Anacka-(also Anachkam) - Unstruck Sound
nādabindumayaṃ vāpi kiṃ candrārdhanirodhikāḥ |
cakrārūḍham anackaṃ vā kiṃ vā śaktisvarūpakam || 4 ||
Mark Dyczkowski: A pure consonant without any vowel sound and hence unutterable
Swami Lakshmanjoo and John Hughes transliterate it as anackam
Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati as anachkam
Andre Padoux, in Vac, uses anacka
See the interesting discussion between Lakshmanjoo and John Hughes in their Vijnanabhairava, page 5. (available from Universal Shaiva Fellowship). Lakshmanjoo describes anackam as “movement-less wheel of movement” and relates it to spanda and aspanda.
Pratyabhijñahrdayam: the secret of self-recognition - Page 153

Kṣemarāja | , Jaideva Singh - 1982 - 187 pages - Preview
162. anacka : aca «- a, i, u, r, 1, e, o, ai, au, ie, all the vowels; 'anacka' is sounding ka, ha, etc. without the vowel. The real meaning of the yogic practice of anacka sounding is to concentrate on any mantra back to the source ...
Abhinavagupta: the Kula ritual, as elaborated in chapter 29 of the ...

John R. Dupuche | , Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.), Jayaratha - 2003 - 532 pages - Snippet view
That is, he silently arouses the anacka [H].220 The anacka [H] which is located in the generative organ is seated in the 'triangle' in the sense that it is ever present. It is ear-ring shaped, curved, meaning that it is undifferentiated ...
The aphorisms of Śiva: the ŚivaSūtra with Bhāskara's commentary, ... - Page 63

Vasugupta | , Mark S. G. Dyczkowski, Bhāskarabhaṭṭa - 1992 - 247 pages - Google eBook - Preview
TM This Mantra cannot be uttered in the normal way and hence is called Anacka (a pure consonant without any vowel sound and ... When the energy of Anacka is conjoined with the expansion (pronmesa) of consciousness in the Centre the yogi ...
The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 9

Jaideva Singh | - 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
This is known as anacka kala of pranaiakti. It is known as anahata nada ie a vibration without any stroke or blow. It goes on vibrating spontaneously. No body produces it and nobody can prevent it from vibrating. ...
The doctrine of recognition: a translation of Pratyabhijñāhr̥dayam - Page 124

Kṣemarāja | , Jaideva Singh - 1990 - 154 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... 61, 74 Ahanta 50 Aisvarya-sakti 73 Ajada-pramatr-siddhi 92 Ajnana 73 Akhyati 54, 59 Akhyatimaya 53 Akula 92 Alamgrasa 68 Anacka 85 Ananda 59, 90 Anantabhaftaraka 51 Anasrita-siva 53, 56 Anava-mala 64 Anavopaya 73 Antah-karana 72 ...
Kuṇḍalinī: the energy of the depths : a comprehensive study based ... - Page 94

Lilian Silburn | - 1988 - 223 pages - Google eBook - Preview
At the same moment it spontaneously enters the body of the disciple, whose breath is converted into resonance, anacka." The latter then moves down from the heart to the muladhara wheel, which starts spinning; thence it moves back up to ...

Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types of yoga By Jaideva Singh

The aphorisms of Śiva: the ŚivaSūtra with Bhāskara's commentary, the Vārttika By Vasugupta, Mark S. G. Dyczkowski, Bhāskarabhaṭṭa

Abhinavagupta: the Kula ritual, as elaborated in chapter 29 of the Tantrāloka
John R. Dupuche, Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.), Jayaratha
0 Reviews
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2003 - Body, Mind & Spirit - 532 pages
Abhinavagupta, a leading figure in Kashmir Saivism is increasingly being recognised as one of the chief contributors to the evolution of Indian thought. In his encyclopaedic work the Tantraloka 'Light on the Tantras' he describes the various tantras of his day and places at their apex the most extreme of them, the Kula ritual which proposes the use of wine and meat and intercourse with women of the lowest castes.
See also Anahata, unbeaten, unwounded
(H1) | an-āhata [p= 29,1] [L=5725]
mfn. |
unbeaten , unwounded , intact
[L=5726] |
new and unbleached (as cloth)
[L=5727] |
produced otherwise than by beating
[L=5728] |
not multiplied
(H1B) | an-āhata [L=5729]
n. |
the fourth of the mystical cakras , or circles of the body.