Svadehe - In one’s own body, of one’s own body

svadehe jagato vāpi sūkṣmasūkṣmatarāṇi ca |
tattvāni yāni nilayaṃ dhyātvānte vyajyate parā || 54 ||

  1. The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 49
  2. unknown
  3. Jaideva Singh - 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
  4. lift Pw4 W4IWI«^ KTVq^ «TTT II K* II Svadehe jagato vapi suksmasuksmatarani ca / Tattvani yani nilayarn dhyatvante vyajyate para //54 TRANSLATION If the yogi thinks deeply that the subtle and subtler constitutive principles of one's ...
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  6. Vijnanabhairava, or Divine consciousness: a treasury of 112 types ... - Page 49
  7. unknown
  8. Jaideva Singh - 1979 - 173 pages - Preview
  9. Svadehe jagato vapi suksmasuksmatarani ca / Tattvani yani nilayam dhyatvantc vyajyate para //54 TRANSLATION If the yogi thinks deeply that the subtle and subtler constitutive ...
    [Dharana31] VERSE 54 <**3jj 3PT?ft ^TpT Wf*TOWtTTTp*T ^ I

Sva, one’s own, +
deha [p= 496,3] [L=96630]
( √ dih , to plaster , mould , fashion) the body TA1r. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
496,3] [L=96631]
manas and vāc) Mn. i , 104 &c
496,3] [L=96632]
°hadhāraya , to support the body i.e. exist Nal. )
496,3] [L=96633]
ifc. f(ā).) Var.
496,3] [L=96634]
496,3] [L=96635]
ifc. having the appearance of (sadeha- Ba1lar. iii , 43÷44)
496,3] [L=96636]
of a country L.
dehī́ [p= 496,3] [L=96637]
mound , bank , rampart , surrounding wall RV.
deha [p= 1329,1] [L=334010]
(H1) mn.
[p= (in a triad with
[p= (
[p= form , shape , mass , bulk (as of a cloud ;
[p= person , individual
[p= appearance , manifestation
[p= N.
(H1B) f.
(H2) (in

svá--deha-dāna [p= 1275,3] [L=257949]
the gift of one's own body L.
(H3) n.


svá--dharman [p= 1276,1] [L=257964]
abiding in one's own customs RV.
(H3) mfn.

  1. Ritual and speculation in early tantrism: studies in honour of ... - Page 338
  2. unknown
  3. André Padoux, Teun Goudriaan - 1992 - 359 pages - Google eBook - Preview
  4. anadhyavasitavagahanam analpadhisaktinapy adrstapara- marthasaram adhikabhiyogair api / matam mama jagaty alabdhasadrsaprati- grahakam prayasyati payonidheh paya iva svadehe jar am // 'My work will find no one in this world who ...
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  6. Gorakhnāth and the Kānphaṭa Yogīs - Page 287
  7. unknown
  8. George Weston Briggs - 1938 - 380 pages - Preview
  9. Svadehe yenajdnanti katham sidhyanti yoginah. 13. 13. How can Yogis, who do not know the six centres (cakra ), the sixteen props (ddhdra)2, the 3, 00,0003 ('channels,' nddi) (and) the five ...
    Satacakram sodasddhdram trilaksam vyomapahcakam
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  11. The great epic of India: its character and origin - Page 243
  12. unknown
  13. Edward Washburn Hopkins - 1901 - 485 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
  14. svadehe (m being demanded). s Examples of regular ( heavy) position before mute and liquid are found everywhere, eg, ix, 17, 41, ...
    2 This section is free ; but in xii, 202, 22 b, there is an upajati group where we find tad eva pratyadadate
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  16. Vedic Tantrism: A Study of Rgvidhana of Saunaka - Page 273
  17. unknown
  18. M. S. Bhat - 1987 - 444 pages - Preview
  19. 159a) Ba Bo 1.2 nabhideSe 160ab) Ba bahau mukhadese; Be bahavasye caiva 161 After 161, Ba Be ins. 11* Mantranyasam pura Iqtva svadehe devatasu ca / gayatryomkaranyastangah pujayed vi$numavyayam// 12* Ucchvasavahane1 na stab, ...

Srimad Bhagavatam: with the original Sanskrit text, its Roman ...: Volumes 11-12
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Abhay C. Bhaktivedanta - 1988 - 922 pages - Snippet view
... nihanyate — is hurt; kvacit — ever; krudhyeta — should become angry; kasmai — at whom; purusah — the living entity; sva-dehe — within his own body. TRANSLATION If you say that the demigods who rule the bodily senses cause suffering, ...