Man - to think

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.3, 30.9, 33.35, 34.36
Whitney Roots links: man

man [p= 777,2] [L=155285]
comp. for 1. mad.
man [p= 783,1] [L=156626]
A1. ( Dha1tup. xxx , 9 ; xxv , 67) manuté , mányate (ep. also °ti ; 3. pl. manvaté RV. ; pf. mene Br. &c ; mamnā́the,°nā́ts RV. ; aor. ámata , ámanmahi Subj. manāmahe , mananta , p. manāná q.v. RV. ; masi,amasta Subj. masate Prec. maṣṭa , 1. pers. mc. masīya ib. ; sta AV. , °stādm TA1r. ; mandhvam Br. ; amaniṣṭa Gr. ; fut. masyate Br. , °ti MBh. ; manta,manitā Gr. ; maniyate RV. ; inf. mantum MBh. &c , mántave , °tavai RV. , mántos Br. ; ind.p. matvā́ Up. &c ; manitvā Gr. ; -matya Br. &c ; -manya MBh. &c ) , to think , believe , imagine , suppose , conjecture RV. &c (manye , I think , methinks , is in later language often inserted in a sentence without affecting the construction ; cf. g. *di and Pa1n2. 4-1 , 106)  ; 
to regard or consider any one or anything (
acc.) as (acc. with or without iva , or adv. , often in -vat ; in later language also dat. , to express contempt [cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 17] , e.g. g. rājya tṛṇaya manye , " I value empire at a straw " i.e. I make light of it = laghuman , and opp. to bahu , or sādhuman , to think much or well of , praise , approve) ib.  ; 
to think one's self or be thought to be , appear as , pass for (
nom. ; also with iva) ib.  ; 
to be of opinion , think fit or right
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to agree or be of the same opinion with (
acc.) MBh.  ; 
to set the heart or mind on , honour , esteem (with
nau , disdain) , hope or wish for (acc. or gen.) RV. &c  ; 
to think of (in prayer
&c , either " to remember , meditate on " , or " mention , declare " , or " excogitate , invent ") RV. AV.  ; 
to perceive , observe , learn , know , understand , comprehend (
acc. , Ved. also gen.). RV. &c  ; 
to offer , present
MBh. : Caus. ( Dha1tup. xxxiv , 36) mānayati (ep. also °te ; aor. amīmanat ; Pass. mānyate) , to honour , esteem , value highly (also with uru , bahu and sādhu) AV. &c  ; 
A1.) stambhe Dha1tup. xxxiii , 35  ; 
garvake ib. Vop. : Desid. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 3) mīmāsate (rarely °ti ; amīmāsiṣṭhās S3Br. ; mīmāsyáte AV. ; mimasate,mimaniate Gr.) , to reflect upon , consider , examine , investigate AV. Br. &c  ; 
to call in question , doubt (" with regard to "
loc.) ib. : Desid. of Desid. mimāmiate Gr.: Intens. manmanyate,manmantiib. [cf. Zd. man ; Gk. μένω , μέμονα ,Lat. meminisse , monere ; Slav. and Lith. mine4ti ; Goth. ga-munan ; Germ , meinen ; Eng. mean.]


(H1) cl.8.4.