Taranga - A wave, section of a book, gallop of a horse, moving to and fro.
Nistaranga - “waveless”
yatra yatra mano yāti tat tat tenaiva tatkṣaṇam |
parityajyānavasthityā nistaraṅgas tato bhavet || 129 ||taraṃga
(H2) | taraṃ-ga 1 [p= 438,3] [L=83051]
m. |
(fr. taram ind. √ tṝ) " across-goer " , a wave , billow R. iv , 41 , 29ff. Jain. Sus3r. S3ak. &c (ifc. f(ā). Pan5cat. Katha1s. lxxii)
[L=83052] |
a section of a literary work that contains in its |
N. a word like " sea " or " river " (e.g. of Katha1s. and Ra1jat. )
[L=83053] |
a jumping motion , gallop , waving about , moving to and fro |
Hariv. 4298 Gi1t. xii , 2o
[L=83054] |
cloth , clothes |
Un2. Sch.
[L=83055] |
cf. |
ut- , carma-.
(H2) | taraṃga 2 [L=83061]
Nom. |
°gati , to move like a billow , wave about , move restlessly to and fro Ka1d. vi , 1644 (Pass. p. °gyamāṇa) Gi1t. ii , 8 ;
cf. ut-.
(H1) | taraṃ-ga [p= 439,2] [L=83207]
&c |
» [p= 438,3].
Note darani - SURF
(H3) | dara° ṇi [p= 470,1] [L=90384]
mf. |
surf Un2. ii , 103 Sch.
Nistaranga: waveless
The Stanzas on vibration: the Spandakārikā with four commentaries ... - Page 215
| Vasugupta, Mark S. G. Dyczkowski - 1992 - 427 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Beholding in this way the waveless (nistaranga) Self, meditation and the object of meditation comes to an end. Once one has heard and seen the omnipresent Siva, the objects of sight and hearing cease to exist. ...
Search Results
- The World's religions - Page 675
| Stewart R. Sutherland - 1988 - 995 pages - Preview
The fivefold power (virya) that she embodies as 'the essence of the entire Vidyapltha' is that by virtue of which the 'waveless' ( | nistaranga), self- luminous ground of reality projects itself as content in consciousness, ...
- The Stanzas on vibration: the Spandakārikā with four commentaries ... - Page 215
Beholding in this way the waveless ( | nistaranga) Self, meditation and the object of meditation comes to an end. Once one has heard and seen the omnipresent Siva, the objects of sight and hearing cease to exist. ...
- A trident of wisdom - Page 44
... | energy of the great mantra of perfect I-consciousness, there is the manifestation of the akula or anuttara (absolute) Bhairava- nature which is beyond all differentiation (nistaranga) , unalterable and eternal ( dhruvapaddtmaka) . ...
A Sanskrit-English dictionary: with references to the best edition ... - Google Books Result
Theodor Benfey - 1998 - Foreign Language Study - 1145 pages
IfHg TARANG, a denomin. derived from the next, Par. To move to and fro, Git. ... rH,fjM larangita, ie taranga + ita, I. adj. 1. Wavy, MBh. 6," 3881. 2. ...
books.google.com/books?isbn=8120603702...67 Sanskrit Words related to “Wave”
1 argala (wave)
2 arṇa (wave)
3 arṇava (wave)
4 arṇas (wave)
5 ānandalahari (wave)
6 ānandalaharī (wave)
7 āpratinivṛttaguṇormicakra (wave)
8 utkalikā (wave)
9 uttaraṃga (wave)
10 uttaraṃgaya (wave)
11 udan (wave)
12 udard (wave)
13 udbhram (wave)
14 ullola (wave)
15 ūrmi (wave)
16 ūrmikā (wave)
17 kallola (wave)
18 kṣīrormi (wave)
19 gaṅgālaharī (wave)
20 grahakallola (wave)
21 ghṛṇi (wave)
22 jalakaraṅka (wave)
23 jalataraṃga (wave)
24 jalalatā (wave)
25 taraṃga (wave)
26 taraṃgamālin (wave)
27 taraṃgaka (wave)
28 tarala (wave)
29 taralāyita (wave)
30 tvaṅg (wave)
31 tvaktaraṃgaka (wave)
32 dhārormi (wave)
33 dhvajagṛha (wave)
34 nīrataraṃga (wave)
35 pavanodbhrāntavīci (wave)
36 prakamp (wave)
37 bhaṅga (wave)
38 bhaṅgi (wave)
39 bhaṅgī (wave)
40 bhaṅgībhakti (wave)
41 bhaṇḍi (wave)
42 bhṛṇḍi (wave)
43 lal (wave)
44 lahari (wave)
45 laharī (wave)
46 valī (wave)
47 vātormī (wave)
48 vāna (wave)
49 vāritaraṃga (wave)
50 vikṛ (wave)
51 vici (wave)
52 vibhaṅga (wave)
53 visphul (wave)
54 vīci (wave)
55 vīcitaraṃganyāya (wave)
56 vīcimālin (wave)
57 vṛt (wave)
58 velāvīci (wave)
59 vyadh (wave)
60 vyāghūrṇ (wave)
61 vyāpṛ (wave)
62 vyāvyadh (wave)
63 śvasanormi (wave)
64 samudrakallola (wave)
65 samudravelā (wave)
66 srotyā (wave)
67 hillola (wave) argala
(H1) | argala [p= 89,3] [L=15672]
mfn. |
a wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door or the cover of a vessel Ragh. &c
[L=15673] |
a bar , check , impediment |
[L=15674] |
a wave |
(H1B) | argala [L=15675]
mn. |
N. of a hell PadmaP. v.
(H1) | árṇa [p= 90,2] [L=15792]
mn. |
a wave , flood stream RV. BhP.
[L=15793] |
(figuratively applied to the) tumult of battle |
RV. v , 50 , 4
(H1B) | árṇa [L=15794]
m. |
a letter , syllable Ra1matUp. N. of a metre (comprising ten feet , and belonging to the class called daṇḍaka)
(H1B) | árṇa [L=15795]
m. |
the teak tree (» arjunā*pama above ) L.
(H1B) | árṇa [L=15796]
m. |
N. of a man (» arna citráratha below)
(H1B) | árṇa [L=15797.1]
m. pl. |
N. of a people BhP.
(H2) | arṇavá [L=15801]
mfn. |
agitated , foaming , restless RV. VS. AV.
(H2B) | arṇavá [L=15802]
m. |
a wave , flood RV.
(H2B) | arṇavá [L=15803]
m. |
the foaming sea RV. VS.
(H2B) | arṇavá [L=15804]
m. |
the ocean of air (sometimes personified as a demon with the epithet mahā́n or ta nayitnús) RV. AV.
(H2B) | arṇavá [L=15805]
mn. |
(as , rarely am [ MBh. xiii , 7362]) the sea
(H2B) | arṇavá [L=15806]
mn. |
(hence) the number , " four " Su1ryas.
(H2B) | arṇavá [L=15807]
mn. |
N. of two metres (cf. árṇa , m.) , N. of wk. on jurisprudence.
(H2) | árṇas [L=15820]
n. |
a wave , flood , stream RV.
[L=15821] |
the foaming sea ocean of air |
[L=15822] |
river |
[L=15823] |
water ( |
ifc. arṇas-ka) Ba1lar. N. of different metres RPra1t. &c
(H3) | ā-nandá--lahari [p= 140,1] [L=24415]
f. |
" wave of enjoyment " , N. of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya addressed to pārvatī.
(H3) | ā-nandá--laharī [L=24416]
f. |
" wave of enjoyment " , N. of a hymn by śaṃkarācārya addressed to pārvatī.
(H2) | ā-prati-nivṛtta-guṇo* rmi-cakra [p= 144,2] [L=25115]
mfn. |
(scil. jñāna , knowledge) through which the whole circle of wave-like qualities (of passion &c ) subside or cease completely BhP. ii , 3 , 12.
(H3) | úttara--° ṃ-ga [p= 178,2] [L=31199]
(1. |
uttaraṃ-ga ; for 2. » s.v.) n. a wooden arch surmounting a door frame L.
(H1) | ut-taraṃga 2 [p= 179,1] [L=31381]
m. |
(for 1. » [p= 178,2]) , a high wave Katha1s. 123 , 196
(H1) | ut-taraṃga 2 [L=31381.1]
mfn. |
rough with high waves , washed over by waves
[L=31381.2] |
inundated , flooded |
Ragh. Kum. &c
(H2) | uttaraṃga 3 [L=31382]
Nom. |
A1. uttaraṃgate , to surge ;
to break or burst (like a wave) Ka1d.
(H2) | uttaraṃgaya [L=31383]
Nom. |
P. uttaraṃgayati , to cause to wave or undulate , to move to and fro Prasannar.
(H2) | udán [p= 183,3] [L=32229]
(for 2. |
» s.v.) n. Ved. (defective in the strong cases Pa1n2. 6-1 , 63) a wave , water RV. AV. TS. Ka1t2h.
(H1) | ud- √ an 2 [p= 184,2] [L=32327]
(for 1. |
» [p= 183,3]) P. -aniti (and āniti Br2A1rUp. iii , 4 , 1 ; cf. vy- √an ; p. -anát S3Br. ; aor. 3. pl. -āniṣus AV. iii , 13 , 4) to breathe upwards , emit the breath in an upward direction ;
to breathe out , breathe AV. S3Br. Br2A1rUp.
(H1) | ud- √ ard [p= 184,3] [L=32413]
P. |
-ardati , to swell , rise ;
to undulate , wave S3Br. v , 3 , 4 , 5; 6.
(H1) | ud- √ bhram [p= 190,3] [L=33392]
P. |
-bhramati , bhrāmyati , to whirl or move , upwards , start or jump up ;
to rise , ascend , raise one's self R. Gi1t. Ma1rkP. BhP. &c : Caus. -bhrāmayati , to wave , swing MBh. ;
to excite R.
(H1) | ul-lola [p= 219,3] [L=37656]
mfn. |
(ud-lo°) ( √lul) , dangling , waving Comm. on MBh.
(H1B) | ul-lola [L=37656.1]
m. |
a large wave L.
(H2) | ullola [p= 1322,3] [L=324740]
mfn. |
(also) lovely, Dharmas3. 2.
(H1) | ūrmí [p= 222,3] [L=38296]
mf. |
( √ṛ Un2. iv , 44), a wave , billow RV. AV. VS. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ragh. &c
[L=38297] |
(figuratively) wave of pain or passion or grief |
&c R. Prab. &c
[L=38298] |
" the waves of existence " (six are enumerated , viz. cold and heat [of the body] , greediness and illusion [of the mind] , and hunger and thirst [of life] |
Subh. ; or according to others , hunger , thirst , decay , death , grief , illusion Comm. on VP. W. )
[L=38299] |
speed , velocity |
TBr. ii , 5 , 7 , 1 S3is3. v , 4
[L=38300] |
symbolical expression for the number six |
[L=38301] |
a fold or plait in a garment |
[L=38302] |
line , row |
[L=38303] |
missing , regretting , desire |
[L=38304] |
appearance , becoming manifest |
L. ; ([cf. Lith. vil-ni-s ; Old High Germ. wella ; Mod. Germ. Welle ; Eng. well.])
(H2) | ūrmikā [L=38316]
f. |
a wave L.
[L=38317] |
a finger ring |
[L=38318] |
a plait or fold in a garment |
[L=38319] |
humming (of bees) |
(H3) | kal--lola [p= 248,1] [L=42862]
m. |
a wave , surge , billow Pan5cat. Bhartr2. &c
[L=42863] |
an enemy , foe |
[L=42864] |
joy , happiness , pleasure |
(H1) | kallola [p= 263,3] [L=46400]
m. |
(1. kam , water , lola T. , but according to Un2. i , 67 fr. √ kall) a wave , billow Bhartr2. iii , 37 Pan5cat.
[L=46401] |
gambol , recreation |
[L=46402] |
an enemy |
(H1B) | kallola [L=46403]
mfn. |
hostile L.
(H3) | kṣīro* rmi [p= 330,1] [L=59817]
mf. |
a wave of the ocean of milk Ragh. iv , 27.
(H3) | gáṅgā--laharī [p= 341,3] [L=62270]
f. |
" wave of the Ganges " , N. of a work
[L=62271] |
N. |
of a statue Katha1s. cxxi , 278.
(H3) | gráha--kallola [p= 371,3] [L=68597]
m. |
" wave (? or enemy) of the planets " , rāhu L.
(H2) | ghṛ́ṇi 1 [p= 379,1] [L=70083]
m. |
= °ṇá RV. ii , 33 , 6 (ghṛ́ṇī*va for °ṇer-iva) ; vi , 3 , 7 (Ved. loc. °ṇā) and 16 , 38
[L=70084] |
(? |
AV. vii , 3 , 1) S3Br. iii
[L=70085] |
a ray of light |
[L=70086] |
( |
Naigh. i , 9) day (opposed to night) Hariv. 3588
[L=70087] |
a flame |
[L=70088] |
the sun |
[L=70089] |
a wave |
[L=70090] |
water |
[L=70091] |
anger , passion ( |
cf. hṛṇī́yamāna) Naigh. ii , 13
(H2B) | ghṛ́ṇi 1 [L=70092]
mfn. |
glowing , shining , i , 17 BhP. vii , 2 , 7 (śuddha-tejo-maya) (cf. ā́-.)
(H2) | ghṛṇi 2 [L=70095]
in |
comp. for °ṇin.
(H3) | jalá--karaṅka [p= 414,2] [L=77776]
m. |
a conch L.
[L=77777] |
a cocoa-nut |
[L=77778] |
a lotus-flower |
[L=77779] |
a cloud |
[L=77780] |
a wave |
(H3) | jalá--taraṃga [p= 414,3] [L=77866]
m. |
a wave Sin6ha7s. xxii , 5
[L=77867] |
a metal cup filled with water producing musical notes |
(H3) | jalá--latā [p= 415,2] [L=78056]
f. |
" water-creeper " , a wave L.
(H2) | taraṃ-ga 1 [p= 438,3] [L=83051]
m. |
(fr. taram ind. √ tṝ) " across-goer " , a wave , billow R. iv , 41 , 29ff. Jain. Sus3r. S3ak. &c (ifc. f(ā). Pan5cat. Katha1s. lxxii)
[L=83052] |
a section of a literary work that contains in its |
N. a word like " sea " or " river " (e.g. of Katha1s. and Ra1jat. )
[L=83053] |
a jumping motion , gallop , waving about , moving to and fro |
Hariv. 4298 Gi1t. xii , 2o
[L=83054] |
cloth , clothes |
Un2. Sch.
[L=83055] |
cf. |
ut- , carma-.
(H2) | taraṃga 2 [L=83061]
Nom. |
°gati , to move like a billow , wave about , move restlessly to and fro Ka1d. vi , 1644 (Pass. p. °gyamāṇa) Gi1t. ii , 8 ;
cf. ut-.
(H1) | taraṃ-ga [p= 439,2] [L=83207]
&c |
» [p= 438,3].
(H3) | taraṃ-ga--mālin [p= 438,3] [L=83057]
m. |
" wave-garlanded " , the sea Prasannar. vii , 9÷10.
(H2) | taraṃgaka [L=83062]
m. |
a wave , Ba1labodh. ??
(H2B) | taraṃgaka [L=83064]
f. |
cf. nārī-.
(H1) | tarala [p= 439,2] [L=83214]
mf |
(ā)n. ( √ tṝ? cf. taraṃga) moving to and fro , trembling , tremulous MBh. &c
[L=83215] |
glittering |
R. vi , 4 , 33 Ragh. xiii , 76 S3ak.
[L=83216] |
unsteady , vain |
Bhartr2. Amar. Ra1jat. iii , 515
[L=83217] |
libidinous |
[L=83218] |
liquid |
[L=83219] |
hollow |
(H1B) | tarala [L=83220]
m. |
a wave BhP. xf.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83221]
m. |
the central gem of a necklace MBh. viii , 4913 Hariv.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83222]
m. |
a necklace L.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83223]
m. |
a ruby L.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83224]
m. |
iron L.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83225]
m. |
a level surface (tala) L.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83226]
m. |
the thorn-apple Npr.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83227]
m. |
N. of a poet Ba1lar. i , 13 S3a1rn3gP.
(H1B) | tarala [L=83228]
m. |
pl. N. of a people MBh. viii , 237
(HPW) | tarala [L=583232]
n. |
(H2) | taralāyita [L=83241]
mfn. |
made tremulous , agitated W.
(H2B) | taralāyita [L=83242]
m. |
a large wave W.
(H2B) | taralāyita [L=83243]
n. |
fickleness W.
Whitney Roots links: tvaNg
(H1) | tvaṅg [p= 463,3] [L=88990]
cl.1. |
gati , to wave , tremble , jump , leap , gallop Das3. x , 36 Ba1lar. viii , 77 Katha1s. xviii , 7 ; lxxxv , 11 ;
to flare Vcar. xviii , 81.
(H3) | tvak--taraṃgaka [L=88999]
m. |
" skin-wave " , a wrinkle Npr.
(H3) | dhāro* rmi [p= 515,3] [L=101087]
m. |
or f. a rolling or heaving wave MBh.
(H3) | dhvajá--gṛha [p= 522,1] [L=102432]
n. |
a room in which banners are kept or from which banners wave Hariv.
(H3) | nīrá--taraṃga [p= 566,1] [L=111396]
m. |
a water-wave L.
(H4) | pavano* dbhrānta---vīci [p= 610,3] [L=120404.1]
f. |
a wave raised by the winds ib.
(H1) | pra- √ kamp [p= 652,3] [L=129788]
A1. |
-kampate , to tremble , shake , quiver MBh. R. ;
to become lax , be loosened Sus3r. ;
to vibrate (said of sound) RPra1t. : Caus. -kampayati , to cause to tremble R. BhP. ;
to swing , wave , brandish , shake Br. Ka1tyS3r.
(H1) | bhaṅgá [p= 742,3] [L=147594]
&c |
» [p= 744,3].
(H2) | bhaṅgá [p= 744,3] [L=147973]
mfn. |
breaking , bursting (said of the soma) RV. ix , 61 , 13
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147974]
m. |
breaking , splitting , dividing , shattering , breaking down or up VS. &c
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147975]
m. |
a break or breach (lit. and fig.) , disturbance , interruption , frustration , humiliation , abatement , downfall , decay , ruin , destruction Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147976]
m. |
fracture (» asthi-bh°)
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147977]
m. |
paralysis , palsy L.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147978]
m. |
bending , bowing , stretching out (» karṇa- , gātra- , -grīvā-bh°)
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147979]
m. |
knitting , contraction (» bhrū-bh°)
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147980]
m. |
separation , analysis (of words) Sa1h.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147981]
m. |
overthrow , rout , defeat (also in a lawsuit) Hit. Ka1m. Ya1jn5. Sch.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147982]
m. |
rejection , refusal Ka1lid.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147983]
m. |
refutation Sarvad.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147984]
m. |
panic , fear Ra1jat.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147985]
m. |
pain (» pārśva-bh°)
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147986]
m. |
a piece broken off , morsel , fragment Ka1lid. Ka1d.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147987]
m. |
a bend , fold , sah. (cf. vastra-bh°) ; a wave Ragh. Gi1t. ([cf. Lith. banga4])
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147988]
m. |
a water-course , channel L.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147989]
m. |
fraud , deceit L.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147990]
m. |
a tortuous course , roundabout way of speaking (= or w.r. for bhaṅgi) Sarvad.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147991]
m. |
toilet , fashion (for bhaṅgi?) Var.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147992]
m. |
= gamana L.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147993]
m. |
N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147994]
m. |
(with Buddhists) the constant decay taking place in the universe , constant flux or change
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147995]
m. |
(with jainas) a dialectical formula beginning with syāt q.v.
(H2B) | bhaṅgá [L=147996]
m. |
hemp AV.
(H1) | bhaṅgi [p= 743,1] [L=147597]
° |
gu,°gura &c » p.744.
(H2) | bhaṅgi [p= 744,3] [L=148011]
f. |
breaking Inscr.
[L=148012] |
f. |
a bend , curve Dhu1rtas.
[L=148013] |
f. |
a roundabout mode of acting or speaking , circumlocution (°gyā , ind. " in an indirect manner ") Ka1vya7d. Das3. Katha1s. &c
[L=148014] |
f. |
explaining L.
[L=148015] |
f. |
mode , manner , way Vcar.
[L=148016] |
f. |
way of dressing , fashion , toilet Ba1lar. Ra1jat.
[L=148017] |
f. |
(ifc.) mere appearance or semblance of Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=148018] |
f. |
fraud , deception L.
[L=148019] |
f. |
irony , wit , repartee W.
[L=148020] |
f. |
modesty MW.
[L=148021] |
f. |
= bhaṅga (with jainas) Sarvad.
[L=148022] |
f. |
figure , shape Siddha7ntas3.
[L=148023] |
f. |
a step (» bhakti)
[L=148024] |
f. |
a wave Naish.
(H3) | bhaṅgī [L=148025]
f. |
breaking Inscr.
[L=148026] |
a bend , curve |
[L=148027] |
a roundabout mode of acting or speaking , circumlocution ( |
°gyā , ind. " in an indirect manner ") Ka1vya7d. Das3. Katha1s. &c
[L=148028] |
explaining |
[L=148029] |
mode , manner , way |
[L=148030] |
way of dressing , fashion , toilet |
Ba1lar. Ra1jat.
[L=148031] |
( |
ifc.) mere appearance or semblance of Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=148032] |
fraud , deception |
[L=148033] |
irony , wit , repartee |
[L=148034] |
modesty |
[L=148035] |
= |
bhaṅga (with jainas) Sarvad.
[L=148036] |
figure , shape |
[L=148037] |
a step ( |
» bhakti)
[L=148038] |
a wave |
(H3) | bhaṅgī-bhakti [L=148044]
f. |
division or separation into (a series of) waves or wave-like steps Megh.
(H3) | bhaṇ° ḍi [p= 745,3] [L=148217]
m. |
N. of a minister of śrī-harṣa Hcar.
(H3B) | bhaṇ° ḍi [L=148218]
f. |
a wave L. (cf. bhṛṇḍi)
(H1) | bhṛṇḍi [p= 765,3] [L=152722]
a wave |
L. (cf. bhaṇḍi).
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 9.77
Whitney Roots links: lal
(H1) | lal [p= 897,3] [L=181587]
( |
cf. √ laḍ) cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. ix , 77) lalati (mc. also °te) , to play , sport , dally , frolic , behave loosely or freely MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to loll or wag the tongue (» below) : Caus. lālayati , °te (Pass. lālyate) , to cause to sport or dally , caress , fondle , foster , cherish ib. ;
to wave , flourish Hariv. ;
to favour Sa1h. ;
(A1.) to desire Dha1tup. (cf. under √ laḍ).
(H1) | laharī [L=182047.1]
f. |
a large wave , billow Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
(H2) | valī [p= 928,1] [L=188145]
f. |
= vali , a fold , wrinkle MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=188146] |
a wave |
(H3) | vāto* rmī [p= 935,2] [L=189662]
f. |
a wave moved by the wind Chandom.
[L=189663] |
a kind of metre |
(H2) | vāna 1 [p= 935,3] [L=189744]
mfn. |
(for 2. » p.940) blown &c (cf. nir-vāṇa)
(H2B) | vāna 1 [L=189745]
n. |
blowing L.
(H2B) | vāna 1 [L=189746]
n. |
a perfume , fragrance L.
(H2B) | vāna 1 [L=189747]
n. |
living ib.
(H2B) | vāna 1 [L=189748]
n. |
going , moving , rolling W.
(H2B) | vāna 1 [L=189749]
n. |
the rolling of water or of the tide (esp. the high wave in Indian rivers , commonly called " the Bore ") ib.
(H1) | vāna 2 [p= 940,2] [L=190821]
mfn. |
(fr. √ vai ; for 1. » [p= 935,3]) dried &c
(H1B) | vāna 2 [L=190822]
n. |
dry or dried fruit L.
(H1B) | vāna 2 [L=190823]
n. |
a kind of bamboo manna L.
(H1) | vāna 3 [L=190824]
n. |
(fr. √ ve) the act of weaving or sewing Nya1yam. Sa1y. (reckoned among the 64 kalās)
[L=190825] |
a mat of straw |
(H1) | vāna 4 [p= 940,3] [L=190828]
m. |
or n. (?) a hole in the wall of a house L.
(H1) | vāna 5 [L=190829]
m. |
an intelligent man L.
[L=190830] |
N. |
of yama L.
(H1) | vāna 6 [L=190831]
mf |
(ī)n. (fr. 1. vana , p.917) relating to a wood or to a dwelling in a wood &c W.
(H1B) | vāna 6 [L=190832]
n. |
a dense wood Nalo7d.
(H1B) | vāna 6 [L=190833]
n. |
a multitude of woods or groves or thickets W.
(H2) | vāna [p= 1013,2] [L=205276]
&c |
» 3. vāna , [p= 940,2].
(H2) | vāna [p= 1019,3] [L=206546]
mfn. |
dried &c (» 2. vāna , [p= 940,2]) .
(H3) | vāri--taraṃga [p= 943,2] [L=191468]
m. |
a wave Bhartr2.
(H1) | vi- √ kṛ 1 [p= 954,2] [L=193951]
P. A1. |
-karoti , -kurute , to make different , transform , change the shape (or the mind) , cause to alter or change (esp. for the worse) , deprave , pervert , spoil , impair RV. &c ;
(Pass. and A1. , rarely P.) to become different , be altered , change one's state or opinions Mn. MBh. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 35) ;
to develop , produce (esp. variously) RV. MBh. ;
to embellish , decorate (in various manners) MBh. ;
to distribute , divide RV. S3Br. ;
to destroy , annihilate RV. MBh. ;
to represent , fill the place of (acc.) Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ;
(A1. ; cf. above ) to move to and fro , wave , shake (hands or feet) R. Sus3r. ;
to be or become restless (with netrābhyām , " to roll the eyes ") Sus3r. ;
to utter (sounds) Pa1n2. 1-3 , 34 ;
to become unfaithful to (loc.) Mn. ix , 15 ;
to act in a hostile or unfriendly way towards (gen. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to contend together AV. MBh. ;
to act in various ways Bhat2t2. ;
Pass. -kriyate , to be changed &c (cf. above ) : Caus. -kārayati , to cause to change or be changed Hit.
(H1) | vici 1 [p= 958,3] [L=194790]
or |
vicī f. = vīci , a wave L.
(H1) | vi- √ ci 1 2 [L=194791]
(not always separable from |
vi- √2. ci) P. A1. -cinoti , -cinute (Impv. -citana , -ciyantu RV. ) , to segregate , select , pick out , cull TS. S3Br. MBh. ;
to divide , part (hair) VS. ;
to take away , remove , disperse RV. Ka1tyS3r. ;
to clear , prepare (a road) RV. ;
to distribute ib. ;
to gather , collect ib. Pan5cat. ;
to pile or heap up in a wrong way , disarrange S3Br.
(H1) | vi- √ ci 2 3 [L=194794]
( |
cf. prec.) P. -ciketi , -cinoti &c (pr. p. -cinvat and -cinvāna) , to discern , distinguish RV. TBr. ;
to make anything discernible or clear , cause to appear , illumine R. ;
to search through , investigate , inspect , examine MBh. R. &c ;
to look for , long for , strive after ib.
(H2) | vi-bhaṅga [p= 977,3] [L=198249]
m. |
bending , contraction (esp. of the eyebrows) Ragh. Va1s.
[L=198250] |
a furrow , wrinkle |
MBh. Va1s. Gi1t.
[L=198251] |
interruption , stoppage , frustration , disturbance |
Ka1v. Pur.
[L=198252] |
fraud , deception |
[L=198253] |
a wave |
[L=198254] |
breaking , fracture |
[L=198255] |
division |
[L=198256] |
N. |
of a class of Buddhist works. MWB. 64 n. 1.
(H1) | vi- √ sphul [p= 1002,1] [L=202966]
P. |
-sphulati , or -ṣphu-lati ( Pa1n2. 8-3 , 76) , to wave or flicker to and fro , move hither and thither Bhat2t2.
(H1) | vī́ci [p= 1004,3] [L=203444]
f. |
(prob. fr. vi 2. añc) going or leading aside or astray , aberration , deceit , seduction RV. x , 10 , 6
[L=203445] |
also |
m. ( L. ) and f(ī). (ifc. °ci , or °cika) a wave , ripple Ka1v. VarBr2S. &c
[L=203446] |
" wave " as |
N. of a subdivision of a chapter (called pravāha , " river ") Sadukt.
[L=203447] |
(prob. for |
a-vīci) a partic. hell R. ( L. also = sukha , avakāśa , svalpa , alpa , āli , kiraṇa).
(H3) | vī́ci--taraṃga-nyāya [L=203449]
m. |
wave-undulation-method (or the rule by which sound reaches the ear , a term used to denote successive operation) Bha1sha1p.
(H3) | vī́ci--mālin [L=203450]
m. |
" wave-garlanded " , the ocean L.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 18.19, 33.108
Whitney Roots links: vft
(H2) | vṛ́t 1 [p= 1007,2] [L=203984]
( |
ifc. ; for 2. » [p= 1009,2]) surrounding , enclosing , obstructing (» arṇo- and nadī-vṛt)
[L=203984.1] |
a troop of followers or soldiers , army , host |
(H1) | vṛt 1 [p= 1009,2] [p= 1009,1] [L=204340]
cl.1 A1. |
( Dha1tup. xviii , 19) vártate (rarely °ti ; in veda also vavartti and [once in RV. ] vartti ; Subj. vavártat , vavartati , vavṛtat ; Pot. vavṛtyāt , vavṛtīya ; Impv. vavṛtsva ; impf. ávavṛtran , °tranta ; pf. vavárta , vavṛtús , vavṛté RV. [here also vāvṛté] &c ; aor. avart , avṛtran Subj. vártat , vartta RV. ; avṛtat AV. &c ; avartiṣṭa Gr. ; 3. pl. avṛtsata RV. ; 2. sg. vartithās MBh. ; Prec. vartiṣīṣṭa Gr. ; fut. vartitā Gr. ; vartsyáti,°te AV. &c ; vartiṣyati,°te MBh. &c ; Cond. avartsyat Br. ; avartiṣyata Gr. ; inf. -vṛ́te RV. ; -vṛ́tas Br. ; vartitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. vartitvā and vṛttvā Gr. ; -vṛ́tya RV. &c ; -vártam Br. &c ) , to turn , turn round , revolve , roll (also applied to the rolling down of tears) RV. &c ;
to move or go on , get along , advance , proceed (with instr. " in a partic. way or manner ") , take place , occur , be performed , come off Mn. MBh. &c ;
to be , live , exist , be found , remain , stay , abide , dwell (with ātmani na , " to be not in one's right mind " ; with manasi or hṛdaye , " to dwell or be turned or thought over in the mind " ; with mūrdhni , " to be at the head of " , " to be of most importance " ; kathaṃ vartate with nom. or kiṃ vartate with gen. , " how is it with? ") ib. ;
to live on , subsist by (instr. or ind.p.) , A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c ;
to pass away (as time , ciraṃ vartate gatānām , " it is long since we went ") BhP. ;
to depend on (loc.) R. ;
to be in a partic. condition , be engaged in or occupied with (loc.) , A1Past. ?? MBh. &c ;
to be intent on , attend to (dat.) R. ;
to stand or be used in the sense of (loc.) Ka1s3. ;
to act , conduct one's self , behave towards (loc. dat. , or acc. ; also with itare*taram or parasparam , " mutually ") Mn. MBh. &c ;
to act or deal with , follow a course of conduct (also with vṛttim) , show , display , employ , use , act in any way (instr. or acc.) towards (loc. with parā*jñayā , " to act under another's command " ; with prajā-rūpeṇa , " to assume the form of a son " ; with priyám , " to act kindly " ; with svāni , " to mind one's own business " ; kim idam vartase , " what are you doing there? ") S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c ;
to tend or turn to , prove as (dat.) S3ukas. ;
to be or exist or live at a partic. time , be alive or present (cf. vartamāna , vartiṣyamāṇa , and vartsyat , p.925) MBh. &c ;
to continue (with an ind.p. , atī*tya vartante , " they continue to excel " ; iti vartate me buddhiḥ , " such continues my opinion ") MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to hold good , continue in force , be supplied from what precedes Pat. Ka1s3. ;
to originate , arise from (abl.) or in (loc.) BhP. ;
to become TBr. ;
to associate with (saha) Pan5cat. ;
to have illicit intercourse with (loc.) R. : Caus. vartáyati (aor. avīvṛtat or avavartat ; in TBr. also A1. avavarti ; inf. vartayádhyai RV. ; Pass. vartyate Br. ) , to cause to turn or revolve , whirl , wave , brandish , hurl RV. &c ;
to produce with a turning-lathe , make anything round (as a thunderbolt , a pill &c ) RV. R. Sus3r. ;
to cause to proceed or take place or be or exist , do , perform , accomplish , display , exhibit (feelings) , raise or utter (a cry) , shed (tears) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to cause to pass (as time) , spend , pass , lead a life , live , subsist on or by (instr.) , enter upon a course of conduct &c (also with vṛttim or vṛttyā or vṛttena ; with bhaikṣeṇa , " to live by begging ") , conduct one's self , behave Mn. MBh. &c ;
to set forth , relate , recount , explain , declare MBh. Hariv. R. ;
to begin to instruct (dat.) S3a1n3khGr2. ;
to understand , know , learn BhP. ;
to treat Car. ;
(in law , with śiras or śīrṣam) to offer one's self to be punished if another is proved innocent by an ordeal Vishn2. Ya1jn5. ;
" to speak " or " to shine " (bhāṣā*rthe or bhāsā*rthe) Dha1tup. xxxiii , 108 : Desid. vívṛtsati , °te ( RV. Br. ) , vivartiṣate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 92) , to wish to turn &c : Intens. (Ved. , rarely in later language) várvartti , varīvartti , varīvartyáte , varīvartate , p. várvṛtat and várvṛtāna impf. 3. sg. avarīvar , 3. pl. avarīvur (Gr. also varivartti , varīvṛtīti , varvṛtīti , varīvṛtyate) , to turn , roll , revolve , be , exist , prevail RV. S3Br. Ka1v. [cf. Lat. vertere ; Slav. vru8te8ti , vratiti ; Lith. varty4ti ; Goth. wai4rthan ; Germ. werden ; Eng. -ward.]
(H2) | vṛt 2 [L=204344]
mfn. |
(only ifc. , for 1. » [p= 1007,2]) turning , moving , existing
[L=204345] |
(after numerals) = " fold " ( |
» eka- , tri- , su-vṛt)
(H2B) | vṛt 2 [L=204346]
ind. |
finished , ended (a gram. term used only in the Dha1tup. and signifying that a series of roots acted on by a rule and beginning with a root followed by ādi or prabhṛti , ends with the word preceding vṛt).
(H1) | vṛt 3 [p= 1010,2] [L=204565]
» |
√vāvṛt , [p= 947,1].
(H3) | vélā--vīci [p= 1018,3] [L=206303]
m. |
a shore-wave , breaker
[L=206304] |
pl. |
surge Kir.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.72
Whitney Roots links: vyaD
(H1) | vyadh [p= 1031,2] [p= 1031,1] [L=208671]
cl.4 P. |
( Dha1tup. xxvi , 72) vídhyati (ep. also °te ; pf. p. vivyādha Br. &c ; 3. pl. vivyadhuḥ MBh. , vividhuḥ Up. ; A1. vivyadhe MBh. ; p. vividhvás RV. ; aor. vyātsīḥ Br. ; Prec. vidhyāt Gr. ; fut. veddhā , vetsyati , °te MBh. ; vyaddhā,vyatsyati Gr. ; inf. veddhum MBh. ; -vidhe RV. ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā , -vidhya MBh. ) , to pierce , transfix , hit , strike , wound RV. &c ;
(with sirām) to open a vein , bleed Sus3r. ;
to pelt with (instr.) RV. AV. MBh. ;
to inflict , attach to , affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) RV. AV. Br. Up. ;
to shake , wave MBh. ;
(in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body Gol. ;
to cling to (acc.) S3Br. : Caus. vyādhayati , (ep. also vedhayati ; aor. avīvidhat or avivyadhat) , to pierce , open (a vein) MBh. Sus3r. ;
to cause to pierce or perforate AitA1r. : Desid. vivyatsati , to wish to affect or taint with (instr.) S3Br. : Intens. vevidhyate or vāvyaddhi (?) Gr.
(H1) | vy-ā- √ ghūrṇ [p= 1036,2] [L=209544]
P. A1. |
-ghurṇati , °te , to whirl or wave about , shake to and fro MBh.
(H1) | vy-ā- √ pṛ [p= 1038,1] [L=209836]
A1. |
√2. -priyate , or -priṇute , to be occupied or engaged in , be busy about (loc. ; or with artham or hetos ifc.) , be employed (in any office) MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -pārayati , to cause to be employed , set to work , keep busy , employ with or in or for (instr. loc. , or artham ifc.) ib. (with karam , to place or fix the hand Ragh. ; with , hastam , to wave the hand Ba1lar. ; with vilocanāni , to fix the eyes upon , direct the glance towards Kum. ; with vāṇīm , to use or raise one's voice Hcar. )
(H1) | vy-ā- √ vyadh [p= 1039,2] [L=210089]
P. |
-vidhyati , to throw or wave about , brandish MBh. R.
(H3) | śvasano* rmi [p= 1105,3] [L=224394]
mf. |
a wave or gust of wind MW.
(H3) | sam-udrá--kallola [p= 1166,3] [L=235238]
m. |
" ocean-wave " , N. of an elephant Katha1s.
(H3) | sam-udrá--velā [p= 1167,1] [L=235307]
f. |
the flood-tide MaitrUp. Hit.
[L=235308] |
an ocean-wave |
(H2) | srotyā́ [p= 1274,3] [L=257724]
f. |
flowing water , a wave , surge , stream , river RV. AV. TS. Br. (cf. Naigh. i , 13) .
(H1) | hillola [p= 1300,3] [L=263395]
m. |
(cf. hindola) a wave , surge MW.
[L=263396] |
a whim |
[L=263397] |
a |
partic. form of sexual union ib.
[L=263398] |
(in music) one of the |
rāgas ib
Sanskrit Words for Crossing
ta (crossing)
tara (crossing)
taraṇa (crossing)
tartarīka (crossing)
tāra (crossing)
tāraṇa (crossing)ta
(H1) | ta 1 [p= 431,2] [L=81539]
the 1st dental consonant.
(H1) | tá 2 [L=81546]
pronom. |
base » tád
(H1) | ta 3 [L=81552]
m. |
a tail (esp. of a jackal) , any tail except that of Bos gaurus L.
[L=81553] |
, the breast |
[L=81554] |
the womb |
[L=81555] |
the hip |
[L=81556] |
a warrior |
[L=81557] |
a thief. |
[L=81558] |
a wicked man |
[L=81559] |
a |
mleccha L.
[L=81560] |
a |
buddha L.
[L=81561] |
a jewel |
[L=81562] |
nectar |
(H1B) | ta 3 [L=81563]
n. |
crossing L.
(H1B) | ta 3 [L=81564]
n. |
virtue L.
(H1) | tara 1 [p= 438,3] [L=83021]
an affix forming the |
compar. degree of adjectives and rarely (cf. vṛtra-tára) of substantives Sus3r. i , 20 , 11
[L=83021.1] |
( |
ām) , added (in older language) to adverbs (» ati-tarā́m &c ) and (in later language) to verbs ( Pan5cat. i , 14 , 7 Ratna7v. iii , 9 Katha1s. ) , intensifying their meaning
(H1B) | tara 1 [L=83021.2]
ind. |
with na , not at all BhP. x , 46 , 43.
(H1) | tára 2 [L=83023]
mfn. |
( √ tṝ ; g. pacā*di) carrying across or beyond , saving (? , said of śiva) MBh. xii , 10380
[L=83024] |
ifc. |
passing over or beyond W.
[L=83025] |
" surpassing , conquering " |
» śoka-tará cf. rathaṃtará
[L=83026] |
excelling , w.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83027]
m. |
crossing , passage RV. ii , 13 , 12 ; viii , 96 , 1 Mn. viii , 404 and 407 Ya1jn5. (ifc.) MBh. xii
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83028]
m. |
(a-tara mfn. " impassable ") Bhat2t2. vii , 55 (cf. dus-)
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83029]
m. |
" excelling , conquering " » duṣ-ṭára , su-tára , dus-
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83030]
m. |
= -paṇya Mn. viii , 406
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83031]
m. |
a raft W.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83032]
m. |
a road L.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83033]
m. |
N. of a magical spell (against evil spirits supposed to possess certain weapons) R. i , 30 , 4
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83034]
m. |
fire W.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83035]
m. |
N. of a man Ra1jat. vii , 809
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83036]
f |
(ī , īs). (īs L. ) (g. gaurā*di Gan2ar. 48) , a boat , ship (cf. °ri) MBh. i , 4228 f. BhP. iv S3is3. iii , 76 (cf. nis-tarīka)
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83037]
f |
(ī , īs). a clothes-basket (also °ri) L.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83038]
f |
(ī , īs). the hem of a garment (also °ri) L.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83039]
f |
(ī , īs). = °raṇi-peṭaka L.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83040]
f |
(ī , īs). a club L.
(H1B) | tára 2 [L=83041]
f |
(ī , īs). for starī (smoke) W.
(H2) | taraṇa [L=83078]
m. |
a raft , boat L.
[L=83079] |
" final landing-place " , heaven |
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83080]
n. |
crossing over , passing (ifc.) Ka1tyS3r. i , 7 , 13 R. Vikr. Ra1jat. Hit.
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83081]
n. |
overcoming (as of misfortune gen.) MBh. i , 6054
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83082]
n. |
carrying over W.
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83083]
n. |
an oar (?) Kaus3. 5 2
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83085]
n. |
Hibiscus mutabilis L.
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83086]
n. |
= ṇī-vallī L.
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83087]
n. |
cf. ūrdhva- , dus-
(H2B) | taraṇa [L=83088]
n. |
cf. pra-tár°,su-.
(H1) | taraṇa [p= 439,2] [L=83209]
° |
ráṇi , &c » [p= 438,3].
(H1) | tārá [p= 443,3] [L=84228]
mfn. |
( √ tṝ) carrying across , a saviour , protector (rudra) VS. xvi , 40 S3iraUp.
[L=84229] |
( |
viṣṇu) MBh. xiii , 6986
[L=84230] |
high (a note) , loud , shrill ( |
mn.) a high tone , loud or shrill note Ta1n2d2yaBr. vii , 1 , 7 (compar. -tara and superl. -tama) TPra1t.
[L=84231] |
śik |
ṣā MBh. vii Mr2icch. &c
[L=84232] |
(fr. |
stṛ́?) shining , radiant Megh. Amar. Katha1s. lxxiii Sa1h.
[L=84233] |
clean , clear |
[L=84234] |
good , excellent , well flavoured |
L. Sch.
(H1B) | tārá [L=84235]
m. |
" crossing " » dus- , su-
(H1B) | tārá [L=84236]
m. |
" saving " , a mystical monosyllable (as om) Ra1matUp. S3ikhUp. Sarvad. Tantr. ??
(H1B) | tārá [L=84237]
m. |
Andropogon bicolor L.
(H1B) | tārá [L=84238]
m. |
N. of maṇi-rāma (author of a Comm. on Bha1m. )
(H1B) | tārá [L=84239]
m. |
of a daitya (slain by viṣṇu) Hariv.
(H1B) | tārá [L=84240]
m. |
of one of rāma's monkey generals (son of bṛhas-pati , husband of tārā) MBh. iii , 16372 R. i , iv , vi
(H1B) | tārá [L=84241]
m. |
pl. a class of gods in the 12th manv-antara VP. iii , 2 , 33
(H1B) | tārá [L=84242]
m. |
[n. and f(ā). L. ] the clearness or transparency of a pearl , clear pearl Sus3r. v , 3 , 19 Gi1t. xi , 25
(H1B) | tārá [L=84243]
( |
m. n. L. ) = °rā*bhra L.
(H1B) | tārá [L=84244]
m. |
n. a star L.
(H1B) | tārá [L=84245]
mn. |
the pupil of the eye L.
(H1B) | tārá [L=84246]
n. |
descent to a river , bank (cf. tīra , tīrthá) AV. iv , 37 , 3 Pa1n2. 6-3 , 109 Va1rtt. 1
(H1B) | tārá [L=84247]
n. |
silver BhP. iv , 6 , 27 Bhpr. v , 26 , 43
(H2) | tāraṇa [p= 444,1] [L=84334]
mf |
(ī)n. causing or enabling to cross , helping over a difficulty , liberating , saving MBh. xiii , 1232 (Siva) and 6986 (viṣṇu) Hariv. 7022 and 7941 Katha1s. lxvii , 1
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84335]
m. |
a float , raft L.
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84336]
n. |
crossing , safe passage
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84337]
n. |
conquering (difficulties) MBh. iv , xiv R. &c
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84338]
n. |
carrying across , liberating , saving MBh. i , iii , ix
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84339]
n. |
N. of a sāman
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84340]
n. |
the 3rd year of the 4th Jupiter cycle VarBr2S. viii , 3 Su1ryas. Jyot.
(H2B) | tāraṇa [L=84341]
n. |
pl. N. of a family Pravar. ii , 3 , 6.