Sanskrit Words for Crossing

1 atitṝ (crossing) 2 atitārin (crossing) 3 ativartin (crossing) 4 aritraparaṇa (crossing) 5 ātara (crossing) 6 ālī (crossing) 7 uttara (crossing) 8 uttaraṇa (crossing) 9 jalarākṣasī (crossing) 10 ta (crossing) 11 tara (crossing) 12 taraṇa (crossing) 13 tartarīka (crossing) 14 tāra (crossing) 15 tāraṇa (crossing) 16 titīrṣā (crossing) 17 titīrṣu (crossing) 18 tṝ (crossing) 19 nadītara (crossing) 20 nadīsaṃtāra (crossing) 21 nistāra (crossing) 22 nistārabīja (crossing) 23 nistāraṇa (crossing) 24 paraṇa (crossing) 25 parigha (crossing) 26 pāra (crossing) 27 pāraga (crossing) 28 pāragamana (crossing) 29 pāragāmin (crossing) 30 pāraṇa (crossing) 31 pārīṇa (crossing) 32 pratara (crossing) 33 prataraṇa (crossing) 34 pratāra (crossing) 35 pratāraṇa (crossing) 36 bāhutaraṇa (crossing) 37 bheda (crossing) 38 laṅghana (crossing) 39 laṅghanaka (crossing) 40 vajra (crossing) 41 vitaraṇa (crossing) 42 vilaṅghana (crossing) 43 vellitaka (crossing) 44 veṣṭana (crossing) 45 saṃkramaṇa (crossing) 46 saṃtaraṇa (crossing) 47 saṃtāra (crossing) 48 saptaśalāka (crossing) 49 saptaśalākacakra (crossing) 50 supratara (crossing) 51 svastika (crossing) 52 svastikadāna (crossing) 53 hastasvastika (crossing) 54 atiyātrā (crossing) 55 uttaraṇasetu (crossing)
ati- √ t [p= 14,1] [L=2987]
Desid. -titīrati , to be desirous of crossing or overcoming BhP.
(H1) to pass through or by or over , cross , overcome , escape:
ati-tārin [L=2988]
crossing AitBr.
(H2) mfn.
ati-vartin [p= 15,3] [L=3202]
passing beyond , crossing , passing by , surpassing

(H2) mfn.
[L=3203]guilty of a pardonable offence.
arítra--páraa [p= 88,1] [L=15333]
(ī)n. crossing over by means of oars RV. x , 101 , 2.
(H3) mf
ā-tara [p= 134,3] [L=23380]
» ā-t.
ā-tara [p= 135,1] [L=23447]
crossing over a river Ra1jat.

śukasadeśa 10 Buddh.
(H1) &c
(H2) m.
[L=23448]fare for being ferried over a river ,
ālī [p= 153,3] [L=26793.1]
a woman's female friend Kum. Sa1h. Amar. S3is3. &c
ālī [L=26794]
a row , range , continuous line , a swarm (cf. āvali) Amar. Kum. Ragh.
ālī [L=26795]
a ridge or mound of earth crossing ditches or dividing fields &c L.
ālī [L=26796]
a dike L.
ālī [L=26797]
a ditch L.
ālī [L=26798]
a line , race , family L.
ā- √  [p= 154,1] [L=26860]
-līyate , to come close to  ; 
to settle down upon
to stoop , crouch
MBh. Hariv. Ragh. &c
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1) A1.
úttara 1 [p= 178,1] [L=31140]
(compar. fr. 1. ud ; opposed to adhara ; declined Gram. ?? 238 a) , upper , higher , superior (e.g. uttare dantās , the upper teeth) RV. AV. TS. ChUp. Ragh. &c

AV. Mn. Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c

dakia or right , because in praying the face being turned to the east the north would be on the left hand) AV. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c

RV. AV. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ragh. Hit. &c (opposed to pūrva , &c e.g. uttara kāla , future time ; uttara vākyam , a following speech , answer , reply ; phalam uttaram , subsequent result , future consequence ; varo*ttareu , in future years)

e.g. smo*ttara mfn. followed by " sma " Pa1n2. 3-3 , 176)


úttara 1 [L=31148]
N. of a son of virāa MBh.
úttara 1 [L=31149]
of a king of the nāgas L.
úttara 1 [L=31150]
N. of a mountain Katha1s.
úttara 1 [L=31151]
of several men
úttara 1 [L=31152]
N. of a school
úttara 1 [L=31159]
upper surface or cover MBh. Ragh. Das3. &c
úttara 1 [L=31160]
the north R. Dhu1rtas.
úttara 1 [L=31161]
the following member , the last part of a compound
úttara 1 [L=31162]
answer , reply Ragh. R. Prab. &c
úttara 1 [L=31163]
(in law) a defence , rejoinder , a defensive measure
úttara 1 [L=31164]
contradiction Car.
úttara 1 [L=31165]
(in the mīmā philosophy) the answer (the fourth member of an adhikaraa or case)
úttara 1 [L=31166]
superiority , excellence , competency R. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
úttara 1 [L=31167]
result , the chief or prevalent result or characteristic , what remains or is left , conclusion , remainder , excess , over and above , (often ifc. e.g. bhayo*ttara , attended with danger , having danger as the result ; dharmo*ttara , chiefly characterized by virtue ; aṣṭy-uttara sahasram , one thousand with an excess of sixty , i.e. 1060 ; sapto*ttara śatam , 107)
úttara 1 [L=31168]
remainder , difference (in arithmetic)
úttara 1 [L=31169]
N. of a song Ya1jn5.
úttara 1 [L=31170]
N. of each of the nakatras that contain the word " uttara "
úttara 1 [L=31171]
a particular figure in rhetoric
úttara 1 [L=31172]
N. of the last book of the rāmāyaa
úttara 1 [p= 179,1] [L=31380]
» [p= 178,1]

» ut-t , col.2.
út-tara 2 [p= 179,2] [L=31432]
(for 1. » [p= 178,1]) , crossing over

cf. dur-uttara).
uttara [p= 1321,2] [L=322390]
(H2) mfn.
[L=31141]northern (because the northern part of India is high)
[L=31142]left (opposed to
[L=31143]later , following , subsequent , latter , concluding , posterior , future
[L=31144]followed by (
[L=31145]superior , chief , excellent , dominant , predominant , more powerful
[L=31146]gaining a cause (in law)
[L=31147]better , more excellent
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) &c
[L=31380.1]for 2.
(H2) mfn.
[L=31433]to be crossed (
(H2) (in
ut-táraa [p= 179,2] [L=31434]
coming out of , crossing over VS. &c
ut-táraa [L=31435]
coming forth or out of (especially out of water) VarBr2S.
ut-táraa [L=31436]
landing , disembarking
ut-táraa [L=31437]
crossing rivers &c Pan5cat.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
jalá--rākasī [p= 415,2] [L=78042]
N. of a female demon (mother of the nāgas who tried to prevent hanumat's crossing the straits between the continent and Ceylon by attempting to swallow him ; he escaped by reducing himself to the size of a thumb , darting through her huge body and coming out at her right ear) MBh. iii , 16255

su-rasā) R. v , 6 , 2 ff.
(H3) f.
ta 1 [p= 431,2] [L=81539]
 2 [L=81546]
base » tád
ta 3 [L=81552]
a tail (esp. of a jackal) , any tail except that of Bos gaurus L.







mleccha L.

buddha L.


ta 3 [L=81563]
crossing L.
ta 3 [L=81564]
virtue L.
(H1) the 1st dental consonant.
(H1) pronom.
(H1) m.
[L=81553], the breast
[L=81554]the womb
[L=81555]the hip
[L=81556]a warrior
[L=81557]a thief.
[L=81558]a wicked man
[L=81561]a jewel
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
tara 1 [p= 438,3] [L=83021]
compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. vtra-tára) of substantives Sus3r. i , 20 , 11

ām) , added (in older language) to adverbs (» ati-tarā́m &c ) and (in later language) to verbs ( Pan5cat. i , 14 , 7 Ratna7v. iii , 9 Katha1s. ) , intensifying their meaning
tara 1 [L=83021.2]
with na , not at all BhP. x , 46 , 43.
tára 2 [L=83023]
( √ t ; g. pacā*di) carrying across or beyond , saving (? , said of śiva) MBh. xii , 10380

passing over or beyond W.

» śoka-tará cf. rathatará

tára 2 [L=83027]
crossing , passage RV. ii , 13 , 12 ; viii , 96 , 1 Mn. viii , 404 and 407 Ya1jn5. (ifc.) MBh. xii
tára 2 [L=83028]
(a-tara mfn. " impassable ") Bhat2t2. vii , 55 (cf. dus-)
tára 2 [L=83029]
" excelling , conquering " » du-ára , su-tára , dus-
tára 2 [L=83030]
= -paya Mn. viii , 406
tára 2 [L=83031]
a raft W.
tára 2 [L=83032]
a road L.
tára 2 [L=83033]
N. of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons) R. i , 30 , 4
tára 2 [L=83034]
fire W.
tára 2 [L=83035]
N. of a man Ra1jat. vii , 809
tára 2 [L=83036]
(ī , īs). (īs L. ) (g. gaurā*di Gan2ar. 48) , a boat , ship (cf. °ri) MBh. i , 4228 f. BhP. iv S3is3. iii , 76 (cf. nis-tarīka)
tára 2 [L=83037]
(ī , īs). a clothes-basket (also °ri) L.
tára 2 [L=83038]
(ī , īs). the hem of a garment (also °ri) L.
tára 2 [L=83039]
(ī , īs). = °rai-peaka L.
tára 2 [L=83040]
(ī , īs). a club L.
tára 2 [L=83041]
(ī , īs). for starī (smoke) W.
(H1) an affix forming the
(H1B) ind.
(H1) mfn.
[L=83025]" surpassing , conquering "
[L=83026]excelling , w.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
(H1B) f
taraa [L=83078]
a raft , boat L.

taraa [L=83080]
crossing over , passing (ifc.) Ka1tyS3r. i , 7 , 13 R. Vikr. Ra1jat. Hit.
taraa [L=83081]
overcoming (as of misfortune gen.) MBh. i , 6054
taraa [L=83082]
carrying over W.
taraa [L=83083]
an oar (?) Kaus3. 5 2
taraa [L=83085]
Hibiscus mutabilis L.
taraa [L=83086]
= ī-vallī L.
taraa [L=83087]
cf. ūrdhva- , dus-
taraa [L=83088]
cf. pra-tár°,su-.
taraa [p= 439,2] [L=83209]
i , &c » [p= 438,3].
(H2) m.
[L=83079]" final landing-place " , heaven
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) °
tartarīka [p= 439,1] [L=83195]
(fr. Intens.) being in the habit of crossing (a river) L.
tartarīka [L=83196]
a boat L.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
tārá [p= 443,3] [L=84228]
( √ t) carrying across , a saviour , protector (rudra) VS. xvi , 40 S3iraUp.

viṣṇu) MBh. xiii , 6986

mn.) a high tone , loud or shrill note Ta1n2d2yaBr. vii , 1 , 7 (compar. -tara and superl. -tama) TPra1t.

ā MBh. vii Mr2icch. &c

stṛ́?) shining , radiant Megh. Amar. Katha1s. lxxiii Sa1h.


L. Sch.
tārá [L=84235]
" crossing " » dus- , su-
tārá [L=84236]
" saving " , a mystical monosyllable (as om) Ra1matUp. S3ikhUp. Sarvad. Tantr. ??
tārá [L=84237]
Andropogon bicolor L.
tārá [L=84238]
N. of mai-rāma (author of a Comm. on Bha1m. )
tārá [L=84239]
of a daitya (slain by viṣṇu) Hariv.
tārá [L=84240]
of one of rāma's monkey generals (son of bhas-pati , husband of tārā) MBh. iii , 16372 R. i , iv , vi
tārá [L=84241]
pl. a class of gods in the 12th manv-antara VP. iii , 2 , 33
tārá [L=84242]
[n. and f(ā). L. ] the clearness or transparency of a pearl , clear pearl Sus3r. v , 3 , 19 Gi1t. xi , 25
tārá [L=84243]
m. n. L. ) = °*bhra L.
tārá [L=84244]
n. a star L.
tārá [L=84245]
the pupil of the eye L.
tārá [L=84246]
descent to a river , bank (cf. tīra , tīrthá) AV. iv , 37 , 3 Pa1n2. 6-3 , 109 Va1rtt. 1
tārá [L=84247]
silver BhP. iv , 6 , 27 Bhpr. v , 26 , 43
(H1) mfn.
[L=84230]high (a note) , loud , shrill (
[L=84233]clean , clear
[L=84234]good , excellent , well flavoured
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) (
(H1B) m.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
tāraa [p= 444,1] [L=84334]
(ī)n. causing or enabling to cross , helping over a difficulty , liberating , saving MBh. xiii , 1232 (Siva) and 6986 (viṣṇu) Hariv. 7022 and 7941 Katha1s. lxvii , 1
tāraa [L=84335]
a float , raft L.
tāraa [L=84336]
crossing , safe passage
tāraa [L=84337]
conquering (difficulties) MBh. iv , xiv R. &c
tāraa [L=84338]
carrying across , liberating , saving MBh. i , iii , ix
tāraa [L=84339]
N. of a sāman
tāraa [L=84340]
the 3rd year of the 4th Jupiter cycle VarBr2S. viii , 3 Su1ryas. Jyot.
tāraa [L=84341]
pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii , 3 , 6.
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
titīrā [p= 446,2] [L=84885]
( √ t Desid.) desire of crossing (ifc.) BhP. ix , 13 , 19

(H1) f.
[L=84886]desire of final emancipation
titīru [p= 446,3] [L=84887]
desirous of crossing (with acc. or ifc.) MBh. i , 4647 Hariv. 5182 R. Ragh. i , 2 &c

(H3) mfn.
[L=84888]desirous of final emancipation
Whitney Roots links: tf
t [p= 454,2] [L=86817]
(rarely A1.) tárati (Subj. tárat impf. átarat , p. tárat inf. tarádhyai , °áni RV. ) cl.5. tarute (x , 76 , 2 ; Pot. 1. pl. turyāma , v f.) cl.3. titarti ( BhP. ; p. nom. pl. títratas RV. ii , 31 , 2 ; Pot. tuturyā́t , v f. viii) , with prepositions Ved. chiefly cl.6 P. A1. (tiráte Subj. tirāti impf. átirat , p. tirát inf. tíram , tíre RV. ; aor. átārīt , i , vii ; 1. pl. °rima i , vii , °rima viii , 13 , 21 ; táruante v , °ta i , °ema vii [cf. Pa1n2. 3-1 , 85 Ka1s3. ] ; A1. and Pass. -tāri RV. ; P. atārīt BhP. ; °am MBh. Das3. ; pf. tatāra RV. &c ; 3. pl. titirur , i f. ; teritha,°ratur Pa1n2. 6-4 , 122 ; p. titirvás gen. tatarúas RV. ; fut. tariyati , °° , taritā , °rītā [cf. pra-tár°] Pa1n2. 7-2 , 38 ; tárutā RV. i ; Prec. tīryāt , tariīṣṭa Vop. ; inf. tartum MBh. R. ; °rīt° iv f. °rit° MBh. i Hariv. R. v ; ind.p. tīrtvā́ AV. ; -tū́rya » vi-) to pass across or over , cross over (a river) , sail across RV. &c  ; 
to float , swim
VarBr2S. lxxx , 14 Bhat2t2. xii Ca1n2.  ; 
to get through , attain an end or aim , live through (a definite period) , study to the end
RV. &c  ; 
to fulfil , accomplish , perform
R. i f.  ; 
to surpass , overcome , subdue , escape
RV. &c  ; 
to acquire , gain ,
viii , 100 , 8 MBh. xii R.  ; 
A1. to contend , compete RV. i , 132 , 5  ; 
to carry through or over , save ,
vii , 18 , 6 MBh. i , iii : Caus. tārayati (p. °ráyat) to carry or lead over or across Kaus3. MBh. &c  ; 
to cause to arrive at
AV. xviii Pras3nUp. vi , 8  ; 
to rescue , save , liberate from (
abl.) Mn. MBh. &c : Desid. titīrati (also titariati , °° Pa1n2. 7-2 , 41 ; p. A1. titīramāa MBh. xiii , 2598) to wish to cross or reach by crossing Kat2hUp. MBh. BhP. iv : Intens. tartarīti (2. du. °rīthas ; p. gen. tárilratas [ Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65] ; » also vi- ; tātarti , 92 Sch.) to reach the end by passing or running or living through RV.  ; 
cf. tára , tirás , tīrá ; Lat. termo , trans ; Goth. thairh.])
(H1) cl.1 P.
nadī́--tara [p= 526,1] [L=103358]
crossing a river L.
nadī́--tara [p= 526,2] [L=103359]
swimming across a river Ya1jn5.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
nadī́--satāra [L=103392]
crossing a river L.
(H3) m.
nis-° tāra [p= 564,2] [L=111093]
crossing , passing over , rescue , deliverance Bhartr2.



(H3) m.
[L=111094]acquittance , requital , payment , discharge of a debt
[L=111095]means , expedient
[L=111096]final liberation
nis-° tāra---bīja [L=111097]
a means of crossing (the ocean of life) , a cause of final liberation BrahmaP.
(H4) n.
nis-° tāraa [L=111099]
(fr. Caus.) crossing , passing over , overcoming BhP.

(H3) n.
[L=111100]rescuing , liberating
paraa [p= 589,2] [L=116715]
( √1. p) crossing (cf. aritra-)
paraa [L=116716]
w.r. for pāraa , reading Hariv.
paraa [L=116717]
N. of a town Cat.
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
pari-gha [p= 593,2] [L=117306]
( √ han) an iron bar or beam used for locking or shutting a gate (= argala) ChUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c

fig.) a bar , obstacle , hindrance Ragh. Katha1s.

n.) an iron bludgeon or club studded with iron MBh. R. &c


Var. MBh. &c

du.) two birds flying on each side of a traveller (regarded as an omen) Var.



astrol.) N. of the 19th yoga L.




of one of the attendants of skanda MBh.

ṇḍāla ib.

(H1) m.
[L=117309]a child which presents a peculiar cross position in birth
[L=117310]a line of clouds crossing the sun at sunrise or sunset
[L=117312]the gate of a palace , any gate
[L=117313]a house
[L=117315]a pitcher , water-jar
[L=117316]a glass pitcher
[L=117317]killing , striking , a blow
[L=117319]of a
[L=117320]of a virtuous man
pārá 1 [p= 619,2] [L=122388]
(fr. √ p ; in some meanings also fr. √ p) bringing across RV. v , 31 , 8
pārá 1 [L=122389]
(rarely m.) the further bank or shore or boundary , any bank or shore , the opposite side , the end or limit of anything , the utmost reach or fullest extent RV. &c (dūré pāré , at the farthest ends RV. ; pāra-gam &c with gen. or loc. , to reach the end , go through , fulfil , carry out [as a promise] , study or learn thoroughly [as a science] MBh. R. &c ; pāra- , to bring to a close , Ya1jn5. )
pārá 1 [L=122390]
a kind of tuṣṭi (s.v.) , khyas. Sch.
pārá 1 [L=122391]
crossing (» du- and su-)
pārá 1 [L=122392]
quicksilver L.
pārá 1 [L=122393]
a partic. personification Sa1mavBr. Gaut.
pārá 1 [L=122394]
N. of a sage Ma1rkP.
pārá 1 [L=122395]
of a son of pthu-ea (rucirā*śva) and father of nīpa Hariv.
pārá 1 [L=122396]
of a son of samara and father of pthu ib.
pārá 1 [L=122397]
of a son of aga , and father of divi-ratha VP.
pārá 1 [L=122398]
(pl.) of a class of deities under the 9th manu BhP.
pārá 1 [L=122401]
any cup or drinking vessel Vcar. Ra1jat.
pārá 1 [L=122402]
pollen L.
pārá 1 [L=122403]
a rope for tying an elephant's feet L.
pārá 1 [L=122404]
a quantity of water or a town (pūra or pura) L.
pārá 1 [L=122405]
a small piece or quantity of anything Nalac.
pāra 2 [p= 620,1] [L=122499]
» p.619) , vddhi form of para in comp.
pāra 3 [L=122551]
= pāla , a guardian , keeper (» brahma-dvāra-p°).
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1) (for 1.
(H1) m.
pārá--ga [p= 619,2] [L=122408]
(ā)n. going to the opposite shore , crossing over MBh. R.

gen. loc. or comp.) , profoundly learned Mn. MBh. &c
pārá--ga [L=122410]
keeping , fulfilling (of a promise) Hariv. 11565 (w.r. for pāraa?).
(H3) mf
[L=122409]one who has gone through or accomplished or mastered , knowing thoroughly , fully conversant or familiar with (
(H3B) n.
pārá--gamana [L=122415]
reaching the opposite shore , crossing , going to the end of (comp.) R.
(H3) n.
pārá--gāmin [L=122416]
passing over , crossing , landing Ka1ran2d2.
pārá--gāmin [L=122417]
= para-loka-hita karma MBh. xiii , 2127 ( Ni1lak. )
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
pāraa [p= 619,3] [L=122461]
bringing over , delivering Hariv.
pāraa [L=122462]
a could (as " crossing " , sc. the sky) L.
pāraa [L=122463]
carrying through , accomplishing , fulfilling MBh.
pāraa [L=122464]
conclusion (esp. of a fast , with or sc. vrata-)
pāraa [L=122465]
eating and drinking after a fast , breakfast (also f(ā).) Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.
pāraa [L=122466]
satisfaction , pleasure , enjoyment (also , f(ā).) Ragh. Balar. ??
pāraa [L=122467]
going through , reading , perusal (also f(ā). and °a-karman , n.) MBh. Hariv.
pāraa [L=122468]
completeness , the full text L.
pāraa [L=122469]

pāraa [p= 620,1] [L=122556]
īya » under 1. pāra , [p= 619,3].
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) °
pārīa [p= 619,3] [L=122480]
being on or crossing to the other side. W.

ifc.) well acquainted or completely familiar with (cf. trivarya-p°)
pārīa [L=122482]
» under pāria.
pārīa [p= 621,2] [L=122823.2]
N. of a man Pravar.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H1) m.
pra-tara [p= 661,2] [L=131387]
raa &c » pra-t.
pra-° tara [p= 674,2] [L=133763]
passing over , crossing (cf. du- and su-pr°)

of the joints (sadhī) on the neck and of the spinal vertebrae Sus3r.
(H1) °
(H3) m.
pra-° táraa [L=133765]
(ī)n. furthering , promoting , increasing (with āyua , " prolonging life ") RV. AV. VS. Pa1rGr2.
pra-° táraa [L=133766]
going to sea , passing over , crossing MBh. Ka1v. &c °tarītṛ́ ( RV. ) ,
(H3) mf
(H3B) n.
pra-tāra [p= 661,2] [L=131397]
raka &c » under prat.
pra-° tāra [p= 674,2] [L=133768]
passing over , crossing (with gen.) MBh. R.

(H1) °
(H3) m.
[L=133769]deception , fraud
pra-° tāraa [L=133771]
(fr. Caus.) ferrying over , carrying across , S3a1rn3gP.

mc. for °taraa) R. Ra1jat.

f(ā).) S3a1rn3gP. L.
(H3) n.
[L=133772]passing over , crossing (
[L=133773]deceiving , cheating (also
bāhú--taraa [p= 730,2] [L=144940]
crossing a river (with the arm , i.e. by swimming) Gaut.
(H3) n.
bheda [p= 757,2] [L=150901]
» p.766.
bhedá [p= 766,1] [L=152791]
( √ bhid) breaking , splitting , cleaving , rending , tearing , piercing (also pass. the being broken &c ) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c

cf. rahasya-bh°)

BhP. Sus3r.

Ka1lid. Ba1lar.

cf. śilā-bh° ; du. pudendum muliebre) RV.

Ka1m. MBh. Katha1s.

cf. ardhabh°) Sus3r.

Ka1v. Pur.

S3rS. Up. MBh. &c

RPra1t. Ka1tyS3r. Sa1h.

cf. upā*ya) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m.

instr.) or in (comp.) MBh. Var. Ra1jat.

MBh. S3ak.
766,2] [L=152804]
cf. bhrūbh°)


astron.) a partic. crossing or conjunction of the planets

cf. kuki-bh°)

math.) the hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle

dram.) = sahati-bhedana , or = pro*tsāhana , Sa1h2. ??

phil.) dualism , duality (cf. comp.)

of a man AV.

N. of a people RV.
(H2) &c
(H1) m.
[L=152792]breaking open , disclosing , divulging , betrayal (of a secret
[L=152793]bursting asunder , opening , gaping , parting asunder
[L=152794]bursting forth or out , expanding , blossoming , shooting out , sprouting
[L=152795]a cleft , fissure , chasm (
[L=152796]rupture , breach , hurt , injury , seduction
[L=152797]shooting pain (in the limbs) , paralysis (
[L=152798]separation , division , partition , part , portion
[L=152799]distinction , difference , kind , sort , species , variety
[L=152800]disturbance , interruption , violation , dissolution
[L=152801]disuniting , winning over to one's side by sowing dissension (
[L=152802]disunion , schism , dissension between (
[L=152803]change , alteration , modification
[p= contraction (
[L=152805]evacuation (of the bowels)
[L=152807]one of the ways in which an eclipse ends (
laghana [p= 895,1] [L=181124]
the act of leaping or jumping , leaping over , stepping across , crossing , traversing (gen. or comp.). Pa1rGr2. R. &c


ifc.) rising to or towards , ascending , mounting , attaining Ka1lid.


Ka1v. Pur.

R. Ra1jat.

f(ā).) insult , offence , injury , wrong MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H2) n.
[L=181125]one of a horse's paces , curvetting , bounding
[L=181127]sexual union , impregnating
[L=181128]attack , conquest , capture
[L=181129]transgression , violation , disdain , neglect
[L=181131]fasting , hunger , starving system
laghanaka [L=181133]
n. means of crossing (?) DivyA7v.
(H2) (prob.)
vájra [p= 913,1] [L=184795]
" the hard or mighty one " , a thunderbolt (esp. that of indra , said to have been formed out of the bones of the ṛṣi dadhīca or dadhīci [q.v.] , and shaped like a circular discus , or in later times regarded as having the form of two transverse bolts crossing each other thus x ; sometimes also applied to similar weapons used by various gods or superhuman beings , or to any mythical weapon destructive of spells or charms , also to manyu , " wrath " RV. or [with apām] to a jet of water AV. &c ; also applied to a thunderbolt in general or to the lightning evolved from the centrifugal energy of the circular thunderbolt of indra when launched at a foe ; in Northern Buddhist countries it is shaped like a dumb-bell and called Dorje ; » MWB. 201 ; 322 &c ) RV. &c

Shad2vBr. Mn. MBh. &c



vájra [L=184800]
a form of military array , Mn. MBh. &c (cf. -vyūha)
vájra [L=184801]
a kind of column or pillar VarBr2S.
vájra [L=184802]
a partic. form of the moon ib.
vájra [L=184803]
a partic. ekāha , Vait.
vájra [L=184804]
a kind of hard mortar or cement (kalka) VarBr2S. (cf. -lepa)
vájra [L=184805]
N. of the 15th of the 27 yogas or astronomical divisions of time ib.
vájra [L=184806]
a partic. soma ceremony Shad2vBr.
vájra [L=184807]
Euphorbia Antiquorum and another species L.
vájra [L=184808]
Astera L.
vájra [L=184809]
N. of a mountain R.
vájra [L=184810]
of an asura Vi1rac.
vájra [L=184811]
of a son of aniruddha MBh. Hariv. Pur.
vájra [L=184812]
of a son of viśvāmitra MBh.
vájra [L=184813]
of a son of manu sāvara Hariv.
vájra [L=184814]
(with jainas) of one of the 10 dala-pūrvins L.
vájra [L=184815]
of a ṛṣi VarBr2S. (v.l. for vātsya)
vájra [L=184816]
of a minister of narendrāditya Ra1jat.
vájra [L=184817]
of a son of bhūti ib.
vájra [L=184818]
of a heretical king Buddh.
vájra [L=184823]
denunciation in strong language (compared to thunder) R. Sa1h. Prata1p. (cf. vākya- and vāg-v°)
vájra [L=184824]
a kind of hard iron or steel L.
vájra [L=184825]
a partic. posture in sitting Cat. (cf. vajrā*sana)
vájra [L=184826]
N. of a partic. configurations of the planets and stars (in which favourable planets are situated in the 1st and 7th houses and unfavourable in the 4th and 10th) VarBr2S.
vájra [L=184827]
myrobalan L.
vájra [L=184828]
the blossom of the sesamum or of any plant called vajra L.
vájra [L=184829]
Andropogon Muricatus L.
vájra [L=184830]
= bālaka , a child , pupil L.
vájra [L=184831]
adamantine , hard , impenetrable W.
vájra [p= 913,2] [L=184832]
shaped like a kind of cross (cf. above ) , forked , zigzag ib. [cf. Zd. vazra , " a club. "]
vajra [p= 1332,1] [L=339010]
(H2) mn.
[L=184796]a diamond (thought to be as hard as the thunderbolt or of the same substance with it) ,
[L=184797]a kind of talc
[L=184798]a kind of penance (feeding for a month on only barley prepared with cow's urine)
[L=184799]sour gruel
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mfn.
(H2B) mfn.
(H2) (in
vi-taraa [p= 962,3] [L=195524]
» under vi-t.
ví-° taraa [p= 963,1] [L=195585]
one who crosses or passes over MBh.
ví-° taraa [L=195586]
the act of crossing or passing over MW.
ví-° taraa [L=195587]
leading over , transference Sus3r. : granting , bestowal , donation , gift Inscr. Ka1v.
(H1) &c
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.
vi-° laghana [p= 984,3] [L=199572]
leaping over , crossing MBh.


ib. Katha1s.

pl.) fasting , abstention from food Sus3r.
(H3) n.
[L=199573]striking against
[L=199574]offence , injury
vellitaka [p= 1019,1] [L=206341]
a kind of serpent Sus3r.
vellitaka [L=206342]
crossing (instr. crosswise) ib.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
veṣṭana [p= 1019,3] [L=206497]
the act of surrounding or encompassing or enclosing or encircling (kta-veṣṭana , " surrounded " , " beset " ; cf. also aguli-v°) Gr2S3rS. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c

&c , a bandage , band , girdle (°na-k , " to bandage ") MBh. Pan5cat.

MBh. Ragh. Katha1s.




i.e. the meatus auditorius and concha) L.


partic. attitude in dancing (either a disposition of the hands or crossing of the feet) W.


Glabra L.


gati (?) L.
(H2) n.
[L=206498]anything that surrounds or wraps
[L=206499]a head-band , tiara , diadem
[L=206500]an enclosure , wall , fence
[L=206501]a covering , case
[L=206502]a span
[L=206503]the outer ear (
[L=206504]a kind of weapon
[L=206506]a rope round the sacrificial post
sa-° krámaa [p= 1127,1] [L=228265]
going or meeting together , union with , entrance into , transference to (loc. dat. , or comp.) A1s3vS3r. Hariv. &c

esp. of old age) Hariv.

ravi or sūrya-s°) Jyot.


MBh. R.


alg.) concurrence (said to be a general designation of a partic. class of problems) Col.
(H3) n.
[L=228266]entrance appearance , commencement (
[L=228267]the sun's passage from one sign of the zodiac to another (also
[L=228268]the day on which the sun's progress north of the equator begins
[L=228269]passage into another world , decease death
[L=228270]a means of crossing
sa-taraa [p= 1142,2] [L=231294]
» sa-t.
sa-táraa [p= 1142,3] [L=231345]
conveying over or across , bringing out of (a danger) VS.
sa-táraa [L=231346]
the act of crossing over or passing through (comp.) R.
(H1) &c
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
sa-tāra [L=231348]
crossing , passing over or through (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. &c
(H2) m.
sapta--śalāka [p= 1150,2] [L=232639]
( MW. ) ( L. ) a kind of astrological diagram marked with twice 7 lines crossing each other at right angles (it is used for indicating auspicious days for marriages)
(H3) m.
sapta--śalā° ka-cakra [L=232641]
( L. ) a kind of astrological diagram marked with twice 7 lines crossing each other at right angles (it is used for indicating auspicious days for marriages)
(H3) n.
su--pratara [p= 1228,2] [L=247646]
(ā)n. easy to be crossed (as a river) Ragh.


(H3) mf
[L=247647]easily crossing over
[L=247648]projecting far (?)
svastika [p= 1283,1] [L=259530]
a kind of bard (who utters words of welcome or eulogy) R.

esp.) a kind of mystical cross or mark made on persons and things to denote good luck (it is shaped like a Greek cross with the extremities of the four arms bent round in the same direction ; the majority of scholars regard it as a solar symbol ; that is , as representing a curtailed form of the wheel of the Solar viṣṇu , consisting of four spokes crossing each other at right angles with short fragments of the periphery of the circle at the end of each spoke turning round in one direction to denote the course of the Sun ; accord. to the late Sir A. Cunningham it has no connexion with sun-worship , but its shape represents a monogram or interlacing of the letters of the auspicious words su astí [svasti] in the aśoka characters ; amongst jainas it is one of the 24 auspicious marks and is the emblem of the seventh arhat of the present avasarpiī) Hariv. Ka1v. Pur.

MBh. Ma1lati1m. Katha1s.


partic. form MBh. R. Pan5car.




partic. symbol made of ground rice and formed like a triangle (it is used in fumigating the image of durgā , and is said to symbolize the liga) MW.




of a serpent-demon MBh.

skanda's attendants ib.
1283,2] [L=259544]
dānava Hariv.


svastika [L=259547]
a mansion or temple of a partic. form VarBr2S.
svastika [L=259548]
Marsilea Quadrifolia L.
svastika [L=259549]
a partic. mode of sitting practised by yogins (in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the knees) Ma1rkP. Pan5car.
(H2) m.
[L=259531]any lucky or auspicious object , (
[L=259532]the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast
[L=259533]a bandage in the form of a cross
[L=259534]a dish of a
[L=259535]a kind of cake
[L=259536]a triangular crest-jewel
[L=259537]the meeting of four roads
[L=259539]a species of garlic
[L=259540]a cock
[L=259541]a libertine
[L=259543]of one of
[p= of a
[L=259545]of a poet
[L=259546]of another man
(H2B) mn.
(H2B) mn.
(H2B) mn.
svastika--dāna [L=259551]
crossing the hands Ba1lar.
(H3) n.
hásta--svastika [p= 1295,1] [L=262246]
(ifc. f(ā).) crossing the hand , Ma1lati1m. Ba1lar.
(H3) m.
ati-yātrā [p= 1309,3] [L=302240]
passing over, S3am2k.

(H2) f.
[L=302240.1]fare for crossing (?),
ut-taraa-setu [p= 1321,3] [L=322410]
a bridge for crossing over (gen.), Mr2icch.
(H2) m.