Vira-Brave, hero, chief, adept, actor, fire, class of gods

paraśiṣye khale krūre abhakte gurupādayoḥ |
nirvikalpamatīnāṃ tu
vīrāṇām unnatātmanām || 158 ||

vīrá [p= 1005,2] [L=203565]
a man , (esp.) a brave or eminent man , hero , chief (sometimes applied to gods , as to indra , viṣṇu &c ; pl. men , people , mankind , followers , retainers) RV. &c

opp. to a god) RTL. 272 n.

MBh. R. Pur.

RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS.

RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS.

AV. S3a1n3khS3r.

tāntrikas) an adept (who is between the divya and the paśu RTL. 191) Rudray.

dram.) heroism (as one of the 8 rasas [q.v.] ; the vīra-carita [q.v.] exhibits an example) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. &c


partic. agni (son of tapas) MBh.

esp.) sacred or sacrificial fire L.

of various plants (Terminalia Arunja ; Nerium Odorum ; Guilandina Bonduc , manioc-root) L.

of an asura MBh.

dhta-rāṣṭra ib.

bharad-vāja ib.

purua vairāja and father of priya-vrata and uttāna-pāda Hariv.

gñjima ib.

kṛṣṇa BhP.

kupa and father of viviśa Ma1rkP.

līlāvatī ib.

vinaya Buddh.

arhat of the present avasarpiī L.

bhaṭṭa , ācārya &c ) of various authors &c Cat.

pl.) of a class of gods under manu tāmasa BhP.
vīrá [L=203596]
(only L. ) a reed (Arundo Tibialis)
vīrá [L=203597]
the root of ginger(?)
vīrá [L=203598]
vīrá [L=203599]
vīrá [p= 1005,3] [L=203600]
the root of Costus Speciosus , of Andropogon Muricatus &c
vīrá [L=203601]
(ā)n. heroic , powerful , strong , excellent , eminent L. [cf. Lat. vir ; Lith. vy4ras ; Goth. wair ; Angl.Sax. wr , wre-wulf ; Eng. werewolf ; Germ. Werwolf , Wergeld.]
(H2) m.
[L=203566]a hero (as
[L=203567]a husband
[L=203568]a male child , son (collect. male progeny)
[L=203569](collect. male progeny)
[L=203570]the male of an animal
[L=203571](with ,
[L=203573]an actor
[L=203575]fire , (
[L=203578]of a son of
[L=203579]of a son of
[L=203580]of a son of
[L=203581]of a son of
[L=203582]of two sons of
[L=203583]of a son of
[L=203584]of the father of
[L=203585]of a teacher of
[L=203586]of the last
[L=203587](also with
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mf

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Sk. ri to whirl up; svri to shoot [up]; vir to [tower aloft, carry head high, brandish], be heroic (cf. sûr, ... curas hero; ciras [high] head; ciras, çilas head of corn; çili arrow; çariram body); viras hero; reed; viranam sweet-grass ...
George Otis Holbrooke

vīrá--loka [p= 1006,1] [L=203747]
" hero-world " , indra's heaven MBh. R.

brave warriors or champions , heroes MBh.
(H3) m.