 BhP. Pan5cat. i , 8 , 23÷24 [cf. Lith. degu4 , " I am hot " ; Goth. dag-s ; Old Germ. ta1h-t , " a wick " ]
dah 2 [L=91165]

(H1) cl.1.P.

dagdhá--putra [p= 466,2] [L=89549]
°dhá-) mf(ā)n. whose son is burnt Suparn2. ix , 2.
(H3) (
dagdhe* ṣṭakā [L=89560]
a burnt brick L.
(H3) f.
dagdhavya [L=89562]
to be burnt Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh.
(H2) mfn.

" burning " » uśá-.

dahanīya [L=91194]
to be burnt , combustible W.
(H2) mfn.
dāha--sthala [p= 477,2] [L=92018]
a place where dead bodies are burnt L.
(H3) n.
dāhana [L=92024]
(fr. the Caus.) causing to burn or be burnt , reducing to ashes MBh. i , 403 BhP. xii , 12 , 40

(H2) n.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.46, 26.24, 27.10
Whitney Roots links: du
du 1 [p= 482,3] [L=93281]
) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxii , 46) davati (pf. dudāva ; fut. doyati , dotā ; aor. adāvīt or adauīt Vop. ) , to go: Caus. dāvayati or davayati (» s.v.) Actually occurring only in Subj. aor. daviāi RV. x , 34 , 5 , " na d° ebhih " , (?) I will not go i.e. have intercourse with them (the dice). [cf. δύω , δύνω , δεύομαι.]
du 2 [p= 483,1] [p= 482,3] [L=93282]
) , cl.5. P. cl.4. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 10 ; xxvi , 24 ) dunoti , dūyate (ep. also °ti ; pf. dudāva ; fut. doyati ; aor. adauīt ; inf. dotum) , to be burnt , to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti MBh. iii , 10069 BhP. iii , 2 , 17 Gi1t. iii , 9 ; but oftener dūyate , which is at once Pass.) MBh. Sus3r. Ka1v. &c  ; 
dunóti) to burn , consume with fire , cause internal heat , pain , or sorrow , afflict , distress AV. ix , 4 , 18 MBh. VarBr2S. Ka1v. : Caus. dāvayati aor. adūduvat: Desid. dudūati: Intens. dodūyate , dodoti. ([Cf. δαίω. for δαϝιω ; δύη , pain ; Lit. davyti , to torment ; Sl. daviti , to worry.])
(H1) (or
(H1) (also written
 2 [L=93282.1]
du) , cl.5. P. cl.4. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 10 ; xxvi , 24 ) dunoti , dūyate (ep. also °ti ; pf. dudāva ; fut. doyati ; aor. adauīt ; inf. dotum) , to be burnt , to be consumed with internal heat or sorrow (Pres. dunoti MBh. iii , 10069 BhP. iii , 2 , 17 Gi1t. iii , 9 ; but oftener dūyate , which is at once Pass.) MBh. Sus3r. Ka1v. &c  ; 
dunóti) to burn , consume with fire , cause internal heat , pain , or sorrow , afflict , distress AV. ix , 4 , 18 MBh. VarBr2S. Ka1v. : Caus. dāvayati aor. adūduvat: Desid. dudūati: Intens. dodūyate , dodoti. ([Cf. . for ; , pain ; Lit. davyti , to torment ; Sl. daviti , to worry.])
 1 [p= 488,2] [L=94693]
comp. for dus above.
 2 [p= 489,2] [L=94860]
(fr. √2. du) pain , distress.
 3 [L=94865]
dúvas, only nom. acc. pl. dúvas RV. (cf. á-dū).
[p= 1329,1] [L=333890]
comp. for dus)
(H1) (also written
(H2) in
(H1) f.
(H1) = 2.
(H2) (in