Yukti - Union, preparation, connection, practice, meditation on the supreme being, contemplation, union with the universal spirit
atraikatamayuktisthe yotpadyeta dinād dinam |
bharitākāratā sātra tṛptir atyantapūrṇatā || 148 ||In the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, yukti has a special meaning in addition to the vast meaning described in the MW.
Yukti is a term which, in these works, means a number of things including ‘reason,’ expedient, means, and in a more technical sense, a knowledge of the means to self-realization. Thus the Vijnanabhairava teaches 112 such means. Ksemaraja explains that “the word yukti indicates there (in the Vijnanabhairava) the knowledge of the 112 planes of yoga (taught therein).” S.Su.vi., p.121.yukti- yukti f. union , junction , connection , combination
- preparation , going to , making ready for (loc. or comp.)
- application , practice , usage
- trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic (yuktiṁ- √kṛ , to find out or employ an expedient ; yukti ibc. ; °tyā ind.,°tibhis ind. ,and °ti-tas ind. by device or stratagem , artfully , skilfully , under pretext or pretence ; yuktyā &c ifc. = by means of)
- reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances(-tas, , by means of an argument)
- reason , ground , motive
- suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness MBh. Ka1v. &c (yuktyā and °ti-tas , properly , suitably , fitly , justly , duly)
- meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit
- (in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time
- (in rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose
- (in dram.) connection of the events in a plot , concatenation of incidents , intelligent weighing of the circumstances
- (in astron.) conjunction Jyot.
- (in gram.) connection of words , a sentence
- connection of letters.
- supplying an ellipsis
- mixture or alloying of metals.
- sum , total
(H2) | yukti [p= 853,3] [L=171795]
f. |
union , junction , connection , combination AitBr. Ta1n2d2Br.
[L=171796] |
preparation , going to , making ready for ( |
loc. or comp.) R.
[L=171797] |
application , practice , usage |
Katha1s. Sus3r.
[L=171798] |
trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic |
Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5car. (yuktiṃ- √kṛ , to find out or employ an expedient ; yukti ibc. ; °tyā ind.,°tibhis ind. ,and °ti-tas ind. by device or stratagem , artfully , skilfully , under pretext or pretence ; yuktyā &c ifc. = by means of)
[L=171799] |
reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances |
Kap. Ka1v. Var. &c (-tas , by means of an argument)
[L=171800] |
reason , ground , motive |
BhP. Ma1rkP.
[L=171801] |
suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness |
MBh. Ka1v. &c (yuktyā and °ti-tas , properly , suitably , fitly , justly , duly)
[L=171802] |
meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit |
S3am2k. (cf. IW. 111 , 3)
[L=171803] |
(in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time |
&c Ya1jn5. ii , 92 ; 212
[L=171804] |
(in |
rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose W.
[L=171805] |
(in |
dram.) connection of the events in a plot , concatenation of incidents , intelligent weighing of the circumstances Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.
[L=171806] |
(in |
astron.) conjunction Jyot.
[L=171807] |
(in gram.) connection of words , a sentence |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171808]
connection of letters |
[L=171809] |
supplying an ellipsis |
[L=171810] |
mixture or alloying of metals |
[L=171811] |
sum , total |
(H1) | yukta [p= 853,1] [L=171723]
yukti |
&c » cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) | yuktá [p= 853,2] [L=171732]
mfn. |
yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to (loc. or instr.) RV. &c
[p= | 853,2] [L=171733]
set to work , made use of , employed , occupied with , engaged in , intent upon ( |
instr. loc. or comp.) ib.
[p= | 853,2] [L=171734]
ready to , prepared for ( |
dat.) MBh.
[p= | 853,2] [L=171735]
absorbed in abstract meditation , concentrated , attentive |
RV. &c
[p= | 853,2] [L=171736]
skilful , clever , experienced in , familiar with ( |
loc.) MBh. R.
[p= | 853,2] [L=171737]
joined , united , connected , combined , following in regular succession |
RV. S3a1n3khS3r. Var. BhP. (am ind. in troops S3Br. )
[p= | 853,3] [L=171738]
furnished or endowed or filled or supplied or provided with , accompanied by , possessed of ( |
instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[p= | 853,3] [L=171739]
come in contact with ( |
instr.) R.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171740]
(in |
astron.) being in conjunction with (instr.) A1s3vGr2.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171741]
( |
ifc.) added to , increased by (e.g. catur-yuktā viṁśatiḥ , twenty increased by four i.e. 24) VarBr2S.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171742]
( |
ifc.) connected with , concerning Ka1tyS3r.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171743]
( |
ifc.) subject to , dependent on MBh.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171744]
fitted , adapted , conforming or adapting one's self to , making use of ( |
instr. e.g. yuktaḥ kālena yaḥ , one who makes use of the right opportunity) Ka1m.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171745]
fit , suitable , appropriate , proper , right , established , proved , just , due , becoming to or suitable for ( |
gen. loc. or comp. , e.g. āyati-yukta , suitable for the future ; or ibc. » below ; yuktam with yad or an inf. = it is fit or suitable that or to ; na yuktam bhavatā , it is not seemly for you) Mn. MBh. &c
[p= | 853,3] [L=171746]
auspicious , favourable (as fate , time |
&c ) Mn. R.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171747]
prosperous , thriving |
[p= | 853,3] [L=171748]
(with |
tathā) faring or acting thus MBh.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171749]
(in gram.) primitive (as |
opp. to " derivative ") Pa1n2. 1-2 , 51
(H2B) | yuktá [p= 853,3] [L=171750]
m. |
N. of a son of manu raivata Hariv.
(H2B) | yuktá [p= 853,3] [L=171751]
m. |
of a ṛṣi under manu bhautya ib.
(H2B) | yuktā [p= 853,3] [L=171752]
f. |
N. of a plant L. (cf. yukta-rasā)
(H2B) | yuktá [p= 853,3] [L=171753]
n. |
a team , yoke S3Br.
(H2B) | yuktá [p= 853,3] [L=171754]
n. |
junction , connection Pa1n2. 2-3 , 4 ; 8 &c
(H2B) | yuktá [p= 853,3] [L=171755]
n. |
fitness , suitableness , propriety (am ind. fitly , suitably , justly , properly , rightly ; éna , properly , suitably RV. v , 27 , 3 ; buddhi-yuktena , conformably to reason Ra1jat. )
And again:
(H2) | yukti [p= 853,3] [L=171795]
f. |
union , junction , connection , combination AitBr. Ta1n2d2Br.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171796]
preparation , going to , making ready for ( |
loc. or comp.) R.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171797]
application , practice , usage |
Katha1s. Sus3r.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171798]
trick , contrivance , means , expedient , artifice , cunning device , magic |
Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5car. (yuktiṁ- √kṛ , to find out or employ an expedient ; yukti ibc. ; °tyā ind.,°tibhis ind. ,and °ti-tas ind. by device or stratagem , artfully , skilfully , under pretext or pretence ; yuktyā &c ifc. = by means of)
[p= | 853,3] [L=171799]
reasoning , argument , proof , influence , induction , deduction from circumstances |
Kap. Ka1v. Var. &c (-tas , by means of an argument)
[p= | 853,3] [L=171800]
reason , ground , motive |
BhP. Ma1rkP.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171801]
suitableness , adaptedness , fitness , propriety , correctness |
MBh. Ka1v. &c (yuktyā and °ti-tas , properly , suitably , fitly , justly , duly)
[p= | 853,3] [L=171802]
meditation on the supreme being , contemplation , union with the universal spirit |
S3am2k. (cf. IW. 111 , 3)
[p= | 853,3] [L=171803]
(in law) enumeration of circumstances , specification of place and time |
&c Ya1jn5. ii , 92 ; 212
[p= | 853,3] [L=171804]
(in |
rhet.) emblematic or mystical expression of purpose W.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171805]
(in |
dram.) connection of the events in a plot , concatenation of incidents , intelligent weighing of the circumstances Das3ar. Sa1h. Prata1p.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171806]
(in |
astron.) conjunction Jyot.
[p= | 853,3] [L=171807]
(in gram.) connection of words , a sentence |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171808]
connection of letters |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171809]
supplying an ellipsis |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171810]
mixture or alloying of metals |
[p= | 854,1] [L=171811]
sum , total |
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 29.7, 33.36
Whitney Roots links: yuj
(H1) | yuj 1 [p= 853,2] [L=171731]
( |
cf. √2. yu cl.7 P. A1. Dha1tup. xxix , 7) yunákti , yuṅkté (ep. also yuñjati , °te ; Ved. yojati , °te ; yuje,yujmahe , 3. pl. yujata Impv. yukṣvá ; Pot. yuñjīyāt R. ; pf. yuyója , yuyujé RV. &c &c , 3. sg. yuyojate RV. viii , 70 , 7 ; aor. Class. P. ayokṣīt , ayaukṣīt or ayujat ; Ved. also A1. áyuji ; Ved. and Class. ayukṣi , ayukta ; fut. yoktā́ Br. ; yokṣyati ib. ; °te AV. &c ; inf. yoktum Br. ; yujé RV. ; ind.p. yuktvā́ ib. &c ; yuktvā́ya RV. Br. ; -yujya MBh. &c ) , to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot) RV. &c ;
to make ready , prepare , arrange , fit out , set to work , use , employ , apply ib. ;
to equip (an army) R. ;
to offer , perform (prayers , a sacrifice) BhP. ;
to put on (arrows on a bow-string) MBh. ;
to fix in , insert , inject (semen) S3Br. ;
to appoint to , charge or intrust with (loc. or dat.) MBh. VP. ;
to command , enjoin BhP. ;
to turn or direct or fix or concentrate (the mind , thoughts &c ) upon (loc.) TS. &c ;
(P. A1.) to concentrate the mind in order to obtain union with the Universal Spirit , be absorbed in meditation (also with yogam) MaitrUp. Bhag. &c ;
to recollect , recall MBh. ;
to join , unite , connect , add , bring together RV. &c (A1. to be attached , cleave to Hariv. ) ;
to confer , or bestow anything (acc.) upon (gen. or loc.) BhP. Ma1rkP. (A1. with acc. , to become possessed of MBh. ; with ātmani , to use for one's self , enjoy Mn. vi , 12) ;
to bring into possession of , furnish or endow with (instr.) Mn. MBh. R. &c ;
to join one's self to (acc.) RV. ;
(in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S. : Pass. yujyáte (ep. also °ti ; aor. áyoji) , to be yoked or harnessed or joined &c RV. &c ;
to attach one's self to (loc.) Hit. ;
to be made ready or prepared for (dat.) Bhag. ;
to be united in marriage Gaut. MBh. ;
to be endowed with or possessed of (instr. with or without saha) Mn. MBh. &c ;
(in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.) VarBr2S. ;
to accrue to , fall to the lot of (gen.) Pan5cat. ;
to be fit or proper or suitable or right , suit anything (instr.) , be fitted for (loc.) , belong to or suit any one (loc. or gen.) , deserve to be (nom.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
(with na) not to be fit or proper &c for (instr.) or to (inf. , also with pass. sense = " ought not to be ") Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat. : Caus. yojayati (mc. also °te ; aor. ayūyujat ; Pass. yojyate) , to harness , yoke with (instr.) , put to (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c ;
to equip (an army) , draw up (troops) MBh. R. &c ;
to use , employ , set to work , apply , undertake , carry on , perform , accomplish Mn. MBh. &c ;
to urge or impel to Bhartr2. Prab. ;
to lead towards , help to (loc.) Sarvad. ;
to set (snares , nets &c ) MBh. Hit. ;
to put or fix on (esp. arrows) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c ;
to aim (arrows) at (loc.) R. ;
to fasten on or in , attack , adjust , add , insert Kaus3. Ka1v. Pur. ;
(with manas , ātmānam &c ) to direct the thoughts to , concentrate or fix the mind upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. ;
to join , unite , connect , combine , bring or put together (also = write , compose) R. Var. Ra1jat. &c ;
to encompass , embrace MBh. ;
to put in order , arrange , repair , restore Ra1jat. ;
to endow or furnish or provide with (instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to mix (food) with (instr.) Mn. vii , 218 ;
to confer anything upon (loc.) BhP. ;
(in astron.) to ascertain or know (jānāti) the conjunction of the moon with an asterism (instr.) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 11 Pat. ;
(A1.) to think little of , esteem lightly , despise Vop. in Dha1tup. xxxiii , 36 : Desid. yuyukṣati , to wish to harness or yoke or join &c ;
to wish to appoint or institute MBh. ;
to wish to fix or aim (arrows) BhP. ;
(A1.) to wish to be absorbed in meditation , devout Bhat2t2. : Intens. yoyujyate , yoyujīti or yoyokti Gr. ([cf. Gk. ζεύγνυμι , ζυγόν ; Lat. jungere , jugum ; Lith. ju4ngus ; Slav. igo ; Goth. juk ; Germ. joh , Joch ; Angl.Sax. geoc ; Eng. yoke.])
(H2) | yúj 2 [p= 854,2] [L=171962]
mfn. |
(mostly ifc. ; when uncompounded , the strong cases have a nasal e.g. nom. yuṅ , yuñjau , yuñjas , but aśva-yuk &c Pa1n2. 7-1 , 71) joined , yoked , harnessed , drawn by RV. &c (cf. aśva- , hari- , hayo*ttama-yuj)
[p= | 854,2] [L=171963]
furnished or provided or filled with , affected by , possessed of ( |
instr. , mostly comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[p= | 854,2] [L=171964]
bestowing , granting ( |
e.g. kāma-yuj , " granting wishes ") Hariv.
[p= | 854,2] [L=171965]
exciting , an exciter ( |
e.g. yuṇ bhiyaḥ , an exciter of fear) Bhat2t2.
[p= | 854,3] [L=171966]
being in couples or pairs , even (not odd or separate) |
La1t2y. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) | yúj 2 [p= 854,3] [L=171967]
m. |
a yoke-fellow , companion , comrade , associate RV. AV. Br.
(H2B) | yúj 2 [p= 854,3] [L=171968]
m. |
a sage who devotes his time to abstract contemplation W.
(H2B) | yúj 2 [p= 854,3] [L=171969]
m. |
a pair , couple , the number " two " Pan5car.
(H2B) | yúj 2 [p= 854,3] [L=171970]
m. |
du. the two aśvins L.
(H2B) | yúj 2 [p= 854,3] [L=171971]
m. |
(in astron.) the zodiacal sign Gemini.
(H3) | yóga--yukta [p= 857,1] [L=172480]
mfn. |
immersed in deep meditation , absorbed in yoga MBh. Pan5cat. &c
(H3) yóga--yukti [L=172481]
f. the being absorbed in yoga Ka1s3i1Kh.
(H3) | yukti--yukta [p= 854,1] [L=171831]
mfn. |
experienced , skilful (» a-y°)
[L=171832] |
suitable , proper , fit
[L=171833] |
established , proved , very probable |
S3a1rn3gP. Ba1lar.
[L=171834] |
argumentative |
(H3) | yuktā* rtha [p= 853,3] [L=171791]
mfn. |
having a meaning , sensible , significant , rational R.
The doctrine of vibration: an analysis of the doctrines and ... - Page 255
Mark S. G. Dyczkowski | - 1989 - 297 pages - Preview
63-4. 17. Sp.Ka., 28-30. 18. Sp.Pra., p. 88. 19. Sp.Nir., p. 49 and Jayadeva Singh's translation pp. ... Ksemaraja explains that "the word 'yukti' indicates there [in the Vijfianabhairavd] the knowledge of the 112 planes of yoga [taught ...
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Your ayurvedic constitution: prakruti - Page 141
Robert E. Svoboda | - 1996 - 207 pages - Preview
Yukti The word "Yukti" is derived from the same root as the word Yoga. Yukti is defined in Sanskrit as ... A clay pot, for example, is created by Yukti. It is a union of clay, water, a wheel, a stick to form the pot, a kiln to fire it, ...
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Encyclopaedia of Indian medicine: clinical examination and ...: Volume 3 - Page 27
Ramachandra S.K. Rao | , Saligrama Krishna Ramachandra Rao - 2005 - 162 pages - Preview
The lexicon Medinl describes yukti as a general act of reasoning (nyaya); and the Smrti texts employ the expression in ... Yukti in this context means the ascertainment of a course of conduct relying on one's ability to reason (yuktir ...
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The doctrine of the tantrayukti-s: methodology of ...
Vāmana Keśava Lele | - 1981 - 179 pages - Snippet view
He says: "Yukti is that which removes the blemishes like impropriety, contradiction etc., from the intended meaning and ... We obtain from it the form 'Yukti'. Verily, the word yukti expresses the meaning 'a device or a means*. ...
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Tradition and reflection: explorations in Indian thought - Page 178
Wilhelm Halbfass | - 1991 - 425 pages - Google eBook - Preview
to be the implicit goal of Sahkara's thought about the relation between sruti and yukti, something which he approximates more or less successfully in his writings. Interpreted in this sense, the Upa- nisads, which contain the tat tvam ...
(H3) | yuktá--manas [p= 853,3] [L=171770]
( |
yuktá-) mfn. fixing the mind , ready-minded , attentive S3Br.
(H3) | vāco--yukti [p= 937,3] [L=190231]
f. |
fit or appropriate speech Ma1lati1m. Pat.
(H3B) | vāco--yukti [L=190232]
mfn. |
(?) possessing fitness of speech , eloquent L.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 29.7, 33.36
(H1) yuj 1 [p= 853,2] [L=171731]
(cf. √2. yu cl.7 P. A1. Dha1tup. xxix , 7) yunákti , yuṅkté (ep. also yuñjati , °te ; Ved. yojati , °te ; yuje,yujmahe , 3. pl. yujata Impv. yukṣvá ; Pot. yuñjīyāt R. ; pf. yuyója , yuyujé RV. &c &c , 3. sg. yuyojate RV. viii , 70 , 7 ; aor. Class. P. ayokṣīt , ayaukṣīt or ayujat ; Ved. also A1. áyuji ; Ved. and Class. ayukṣi , ayukta ; fut. yoktā́ Br. ; yokṣyati ib. ; °te AV. &c ; inf. yoktum Br. ; yujé RV. ; ind.p. yuktvā́ ib. &c ; yuktvā́ya RV. Br. ; -yujya MBh. &c ) , to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot) RV. &c ;
to make ready , prepare , arrange , fit out , set to work , use , employ , apply ib. ;
to equip (an army) R. ;
to offer , perform (prayers , a sacrifice) BhP. ;
to put on (arrows on a bow-string) MBh. ;
to fix in , insert , inject (semen) S3Br. ;
to appoint to , charge or intrust with (loc. or dat.) MBh. VP. ;
to command , enjoin BhP. ;
to turn or direct or fix or concentrate (the mind , thoughts &c ) upon (loc.) TS. &c ;
(P. A1.) to concentrate the mind in order to obtain union with the Universal Spirit , be absorbed in meditation (also with yogam) MaitrUp. Bhag. &c ;
to recollect , recall MBh. ;
to join , unite , connect , add , bring together RV. &c (A1. to be attached , cleave to Hariv. ) ;
to confer , or bestow anything (acc.) upon (gen. or loc.) BhP. Ma1rkP. (A1. with acc. , to become possessed of MBh. ; with ātmani , to use for one's self , enjoy Mn. vi , 12) ;
to bring into possession of , furnish or endow with (instr.) Mn. MBh. R. &c ;
to join one's self to (acc.) RV. ;
(in astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S. : Pass. yujyáte (ep. also °ti ; aor. áyoji) , to be yoked or harnessed or joined &c RV. &c ;
to attach one's self to (loc.) Hit. ;
to be made ready or prepared for (dat.) Bhag. ;
to be united in marriage Gaut. MBh. ;
to be endowed with or possessed of (instr. with or without saha) Mn. MBh. &c ;
(in astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.) VarBr2S. ;
to accrue to , fall to the lot of (gen.) Pan5cat. ;
to be fit or proper or suitable or right , suit anything (instr.) , be fitted for (loc.) , belong to or suit any one (loc. or gen.) , deserve to be (nom.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
(with na) not to be fit or proper &c for (instr.) or to (inf. , also with pass. sense = " ought not to be ") Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat. : Caus. yojayati (mc. also °te ; aor. ayūyujat ; Pass. yojyate) , to harness , yoke with (instr.) , put to (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c ;
to equip (an army) , draw up (troops) MBh. R. &c ;
to use , employ , set to work , apply , undertake , carry on , perform , accomplish Mn. MBh. &c ;
to urge or impel to Bhartr2. Prab. ;
to lead towards , help to (loc.) Sarvad. ;
to set (snares , nets &c ) MBh. Hit. ;
to put or fix on (esp. arrows) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c ;
to aim (arrows) at (loc.) R. ;
to fasten on or in , attack , adjust , add , insert Kaus3. Ka1v. Pur. ;
(with manas , ātmānam &c ) to direct the thoughts to , concentrate or fix the mind upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Pur. ;
to join , unite , connect , combine , bring or put together (also = write , compose) R. Var. Ra1jat. &c ;
to encompass , embrace MBh. ;
to put in order , arrange , repair , restore Ra1jat. ;
to endow or furnish or provide with (instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to mix (food) with (instr.) Mn. vii , 218 ;
to confer anything upon (loc.) BhP. ;
(in astron.) to ascertain or know (jānāti) the conjunction of the moon with an asterism (instr.) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 11 Pat. ;
(A1.) to think little of , esteem lightly , despise Vop. in Dha1tup. xxxiii , 36 : Desid. yuyukṣati , to wish to harness or yoke or join &c ;
to wish to appoint or institute MBh. ;
to wish to fix or aim (arrows) BhP. ;
(A1.) to wish to be absorbed in meditation , devout Bhat2t2. : Intens. yoyujyate , yoyujīti or yoyokti Gr. ([cf. Gk. ζεύγνυμι , ζυγόν ; Lat. jungere , jugum ; Lith. ju4ngus ; Slav. igo ; Goth. juk ; Germ. joh , Joch ; Angl.Sax. geoc ; Eng. yoke.])
(H2) yúj 2 [p= 854,2] [L=171962]
mfn. (mostly ifc. ; when uncompounded , the strong cases have a nasal e.g. nom. yuṅ , yuñjau , yuñjas , but aśva-yuk &c Pa1n2. 7-1 , 71) joined , yoked , harnessed , drawn by RV. &c (cf. aśva- , hari- , hayo*ttama-yuj)
furnished or provided or filled with , affected by , possessed of (instr. , mostly comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
bestowing , granting (e.g. kāma-yuj , " granting wishes ") Hariv.
exciting , an exciter (e.g. yuṇ bhiyaḥ , an exciter of fear) Bhat2t2.
[p= 854,3] [L=171966]
being in couples or pairs , even (not odd or separate) La1t2y. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) yúj 2 [L=171967]
m. a yoke-fellow , companion , comrade , associate RV. AV. Br.
(H2B) yúj 2 [L=171968]
m. a sage who devotes his time to abstract contemplation W.
(H2B) yúj 2 [L=171969]
m. a pair , couple , the number " two " Pan5car.
(H2B) yúj 2 [L=171970]
m. du. the two aśvins L.
(H2B) yúj 2 [L=171971]
m. (in astron.) the zodiacal sign Gemini.
(H1) yukta [p= 853,1] [L=171723]
yukti &c » cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) yuktá [p= 853,2] [L=171732]
mfn. yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to (loc. or instr.) RV. &c
set to work , made use of , employed , occupied with , engaged in , intent upon (instr. loc. or comp.) ib.
ready to , prepared for (dat.) MBh.
absorbed in abstract meditation , concentrated , attentive RV. &c
skilful , clever , experienced in , familiar with (loc.) MBh. R.
joined , united , connected , combined , following in regular succession RV. S3a1n3khS3r. Var. BhP. (am ind. in troops S3Br. )
[p= 853,3] [L=171738]
furnished or endowed or filled or supplied or provided with , accompanied by , possessed of (instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
come in contact with (instr.) R.
(in astron.) being in conjunction with (instr.) A1s3vGr2.
(ifc.) added to , increased by (e.g. catur-yuktā viṃśatiḥ , twenty increased by four i.e. 24) VarBr2S.
(ifc.) connected with , concerning Ka1tyS3r.
(ifc.) subject to , dependent on MBh.
fitted , adapted , conforming or adapting one's self to , making use of (instr. e.g. yuktaḥ kālena yaḥ , one who makes use of the right opportunity) Ka1m.
fit , suitable , appropriate , proper , right , established , proved , just , due , becoming to or suitable for (gen. loc. or comp. , e.g. āyati-yukta , suitable for the future ; or ibc. » below ; yuktam with yad or an inf. = it is fit or suitable that or to ; na yuktam bhavatā , it is not seemly for you) Mn. MBh. &c
auspicious , favourable (as fate , time &c ) Mn. R.
prosperous , thriving R.
(with tathā) faring or acting thus MBh.
(in gram.) primitive (as opp. to " derivative ") Pa1n2. 1-2 , 51
(H2B) yuktá [L=171750]
m. N. of a son of manu raivata Hariv.
(H2B) yuktá [L=171751]
m. of a ṛṣi under manu bhautya ib.
(H2B) yuktá [L=171753]
n. a team , yoke S3Br.
(H2B) yuktá [L=171754]
n. junction , connection Pa1n2. 2-3 , 4 ; 8 &c
(H2B) yuktá [L=171755]
n. fitness , suitableness , propriety (am ind. fitly , suitably , justly , properly , rightly ; éna , properly , suitably RV. v , 27 , 3 ; buddhi-yuktena , conformably to reason Ra1jat. )