Lina - Cling, dissolve into, absorbed into

īdṛśena krameṇaiva yatra kutrāpi cintanā |
śūnye kuḍye pare pātre svayaṃ līnā varapradā || 33 ||


(H2) līna [L=182791] mfn. clung or pressed closely together , attached or devoted to , merged in (loc. or comp.) R. Sarvad.
[L=182792] sticking Mahi1dh.
[L=182793] lying or resting on , staying in , lurking , hiding MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=182794] dissolved , absorbed in (loc. or comp.) , disappeared , vanished S3vetUp. MBh. &c
(H2B) līna [L=182795] n. the clinging to , being dissolved or absorbed in , disappearance Pan5car.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 31.31
Whitney Roots links: lI1
(H1) lī 1 [L=182753]
(cf. √ rī) cl.9 P. ( Dha1tup. xxxi , 31) lināti , to adhere , obtain (not usually found) ;

cl.1 P. layati (xxxiv , 6) , to melt , liquefy , dissolve (not usually found) ;

cl.4 A1. (xxvi , 30) lī́yate (Ved. also lā*yate ; pf. lilye , lilyuḥ Br. &c ; lilāya,lalau Gr. ; aor. aleṣṭa S3Br. ; alaiṣīt,alāsīt,alāsta Gr. ; fut. letā , lātā ; leṣyati or lāsyati , °te ib. ; inf. letum or la1tum ib. ; ind.p. -lāyam AV. Br. ; līya MBh. Ka1v. &c ) , to cling or press closely , stick or adhere to (loc.) MBh. R. &c ;

to remain sticking Sus3r. ;

to lie , recline , alight or settle on , hide or cower down in (loc.) , disappear , vanish MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. P. lāpayati or lāyayati , to cause to cling &c Br. &c ;

A1. lāpayate , to deceive ;

to obtain honour ;

to humble Pa1n2. 1-3 , 70 : Desid. lilīṣati , °te Gr.: Intens. lelīyate , lelayīti , leleti ib. (cf. lelāya).

(H2) lī 2 [L=182789] f. clinging to , adhering &c L.
[L=182790] = capala L.

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: etymological and philologically ... - Page 985
, Ernst Leumann, Carl Cappeller - 1999 - 1333 pages - Preview
Vi-lina, mfn. clinging or sticking or attached to, fixed on, immersed in (loc. or comp.), Kiv.; Pafkar. ; (ifc.) alighted or perched on (said of birds), Kathas . ; sticking (see comp.) ; hidden, disappeared, perished, absorbed in (loc. ...
Monier Monier-Williams


लीन liina adj. attached or devoted to
लीन liina adj. staying in
लीन liina adj. dissolved
लीन liina adj. sticking
लीन liina adj. hiding
लीन liina adj. vanished
लीन liina adj. lurking
लीन liina adj. clung or pressed closely together
लीन liina adj. lying or resting on
लीन liina adj. absorbed in
लीन liina adj. merged in
लीन liina n. being dissolved or absorbed in
लीन liina n. clinging to
लीन liina n. disappearance
Spoken Sanskrit

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: being a practical handbook with ... - Page 263
(only -°) licking, touching. "{Xj 1. LI.IV.A. liya, clasp, cling to (le.); remain sticking ; alight or settle on (le.) ; lie down on (a couch); cower, hide ; slip into (le.); vanish, be absorbed in (le., -"): pp. lina, attached to, ...
1893 - 384 pages - Free Google eBook -

Saṅgītaratnākara of Śārṅgadeva: Chapter on dancing:
- 1976 - 262 pages - Snippet view
570-1 Lina (Attached) After making the Ordhvamandala movement, the hands take the Anjali pose on the chest. The humps of the shoulders are raised [as] in Nihaficita in which the neck is bent down. That Karana is Lina. ...

Sanskrit words for Cling

1 anuveṣṭ (cling)
2 anuṣañj (cling)
3 anusamārabh (cling)
4 anvavaso (cling)
5 abhilī (cling)
6 abhisaṃśliṣ (cling)
7 avalamb (cling)
8 avilagnam (cling)
9 ārabh (cling)
10 ālag (cling)
11 ālamb (cling)
12 āśliṣ (cling)
13 āsañj (cling)
14 upaniśri (cling)
15 upabṛh (cling)
16 upalī (cling)
17 upaśri (cling)
18 upaśliṣ (cling)
19 upādā (cling)
20 kunth (cling)
21 nidhāv (cling)
22 piṇḍalepa (cling)
23 pratyālī (cling)
24 prasañj (cling)
25 lag (cling)
26 lamb (cling)
27 lī (cling)
28 vilag (cling)
29 vilī (cling)
30 vetravyāsaktahasta (cling)
31 veṣṭ (cling)
32 vyadh (cling)
33 śiślikṣu (cling)
34 śri (cling)
35 śliṣ (cling)
36 saṃlī (cling)
37 saṃśri (cling)
38 sajj (cling)
39 sañj (cling)
40 samālamb (cling)
41 samāśliṣ (cling)
42 samāsañj (cling)
43 samprasañj (cling)


(H1) anu- √ veṣṭ [p= 39,1] [L=7349] to be fixed to , cling to Ka1t2h. : Caus. P. -veṣṭayati , to wind round , cover.

(H1) anu-ṣañj [p= 39,3] [L=7448] ( √sañj) cl.1 A1. or Pass. -ṣajjate , -ṣajyate , to cling to , adhere , be attached to.

(H1) anu-sam-ā- √ rabh [p= 40,3] [L=7577] A1. to place one's self in order after , cling to (acc.) TS. TBr. : Caus. A1. (impf. -ā́*rambhayata) to cause to cling to one's self (loc.) TS.

(H1) anv-ava- √ so [p= 46,2] [L=8788]
-syati , to adhere to cling to TBr. &c ;

to long for , desire S3Br. &c


(H1) abhi- √ lī [p= 68,3] [L=12265] -līyate , to adhere to , cling to (acc.) MBh. Das3.

(H1) abhi-saṃ- √ śliṣ [p= 72,1] [L=12707] (ind.p. -śliṣya) to cling to each other MBh. vi , 3127.

(H1) ava- √ lamb [p= 103,2] [L=18014]
-lambate (ind.p. -lambya , exceptionally P. e.g. Pot. -lambet MBh. i , 8443 ed. Bomb.) to hang down , glide or slip down , descend TUp. &c ;

(pr. p. P. -lambat) to set (as the sun) MBh. iv , 1040 ;

to catch hold of. cling to , hang to , hold on or support one's self by , rest upon as a support , depend upon (generally acc. ; but also loc. [ MBh. i , 8443] or instr. [ Megh. 108]) , to hold up anything (to prevent its falling down) S3ak. Ragh. vii , 9 , &c ;

to enter a state or condition (as māyām , mānuṣyatvam , dhairyam , &c ) ;

to devote one's self to (acc.) Kum. ii , 15 ;

" to incline towards " , choose as a direction Katha1s. : Caus. (ind.p. -lambya) to hang up Pan5cat. Katha1s. ;

to grasp (for support) Ma1lav.


(H1) a-vilagnam [p= 109,3] [L=18986] ind. so as not to cling or stick to VarBr2S.

(H1) ā- √ rabh [p= 150,1] [L=26098]
P. (only pf. 1. pl. -rarabhmā́ RV. viii , 45 , 20) A1. -rabhate (pf -rebhe , &c ; Inf. -rábham and -rábhe RV. ) to lay or take hold of , keep fast , cling to RV. AV. S3Br. &c ;

to gain a footing ;

to enter , reach , attain RV. ;

to undertake , commence , begin TBr. S3Br. MBh. Ragh. Katha1s. &c ;

to make , produce ;

to form , compose BhP. &c : Intens. (pf. ā́-rárabhe) to cling to RV. i , 168 , 3.


(H1) ā- √ lag [p= 153,1] [L=26678] P. -lagati , to adhere , cling to , Ka1vya7d. : Caus. -lagayati , to affix Comm. on Ka1tyS3r.

(H1) ā- √ lamb [p= 153,2] [L=26726]
A1. -lambate , to hang from Vikr. ;

to lay hold of , seize , cling to ;

to rest or lean upon MBh. R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. &c ;

to support , hold R. Ragh. &c ;

to take up ;

to appropriate ;

to bring near ;

to get ;

to give one's self up to MBh. R. Pan5cat. BhP. &c ;

to depend Sa1h.


(H1) ā- √ śliṣ [p= 159,1] [p= 158,3] [L=27725]
(cf. ā-śréṣa above ) P. -śliṣyati (but also -śliṣati BhP. R. ) and A1. -śliṣyate ( MBh. i , 3040) to adhere or cling to TS. MBh. ;

to embrace Mn. MBh. BhP. S3ak. R. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c : Caus. -śleṣayati , to affix , stick on La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. ;

to embrace (» ā-śleṣita).


(H1) ā- √ sañj [p= 160,1] [L=27911]
P. -sajati , to fasten on , attach , fix ;

to fasten on one's self , put on (as dress , armour , &c ) RV. AV. Ka1tyS3r. R. Kum. &c ;

to fix one's self to , adhere to Kir. xiii , 44 ;

to take up MBh. &c ;

to take hold of , cling to AV. MBh. S3Br. BhP. &c : Caus. -sañjayati , to cause to attach or put or fix on S3a1n3khS3r. Ragh. ;

to employ MBh. : Pass. -sajyate , to adhere , cohere , be attached: Desid. -sisaṅkṣati , to wish to attach S3Br. i , 6 , 1 , 12 ; 15.


(H1) upa-ni- √ śri [p= 201,1] [L=34972] P. -śrayati , to go near or to the side of S3Br. xiv , 4 , 2 , 23 : A1. -śrayate , to cling to , lean against S3Br. S3a1n3khBr. and S3Br.

(H1) upa- √ bṛh [p= 203,1] [L=35217]
Intens. P. (Subj. -bárbṛhat ; Impv. 2. sg. -barbṛhi) to press with the arms or cling closely (to a man dat.) ;

to embrace closely or passionately RV. v , 61 , 5 ; x , 10 , 10 Nir. (cf. upa- √vṛṃh.)


(H1) upa- √ lī [p= 206,1] [L=35696] A1. -līyate , to lie close to , cling to MBh. viii.

(H1) upa- √ śri [p= 208,2] [L=35970]
P. -śrayati , to lean (anything) against TBr. i , 6 , 6 , 2 S3Br. xiv Ka1tyS3r. : A1. -śrayate (p. of the pf. -śiśriyāṇá) to lean against , support , prop RV. x , 18 , 12 ;

to cling to , fit closely (as an ornament) RV. vii , 56 , 13 ;

to place one's self near to , go towards MBh. BhP. ;

to accommodate one's self to ChUp. vi , 8 , 2.


(H1) upa- √ śliṣ [L=35986] P. -śliṣyati , to come near to or into close contact with , cling to MBh. Das3. : Caus. -śleṣayati , to bring near or into close contact Vikr.

(H1) upā* - √ dā 1 [p= 213,2] [p= 213,1] [L=36637]
A1. -datte , (once P. pf. 3. pl. -dadus BhP. i , 8 , 12) to receive , accept , gain , acquire , appropriate to one's self. take away , carry off , steal MBh. BhP. Ma1lav. &c ;

to take with ;

to take in addition , include , comprise ;

to take as help , use , employ , apply BhP. Pat. (cf. upā*-dāya) ;

to seize , lay hold of , gather , take up , draw up MBh. Ragh. Kum. &c ;

to assume (a form or meaning) BhP. Ma1rkP. Pat. &c ;

to cling to ;

to feel , perceive , experience MBh. vii S3is3. vi , 23 R2itus. &c ;

to consider , regard MBh. xii ;

to mention , enumerate ;

to set about , undertake , begin Hariv. Kum. &c : Caus. P. -dāpayati , to cause to use or employ Comm. on Ka1tyS3r. : Desid. P. -ditsati , to strive to acquire BhP. v , 14 , 7.


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 3.6, 31.42
(H1) kunth [p= 291,2] [L=52143]
cl.1. kunthati , to hurt , injure Dha1tup. iii , 6 ;

to suffer pain , want , &c ib. : cl.9. kuthnāti , to cling to , twine round , embrace Dha1tup. xxxi , 42 ;

to injure ib.; ([cf. Lat. quatio , percutio.])


(H1) ni- √ dhāv 2 [p= 549,1] [p= 548,3] [L=108611]
A1. dhāvate , (aor. adhāviṣṭa) , to rub into one's person TS. ;

to press one's self on , cling to (loc.) RV.


(H3) píṇḍa--lepa [p= 625,3] [L=123850] m. the particles or fragments of the śrāddha oblations which cling to the hands (they are offered to the three ancestors preceding the great-grandfather) Kull. on Mn. v , 69 (cf. -tarkaka).

(H1) praty-ā- √ lī [p= 677,1] [L=134238] (only A1. pf. -lilye) to cling to (acc.) L.

(H1) pra- √ sañj [p= 696,2] [L=137747]
P. A1. -sajati , °te , (P.) to hang on , attach to (loc.) La1t2y. ;

to hang with i.e. to provide or supply with (instr.) S3Br. ;

to cling to (loc.) Das3. ;

to engage with any one(loc.) in a quarrel or dispute , ChUp. ;

(only ind.p. -sajya) to be attached to the world BhP. ;

to result , follow , be the consequence of anything Sarvad. ;

to cause to take place Pat. ;

(A1.) to attach one's self to (acc.) MBh. : Pass. sajyate , or -sajjate (°ti) , to attach one's self , cling to , be devoted to or intent upon or occupied with (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to be in love (pr.p. -sajjantī) Hariv. ;

(-sajjate) , to be the consequence of something else , result , follow , be applicable Pat. Bha1sha1p. Sarvad. : Caus. P. -sañjayati , to cause to take place Naish. ;

A1. -sajjayate , to attach to , stick in (loc. ; with na , " to fly through " , said of an arrow) R.


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 19.24, 33.63
Whitney Roots links: lag
(H1) lag [p= 893,2] [L=180704]
(cf. √ lakṣ , lakṣa &c ) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xix , 24) lagati (accord. to Nir. iv , 10 also lagyati ; pf. lalāga Gr. ; aor. alagīt ib. ; fut. lagitā ib. ; lagiṣyati Pan5cat. ; ind.p. lagitvā , -lagya Ka1v. ) , to adhere , stick , cling or attach one's self to (loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (with hṛdi and gen. , " to penetrate to a person's heart " Katha1s. ) ;

to take effect upon (loc.) S3is3. ;

to meet , come in contact , cut (as lines) Gol. Sch. ;

to follow closely , ensue or happen immediately Katha1s. ;

to pass away (as time) Pan5cat. : Caus. or cl.10. ( Dha1tup. xxxiii , 63) lāgayati , " to taste " or " to obtain " (āsvādane , or āsādane). ([In Hindi this root often means " to begin. "])


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 10.15, 10.15
Whitney Roots links: lamb
(H1) lamb 1 [p= 897,1] [L=181488]
(cf. √1. ramb) cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. x , 15) lámbate (mc. also °ti ; pf. lalambe MBh. &c ; aor. alambiṣṭa Gr. ; fut. lambitā ib. ; lambiṣyati MBh. ; inf. lambitum ib. ; ind.p. -lambya ib.) , to hang down , depend , dangle , hang from or on (loc.) Suparn2. MBh. &c ;

to sink , go down , decline , fall , set (as the sun) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to be fastened or attached to , cling to , hold or rest on (loc.) ib. ;

to fall or stay behind , be retarded Su1ryas. ;

to tag , loiter , delay , tarry MBh. : Caus. lambayati (aor. alalambat) , to cause to hang down or depend , let down Katha1s. ;

to hang up , suspend ib. ;

to cause to be attached or joined MW. ;

to stretch out , extend (the hand) for (dat.) Ragh. ;

(prob.) to depress , discourage MBh. i , 1445 (C. laṅghayitvā for lambayitvā): Desid. lilambiṣate , to be about to sink or decline Hcar. v.l. ([cf. Gk. λοβός ; Lat. labi , labare , labes ; Germ. lappa , Lappen ; Eng. lap , limp.])

(H1) lamb 2 [p= 897,2] [L=181580] (cf. √2. ramb) cl.1 A1. lambate , to sound Dha1tup. x , 15.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 31.31
Whitney Roots links: lI1
(H1) lī 1 [p= 903,2] [L=182753]
(cf. √ rī) cl.9 P. ( Dha1tup. xxxi , 31) lināti , to adhere , obtain (not usually found) ;

cl.1 P. layati (xxxiv , 6) , to melt , liquefy , dissolve (not usually found) ;

cl.4 A1. (xxvi , 30) lī́yate (Ved. also lā*yate ; pf. lilye , lilyuḥ Br. &c ; lilāya,lalau Gr. ; aor. aleṣṭa S3Br. ; alaiṣīt,alāsīt,alāsta Gr. ; fut. letā , lātā ; leṣyati or lāsyati , °te ib. ; inf. letum or la1tum ib. ; ind.p. -lāyam AV. Br. ; līya MBh. Ka1v. &c ) , to cling or press closely , stick or adhere to (loc.) MBh. R. &c ;

to remain sticking Sus3r. ;

to lie , recline , alight or settle on , hide or cower down in (loc.) , disappear , vanish MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. P. lāpayati or lāyayati , to cause to cling &c Br. &c ;

A1. lāpayate , to deceive ;

to obtain honour ;

to humble Pa1n2. 1-3 , 70 : Desid. lilīṣati , °te Gr.: Intens. lelīyate , lelayīti , leleti ib. (cf. lelāya).

(H2) lī 2 [L=182789] f. clinging to , adhering &c L.
[L=182790] = capala L.

(H1) vi- √ lag [p= 984,3] [L=199561] P. -lagati , to hang to , cling to , hold on to (loc.) Cat. i ,

(H1) vi- √ lī [p= 985,3] [L=199757]
A1. -līyate (pf. -lilyuh MBh. ; fut. -letā , or -lātā ; ind.p. -līya or -lāya Pa1n2. 6-1 , 51 Sch.) , to cling or cleave or adhere to MBh. Ratna7v. Sis3. ?? ;

to hide or conceal one's self , disappear MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to be dissolved , melt AV. &c &c : Caus. -lāpayati or -lāyayati or -lālayati or -līnayati ( Pa1n2. 7-3 , 39 Sch.) , to cause to disappear , destroy Sam2k. ?? ;

to cause to be dissolved or absorbed in (loc.) BhP. Sch. ;

to make liquid , dissolve , melt Sus3r.


(H3) vetra--vyāsakta-hasta [p= 1015,1] [L=205627] mfn. one whose hands cling to a reed or reeds MBh.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 8.2
Whitney Roots links: vizw
(H1) veṣṭ [p= 1019,2] [L=206478]
(cf. viṣṭ) cl.1 A1. ( Dha1tup. viii , 2) veṣṭate (pf. viveṣṭe fut. veṣṭitā &c Gr.) , to wind or twist round Sa1h. ;

to adhere or cling to (loc.) AV. ;

to cast the skin (said of a snake) R. ;

to dress MW. : Caus. veṣṭáyati , °te (aor. aviveṣṭat , or avaveṣṭat ; Pass. veṣṭyate) , to wrap up , envelop , enclose , surround , cover , invest , beset TBr. Mn. MBh. &c ;

to tie on , wrap round (a turban &c ) MBh. Ra1jat. ;

to cause to shrink up S3vetUp. : Desid. viveṣṭiṣate Gr.: Intens. veveṣṭyate , veveṣṭi ib.


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.72
Whitney Roots links: vyaD
(H1) vyadh [p= 1031,2] [p= 1031,1] [L=208671]
cl.4 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 72) vídhyati (ep. also °te ; pf. p. vivyādha Br. &c ; 3. pl. vivyadhuḥ MBh. , vividhuḥ Up. ; A1. vivyadhe MBh. ; p. vividhvás RV. ; aor. vyātsīḥ Br. ; Prec. vidhyāt Gr. ; fut. veddhā , vetsyati , °te MBh. ; vyaddhā,vyatsyati Gr. ; inf. veddhum MBh. ; -vidhe RV. ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā , -vidhya MBh. ) , to pierce , transfix , hit , strike , wound RV. &c ;

(with sirām) to open a vein , bleed Sus3r. ;

to pelt with (instr.) RV. AV. MBh. ;

to inflict , attach to , affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) RV. AV. Br. Up. ;

to shake , wave MBh. ;

(in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body Gol. ;

to cling to (acc.) S3Br. : Caus. vyādhayati , (ep. also vedhayati ; aor. avīvidhat or avivyadhat) , to pierce , open (a vein) MBh. Sus3r. ;

to cause to pierce or perforate AitA1r. : Desid. vivyatsati , to wish to affect or taint with (instr.) S3Br. : Intens. vevidhyate or vāvyaddhi (?) Gr.


(H1) śiślikṣu [p= 1076,3] [L=218099] mfn. (fr. Desid. of √ śliṣ) wishing to cling to or adhere (in á-ś°) AV. xx , 134 , 6 (not in MS.)

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 21.31
Whitney Roots links: Sri
(H1) śri 1 [p= 1098,2] [p= 1098,1] [L=222829]
cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxi , 31) śrayati , °te (pf. śiśrā́ya , śiśriyé ; aor. áśret , āśriyan RV. ; aśrait AV. ; áśiśriyat ib. &c ; aśrāyiṣṭa Gr. [Ved. forms belonging either to the pf. or aor. type are also aśiśret , °śrema , °śrayuḥ , śiśrītá] ; fut. śrayitā Gr. ; śrayiṣyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. śrayitum MBh. ; śrayitavaí Br. ; ind.p. śrayitvā MBh. &c , -śrítya Br. &c ) P. to cause to lean or rest on , lay on or in , fix on , fasten to , direct or turn towards , (esp.) spread or diffuse (light or radiance or beauty) over (loc.) RV. TS. Br. ;

(A1. or Pass. , rarely P.) to lean on , rest on , recline against (acc.) , cling to (loc.) , be supported or fixed or depend on , abide in or on (acc. loc. or adv.) ib. A1s3vGr2. ChUp. MBh. ;

(A1. P.) to go to , approach , resort or have recourse to (for help or refuge) , tend towards (acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

(A1.) to go into , enter , fall to the lot or take possession of (acc. or loc.) Ka1v. Katha1s. ;

(A1. P.) to attain , undergo , get into any state or condition (acc.) ib. &c ;

to assume (with śrāvikā-tvam , " to assume the form of a śrāvikā " , q.v.) Katha1s. HParis3. ;

to show , betray (heroism) R. ;

to honour , worship Dha1tup. : Pass. śrīyate (aor. áśrāyi: cf. above ) RV. &c &c : Caus. śrāpayati (in uc-chr°) VS. ;

śrāyayati (aor. aśiśrayat ; for aśiśriyat » above ) Gr.: Desid. śiśrayiṣati , °te or śiśrīṣati , °te Gr.: Intens. śeśrīyate , śeśrayīti , śeśretiib. [cf. Gk. κλίνω , κλίνη , κλῖμαξ ; Lat. clino , clivus ; Lith. szly4ti , szle14ti , szlai4tas ; Goth. hlains ; hlaiw ; Germ. hline7n , line7n , lehnen ; Angl.Sax. hlinian ; Eng. lean.]

(H2) śri 2 [L=222833] in antáḥ- and bahiḥ-śri (q.v.)
(H2) śri 3 [L=222834] light , lustre (= 3. śrī q.v.) at end of adj. comp.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.52, 26.77, 32.38
Whitney Roots links: Sliz
(H1) śliṣ 1 [p= 1104,1] [L=224041] (cf. √1. śriṣ) cl.1 P. śleṣati , to burn Dha1tup. xvii , 52.
(H1) śliṣ 2 [L=224043]
(cf. √2. śriṣ) cl.4 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 77) ślíṣyati (rarely °te ; pf. śiśleṣa Br. &c ; aor. aśliṣat MBh. &c ; aślikṣat [only in the sense of " to embrace " Pa1n2. 3-1 , 46] or aślaikṣīt [?] Gr. ; fut. śleṣṭā , ślekṣyati ib. ; inf. śleṣṭum Ka1v. ; ind.p. śliṣṭvā ib. ; -śliṣya MBh. &c ) , to adhere , attach , cling to (loc. , rarely acc.) , Sus3r. ChUp. MBh. ;

to clasp , embrace Gaut. Gi1t. BhP. ;

to unite , join (trans. or intrans.) Ka1v. Katha1s. ;

(A1.) to result , be the consequence of anything S3am2k. : Pass. śliṣyate (aor. aśleṣi) , to be joined or connected MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to be implied or intimated MW. : Caus. ( Dha1tup. xxxii , 38) śleṣayati , °te (aor. aśiśliṣat) , to (cause to) connect or embrace (cf. śleṣita) Desid. śiślikṣate (Gr. also °ti) , to wish to clasp , cling to AV. (not in MS.) : Intens. śeśliṣyate , śeśleṣṭi Gr.


(H1) saṃ- √ lī [p= 1113,3] [L=225950]
A1. -līyate , to cling or adhere to (acc.) MBh. ;

to go into , find room in (loc.) ib. ;

to lie down , hide , cower , lurk , be concealed ib. R. ;

to melt away ib.


(H1) saṃ- √ śri [p= 1118,2] [L=226673]
P. A1. -śrayati , °te (aor. -aśret RV. ) , to join together with , furnish with (A1. " to join one's self or connect one's self with ") RV. AV. Ta1n2d2Br. ;

to join or attach one's self to , go for refuge or succour to , resort or betake one's self to , cling to for protection , seek the help of (acc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to approach , go to any one with (instr.) R. ;

to approach for sexual union MBh. ;

to rest or depend on (acc.) , Ma1latim. ?? ;

to obtain , acquire Mn. x , 60 ;

to serve MW.


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 7.22
(H1) sajj 1 [p= 1131,2] [L=229022] cl.1 P. sajjati , to go , move Dha1tup. vii , 22.
(H1) sajj 2 [L=229023]
(= √ sañj ; cf. sajjaya) , Caus. sajjayati , to cling , adhere , fasten or fix or attach to (loc.) Katha1s. ;

to fix (the mind) upon BhP. ;

to cause one's self to be embraced (by other men) Mn. viii , 362.


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.18, 7.22
Whitney Roots links: saj
(H1) sañj 1 [p= 1132,3] [L=229217] (or sajj) cl.1 P. sañjati , sajjati , to go , move Dha1tup. vii , 22.
(H1) sañj 2 [L=229218]
(or saj) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 18) sájati (rarely A1. °te ; pf. sasañja Br. &c [in some rare and doubtful cases in MBh. and Ragh. sasajja] ; 3. pl. sejuḥ S3Br. ; aor. asāṅkṣīt , sāṅkṣīt , UP. &c ; asañji Br. ; ásakthās,°ta RV. Br. ; Prec. sajyāt Gr. ; fut. saṅktā , saṅkṣyati ib. ; inf. saktum MBh. ; saṅktos Br. ; ind.p. -sajya , -sáṅgam ib. &c ) , to cling or stick or adhere to , be attached to or engaged in or occupied with (loc.) Br. Ragh. Naish. : Pass. sajyáte (generally sajjate , ep. also °ti) , to be attached or fastened , adhere , cling , stick (with na , " to fly through without sticking " , as an arrow) S3Br. &c ;

to linger , hesitate MBh. R. ;

to be devoted to or intent on or occupied with (loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. sañjayati (aor. asasañjat ; for sajjayati » √ sajj) , to cause to stick or cling to , unite or connect with (loc.) Bhag. S3am2k. : Desid. sisaṅkṣati » ā- √sañj: Intens. sāsajyate , sāsaṅkti Gr. ([cf. accord. to some , Lat. segnis ; Lith. segu4 , " I attach. "])


(H1) sam-ā- √ lamb [p= 1162,1] [L=234571]
A1. -lambate , to hang on , cling to (acc.) MBh. Ra1jat. ;

to lean on , depend on , trust to (acc.) Katha1s. ;

to take to (acc.) Cat. ;

to take hold of. seize , grasp Kum. Katha1s. ;

to have recourse to , assume R. Mr2icch. Bhat2t2. ;

to acquire , obtain , appropriate Hit. (v.l.) ;

to fall to the lot of (loc.) ib. : cam. lambayati , to cause to hang or rest , suspend to (loc.) Pan5cat.


(H1) sam-ā- √ śliṣ [p= 1163,1] [L=234685]
P. -śliṣyati , to cling to (acc.) MBh. ;

to embrace closely or firmly ib. &c : Caus. -śleṣayati , to join together TS.


(H1) sam-ā- √ sañj [p= 1163,2] [L=234702]
P. -sajati , to fasten or stick together , join or attach to , fix or place on , wrap or suspend round MBh. Hariv. ;

to impose , resign or deliver over to (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c : Pass. -sajyate , or -sajjate , to cling or adhere closely together , cling or stick to , become attached to MW.


(H1) sam-pra- √ sañj [p= 1176,2] [L=236601] Pass. -sajjate (ep. also °ti) , to cling to , be attached to or fond of (loc. or instr.) MBh.