Sanskrit words for index

atigaṇḍa (index) 2 anukram (index) 3 anukrama (index) 4 anukramaṇikā (index) 5 anukramaṇī (index) 6 ṛgvedānukramaṇikā (index) 7 kāṇḍānukramaṇikā (index) 8 kāṇḍānukramaṇī (index) 9 devatānukramaṇī (index) 10 deśinī (index) 11 purāṇa (index) 12 viṣuvacchāyā (index) 13 śabdenduśekharadoṣoddhāra (index) 14 sarvānukrama (index) 15 sarvānukramaṇikā (index) 16 sarvānukramaṇī (index) 17 sūktānukramaṇī (index) 18 sūcanī (index) 19 sūci (index) 20 sūcī (index) 21 sūcipattra (index) 22 harilīlā (index)

áti--gaṇḍa [p= 12,2] [L=2587]
having large cheeks or temples
áti--gaṇḍa [L=2588]
N. of the yoga (or index) , star of the 6th lunar mansion.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.

anu- √ kram [p= 31,3] [L=6154]
to go through in order , enumerate , supply with an abstract or index.

(H1) to go on , go after , follow

anu-krama [L=6155]
succession , arrangement , order , method

(H2) m.
[L=6156]an index showing the successive contents of a book

anu-kramaikā [L=6160]
a table or chapter of contents , index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn , the number of verses , name and family of poets , names of deities and metres).
(H2) f.

anu-kramaī [L=6161]
a table or chapter of contents , index to a collection of Vedic hymns (giving the first word of each hymn , the number of verses , name and family of poets , names of deities and metres).
(H3) f.

g--ve° * nukramaikā [p= 225,1] [L=38742]
the anukramaikā or index of the g-veda.
(H4) f.

ṇḍā* nukramaikā [p= 269,3] [L=47555]
an index of the ṇḍas of the taittirīya-sahitā.
(H3) f.

ṇḍā* nukramaī [L=47556]
an index of the ṇḍas of the taittirīya-sahitā.
(H3) f.

devátānukra° maī [p= 495,3] [L=96352]
index of the Vedic deities.
(H3) f.

deśinī [p= 496,3] [L=96592]
the index or forefinger Ya1jn5. i , 19 BhP.
(H2B) f.

purāá [p= 635,1] [L=125984]
(ī or ā)n. belonging to ancient or olden times , ancient , old (also = withered , worn out , opp. to nūtana , nava) RV. &c
purāá [L=125985]
a kara or measure of silver (= 16 paas of cowries) Mn. viii , 136 (also n. L. )
purāá [L=125986]
N. of a ṛṣi Ka1t2h.
purāá [L=125987]
the ancients MW.
purāá [L=125988]
a thing or event of the past , an ancient tale or legend , old traditional history. AV. &c
purāá [L=125989]
N. of a class of sacred works (supposed to have been compiled by the poet vyāsa and to treat of 5 topics [cf. pañca-lakaa] ; the chief purāas are 18 , grouped in 3 divisions: viz. 1. rājasa exalting brahmā [e.g. the brahma , brahmā*ṇḍa , brahmavaivarta , mārkaṇḍeya , bhaviya , vāmana] ; 2. sāttvika exalting viṣṇu [e.g. the viṣṇu , bhāgavata , nāradīya , garua , padma , varāha] ; 3. tāmasa exalting śiva [e.g. the śiva , liga , skanda , agni or in place of it the vāyu , matsya , kūrma] ; by some the padma are divided into 4 , and by others into 6 groups ; cf. IW. 509 &c )
purāá [L=125990]
N. of wk. (containing an index of the contents of a number of padma and some other works.)
purāa [p= 636,1] [L=126257]
» p.635.
(H2) mf
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m. pl.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) purātana

viuva--cchāyā [p= 998,1] [L=202175]
the shadow of the gnomon or index of a dial at noon when the sun is on the equinoctial points MW.
(H3) f.

śabde* ndu-śekhara---doo* ddhāra [p= 1053,3] [L=212893]
N. of an index of the errors in the same wk.
(H4) m.

sarvā* nukrama [p= 1188,2] [L=239010]
a complete index (esp. to the veda) ( Caran2. )
sarvā* nukrama [L=239010.1]
N. of wk.
(H3) m.
(H3) m.

sarvā* nukra° maikā [L=239011]
( Cat. ) (ib.) a complete index (esp. to the veda)

of wk.
(H3) f.

sarvā* nukra° maī [L=239014]
(ib.) a complete index (esp. to the veda)

of wk.
(H3) f.

* ktā* nukramaī [p= 1240,2] [L=250880]
an index of Vedic hymns (attributed to śaunaka by a-guruśiya).
(H3) f.

sūcanī [p= 1241,1] [L=251020]
a short index or table of contents L.
(H2B) f.

sūci [L=251025]
(prob. to be connected with sūtra , syūta &c fr. √ siv , " to sew " cf. sūkma ; in R. once sūcinā instr.) , a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. " a needle used in surgery " , " a magnet " &c ) RV. &c

the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Ka1v. Car. BhP.

a rail or balustrade DivyA7v.

a small door-bolt L.

" sharp file or column " , a kind of military array (accord. to Kull. on Mn. vii , 187, " placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front ") Mn. MBh. Ka1m.

an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ; cf. -pattra below)

a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Col.

a cone , pyramid ib.

(in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or " the corrected diameter of the earth ") Su1ryas.

gesticulation , dramatic action L.

a kind of coitus L.

sight , seeing (= dṛṣṭi) L.
sūci [L=251037]
(only sūci) the son of niāda and a vaiśyā L.
sūci [L=251038]
a maker of winnowing baskets &c (cf. sūnā) L.
(H2) f.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

sūcī́ [L=251039]
(prob. to be connected with sūtra , syūta &c fr. √ siv , " to sew " cf. sūkma ; in R. once sūcinā instr.) , a needle or any sharp-pointed instrument (e.g. " a needle used in surgery " , " a magnet " &c ) RV. &c

Ka1v. Car. BhP.



accord. to Kull. on Mn. vii , 187, " placing the sharpest and most active soldiers in front ") Mn. MBh. Ka1m.

cf. -pattra below)






= dṛṣṭi) L.
sūcī́ [L=251051]
(only sūci) the son of niāda and a vaiśyā L.
sūcī́ [L=251052]
a maker of winnowing baskets &c (cf. sūnā) L.
sūcī [p= 1241,2] [L=251089]
(= sūcī) , in comp.
(H3) f.
[L=251040]the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object
[L=251041]a rail or balustrade
[L=251042]a small door-bolt
[L=251043]" sharp file or column " , a kind of military array (
[L=251044]an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ;
[L=251045]a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet
[L=251046]a cone , pyramid
[L=251047](in astron) the earth's disc in computing eclipses (or " the corrected diameter of the earth ")
[L=251048]gesticulation , dramatic action
[L=251049]a kind of coitus
[L=251050]sight , seeing (
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H2) f.

sūci--pattra [p= 1241,1] [L=251057]
an index (» above ) .
(H3) n.

hári--līlā [p= 1290,3] [L=261159]
" hari's play " , N. of vopa-deva's index to the bhāgavata-purāa
(H3) f.