Harsha- Bristling, erection of the hair in a thrill or rapture or delight, joy, pleasure, sexual excitement, ardent desire

hara [p= 1292,2] [L=261652]
(ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ hṛṣ) bristling , erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c
1292,3] [L=261653]
dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c



of an asura Katha1s.

kṛṣṇa BhP.

&c (also with dīkita , miśra , sūri &c ; cf. śrī-hara)
hara [L=261659]
happy , delighted W.
hara [p= 1303,2] [L=263916]
» p.1292.
(H1) m.
[p= joy , pleasure , happiness (also personified as a son of
[L=261654]erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement , lustfulness
[L=261655]ardent desire
[L=261657]of a son of
[L=261658]of various authors
(H1B) mfn.
(H2) &c

I love it that Sanskrit has a special word for when your hair stands on end in delight.
bristling , erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight)

(H1) harṣa [p= 1292,2] [L=261652] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; fr. √ hṛṣ) bristling , erection (esp. of the hair in a thrill of rapture or delight) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[p= 1292,3] [L=261653] joy , pleasure , happiness (also personified as a son of dharma) Kat2hUp. MBh. &c
[L=261654] erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement , lustfulness Sus3r.
[L=261655] ardent desire MBh.
[L=261656] N. of an asura Katha1s.
[L=261657] of a son of kṛṣṇa BhP.
[L=261658] of various authors &c (also with dīkṣita , miśra , sūri &c ; cf. śrī-harṣa)
(H1B) harṣa [L=261659] mfn. happy , delighted W.
(H2) harṣa [p= 1303,2] [L=263916] &c » p.1292.

(H3) harṣa--kīlaka [p= 1292,3] [L=261662] m. a kind of sexual enjoyment L.

(H3) harṣa--sampuṭa [L=261712] m. a kind of sexual enjoyment L.

(H2) harṣaṇa [L=261728] mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect , thrilling with joy or desire , gladdening , delightful , pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261729] m. " gladdener " , N. of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva Bcar.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261730] m. of a man VP. ( L. also , " a partic. disease of the eyes " ; " a partic. śrāddha " ; " a deity presiding over śrāddhas " ; " the 14th of the astron Yogas. ")
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261731] n. bristling , erection Sus3r.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261732] n. erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement ib.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261733] n. the act of delighting , delight , joy , happiness MBh. R.

Related to harsa is a word for one of the arrows of the love-god:


(H2) harṣaṇa [L=261728] mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect , thrilling with joy or desire , gladdening , delightful , pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261729] m. " gladdener " , N. of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva Bcar.

279 more more Sanskrit words for sex
here and here.