
madhyanāḍī madhyasaṃsthā bisasūtrābharūpayā |
dhyātāntarvyomayā devyā tayā devaḥ prakāśate || 35 ||

sa- √ sthā [p= 1121,2] [L=227174]
-tiṣṭhate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 ; ep. and mc. also P. -tiṣṭhati ; Ved. inf. -sthātos A1pS3r. ) , to stand together , hold together (pf. p. du. -tasthāné , said of heaven and earth) RV.  ; 
to come or stay near (
loc.) ib. VS. S3Br.  ; 
to meet (as enemies) , come into conflict
RV.  ; 
to stand still , remain , stay , abide (
lit. and fig. ; with vākye , " to obey ") MBh. R. &c  ; 
to be accomplished or completed (
esp. applied to rites) Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. BhP.  ; 
to prosper , succeed , get on well
MBh.  ; 
to come to an end , perish , be lost , die
MBh. Ka1v. BhP.  ; 
to become , be turned into or assume the form of (
acc.) Lalit. : Caus -sthāpayati (Subj. aor. tiṣṭipa S3Br. ) , to cause to stand up or firm , raise on their legs again (fallen horses) MBh.  ; 
to raise up , restore (dethroned kings)
ib.  ; 
to confirm , encourage , comfort (
ātmānam , or hdayam , " one's self " i.e. " take heart again ") Ka1v. Pan5cat.  ; 
to fix or place upon or in (
loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c  ; 
to put or add to (
uparī) Ya1jn5.  ; 
to build (a town)
Hariv.  ; 
to heap , store up (goods)
VarBr2S.  ; 
to found , establish , fix , settle , introduce , set a foot
MBh. R. Ra1jat.  ; 
to cause to stand still , stop , restrain , suppress (breath , semen
&c ) AitBr.  ; 
to accomplish , conclude , complete (
esp. a rite) Br. Kaus3. MBh.  ; 
to put to death , kill
S3Br. MBh.  ; 
to perform the last office for
i.e. to burn , cremate (a dead body) S3a1n3khBr.  ; 
to put to subjection , subject
MW. : Desid. of Caus. -sthāpayiati , to wish to finish or conclude S3a1n3khBr.
sa-sthā [L=227185]
» next.
sa-sthā́ [L=227186]
(ifc. f(ā).) staying or abiding with (comp.) MBh.

ifc. " appearing as ") Up. MBh. &c

acc. with √ k or Caus. of √ sthā , " to establish or fix a rule or obligation for one's self " ; with vyati-kram or paribhid , " to transgress or break an established rule or obligation ") MBh. R. &c

Ka1v. Pur.
1121,3] [L=227190]
TS. S3Br. &c


= pralaya , said to be of four kinds , viz. naimittika , prāktika , nitya , ātyantika) ib.

jyoti-ṣṭoma , havir-yajña , and pāka-yajña consist of seven such forms) S3rS.

paśu-s° , " killing of the sacrificial animal ") BhP.

pre*ta-s°) ib.

= śrāddha Ma1rkP.

= cara m. prob. a group of five spies consisting of a vaij " , merchant " , bhiku , " mendicant " , chāttra , " pupil " , lingin , " one who falsely wears the mark of a twice-born " , and kṛṣīvala , " husbandman " cf. pañca-varga , and Mn. vii , 154 Kull. ) Ka1m.




(H1) A1.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=227187]shape , form , manifestation , appearance (
[L=227188]established order , standard , rule , direction (
[L=227189]quality , property , nature
[p= conclusion , termination , completion
[L=227191]end , death
[L=227192]destruction of the world (
[L=227193]a complete liturgical course , the basis or essential form of a sacrifice (the
[L=227194]killing (
[L=227195]cremation (of a body ; also
[L=227197]a spy or secret emissary in a king's own country (
[L=227198]continuation in the right way
[L=227199]occupation , business , profession
[L=227200]an assembly
[L=227201]a royal ordinance
sa-stha [p= 1121,2] [L=227175]
(ā)n. standing together , standing or staying or resting or being in or on , contained in (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

loc. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

loc.) MBh.

comp.) MBh. Pan5cat.

comp.) Vet.

sa-sthá [L=227181]
presence (only loc. " in the presence or midst of. " with cid , " by one's mere presence ") RV.
sa-sthá [L=227182]
a spy , secret emissary (cf. sasthā below) L.
sa-sthá [L=227183]
a dweller , resident , inhabitant W.
sa-sthá [L=227184]
a fellow-countryman , neighbour ib.
(H2) mf
[L=227176]being in or with , belonging to (
[L=227177]based or resting or dependent on (
[L=227178]partaking or possessed of (
[L=227179]existing , lasting for a time (
[L=227180]ended , perished , dead
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
sa-sthā́na [p= 1121,3] [L=227208]
standing together MW.


viṣṇu MBh.
sa-sthā́na [L=227211]
(pl.) N. of a people ib.
sa-sthā́na [L=227212]
(ifc. f(ā).) staying or abiding in (comp.) Hit. (cf. dūra-s°)
sa-sthā́na [L=227213]
standing still or firm (in a battle) Gaut.
sa-sthā́na [L=227214]
being , existence , life MBh. S3am2k. BhP.
sa-sthā́na [L=227215]
abiding by , strict adherence or obedience to (comp.) Ka1m.
sa-sthā́na [L=227216]
abode , dwelling-place , habitation Nir. KaushUp. MBh. &c
sa-sthā́na [L=227217]
a public place (in a town) Mn. MBh. &c
sa-sthā́na [L=227218]
shape , form , appearance (often with rūpa) MBh. R. &c
sa-sthā́na [L=227219]
beauty , splendour MBh.
sa-sthā́na [L=227220]
the symptom of a disease Sus3r.
sa-sthā́na [L=227221]
nature , state , condition BhP.
sa-sthā́na [L=227222]
an aggregate , whole , totality BhP.
sa-sthā́na [L=227223]
termination , conclusion MaitrS.
sa-sthā́na [L=227224]
end , death L.
sa-sthā́na [L=227225]
formation L.
sa-sthā́na [L=227226]
vicinity , neighbourhood L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=227209]like , resembling
[L=227210]applied to
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.