
kapālāntar mano nyasya tiṣṭhan mīlitalocanaḥ |
krameṇa manaso dārḍhyāt lakṣayet laṣyam uttamam || 34 |

kāpāla [p= 271,2] [L=47842]
(ī)n. (fr. kapāla) , relating to the skull or cranium R. i , 29 , 13 VarBr2S. (= Pan5cat. )

Prasannar. lxxviii , 15
kāpāla [L=47844]
a follower of a particular śaiva sect of ascetics (» kāpālika)
kāpāla [L=47845]
the plant Cucumis utilissimus L.
kāpāla [L=47846]
the school of kapālin
kāpāla [L=47848]
a clever woman L.
kāpāla [L=47849]
a kind of leprosy Car. vi , 7.
(H1) mf
[L=47843]made of skulls
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.

kapā́la [p= 250,2] [L=43380]
( √kamp Un2. i , 117), a cup , jar , dish (used especially for the puroāśa offering) TS. S3Br. Sus3r. &c (cf. trikapāla , pañca-kapāla , &c )

Mn. vi , 44 ; viii , 93 R. &c

S3Br. vi , xii Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r. &c

A1s3vGr2. iv , 5 , 8 Bha1sha1p. &c

AV. ix , 8 , 22 ; x , 2 , 8 S3Br. i Ya1jn5. &c

S3Br. vi , 1 , 3 Katha1s. &c

S3Br. vii , 5 , 1 , 2

AitBr. Sus3r.

Sus3r. i , 268 , 1 ; 13

kapā́la [L=43390]
a treaty of peace on equal terms Ka1m. ix , 2 (cf. kapāla-sadhi below)
kapā́la [L=43391]
N. of an intermediate caste
kapā́la [L=43392]
N. of several men
kapā́la [L=43393]
N. of a school
kapā́la [L=43395]
N. of a tantra
kapā́la [L=43396]
([Gk. , κωπή " handle " ; Lat. capere ; Hib gabhaim ; Goth. hafyan ; Angl.Sax. haban , haefene , hafoc ; Eng. haven , hawk ; cf. Gk. κεφαλή Lat. caput ; Goth. haubith ; Angl.Sax. heafud.])
kapāla [p= 1323,3] [L=326610]
(H1) mn.
[L=43381]the alms-bowl of a beggar
[L=43382]a fragment of brick (on which the oblation is placed)
[L=43383]a cover , lid
[L=43384]the skull , cranium , skull-bone
[L=43385]the shell of an egg
[L=43386]the shell of a tortoise
[L=43387]the cotyla of the leg of an animal , any flat bone
[L=43388]a kind of leprosy
[L=43389]multitude , assemblage , collection
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in

A Sanskrit-English dictionary: etymologically and philologically ... - Page 250
- 2005 - 1333 pages - Preview
&c. ; (cf. tri- kapala, paiUa-kapdla, &c.) ; the alms-bowl of a beggar, Mn. vi, 44 ; viii, .... a playing-ball for monkeys,' the skull,cranium, L. — ketana.m. ' having a monkey as symbol,' N. of Arjuna (the third son of Pandu), MBh. ...
Sir Monier Monier-Williams

there is an “esoteric meaning” to kapaala, according to Jaideva Singh, - The union of Shiva and Shakti, prakasha and vimarsha, the Light of Consciousness and its awareness.

Forgive the repeated citations below, each is only slightly different.

Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 31
- 1979 - 173 pages - Preview
The whole word kapala is therefore, used in the sense of union between Siva and Sakti." Siva and Sakti in other words, stand for prakasa and vimarsa ie Light of Consciousness and its awareness. According to this interpretation the ...
Jaideva Singh

The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 31
- 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Kapalantarmano nyasya tisthan militalocanah / Kramena manaso dardhyat laksayet laksyam uttamam // 34 TRANSLATION Fixing one's attention on the interior1 of the cranium (kapala) and seated with eyes ...
Jaideva Singh

Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 31
- 1979 - 173 pages - Preview
Kapalantarmano nyasya tisthan mllitalocanah / Kramena manaso dardhyat laksayet laksyam uttamam //34 TRANSLATION Fixing one's attention on the interior1 of the cranium (kapala) and seated with eyes closed,2 with the stability of the mind ...
Jaideva Singh

New international encyclopedia: Volume 11 - Page 307
The horrible sects of the Kapalas and Kalamukhas, who practiced human sacrifices , and the erratic (antimargika) school of ... They hold that Siva, or Linga,* qualified by Sakti, is the efficient and material cause of the world, ...
1915 - Free Google eBook -