tulā and bhr and samakakṣā look the best for conveying the sense of balance. Opinions, anyone? Buehler?
(H3) | pra-° graha [p= 656,2] [L=130479]
m. |
(ifc. f(ā).) holding in front , stretching forth MBh.
[L=130480] |
seizing , clutching , taking hold of ( |
°haṃ gataḥ , seized , taken) ib. Hariv.
[L=130481] |
a |
partic. manner of fighting MBh. (= śatror uttānapā-tanā*rtham pādā*karṣaṇam , or = gala-hastakaḥ Ni1lak. )
[L=130482] |
the seizure of the sun or moon , beginning of an eclipse ( |
cf. graha) Su1ryas.
[L=130483] |
friendly reception , kindness , favour |
MBh. Hariv.
[L=130484] |
obstinacy , stubbornness ( |
°haṃgataḥ , obstinate , stubborn) MBh.
[L=130485] |
a rein , bridle |
Kat2hUp. MBh. &c
[L=130486] |
a ray of light (like all words meaning " rein " or " bridle ") |
[L=130487] |
a rope , halter , cord , string , thong |
[L=130488] |
the cord or string suspending a balance |
[L=130489] |
a guide , leader , ruler (also as |
N. of viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa) MBh.
[L=130490] |
a companion , satellite |
[L=130491] |
binding |
[L=130492] |
taming , breaking (a horse) |
[L=130493] |
the arm |
[L=130494] |
a species of plant |
Car. (Cassis Fistula L. )
[L=130495] |
a vowel not subject to the rules of |
saṃdhi TPra1t. (-tva n. Sch. ; cf. 1. pra-gṛhya)
[L=130496] |
N. |
of a partic. sacrificial rite (also -homa Ka1tyS3r. Sch.)
(H3B) | pra-° graha [L=130497]
mf |
(ā)n. receiving , kind , hospitable (with sabhā f. a hall of reception , an audience hall) R. (B.)
(H3B) | pra-° graha [L=130498]
mf |
(ā)n. = ūrdhvabāhu (?) R. Sch. (cf. práñjali-pragr°)
(H2) | śeṣa [p= 1076,3] [L=218112]
&c |
» [p= 1088,3].
(H1) | śeṣa [p= 1088,3] [L=220878]
mn. |
(fr. √2. śiṣ) remainder , that which remains or is left , leavings , residue (pl. " all the others ") , surplus , balance , the rest (śeṣe loc. " for the rest " , " in all other cases " ; śeṣe rātrau , " during the rest of the night " ; mama śeṣam asti , " there remains something to happen to me ")
[L=220879] |
that which has to be supplied ( |
e.g. any word or words which have been omitted in a sentence ; iti śeṣaḥ , " so it was left to be supplied " , a phrase commonly used by Comm. in supplying any words necessary to elucidate the text)
[L=220880] |
that which is saved or spared or allowed to escape ( |
nom. with √ as , or √ bhū , " to be spared " ; śeṣaṃ- √kṛ , "to spare " , " allow to escape " ; śeṣam avā*p " to escape ") Mn. MBh. R. &c
[L=220881] |
remaining (used as an |
adj. at the end of adj. comp. [f(ā). ] , cf. kathā-ś° , kṛtya-ś°) AitBr. &c
[L=220882] |
remaining out of or from , left from (with |
abl. or loc. e.g. prayātebhyo ye śeṣāḥ , " the persons left out of those who had departed " ; but mostly ifc. after a pp. in comp. e.g. bhukta-śeṣa , " remaining from a meal " , " remnant of food " ; hata-śeṣāḥ , " those left out of the slain " , " the survivors " &c ) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=220883] |
end , issue , conclusion , finish , result |
RV. 77 , 15
[L=220884] |
last , last-mentioned |
[L=220885] |
a supplement , appendix |
Nir. iii , 13
[L=220886] |
a keepsake , token of remembrance |
[L=220887] |
secondary matter , accident |
Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
[L=220888] |
death , destruction |
(H1B) | śeṣa [p= 1089,1] [p= 1088,3] [L=220889]
m. |
N. of a celebrated mythological thousand-headed serpent regarded as the emblem of eternity (whence he is also called an-anta , " the infinite " ; in the viṣṇu-purāṇa he and the serpents vāsuki and takṣaka are described as sons of kadru , but in one place śeṣa alone is called king of the nāgas or snakes inhabiting pātāla , while elsewhere vāsuki also is described as king of the nagas and takṣaka of the serpents ; the thousand headed śeṣa is sometimes represented as forming the couch and canopy of viṣṇu whilst sleeping during the intervals of creation , sometimes as supporting the seven pātālas with the seven regions above them and therefore the entire world ; he is said to have taught astronomy to garga ; according to some legends he became incarnate in bala-rāma q.v.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c ( RTL. 105 ; 112 ; 232 n. 1)
(H1B) | śeṣa [L=220890]
m. |
N. of one of the prajā-patis R. VP.
(H1B) | śeṣa [L=220891]
m. |
of a muni MW.
(H1B) | śeṣa [L=220892]
m. |
(also with ācārya , dīkṣita , śāstrin &c ) of various authors (cf. below)
(H1B) | śeṣa [L=220893]
m. |
of one of the mythical elephants that support the earth L.
(H1B) | śeṣa [L=220894]
m. |
a kind of metre L.
(H1B) | śeṣa [L=220897]
n. |
» above.
(H2) | śeṣa [p= 1332,3] [L=340120]
add "effect"
(H1) | sama 1 [p= 1152,1] [L=232988]
mfn. |
(connected with 7. sa and with 2. samá and samāna ; cf. samaha , used as pron.: declined like sarva e.g. samasmai RV. vi , 51 , 6) any , every RV. [cf. Gk. ἁμός , ἀμός ; Goth. suma ; Angl.Sax. sum ; Eng. some.]
(H1) | samá 2 [L=232989]
mf |
(ā́)n. (prob. originally identical with prec. ; cf. samāna) even , smooth , flat , plain , level , parallel (karṇa-s° , " on a level with the ear " ; bhūmi- or bhūmeḥ samaṃ- √kṛ , " to make level with the earth ") RV. &c
[L=232990] |
same , equal , similar , like , equivalent , like to or identical or homogeneous with ( |
instr. e.g. mayā sama , " like to me " ; or gen. , rarely abl.) , like in or with regard to anything (instr. gen. loc. , or -tas , or comp. ; samaṃ- √kṛ , " to make equal , balance ") ib.
[L=232991] |
always the same , constant , unchanged , fair , impartial towards ( |
loc. or gen.) ib.
[L=232992] |
even (not " odd ") , a pair |
[L=232993] |
having the right measure , regular , normal , right , straight ( |
samaṃ- √kṛ , " to put right or in order ") AitBr. &c &c
[L=232994] |
equable , neutral , indifferent |
[L=232995] |
equally distant from extremes , ordinary , common , middling |
Mn. MBh. &c
[L=232996] |
just , upright , good , straight , honest |
[L=232997] |
easy , convenient |
[L=232998] |
full , complete , whole , entire |
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=232999]
m. |
peace (perhaps w.r. for śama) R. Ka1m.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233000]
m. |
the point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line Gol.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233001]
m. |
N. of partic. zodiacal signs (esp. vṛṣa , karkaṭa , kanyā , vṛścika , makara , and Mina) MW.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233002]
m. |
a kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root ib.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233003]
m. |
(in music) a kind of time Sam2gi1t.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233004]
m. |
a grass-conflagration L.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233005]
m. |
a jina Gal.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233006]
m. |
N. of a son of dharma VP.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233007]
m. |
of a son of dhṛtarāṣṭra MBh.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233008]
m. |
of a king of the nandi-vegas (v.l. śama) ib.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233010]
n. |
level ground , a plain (samé bhū́myāḥ , " on level ground ") AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. R.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233011]
n. |
equability , equanimity , imperturbability MBh.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233012]
n. |
likeness , similarity , equality (ena , " equally , in the same manner ") Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 18
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233013]
n. |
right measure or proportion (ena , " exactly , precisely ") S3Br.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233014]
n. |
settlement , compensation Mn. viii , 177
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233015]
n. |
good circumstances Mr2icch.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233016]
n. |
(in rhet.) a partic. figure , sameness of objects compared to one another Prata1p. Kuval.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233017]
n. |
(in geom.) a mean proportional segment (described as a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment , and used for solving problems in a trapezium) Col.
(H1B) | samá 2 [L=233018]
n. |
= samā f. a year (» pāpa-s° , puṇya-s° , and su-ṣama)
(H1) | sa-ma 3 [p= 1153,2] [L=233330]
mfn. |
(fr. 7. sa mā) " together with lakṣmi " , happy , prosperous Nalo7d.
(H2) | sama [p= 1332,3] [L=340490]
(in |