Alaya - Abode

क्वचिद् वस्तुनि विन्यस्य शनैर् दृष्टिं निवर्तयेत्।
तज् ज्ञानं चित्तसहितं देवि शून्यालायो भवेत्॥१२०॥
kvacid vastuni vinyasya śanair dṛṣṭiṁ nivartayet|
taj jñānaṁ cittasahitaṁ devi śūny
ālāyo bhavet||120 ||


ā-laya [p= 153,2] [L=26764]
ā-laya [p= 154,1] [L=26861]
and n. a house , dwelling

R. Ya1jn5. Katha1s. &c

ifc. e.g. himā*laya , " the abode of snow. ")


(H2) m.
[L=26862]a receptacle , asylum

Other abode-words


lokā* kāśa [p= 907,2] [L=183467]
space , sky Sarvad.

accord. to the jainas) a worldly region , the abode of unliberated beings MW.




rudrā* vāsa [p= 884,1] [L=178716]
rudra's abode i.e. kāśi or Benares Ka1s3i1Kh.

kailāsa A.



[L=178717]the mountain
[L=178718]a cemetery


lakmī́--vasati [p= 893,1] [L=180625]
" abode of lak " , N. of the lotus-flower (Nelumbium Speciosum) S3a1rn3gP.




loká [p= 906,1] [L=183230]
(connected with roka ; in the oldest texts loka is generally preceded by u , which accord. to the Padap. = the particle 3. u ; but u may be a prefixed vowel and uloká , a collateral dialectic form of loka ; accord. to others u-loka is abridged from uru- or ava-loka) , free or open space , room , place , scope , free motion RV. AV. Br. A1S3vS3r. (acc. with √ k or √ or anu- , " to make room grant freedom " ; loke with gen. " instead of ")


906,2] [p= 906,1] [L=183233]
esp. " the sky or heaven " ; 3 lokas are commonly enumerated , viz. heaven , earth , and the atmosphere or lower regions ; sometimes only the first two ; but a fuller classification gives 7 worlds , viz. bhū-loka , the earth ; bhuvar-loka , the space between the earth and sun inhabited by munis , siddhas &c ; svarloka , indra's heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star ; maharloka , a region above the polar star and inhabited by bhgu and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds ; janarloka , inhabited by brahmā's son sanat-kumāra &c ; tapar-loka , inhabited by deified vairāgins ; satya-loka or brahma-loka , abode of brahmā , translation to which exempts from rebirth ; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth , sky , heaven , middle region , place of re-births , mansion of the blest , and abode of truth ; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned , viz. the 7 above , and 7 lower regions called in the order of their descent below the earth --- a-tala , vi-tala , su-tala , rasā-tala , talā-tala , mahā-tala , and pātāla ; cf. RTL. 102 n. 1 IW. 420 , 1 ; 435 , 1) AV. &c

of the number " seven " (cf. above ) VarBr2S. Sch.

&c Mn. MBh. &c (ayá loká , " this world " ; asaú or páro loká , " that or the other world " ; loke or iha loke , " here on earth " , opp. to para-tra , para-loke &c ; ktsne loke , " on the whole earth ")

pl.) the inhabitants of the world , mankind , folk , people (sometimes opp. to " king ") Mn. MBh. &c

pl.) men (as opp. to " women ") Vet. Hit.

ifc. to form collectives) Ka1v. Vas. Katha1s. &c

Gr2S. Nir. Mn. &c (loke either " in ordinary life " , " in worldly matters " ; or , " in common language , in popular speech " , as opp. to vede , chandasi)

cákur-l° q.v.)

sāmanī du. and lokānā vratāni pl. N. of sāmans A1rshBr. [cf. Lat. lu1sus , originally , " a clearing of a forest " ; Lith. lau4kas , a field.]
loka [p= 1332,1] [L=338940]


[L=183231]intermediate space
[L=183232]a tract , region , district , country , province
[p= the wide space or world (either " the universe " or , " any division of it " ,
[L=183235]the earth or world of human beings
[L=183238]a company , community (of ten
[L=183239]ordinary life , worldly affairs , common practice or usage
[L=183240]the faculty of seeing , sight (only in
(H2) (in


lokā* kāśa [p= 907,2] [L=183467]
space , sky Sarvad.

accord. to the jainas) a worldly region , the abode of unliberated beings MW.

