Sanskrit Words for Sex

Sanskrit has a rich vocabulary for almost everything subjective, and sex is no exception!

maithuna -n. union , connection - sexual intercourse

-Paired , coupled , forming a pair or one of each sex.
-Connected by marriage. Relating or belonging to copulation.
(with bhogu m. carnal enjoyment ; with dharma m. "sexual law", copulation;
-with vāsas n. a garment worn during copulation). n. (ifc. f(ā).) copulation ,
-sexual intercourse or union , marriage.
-dat. with upa- √gam , or upa √kram , to have sexual intercourse).


joining together , attaching , fastening.
conjunction , union , connection , contact with (instr. with and without saha , or comp.)
matrimonial or sexual union with (comp.) MBh. VarBr2S.
(in astron.) conjunction (of the moon and the lunar mansions) VarBr2S.
mutual proportion , connected series or arrangement W.
application , employment Cat.

samprayogin - mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse , wanton = kāmuka L.

From the Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary.
Read the scanned page from the MW here.


(H2) saṃ-yoga [L=225750] m. conjunction , combination , connection (°ge or °geṣu ifc. " in connection with , with regard to , concerning ") , union or absorption with or in (gen. , or instr. with and without saha , or loc. , or ifc.) A1past. MBh. &c
[L=225751] contact (esp. in phil. " direct material contact " , as of sesamum seed with rice-grains [in contradistinction to contact by the fusion of particles , as of water with milk] , enumerated among the 24 guṇas of the nyāya cf. under sam-bandha) Yogas. Kan2. Bha1sha1p.
[L=225752] carnal contact , sexual union MBh. &c
[L=225753] matrimonial connection or relationship by marriage with or between (gen. , saha with instr. , or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=225754] a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object Ka1m. Hit.
[L=225755] agreement of opinion , consensus (opposed to bheda) R.
[L=225756] applying one's self closely to , being engaged in , undertaking (°gaṃ √ kṛ , " to undertake , set about , begin " ; agnihotra-saṃyogam √ kṛ , " to undertake the maintenance of a sacred fire ") A1past. Mn. R.
[L=225757] (in gram.) a conjunct consonant , combination of two or more consonants Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c
[L=225758] dependence of one case upon another , syntax Vop.
[L=225759] (in astron.) conjunction of two or more heavenly bodies MW.
[L=225760] total amount , sum VarBr2S.
[L=225761] N. of śiva MBh.

(H3) saṃ-° yójana [p= 1112,3] [L=225773] n. the act of joining or uniting with (instr. or loc.) S3Br. &c
[L=225774] all that binds to the world , cause of re-birth , DivyA7v.
[L=225775] copulation , sexual union L.
[L=225776] (with mitrā-varuṇayoḥ , aśvinoḥ , and prahitoḥ) N. of sāmans A1rshBr. ,


to be delighted , find pleasure in (loc.) Bhat2t2. ;

to have carnal pleasure or sexual intercourse with (sākam) , RhP.

Here are the first 200 words whose definitions include “sexual.”

Sanskrit words for Sex - Part 1

1 atimaithuna (sexual)
2 atisamparka (sexual)
3 atyatikram (sexual)
4 atyantasamparka (sexual)
5 adhaupāsana (sexual)
6 adhopahāsa (sexual)
7 adhigam (sexual)
8 abhigama (sexual)
9 abhigāmin (sexual)
10 abhimānita (sexual)
11 abhisambandha (sexual)
12 asaṃbhoga (sexual)
13 astrīsambhogin (sexual)
14 āgamavat (sexual)
15 āpti (sexual)
16 āramaṇa (sexual)
17 āsev (sexual)
18 īrṣyaka (sexual)
19 utkaṇṭha (sexual)
20 upacyava (sexual)
21 upayā (sexual)
22 upaśī (sexual)
23 upasaṃgata (sexual)
24 upasaṃgamana (sexual)
25 upasṛṣṭa (sexual)
26 upasarpa (sexual)
27 upasev (sexual)
28 upasthanigraha (sexual)
29 ūrdhvamanthin (sexual)
30 ṛtu (sexual)
31 ṛtusnātā (sexual)
32 aupasthika (sexual)
33 aupasthya (sexual)
34 kaṇḍūti (sexual)
35 kam (sexual)
36 karaṇa (sexual)
37 kāma (sexual)
38 kāmakeli (sexual)
39 kāmabala (sexual)
40 kāmarasa (sexual)
41 kāmavṛddhi (sexual)
42 kāmaśāstra (sexual)
43 kāmasūtra (sexual)
44 kāmāgnisaṃdīpana (sexual)
45 kuṭīra (sexual)
46 kuṭṭāra (sexual)
47 kheda (sexual)
48 khedavigama (sexual)
49 ga (sexual)
50 gam (sexual)
51 gantavya (sexual)
52 gantṛ (sexual)
53 gamana (sexual)
54 gāmin (sexual)
55 grāmacaryā (sexual)
56 grāmya (sexual)
57 grāmyadharma (sexual)
58 grāmyadharmin (sexual)
59 grāmyasukha (sexual)
60 grāmyehoparama (sexual)
61 cauryarata (sexual)
62 jambhana (sexual)
63 tanudāna (sexual)
64 talpa (sexual)
65 talpaga (sexual)
66 tiryagyonigamana (sexual)
67 turagabrahmacaryaka (sexual)
68 dā (sexual)
69 nāyikā (sexual)
70 nidhuvana (sexual)
71 niram (sexual)
72 pañcamakāra (sexual)
73 parārtha (sexual)
74 paripūrṇavyañjanatā (sexual)
75 paribhoga (sexual)
76 pallava (sexual)
77 paśavya (sexual)
78 puruṣāyita (sexual)
79 puṣpiṇī (sexual)
80 pratil (sexual)
81 praviś (sexual)
82 praveśana (sexual)
83 praveśin (sexual)
84 praharṣita (sexual)
85 phalin (sexual)
86 bandha (sexual)
87 bāhyasambhoga (sexual)
88 baijika (sexual)
89 bhaga (sexual)
90 bhagakāma (sexual)
91 bhoga (sexual)
92 matta (sexual)
93 madā (sexual)
94 madanatantra (sexual)
95 madanāśaya (sexual)
96 manobhava (sexual)
97 māṃsamaithuna (sexual)
98 mārjārakaraṇa (sexual)
99 mithunīcārin (sexual)
100 mithunībhāva (sexual)
101 miśrībhāva (sexual)
102 mudita (sexual)
103 maithuna (sexual)
104 maithunagamana (sexual)
105 maithunajvara (sexual)
106 maithunavairāgya (sexual)
107 maithunābhāṣaṇa (sexual)
108 maithunābhighāta (sexual)
109 maithunika (sexual)
110 maithunībhāva (sexual)
111 mohana (sexual)
112 yabh (sexual)
113 yabhana (sexual)
114 yiyapsu (sexual)
115 yatamaithuna (sexual)
116 yama (sexual)
117 yā (sexual)
118 yābha (sexual)
119 yābhavat (sexual)
120 yāśu (sexual)
121 yonidoṣa (sexual)
122 ram (sexual)
123 rata (sexual)
124 ratabandha (sexual)
125 rataviśeṣa (sexual)
126 ratānta (sexual)
127 ratārambhāvasānika (sexual)
128 ratārthin (sexual)
129 ratotsava (sexual)
130 ratoparatasaṃsupta (sexual)
131 rati (sexual)
132 ratikarman (sexual)
133 ratikheda (sexual)
134 ratikhedakhinna (sexual)
135 ratikhedasupta (sexual)
136 ratitaskara (sexual)
137 ratiparicaya (sexual)
138 ratiphala (sexual)
139 ratibhoga (sexual)
140 ratirasaglāni (sexual)
141 ratilakṣa (sexual)
142 ratilampaṭa (sexual)
143 ratiśakti (sexual)
144 ratisaṃyoga (sexual)
145 rantumanas (sexual)
146 ramaṇa (sexual)
147 rahas (sexual)
148 riraṃsā (sexual)
149 riraṃsu (sexual)
150 riramayiṣu (sexual)
151 retaḥpātin (sexual)
152 retaḥseka (sexual)
153 lakṣaṇa (sexual)
154 laṅghana (sexual)
155 vadhitra (sexual)
156 varasurata (sexual)
157 vas (sexual)
158 uṣita (sexual)
159 viparītarata (sexual)
160 vṛṣāya (sexual)
161 vṛṣya (sexual)
162 vyavāya (sexual)
163 vraj (sexual)
164 śama (sexual)
165 śayana (sexual)
166 śayyā (sexual)
167 śibhra (sexual)
168 śī (sexual)
169 śīt (sexual)
170 śuci (sexual)
171 śuṣma (sexual)
172 śūdragamana (sexual)
173 śṛṅgāra (sexual)
174 śaiśnya (sexual)
175 śleṣa (sexual)
176 saṃyatamaithuna (sexual)
177 saṃyuj (sexual)
178 saṃyoga (sexual)
179 saṃyojana (sexual)
180 saṃram (sexual)
181 saṃvāsa (sexual)
182 saṃviś (sexual)
183 saṃveśa (sexual)
184 saṃveśapati (sexual)
185 saṃveśana (sexual)
186 saṃvṛt (sexual)
187 saṃśri (sexual)
188 saṃsṛj (sexual)
189 saṃsarga (sexual)
190 saṃsṛṣṭamaithuna (sexual)
191 saṃharṣa (sexual)
192 sakīla (sexual)
193 saṃgati (sexual)
194 saṃgama (sexual)
195 saṃgamasādhvasa (sexual)
196 saṃgrahaṇa (sexual)
197 saṃgharṣa (sexual)
198 saṃnipāta (sexual)
199 sap (sexual)
200 samapada (sexual)

(H3) áti--maithuna [p= 12,3] [L=2741] n. excess of sexual intercourse.

(H3) áti--samparka [p= 13,1] [L=2833] m. excessive (sexual) intercourse.

(H1) aty-ati- √ kram [p= 16,3] [L=3402] to approach for sexual intercourse MBh.

(H3) aty-anta--samparka [p= 17,1] [L=3428] m. excessive sexual intercourse.
adha upāsana

(H3) adha-upā* sana [p= 20,1] [L=4026] n. sexual intercourse Comm. on Br2A1rUp.

(H3) adho* pahāsa [L=4078] (dhás-up) m. sexual intercourse S3Br. xiv.

(H1) adhi- √ gam [p= 20,3] [L=4222]
to go up to , approach , overtake , to approach for sexual intercourse , to fall in with , to meet , find , discover , obtain ;

to accomplish ;

to study , read: Desid. P. adhi-jigamiṣati , to seek ;

A1. adhi-jigāṃsate , to be desirous of studying or reading.


(H2) abhi-gama [p= 61,3] [L=11270] m. (g. anuśatikā*di q.v.) , approaching
[L=11271] visiting Megh. Ragh. v , 11
[L=11272] sexual intercourse Ya1jn5. ii , 291.

(H2) abhi-gāmin [L=11278] mfn. having sexual intercourse with (in comp.) Mn. iii , 45 Ya1jn5. ii , 282 , &c

(H2) abhi-mānita [p= 67,2] [L=12035] n. copulation , sexual intercourse L.

(H2) abhi-sambandha [p= 73,2] [L=12848] m. connection with , relation to (instr.) Jaim.
[L=12849] being connected with , belonging to Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch.
[L=12850] sexual connection MBh. xiii , 2924 Mn. v , 63.

(H1) a-saṃbhoga [p= 119,3] [L=20782] m. non-enjoyment Hit.
[L=20783] absence of sexual union MBh. v , 1524.

(H3) a-strī--sambhogin [p= 122,3] [L=21356] mfn. not enjoying women (by sexual intercourse) Comm. on Mn. vi , 26.

(H3) ā́-gama--vat [p= 129,3] [L=22588] mfn. approaching for sexual intercourse MBh. i , 3025
[L=22589] having an augment or addition of any kind Comm. on VPra1t.

(H2) ā́pti [p= 142,2] [L=24803] f. reaching , meeting with TS. S3Br. Br2A1rUp.
[L=24804] obtaining , gain , acquisition S3Br. R. MBh. &c
[L=24805] abundance , fortune S3Br.
[L=24806] quotient
[L=24807] binding , connection L.
[L=24808] sexual intercourse L.
[L=24809] relation , fitness , aptitude L.
[L=24810] f. pl. N. of twelve invocations ( VS. ix , 20) the first of which is āpaye svāhā.
(H2) āpti [p= 1319,3] [L=319190] (also) trustworthiness, Sa1m2khyapr.

(H2) ā-rámaṇa [p= 150,1] [L=26139] n. pleasure , delight , enjoyment TS. S3Br.
[L=26140] sexual pleasure Gaut. xxiv , 4
[L=26141] cessation , pause
[L=26142] resting-place L.

(H1) ā- √ sev [p= 161,1] [L=28086]
(rarely P.) A1. -sevati , -te , to frequent ;

to abide in , inhabit , dwell on R. BhP. Ka1vya7d. ;

to attend to , serve ;

to honour ;

to take the part of , side with BhP. &c ;

to enjoy (sexual intercourse) ;

to indulge in , like ;

to perform assiduously , practise MBh. Sus3r. Megh. Kum. &c


(H2) īrṣyaka [p= 170,3] [L=29813] mfn. envious , envying
(H2B) īrṣyaka [L=29814] m. a particular kind of semi-impotent man whose power is stimulated through jealous feelings caused by seeing others in the act of sexual union Sus3r.

(H1) ut-kaṇṭha 1 [p= 175,3] [L=30734] mfn. having the neck uplifted (on the point of doing anything) Ragh.
[L=30735] having the throat open (as in crying) BhP.
[L=30736] longing for
(H1B) ut-kaṇṭha 1 [L=30737] m. longing for
(H1B) ut-kaṇṭha 1 [L=30738] m. a kind of sexual union L.
(H1B) ut-kaṇṭha 1 [L=30740] m. regretting or missing anything or a person MBh. Bhartr2. Pan5cat. Amar. &c
(H2) utkaṇṭha 2 [L=30742]
Nom. A1. utkaṇṭhate , to raise the neck ;

to long for , regret , sorrow for R. S3is3. Bhat2t2. &c : Caus. utkaṇṭhayati , to cause any one to lift up the neck ;

to excite longing , inspire with tender emotions Bhartr2. Ka1vya7d. &c


(H1) upa-cyavá [p= 197,3] [L=34534] m. ( √cyu) , the act of pressing or moving towards (said of a woman in sexual intercourse) RV. i , 28 , 3, (= śālā-prāpti Sa1y. )

(H1) upa- √ yā [p= 204,2] [L=35405]
P. -yāti (inf. -yaí , opposed to ava-yaí » ava- √yā) to come up RV. viii , 47 , 12 ;

to come near , go near or towards , approach (for protection) , visit , frequent RV. AV. A1s3vGr2. MBh. BhP. Katha1s. &c ;

to approach (a woman for sexual intercourse) MBh. R. &c ;

to arrive at , reach , obtain , to get into any state or condition MBh. VarBr2S. Ragh. &c ;

to occur , befall Hit. ;

to give one's self up to VP.


(H1) upa- √ śī [p= 208,1] [L=35932]
A1. -śete , to lie near or by the side of (acc.) RV. x , 18 , 8 S3Br. Kaus3. MBh. ;

to lie by the side of (for sexual intercourse) S3Br. TS. Ka1t2h. MBh. xiii ;

to lie upon (loc.) R. vi ;

to do good , be suitable or useful Car.


(H2) upa-saṃgata [p= 209,1] [L=36072] mfn. come together , assembled BhP.
[L=36073] united , joined (mithunāya , for sexual intercourse) MBh. i , 6897.

(H2) upa-saṃgamana [L=36074] n. the act of coming together , sexual union Gaut. iv , 13.

(H2) upa-sṛṣṭa [p= 210,2] [L=36265] mfn. let loose towards
[L=36266] sent or thrown off BhP. i , 12 , 1
[L=36267] admitted (as the calf to its mother ; also applied to the milk at the time of the calf's sucking) TBr. ii , 1 , 7 , 1 Ka1tyS3r.
[L=36268] increased
[L=36269] furnished with S3a1n3khS3r.
[L=36270] furnished with an upasarga or preposition (e.g. √ dā with ā is said to be upasṛṣṭa) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 38 Nir. APra1t. &c
[L=36271] visited , afflicted , burdened with , plagued R. Sus3r. BhP. &c
[L=36272] obscured (by rāhu , as the sun) , eclipsed MBh. Mn. iv , 37
[L=36273] possessed (by a god or demon) Ya1jn5. i , 271 R.
(H2B) upa-sṛṣṭa [L=36274] n. coition , sexual intercourse L.

(H1) upa-sarpa [p= 210,1] [L=36194] &c » upa- √sṛp.
(H2) upa-sarpa [p= 210,2] [L=36276] m. approaching , approach , sexual approach MBh. iii , 2513 (= upa-sasarpa Ni1lak. ; erroneous for upa-sṛpya BRD. )

(H1) upa- √ sev [p= 210,3] [L=36285]
A1. -sevate , to frequent , visit , abide or stay at (a place) MBh. xiii R. Ka1m. ;

to stay with a person , attend on , serve , do homage , honour , worship MBh. Mn. Katha1s. &c ;

to have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Sus3r. ;

to practise , pursue , cultivate , study , make use of , be addicted to ChUp. MBh. Ma1rkP. &c


(H3) upá-stha--nigraha [p= 211,1] [L=36344] m. restraint of sexual desire Ya1jn5. iii , 314.

(H3) ūrdhvá--manthin [p= 222,2] [L=38224] mfn. " keeping the semen (manthin) above " , abstaining from sexual intercourse , living in chastity TA1r. ii , 7 , 1 BhP.

(H2) ṛtú [p= 224,1] [L=38547] m. ( Un2. i , 72) any settled point of time , fixed time , time appointed for any action (esp. for sacrifices and other regular worship) , right or fit time RV. AV. VS.
[L=38548] an epoch , period (esp. a division or part of the year) , season (the number of the divisions of the year is in ancient times , three , five , six , seven , twelve , thirteen , and twenty-four ; in later time six seasons are enumerated , viz. vasanta , " spring " ; grīṣma , " the hot season " ; varṣās (f. pl. nom. ) , " the rainy season " śarad , " autumn " ; hemanta , " winter " ; and śiśira , " the cool season " ; the seasons are not unfrequently personified , addressed in mantras , and worshipped by libations) RV. AV. VS. &c MBh. Mn. &c
[L=38549] symbolical expression for the number six VarBr2S. Su1ryas. &c
[L=38550] the menstrual discharge (in women) , the time after the courses (favourable for procreation ; according to Bhpr. sixteen days after their appearance) Sus3r. MBh. Mn. &c
[L=38551] sexual union at the above time Mn. ix , 93 MBh.
[L=38552] fixed order , order , rule ([ BRD. ]) RV. i , 162 , 19
[L=38553] light , splendour L.
[L=38554] a particular mineral L.
[L=38555] N. of a ṛṣi
[L=38556] of the twelfth manu.
(H2) ṛtu [p= 1323,1] [L=325120] (in comp.)

(H3) ṛtú--snātā [p= 224,2] [L=38610] f. a woman who has bathed after her courses (and so prepared herself for sexual intercourse) Sus3r. MBh. Ragh. &c

(H2) aupasthika [p= 239,1] [L=41131] mf(ī)n. (fr. upa-stha) , living by the sexual organ (i.e. by fornication) ib.

(H2) aupasthya [L=41132] n. cohabitation , sexual enjoyment BhP.

(H2) kaṇḍūti [p= 246,1] [L=42589] f. scratching
[L=42590] itching , the itch BhP. Sa1h. &c
[L=42591] (fig.) sexual desire (of women) Ra1jat.
[L=42592] N. of one of the mothers in the retinue of skanda MBh. ix.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 12.10
Whitney Roots links: kam
(H1) kám 1 [p= 251,3] [L=43756] ind. (Gk. κεν) well (opposed to a-kam , " ill ") TS. S3Br. &c
[L=43756.1] a particle placed after the word to which it belongs with an affirmative sense , " yes " , " well " (but this sense is generally so weak that Indian grammarians are perhaps right in enumerating kam among the expletives Nir. ; it is often found attached to a dat. case , giving to that case a stronger meaning , and is generally placed at the end of the pāda , e.g. ájījana óṣadhīr bhójanāya kám , thou didst create the plants for actual food RV. v , 83 , 10) RV. AV. TS. v
[L=43756.2] kam is also used as an enclitic with the particles nu , su , and hi (but is treated in the pada-pāṭha as a separate word ; in this connection kam has no accent but once AV. vi , 110 , 1) RV. AV.
[L=43756.3] a particle of interrogation (like kad and kim) RV. x , 52 , 3
[p= 252,1] [p= 251,3] [L=43756.4] (sometimes , like kim and kad , at the beginning of compounds) marking the strange or unusual character of anything or expressing reproach L.
[p= 252,1] [L=43756.5] head L.
[L=43756.6] food Nir.
[L=43756.7] water Nir. Nigh.
[L=43756.8] happiness , bliss L.
(H1) kam 2 [L=43768]
cl.1 A1. (not used in the conjugational tenses) cakame , kamitā , kamiṣyate , acakamata Dha1tup. xii , 10 to wish , desire , long for RV. v , 36 , 1 ; x , 117 , 2 AV. xix , 52 , 3 S3Br. Ragh. &c ;

to love , be in love with , have sexual intercourse with S3Br. xi BhP. : Caus. A1. (ep. also P.) kāmayate , -ti , kāmayāṃ-cakre , acīkamata , &c ;

to wish , desire , long for (with acc. or inf. or Pot. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 157 ; e.g. kāmaye bhuñjīta bhavān , I wish your worship may eat ; kāmaye dātum , I wish to give Ka1s3. ) RV. AV. TS. MBh. &c ;

to love , be in love with , have sexual intercourse with RV. x , 124 , 5 ; 125 , 5 S3Br. MBh. &c ;

to cause any one to love R2itus. (in that sense P. Vop. ) ;

(with bahu or aty-artham) to rate or value highly R. : Desid. cikamiṣate and cikāmayiṣate: Intens. caṃkamyate ; ([cf. Lat. comis ; also amo , with the loss of the initial , for camo ; cA7-rus for cam-rus: Hib. caemh , " love , desire ; fine , handsome , pleasant " ; caomhach , " a friend , companion " ; caomhaim , " I save , spare , protect " ; Armen. kamim.])


(H2) káraṇa [p= 254,1] [L=44240] mf(ī)n (once karaṇá RV. i , 119 , 7) doing , making , effecting , causing (esp. ifc. ; cf. antakaraṇa , uṣṇaṃ-k° , &c ) R. &c
[L=44240.02] clever , skilful RV. i , 119 , 7
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.04] m. a helper , companion AV. vi , 46 , 2 ; xv , 5 , 1-6 ; xix , 57 , 3
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.06] m. a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast kṣatriya Mn. x , 22 ; or the son of a śūdra woman by a vaiśya Ya1jn5. i , 92 ; or the son of a vaiśya woman by a kṣatriya MBh. i , 2446 ; 4521 ; the occupation of this class is writing , accounts &c )
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.07] m. writer , scribe W.
(H2) káraṇa [L=44240.08] m. (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context ; in this sense usually n.) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41 Pat. Comm. on RPra1t.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.10] m. (in mus.) a kind of time Kum. vi , 40
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.24] n. the act of making , doing , producing , effecting S3Br. MBh. &c (very often ifc. e.g. muṣṭi-k° , virūpa-k°)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.26] n. an act , deed RV.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.28] n. an action (esp. a religious one) Ya1jn5. i , 250 R.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.30] n. the special business of any tribe or caste L.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.32] n. a calculation (esp. an astronomical one) VarBr2S.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.34] n. an astrological division of the day (these karaṇas are eleven , viz. vava , valava , kaulava , taitila , gara , vaṇija , viṣṭi , śakuni , catuṣpada , kintughna , and nāga , two being equal to a lunar day ; the first seven are called a-dhruvāṇi or movable , and fill , eight times repeated , the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane ; the four others are dhruvāṇi or fixed , and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.36] n. pronunciation , articulation , APra1t.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.38] n. (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech , separated from its context Pa1n2. Ka1s3. &c , (karaṇa may be used in this way like kāra e.g. iti-karaṇa S3a1n3khS3r. )
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.40] n. the posture of an ascetic
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.42] n. a posture in sexual intercourse
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.44] n. instrument , means of action S3vetUp. Ya1jn5. Megh.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.46] n. an organ of sense or of speech VPra1t. Pa1rGr2.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.48] n. (in law) an instrument , document , bond Mn. viii , 51 ; 52 ; 154
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.50] n. (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected , the idea expressed by the instrumental case , instrumentality Pa1n2. 1-4 , 42 ; ii , 3 , 18 ; iii , 2 , 45
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.52] n. cause (= kāraṇa)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.54] n. a spell , charm Katha1s. (cf. karaṇa-prayoga)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.56] n. rhythm , time Kum.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.58] n. body Megh. Kum. Ka1d.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.60] n. N. of a treatise of varāha-mihira on the motion of the planets
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.62] n. of a work belonging to the śiva-darśana
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.64] n. a field L.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.66] n. the mind , heart W. (cf. antaḥ-karaṇa)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.68] n. grain W.
(H1) karaṇa [p= 255,1] [L=44431] &c » [p= 254,1].
(H2) karaṇa [p= 1324,1] [L=326750] n. (also) a sinew, tendon, muscle, Kir.

(H2) kāma [p= 252,2] [L=43900] &c » s.v.
(H1) kā́ma [p= 271,3] [L=47938] m. (fr. √2. kam ; once kāmá VS. xx , 60), wish , desire , longing (kāmo me bhuñjīta bhavān , my wish is that you should eat Pa1n2. 3-3 , 153), desire for , longing after (gen. dat. , or loc.) , love , affection , object of desire or of love or of pleasure RV. VS. TS. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. &c
[L=47939] pleasure , enjoyment
[L=47940] love , especially sexual love or sensuality
[L=47941] Love or Desire personified AV. ix
[L=47942] xii
[L=47943] xix (cf. RV. x , 129 , 4) VS. Pa1rGr2.
[L=47944] N. of the god of love AV. iii. 25 , 1 MBh. Lalit.
[L=47945] (represented as son of dharma and husband of rati [ MBh. i , 2596 ff. Hariv. VP. ] ; or as a son of brahmā VP. ; or sometimes of saṃkalpa BhP. vi , 6 , 10 ; cf. kāma-deva)
[L=47946] N. of agni SV. ii , 8 , 2 , 19 , 3 AV. TS. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khS3r.
[L=47947] of viṣṇu Gal.
[L=47948] of baladeva (cf. kāma-pāla) L.
[L=47949] a stake in gambling Na1r. xvi , 9
[L=47950] a species of mango tree (= mahā-rāja-cūta) L.
[L=47951] N. of a metre consisting of four lines of two long syllables each
[L=47952] a kind of bean L.
[L=47953] a particular form of temple Hcat.
[L=47954] N. of several men
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47957] n. object of desire L.
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47958] n. semen virile L.
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47959] n. N. of a tīrtha MBh. iii , 5047
(H1B) kāmá [L=47964] mfn. wishing , desiring RV. ix , 113 , 11
(H1B) kā́ma [L=47965] n. (ifc.) desirous of , desiring , having a desire or intention (cf. go-k° , dharma-k° ; frequently with inf. in tu cf. tyaktu-k°.)
(H2) kāma [p= 1324,2] [L=327520] (in comp.)

(H3) kā́ma--keli [p= 272,1] [L=47987] m. " love-sport " , amorous sport , sexual intercourse L.
[L=47988] the vidūṣaka of the drama L.
(H3B) kā́ma--keli [L=47989] mfn. having amorous sport , wanton L.

(H3) kā́ma--bala [p= 272,2] [L=48124] n. force of desire , sexual power Bhpr.

(H3) kā́ma--rasa [p= 272,3] [L=48141] m. enjoyment of sexual love MBh.

(H3) kā́ma--vṛddhi [L=48188] f. increase of sexual desire or passion L.
(H3B) kā́ma--vṛddhi [L=48189] m. a shrub of supposed aphrodisiac properties (called kāma-ja in the karṇāṭaka) L.

(H3) kā́ma--śāstra [L=48199] n. a treatise on pleasure or sexual love MBh.
[L=48200] = -sūtra N. of several erotic works.

(H3) kā́ma--sūtra [L=48213] n. N. of a treatise on sexual love by vātsyāyana.

(H4) kāmā* gni---saṃdīpana [L=48227] n. kindling the fire of lust , excitement of sexual love.

(H2) kuṭīra [p= 288,2] [L=51608] mn. ( Pa1n2. 5-3 , 88) a cottage , hut , hovel Bhartr2. Vcar. (cf. kuñja-k°)
[L=51609] N. of a plant g. bilvā*di
(H2B) kuṭīra [L=51610] n. sexual intercourse L.
(H2B) kuṭīra [L=51611] n. = kevala (exclusiveness?) L.
(H3) kuṭīra [p= 288,3] [L=51640] &c » ib.

(H1) kuṭṭāra [p= 289,1] [L=51709] m. a mountain L.
(H1B) kuṭṭāra [L=51710] n. " sexual intercourse " or , " pleasure " L.
(H1B) kuṭṭāra [L=51711] n. a woollen cloth L.
(H1B) kuṭṭāra [L=51712] n. = kevala (exclusiveness?) L. (cf. kuṭīra.)

(H2) kheda [p= 340,1] [L=61916] m. lassitude , depression R. &c
[L=61917] exhaustion , pain , affliction , distress Pan5cat. &c
[L=61918] sexual passion Pat. Introd. on Va1rtt. 1
(H1) kheda [p= 340,3] [L=62047] °dana , &c » √khid.

(H3) kheda--vigama [p= 340,1] [L=61921] m. removal of sexual passion Pat. Introd. on Va1rtt. 1.

(H1) ga 1 [p= 341,1] [L=62146] (3rd consonant of the alphabet) , the soft guttural having the sound g in give
(H1B) ga 1 [L=62146.1] m. N. of gaṇe*śa L.
(H1) ga 2 [p= 341,2] [L=62148] mf(ā)n. ( √gam) only ifc. going , moving (e.g. yāna- , going in a carriage Mn. iv , 120 Ya1jn5. iii , 291 ; śīghra- , going quickly R. iii , 31 , 3 ; cf. antarikṣa- &c )
[L=62149] having sexual intercourse with (cf. anya-strī-)
[L=62150] reaching to (cf. kaṇṭha-)
[L=62151] staying , being , abiding in VarBr2. Ragh. iii , 13 Katha1s. &c (e.g. pañcama- , abiding in or keeping the fifth place , S3rut. )
[L=62152] relating to or standing in connection with R. vi , 70 , 59 BhP. &c (cf. a- , agra- , a-jihma- , atyanta- , &c ; agre-gá , &c )
(H1) ga 3 [L=62153] mf(ī Pa1n2. 3-2 , 8)n. ( √gai) only ifc. singing (cf. chando- , purāṇa- , sāma-)
(H1B) ga 3 [L=62154] m. a gandharva or celestial musician L.
(H1B) ga 3 [L=62156] n. id. L.
(H1) ga 4 [L=62157] (used in works on prosody as an abbreviation of the word guru to denote) a long syllable W.
[L=62157.1] (in music used as an abbreviation of the word gāndhāra to denote) the third note.

Whitney Roots links: gam
(H1) gam 1 [p= 347,1] [p= 346,3] [L=63409]
Ved. cl.1 P. gámati ( Naigh. ; Subj. gamam , gámat [gamātas , gamātha AV. ] , gamāma , gaman RV. ; Pot. gaméma RV. ; inf. gámadhyai RV. i , 154 , 6) : cl.2 P. gánti ( Naigh. ; Impv. 3. sg. gantu , [2. sg. gadhi » ā- , or gahi » adhi- , abhy-ā- , ā- , upā*-] , 2. pl. gántā or gantana RV. ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. ágan [ RV. AV. ] , 1. pl. áganma [ RV. AV. ; cf. Pa1n2. 8-2 , 65] , 3. pl. ágman RV. ; Subj. [or aor. Subj. cf. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 80 Ka1s3. ] 1. pl. ganma , 3. pl. gmán RV. ; Pot. 2. sg. gamyās RV. i , 187 , 7 ; Prec. 3. sg. gamyā́s RV. ; pr. p. gmát , x , 22 , 6) : cl.3 P. jaganti ( Naigh. ii , 14 ; Pot. jagamyām , °yāt RV. ; impf. 2. and 3. sg. ajagan , 2. pl. ajaganta or °tana RV. ) : Ved. and Class. cl.1 P. (also A1. MBh. &c ) , with substitution of gacch ([= βάσκ-ω]) for gam , gácchati (cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 77 ; Subj. gā*cchāti RV. x , 16 , 2 ; 2. sg. gacchās [ RV. vi , 35 , 3] or gacchāsi [ AV. v , 5 , 6] ; 2. pl. gacchāta RV. viii , 7 , 30 ; 3. pl. gácchān RV. viii , 79 , 5 ; impf. ágacchat ; Pot. gacchet ; pr. p. gácchat RV. &c ; aor. agamat Pa1n2. 3-1 , 55 ; vi , 4 , 98 Ka1s3. ; for A1. with prepositions cf. Pa1n2. 1-2 , 13 ; 2nd fut. gamiṣyati AV. &c ; 1st fut. gántā [ Pa1n2. 7-2 , 58] RV. &c ; perf. 1. sg. jagamā [ RV. ],3. sg. jagāma , 2. du. jagmathur , 3. pl. jagmúr RV. &c ; p. jaganvás [ RV. &c ] or jagmivas Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 f. jagmúṣī RV. &c ; Ved. inf. gántave , gántavaí ; Class. inf. gantum: Ved. ind.p. gatvāya , gatvī́ ; Class. ind.p. gatvā́ [ AV. &c ] , with prepositions -gamya or -gatya Pa1n2. 6-4 , 38) to go , move , go away , set out , come RV. &c ;

to go to or towards , approach (with acc. or loc. or dat. [ MBh. Ragh. ii , 15 ; xii , 7 ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 12] or prati [ MBh. R. ]) RV. &c ;

to go or pass (as time e.g. kāle gacchati , time going on , in the course of time) R. Ragh. Megh. Naish. Hit. ;

to fall to the share of (acc.) Mn. &c ;

to go against with hostile intentions , attack L. ;

to decease , die Ca1n2. ;

to approach carnally , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) A1s3vGr2. iii , 6 Mn. &c ;

to go to any state or condition , undergo , partake of , participate in , receive , obtain (e.g. mitratāṃ gacchati , " he goes to friendship " i.e. he becomes friendly) RV. AV. &c ;

jānubhyām avanīṃ- √gam , " to go to the earth with the knees " , kneel down MBh. xiii , 935 Pan5cat. v , 1 , 10÷11 ;

dharaṇīṃ mūrdhnā- √gam , " to go to the earth with the head " , make a bow R. iii , 11 , 6 ;

mánasā- √gam , to go with the mind , observe , perceive RV. iii , 38 , 6 VS. Nal. R. ;

(without mánasā) to observe , understand , guess MBh. iii , 2108 ;

(especially Pass. gamyate , " to be understood or meant ") Pa1n2. Ka1s3. and L. Sch. ;

doṣeṇa or doṣato- √gam , to approach with an accusation , ascribe guilt to a person (acc.) MBh. i , 4322 and 7455 R. iv , 21 , 3 : Caus. gamayati ( Pa1n2. 2-4 , 46 ; Impv. 2. sg. Ved. gamayā or gāmaya [ RV. v , 5 , 10] , 3. sg. gamayatāt AitBr. ii , 6 ; perf. gamayā́ṃ cakāra AV. &c ) to cause to go ( Pa1n2. 8-1 , 60 Ka1s3. ) or come , lead or conduct towards , send to (dat. AV. ), bring to a place (acc. [ Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52] or loc.) RV. &c ;

to cause to go to any condition , cause to become TS. S3Br. &c ;

to impart , grant MBh. xiv , 179 ;

to send away Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Ka1s3. ;

" to let go " , not care about Ba1lar. v , 10 ;

to excel Prasannar. i , 14 ;

to spend time S3ak. Megh. Ragh. &c ;

to cause to understand , make clear or intelligible , explain MBh. iii , 11290 VarBr2S. L. Sch. ;

to convey an idea or meaning , denote Pa1n2. 3-2 , 10 Ka1s3. ;

(causal of the causal) to cause a person (acc.) to go by means of jigamiśati another Pa1n2. 1-4 , 52 Ka1s3. : Desid. jígamiṣati ( Pa1n2. , or jigāṃsate Pa1n2. 6-4 , 16 Siddh. ; impf. ajigāṃsat S3Br. x) to wish to go , be going La1t2y. MBh. xvi , 63 ;

to strive to obtain S3Br. x ChUp. ;

to wish to bring (to light , prakā́śam) TS. i : Intens. jáṅganti ( Naigh. ) , jaṅgamīti or jaṅgamyate ( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 85 Ka1s3. ) , to visit RV. x , 41 , 1 (p. gánigmat) VS. xxiii , 7 (impf. aganīgan) ;

([cf. βαίνω ; Goth. qvam ; Eng. come ; Lat. venio for gvemio.])

(H1) gam 2 [p= 348,1] [L=63672] gen. abl. gmás » 2. kṣám.

(H2) gantavya [p= 344,3] [L=62963] » ib.
(H2) gantavya [p= 347,3] [L=63585] mfn. to be gone Nal. R. &c
[L=63586] to be accomplished (a way) Pras3nUp. iv Katha1s. xxv
[L=63587] to be gone to or attained MBh. R. Megh. &c
[L=63588] to be approached for sexual intercourse MBh. xiii , 4973
[L=63589] to be undergone , iii , 14825 R. iii , 1 , 32
[L=63590] to be approached with an accusation or accused of (instr.) MBh. xiii , 65 and 68
[L=63591] to be understood Pat.
[L=63592] approaching , imminent A1ryabh. ii , 11÷12 , 9.

(H3) gántṛ [p= 344,3] [L=62965] » ib.
(H2) gántṛ [p= 347,3] [L=63598] mfn. one who or anything that goes or moves , going , coming , approaching , arriving at (acc. or loc. or [ Pa1n2. 2-3 , 12 Siddh. ] dat.) RV. &c (f(trī). Ya1jn5. iii , 10)
[L=63599] ( Pa1n2. 6-2 , 18 Sch.) going to a woman (loc.) for sexual intercourse BhP. xi , 18 , 43
(H2B) gántṛ [L=63600] f. (trī) a cart or car (drawn by horses Hcar. vii Hcat. i , 9 , 82 ; or by oxen L. )

(H2) gamana [p= 348,1] [L=63629] n. going , moving , manner of going Ragh. Megh. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=63630] going to or approaching (with acc. or gen. [ R. i , 3 , 22] or prati or a local adverb or ifc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
[L=63631] going away , departure , decampment , setting out (for war or for an attack)
(H2B) gamana [L=63632] mfn. ifc. sexual intercourse (with a woman) Pa1rGr2. ii R. Sus3r.
(H2B) gamana [L=63633] mfn. (with a man) Gaut.
[L=63634] ifc. undergoing , attaining , iv , 22 Mn. i , 117 R. v , 15 , 48
[L=63635] footmarks (?) , iii , 68 , 50.

(H2) gāmin [p= 353,3] [L=64840] mfn. going anywhere (local adv. [ MBh. i] or acc. [ Pa1n2. 2-3 , 70 Ka1s3. ] or prati MBh. iv)
[L=64841] (in the following meanings only) ifc. ( Pa1n2. 2-1 , 24 Va1rtt. 1) going or moving on or in or towards or in any peculiar manner Mn. iii , 10 MBh. &c
[L=64842] having sexual intercourse with Ya1jn5. ii , 234 (cf. mātṛ-g°)
[L=64843] reaching or extending to R. v VarBr2S.
[L=64844] coming to one's share , due Ya1jn5. ii MBh. xiii Hariv. S3ak. &c
[L=64845] attaining , obtaining Ma1lav. v , 12÷13
[L=64846] directed towards Mn. xi , 56 Bhag. viii , 8
[L=64847] relating to MBh. ii , 26 Sa1h. vi , 180 (cf. agra- , anta- , anya- , āśu- , ṛtu- , kāma-.)

(H3) grā́ma--caryā [p= 373,2] [L=68859] f. " village custom " , sexual intercourse A1s3vS3r. xii , 8.

(H2) grāmyá [p= 373,3] [L=69013] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 4-2 , 94) used or produced in a village TS. v AitBr. vii , 7 , 1 Kaus3.
[L=69014] relating to villages Mn. vii , 120
[L=69015] prepared in a village (as food) S3Br. ix , xii Mn. vi , 3
[L=69016] living (in villages i.e.) among men , domesticated , tame (an animal) , cultivated (a plant ; opposed to vanya or araṇya , " wild ") RV. x , 90 , 8 AV. VS. &c
[p= 374,1] [L=69017] allowed in a village , relating to the sensual pleasures of a village MBh. xii , 4069 R. iii f. BhP. iv , vi
[L=69018] rustic , vulgar (speech) Va1m. ii , 1 , 4
[L=69019] (» -tā and -tva)
[L=69020] relating to a musical scale W.
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69021] m. a villager Ya1jn5. ii , 166 MBh. xiii BhP. &c
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69022] m. a domesticated animal » -māṃsa
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69023] m. = °ma-kola W.
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69024] n. rustic or homely speech W.
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69025] n. the Prakrit and the other dialects of India as contra-distinguished from the Sanskrit W.
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69026] n. food prepared in a village MBh. i , 3637 Ka1tyS3r. xxii Sch.
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69027] n. sensual pleasure , sexual intercourse MBh. ii , 2270 BhP. iv
(H2B) grāmyá [L=69029] n. = °ma-ja-niṣpāvī L.
(H3) grā--° mya [p= 1326,3] [L=330630.7] (accord. to some also) venereal disease, Kaus3.

(H3) grāmyá--dharma [p= 374,1] [L=69043] m. a villager's duty Pan5cat. i , 3 , 21÷22
[L=69044] " a villager's right (opposed to the right of a recluse) " , sexual intercourse MBh. iii Hariv. 1259 Sus3r. BhP. iii BrahmaP.

(H3) grāmyá--° dharmin [L=69045] mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse MBh. xiii , 2574.

(H3) grāmyá--sukha [L=69056] n. " a villager's pleasure " , sleep , sexual intercourse MBh. i , v R. iv , vi BhP. (grāmya sukha , ix , 18 , 40) .

(H3) grāmye* ho* parama [L=69059] m. ceasing from sexual desires BhP. vii , 11 , 9.

(H3) caurya--rata [p= 403,2] [L=75232] n. secret sexual enjoyment , i , 4 , 12.

(H2) jámbhana 1 [p= 412,2] [L=77232] mf(ī)n. crushing , destroying , crusher AV. x , 4 , 15 MBh. vi , 807
(H2B) jámbhana 1 [L=77233] m. Calotropis gigantea L.
(H2B) jámbhana 1 [L=77234] m. cf. kaṇva- , piśāca- , maśaka- , yātu- , and vyāghra-jámbh°.
(H2) jambhana 2 [L=77249] n. sexual intercourse Vop. (v.l.)
(H3) jambhana [p= 412,3] [L=77319] » √1. and √2. jabh.

(H3) tanú--dāna [p= 435,2] [L=82318] n. offering the body (for sexual intercourse)
[L=82319] a scanty gift.

(H1) tálpa [p= 441,1] [L=83580] (n. L. ) m. ( √ tṛp) a couch , bed , sofa AV. TS. vi TBr. &c (ifc. f(ā). Ra1jat. ii , 166 ; °lpam ā- √vas , " to defile any one's marriage-bed " ChUp. v , 10 , 9 ; °lpam-adhi- √gam , " to have sexual intercourse with " [in comp.] Mn. iii , 250)
[L=83580.1] m. the seat of a carriage MBh. iii , 14917 ; vii , 1626
[L=83580.2] m. an upper story , room on the top of a house , turret , i , 7577
[L=83580.3] m. = guru- Gaut. xxiii , 12
[L=83580.4] m. a raft , boat L.
[L=83580.5] m. a wife L.

(H3) tálpa--ga [L=83582] mfn. having sexual intercourse with Gaut. MBh. xiii , 4281 » guru-.

(H4) tiryag-yoni--gamana [p= 447,3] [L=85168] n. sexual intercourse with an animal , Pra1yas3c.

(H4) turá--ga---brahmacaryaka [p= 450,3] [L=85993] n. " sexual restraint of horses " , compulsory celibacy L.

Whitney Roots links: dA1, dA2, dA3
(H1B) dā 2 [p= 464,3] [L=89221] f. id. L.
(H1B) dā 3 [L=89224] f. id. L.
(H1B) dā 6 [L=89229] f. heat , pain L.
(H1) dā 1 [p= 473,3] [p= Page474,1] [L=91212]
cl.3. dádāti (pl. °dati RV. &c ; A1. datte Pan5cat. i , 4 , 19÷20 12 , 7 Subh. ; 1. sg. dadmi MBh. xii Hariv. R. i f. ; Impv. dádātu pl. °dahu ; 2. sg. daddhí RV. i f. iv , vi , viii , x ; dehí [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 119] RV. iii f. , viii , x AV. v , xviii f. &c ; 2. pl. dádāta RV. vii , 57 , 6 , °tana x , 36 , 10 , dattá 51 , 8 VS. AV. &c ; 2. du. °ttám RV. i , 34 , 6 AV. &c ; Pot. dadyā́t AV. &c ; impf. ádadāt ; pl. ádadur RV. vi , x AV. v , 18 , 1 ; 2. du. ádattam RV. &c ; 2. pl. °ttana , i 139 , 7 , ádadāta x , 64 , 12 ; Subj. dádat ii , v , vii f. , x , °das vii f. °dan AV. vi , 24 , 1 p. m. nom. sg. dádat pl. °tas RV. &c ; p. A1. dádāna , v , 33 , 9 ; °ná , i. 148 , 2 ; v , 2 , 3 ; sg. dadati , ii , 35 , 10 MBh. iii , 13422 ; pl. °danti , xii f. ; Impv. °da , ix Ma1rkP. ; °data Sin6ha7s. ; Pot. °det Para1s3. vi , 19 ; impf. ádadat AV. xii , 4 , 23 MBh. R. ; A1. sg. dádate RV. i , 24 , 7 AV. x , 8 , 36 ; pl. °dante , 35 VS. viii , 31 ; Impv. sg. °datām RV. iii , 53 , 17 ; °dasva MBh. Hariv. &c ; impf. pl. ádadanta RV. vii , 33 , i i AV. xiv ; p. dádamāna RV. i , 41 , 9 ; iv , 26 , 6 ; aor. ádāt [ Pa1n2. 2-4 , 77] , dat , ádur , dúr &c ; Subj. 2. du. dāsathas RV. viii , 40 , 1 [cf. Naigh. ii , 30] ; Pot. 1. pl. deṣma VS. ii , 32 ; pf. dadaú , °dúr , °dáthur , °datur , °dó RV. &c ; Pass. °dé , iv , 34 & 37 AV. x , 2 , 16 ; dadade,°dāte,°dire Pa1n2. 6-4 , 126 Ka1s3. ; p. gen. dadúṣas RV. i , viii , °ṣām vi ; nom. °dvā́n , x , 132 , 3 ; °dāvan AV. v , 11 , 1 ; acc. °divā́ṃsam , ix , 5 , 10 [cf. Vop. xxvi , 133] ; fut. p. dāsyát AV. vi , 71 , 3 ; A1. °syate , °syante , 1. sg. °sye MBh. Hariv. R. Ma1rkP. ; Prec. deyāt Pa1n2. 6-4 , 67 ; inf. dāváne RV. ; dā́tos , vii , 4 , 6 ; °tave , vii-ix AV. iii , 20 , 5 ; dā́tavaí [ Pa1n2. vi , 1 , 200 Siddh. ] RV. iv , 21 , 9 ; °tum , v AV. &c : ind.p. dattvā́ya [ Pa1n2. 7-1 , 47 Ka1s3. ] RV. x , 85 , 33 ; °ttva AV. &c ; -dā́ya [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 69] RV. &c : Pass. dīyate [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 62] ; p. °yámāna AV. ix ; aor. adāyi Pa1n2. 7-3 , 33 Ka1s3. ; Prec. dāsīṣṭa , dāyis° , vi , 4 , 62) cl.1. dā́ti ( RV. iv-vii ; Impv. °tu , 15 , 11 ; cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 8 Va1rtt. 3 Pat. ; ii , 4 , 76 Ka1s3. ) to give , bestow , grant , yield , impart , present , offer to (dat. , in later language also gen. or loc.) RV. &c ;

to give (a daughter , kanyām) in marriage Mn. v , ix Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;

to hand over Mn. viii , 186 & 234 ;

(with haste) Katha1s. ;

to give back , 222 f. MBh. iii Pan5cat. VP. Katha1s. lxxiv ;

to pay (daṇḍam , " a fine " Mn. viii f. ; ṛṇam , " a debt " , viii Ya1jn5. ii , 45) ;

to give up , cede (āsanam , " one's seat ") Mn. iv , 54 ;

(panthānam or mārgam , " to give up the road , allow to pass ") viii , 275 and R. v , 94 , 8 ;

to sell (with instr. of the price) , i Nal. xiv , 21 VarBr2S. xlii , 11 ;

to sacrifice (ātmānam , " one's self. " Katha1s. xxii , 227 ; āt° khedāya , " to give one's self up to grief " , v , 57) ;

to offer (an oblation &c ) Mn. Ya1jn5. R. &c ;

to communicate , teach , utter (blessings , āśiṣas S3ak. Ma1rkP. ) , give (answer , prati-vacas , °canam , praty-uttaram Nal. S3ak. &c ) , speak (satyaṃ vacas , the truth , Ya1jn5. ii , 200 ; vacam , to address a speech to [dat.] S3ak. vi , 5) ;

to permit , allow (with inf.) MBh. i S3ak. vi , 22 ;

to permit sexual intercourse S3Br. xiv , 9 , 4 , 7 ;

to place , put , apply (in med.) Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;

to add Pan5cat. ii , 6 , 5 Su1ryas. VarBr2S. Laghuj. ;

with varam , " to grant a boon " S3Br. xi Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c ;

śoham , " to cause grief " , xiii R. ii ;

avakāśam , " to give room or space , allow to enter " Ya1jn5. ii , 276 Mr2icch. Ragh. &c ;

prāṇān or jīvitam , " to spare any one's life " MBh. Katha1s. xviii , 275 ;

talam or °lān , to slap with the palms of the hands MBh. iii , ix Hariv. 15741 ;

°la-prahāram , to strike with the palm Pan5cat. iv ,. 2 , 0÷1 tālam , to beat time with the hands MBh. i Bhat2t2. ;

saṃjñām , to make a sign Mr2icch. ;

saṃketakam , to make an appointment Pan5cat. ii , 4 , 3÷4 samayam , to propose an agreement Katha1s. xviii , 139 ;

upamām , to compare with [gen.] Ca1n2. ;

paṭaham , to proclaim with the drum Katha1s. lxxiii , 357 ;

śabdam , to make a noise , call out Vet. iv , 2÷3 ;

śāpam , to utter a curse MBh. R. &c ;

gāīh. id. Bhartr2. ;

anuyātram , to accompany Katha1s. xviii , 197 ;

āliṅganane,parirambhaṇam , to embrace , 209 Gi1t. iii , 8 ;

jhampam , to jump Hit. ;

śrāddham , to perform a śrāddha MBh. xiv R. ii ;

vratakam , to accomplish a vow Hariv. ;

yuddham,niy°,saṃgrāmam , to give battle , fight with MBh. Hariv. R. ;

ājñām ādeśam , to give an order , command , i BrahmaP. Vet. ;

saṃdeśam , to give information Katha1s. xvii , 161 ;

prayogam , to give a dramatic representation Ma1lav. i , 12÷13 vṛtim , to fence in Mn. viii , 240 Kull. ;

darśanam , to show one's self Prab. iii , 0÷1 ;

dṛṣṭim , dṛśam , akṣi , caksus , to fix the eyes on (loc.) S3ak. i , 6 Katha1s. Dhu1rtas. S3r2in3ga1rat. Sa1h. ;

karṇam , to give ear , listen S3ak. Katha1s. ;

manas , to direct the mind to (loc.) MBh. xii , 2526 ;

kars kapolam , to rest the cheek on the hand Ka1ran2d2. xviii , 73 ;

nigaḍāni to put on or apply fetters Mr2icch. vii , 6÷7 pāvakam , to set on fire ;

agnīn to consume by fire Mn. v , 168 ;

śāram , to move a chess-man Das3. vii , 137 ;

argalam , to draw a bolt , bar Katha1s. Ra1jat. vi , 96 ;

jānu , to kneel upon (gen.) MBh. iii f. ;

padam , to tread upon [loc.] Bhartr2. Hit. ii , 12 , 25 SS3am2kar. i , 38 ;

to direct the steps Amar. 74 ;

viṣam , to poison Pan5car. i , 14 , 80 (with acc.!) ;

garam id. VP. iv , 3 , 16 (with gen.) ;

-- A1. to carry , hold , keep , preserve RV. AV. VS. ;

to show SV. i , 2 , 1 , 4 , 7 (aor. adadiṣṭa ; aded° fr. √ diś RV. ) : Caus. dāpayati ( Pa1n2. vii , 3 , 36 ; aor. adīdapat , 4 , 1 and 58 Ka1s3. ) to cause to give or be given , cause to bestow or present or give up , oblige to pay , make restore VS. ix , 24 AV. iii , 20 , 8 Mn. &c ;

to demand from (abl.) Mn. viii , 47 ;

to cause to utter or speak Hariv. 15782 Ya1jn5. ii , 6÷7 ghoṣaṇām , to cause to be made known Katha1s. lxiv , 86 ;

to cause to place or advance , xii , 160 ;

to cause to perform , v , 112 to cause to be put on (loc.) MBh. i , 5724 : Desid. dítsati ( Pa1n2. 7-4 , 54 and 58 ; p. dídāsat RV. x , 151 , 2 ; dítsat , ii , vii-ix AV. v , 7 , 6 MBh. ; Pot. °tseyam RV. viii MBh. ; pf. 2. sg. didāsitha AitBr. viii , 21 S3a1n3khS3r. xvi , 16 ; cf. S3Br. xiii , 7 , 1 , 15) to wish to give , be ready to bestow RV. &c ;

to wish to give in marriage MBh. &c : Intens. dedīyate Pa1n2. 6-4 , 66 Ka1s3. ;

([cf. δίδωμι ; Lat. do ; &c ])

(H2) dā́ 2 [p= 474,1] [L=91213] m. a giver RV. v , 41 , 1 (dat. dé) ; vi , 16 , 26 (nom. dā́s)
(H2B) dā́ 2 [L=91214] mfn. ifc. " giving , granting " » an-aśva- , a-bhikṣa- , aśva- , ātma- , &c -dā́
(H2B) dā́ 2 [L=91215] mfn. án-āśīr-.
(H1) dā 3 [p= 474,2] [L=91359] For √do , to cut q.v.
(H1) dā 4 [p= 474,3] [L=91425] cl.4 P. dyáti (cf. ā- √4. dā) , to bind , only in dīṣva VS. xxxviii , 3 ([cf. δέω δίδημι]) .
(H1) dā 5 [p= 475,1] [L=91468] For √de q.v.
(H2) dā 6 [L=91469] f. ( √ de) , protection , defence L.
(H1) dā 7 [L=91470] For √dai q.v.
(H2) dā 8 [L=91471] f. ( √ das) cleansing , purifying L.

(H2B) nāyikā [p= 536,3] [L=105859] f. » nāyikā
(H2) nāyikā [L=105864] f. (of °yaka q.v.) a noble lady Vet.
[L=105865] mistress , courtezan (cf. nākā*dhipa-)
[L=105866] the heroine in a drama Sa1h. &c
[L=105867] an inferior form or śakti of durgā (of which there are 8 , viz. ugra-caṇḍā , pra-caṇḍā , caṇḍogrā , caṇḍa-nāyikā , ati-caṇḍā , cāmuṇḍā , caṇḍā , and caṇḍa-vatī ; cf. kula-n°) Cat.
[L=105868] a class of female personifications representing illegitimate sexual love (they are called balinī , kāmeśvarī , vimalā , aruṇā , medinī , jayinī , sarveśvarī , kauleśī) RTL. 188
[L=105869] = next L. =

(H3) ni-° dhuvana [p= 549,1] [L=108614] n. shaking , trembling , agitation L.
[L=108615] sexual intercourse Gi1t. Ha1sy.
[L=108616] sport , play L.

(H1) ni- √ ram [p= 553,1] [L=109263]
A1. -ramate (aor. 3. pl. -araṃsata) , to rest , come to rest , cease AV. : Caus. -rāmayati (aor. -arīramat) , to cause to rest , stop , detain RV. ;

(-ramayati) to gladden , give pleasure (by sexual union) BhP.


(H3) pañca--ma-kāra [p= 576,3] [L=113801] n. the 5 essentials of the left-hand tantra ritual (the words for which begin with the letter m , viz. madya , wine ; māṃsa , meat ; matsya , fish ; mudrā , intertwining of the fingers ; and maithuna , sexual union) W. (cf. -tattva and RTL. 192) .

(H3) parā* rtha [p= 587,3] [L=116366] m. the highest advantage or interest , an important object MBh.
[L=116367] sexual intercourse Pan5c.
[L=116368] another's advantage or interest (ibc. , °rtham ind. or °rthe ind. for another or for others or for something else) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3B) parā* rtha [L=116369] mfn. (also -ka) having another object
(H3B) parā* rtha [L=116370] mfn. designed for another
[L=116371] dependent on something else (-tā f. -tva n.) S3rS. Sa1m2khyak. Tarkas.
(H1) parā* rtha [p= 590,3] [L=116912] parā*rdha &c » under para , [p= 587,3].

(H4) pari-pūrṇa---vyañjanatā [p= 597,2] [L=118012] f. having the sexual organs complete (one of the 80 secondary marks of a buddha) Dharmas. lxxxiv , 24

(H3) pari-bhoga [p= 598,2] [L=118150] m. enjoyment , (esp.) sexual intercourse MBh. Ka1v. Var.
[L=118151] illegal use of another's goods W.
[L=118152] means of subsistence or enjoyment MBh.
(H1) pari-bhoga [p= 598,3] [L=118184] &c » pari- √3. bhuj.

(H1) pallava 1 [p= 610,2] [L=120296] mn. (ifc. f(ā).) a sprout , shoot , twig , spray , bud , blossom (met. used for the fingers , toes , lips &c ) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=120297] a strip of cloth , scarf , lappet Ka1d. Ba1lar. Ra1jat.
[L=120298] spreading , expansion L. (cf. below)
[L=120299] strength L. (= bala ; v.l. = vana , a wood)
[L=120300] red lac (alakta) L.
[L=120301] a bracelet L.
[L=120302] sexual love L.
[L=120303] unsteadiness L.
(H1B) pallava 1 [L=120304] m. a partic. position of the hands in dancing Cat.
(H1B) pallava 1 [L=120305] m. a libertine , catamine L.
(H1B) pallava 1 [L=120306] m. a species of fish L.
[L=120307] pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur. (v.l. for pahlava)
[L=120308] of a race of princes Inscr.
(H2) pallava 2 [p= 610,3] [L=120323] Nom. P. °vati , to put forth young shoots S3atr.

(H2) paśavyá [p= 611,2] [L=120527] mfn. (fr. paśú) belonging or relating to cattle , fit or suitable for cattle TS. Br. Up. Ya1jn5. MBh.
(H2B) paśavyá [L=120528] m. (with kāma) sexual love or intercourse BhP.
(H2B) paśavyá [L=120529] n. a herd or drove of cattle RV.

(H3) puru° ṣāyitá [p= 637,3] [L=126608] mfn. acting like a man , playing the man (esp. in sexual intercourse) Amar. Sch. (-tva n.)
(H3B) puru° ṣāyitá [L=126609] n. a kind of coitus Kpr. Kuval.

(H2B) puṣpiṇī [p= 640,2] [L=127263] f. (a woman) in menstruation or desirous of sexual intercourse Ka1v. BhP.

(H1) pra- √ til [p= 669,3] [L=132994] P. -tilati , to be desirous of sexual intercourse VS. (= snihyati , Mahidh.)

(H1) pra- √ viś [p= 692,3] [L=137069]
P. A1. -viśati , °te , to enter , go into , resort to (acc. or loc.) RV. &c &c (with agnim , agnau , madhyam agneḥ , vahnau , or citāyām , " to ascend the funeral pyre " ; with karṇayoḥ , " to come into the ears i.e. be heard " ; with ātmani , or cittam , " to take possession of the heart " ; in dram. " to enter the stage ") ;

to reach , attain Sarvad. ;

to have sexual intercourse with (acc. , applied to both sexes) MBh. Sus3r. ;

to enter upon , undertake , commence , begin , devote one's self to (acc. , rarely loc.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c (with piṇḍīm or tarpaṇam , " to accept or enjoy an oblation ") ;

to enter into i.e. be absorbed or thrown into the shade by (acc.) Hariv. (with [svāni] aṅgāni or gātrāṇi) , " to shrink , shrivel " R. Katha1s. : Caus. -veśayati , °te , to cause or allow to enter , bring or lead or introduce to , usher into (acc. or loc.) AV. &c &c (without an object , " to bring into one's house &c " , esp. " to bring on the stage ") ;

to lead home as a wife i.e. marry MBh. ;

to lay or store up , deposit in , put or throw into (loc. or acc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to enter i.e. commit to paper , write down Ya1jn5. Sch. ;

to initiate into (acc.) Prab. ;

to instil into (loc.) = teach , impart Katha1s. ;

to spend (money) Pan5cat. ;

to enter , come or be brought into (acc.) Var. BhP. : Desid. -vivikṣati , to wish to enter into (acc.) MBh. R.


(H3) pra-° veśana [L=137097] n. entering , entrance or penetration into (loc. gen. or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=137098] sexual intercourse Pa1rGr2.
[L=137099] a principal door or gate L.
[L=137100] conducting or leading into (loc.) , introduction Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
[L=137101] driving home (cattle) Gobh.

(H3) pra-° veśin [L=137109] mfn. (ifc.) entering into MBh.
[L=137110] having sexual intercourse with Car.
[L=137111] (fr. °veśa) , having an entrance accessible over or through (comp.) Hariv.

(H3) pra-° harṣita [p= 701,2] [L=138688] mfn. (fr. Caus.) stiffened (as reed) . Sus3r.
[L=138689] made desirous of sexual intercourse Car.
[L=138690] greatly delighted , enraptured , very happy MBh. R.

(H2) phalín [p= 717,3] [L=141997] mfn. bearing or yielding fruit , fruitful (met. = productive of results or consequences) RV. &c
[L=141998] reaping advantage , successful AV.
[L=141999] having an iron point (as an arrow) Ragh.
(H2B) phalín [L=142000] m. a fruit tree MBh.
(H2B) phalín [L=142002] m. (with yoni) the vagina injured by too violent sexual intercourse Sus3r.

(H2) bandhá [p= 720,3] [L=142631] m. binding , tying , a bond , tie , chain , fetter RV. &c
[L=142632] a ligature , bandage Sus3r.
[L=142633] damming up (a river) Ma1rkP.
[L=142634] capture , arrest , imprisonment , custody Mn. MBh. &c
[L=142635] connection or intercourse with (comp.) Pan5cat. BhP. (ifc. = connected with , conducive to MBh. )
[L=142636] putting together , uniting , contracting , combining , forming , producing MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=142637] joining (the hollowed hands) Ragh.
[L=142638] anything deposited (°dhe- √sthā = to remain deposited) Campak.
[L=142639] a deposit , pledge Ra1jat.
[L=142640] any configuration or position of the body (esp. of the hands and feet) Ragh. Kum.
[L=142641] a partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16 , 18 , 36 , or even 84 L. ) , Caur. ??
[L=142642] constructing , building (of a bridge &c ) MBh. Ra1jat.
[L=142643] bridging over (the sea) Vcar.
[L=142644] knitting (the brows) Ra1jat.
[L=142645] fixing , directing (mind , eyes , &c ) Cat.
[L=142646] assumption , obtainment (of a body) Ragh.
[L=142647] (ifc.) conceiving , cherishing , feeling , betraying Hariv. Ka1lid.
[L=142648] a border , framework , inclosure , receptacle L.
[L=142649] a sinew , tendon L.
[L=142650] the body L.
[L=142651] (in phil.) mundane bondage , attachment to this world S3vetUp. Bhag. &c (opp. to mukti , mokṣa , " final emancipation " , and regarded in the sāṃkhya as threefold , viz. prakṛti- , vaikārika- , and dakṣiṇā-b°)
[L=142652] combination of sounds (in rhet.) , construction or arrangement of words Ka1vya7d. Prata1p.
[L=142653] arrangement of a stanza in a partic. shape Kpr.
[L=142654] arrangement of musical sounds , composition S3atr.
[L=142655] a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing Sus3r.
[L=142656] (ifc. with numerals) a part (cf. pañca- , daśa-b°).

(H3) bāhya--sambhoga [p= 731,1] [L=145085] m. " external coition " , (prob.) gratification of sexual passion outside the vulva Cat.

(H1) baijika [p= 737,2] [L=146462] mfn. (fr. bīja) relating to seed , seminal , paternal (opp. to gārbhika , relating to the womb , maternal) Mn. ii , 27
[L=146463] sexual , v , 63
[L=146464] belonging to any primary cause or source or principle , original MW.
(H1B) baijika [L=146465] m. a young shoot , sprout L.
(H1B) baijika [L=146466] n. oil prepared from Moringa Pterygosperma L.
(H1B) baijika [L=146467] n. cause , source L.
(H1B) baijika [L=146468] n. the spiritual cause of existence , soul , spirit L.

(H1) bhága [p= 742,3] [L=147581] » [p= 743,2].
(H2) bhága [p= 743,2] [L=147751] m. (ifc. f(ā and ī). g. bahv-ādi) " dispenser " , gracious lord , patron (applied to gods , esp. to savitṛ) RV. AV.
[p= 743,3] [L=147752] N. of an āditya (bestowing wealth and presiding over love and marriage , brother of the Dawn , regent of the nakṣatra uttara-phalgunī ; yāska enumerates him among the divinities of the highest sphere ; according to a later legend his eyes were destroyed by rudra) ib. &c
[L=147753] the nakṣatra uttara-phalgunī MBh. vi , 81
[L=147754] the sun ib. iii , 146
[L=147755] the moon L.
[L=147756] N. of a rudra MBh.
[L=147757] good fortune , happiness , welfare , prosperity RV. AV. Br. Ya1jn5. BhP.
[L=147758] (ifc. f(ā). ) dignity , majesty , distinction , excellence , beauty , loveliness RV. AV. Br. Gr2S. BhP.
[L=147759] (also n. L. ) love , affection , sexual passion , amorous pleasure , dalliance RV. AV. Br. Ka1tyS3r. BhP.
[L=147760] (n. L. ; ifc. f(ā).) the female organs , pudendum muliebre , vulva Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) bhága [L=147762] n. a partic. muhūrta Cat.
(H2B) bhága [L=147763] n. the perinaeum of males L.
(H2B) bhága [L=147764] mn. = yatna , prayatna , kīrti , yaśas , vairāgya , icchā , jñāna , mukti , mokṣa , dharma , śrī L. [cf. Zd. bagha = Old Pers. baga ; Gk. Βαγαῖος ;Slav. bogu8 , bogatu8 ; Lith. bago4tas , na-ba4gas.] ,

(H3) bhága--kāma [L=147765] mf(ā)n. desirous of sexual pleasure Ka1tyS3r.

(H1) bhogá 1 [p= 767,2] [L=153082] m. ( √1. bhuj) any winding or curve , coil (of a serpent) RV. &c
[L=153083] the expanded hood of a snake Hariv. Ka1m. Pan5cat.
[L=153084] a partic. kind of military array Ka1m.
[L=153085] a snake Suparn2.
[L=153086] the body L.
(H1) bhoga 2 [L=153111] m. ( √3. bhuj) enjoyment , eating , feeding on RV. &c &c (with jainas " enjoying once " , as opp. to upa-bhoga , q.v.)
[L=153112] use , application S3Br. Gr2S3rS. &c
[L=153113] fruition , usufruct , use of a deposit &c Mn. Ya1jn5.
[L=153114] sexual enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c
[L=153115] enjoyment of the earth or of a country i.e. rule , sway Ma1rkP.
[L=153116] experiencing , feeling , perception (of pleasure or pain) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=153117] profit , utility , advantage , pleasure , delight RV. &c
[L=153118] any object of enjoyment (as food , a festival &c ) MBh. R.
[L=153119] possession , property , wealth , revenue Mn. MBh. &c
[L=153120] hire , wages (esp. of prostitution) L.
[L=153121] (in astron.) the passing through a constellation VarBr2S.
[L=153122] the part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 lunar mansions Su1ryas.
[L=153123] (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction (?) W.
[L=153124] N. of a teacher Cat.
(H1B) bhoga 2 [L=153126] n. w.r. for bhogya or bhāgya.

(H1) matta [p= 776,2] [L=155068] &c » [p= 77,3].
(H2) mattá [p= 777,3] [L=155289] mfn. excited with joy , overjoyed , delighted , drunk , intoxicated (lit. and fig.) AV. &c
[L=155290] excited by sexual passion or desire , in rut , ruttish (as an elephant) MBh. R. &c
[L=155291] furious , mad , insane ib.
(H2B) mattá [L=155292] m. a buffalo L.
(H2B) mattá [L=155293] m. the Indian cuckoo L.
(H2B) mattá [L=155294] m. a drunkard L.
(H2B) mattá [L=155295] m. a ruttish or furious elephant L.
(H2B) mattá [L=155296] m. a madman L.
(H2B) mattá [L=155297] m. a thorn-apple L.
(H2B) mattá [L=155298] m. N. of a rākṣasa R.

(H2B) mádā [L=155335] f. sexual desire or enjoyment , wantonness , lust , ruttishness , rut (esp. of an elephant) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) mádā [L=155336] f. , pride , arrogance , presumption , conceit of or about (gen. or comp.) ib.
(H2B) mádā [L=155337] f. any exhilarating or intoxicating drink , spirituous liquor , wine , soma RV. &c ,
(H2B) mádā [L=155338] f. honey Ragh.
(H2B) mádā [L=155339] f. the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) mádā [L=155340] f. semen virile L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155341] f. musk L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155342] f. any beautiful object L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155343] f. a river L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155344] f. N. of the 7th astrol. mansion Var.
(H2B) mádā [L=155345] f. Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by cyavana) MBh.
(H2B) mádā [L=155346] f. N. of a son of brahmā VP.
(H2B) mádā [L=155347] f. of a dānava Hariv.
(H2B) mádā [L=155348] f. of a servant of śiva BhP.

(H3) mádana--tantra [p= 778,2] [L=155491] n. the science of sexual love Das3.

(H3) madanā* śaya [p= 778,3] [L=155581] m. sexual desire VarBr2S.

(H3) mano--bhava [p= 785,2] [L=157076] mfn. " mind-born " , arising or being in the mind , imaginary BhP.
(H3B) mano--bhava [L=157077] m. (ifc. f(ā).) love (opp. to krodha) MBh.
(H3B) mano--bhava [L=157078] m. sexual love or the god of love ib. Ka1v. &c

(H3) māṃsá--maithuna [p= 805,1] [L=161840] n. du. animal food and sexual intercourse Ka1tyS3r.

(H3) mārjāra--karaṇa [p= 813,1] [L=163510] n. a partic. posture in sexual intercourse (also °rīśkramaṇa) MW.

(H3) mithunī--cārin [p= 817,1] [L=164341] mfn. coupling together , having sexual intercourse BhP.

(H3) mithunī--bhāva [L=164342] m. copulation , sexual union BhP.

(H3) miśrī--bhāva [p= 818,1] [L=164543] m. mixing , mingling , mixture Hit. (also -karman n.)
[L=164544] mingling carnally , sexual intercourse Car.

(H2) mudita [p= 822,2] [L=165470] mfn. delighted , joyful , glad , rejoicing in (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) mudita [L=165471] m. a partic. sort of servant R.
(H2B) mudita [L=165473] m. sympathy in joy Divya1v.
(H2B) mudita [L=165474] n. a kind of sexual embrace L.
(H2B) mudita [L=165475] n. a partic. siddhi , sāṃkhyas. Sch.
(H2B) mudita [L=165476] n. w.r. for nudita and sūdita.

(H1) maithuná [p= 834,2] [L=168258] mf(ī)n. (fr. mithuna) paired , coupled , forming a pair or one of each sex BhP.
[L=168259] connected by marriage Pa1rGr2.
[L=168260] relating or belonging to copulation Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. (with bhogu m. carnal enjoyment ; with dharma m. " sexual law " , copulation ; with vāsas n. a garment worn during copulation)
(H1B) maithuná [L=168261] n. (ifc. f(ā).) copulation , sexual intercourse or union , marriage S3Br. &c (acc. with √ ās , i , gam , car ; dat. with upa- √gam , or upa √kram , to have sexual intercourse)
(H1B) maithuná [L=168262] n. union , connection L.

(H3) maithuná--gamana [L=168264] n. sexual intercourse Sus3r.

(H3) maithuná--jvara [L=168265] m. sexual passion MBh.

(H3) maithuná--vairāgya [p= 834,3] [L=168267] n. abstinence from sexual intercourse MW.

(H3) maithunā* bhāṣaṇa [L=168268] n. a conversation in which allusions are made to sexual intercourse , Maha1vy.

(H3) maithunā* bhighāta [L=168269] m. prohibition of sexual intercourse Sus3r.

(H2) maithunika [L=168271] mfn. (ifc.) having sexual intercourse MBh.

(H2) maithunī-bhāva [L=168274] m. copulation , sexual union R.

(H2) mohana [p= 836,1] [L=168603] mf(ī)n. depriving of consciousness , bewildering , confusing , perplexing , leading astray , infatuating MBh. R. &c
(H2B) mohana [L=168604] m. the thorn-apple L.
(H2B) mohana [L=168605] m. N. of śiva R.
(H2B) mohana [L=168606] m. N. of one of the 5 arrows of the god of love Vet.
(H2B) mohana [L=168607] m. of various other authors and men Katha1s. S3ukas. Cat.
(H2B) mohana [L=168609] m. Trigonella Corniculata L.
(H2B) mohana [L=168611] m. a partic. illusion or delusion Sarvad.
(H2B) mohana [L=168612] m. a partic. incantation Katha1s.
(H2B) mohana [L=168613] m. N. of an apsaras Pan5car.
(H2B) mohana [L=168614] m. of a female demon (daughter of garbha-hantṛ) Ma1rkP.
(H2B) mohana [L=168615] m. of one of the nine śaktis of viṣṇu L.
(H2B) mohana [L=168616] n. the being deluded or infatuated , delusion , infatuation , embarrassment , mistake Nir. Bhag. Gi1t.
(H2B) mohana [L=168617] n. stupor , being stupefied Sus3r.
(H2B) mohana [L=168618] n. sexual intercourse Ka1v. Sa1h.
(H2B) mohana [L=168619] n. the act of perplexing , puzzling , bewildering R. Gi1t. Ma1rkP.
(H2B) mohana [L=168620] n. any means employed for bewildering others Das3.
(H2B) mohana [L=168621] n. temptation , seduction W.
(H2B) mohana [L=168622] n. a magical charm used to bewilder an enemy
(H2B) mohana [L=168623] n. the formula used in that process (esp. the hymns AV. iii , 1 , 2) Kaus3.
(H2B) mohana [L=168624] n. N. of a town MBh.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.11
Whitney Roots links: yaB
(H1) yabh [p= 845,2] [L=170253] cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 11) yábhati (or A1. °te Vet. ; pf. yayābha Gr. ; aor. ayāpsīt ib. ; fut. -yapsyáti TBr. ; inf. yabhitum BhP. , -yabdhum TBr. Sch.) , to have sexual intercourse , futuere AV. &c &c : Desid. yiyapsati , °te , to desire sexual intercourse S3rS.

(H2) yabhana [L=170254] n. copulation , sexual intercourse Vop.

(H2) yiyapsu [L=170256] mfn. (fr. Desid.) desiring sexual intercourse Sa1y. on RV. x , 86 , 17.
(H1) yiyapsu [p= 852,3] [L=171679] » [p= 845,2].

(H3) yatá--maithuna [p= 845,2] [L=170270] mfn. abstaining from sexual intercourse R.

(H2) yáma [p= 846,1] [L=170382] m. a rein , curb , bridle RV. v , 61 , 2
[L=170383] a driver , charioteer ib. viii , 103 , 10
[L=170384] the act of checking or curbing , suppression , restraint (with vācām , restraint of words , silence) BhP.
[L=170385] self-control forbearance , any great moral rule or duty (as opp. to niyama , a minor observance ; in Ya1jn5. iii , 313 ten yamas are mentioned , sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=170386] (in yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight aṅgas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93
[L=170387] any rule or observance Pa1rGr2.
(H2B) yamá [L=170388] mf(ā́ or ī́)n. twin-born , twin , forming a pair RV. &c
(H2B) yáma [L=170389] m. a twin , one of a pair or couple , a fellow (du. " the twins " N. of the aśvins and of their twin children by mādrī , called nakula and saha-deva ; yamau mithunau , twins of different sex) ib.
(H2B) yáma [L=170390] m. a symbolical N. for the number " two " Hcat.
(H2B) yáma [p= 846,2] [p= 846,1] [L=170391] m. N. of the god who presides over the pitṛs (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c IW. 18 ; 197 , 198 &c RTL. 10 ; 16 ; 289 &c (he is regarded as the first of men and born from vivasvat , " the Sun " , and his wife saraṇyū ; while his brother , the seventh manu , another form of the first man , is the son of vivasvat and saṃjñā , the image of saraṇyū ; his twin-sister is yamī , with whom he resists sexual alliance , but by whom he is mourned after his death , so that the gods , to make her forget her sorrow , create night ; in the veda he is called a king or saṃgamano janānām , " the gatherer of men " , and rules over the departed fathers in heaven , the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed , four-eyed , spotted dogs , the children of śaramā q.v. ; in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and " Restrainer " or " Punisher " of the dead , in which capacity he is also called dharmarāja or dharma and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos ; his abode is in some region of the lower world called yama-pura ; thither a soul when it leaves the body , is said to repair , and there , after the recorder , citra-gupta , has read an account of its actions kept in a book called agra-saṃdhānā , it receives a just sentence ; in MBh. yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments , with a glittering form , a crown on his head , glowing eyes and like varuṇa , holding a noose , with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body , in size about the measure of a man's thumb ; he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect , green in colour , clothed in red , riding on a buffalo , and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other ; in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures , called yātanā , on departed spirits ; he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter ; he is the regent of the nakṣatra apa-bharaṇī or bharaṇī , the supposed author of RV. x , 10 ; 14 , of a hymn to viṣṇu and of a law-book ; yamasyā*rkaḥ N. of a sāman A1rshBr. )
(H2B) yáma [p= 846,2] [L=170392] m. N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of vivasvat and chāyā) Hariv. BhP.
(H2B) yáma [L=170393] m. of one of skanda's attendants (mentioned together with ati-yama) MBh.
(H2B) yáma [L=170394] m. a crow L. (cf. -dūtaka)
(H2B) yáma [L=170395] m. a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large) L.
(H2B) yáma [L=170397] n. a pair , brace , couple L.
(H2B) yáma [L=170398] n. (in gram.) a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood , but not written in practice , between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Pra1t. Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 8
(H2B) yáma [L=170399] n. pitch of the voice , tone of utterance , key Pra1t.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.41
Whitney Roots links: yA
(H1B) yā 4 [p= 838,2] [L=168992] f. going , a car
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168993] f. restraining , religious meditation
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168994] f. attaining
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168995] f. pudendum muliebre
(H1B) yā 4 [L=168996] f. N. of lakṣmī.
(H1) yā 1 [p= 849,2] [p= 849,1] [L=171018]
(collateral form of √5. i) cl.2 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 41) yā́ti (1. pl. yāmahe MBh. ; impf. 3. pl. ayuḥ Br. ; ayān Pa1n2. 3-4 , 111 Sch. ; pf. yayaú , yayā́tha , yayá , yayúḥ RV. &c ; yaye Ka1v. ; aor. ayāsam or ayāsiṣam ; Subj. yā́sat , yeṣam , yāsiṣat RV. Br. ; Prec. yāsiṣīṣṭhās Br. ; fut. yātā MBh. &c ; yāsyati AV. ; °te MBh. ; inf. yātum MBh. &c ; Ved. inf. yaí , yā́tave or °vaí ; ind.p. yātvā́ Br. &c ; -yā́ya,-yāyam ib.) , to go , proceed , move , walk , set out , march , advance , travel , journey (often with instr. or acc. of the way , esp. with gatim,mārgam,adhvānam,panthānam,padavīm,yātrām) RV. &c ;

to go away , withdraw , retire MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

(also with palā*yya) to flee , escape R. Katha1s. (with kṣemeṇa or svasti , to escape unscathed Pan5cat. BhP. ) ;

to go towards or against , go or come to , enter , approach , arrive at , reach RV. &c &c (with acc. often followed by prati e.g. with gṛham , to enter a house ; with ripum prati , to march against the enemy ; with mṛgayām , to go out hunting ; with śirasāmahīm , to bow down to the ground with the head ; with prakṛtim , to return to one's natural state ; with karṇau , to come to the ears , be heard ; with utsavād utsavam , to go from one festival to another ; with hastam ifc. , to fall into the hands of ; with patham or gocaram ifc. , to come within range of ; esp. with the acc. of an abstract noun = to go to any state or condition , become , be e.g. vināśaṃ yāti , he goes to destruction i.e. he is destroyed ; kāṭhinyaṃ yāti , it becomes hard ; dveṣyatāṃ yāti , he becomes hated ; similarly nidhanaṃ- √yā , to die ; nidrāṃ- √yā , to fall asleep ; udayaṃ- √yā , to rise , said of stars &c ; sometimes also with loc. e.g. yāhi rājñah sakāśe , go into the presence of the king R. ; or even with dat. e.g. yayatuḥ sva-niveśāya , both went home Katha1s. ; na cā*tmane kṛpaṇasya dhanaṃ yāti , nor does the wealth of the miser go to [i.e. benefit] himself. Hit. ; phalebhyo yāti , he goes to [fetch] fruits Pa1n2. 2-3 , 14 Sch.) ;

to go to for any request , implore , solicit (with two acc.) RV. ;

(with striyam) to go to a woman for sexual intercourse MBh. ;

to go to for any purpose (inf.) Bhat2t2. Vop. ;

often with adverbs e.g. with bahir , to go out Katha1s. ;

with adho , to go down , sink BhP. ;

with khaṇḍaśo or dalaśo , to fall to pieces Katha1s. ;

with śata-dhā , to fall into a hundred pieces ib. ;

to extend to (acc.) VarBr2S. ;

to last for (acc.) Hit. ;

to pass away , elapse (said of time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to vanish , disappear (as wealth) Mr2icch. ;

to come to pass , prosper , succeed BhP. ;

to proceed , behave , act MBh. ;

to find out , discover MBh. ;

to receive or learn (a science) from (abl.) BhP. ;

to undertake , undergo (acc.) RV. ;

Impv. yātu , be it as it may Hit. : Pass. yāyate , to be gone or moved MBh. : Caus. yāpáyati (aor. ayīyapat) , to cause to depart , cause to go or march , dismiss Ka1v. BhP. ;

to cause to go towards (acc.) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 32 Sch. (cf. yāpita) ;

to direct (the gaze) towards (loc.) Bhartr2. (v.l. pātayati) ;

to drive away remove , cure (a disease) Sus3r. ;

to cause to pass or elapse , pass or spend (time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to live (pāli yāpeti) DivyA7v. ;

to cause to subsist , support , maintain DivyA7v. ;

to induce MW. : Desid. yiyāsati , to intend or be about to go , desire to proceed MBh. Ka1v. &c : Intens. īyāyate (?) , to move Pras3nUp. ;

yāyayate,yāyeti,yāyāti Gr.

(H2) yā 2 [p= 849,2] [L=171019] (ifc.) going , moving (» ṛṇa- eva- , tura- , deva-yā).
(H1) yā 3 [p= 850,2] [L=171221] f. of 3. ya q.v.

(H1) yābha [p= 851,3] [L=171450] m. ( √ yabh) sexual intercourse BhP.

(H3) yābha--vat [L=171451] mfn. having sexual intercourse Ka1vya7d.

(H1) yā́śu [p= 852,3] [L=171660] n. embracing , embrace , sexual union (or effusion) RV. i , 126 , 6 ( Sa1y. )

(H3) yóni--doṣa [p= 858,3] [L=172856] m. sexual defilement Hariv.
[L=172857] a defect of the female organ

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 20.23
Whitney Roots links: ram
(H1) ram [p= 867,2] [L=174928]
cl.1. A1. ( Dha1tup. xx , 23) ramate (Ved. also P. rámati or ramṇāti pf. rarāma MBh. ; reme Br. &c ; aor. 3. pl. ranta RV. ; araṃsīt Ka1v. ; araṃsta RV. ; raṃsiṣam SV. ; fut. rantā Gr. ; raṃsyati Br. ; °te ib. &c ; inf. ramitum MBh. ; rantum ib. &c ; rantos Br. ; ind.p. ratvā́ ib. ; rantvā Ka1v. ; -ramya or -ratya Pa1n2. 6-4 , 38) , to stop , stay , make fast , calm , set at rest (P. ; esp. pres. ramṇāti) RV. VS. ;

(P. A1.)to delight , make happy , enjoy carnally MBh. Hariv. S3ukas. ;

(A1.) to stand still , rest , abide , like to stay with (loc. or dat.) RV. &c ;

(A1. ; P. only mc.) to be glad or pleased , rejoice at , delight in , be fond of (loc. instr. or inf.) RV. &c ;

to play or sport , dally , have sexual intercourse with (instr. with or without samam , saha , sākam or sā*rdham) , ChUp. MBh. &c ;

to couple (said of deer) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 , Va1rtt. 8 Pat. (cf. Caus.) ;

to play with i.e. put to stake (instr.) Bhat2t2. : Caus. ramáyati or rāmáyati (aor. árīramat) , to cause to stay , stop , set at rest RV. TS. Pan5cavBr. Ka1tyS3r. ;

(ramayati , mc. also °te) to gladden , delight , please , caress , enjoy carnally MBh. Ka1v. &c (3. sg. ramayati-tarām , Ratna7v. iii , 9) ;

to enjoy one's self , be pleased or delighted MBh. Hariv. ;

mṛgān ramayati , he tells that the deer are coupling Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 8 Pat. : Desid. in riraṃsā,°su q.v.: Desid. of Caus. in riramayiṣu q.v.: Intesis. raṃramyate or raṃramīti Pa1n2. 7-4 , 85. [cf. Zd. ram , Gk. ἠρέμα ,ἔραμαι , ἐρατός ; Lith. rimti ; Goth. rimis.]


(H1) rata [p= 864,2] [L=174224] rati &c » under √ram , p.867 , cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) ratá [p= 867,2] [L=174929] mfn. pleased , amused , gratified BhP.
[L=174930] delighting in , intent upon , fond or enamoured of , devoted or attached or addicted or disposed to (loc. instr. or comp.) S3Br. &c
[L=174931] (ifc.) having sexual intercourse with BhP.
[L=174932] loved , beloved MW.
(H2B) ratá [L=174934] n. pleasure , enjoyment , (esp.) enjoyment of love , sexual union , copulation Ka1v. Var. &c
(H2B) ratá [L=174935] n. the private parts L.

(H3) ratá--bandha [L=174952] m. sexual union L.

(H3) ratá--viśeṣa [L=174957] m. pl. the various kinds of sexual union Cat.

(H3) ratā* nta [L=174961] m. the end of sexual enjoyment Katha1s.

(H3) ratā* rambhā* vasānika [p= 867,3] [L=174967] mfn. relating to the beginning and end of sexual enjoyment Cat.

(H3) ratā* rthin [L=174968] mfn. wishing for sexual enjoyment , amorous , lascivious

(H3) rato* tsava [L=174971] m. the feast of sexual enjoyment S3ak.

(H3) rato* parata-saṃsupta [L=174973] mfn. sleeping after the cessation of sexual enjoyment R.

(H2) rati [L=174974] f. rest , repose VS. S3a1n3khGr2.
[L=174975] pleasure , enjoyment , delight in , fondness for (loc. or comp. ; ratim with √ āp , labh , upa-labh , adhi-gam , vidkṛ or bandh and loc. , " to find pleasure in ") Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=174976] the pleasure of love , sexual passion or union , amorous enjoyment (often personified as one of the two wives of kāma-deva , together with prīti q.v.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=174977] the pudenda L.
[L=174978] = rati-gṛha , pleasure-house VarBr2S.
[L=174979] N. of the sixth kala of the Moon Cat.
[L=174980] of an apsaras MBh.
[L=174981] of the wife of vibhu (mother of pṛthu-ṣeṇa) BhP.
[L=174982] of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.
[L=174983] of the letter n Up.
[L=174984] of a metre Col.

(H3) rati--karman [L=174989] n. sexual intercourse MW.

(H3) rati--kheda [L=174994] m. the languor of sexual enjoyment

(H4) rati--kheda---khinna [L=174995] m. fatigued by sexual enjoyment Pan5cat.

(H4) rati--kheda---supta [L=174996] mfn. sleeping after the fatigue of sexual enjoyment Vikr.

(H3) rati--taskara [L=175004] m. " stealer of sexual enjoyment " , a ravisher , seducer Hariv.

(H3) rati--paricaya [L=175010] m. frequent repetition of sexual enjoyment S3is3.

(H3) rati--phala [L=175018] mfn. productive of sexual pleasure , aphrodisiacal Ml.

(H3) rati--bhoga [L=175023] m. sexual enjoyment ib.

(H4) rati--rasa---glāni [L=175040] f. lassitude after sexual enjoyment MW.

(H3) rati--lakṣa [L=175043] m. sexual intercourse L.

(H3) rati--lampaṭa [L=175044] mfn. desirous of sexual intercourse , lascivious , lustful Cat.

(H3) rati--śakti [L=175052] f. the faculty of sexual enjoyment , virile power Ca1n2.

(H3) rati--saṃyoga [L=175054] m. sexual union R.

(H2) rantu-manas [p= 868,1] [L=175083] mfn. inclined to take pleasure , wishing to enjoy sexual intercourse MW.

(H2) ramaṇa [L=175096] mf(ī)n. pleasing , charming , delightful BhP.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175097] m. a lover , husband (cf. kṣapā-r°) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175098] m. kāma-deva , the god of love L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175099] m. an ass L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175100] m. a testicle L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175101] m. a tree similar to the Melia Bukayun L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175102] m. = tinduka L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175103] m. N. of aruṇa or the charioteer of the Sun L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175104] m. of a mythical son of manoharā MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175105] m. of a man Pravar.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175106] m. pl. N. of a people (cf. ramaṭha) MBh.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175111] n. pleasure , joy Subh.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175112] n. dalliance , amorous sport , sexual union , copulation Nir. S3ukas.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175113] n. decoying (of deer) S3is3. vi , 9 (cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 6-4 , 24 Va1rtt. 3)
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175114] n. (ifc.) gladdening , delighting BhP.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175115] n. the hinder parts , pudenda (= jaghana) L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175116] n. the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca L.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175117] n. N. of a forest Hariv.
(H2B) ramaṇa [L=175118] n. of a town DivyA7v.

(H2) rahas 1 [p= 859,3] [L=173041] n. (for 2. » p.871 , col , 1) swiftness , speed , velocity BhP.
(H2) rahas [p= 871,1] [L=175940] n. (for 1. » [p= 859,3]) a lonely or deserted place , loneliness , solitude , privacy , secrecy , retirement (rahas ind. , °si ind. and °ssu ind. privately , in secret) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=175941] a secret , mystery , mystical truth Ka1v. Pur.
[L=175942] sexual intercourse , copulation L.
(HPW) rahas [L=675940] ind. 175940

(H1) riraṃsā [p= 881,1] [L=178121] f. (fr. Desid. of √ ram) desire of pleasure or of sexual enjoyment , lasciviousness , lustfulness MBh. Katha1s. Pur.

(H2) riraṃsu [L=178122] mfn. wishing for sport or sexual pleasure , wanton , lustful Hariv. Ka1v. Sus3r.
[L=178123] wishing to enjoy (any one acc.) carnally HParis3.

(H2) riramayiṣu [L=178124] mfn. (fr. Desid. of Caus.) wishing to cause or give (sexual) pleasure Un2. i , 99 Sch.

(H3) retaḥ--pātin [p= 887,2] [L=179428] mfn. discharging semen , having sexual intercourse with (loc.) ib.

(H3) retaḥ--seka [L=179433] m. id. , sexual intercourse with (loc.) Mn. xi , 58.

(H2) lakṣaṇa [p= 892,1] [L=180381] mfn. indicating , expressing indirectly Veda7ntas.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180382] m. Ardea Sibirica L.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180383] m. N. of a man Ra1jat. (often confounded with , lakṣmaṇa)
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180385] n. (ifc. f(ā).) a mark , sign , symbol , token , characteristic , attribute , quality (ifc. = " marked or characterized by " , " possessed of ") Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180386] n. a stroke , line (esp. those drawn on the sacrificial ground) S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180387] n. a lucky mark , favourable sign Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180388] n. a symptom or indication of disease Cat.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180389] n. a sexual organ MBh. xiii , 2303
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180390] n. a spoon (?) DivyA7v
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180391] n. accurate description , definition , illustration Mn. Sarvad. Sus3r.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180392] n. settled rate , fixed tariff Mn. viii , 406
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180393] n. a designation , appellation , name (ifc. = " named " , " called ") Mn. MBh. Ka1v.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180394] n. a form , species , kind , sort (ifc.= " taking the form of " , " appearing as ") Mn. S3am2k. BhP.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180395] n. the act of aiming at , aim , goal , scope , object (ifc. = " concerning " , " relating to " , " coming within the scope of ") APra1t. Ya1jn5. MBh. BhP.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180396] n. reference , quotation Pa1n2. 1-4 , 84
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180397] n. effect , operation , influence ib. i , 1 , 62 &c
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180398] n. cause , occasion , opportunity R. Das3.
(H2B) lakṣaṇa [L=180399] n. observation , sight , seeing W.

(H2) laṅghana [p= 895,1] [L=181124] n. the act of leaping or jumping , leaping over , stepping across , crossing , traversing (gen. or comp.). Pa1rGr2. R. &c
[L=181125] one of a horse's paces , curvetting , bounding L.
[L=181126] (ifc.) rising to or towards , ascending , mounting , attaining Ka1lid.
[L=181127] sexual union , impregnating Das3.
[L=181128] attack , conquest , capture Ka1v. Pur.
[L=181129] transgression , violation , disdain , neglect R. Ra1jat.
[L=181130] (also f(ā).) insult , offence , injury , wrong MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=181131] fasting , hunger , starving system Sus3r.

(H2) vadhitra [p= 916,3] [L=185630] n. sexual love or the god of love Un2. iv , 172 Sch.

(H3) vará--surata [p= 922,3] [L=186943] mf(ā)n. well acquainted with the secrets of sexual enjoyment , Hit ,

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.36, 24.13, 33.70, 33.70
Whitney Roots links: vas1, vas2, vas3
(H1) vas 1 [p= 930,1] [L=188559] (encl.) acc. dat. gen. pl. of 2nd pers. pron. (cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 21 , 24 &c ) RV. &c &c
(H1) vas 2 [L=188560]
(a Vedic root connected with √1. uṣ q.v. ; not in Dha1tup. ) cl.6 P. , uccháti (pf. uvā́sa , ūṣúḥ RV. &c ; aor. avāt [?] AV. ; avasran RV. ; Cond. avatsyat S3Br. ; Ved. inf. vástave , -úṣi) , to shine , grow bright (esp. applied to the dawn) RV. ;

to bestow by shining upon (dat.) ib. i , 113 , 7 ;

(with dūré) to drive away by shining ib. vii , 77 , 4 : Caus. vāsáyati , to cause to shine RV. [cf. vasar in vasar-han ; Gk. ἔαρ for φεσαρ ;Lat. ve1r &c ]

(H1) vas 3 [p= 932,1] [L=188997]
cl.10 P. vāsayati (aor. avīvasat) , to love ;

to cut off ;

to accept , take ;

to offer ;

to kill (ni-vāsita , killed) Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70 (only with prep. ; » pari- √vas ; but accord. to some the Impv. vasiṣva [ RV. viii , 70 , 10] and uṣa , " a lover " [x , 95 , 5] , and vásiṣṭha [ib. 17] belong also to this root , which has developed an obscene meaning = Gk. κεντέω , futuere) .

(H1) vas 4 [L=188998] cl.2 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 13) váste (Impv. vasiṣva RV. ; vaddhvam Kaus3. ; p. vásāna , once usāná and usámāna RV. ; pf. vavase S3is3. ; vāvase , p. °sāná RV. ; aor. avasiṣṭa ib. ; fut. vasitā Gr. ; vasiṣyate ib. ; vatsyati Hariv. 11206 ; inf. vasitum MBh. R. ; ind.p. vasitvā Mn. BhP. ; -vasya MBh. ) , to put on , invest , wear , (clothes &c ) , assume (a form &c ) , enter into RV. &c &c : Caus. vāsáyati,°te (Pass. vāsyate) , to cause or allow to put on or wear (clothes) , clothe (A1. " one's self ") with (instr.) RV. Gr2S3rS. Mn. : Desid. vivasiṣate Gr.: Intens. vāvasyate,vāvastiib. [cf. Gk. ἕννυμι for ϝεσ-νυμι ;Lat. vestis ; Goth. wasjan ; Angl.Sax. werian ; Eng. wear.]
(H2) vas [L=188999] (ifc.) , clothed in , wearing (e.g. pre*ta-cūvara-vas , " wearing the garments of dead men ") . Ragh.
(H1) vas 5 [p= 932,3] [p= 932,2] [L=189096]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 36) vásati (mc. also °te ; pf. uvāsa , ūṣuḥ RV. &c ; p. vāvasāna RV. i , 46 , 13 ; -vāsāṃ cakre Up. ; aor. avātsīt AV. ; avāksam AitBr. [where it is artificially connected with vāc] ; avāstam Up. ; fut. vastā Gr. ; vatsyati,°te Br. &c ; vasiṣyati MBh. ; inf. vastum , vasitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. uṣitvā́ Br. ; uṣṭvā MBh. ; -úṣya Br. &c ) , to dwell , live , stop (at a place) , stay (esp. " overnight " , with or without rātrim or rātrīs) RV. &c ;

to remain , abide with or in (with loc. of pers. ; loc. or acc. of place , esp. with vāsam or vasatim) S3Br. &c ;

to remain or keep on or continue in any condition (with a pp. , e.g. with channa , " to continue to be covered " Ka1tyS3r. ; or with an acc. , with brahmacaryam , " to practise chastity " AitBr. ; or with an adv. e.g. with sukham , " to live pleasantly or at ease " ; with or without dūratas , " to keep aloof ") TS. &c ;

to have sexual intercourse with (loc.) Hariv. ;

to rest upon (loc.) Subh. ;

to charge or entrust with (instr.) Hariv. ;

cl.10 P. vasayati , to dwell Dha1tup. xxxv , 84 , e : Pass. uṣyate (aor. avāsi) , to be dwelt &c MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. vāsáyati , °te (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 89 ; aor. avīvasat MaitrS. : Pass. vāsyáte Br. , °ti MBh. ) , to cause to halt or stay (overnight) , lodge , receive hospitably or as a guest S3Br. MBh. &c ;

to cause to have sexual intercourse with (loc.) MatsyaP. ;

to let anything stand overnight (with tisro , scil. ratrīs , " three nights ") Kaus3. ;

to cause to wait , keep in suspense RV. ;

to delay , retard Ka1m. ;

to cause to exist , preserve S3Br. ;

to cause to be inhabited , populate (a country) Hit. ;

to put in , place upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Ka1v. (anadhyāyam mukhe , to put restraint on the mouth , refrain from speaking) ;

to produce Sarvad. : Desid. vivatsati , to wish to dwell S3Br. : Intens. vāvasyate , vāvasti , to remain , be in , be engaged in MW. [cf. Goth. wisan ; Germ. wsan , ge-wesen , war &c ; Angl.Sax. wsan ; Eng. was , were.]

(H2) vás 6 [p= 932,3] [L=189099] (only in gen. vásām) , prob. either " an abode " or " a dweller " RV. v.2 , 6.
(H1) vas 7 [p= 933,1] [L=189185] (only vasiṣva , [anu]-vāvase , vāvasāná , and vástos) , to rush or aim at , attack RV. viii , 70 , 10 (cf. under √ 3 vas) ; viii , 4 , 8 ; i , 51 , 3 ; vi , 11 , 6 (?) ; i , 174 , 3.
(H1) vas 8 [L=189186] (also written bas) cl.4 P. vasyati , to be or make firm Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70.

(H2) uṣita 1 [p= 220,1] [L=37747] mfn. (for 2. » s.v.) burnt
[L=37747.1] quick , expeditious L.
(H1) uṣita 2 [p= 220,3] [L=37860] (for 1. » col.1) mfn. p. of √5. vas q.v.
(H3) uṣita [p= 930,1] [L=188564] See under √ 1 uṣ
(H2) uṣita [p= 932,3] [L=189097] mfn. (ep. also uṣṭa) (for 1. » p.220) past , spent (as time ; n. impers. " time has been spent ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=189097.1] retired or resorted to (as a place) Ka1v.
[L=189097.2] one who has halted or stayed (esp. " overnight ") or has been absent or lived or remained or waited in any place (loc. or comp.) or for any time (acc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=189097.3] one who has had sexual intercourse with (saha) BrahmaP.
[L=189097.4] what has stood or lain (esp. " overnight " said of things) VarBr2S. Sus3r.
[L=189097.5] one who has fasted VarBr2S.

(H3) vi-parī* ta---rata [p= 974,1] [L=197691] n. inverted sexual intercourse Caurap.

(H2) vṛṣāya [p= 1013,1] [L=205168]
(in Padap. °ṣaya) Nom. P. °yati , to cause any object (acc.) to rain RV. x , 98 , 1 ;

A1. °yáte , to burn with sexual desire , be ruttish RV. Car. ;

to long or be eager for , advance upon (acc. dat. , or loc.) RV. ;

to roar like a bull BhP.


(H2) vṛṣya [p= 1013,2] [L=205250] mfn. = varṣya Pa1n2. 3-1 , 120
[L=205251] productive of sexual vigour , stimulating VarBr2S. Sus3r.
(H2B) vṛṣya [L=205252] m. N. of śiva MBh. 10372 ( Ni1lak. " increasing merit " ; rather " most manly or vigorous ")
(H2B) vṛṣya [L=205253] m. Phaseolus Radiatus L.
(H2B) vṛṣya [L=205255] m. the myrobalan-tree L.
(H2B) vṛṣya [L=205256] m. a kind of bulbous plant L.
(H2B) vṛṣya [L=205257] n. an aphrodisiac L.

(H2) vy-avā* ya [p= 1034,3] [L=209241] m. intervention , interposition , separation by insertion , being separated by (instr. or comp.) S3rS. Pra1t. Pa1n2.
[L=209242] entering , pervading , penetration MBh. Sus3r.
[L=209243] change , transmutation BhP.
[L=209244] sexual intercourse , copulation MBh. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
[L=209245] wantonness , lasciviousness BhP.
[L=209246] covering , disappearance W.
[L=209247] interval , space ib.
[L=209248] an obstacle , impediment MW.
(H2B) vy-avā* ya [L=209249] n. light , lustre L.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 32.74
Whitney Roots links: vraj
(H1) vraj [p= 1041,3] [L=210432]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. viii , 79) vrájati (mc. also °te ; pf. vavrā́ja RV. &c ; aor. avrājīt Br. Up. ; fut. vrajitā Gr. ; vrajiṣyati Br. &c ; inf. vrajitum MBh. ; ind.p. vrajitvā , -vrájya , -vrājam Br. &c ) , to go , walk , proceed , travel , wander , move (also applied to inanimate objects ; with acc. or instr. of the road acc. of the distance , and acc. , rarely loc. or dat. , of the place or object gone to ; with or scil. padbhyām , " to go on foot " ; with upānadbhyām id. lit. " with shoes " ; with dhuryais , " to travel by means of beasts of burden " ; with paramāṃgatim , " to attain supreme bliss " ; with śaraṇam and acc. , " to take refuge with " ; with mūrdhnā pādau and gen. , " to prostrate one's self at anyone's feet " ; with antam and gen. , " to come to the end of " ; with anyena , anyatra or anyatas , " to go another way or elsewhere " ; with adhas , either " to sink down [to hell] " or " to be digested [as food] " ; with punar , " to return to life ") RV. &c ;

to go in order to , be going to (dat. inf. or an adj. ending in aka [e.g. bhojako vrajati , " he is going to eat "]) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 15 ; iii , 3 , 10 &c ;

to go to (a woman) , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Sus3r. ;

to go against , attack (an enemy ; also with vidviṣam , dviṣato'bhimukham , abhy-ari &c ) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ka1m. ;

to go away. depart from (abl.) , go abroad , retire , withdraw , pass away (as time) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to undergo , go to any state or condition , obtain , attain to , become (esp. with acc. of an abstract noun e.g. with vināśam , " to go to destruction , become destroyed " ; with chattratām , " to become a pupil " ; with nirvṛtim , " to grow happy " [cf. √ gam , yā &c ] ; with sukham , " to feel well " ; with jīvan , " to escape alive ") ib. : Caus. or cl.10 P. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 74) vrājayati , to send , drive , AitA1r. ;

to prepare , decorate Dha1tup. : Desid. vivrajiṣati Gr.: Intens. vāvrajate , vāvrakti , to go crookedly Pa1n2. 3-1 , 23 Sch.


(H2) śama [p= 1053,3] [L=212912] m. tranquillity , calmness , rest , equanimity , quietude or quietism , absence of passion , abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation (śamaṃ √ kṛ , " to calm one's self " , " be tranquil ") Mn. MBh. &c
[L=212913] peace , peace with (sā*rdham) MBh.
[L=212914] Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of dharma and husband of prā*pti) MBh.
[L=212915] tranquillization , pacification , allayment , alleviation , cessation , extinction MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=212916] absence of sexual passion or excitement , impotence Ta1n2d2Br.
[L=212917] alleviation or cure of disease , convalescence W.
[L=212918] final happiness , emancipation from all the illusions of existence L.
[L=212919] indifference , apathy Ra1jat.
[L=212920] the hand (cf. śaya) L.
[L=212921] imprecation , malediction (w.r. for śapa) L.
[L=212922] N. of a king of the nandi-vegas MBh.
[L=212923] of a son of andhaka Hariv.
[L=212924] of a son of dharma-sūtra BhP.
(H2B) śáma [L=212926] mfn. tame , domestic RV. i , 32 , 15 ; 33 , 15.
(H2) śama [p= 1332,2] [L=339860] (in comp.)

(H2) śáyana [p= 1055,3] [L=213371] mfn. lying down , resting , sleeping Pan5car.
(H2B) śáyana [L=213372] n. the act of lying down or sleeping , rest , repose , sleep MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) śáyana [p= 1056,1] [L=213373] n. (ifc. f(ā).) a bed , couch , sleeping-place (acc. with √ bhaj , ā- √ ruh , saṃ- √viś &c , " to go to bed or to rest " ; with Caus. of ā- √ruh , " to take to bed , have sexual intercourse with [acc.] " ; śayanaṃ śṛta or °ne sthita mfn. gone to bed , being in bed) S3Br. &c
(H2B) śáyana [L=213374] n. copulation , sexual intercourse L.
(H2B) śáyana [L=213375] n. N. of a sāman L.
(H2) śayana [p= 1077,1] [L=218171] &c » [p= 1055,3].

(H2) śayyā [p= 1056,1] [L=213428] f. (ifc. f(ā).) a bed , couch , sofa (acc. with saṃ- √viś or adhi-ṣṭhā [ √ sthā] , " to go to bed or to rest " ; with Caus. of ā- √ruh , " to take [a woman] to bed , have sexual intercourse with " [acc.] ; śayyāyām ā-rūḍha mfn. " gone to bed , lying in bed ") Shad2vBr. &c
[L=213429] lying , reposing , sleeping Ka1tyS3r. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=213430] resort , refuge (» comp.)
[L=213431] stringing together (esp. of words = gumphana or śabdagumpha) , rhetorical composition or a partic. rhetor. figure L. (" couch " and " rhetor. composition " Ka1d. , Introd. , v. 8) .

(H1) śibhrá [p= 1072,1] [L=217042] mfn. (prob.) desirous of sexual intercourse AV.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 24.22
Whitney Roots links: SI1, SI2
(H1) śī 1 [p= 1077,1] [L=218170]
cl.2 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxiv , 22) śéte (with guṇa throughout the pr. stem : thus , śáye [in RV. also 3. sg.] , śéṣe &c , 3. pl. śérate [in AV. also śére and Class. śayire] ; Pot. śáyīta RV. &c ; Impv. -śetām and śayām AV. ; impf. aśeta S3Br. &c , 3. pl. aśerata [in RV. also áśeran] , p. śáyāna RV. &c ; Ved. and ep. also cl.1. śáyate , °ti ; impf. áśayat and aśāyata RV. ; pf. śiśye , śiśyire Br. ; p. Ved. śaśayāná , Class. śiśyāna ; aor. aśayiṣṭa Subj. śéṣan RV. ; fut. śayitā Up. , 2. sg. °tā́se S3Br. ; śayiṣyate,°ti Br. ; śeṣyate,°ti MBh. ; inf. śayádhyai RV. ; śayitum MBh. ; ind.p. śayitvā Up. &c ; -śayya Ka1v. ) , to lie , lie down , recline , rest , repose RV. &c ;

to remain unused (as soma) TS. ;

to lie down to sleep , fall asleep , sleep Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c ;

(with patye) to lie down to a husband (for sexual intercourse) Pat. ;

(madanena- √śī = " to be impotent ") VarBr2S. : Pass. śayyate Gr. (aor. aśāyi ib. , pr.p. once in MBh. śīyat): Caus. śāyayati , °te (aor. aśīśayat) , to cause to lie down , lay down , put , throw , fix on or in (loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to cause to lie down , allow to rest or sleep Bhat2t2. Ra1jat. BhP. : Desid. śiśayiṣate , to wish to rest or sleep Das3. : Intens. śāśayyate , śeśayīti , śeśeti Gr. ([cf. Gk. κεῖσθαι , " to lie " ; κοίτη , " a bed. "])

(H2) śī 2 [L=218173] mfn. (ifc.) lying , resting(» jihma- , madhyama-śī , &c )
(H2B) śī 2 [L=218174] f. sleep , repose L.
(H2B) śī 2 [L=218175] f. devotion , tranquillity L.
(H1) śī 3 [L=218176] (connected with √2. śad ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-3 , 78) cl.4 A1. śīyate , to fall out or away , disappear , vanish TBr. Bhat2t2.

(H1) śīt [p= 1077,3] [L=218268] onomat. (also written sīt) a sound made by drawing in the breath (to express any sudden thrill of pleasure or pain and esp. pleasurable sensations during sexual enjoyment).

(H2) śúci [p= 1081,1] [L=219196] mfn. (f. nom. pl. śucyas Mn. viii , 77) shining , glowing , gleaming , radiant , bright RV. &c
[L=219197] brilliantly white , white Bhartr2.
[L=219198] clear , clean , pure (lit. and fig.) , holy , unsullied , undefiled , innocent , honest , virtuous RV. &c
[L=219199] pure (in a ceremonial sense) ChUp. Mn. Bhag. &c
[L=219200] (ifc.) one who has acquitted himself of or discharged (a duty » rahaḥ-ś°)
(H2B) śúci [L=219201] m. purification , purity , honesty , virtue Ka1v.
(H2B) śúci [L=219202] m. fire L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219203] m. N. of a partic. fire (a son of agni abhimānin and svāhā or a son of antardhāna and śikhaṇḍinī and brother of the fires pavamāna and pāvaka) Pur.
(H2B) śúci [L=219204] m. oblation to fire at the first feeding of an infant W.
(H2B) śúci [p= 1081,2] [L=219205] m. a partic. hot month (accord. to some = āṣāḍha or jyeṣṭha , accord. to others " the hot season in general ") VS. S3Br. MBh. &c
(H2B) śúci [L=219206] m. the sun MaitrUp. (Sch.)
(H2B) śúci [L=219207] m. the moon L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219208] m. the planet Venus or its regent (cf. śukra) L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219209] m. a ray of light L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219210] m. wind L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219211] m. sexual love (= śṛṅgāra) L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219212] m. a Brahman L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219213] m. a faithful minister , true friend L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219214] m. the condition of a religious student L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219215] m. a fever that attacks pigs L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219216] m. judicial acquittal W.
(H2B) śúci [L=219217] m. white (the colour) ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219218] m. a partic. plant (= citraka) MW.
(H2B) śúci [L=219219] m. N. of śiva L.
(H2B) śúci [L=219220] m. of a son of bhṛgu MBh.
(H2B) śúci [L=219221] m. of a son of gada Hariv.
(H2B) śúci [L=219222] m. of a son of the third manu ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219223] m. of indra in the 14th manv-antara Pur.
(H2B) śúci [L=219224] m. of one of the 7 sages in the 14th manv-antara ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219225] m. of a sā*rthavāha MBh.
(H2B) śúci [L=219226] m. of a son of śata-dyumna Pur. @
(H2B) śúci [L=219227] m. of a son of śuddha (the son of anenas) ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219228] m. of a son of andhaka ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219229] m. of a son of vipra ib.
(H2B) śúci [L=219230] m. of a son of artha-pati Va1s. , Introd.
(H2B) śúci [L=219231] f. (also) f(ī). N. of a daughter of tāmrā and wife of kaśyapa , (regarded as the parent of water-fowl) Hariv. VP.

(H2) śuṣma 1 [p= 1085,1] [L=220022] m. n. fire , flame L.
[L=220023] the sun L.
(H2) śúṣma 2 [L=220033] mf(ā)n. hissing , roaring (as water) RV.
[L=220034] fragrant ib.
[L=220035] strong , bold ib.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220036] m. hissing , roaring , rushing (of water , fire , the wind &c ) RV. AV.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220037] m. exhalation , fragrance , odour (of plants , esp. of the soma) RV. VS.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220038] m. strength , vigour , vital or sexual energy , impulse , courage , valour ib. AV. TBr.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220039] m. semen virile (?) AV. ix , 1 , 10 ; 20
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220040] m. air , wind L.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220041] m. a bird L.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220042] m. w.r. for śuṣṇa Pa1n2. 3-1 , 85 Sch.
(H2B) śúṣma 2 [L=220043] n. strength (= bala) Naigh. ii , 9.

(H3) śūdrá--gamana [p= 1085,3] [L=220194] n. sexual intercourse with a śūdra A1p.

(H2) śṛṅgāra [p= 1087,3] [L=220616] m. (prob. connected with śṛṅga as vṛndāra with vṛnda) love (as " the horned " or " the strong one " ?) , sexual passion or desire or enjoyment Ka1v. Ra1jat. &c
[L=220617] (in rhet.) the erotic sentiment (one of the 8 or 10 rasas q.v. ; it has viṣṇu for its tutelary deity and black for its colour ; accord. to most authorities it is of two kinds , viz. sambhoga , " mutual enjoyment " , and vipralambha , " deception , disappointment " , to which by some is added as third a-yoga , " separation ") Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c
[L=220618] a dress suitable for amorous purposes , elegant dress , fine garments , finery Ka1v. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
[L=220619] the ornaments on an elephant (esp. red marks on its head and trunk) L. (cf. -dhārin)
[L=220620] any mark MW.
[L=220621] (also with bhaṭṭa) N. of various persons (esp. of a poet) Ra1jat. Cat.
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220623] n. (only L. ) gold
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220624] n. red-lead
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220625] n. fragrant powder for the dress or person
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220626] n. cloves
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220627] n. undried ginger
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220628] n. black aloe-wood
(H2B) śṛṅgāra [L=220629] mfn. handsome , pretty , dainty , fine MBh. R.

(H1) śaiśnya [p= 1090,3] [L=221326] m. (fr. śiśna ; scil. bhoga) sexual enjoyment BhP.

(H3) śleṣa 1 [p= 1104,1] [L=224042] m. burning MW.
(H2) śleṣa 2 [L=224060] m. adhering or clinging to (loc.) R.
[L=224061] connection , junction , union (also applied to sexual union) MBh.
[L=224062] embracing , an embrace Ka1v. Sa1h.
[L=224063] (in rhet.) " connection " , " combination " (one of the ten guṇas or merits of composition , consisting either in a pleasing combination of words or of contrasted ideas , or of words having a double meaning) double meaning , equivoque , ambiguity , paranomasia , pun , hidden meaning Va1m. Ka1vya7d. Sa1h. &c
[L=224064] a grammatical augment Nya1yas.

(H3) sáṃ-yata---maithuna [p= 1111,3] [L=225641] mfn. one who abstains from sexual intercourse MBh.

(H1) saṃ- √ yuj [p= 1112,2] [L=225727]
P. A1. -yunakti , -yuṅkte , to join or attach together , conjoin , connect , combine , unite RV. &c ;

to bind , fetter Vait. ;

to endow or furnish with (instr.) S3vetUp. MBh. &c ;

to form an alliance , league together RV. viii , 62 , 11 ;

to place in , fix on , direct towards (loc.) MBh. BhP. : Pass. -yujyate , to be joined together , be united &c ;

to meet or fall in with (instr.) Ragh. ;

to be married to (instr.) Mn. ix , 22 ;

(with ratyā , or grāmyadharmatayā) to have sexual intercourse Pras3nUp. S3am2k. on ChUp. ;

to be supplied or furnished with (instr.) MBh. R. &c : Caus. -yojayati , to cause to join together , bring together , unite MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP. ;

to put to (horses) , yoke , harness ib. ;

to hold together , check , control (the senses) MaitrUp. (v.l.) ;

to furnish or endow or present with (instr.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;

to give over to , entrust with (gen. of pers. and acc. of thing) R. Pan5cat. ;

to add to (loc.) Su1ryas. ;

to fix on , direct towards (loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. BhP. ;

to shoot , discharge (a missile) MBh. ;

to equip (an army) ib. ;

to use , employ , appoint ib. ;

to institute , perform , accomplish Hariv. BhP. ;

(A1.) to be absorbed , meditate MBh. v , 7260.

(H2) saṃ-yuj [L=225747] mfn. joined together , united , connected , related MBh. BhP.
(H2B) saṃ-yuj [L=225748] m. a relation S3is3.
(H2B) saṃ-yuj [L=225749] f. union , connection (= saṃ-yoga) BhP. Sch.

(H2) saṃ-yoga [L=225750] m. conjunction , combination , connection (°ge or °geṣu ifc. " in connection with , with regard to , concerning ") , union or absorption with or in (gen. , or instr. with and without saha , or loc. , or ifc.) A1past. MBh. &c
[L=225751] contact (esp. in phil. " direct material contact " , as of sesamum seed with rice-grains [in contradistinction to contact by the fusion of particles , as of water with milk] , enumerated among the 24 guṇas of the nyāya cf. under sam-bandha) Yogas. Kan2. Bha1sha1p.
[L=225752] carnal contact , sexual union MBh. &c
[L=225753] matrimonial connection or relationship by marriage with or between (gen. , saha with instr. , or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=225754] a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object Ka1m. Hit.
[L=225755] agreement of opinion , consensus (opposed to bheda) R.
[L=225756] applying one's self closely to , being engaged in , undertaking (°gaṃ √ kṛ , " to undertake , set about , begin " ; agnihotra-saṃyogam √ kṛ , " to undertake the maintenance of a sacred fire ") A1past. Mn. R.
[L=225757] (in gram.) a conjunct consonant , combination of two or more consonants Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c
[L=225758] dependence of one case upon another , syntax Vop.
[L=225759] (in astron.) conjunction of two or more heavenly bodies MW.
[L=225760] total amount , sum VarBr2S.
[L=225761] N. of śiva MBh.

(H3) saṃ-° yójana [p= 1112,3] [L=225773] n. the act of joining or uniting with (instr. or loc.) S3Br. &c
[L=225774] all that binds to the world , cause of re-birth , DivyA7v.
[L=225775] copulation , sexual union L.
[L=225776] (with mitrā-varuṇayoḥ , aśvinoḥ , and prahitoḥ) N. of sāmans A1rshBr. ,

(H1) saṃ- √ ram [p= 1113,1] [L=225847]
A1. -ramate , to be delighted , find pleasure in (loc.) Bhat2t2. ;

to have carnal pleasure or sexual intercourse with (sākam) , RhP.


(H2) saṃ-vāsa [p= 1114,3] [L=226114] m. dwelling together , living or associating with (instr. with and without saha , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=226115] cohabitation , sexual connexion with (comp.) Car.
[L=226116] a common abode Ka1m.
[L=226117] a settlement , dwelling , house MBh. R. &c
[L=226118] an open place for meeting or recreation L.
[L=226119] association , company , society W.

(H1) saṃ- √ viś [p= 1115,3] [L=226283]
P. viśati , (ep. also A1. °te) , to approach near to , associate or attach one's self to (acc. or instr.) RV. VS. ;

to enter together , enter into (acc. , rarely loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c ;

to merge one's self into (acc.) MBh. ;

to lie down , rest , repose in or upon (loc. or upari ifc.) , sleep with (instr. with and without saha , or dat.) S3Br. &c ;

to cohabit , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. Ya1jn5. Ma1rkP. ;

to sit down with (acc.) Hariv. ;

to engage in , have to do with (acc.) BhP. : Caus. -veśayati , to cause to lie together or down or on Ya1jn5. Sch. ;

to place or lay together or on , bring to (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c


(H2) saṃ-veśá [p= 1116,1] [L=226287] m. approaching near to , entrance TS. Br.
[L=226288] lying down , sleeping Ragh.
[L=226289] dreaming , a dream W.
[L=226290] a kind of sexual union L.
[L=226291] a bedchamber BhP.
[L=226292] a chair , seat , stool L.
(H1) saṃ-veśa [p= 1117,1] [L=226476] °śana &c » saṃ- √viś , [p= 1115,3].

(H3) saṃ-veśá---pati [p= 1116,1] [L=226293] m. (°śá-) the lord of rest or sleep or sexual union (agni) VS. A1s3vS3r.

(H3) saṃ-° véśana [L=226296] mf(ī)n. causing to lie down TA1r.
(H3B) saṃ-° véśana [L=226297] n. lying down RV. Gr2S3rS. BhP.
(H3B) saṃ-° véśana [L=226298] n. entering , going in S3am2k.
(H3B) saṃ-° véśana [L=226299] n. sexual union , coition Ka1tyS3r.
(H3B) saṃ-° véśana [L=226300] n. a seat , bench L.

(H2) saṃ-vṛt 1 [p= 1116,2] [L=226346] mfn. covering TS.
(H1) saṃ- √ vṛt [L=226390]
A1. -vartate (pf. p. -vavṛtvás q.v. ; Ved. inf. -vṛ́tas ; ind. -vartam) , to turn or go towards , approach near to , arrive at RV. AV. R. ;

to go against , attack (acc.) MBh. ;

to meet , encounter (as foes) RV. iv , 24 , 4 ;

to come together , be rolled together , be conglomerated Pan5cavBr. Kaus3. ;

(also with mithas) to have sexual intercourse together S3Br. A1past. ;

to take shape , come into being , be produced , arise from (abl.) RV. &c ;

to come round or about , come to pass , happen , occur , take place , be fulfilled (as time) MBh. Ka1v. ;

&c ;

to begin , commence R. ;

to be , exist ChUp. MBh. &c ;

to become , grow , get (with nom.) R. Ragh. ;

to be conducive to , serve for (dat.) Lalit. : Caus. vartayati , to cause to turn or revolve , roll (lit. and fig.) RV. &c ;

to turn towards or hither RV. ;

to clench (the fist) Hariv. ;

to wrap up , envelop MBh. ;

to crumple up , crush , destroy MBh. R. ;

to bring about , accomplish , perform , execute Hariv. R. BhP. ;

to fulfil , satisfy (a wish) R. ;

to think of. find out (a remedy) Car. : Desid. -vívṛtsati , to wish to have sexual intercourse with (acc.) AV.


(H1) saṃ- √ śri [p= 1118,2] [L=226673]
P. A1. -śrayati , °te (aor. -aśret RV. ) , to join together with , furnish with (A1. " to join one's self or connect one's self with ") RV. AV. Ta1n2d2Br. ;

to join or attach one's self to , go for refuge or succour to , resort or betake one's self to , cling to for protection , seek the help of (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to approach , go to any one with (instr.) R. ;

to approach for sexual union MBh. ;

to rest or depend on (acc.) , Ma1latim. ?? ;

to obtain , acquire Mn. x , 60 ;

to serve MW.


(H1) saṃ- √ sṛj [p= 1119,3] [L=226915]
P. A1. -sṛjati , °te (2. sg. aor. -srāḥ AV. ) , to hit with (instr.) RV. i , 33 , 13 ;

to visit or afflict with (instr.) AV. xi , 2 , 26 ;

to join or unite or mix or mingle or endow or present with (instr.) RV. AV. VS. Br. A1p. MBh. ;

(with yudhaḥ) to engage in battle AV. x , 10 , 24 ;

to create S3vetUp. Pur. ;

(A1.) to share anything with others MaitrS. ;

(A. or Pass.) to join one's self. be joined or united or mingled or confused , come into contact with , meet (as friends or foes , also applied to sexual intercourse ; with instr. with or without saha) RV. &c &c : Caus. -sarjayati , to attract , win over , conciliate Baudh. Ka1m. ;

to furnish with (instr.) , provide any one with anything Car. : Desid. -sisṛkṣati , to wish to create together or to partake of creation BhP.

(H2) saṃ-sṛj [p= 1120,1] [L=226949] f. commingling , collision RV. x , 84 , 6.

(H1) saṃ-sarga [p= 1119,1] [L=226794] saṃ-sarjana &c » saṃ- √sṛj , col.3.
(H2) saṃ-sarga [p= 1119,3] [L=226916] mfn. commingling , combining (intr.) Ka1tyS3r.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [p= 1120,1] [L=226917] m. (ifc. f(ā).) mixture or union together , commixture , blending , conjunction , connection , contact , association , society , sexual union , intercourse with (gen. instr. with and without saha loc. , or comp.) S3rS. Pra1t. MBh. &c
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226918] m. confusion , Ma1nGr2. Hariv.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226919] m. indulging in , partaking of (comp.) R. Das3. BhP.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226920] m. sensual attachment Mn. vi , 72
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226921] m. a partic. conjunction of celestial bodies AV. Paris3. ??
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226922] m. a partic. combination of two humours which produces diseases (cf. saṃ-nipāta) Sus3r.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226923] m. community of goods Da1yabh.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226924] m. duration MBh. iii , 11 , 238
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226925] m. point of intersection S3ulbas.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226926] m. acquaintance , familiarity W.
(H2B) saṃ-sarga [L=226927] m. co-existence (= samavā*ya) ib.

(H3) saṃ-sṛṣṭa---maithuna [L=226970] mf(ā)n. one who has performed sexual intercourse Ya1jn5.

(H1) saṃ-harṣa [p= 1122,3] [L=227438] °ṣaṇa » sam- √hṛṣ.
(H2) saṃ-harṣa [p= 1123,2] [L=227562] m. bristling or erection of the hair of the body , thrill of delight , joy , pleasure MBh. S3is3.
[L=227563] sexual excitement Sus3r.
[L=227564] ardour , emulation , rivalry , jealousy (cf. saṃ-gharṣa) MBh. R. &c
[L=227565] air , wind L.
[L=227566] rubbing together , trituration (for saṃgharṣa) W.

(H3) sa--kīla [p= 1124,1] [L=227677] m. one who from sexual weakness causes his wife to have intercourse with another man before cohabiting with her himself L.

(H2) sáṃ-gati [p= 1128,2] [L=228480] f. coming together , meeting with (gen. or comp.) RV. &c
[L=228481] going or resorting to (loc.) Ca1n2. Hit.
[L=228482] association , intercourse , society , company (with instr. with and without saha or samam ; loc. gen. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=228483] a league , alliance Ca1n2.
[L=228484] sexual union L.
[L=228485] meeting or coming to pass accidentally , chance , accident (°tyā , ind. " by chance , haply ") MBh. R. &c
[L=228486] adaptation , fitness , appropriateness , applicability Katha1s. Sarvad.
[L=228487] connection with , relation to (instr. or comp.) Ka1vya7d.
[L=228488] becoming acquainted , knowledge L.
[L=228489] questioning for further information W.
[L=228490] (in the pūrva-mīmāṃsā) one of the 5 members (Avayavas) of an adhikaraṇa Sarvad.

(H2) saṃ-gamá [p= 1128,3] [L=228498] m. (or n. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) coming together , meeting (in a friendly or hostile manner) , union , intercourse or association with (instr. with and without saha gen. , or comp.) RV. &c
[L=228499] connection or contact with (instr. or comp. ; with anarthena , " coming to harm " , " injury ") R. Ka1m.
[L=228500] sexual union L.
[L=228501] confluence (of two rivers as of the Ganges and the Jumna , or of a river , at its mouth , with the ocean ; such confluences are always held sacred RTL. 347) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=228502] conjunction (of planets) VarBr2S.
[L=228503] harmony , adaptation W.
[L=228504] point of intersection Gol.
[L=228505] an uninterrupted series of (comp.) RPra1t.
[L=228506] acquirement of (gen.) Pan5cat.

(H3) saṃ-gamá---sādhvasa [L=228512] n. perturbation in regard to sexual union Ma1lav.

(H2) saṃ-gráhaṇa [p= 1129,2] [L=228654] mf(ī)n. grasping , seizing , taking AV. Gobh.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228656] n. the act of grasping or taking (» pāṇi-s°)
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228657] n. receiving , obtaining , acquisition R.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228658] n. gathering , compiling , accumulating Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228659] n. encasing , inlaying (of a jewel) Pan5cat.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228660] n. complete enumeration L.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228661] n. stopping , restraining , suppressing Sus3r. Va1gbh.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228662] n. attraction , winning over , propitiation TS. MBh.
(H2B) saṃ-gráhaṇa [L=228663] n. sexual intercourse with (comp.) , adultery Mn. Ya1jn5. VarBr2S.

(H2) saṃ-gharṣa [p= 1130,2] [L=228839] m. rubbing together , friction MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=228840] mutual attrition , rivalry , envy , jealousy in regard to (acc. with prati or comp.) ib.
[L=228841] sexual excitement MBh. (B.) xv , 840 (C. saṃharṣa)
[L=228842] going gently , gliding (= saṃ-sarpa) L.

(H2) saṃ-nipāta [p= 1146,3] [L=232023] m. falling in or down together , collapse , meeting , encounter , contact or collision with (instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=232024] conjunction , aggregation , combination , mixture Pra1t. S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=232025] (also with maithune) sexual intercourse with (loc.) A1past. MBh.
[L=232026] a complicated derangement of the three humours or an illness produced by it Sus3r.
[L=232027] a partic. manner of wrestling VP.
[L=232028] falling down , descent (» lakṣaṇa-s°)
[L=232029] utter collapse , death , destruction MBh.
[L=232030] (in astron). a partic. conjunction of planets VarBr2S.
[L=232031] (in music) a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 11.6
Whitney Roots links: sap
(H1) sap 1 [p= 1148,1] [L=232210]
(cf. √ sac) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xi , 6) sapati (and A1. °te pf. sepuḥ RV. ; fut. sapitā , sapiṣyati Gr.) , to follow or seek after , be devoted to , honour , serve , love , caress (also sexually) RV. TS. VS. (cf. Naigh. iii , 5 ;14) : Caus. sāpayati (Subj. aor. sīṣapanta) , to serve , honour , worship , do homage (others " to receive homage ") RV. vii , 43 , 4 ;

to have sexual intercourse (?) TBr. [? cf. Gk. σέβομαι , σέβας ] .

(H2) sap 2 [L=232211] (ifc.) » ṛta- and keta-sáp.

(H3) samá--pada [p= 1152,3] [L=233114] m. " holding the feet even " , a partic. posture in sexual union L.
[L=233115] an attitude in shooting ib.

And now, another 79 words with “sexual” in the definition somewhere.

MW Advanced Search

1 samarata (sexual)
2 samabhigam (sexual)
3 samāgama (sexual)
4 samāgamana (sexual)
5 sami (sexual)
6 samutsarga (sexual)
7 samupabhuj (sexual)
8 samupabhoga (sexual)
9 samupe (sexual)
10 samparka (sexual)
11 samprayoga (sexual)
12 samprayogin (sexual)
13 sambhāṣ (sexual)
14 sambhāṣā (sexual)
15 sambhāṣaṇa (sexual)
16 sambhoga (sexual)
17 sambhava (sexual)
18 sammadavaī (sexual)
19 samīcaka (sexual)
20 sahacarīdharma (sexual)
21 siṃhalīla (sexual)
22 siṃhāsana (sexual)
23 suprakīrṇendriya (sexual)
24 suyāśu (sexual)
25 surata (sexual)
26 surataglāni (sexual)
27 suratajanita (sexual)
28 suratanivṛtti (sexual)
29 suratapradīpa (sexual)
30 surataprasaṅga (sexual)
31 surataprasaṅgin (sexual)
32 suratamṛdita (sexual)
33 surataraṅgin (sexual)
34 suratavarṇana (sexual)
35 suratavārarātri (sexual)
36 surataviśeṣa (sexual)
37 suratavyāpārajātaśrama (sexual)
38 suratasambhoga (sexual)
39 suratasaukhya (sexual)
40 suratastha (sexual)
41 suratotsava (sexual)
42 suratotsuka (sexual)
43 suratopacārakuśala (sexual)
44 suṣad (sexual)
45 sev (sexual)
46 sevana (sexual)
47 sevā (sexual)
48 sevin (sexual)
49 saurata (sexual)
50 stanabhava (sexual)
51 stabdhamedhra (sexual)
52 strīkaraṇa (sexual)
53 strīkṛta (sexual)
54 strīgamana (sexual)
55 strībandha (sexual)
56 strībhoga (sexual)
57 strīvāsas (sexual)
58 strīviṣaya (sexual)
59 strīsambhoga (sexual)
60 snuṣāga (sexual)
61 sparśa (sexual)
62 spṛṣṭamaithuna (sexual)
63 smara (sexual)
64 smaracakra (sexual)
65 smaracandra (sexual)
66 smarasmarya (sexual)
67 svanacakra (sexual)
68 haṃsakīlaka (sexual)
69 haradagdhamūrti (sexual)
70 harṣa (sexual)
71 harṣakīlaka (sexual)
72 harṣasampuṭa (sexual)
73 harṣaṇa (sexual)
74 hastin (sexual)
75 hiṇḍana (sexual)
76 hillola (sexual)
77 agnimadana (sexual)
78 avyatī (sexual)
79 kharaturagīya (sexual)

(H3) samá--rata [p= 1152,3] [L=233144] m. n. a partic. posture in sexual union L.

(H1) sam-abhi- √ gam [p= 1155,3] [L=233631]
P. -gacchati , to go towards together , approach R. ;

to go to , have sexual intercourse with (instr.) Katha1s.


(H2) sam-āgama [p= 1159,1] [L=234068] m. (ifc. f(ā).) coming together (either in a hostile or friendly manner) , union (also sexual) , junction , encounter or meeting with (instr. with or without saha gen. , [rarely] loc. , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=234069] association , assembly of (comp.) MBh. R. Katha1s.
[L=234070] conjunction (of planets) VarBr2S.
[L=234071] approach , arrival W.

(H3) sam-° āgamana [L=234077] n. coming together , meeting , union (also = sexual intercourse) MBh.

(H1) sam- √ i [p= 1164,1] [L=234791]
P. -eti , to go or come together , meet at (acc.) or with (instr. or dat.) , encounter (as friends or enemies) RV. &c ;

to come together in sexual union , cohabit (acc. or sā*rdham , saha) MBh. R. ;

to come to , arrive at , approach , visit , seek , enter upon , begin RV. &c ;

to lead to (acc.) RV. iii , 54 , 5 ;

to consent , agree with (instr. " it is agreed between " , with gen. of pers. and loc. of thing) S3Br. MBh. : Pass. -īyate , to be united or met or resorted to &c : Intens. -īyate , to visit , frequent RV. ;

to appear , be manifested BhP.


(H2) sam-utsarga [p= 1166,3] [L=235210] m. pouring out or shedding forth together (of urine) Mn. iv , 50
[L=235211] emission (of semen ; °gaṃ- √kṛ with loc. , " to have sexual intercourse with ") Kull.

(H1) sam-upa- √ bhuj [p= 1169,2] [L=235637] A1. -bhuṅkte , to enjoy sexually , have sexual union with (acc.) MBh. R.

(H2) sam-upabhoga [L=235638] m. enjoying , eating MBh.
[L=235639] cohabitation , sexual union MW.

(H1) sam-upe* [p= 1170,2] [p= 1170,1] [L=235739]
(-upa- 5 √i) -upaī*ti , to come together , meet (as friends or foes) MBh. R. Pan5cat. ;

to have sexual intercourse MBh. ;

to come near , approach , go to (acc.) ib. ;

to have recourse to , apply to , S3a1rn3gP. ;

to attain , incur , partake of VarBr2S. S3is3. ;

to occur , happen , appear MBh. ;

to come upon , befall R. ;

to be absorbed in RPra1t.


(H1) sam-parka [p= 1172,3] [L=236122] &c » sam- √pṛc.
(H2) sam-parka [p= 1173,2] [L=236198] m. (ifc. f(ā).) mixing together , mixture , commingling , conjunction , union , association , touch , contact between (comp.) or with (instr. with or without saha gen. , or comp.) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236199] bodily contact , sexual intercourse with (comp.) Kull.
[L=236200] addition , sum A1ryabh.

(H3) sam-° prayoga [p= 1176,1] [L=236529] m. (ifc. f(ā).) joining together , attaching , fastening Mr2icch.
[L=236530] conjunction , union , connection , contact with (instr. with and without saha , or comp.) A1past. MBh. &c (cf MWB. 44)
[L=236531] matrimonial or sexual union with (comp.) MBh. VarBr2S.
[L=236532] (in astron.) conjunction (of the moon and the lunar mansions) VarBr2S.
[L=236533] mutual proportion , connected series or arrangement W.
[L=236534] application , employment Cat.
[L=236535] spell L.
(H3B) sam-° prayoga [L=236536] mfn. = arthita L.

(H3) sam-° prayogin [L=236538] mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse , wanton = kāmuka L.
[L=236539] = su-prayoga L.

(H1) sam- √ bhāṣ [p= 1178,2] [L=236871]
A1. -bhāṣate (pr. p. in MBh. also -bhāṣat) , to speak together , converse with (instr. with or without saha) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to speak to (acc.) , address , greet , salute KaushUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to join in a conversation Vait. ;

to agree , consent , enter into an engagement R. ;

to talk over , persuade Hit. ;

to speak , say , recite Hariv. ;

to have sexual intercourse with MW. : Caus. -bhāṣayati (ind.p. -bhāṣitvā v.l. in B. for -bhāṣayitvā) , to converse with (instr.) Hariv. ;

to speak to , address (acc.) R. ;

to persuade , prevail upon (v.l. for -bhāvayati) MBh.


(H2B) sam-bhāṣā [L=236873] f. id. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) sam-bhāṣā [L=236874] f. engagement , contract , agreement Subh.
(H2B) sam-bhāṣā [L=236875] f. watchword W.
(H2B) sam-bhāṣā [L=236876] f. greeting MW.
(H2B) sam-bhāṣā [L=236877] f. sexual connection ib.

(H3) sam-° bhāṣaṇa [L=236878] n. conversation , discourse with (gen. , instr. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236879] watchword MW.
[L=236880] sexual intercourse ib.

(H2) sambhoga 1 [p= 1178,3] [L=236919] » bhuja-s° , [p= 759,1].
(H2) sam-bhogá 2 [L=236924] m. (ifc. f(ā).) complete enjoyment , pleasure , delight in (comp.) S3Br. &c
[L=236925] carnal or sensual enjoyment , sexual union with (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236926] (in rhet.) a subdivision of the śṛṅgāra or sentiment of love (described as " successful love leading to union " , and opp. to vipralambha , " disappointed love , separation ") Das3ar. Sa1h. &c (only L. , " duration ; joy ; employment , use ; a Partic. part of an elephant's trunk ; a jaina or Buddhist edict ; a libertine ")
[L=236927] N. of a man Buddh.

(H1) sam-bhavá [p= 1178,2] [L=236867] &c » [p= 1179,1].
(H2) sam-bhavá [p= 1179,1] [L=236948] m. (or sám-bhava) (ifc. f(ā).) being or coming together , meeting , union , intercourse (esp. sexual intercourse , cohabitation) Gobh.
[L=236948.05] finding room in , being contained in (ifc.= " contained in ") MBh. Sus3r.
[L=236948.10] birth , production , origin , source , the being produced from (abl. ; ifc. = " arisen or produced from , made of , grown in ") Mn. MBh. &c
[L=236948.15] cause , reason , occasion (ifc.= " caused or occasioned by ") ib.
[L=236948.20] being brought about , occurrence , appearance (ifc. = " occurring " or " appearing in ") ib.
[L=236948.25] being , existence S3vetUp. MBh. &c
[L=236948.30] capacity , ability , possibility (ifc. " made possible by " ; ena , " according to possibility " , " as possible ") MBh. Ma1rkP. Sa1h.
[L=236948.35] (in rhet.) a possible case Kuval.
[L=236948.40] (in phil.) equivalence (regarded as one of the pramāṇas q.v. ; illustrated by the equivalence between one shilling and pence) MW.
[L=236948.45] agreement , conformity (esp. of the receptacle with the thing received) W.
[L=236948.50] compatibility , adequacy ib.
[L=236948.55] acquaintance , intimacy ib.
[L=236948.60] loss , destruction ib.
[L=236948.65] (with Buddhists) N. of a world SaddhP.
[L=236948.70] N. of a prince , VP.
[L=236948.75] of the third arhat of the present avasarpiṇī. L.
(H2B) sam-bhavá [L=236948.80] mf(ā)n. existing , being Pan5car.
sammadava ī

(H4) sam-° mada---vaī [p= 1180,1] [L=237092] mfn. " being together in rut or sexual passion " , and " feeling delight " Ba1lar.

(H2) samīcaka [p= 1181,2] [L=237318] m. sexual union , copulation W.

(H4) sahá--ca° rī-dharma [p= 1193,3] [L=240142] m. " the wife's duty " , sexual intercourse Hariv.

(H3) siṃhá--līla [p= 1213,2] [L=243872] m. (in music) a kind of time Sam2gi1t.
[L=243873] a partic. kind of sexual union L.

(H3) siṃhā* sana [p= 1213,3] [L=243935] n. " lion's-seat " , " king's seat " , " a throne " MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=243936] a partic. sedent posture Cat.
(H3B) siṃhā* sana [L=243937] m. a kind of sexual union L.

(H3) su--prakīrṇe* ndriya [p= 1228,2] [L=247621] mfn. addicted to too frequent seminal effusion (i.e. to sexual excess) VarBr2S.

(H3) su--yā́śu [p= 1232,1] [L=248556] f. (a female) who receives excessive sexual embraces (comp. -tarā) RV. x , 86 , 6.

(H3) su--rata [L=248605] mfn. sporting , playful Un2. v , 14 Sch.
[L=248606] compassionate , tender L.
(H3B) su--rata [L=248607] m. N. of a mendicant Buddh.
(H3B) su--rata [L=248609] m. N. of an apsaras MBh.
(H3B) su--rata [L=248610] n. great joy or delight ib.
(H3B) su--rata [L=248611] n. (ifc. f(ā).) amorous or sexual pleasure or intercourse , coition Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
(H1) su-rata [p= 1235,2] [L=249611] &c » [p= 1232,1].

(H4) su--rata---glāni [p= 1232,1] [L=248615] f. exhaustion from sexual intercourse Megh.

(H4) su--rata---janita [L=248616] mfn. produced by sexual intercourse ib.

(H4) su--rata---nivṛtti [L=248619] f. cessation of sexual intercourse Cat.

(H4) su--rata---pradīpa [L=248620] m. a lamp burning during sexual intercourse Kum.

(H4) su--rata---prasaṅga [L=248622] m. addiction to sexual intercourse MW.

(H4) su--rata---prasaṅgin [L=248623] mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse R2itus.

(H4) su--rata---mṛdita [L=248629] mfn. worn out by sexual intercourse Bhartr2.

(H4) su--rata---raṅgin [L=248630] mfn. (for sura-t° » [p= 1234,2]) , delighting in or addicted to sexual intercourse Subh.

(H4) su--rata---varṇana [L=248631] n. description of sexual intercourse Cat.

(H4) su--rata---vārarātri [L=248632] f. a night fit for sexual intercourse Ragh.

(H4) su--rata---viśeṣa [L=248634] m. a partic. kind of sexual intercourse Kir.

(H4) su--rata---vyāpārajāta-śrama [L=248635] mfn. wearied by addiction to sexual intercourse Subh. @

(H4) su--rata---sambhoga [L=248636] m. enjoyment of sexual intercourse Vet.

(H4) su--rata---saukhya [L=248637] n. the pleasure of sexual intercourse ib.

(H4) su--rata---stha [L=248638] mfn. engaged in sexual intercourse Katha1s.

(H4) su--ra° to* tsava [L=248639] m. the joy of sexual intercourse Subh.

(H4) su--ra° to* tsuka [L=248640] mfn. desirous of sexual intercourse VarBr2S.

(H4) su--ra° to* pacāra-kuśala [L=248641] mfn. skilled in sexual intercourse ib.

(H3) su--ṣád [p= 1237,3] [L=250198] mfn. addicted to sexual intercourse AV.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 14.30
Whitney Roots links: sev
(H1) sev [p= 1247,1] [L=252262]
cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. xiv , 30) sevate (rarely °ti ; pf. siṣeve , °va MBh. &c ; fut. sevitā Gr. ; seviṣyate ib. , °ti MBh. ; aor. asiṣevat , aseviṣṭa Gr. ; inf. sevitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. sevitvā , -sevya ib.) , to dwell or stay near or in (loc.) S3Br. ;

to remain or stay at , live in , frequent , haunt , inhabit , resort to (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to serve , wait or attend upon , honour , obey , worship ib. ;

to cherish , foster (a child) Katha1s. ;

to present with (instr.) Ragh. ;

to enjoy sexually , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to refresh by soft breezes , fan (said of the wind) R. Ka1lid. Pan5cat. ;

to devote or apply one's self to , cultivate , study , practise , use , employ , perform , do RV. &c ;

to exist or be found in anything (acc.) R. Hariv. Katha1s. : Pass. sevyate , to be followed or served &c MBh. : Caus. sevayati (aor. asiṣevat) , to attend upon , serve , honour Hit. ;

to tend , cherish (plants) Bhartr2. : Desid. of Caus. » sisevayiṣu: Desid. siseviṣate , °ti Gr.: Intens. seṣevyate ib.


(H3) sevana [p= 1218,1] [L=245010] » 2. sev° s.v.
(H2) sevana 1 [p= 1247,1] [L=252271] n. (for 2. » col.2) the act of frequenting or visiting or dwelling in or resorting to (comp.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. BhP.
[L=252272] waiting upon , attendance , service Mn. MBh. &c
[L=252273] honouring , reverence , worship , adoration (also f(ā).) Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c
[L=252274] sexual enjoyment , intercourse with (comp.) Mn. xi , 178
[L=252275] devotion or addiction to , fondness for , indulgence in , practise or employment of (gen. or comp.) Mn. R. &c
(H2) sevana 2 [p= 1247,2] [L=252354] n. (for 1. » col.1) the act of sewing , darning , stitching Sus3r. Vop. A1pS3r. Sch.
[L=252355] a sack L.

(H2) sevā [p= 1247,1] [L=252280] f. going or resorting to , visiting , frequenting Ca1n2. Subh.
[L=252281] service , attendance on (loc. gen. , or comp. ; sevāṃ- √kṛ , with gen. , " to be in the service of ") Mn. MBh. &c
[L=252282] worship , homage , reverence , devotion to (gen. or comp.) ib.
[L=252283] sexual intercourse with (comp.) Hit. Subh.
[L=252284] addiction to , indulgence in , practice or employment or frequent enjoyment of (comp.) Nir. Mn. MBh. &c

(H2) sevin [p= 1247,2] [L=252321] mfn. (only ifc.) going or resorting to , frequenting , inhabiting MBh. R. &c
[L=252322] attending on , serving , a servant Ka1lid. Kir. VarBr2S.
[L=252323] honouring , revering , deferential to Mn. MBh. &c
[L=252324] having sexual intercourse with Subh.
[L=252325] addicted to , fond of , enjoying , practising , employing MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H1) saurata [p= 1255,1] [L=253849] mfn. (fr. su-rata) relating to sexual enjoyment BhP.
(H1B) saurata [L=253850] n. sexual enjoyment ib.
(H1B) saurata [L=253851] m. mild wind L.

(H3) stána--bhava [p= 1257,2] [L=254344] mfn. being on the breast MW.
(H3B) stána--bhava [L=254345] m. a partic. posture in sexual union L.

(H3) stabdha--medhra [p= 1258,1] [L=254487] mfn. one whose sexual organ has become stiff (-tā f.) Sus3r.

(H3) strī́--karaṇa [p= 1260,3] [L=254936] n. sexual connection L.

(H3) strī́--kṛta [L=254942] mf(ā)n. (strī́-) made or done by women AV.
(H3B) strī́--kṛta [L=254942.1] n. sexual connection Gaut.

(H3) strī́--gamana [L=254947] n. going to women , sexual union with women Pa1rGr2. R.

(H3) strī́--bandha [p= 1261,1] [L=255035] m. union with women , sexual union L.

(H3) strī́--bhoga [L=255045] m. " enjoyment of women " , sexual intercourse Ma1rkP.

(H3) strī́--vāsas [p= 1261,2] [L=255085] n. a garment fit for sexual union A1past. Sch.

(H3) strī́--viṣaya [L=255092] m. " women's sphere " , sexual connexion VP.
(H3B) strī́--viṣaya [L=255093] mfn. only feminine , S3a1ntis3.

(H3) strī́--sambhoga [L=255117] m. enjoyment of women , sexual connexion VP.

(H3) snuṣā́--ga [p= 1268,1] [L=256470] mfn. having sexual intercourse with a daughter-in-law Ml.

(H1) sparśa [p= 1268,2] [L=256548] °śana &c » p.1269.
(H2) sparśá [p= 1269,1] [L=256604] mfn. touching (in a-bhūtala-sp° , manaḥ-sp° , q.v.)
(H2B) sparśá [L=256605] m. (ifc. f(ā). ) touch , sense of touch (-tas ind. e.g. sparśa-taḥ sukhaṃ tat , " that is pleasant to the touch ") , contact (fig. applied to the beginning of an eclipse or to any astron. contact) Mn. MBh. VarBr2S. &c
(H2B) sparśá [L=256606] m. (in gram.) collective N. of the twenty-five consonants constituting the five classes from k to m (so-called because formed by complete contact of the organs of utterance ; cf. sthāna and spṛṣṭa) Pra1t. ChUp. BhP.
(H2B) sparśá [L=256607] m. (in phil.) the quality of tangibility (which constitutes the skin's viṣaya q.v.) IW. 68
(H2B) sparśá [L=256608] m. any quality which is perceptible by touching any object (e.g. heat , cold , smoothness , softness &c ) MBh. &c
(H2B) sparśá [L=256609] m. feeling , sensation (e.g. siraḥ-śūla-sp° , " sensation of headache ") S3Br. &c
(H2B) sparśá [L=256610] m. pleasant feeling MBh. v , 1366
(H2B) sparśá [L=256611] m. unpleasant or morbid sensation , illness Pa1n2. 3-3 , 16 Va1rtt. 1 Pat.
(H2B) sparśá [L=256612] m. air , wind L.
(H2B) sparśá [L=256613] m. (accord. to some) temperature Nya1yad.
(H2B) sparśá [L=256614] m. a kind of sexual union L.
(H2B) sparśá [L=256615] m. a gift , offering (» kāka-sp° and sp°-yajña below)
(H2B) sparśá [L=256616] m. w.r. for spaśa , a spy MBh. S3is3.
(H2B) sparśá [L=256618] f. (a word of unknown meaning) Hariv. 10243.

(H3) spṛṣṭa--maithuna [p= 1269,2] [L=256699] mfn. defiled by sexual intercourse Mn. viii , 205.

(H1) smara [p= 1271,2] [L=257073] &c » p.1272 , col , 1.
(H2) smara [p= 1272,1] [L=257113] mf(ā)n. remembering , recollecting (» jāti-smara)
(H2B) smara [L=257114] m. (ifc. f(ā).) memory , remembrance , recollection ChUp. Uttarar.
(H2B) smara [L=257115] m. loving recollection love , (esp.) sexual love AV. &c
(H2B) smara [L=257116] m. kāma-deva (god of love) Ka1lid. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) smara [L=257117] m. an interpreter or explainer of the veda (and " the god of love ") Naish.
(H2B) smara [L=257118] m. the 7th astrol. mansion VarBr2S.

(H3) smara--cakra [L=257126] m. a kind of sexual union L.

(H3) smara--candra [L=257127] m. a kind of sexual union L.

(H3) smara--smarya [L=257177] m. " to be remembered by kāma " , a donkey (noted for sexual power) L.

(H3) svaná--cakra [p= 1280,2] [L=258915] m. a form of sexual union L.

(H3) haṃsá--kīlaka [p= 1286,2] [L=260070] m. a partic. form of sexual union (v.l. -nīlaka) L.

(H3) hara--dagdha-mūrti [p= 1289,1] [L=260704] m. " whose body has been burnt by śiva " , kāma-deva (also " sexual love ") VarBr2S.

(H1) harṣa [p= 1292,2] [L=261652] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ hṛṣ) bristling , erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[p= 1292,3] [L=261653] joy , pleasure , happiness (also personified as a son of dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c
[L=261654] erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement , lustfulness Sus3r.
[L=261655] ardent desire MBh.
[L=261656] N. of an asura Katha1s.
[L=261657] of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP.
[L=261658] of various authors &c (also with dīkṣita , miśra , sūri &c ; cf. śrī-harṣa)
(H1B) harṣa [L=261659] mfn. happy , delighted W.
(H2) harṣa [p= 1303,2] [L=263916] &c » p.1292.

(H3) harṣa--kīlaka [p= 1292,3] [L=261662] m. a kind of sexual enjoyment L.

(H3) harṣa--sampuṭa [L=261712] m. a kind of sexual enjoyment L.

(H2) harṣaṇa [L=261728] mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect , thrilling with joy or desire , gladdening , delightful , pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261729] m. " gladdener " , N. of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva Bcar.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261730] m. of a man VP. ( L. also , " a partic. disease of the eyes " ; " a partic. śrāddha " ; " a deity presiding over śrāddhas " ; " the 14th of the astron Yogas. ")
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261731] n. bristling , erection Sus3r.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261732] n. erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement ib.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261733] n. the act of delighting , delight , joy , happiness MBh. R.

(H2) hastin [p= 1295,3] [L=262431] mfn. having hands , clever or dexterous with the hands RV. AV.
[L=262432] (with mṛga , " the animal with a hands i.e. with a trunk " , an elephant ; cf. dantah°) ib.
[L=262433] having (or sitting on) an elephant Ma1rkP.
(H2B) hastin [L=262434] m. an elephant (four kinds of elephant are enumerated ; » bhadra , mandra , mṛga , miśtra ; some give kiliñja-h° , " a straw elephant " , " effigy of an elephant made of grass ") AV. &c
(H2B) hastin [L=262435] m. (ifc.) the chief or best of its kind g. vyāghrā*di
(H2B) hastin [L=262436] m. a kind of plant (= aja-modā) L.
(H2B) hastin [L=262437] m. N. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra MBh.
(H2B) hastin [L=262438] m. of a son of suhotra , (a prince of the Lunar race , described as founder of hastinā-pura) ib. VP.
(H2B) hastin [L=262439] m. of a son of bṛhat-kṣatra BhP.
(H2B) hastin [L=262440] m. of a son of kuru S3atr.
(H2B) hastin [L=262442] m. a kind of drug and perfume (= haṭṭa-vilāsinī) L.
(H2B) hastin [L=262443] m. a woman of a partic. class (one of the 4 classes into which women are divided , described as having thick lips , thick hips , thick fingers , large breasts , dark complexion , and strong sexual passion) Sin6ha7s.
(H2B) hastin [L=262444] m. N. of hastinā-pura L.

(H2) hiṇḍana [p= 1298,2] [L=262852] n. (only L. ) wandering , roaming
[L=262853] sexual intercourse
[L=262854] writing.

(H1) hillola [p= 1300,3] [L=263395] m. (cf. hindola) a wave , surge MW.
[L=263396] a whim ib.
[L=263397] a partic. form of sexual union ib.
[L=263398] (in music) one of the rāgas ib.

(H3) agni--madana [p= 1309,1] [L=300982.1] n. the fire of sexual love, MBh.

(H2) á-vyatī [p= 1317,3] [L=316060] f. not desirous (of sexual intercourse), RV. x, 95, 5.

(H3) khara--turagīya [p= 1326,1] [L=329690.2] (with samparka, m. ), sexual union of a donkey and a horse, Kull.

All this is from the fantastic Monier-Williams Dictionary.

Sanskrit Words for Coitus

1 ārata (coitus)
2 indrāṇī (coitus)
3 utphulla (coitus)
4 uparītaka (coitus)
5 ekapada (coitus)
6 aiṇeya (coitus)
7 aupariṣṭaka (coitus)
8 kandarpaśṛṅkhala (coitus)
9 karirata (coitus)
10 karkaṭa (coitus)
11 kāmaprada (coitus)
12 kuliśanāyaka (coitus)
13 keyūra (coitus)
14 kṣubdha (coitus)
15 catuṣpada (coitus)
16 ceṣṭaka (coitus)
17 jṛmbhita (coitus)
18 dhenuka (coitus)
19 dhainuka (coitus)
20 nāga (coitus)
21 nāgapada (coitus)
22 nāgapāśaka (coitus)
23 nāgara (coitus)
24 nīlāsana (coitus)
25 nṛsiṃha (coitus)
26 padma (coitus)
27 padmāsana (coitus)
28 paśupāśaka (coitus)
29 pīḍita (coitus)
30 puruṣāyita (coitus)
31 prākcaraṇa (coitus)
32 priyatoṣaṇa (coitus)
33 maṇḍūka (coitus)
34 markaṭa (coitus)
35 mṛga (coitus)
36 ratināga (coitus)
37 ratipāśa (coitus)
38 ratimitra (coitus)
39 ratisundara (coitus)
40 ruci (coitus)
41 latāveṣṭa (coitus)
42 vallabhāyita (coitus)
43 vāḍaba (coitus)
44 viparītaka (coitus)
45 veṣṭanaveṣṭaka (coitus)
46 veṣṭanaka (coitus)
47 veṣṭita (coitus)
48 vyānata (coitus)
49 vyānatakaraṇa (coitus)
50 śacī (coitus)
51 śauka (coitus)
52 samarabha (coitus)
53 sampuṭa (coitus)
54 sampuṭaka (coitus)
55 sūci (coitus)
56 sūcī (coitus)

(H1) ā-rata [p= 150,1] [L=26091] &c » ā- √ram.
(H2) ā-rata [L=26136] mfn. ceased , quiet , gentle
(H2B) ā-rata [L=26137] n. a kind of coitus Mall. on Kir. v , 23.

(H2) indrāṇī́ [p= 167,2] [L=29205] f. the wife of indra RV. AV. VS. TS. MBh. &c
[L=29206] N. of durgā Hariv. , (reckoned as one of the eight mothers [mātṛkā] or divine energies)
[L=29207] the pupil of the left eye (cf. indra) S3Br.
[L=29208] a kind of coitus L.
[L=29209] the plant Vitex Negundo L.
[L=29210] a species of Colocynth Nir.
(H2) indrāṇī [p= 1321,1] [L=321410] (in comp.)

(H2) ut-phulla [p= 181,3] [L=31823] mfn. ( Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 8-2 , 55) blown (as a flower) Kir. Katha1s. S3is3.
[L=31824] wide open (as the eyes) R. Pan5cat. Hit. &c
[L=31825] swollen , increased in bulk , bloated , puffed up Katha1s. Ba1lar. S3a1rn3g.
[L=31826] sleeping supinely L.
[L=31827] looking at with insolence , insolent , impudent Pat.
(H2B) ut-phulla [L=31828] n. a kind of coitus L.

(H3) uparī* taka [p= 205,2] [L=35572] m. (scil. śṛṅgāra-bandha) a kind of coitus , rati-mañjarī T.

(H3) éka--pada [p= 228,2] [L=39394] n. one and the same place or spot
[L=39395] the same panel AgP.
[L=39396] a single word VPra1t. S3is3.
[L=39397] a simple word , a simple nominal formation Nir.
[L=39398] one and the same word VPra1t. i , 111
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39400] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. taking one step A1s3vGr2. i , 7 , 19
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39401] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. having only one foot S3Br. BhP.
(H3B) éka--pada [p= 228,3] [L=39402] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. occupying only one panel Hcat.
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39403] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. consisting of a single word , named with a single word MBh. VPra1t. APra1t. &c
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39404] m. a kind of coitus
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39407] m. pl. N. of a fabulous race VarBr2S.

(H2) aiṇeya [p= 233,3] [L=40385] mfn. (fr. eṇī) , produced or coming from the female black antelope Pa1n2. 4-3 , 159 A1s3vGr2. Sus3r. BhP. &c
[L=40386] (fr. aiṇeya) belonging to anything which is produced from the female black antelope Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 4-3 , 155
(H2B) aiṇeya [L=40387] m. the black antelope
(H2B) aiṇeya [L=40388] n. a kind of coitus.

(H2) aupariṣṭaka [p= 238,3] [L=41085] n. (scil. rata) a kind of coitus , Va1tsy.

(H3) kandarpa--śṛṅkhala [p= 249,3] [L=43263] m. a kind of coitus , Ratim. ??

(H3) kari--rata [p= 254,2] [L=44331] n. " elephant's coitus " , a kind of coitus Kir. v , 23.

(H2) karkaṭa [p= 256,1] [L=44645] m. a crab Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c
[L=44646] the sign Cancer VarBr2S. VarBr2. &c
[L=44647] a particular bird L.
[L=44648] N. of several plants
[L=44649] the fibrous root of a plant L.
[L=44650] the curved end of the beam of a balance (to which the strings supporting the scale are attached) , Mit.
[L=44651] a pair of compasses in a particular position
[L=44652] a particular position of the hands
[L=44653] a kind of fever Bhpr.
[L=44654] a kind of coitus L.

(H3) kā́ma--prada [p= 272,2] [L=48113] mfn. granting desires
(H3B) kā́ma--prada [L=48114] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H3) kúliśa--nāyaka [p= 296,1] [L=53171] m. a kind of coitus.

(H1) keyūra [p= 309,2] [L=55768] n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm MBh. R. Ragh. &c
(H1B) keyūra [L=55769] m. id. Bhartr2. ii , 16
(H1B) keyūra [L=55770] m. a kind of coitus
(H1B) keyūra [L=55771] m. N. of a samādhi Ka1ran2d2.

(H2) kṣubdha [p= 331,3] [L=60129] mfn. agitated , shaken MBh. iii , 12544
[L=60130] expelled (as a king) Pa1n2. 7-2 , 18 Siddh.
[L=60131] agitated (mentally) , excited , disturbed (in comp. with citta or manas) Sus3r.
(H2B) kṣubdha [L=60132] m. the churning-stick Pa1n2. 7-2 , 18
(H2B) kṣubdha [L=60133] m. a kind of coitus.

(H3) catuṣ--pada [p= 385,3] [L=71419] (in comp.) 4 pādas Ma1lav. i , 19÷20
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.05] n. sg. or pl. , 4 partitions or divisions AgP. xl , 16 and 18
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.10] mf(ā)n. (cát°) , quadruped MBh. VarBr2S. xxi
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.15] mf(ā)n. consisting of 4 pādas TS. iii , 2 , 9 , 1 S3Br. xi AitBr. i , 7 ChUp. RPra1t. Ma1lav. ii
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.20] mf(ā)n. consisting of 4 words VPra1t.
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.25] mf(ā)n. comprising 4 partitions or divisions VarBr2S. liii , 55
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.30] mf(ā)n. (in alg.) tetranomial
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.35] m. a quadruped W.
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.40] m. (= pāśava?) a kind of coitus L.
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.45] m. (pl.) certain zodiacal signs (viz. meṣa , vṛṣa , siṃha , makara-pūr vā*rdha , dhanuḥ-parā*rdha) Laghuj. i , 11 ff.
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.50] m. N. of a shrub W.
(H3B) catuṣ--pada [L=71419.55] n. N. of a particular karaṇa VarBr2S. ic , 5 and 8 Su1ryas. ii , 67

(H2) ceṣṭaka [p= 402,1] [L=74980] mfn. making effort or exertion W.
(H2B) ceṣṭaka [L=74981] m. a kind of fish (= °ṭa) L.
(H2B) ceṣṭaka [L=74982] m. a kind of coitus.

(H2) jṛmbhita [p= 424,3] [L=80139] mfn. opened , expanded , enlarged , increased MBh. vii , 8198 Katha1s. lxiv , lxxi
[L=80140] opened (a flower) L.
[L=80141] unstrung (a bow) R. i , 75 , 17ff.
[L=80142] (fr. Caus.) caused to yawn Hariv. 10633
[L=80143] exerted W.
(H2B) jṛmbhita [L=80144] n. yawning Sus3r.
(H2B) jṛmbhita [L=80145] n. bursting , opening , unfolding Katha1s. xxvi , 89
(H2B) jṛmbhita [L=80146] n. developing , swelling W.
(H2B) jṛmbhita [L=80147] n. exertion L.
(H2B) jṛmbhita [L=80148] n. wish L.
(H2B) jṛmbhita [L=80149] n. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) dhenuka [p= 520,2] [L=102032] m. a kind of coitus L. (cf. dhain°)
[L=102033] N. of an asura slain by kṛṣṇa or bala-bhadra MBh. Hariv. Pur.
[L=102034] of a son of dur-dama VP.
[L=102035] pl. N. of a people MBh.
(H2B) dhenuka [L=102044] n. N. of a herd of milch cows L.
(H2B) dhenuka [L=102045] n. N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh.

(H2) dhainuka [L=102059] n. a herd of cows L.
[L=102060] a kind of coitus L.

(H1) nāgá [p= 532,3] [L=104933] m. (prob. neither fr. na-ga nor fr. nagna) a snake , (esp.) Coluber Naga S3Br. MBh. &c
[p= 533,1] [L=104934] (f. ī́ Suparn2. ) a nāga or serpent-demon (the race of kadru or su-rasā inhabiting the waters or the city bhoga-vatī under the earth ; they are supposed to have a human face with serpent-like lower extremities [see esp. Na1g. v , 17 RTL. 233 &c ] ; their kings are śeṣa , vāsuki , and takṣaka ib. 323 ; 7 or 8 of the nāgas are particularly mentioned MBh. Ka1v. &c ; with Buddhists they are also represented as ordinary men MWB. 220)
[L=104935] N. of the numbers 7 ( Su1ryas. ) or 8 ( Hcat. )
[L=104936] a cruel man L.
[L=104937] one of the 5 airs of the human body (which is expelled by eructation) Veda7ntas.
[L=104938] (sg. also collect.) an elephant (f(ī). , ifc. f(ā).) Ka1v. BhP. etc.
[L=104939] the best or most excellent of any kind (ifc.) L. (cf. ṛṣabha , vyāghra &c )
[L=104940] shark L.
[L=104941] cloud L.
[L=104942] N. of sev. plants (Mesua Roxburghii , Rottlera Tinctoria &c ) L.
[L=104943] N. of a serpent-demon VP.
[L=104944] of a sādhya Hariv.
[L=104945] of a teacher Buddh.
[L=104946] of a dynasty of 9 or 10 princes VP.
[L=104947] of sev. authors (also -śarman and -bhaṭṭa) Col.
[L=104948] of sev. other men Ra1jat.
[L=104949] of a mountain Pur.
[L=104950] of a district L.
[L=104951] = -danta (below) L.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104952] f(ā and ī). N. of sev. women Ra1jat.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104954] n. (m. L. ) tin , lead Bhpr.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104955] n. a kind of talc ib.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104956] n. a kind of coitus L.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104957] n. N. of the 3rd invariable karaṇa (» s.v.) Su1ryas. Var.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104958] n. of the effects of that period on anything happening during it W.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104959] n. of a district of bhārata-varṣa Gol.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104960] mf(ā , or ī)n. formed of snakes , relating to serpents or serpents-demons , snaky , serpentine , serpent-like MBh. &c (with āsana n. a partic. attitude in sitting Cat. ; ā f. [scil. vīthī] = nāga-v° , below Var. )
(H1B) nāgá [L=104961] mf(ā , or ī)n. belonging to an elephant , elephantine (as urine) Sus3r.
(H2) nāga [p= 1329,2] [L=334770] (in comp.)

(H3) nāgá--pada [p= 533,1] [L=105032] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H4) nāgá--pā° śaka [p= 533,2] [L=105040] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H1) nāgara [p= 533,3] [L=105221] mf(ī)n. (fr. nagara) town-born , town-bred , relating or belonging to a town or city , town-like , civic MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=105222] spoken in a town (said of a partic. apabhraṃśa dialect ; cf. upa-n°) Sa1h.
[L=105223] polite , civil , S3ak. v , 1÷2 (v.l. for °rika)
[L=105224] clever , dexterous , cunning Dhu1rtan.
[L=105225] bad , vile L.
[L=105226] nameless L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105227] m. a citizen MBh. &c
(H1B) nāgara [L=105228] m. (= paura) a prince engaged in war under partic. circumstances (opp. to yāyin &c and also applied to planets opposed to each other) Var.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105229] m. a husband's brother L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105230] m. a lecturer L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105231] m. an orange L. (cf. nāga-raṅga)
(H1B) nāgara [L=105232] m. toil , fatigue L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105233] m. desire of final beatitude L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105234] m. denial of knowledge L.
(H1B) nāgara [p= 534,1] [L=105236] m. =deva-nāgarī Col.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105237] m. a clever or intriguing woman W.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105238] n. dry ginger Sus3r.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105239] n. the root of Cyperus Pertenuis L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105240] n. a partic. written character Hcat.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105241] n. a kind of coitus L.
(H1B) nāgara [L=105242] n. N. of sev. places L.

(H3) nīlā* sana [p= 567,1] [L=111692] m. a species of tree L.
[L=111693] (°lā*s°?) a kind of coitus L.

(H3) nṛ́--siṃha [p= 568,1] [L=111921] m. " man-lion " , a great or illustrious man MBh. R.
[L=111922] (also -ka) viṣṇu in his 4th avatāra (cf. nara-s°) ib. &c
[L=111923] a prayer to viṣṇu as man-lion AgP. (-tva n.)
[L=111924] a kind of coitus L.
[L=111925] N. of sev. authors (also -cakravartin , -ṭhakkura , -deva , -daivajña , -pañcā*nana , -pañcā*nanabhaṭṭā*cārya , -purī-parivrāj , -bhaṭṭā*cārya , -mūrty-ācārya , vājapeyin , -śāstrin , -sarasvatī , -sūri , °hā*cārya , °hā*cārya-śiṣya , °hā*nanda , °hā*raṇya-muni and °hā*śrama) Cat.

(H1) padma [p= 584,2] [L=115507] mn. (2. or 3. pad?) a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening ; often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphaea Alba) MBh. Ka1v. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=115508] the form or figure of a lotus R. Ma1rkP. (a N. given by the tāntrikas to the 6 divisions of the upper part of the body called cakras q.v.)
[L=115509] a partic. mark or mole on the human body R.
[L=115510] red or coloured marks on the face or trunk of an elephant L.
[L=115511] a partic. part of a column or pillar Var.
[L=115512] a kind of temple ib.
[L=115513] an army arrayed in the form of a lotus Mn. MBh.
[L=115514] a partic. posture of the body in religious meditation , Veda7nt. (cf. padmā*sana)
[L=115515] a kind of coitus L.
[L=115516] one of the 9 treasures of kubera (also personified) R.
[L=115517] one of the 8 treasures connected with the magical art called padminī MBh. Hariv. &c
[L=115518] a partic. high number (1000 millions or billions) MBh. R. &c
[L=115519] a partic. constellation Var.
[L=115520] N. of a partic. cold hell Buddh.
[L=115521] a partic. fragrant substance MBh. (v.l. °maka)
[L=115522] the root of Nelumbium Speciosum L.
[L=115523] a species of bdellium L.
[L=115524] lead L.
(H1B) padma [L=115525] m. a species of plant L.
(H1B) padma [L=115526] m. an elephant L.
(H1B) padma [L=115527] m. a species of serpent Sus3r.
(H1B) padma [L=115528] m. N. of rāma (son of daśa-ratha) S3atr.
(H1B) padma [L=115529] m. of two serpent-demons MBh. R. &c
(H1B) padma [L=115530] m. of one of the attendants of skanda MBh.
(H1B) padma [L=115531] m. of a mythical buddha MWB. 136 n. 1.
(H1B) padma [L=115532] m. (with jainas) N. of the 9th cakra-vartin in bhārata and of one of the 9 white balas
(H1B) padma [L=115533] m. N. of a king MBh.
(H1B) padma [L=115534] m. of a prince of kaśmīra (founder of padma-pura and of a temple ; » padma-svāmin) Ra1jat.
(H1B) padma [L=115535] m. of another man ib.
(H1B) padma [L=115536] m. of a Brahman Lalit.
(H1B) padma [L=115537] m. of a mythical elephant R. (cf. mahā-padma)
(H1B) padma [L=115538] m. of a monkey R.
(H1B) padma [L=115539] m. of a mountain Var.
(H1B) padma [L=115541] m. a species of plant Sus3r. (Clerodendrum Siphorantus or Hibiscus Mutabilis L. )
(H1B) padma [L=115542] m. cloves L.
(H1B) padma [L=115543] m. the flower of Carthamus Tinctoria L.
(H1B) padma [L=115544] m. N. of the mother of muni-suvrata (the 20th arhat of the present avasarpiṇī) L.
(H1B) padma [L=115545] m. of a female serpent-demon (= the goddess manasā , wife of the sage jarat-kāru ; cf. padma-priyā) L.
(H1B) padma [L=115546] m. of a daughter of king bṛhadratha and wife of kalki Pur.
(H1B) padma [L=115547] mfn. lotus-hued , being of the colour of a lotus Shad2vBr.

(H3) padmā* sana [p= 585,1] [L=115766] n. a lotus as seat (esp. of an idol) Hariv. Kum.
[L=115767] a partic. posture in religious meditation Bhartr2. (cf. MWB. 240)
[L=115768] a kind of coitus L.
(H3B) padmā* sana [L=115769] mf(ā)n. sitting in a lotus or in the position called padmāsana (-tā f. Cat. )
(H3B) padmā* sana [L=115770] m. N. of brahmā VP.
(H3B) padmā* sana [L=115771] m. of śiva S3ivag.
(H3B) padmā* sana [L=115772] m. the sun L.

(H3) paśu--pāśaka [p= 611,3] [L=120609] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) pīḍita [p= 629,2] [L=124681] mfn. squeezed , pressed Mn. MBh. &c
[L=124682] hurt , injured , afflicted , distressed , troubled , badly off ib.
[L=124683] covered , eclipsed , obscured Var.
[L=124684] laid waste W.
[L=124685] bound , tied ib.
[L=124686] suppressed
[L=124687] badly pronounced , APra1t.
(H2B) pīḍita [L=124689] n. damage Gaut.
(H2B) pīḍita [L=124690] n. harassment , annoyance MBh. (v.l. pīḍana)
(H2B) pīḍita [L=124691] n. a kind of coitus L.

(H3) puru° ṣāyitá [p= 637,3] [L=126608] mfn. acting like a man , playing the man (esp. in sexual intercourse) Amar. Sch. (-tva n.)
(H3B) puru° ṣāyitá [L=126609] n. a kind of coitus Kpr. Kuval.

(H3) prāk--caraṇa [p= 704,1] [L=139227] mfn. previously excited (said of the female generative organs previous to coitus) Car. S3a1rn3gS.

(H3) priyá--toṣaṇa [p= 710,1] [L=140509] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H1) maṇḍū́ka [p= 776,1] [L=155009] m. (ifc. f(ā).) a frog RV. &c
[L=155010] N. of a partic. breed of horses MBh.
[L=155011] Calosanthes Indica L.
[L=155012] a machine like a frog L.
[L=155013] the sole of a horse's hoof. L.
[L=155014] N. of a ṛṣi Pa1n2. 4-1 , 119
[L=155015] of a nāga L.
(H1B) maṇḍū́ka [L=155020] n. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) markáṭa [p= 791,1] [L=158412] m. ( Un2. iv , 81) a monkey , ape VS. &c
[L=158413] a kind of bird Shad2vBr. (the adjutant or Indian crane L. )
[L=158414] a spider L.
[L=158415] a sort of poison or venom L.
[L=158416] a mode of coitus L.
[L=158417] N. of a man Pravar.
(H2B) markáṭa [L=158419] n. an iron monkey-shaped bolt L.

(H2) mṛgá [p= 828,2] [L=166792] m. (prob. " ranger " , " rover ") a forest animal or wild beast , game of any kind , (esp.) a deer , fawn , gazelle , antelope , stag , musk-deer RV. &c
[L=166793] the deer or antelope in the moon (i.e. the spots on the disk supposed to resemble those of an antelope as well as a hare)
[L=166794] the disk or antelope in the sky (either the nakṣatra mṛga-śiras or the sign of the zodiac Capricorn ; also in general the 10th arc of 30 degrees in a circle) Su1ryas. VarBr2S. &c
[L=166795] an elephant with partic. marks (accord. to L. " one the secondary marks of whose body are small ") R. Var.
[L=166796] a large soaring bird RV. i , 182 , 7 &c
[L=166797] N. of a demon or vṛtra in the form of a deer slain by indra ib. i , 80 , 7 &c
[L=166798] of a celestial being (occupying a partic. place in an astrol. house divided into 81 compartments) VarBr2S. Hcat.
[L=166799] of a partic. class of men whose conduct in coitus resembles that of the roebuck L.
[L=166800] of the district in śāka-dvīpa inhabited principally by Brahmans MBh. (B. maṅga) ; of the Brahmans themselves VP. (v.l. maga)
[L=166801] of a horse of the Moon VP.
[L=166802] musk (= mṛga-nābhi or -mada) VarBr2S.
[L=166803] a partic. aja-pāla sacrifice L.
[L=166804] search , seeking , asking , requesting L.

(H3) rati--nāga [p= 867,3] [L=175008] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H3) rati--pāśa [L=175011] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H3) rati--mitra [L=175033] m. a kind of coitus L.
[L=175034] N. of a poet Subh.

(H3) rati--sundara [p= 868,1] [L=175062] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) rúci [p= 882,2] [L=178352] f. (rucí MaitrS. ) light , lustre , splendour , beauty AV. &c
[L=178353] colour Ka1v.
[L=178354] liking , taste , relish , pleasure , appetite , zest AV. &c (ifc. taking pleasure in , desirous of. longing for ; with loc. , prati inf. or comp. ; ruciṃ- √dā or rucaye- √bhū , to please ; rucim ā- √vah , with dat. , to excite a desire for ; rucyā or sva-rucyā , at pleasure , at will)
[L=178355] a kind of coitus L.
[L=178356] a kind of pigment (= rocanā) L.
[L=178357] N. of an apsaras MBh.
[L=178358] of the wife of devaśarman ib.
(H2B) rúci [L=178359] m. N. of a prajā-pati (the husband of ākūti and father of yajña or su-yajña and of manu raucya) Pur.
(H2B) rúci [L=178360] m. of a son of viśvāmitra MBh.
(H2B) rúci [L=178361] m. of a king VP.
(H2B) rúci [L=178362] mfn. pleasant , agreeable (= rucira) R.

(H3) latā--veṣṭa [p= 896,1] [L=181318] m. N. of a mountain Hariv.
[L=181319] a kind of coitus L.

(H2) vallabhāyita [p= 928,3] [L=188325] n. a kind of coitus MW. (cf. puruṣāyiśa).

(H1) vāḍaba [p= 939,1] [L=190530] mfn. (or vāḍava) (fr. vaḍaba) coming from a mare (as milk) Sus3r.
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.1] m. a stallion , stud-horse Pa1n2. 6-2 , 65 Sch.
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.2] m. submarine fire (cf. under vaḍaba and aurva) Ka1v. Pur.
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.3] m. a Brahman MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. vāḍabya)
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.4] m. N. of a grammarian Pat. on Pa1n2. 8-2 , 106
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.5] m. or n. the lower world , bell L.
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.6] n. a stud g. khaṇḍikā*di
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.7] n. a partic. muhūrta Cat.
(H1B) vāḍaba [L=190530.8] n. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) vi-parī* taka [p= 974,2] [L=197700] mfn. reversed , inverted Ka1v.
(H2B) vi-parī* taka [L=197701] m. (with bandha) inverted coitus L.

(H3) veṣṭana--veṣṭaka [p= 1019,3] [L=206510] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) veṣṭanaka [L=206511] m. a kind of coitus L.

(H2) veṣṭitá [L=206515] mfn. enveloped , bound round , wrapped up , enclosed , surrounded , invested , beset S3Br. &c
[L=206516] covered with , veiled in (instr.) Mn. i , 49
[L=206517] accompanied or attended by (instr.) MBh.
[L=206518] twisted (as a rope) Katha1s.
[L=206519] stopped , secured from access W.
(H2B) veṣṭitá [L=206520] n. encompassing , encircling W.
(H2B) veṣṭitá [L=206521] n. one of the gestures or attitudes of dancing (= veṣṭana) ib.
(H2B) veṣṭitá [L=206522] n. a kind of coitus L.
(H2B) veṣṭitá [L=206523] n. a turban (» veṣṭitin).

(H2) vy-ānata [p= 1037,2] [L=209747] mfn. bent down , having the face bent towards the ground ib.
(H2B) vy-ānata [L=209748] n. a kind of coitus ib.

(H3) vy-ānata---karaṇa [L=209749] n. a partic. posture in coitus , lb.

(H2) śácī [p= 1048,1] [L=211707] f. the rendering of powerful or mighty help , assistance , aid (esp. said of the deeds of indra and the aśvins , instr. śácyā and śácībhis , often = " mightily " or , " helpfully ") RV.
[p= 1048,2] [L=211708] kindness , favour , grace ib. AV. AitBr.
[L=211709] skill , dexterity RV. VS.
[L=211710] speech , power of speech , eloquence Naigh.
[L=211711] N. of the wife of indra (derived fr. śacī-pati q.v.) S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c
[L=211712] of the authoress of RV. x , 159 (having the patr. Paulomi) Anukr.
[L=211713] Asparagus Racemosus L.
[L=211714] a kind of coitus L.

(H1) śauka [p= 1092,2] [L=221697] n. (fr. śuka) a flight of parrots g. khaṇḍikā*di
[L=221698] a kind of coitus L.
[L=221699] sorrowfulness (perhaps w.r. for śoka) L.

(H3) samá--rabha [p= 1152,3] [L=233146] m. " equal-embrace " , a kind of coitus MW.

(H1) sam-puṭa [p= 1173,1] [L=236158] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; cf. puṭa) a hemispherical bowl or anything so shaped Ka1v. Sus3r. Hcat.
[L=236159] the space between two bowls Bhpr.
[L=236160] a round covered case or box or casket (for jewellery &c ) Ni1lak.
[L=236161] a hemisphere Gol.
[L=236162] the kurabaka flower L.
[L=236163] a kind of coitus L.
[L=236164] credit , balance (°ṭe- √likh with gen. , " to write down to the credit of ") Katha1s.
[L=236165] N. of wk. Buddh.
[L=236166] = eka-jātīyo*bhayamadhya-vartin Tantras.

(H2) sam-puṭaka [L=236167] m. (prob.) a wrapper , envelope Hcat.
[L=236168] a round case or box or casket L.
[L=236169] a kind of coitus L.

(H2) sūci [p= 1241,1] [L=251025] f. (prob. to be connected with sūtra , syūta &c fr. √ siv , " to sew " cf. sūkṣma ; in R. once sūcinā instr.) , a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. " a needle used in surgery " , " a magnet " &c ) RV. &c
[L=251026] f. the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Ka1v. Car. BhP.
[L=251027] f. a rail or balustrade DivyA7v.
[L=251028] f. a small door-bolt L.
[L=251029] f. " sharp file or column " , a kind of military array (accord. to Kull. on Mn. vii , 187, " placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front ") Mn. MBh. Ka1m.
[L=251030] f. an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ; cf. -pattra below)
[L=251031] f. a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Col.
[L=251032] f. a cone , pyramid ib.
[L=251033] f. (in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or " the corrected diameter of the earth ") Su1ryas.
[L=251034] f. gesticulation , dramatic action L.
[L=251035] f. a kind of coitus L.
[L=251036] f. sight , seeing (= dṛṣṭi) L.
(H2B) sūci [L=251037] m. (only sūci) the son of niṣāda and a vaiśyā L.
(H2B) sūci [L=251038] m. a maker of winnowing baskets &c (cf. sūnā) L.

(H3) sūcī́ [L=251039] f. (prob. to be connected with sūtra , syūta &c fr. √ siv , " to sew " cf. sūkṣma ; in R. once sūcinā instr.) , a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. " a needle used in surgery " , " a magnet " &c ) RV. &c
[L=251040] the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Ka1v. Car. BhP.
[L=251041] a rail or balustrade DivyA7v.
[L=251042] a small door-bolt L.
[L=251043] " sharp file or column " , a kind of military array (accord. to Kull. on Mn. vii , 187, " placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front ") Mn. MBh. Ka1m.
[L=251044] an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ; cf. -pattra below)
[L=251045] a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Col.
[L=251046] a cone , pyramid ib.
[L=251047] (in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or " the corrected diameter of the earth ") Su1ryas.
[L=251048] gesticulation , dramatic action L.
[L=251049] a kind of coitus L.
[L=251050] sight , seeing (= dṛṣṭi) L.
(H3B) sūcī́ [L=251051] m. (only sūci) the son of niṣāda and a vaiśyā L.
(H3B) sūcī́ [L=251052] m. a maker of winnowing baskets &c (cf. sūnā) L.
(H2) sūcī [p= 1241,2] [L=251089]

Sanskrit Words with “Sex” in the Definition:

1 trailiṅga (sex)
2 dvailiṅgya (sex)
3 padminī (sex)
4 pramadājana (sex)
5 mātṛgrāma (sex)
6 maithuna (sex)
7 yama (sex)
8 liṅga (sex)
9 vyañjana (sex)
10 suratavidhi (sex)
11 strījāti (sex)
12 straiṇa (sex)

(H2) trailiṅga [p= 462,2] [L=88718] mfn. having 3 (liṅga) sexes MBh. xii , 11353 (v.l. °gya n. " triplicity of sex ") .

(H3) dvai--liṅgya [p= 507,2] [L=99087] n. duplicity of sex Sch.

(H2B) padminī [p= 585,2] [L=115807] f. » next.
(H2) padminī [L=115808] f. (of prec.) Nelumbium Speciosum , a lotus (the whole plant ifc. (°nīka) mfn. ; cf. abjinī , nalinī &c )
[L=115809] a multitude of lotuses or a lotus-pond MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. g. puṣkarā*di)
[L=115810] a lotus-stalk L.
[L=115811] a female elephant L.
[L=115812] a partic. magical art Ma1rkP.
[L=115813] an excellent woman , a woman belonging to the first of the 4 classes into which the sex is divided RTL. 389
[L=115814] N. of sev. women Sin6ha7s.

(H4) pra-° madā---jana [p= 685,2] [L=135745] m. womankind , the female sex R. Var.

(H3) mātṛ́--grāma [p= 807,2] [L=162268] m. " the aggregate of mother " , the female sex Lalit.
[L=162269] any woman L.
[L=162270] N. of a village Ra1jat.

(H1) maithuná [p= 834,2] [L=168258] mf(ī)n. (fr. mithuna) paired , coupled , forming a pair or one of each sex BhP.
[L=168259] connected by marriage Pa1rGr2.
[L=168260] relating or belonging to copulation Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. (with bhogu m. carnal enjoyment ; with dharma m. " sexual law " , copulation ; with vāsas n. a garment worn during copulation)
(H1B) maithuná [L=168261] n. (ifc. f(ā).) copulation , sexual intercourse or union , marriage S3Br. &c (acc. with √ ās , i , gam , car ; dat. with upa- √gam , or upa √kram , to have sexual intercourse)
(H1B) maithuná [L=168262] n. union , connection L.

(H2) yáma [p= 846,1] [L=170382] m. a rein , curb , bridle RV. v , 61 , 2
[L=170383] a driver , charioteer ib. viii , 103 , 10
[L=170384] the act of checking or curbing , suppression , restraint (with vācām , restraint of words , silence) BhP.
[L=170385] self-control forbearance , any great moral rule or duty (as opp. to niyama , a minor observance ; in Ya1jn5. iii , 313 ten yamas are mentioned , sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=170386] (in yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight aṅgas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93
[L=170387] any rule or observance Pa1rGr2.
(H2B) yamá [L=170388] mf(ā́ or ī́)n. twin-born , twin , forming a pair RV. &c
(H2B) yáma [L=170389] m. a twin , one of a pair or couple , a fellow (du. " the twins " N. of the aśvins and of their twin children by mādrī , called nakula and saha-deva ; yamau mithunau , twins of different sex) ib.
(H2B) yáma [L=170390] m. a symbolical N. for the number " two " Hcat.
(H2B) yáma [p= 846,2] [p= 846,1] [L=170391] m. N. of the god who presides over the pitṛs (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c IW. 18 ; 197 , 198 &c RTL. 10 ; 16 ; 289 &c (he is regarded as the first of men and born from vivasvat , " the Sun " , and his wife saraṇyū ; while his brother , the seventh manu , another form of the first man , is the son of vivasvat and saṃjñā , the image of saraṇyū ; his twin-sister is yamī , with whom he resists sexual alliance , but by whom he is mourned after his death , so that the gods , to make her forget her sorrow , create night ; in the veda he is called a king or saṃgamano janānām , " the gatherer of men " , and rules over the departed fathers in heaven , the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed , four-eyed , spotted dogs , the children of śaramā q.v. ; in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and " Restrainer " or " Punisher " of the dead , in which capacity he is also called dharmarāja or dharma and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos ; his abode is in some region of the lower world called yama-pura ; thither a soul when it leaves the body , is said to repair , and there , after the recorder , citra-gupta , has read an account of its actions kept in a book called agra-saṃdhānā , it receives a just sentence ; in MBh. yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments , with a glittering form , a crown on his head , glowing eyes and like varuṇa , holding a noose , with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body , in size about the measure of a man's thumb ; he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect , green in colour , clothed in red , riding on a buffalo , and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other ; in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures , called yātanā , on departed spirits ; he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter ; he is the regent of the nakṣatra apa-bharaṇī or bharaṇī , the supposed author of RV. x , 10 ; 14 , of a hymn to viṣṇu and of a law-book ; yamasyā*rkaḥ N. of a sāman A1rshBr. )
(H2B) yáma [L=170392] m. N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of vivasvat and chāyā) Hariv. BhP.
(H2B) yáma [L=170393] m. of one of skanda's attendants (mentioned together with ati-yama) MBh.
(H2B) yáma [L=170394] m. a crow L. (cf. -dūtaka)
(H2B) yáma [L=170395] m. a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large) L.
(H2B) yáma [L=170397] n. a pair , brace , couple L.
(H2B) yáma [L=170398] n. (in gram.) a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood , but not written in practice , between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Pra1t. Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 8
(H2B) yáma [L=170399] n. pitch of the voice , tone of utterance , key Pra1t.

(H2) liṅga [p= 901,3] [L=182477] n. (once m. in Nr2isUp. ; ifc. f(ā). , f(ī). only in viṣṇu-liṅgī ; prob. fr. √ lag ; cf. lakṣa , lakṣaṇa) a mark , spot , sign , token , badge , emblem , characteristic (ifc. = tal-liṅga , " having anything for a mark or sign ") Up. MBh. &c
[L=182478] any assumed or false badge or mark , guise , disguise MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=182479] a proof , evidence Kan2. Ka1tyS3r. Sarvad.
[L=182480] a sign of guilt , corpus delicti Ya1jn5. Sch.
[L=182481] the sign of gender or sex , organ of generation Mn. Hariv. Pur. &c
[L=182482] the male organ or Phallus (esp. that of śiva worshipped in the form of a stone or marble column which generally rises out of a yoni , q.v. , and is set up in temples dedicated to śiva ; formerly 12 principal śiva-liṅgas existed , of which the best known are soma-nātha in Gujarat , mahā-kāla at ujjayinī , viśve*śvara at Benares &c ; but the number of liṅgas in India is estimated at 30 millions IW. 322 n. RTL. 78 , 1 ; 90) MBh. R. &c
[L=182483] gender (in gram. ; cf. puṃ-l°) , Prst. Pa1n2.
[L=182484] the image of a god , an idol VarBr2S.
[L=182485] (in logic) = vyāpya , the invariable mark which proves the existence of anything in an object (as in the proposition " there is fire because there is smoke " , smoke is the liṅga ; cf. IW. 62)
[L=182486] inference , conclusion , reason (cf. kāvya-l°)
[L=182487] = liṅgaśarīra (in vedānta)
[L=182488] anything having an origin and therefore liable to be destroyed again Kap.
[L=182489] = ākāśa Ka1ran2d2.
[p= 902,1] [L=182490] (in sāṃkhya) = prakṛti or pradhāna , " the eternal procreative germ " L.
[L=182491] = vyakta L.
[L=182492] cf. RTL. 30
[L=182493] = prātipadika , the crude base or uninflected stem of a noun (shortened into li) Vop. Sch.
[L=182494] (in rhet.) an indication (word that serves to fix the meaning of another word ; e.g. in the passage kupito makara-dhvajaḥ the word kupita restricts the meaning of makara-dhvaja to " kāma ") = liṅga-purāṇa BhP.
[L=182495] the order of the religious student W.
[L=182496] a symptom , mark of disease W.

(H2) vy-áñjana [p= 1029,3] [L=208446] mfn. manifesting , indicating Hariv. (v.l. vyañcana)
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208447] m. (once for n. ; cf. below) a consonant VPra1t.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208448] m. Pandanus Odoratissimus L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208449] m. = vāditra-karman L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208451] m. a figurative expression (°nā-vṛtti f. figurative style) W.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208452] n. decoration , ornament RV. viii , 78 , 2
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208453] n. manifestation , indication Sus3r. Ra1jat.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208454] n. allusion , suggestion (= ā f.) , sah. A1s3vS3r. Sch.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208455] n. figurative expression , irony , sarcasm W.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208456] n. specification Nir.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208457] n. a mark , badge , spot , sign , token A1pS3r. R. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208458] n. insignia , paraphernalia Ka1v.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208459] n. symptom (of a disease) Cat.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208460] n. mark of sex or gender (as the beard , breasts &c ) , the private organs (male or female) Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208461] n. anything used in cooking or preparing food , seasoning , sauce , condiment MBh. R. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208462] n. a consonant Pra1t. S3rS. &c
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208463] n. a syllable VPra1t. (cf. hīnavy°)
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208464] n. the letter (as opp. to artha , " meaning ") Maha1vy.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208465] n. a limb , member , part L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208466] n. a day L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208467] n. purification of a sacrificial animal (also m. and f(ā).) L.
(H2B) vy-áñjana [L=208468] n. a fan L. (w.r. for vyajana)

(H4) su--rata---vidhi [p= 1232,1] [L=248633] m. performance or rule or mode of sex intercourse VarBr2S.

(H3) strī́--jāti [p= 1260,3] [L=254969] f. the female sex MW.

(H2) straíṇa [p= 1261,2] [L=255135] mf(ī)n. female , feminine RV. &c
[L=255136] relating or belonging to women , subject to or ruled by women , being among women Ka1v. BhP.
[L=255137] worthy of a woman L.
(H2B) straíṇa [L=255138] n. womankind , the female sex AV. &c
(H2B) straíṇa [L=255139] n. the nature of women Uttarar. BhP.