bhashantaram - translation into another dialect -
n. another dialect or version , translation MW.
Anuvada and vivarana are common words for “translation” in Sanskrit.
(H3) | bhāṣā--° ntara [p= 755,3] [L=150496]
( |
°ṣā*nt°) n. another dialect or version , translation MW.
Paribhasha ... can mean anything from speech and discourse to reproof and common rule,
bhashantaram which means rendering in another dialect or migration into or rebirth in another language and
anuvad which denotes a repetitive interpretation. Words like
anukriti (imitation),
arthakriya (enacted or performed meaning) . . .
Indian literature: Volume 45

Sahitya Akademi | - 2001 - Snippet view
... paribhasha that can mean anything from speech and discourse to reproof and common rule, bhashantaram which means rendering in another dialect or migration into or rebirth in another language and anuvad which denotes a repetitive ...
also cited at
- Authors, texts, issues: essays on Indian literatureTranslation, from periphery to centrestage

Tutun Mukherjee | - 1998 - 235 pages - Snippet view
Paribhasha means speech, discourse, reproof, general rule, even list of abbreviations, while bhashantaram expresses the sense of another dialect or language in addition to the present meaning of translation ...
Sanskrit words for Translation
1 anuvāda (translation)
2 avatāra (translation)
3 avatāraṇa (translation)
4 āśaya (translation)
5 iṣṭāpūrta (translation)
6 bhāṣāntara (translation)
7 loka (translation)
8 vivaraṇa (translation)
9 siddhāntasāra (translation)
10 setusaraṇi (translation)
11 ratnamanjarī (translation)
(H2) | anu-vāda [p= 38,2] [L=7218]
m. |
saying after or again , repeating by way of explanation , explanatory repetition or reiteration with corroboration or illustration , explanatory reference to anything already said
[L=7219] |
[L=7220] |
a passage of the |
brāhmaṇas which explains or illustrates a rule (vidhi) previously propounded (such a passage is sometimes called anuvāda-vacana)
[L=7221] |
confirmation |
[L=7222] |
slander , reviling |
(H2) | anu-vāda [p= 1312,2] [L=307480]
(used in explaining |
dhvani), Kpr.
(H2) | ava-tāra [p= 99,1] [L=17339]
m. |
( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 120) descent (especially of a deity from heaven) , appearance of any deity upon earth (but more particularly the incarnations of viṣṇu in ten principal forms , viz. the fish tortoise , boar , man lion , dwarf , the two rāmas , kṛṣṇa , buddha , and kalki MBh. xii , 12941 seqq.)
[L=17340] |
any new and unexpected appearance |
Ragh. iii , 36 & v , 24 , &c , (any distinguished person in the language of respect is called an avatāra or incarnation of a deity)
[L=17341] |
opportunity of catching any one |
[L=17342] |
a |
tīrtha or sacred place L.
[L=17343] |
translation |
(H2) | ava-tāra [p= 1317,1] [L=314630]
( |
acc. with √labh, "to get an opportunity"), Divya7v.
(H2) | ava-tāraṇa [p= 99,1] [L=17349]
n. |
causing to descend R. &c
[L=17350] |
taking or putting off |
[L=17351] |
" removing " (as a burden) |
» bhārā*vat° , descent , appearance (= ava-taraṇa) MBh. i , 312 and 368, translation L.
[L=17352] |
worship |
[L=17353] |
possession by an evil spirit |
[L=17354] |
the border of a garment |
(H1) | āśaya [p= 157,2] [L=27429]
&c |
» 3. ā- √śī.
(H2) | ā-śaya [p= 157,3] [L=27492]
m. |
resting-place , bed
[L=27493] |
seat , place
[L=27494] |
an asylum , abode or retreat |
S3Br. MBh. Pan5cat. Bhag. &c
[L=27495] |
a receptacle
[L=27496] |
any recipient
[L=27497] |
any vessel of the body ( |
e.g. raktā*śaya , " the receptacle of blood " i.e. the heart ; āmā*śaya , the stomach &c ) Sus3r.
[L=27498] |
the stomach
[L=27499] |
the abdomen |
[L=27500] |
the seat of feelings and thoughts , the mind , heart , soul |
Ya1jn5. R. Katha1s. &c
[L=27501] |
thought , meaning , intention |
Prab. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
[L=27502] |
disposition of mind , mode of thinking
[L=27503] |
(in |
yoga phil.) " stock " or " the balance of the fruits of previous works , which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit , until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank , years , and enjoyment "(Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168 , 16 ff.)
[L=27504] |
the will
[L=27505] |
[L=27506] |
[L=27507] |
[L=27508] |
[L=27509] |
[L=27510] |
[L=27511] |
a miser , niggard |
[L=27512] |
N. |
of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L.
(H2) | ā-śayá [p= 1320,2] [L=320430]
( |
S3Br. )
(H3) | iṣṭā* pūrtá [p= 169,3] [L=29632]
n. |
" filled up or stored up sacrificial rites " , or the merit of sacred rites &c stored up in heaven RV. AV. VS. S3Br. R. &c (» Muir v , 293 ; according to Banerjea's translation of brahma-sūtras , p.19 , iṣṭa means personal piety , pūrta works for the benefit of others) .
(H3) | bhāṣā--° ntara [p= 755,3] [L=150496]
( |
°ṣā*nt°) n. another dialect or version , translation MW.
(H2) | loká [p= 906,1] [L=183230]
m. |
(connected with roka ; in the oldest texts loka is generally preceded by u , which accord. to the Padap. = the particle 3. u ; but u may be a prefixed vowel and uloká , a collateral dialectic form of loka ; accord. to others u-loka is abridged from uru- or ava-loka) , free or open space , room , place , scope , free motion RV. AV. Br. A1S3vS3r. (acc. with √ kṛ or √ dā or anu- √ nī , " to make room grant freedom " ; loke with gen. " instead of ")
[L=183231] |
intermediate space |
[L=183232] |
a tract , region , district , country , province |
[p= | 906,2] [p= 906,1] [L=183233]
the wide space or world (either " the universe " or , " any division of it " , |
esp. " the sky or heaven " ; 3 lokas are commonly enumerated , viz. heaven , earth , and the atmosphere or lower regions ; sometimes only the first two ; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds , viz. bhū-loka , the earth ; bhuvar-loka , the space between the earth and sun inhabited by munis , siddhas &c ; svarloka , indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star ; maharloka , a region above the polar star and inhabited by bhṛgu and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds ; janarloka , inhabited by brahmā's son sanat-kumāra &c ; tapar-loka , inhabited by deified vairāgins ; satya-loka or brahma-loka , abode of brahmā , translation to which exempts from rebirth ; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth , sky , heaven , middle region , place of re-births , mansion of the blest , and abode of truth ; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned , viz. the 7 above , and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth --- a-tala , vi-tala , su-tala , rasā-tala , talā-tala , mahā-tala , and pātāla ; cf. RTL. 102 n. 1 IW. 420 , 1 ; 435 , 1) AV. &c
[L=183234] |
N. |
of the number " seven " (cf. above ) VarBr2S. Sch.
[L=183235] |
the earth or world of human beings |
&c Mn. MBh. &c (ayáṃ lokáḥ , " this world " ; asaú or páro lokáḥ , " that or the other world " ; loke or iha loke , " here on earth " , opp. to para-tra , para-loke &c ; kṛtsne loke , " on the whole earth ")
[L=183236] |
(also |
pl.) the inhabitants of the world , mankind , folk , people (sometimes opp. to " king ") Mn. MBh. &c
[L=183237] |
( |
pl.) men (as opp. to " women ") Vet. Hit.
[L=183238] |
a company , community (of ten |
ifc. to form collectives) Ka1v. Vas. Katha1s. &c
[L=183239] |
ordinary life , worldly affairs , common practice or usage |
Gr2S. Nir. Mn. &c (loke either " in ordinary life " , " in worldly matters " ; or , " in common language , in popular speech " , as opp. to vede , chandasi)
[L=183240] |
the faculty of seeing , sight (only in |
cákṣur-l° q.v.)
[L=183241] |
lokānā |
ṃ sāmanī du. and lokānāṃ vratāni pl. N. of sāmans A1rshBr. [cf. Lat. lu1sus , originally , " a clearing of a forest " ; Lith. lau4kas , a field.]
(H2) | loka [p= 1332,1] [L=338940]
(in |
(H3) | vi-° varaṇa [p= 988,2] [L=200231]
mfn. |
the act of uncovering , spreading out , opening , laying bare or open TPra1t. MBh. Sus3r.
[L=200232] |
explanation , exposition , interpretation , gloss , comment , translation , interpretation , specification |
&c Pur. S3am2k. Sarvad.
[L=200233] |
a sentence |
[L=200234] |
N. |
of wk. on vedā*nta
(H3) | siddhā* nta--sāra [p= 1216,2] [L=244632]
m. |
N. of various works.
[L=244633] |
(with |
kaustubha) N. of a translation of the Almagest by jagan-nātha
(H3) | sétu--saraṇi [p= 1246,2] [L=252125]
f. |
N. of a Sanskrit translation of the setu-bandha by śiva-nārāyaṇa-dāsa.
(H3) | ratna--manjarī [p= 1331,3] [L=338610.4]
f. |
N. of a Sanskrit translation of the karpūra-mañ
Translating others: Volume 1

Theo Hermans | - 2006 - 256 pages - Snippet view
Excepting the term chhaya, ie 'shadow', mentioned above in the context of Sanskrit and Prakrit, the terms bhashantara and rupantara are formed in this manner; the second part of the compound, -antara, means "another, other, changed , ...
Catalogue of the library of the India office ... - Page 92

Annals of oriental research: Volume 21, Part 2

1967 - Snippet view |
Sa ca tridha — iuddha, bhasantarabhava, bhasantara-: sama ca. (It is also three- fold — (1) duddha (pure), (2) bhasantarabhava (derived from any language other than Skt.) and (3) bhasantara- sama (similar to a language other than Skt.) ...
Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit: Volume 1 - Page 126

David Pingree | - 1970 - Google eBook - Preview
1941 (= ad 1884); with the tilaka- phalavijnana from the Adrs(aphalaparijiidna of Rama- yogin and a Telugu bhasantara at Madras in 1890 (in Telugu characters) (IO 414); by AF Rudolf Hoernle, The Bower Manuscript, Calcutta 1893, pp. ...