(H2) | śákti [p= 1044,2] [L=210902]
śákti |
or śaktí f. power , ability , strength , might , effort , energy , capability (śaktyā or ātma-ś° or sva-ś° , " according to ability " ; paraṃ śaktyā , " with all one's might " ; vitta-śaktyā , " according to the capability of one's property " ; śaktim a-hāpayitvā , " not relaxing one's efforts , exerting all one's strength ") , faculty , skill , capacity for , power over (gen. loc. dat. , or inf.) RV. &c
[L=210903] |
effectiveness or efficacy (of a remedy) |
[L=210904] |
regal power (consisting of three parts , |
prabhutva , personal pre-eminence ; mantra , good counsel , and utsāha , energy) Ka1m. (cf. Ragh. iii , 13)
[L=210905] |
the energy or active power of a deity personified as his wife and worshipped by the |
śākta (q.v.) sect of Hindus under various names (sometimes only three , sometimes eight śakti goddesses are enumerated , as follow , indrāṇī , vaiṣṇavī , śāntā , brahmāṇī , kaumārī , nārasiṃhī , vārāhī , and māheśvarī , but some substitute cāmuṇḍā and caṇḍikā for the third and sixth of these: according to another reckoning there are nine , viz. vaiṣṇavī , brahmāṇī , raudrī , māheśvarī , nārasiṃhī , vārāhī , indrāṇī , kārttikī , and pradhānā: others reckon fifty different forms of the śakti of viṣṇu besides lakṣmī , some of these are kīrtti , kānti , tuṣṭi , puṣṭā , dhṛti , śānti , kriyā , dayā , medhā &c ; and fifty forms of the śakti of śiva or rudra besides durgā or gaurī , some of whom are guṇodarī , virajā , śālmalī , lolākṣī , vartulākṣī , dīrgha-ghoṇā , sudīrgha-mukhī , go-mukhī , dīrgha-jihvā , kuṇḍodarī , ardha-keśī , vikṛta-mukhī , jvālā-mukhī , ulkāmukhī &c ; sarasvatī is also named as a śakti , both of viṣṇu and rudra: according to the vāyu-purāṇa the female nature of rudra became twofold , one half asita or white , and the other sita or black , each of these again becoming manifold , those of the white or mild nature included lakṣmī , sarasvatī , gaurī , umā &c ; those of the dark and fierce nature , durgā , kālī &c ) Ka1v. Katha1s. Pur. (cf. RTL. 181 &c MWB. 216)
[L=210906] |
the female organ (as worshipped by the |
śākta sect either actually or symbolically) RTL. 140
[L=210907] |
the power or signification of a word (defined in the |
nyāya as padasya padā*rthe sambandhaḥ i.e. " the relation of a word to the thing designated ") Bha1sha1p. Sa1h.
[L=210908] |
(in |
Gram.) case-power , the idea conveyed by a case (= kāraka) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 7 Sch.
[L=210909] |
the power or force or most effective word of a sacred text or magic formula |
Up. Pan5car.
[L=210910] |
the creative power or imagination (of a poet) |
[L=210911] |
help , aid , assistance , gift , bestowal |
[L=210912] |
a spear , lance , pike , dart |
RV. &c (also śaktī g. bahv-ādi)
[L=210913] |
a sword |
[L=210914] |
(prob.) a flag-staff ( |
» ratha-ś°)
[p= | 1044,3] [L=210928]
a |
partic. configuration of stars and planets (when the latter are situated in the 7th , 8th , 9th , and 10th astrological house) , VarBr2S.
(H2B) | śaktí [L=210929]
m. |
N. of a muni or sage (the eldest of vasiṣṭha's hundred sons ; accord. to VP. he was father of parāśara , and was devoured by king kalmāṣa-pāda , when changed to a man-eating rākṣasa , in consequence of a curse pronounced upon him by the sage ; he is represented as having overcome viśvāmitra at the sacrifice of king saudāsa ; he is regarded as the author of RV. vii , 32 , 26 ; ix , 97 , 19-21 ; 108 , 3 ; 14-16 ; śakti is also identified with one of the vyāsas , and with avalokite*śvara , and has elsewhere the patr. jātūkarṇa and sāṃkṛti) Pravar. MBh. &c