Tanmaya - Absorbed

gitādiviṣayāsvādāsamasaukhyaikatātmanaḥ |
tanmayatvena manorūḍhes tadātmatā || 73 |
tan--maya [L=82197]
made up of , that , absorbed in or identical with that Mun2d2Up. S3vetUp. Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c
(H3) mfn.
tan--maya---tā [p= 434,3] [L=82198]
the being absorbed in or identical with that Ka1d. BhP. Ra1jat. iii , 498
(H4) f.

tan--manas [p= 434,3] [L=82196]
absorbed in mind by that Car. i , 1.
(H3) mfn.

tan--maya---tā [L=82198]
the being absorbed in or identical with that Ka1d. BhP. Ra1jat. iii , 498

(H4) f.
dhyāna--yo° gin [p= 521,1] [L=102226]
absorbed in meditation Hcat.
(H4) mfn.
dhyāna--stha [L=102233]
MW. ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.
(H3) (
dhyāna--sthita [L=102234]
Katha1s. ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.
(H3) (
dhyā° yin [p= 521,2] [L=102251]
absorbed in meditation , quite intent upon or engrossed in (comp.) Hcat.

see also

(H3) mfn.
1 antardhā (absorbed) 2 abhiyogin (absorbed) 3 amātāputra (absorbed) 4 avagāh (absorbed) 5 avasthā (absorbed) 6 āsaktacitta (absorbed) 7 āsaktacetas (absorbed) 8 āsaktamanas (absorbed) 9 upakṣīṇa (absorbed) 10 upasaṃhṛta (absorbed) 11 ekacitta (absorbed) 12 ekāgra (absorbed) 13 ekāyana (absorbed) 14 etatpara (absorbed) 15 gahvarita (absorbed) 16 gāh (absorbed) 17 grasta (absorbed) 18 tajjalān (absorbed) 19 tanmanas (absorbed) 20 tanmaya (absorbed) 21 tanmayatā (absorbed) 22 dhyānayogin (absorbed) 23 dhyānastha (absorbed) 24 dhyānasthita (absorbed) 25 dhyāyin (absorbed) 26 nidhā (absorbed) 27 nipīta (absorbed) 28 niś (absorbed) 29 niṣṇā (absorbed) 30 nyagbhāva (absorbed) 31 pratisaṃcara (absorbed) 32 pratyavavamarśavat (absorbed) 33 praviś (absorbed) 34 prasaṃkhyānapara (absorbed) 35 brahmaniṣṭha (absorbed) 36 brahmabhūta (absorbed) 37 brahmasattrin (absorbed) 38 bhartṛśokapara (absorbed) 39 yuj (absorbed) 40 yukta (absorbed) 41 yogayukta (absorbed) 42 yogayukti (absorbed) 43 yogaśāyin (absorbed) 44 yogastha (absorbed) 45 yogārūḍha (absorbed) 46 lālasa (absorbed) 47 laya (absorbed) 48 līna (absorbed) 49 vihasta (absorbed) 50 vidyāmaya (absorbed) 51 vilī (absorbed) 52 vilīna (absorbed) 53 viś (absorbed) 54 vaiyagra (absorbed) 55 vaiṣayika (absorbed) 56 śivatā (absorbed) 57 śuc (absorbed) 58 śoṣaṇīya (absorbed) 59 śoṣita (absorbed) 60 śrīmaya (absorbed) 61 saṃyuj (absorbed) 62 sacinta (absorbed) 63 saṃniviṣṭa (absorbed) 64 samādhā (absorbed) 65 samādhibhṛt (absorbed) 66 samādhimat (absorbed) 67 samādhistha (absorbed) 68 samādhin (absorbed) 69 samāhitamanas (absorbed) 70 samāpadyana (absorbed) 71 samāveśita (absorbed) 72 samupe (absorbed) 73 sampad (absorbed) 74 sampralī (absorbed) 75 sampralīna (absorbed) 76 sarvasāda (absorbed) 77 susamāhita (absorbed) 78 hevākin (absorbed)


antar--dhā [p= 43,3] [L=8118]
» s.v. antar-dhā , p.44.
antar- √ dhā 1 [p= 44,2] [L=8284]
-dhatte , to place within , deposit  ; 
to receive within
to hide , conceal , obscure
to hide one's self:
Pass. -dhīyate to be received within , to be absorbed  ; 
to be rendered invisible
to disappear , vanish
to cease:
Caus. -dhāpayati  ; 
to render invisible , to cause to disappear.

antar-dhā 2 [L=8285]
concealment , covering Pa1n2. Sch.
(H3) &c
(H1) A1.
(H2) f.

abhi-yogin [p= 68,1] [L=12152]
intent upon , absorbed in attacking

Ya1jn5. ii , 11
abhi-yogin [L=12154]
a plaintiff , prosecutor.
(H2) mfn.
[L=12153](in law) accusing
(H2B) m.

a-mātā-putra [p= 81,2] [L=14049]
(g. ṣṭ*di q.v.) " having neither mother nor son " , only in comp. e.g. (amātāputrā*dhyāpaka m.) a teacher who cares for neither mother nor son (on account of being entirely absorbed in his work) Pa1n2. 8-1 , 67 , Ka1s3.
(H3) mfn.

ava- √ gāh [p= 97,2] [L=17110]
(ind.p. -gāhya Kum. i , 1 , &c ; pr.p. P. -gāhat ,R. ; Ved. Inf. -gāhe Pa1n2. 3-4 , 14 Ka1s3. ) to plunge into , bathe in (loc.)  ; 
to go deep into , be absorbed in (
loc. or acc.)
(H1) -gāhate

ava- √ sthā [p= 106,1] [p= 105,3] [L=18389]
-tiṣṭhati (impf. -atiṣṭhat ; aor. Subj. -sthāt ; perf. A1. 3. sg. -tasthe ; perf. p. P. -tasthivás) to go down into (acc.) , reach down to (acc.) RV. S3Br.  ; 
aor. Subj. 2. pl. -sthāta) , to go away from (abl.) RV. v , 53 , 8  ; 
aor. Subj. 1. sg. -sthām) to be separated from or deprived of (abl.) RV. ii , 27 , 17 : A1. ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 ; rarely P. e.g. Bhag. xiv , 23 BhP. &c ) to take one's stand , remain standing A1s3vGr2. &c  ; 
to stay , abide , stop at any place (
loc.) MBh. &c  ; 
to abide in a state or condition (
instr.) MBh. i , 5080 BhP. &c  ; 
ind.p.) to remain or continue (doing anything) MBh. i , 5770 ; iii , 187 (ed. Bomb.) , &c  ; 
to be found , exist , be present
MBh. Ya1jn5. i , 272 , &c  ; 
perf. 1. sg. -tasthe) to fall to , fall into the possession of (dat.) RV. x , 48 , 5  ; 
to enter , be absorbed in in (
loc.) Mn. vi , 81  ; 
to penetrate (as sound or as fame)
MBh. xiii , 1 845 : Pass. -sthīyate , to be settled or fixed or chosen S3ak. : Caus. (generally ind.p. -sthāpya) to cause to stand or stop (as a carriage or an army &c ) , let behind MBh. &c  ; 
to place upon (
loc.) , fix , set , array A1s3vGr2. &c  ; 
to cause to enter or be absorbed in (
loc.) MBh. iii , 12502  ; 
to render solid or firm
R. v , 35 , 36  ; 
to establish (by arguments)
Comm. on Nya1yad. : Pass. Caus. -sthāpyate , to be kept firm [" to be separated " BR. ] BhP.
ava-sthā [p= 106,1] [L=18391]
appearance (in a court of justice) Mn. viii , 6o
ava-sthā [L=18392]
" stability , consistence " cf. anavastha
ava-sthā [L=18393]
state , condition , situation (five are distinguished in dramas Sa1h. ), circumstance of age ([ Pa1n2. v ,4 , 146 ; vi , 2 , i 15 , &c ]) or position , stage , degree
ava-sthā́ [L=18394]
the female organs of generation RV. v , 19 , 1.
(H1) P.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f. pl.

ā-sakta--citta [p= 160,1] [L=27919]
having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object) , intent on , devoted to , absorbed in.
(H3) mfn.

ā-sakta--cetas [L=27920]
having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object) , intent on , devoted to , absorbed in.
(H3) mfn.

ā-sakta--manas [L=27921]
having the mind deeply engaged in or fixed upon (any object) , intent on , devoted to , absorbed in.
(H3) mfn.

upa-kīa [p= 196,2] [L=34276]
exhausted , consumed Ka1tyS3r.

Comm. on Br2A1rUp.

Sa1h. Katha1s.
(H2) mfn.
[L=34277]absorbed , lost in
[L=34278]vanished , disappeared

upa-sahta [p= 208,3] [L=36050]
drawn near , brought into contact TPra1t.

BhP. Katha1s. Comm. on Mn.

Nr2isUp. MBh. BhP. Sarvad. &c

(H2) mfn.
[L=36051]withheld , drawn back
[L=36052]stopped , interrupted , suppressed
[L=36053]absorbed , destroyed

éka--citta [p= 227,3] [L=39236]
fixedness of thought on one single object Prab.

R. Katha1s.
éka--citta [L=39238]
thinking of one thing only , intent upon , absorbed in , Kap. Hit. Pan5cat.
éka--citta [p= 228,1] [L=39239]
having the same mind , agreeing , concurring
(H3) n.
[L=39237]one and the same thought , unanimity
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.

ekā* gra [p= 230,1] [L=39745]
one-pointed , having one point , fixing one's attention upon one point or object , closely attentive , intent , absorbed in MBh. Mn. i , 1 BhP. Bhag. &c

ekā* gra [L=39748]
(in math.) the whole of the long side of a figure which is subdivided
(H3) mfn.
[L=39746]undisturbed , unperplexed
[L=39747]known , celebrated
(H3B) n.

ekā* yaná [p= 230,2] [L=39853]
a narrow way or path accessible for only one person MBh. R.

ChUp. vii , 1 , 2


MBh. ChUp.
ekā* yaná [L=39857]
passable for only one (as a foot-path) MBh.
ekā* yaná [L=39858]
fixing one's thoughts on one object , closely attentive , absorbed in L.
(H3) n.
[L=39854]the only way or manner of conduct , worldly wisdom
[L=39855]meeting-place , centre of union
[L=39856]absorption in one , absolute devotedness to one , unity
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.

etat--para [p= 231,3] [L=40068]
intent on or absorbed in this Comm. on Mn.
(H3) mfn.

gahvarita [p= 352,1] [L=64492]
absorbed (in one's thoughts) MBh. ii , 2294.
(H2) mfn.
Whitney Roots links: gAh

gāh [p= 354,3] [L=65024]
cf.gādh) cl.1 A1. gā́hate (ep. also P. °hati ; perf. jagāhe fut. 2nd gāhiyate [fut. 1st -gāhitā , or -gā Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 7-2 , 44] ; aor. agāhiṣṭa [ Bhat2t2. xv , 59] or agāha Pa1n2. 8-3 , 13 Sch. [not in Ka1s3. ] ; inf. gāhitum) to dive into , bathe in , plunge into (acc.) , penetrate , enter deeply into (acc.) AitBr. iii , 48 , 9 Ta1n2d2yaBr. xiv f. Kaus3. MBh. &c (with kakām , " to be a match for (gen.) " Vcar. ii , 11)  ; 
to roam , range , rove
Megh. 49 Pa1n2. 2-4 , 30 Ka1s3. Bhat2t2.  ; 
to be absorbed in (
acc.) Kum. v , 46.
(H1) (

grasta [p= 371,2] [L=68555]
swallowed , eaten Pan5cat.



Das3. iv Hit.

MBh. xiii , 7292 R. iv , 50 , 11

Ya1jn5. iii , 245 Pan5cat. &c

MBh. iii , 2667 R. &c

RPra1t. La1t2y. Pa1n2S3. ( RV. ) 35 Pat.

a- neg.) ChUp.
grasta [L=68564]
inarticulate pronunciation of the vowels Pat. Introd. on Va1rtt. 18.
(H2) mfn.
[L=68556]taken , seized
[L=68557]surrounded or absorbed
[L=68558]possessed (by a demon)
[L=68559]involved in
[L=68560]tormented , affected by
[L=68562]inarticulately pronounced , slurred
(H2B) n.

taj--ja---lā* n [p= 433,2] [L=81969]
produced , absorbed and breathing in that ChUp. iii , 14 , 1.
taj--ja-lā* n [L=81972]
taj-jalān [p= 1328,1] [L=332430]
ChUp. iii, 14, 1, read, accord. to some, taj-jāneī*nsti, "thinking, may I know that" ; cf. IW. 102, 1).
(H4) mfn.
(H3) »
(H2) (

tan--manas [p= 434,3] [L=82196]
absorbed in mind by that Car. i , 1.
(H3) mfn.

tan--maya [L=82197]
made up of , that , absorbed in or identical with that Mun2d2Up. S3vetUp. Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c
(H3) mfn.

tan--maya---tā [L=82198]
the being absorbed in or identical with that Ka1d. BhP. Ra1jat. iii , 498
(H4) f.

dhyāna--yo° gin [p= 521,1] [L=102226]
absorbed in meditation Hcat.
(H4) mfn.

dhyāna--stha [L=102233]
MW. ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.
(H3) (

dhyāna--sthita [L=102234]
Katha1s. ) mfn. absorbed in meditation.
(H3) (

dhyā° yin [p= 521,2] [L=102251]
absorbed in meditation , quite intent upon or engrossed in (comp.) Hcat.
(H3) mfn.

ni- √ dhā 1 [p= 548,3] [p= 548,2] [L=108580]
-dadhāti , -dhatte , to put or lay down , deposit , lay up , preserve (A1. for one's self)  ; 
to intrust , commit , present to (
dat. or loc.)  ; 
put into , fix in (
loc. , or loc. with antár , or antar ifc.) RV. &c  ; 
put or lay before a person (
dat.) KenUp.  ; 
bhūmau [ Hit. ] or avae [ R. ]) to bury  ; 
śirasi , rarely °) to esteem highly R. Ka1lid. Pan5c.  ; 
dśam) to fix the eyes upon (loc.) Katha1s.  ; 
manas) to fix or direct the thoughts upon or towards i.e. resolve , determine to (dat.) Hariv.  ; 
manasi , ° , or hdaye) to keep in mind , bear in mind , remember , lay to heart Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
hdayam) to give one's heart to (loc.)  ; 
ātmānam) to intrust one's self to (loc.) Katha1s.  ; 
kriyām) to take pains with (loc.) Hit.  ; 
karmai) to appoint a person to a work Ra1jat.  ; 
to keep down , restrain
Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
to end , close
S3Br. : Pass. -dhīyate , to be put or laid down &c  ; 
to be contained or situated or absorbed in , to rest in (
loc.) RV. AV. &c &c : Caus. -dhāpayati , to cause to be put or laid down &c Vait. R. Hcat.  ; 
to cause to be deposited or preserved
Mn. viii , 30  ; 
to lay up , preserve
Car.  ; 
to appoint
BhP. : Desid. -dhitsate , to intend to put down &c Naish. : Intens. nídedhyat (?) , to settle down VS. MaitrS.
ni-° dhā́ [p= 548,3] [L=108582]
a net or snare RV.
(H1) P. A1.
(H3) f.

ni-° pīta [p= 549,3] [L=108730]
drunk in , absorbed , imbibed , drunk up Ka1v.
(H3) mfn.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.73

niś 1 [p= 542,3] [L=107411]
nis (q.v.) before c , ch.
niś [p= 560,2] [L=110457]
nis , in comp. » [p= 542,3].
niś 2 [L=110458]
neśati , to meditate upon , be absorbed in meditation Dha1tup. xvii , 73.
niś 3 [L=110459]
(occurring only in some weak cases as niśi , °śas , °śau , °śos [and nibhyas Pa1n2. 6-1 , 63] , for or with niśā , and prob. connected with nak , nakta ; cf. also dyu- , mahā-) night Mn. MBh. Var. S3ak. &c

, every night Mn. iv , 129.
(H2) for
(H1) for
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H1) f.
[L=110460]niśi niśi

ni-ṣṇā [p= 563,2] [L=110966]
snā) , only Pot. -ṣṇāyāt to be absorbed in (loc.) BhP.
(H1) ( √

nyag--bhāva [p= 571,3] [L=112701]
being brought or coming down , Sarvad.

loc.) ib.

(H3) m.
[L=112702]being sunk or absorbed in (

prati-° sacara [p= 672,2] [L=133382]
going or moving backwards (a-pr°) Sus3r.

prakti) S3am2k. Ma1rkP.


(H3) m.
[L=133383]re-absorption or resolution (back again into
[L=133384]that into which anything is re-absorbed or resolved
[L=133385]a place of resort , haunt

praty-av° avamarśa---vat [p= 676,1] [L=134082]
absorbed in thought , meditative MBh.
(H4) mfn.

pra- √ viś [p= 692,3] [L=137069]
-viśati , °te , to enter , go into , resort to (acc. or loc.) RV. &c &c (with agnim , agnau , madhyam agne , vahnau , or citāyām , " to ascend the funeral pyre " ; with karayo , " to come into the ears i.e. be heard " ; with ātmani , or cittam , " to take possession of the heart " ; in dram. " to enter the stage ")  ; 
to reach , attain
Sarvad.  ; 
to have sexual intercourse with (
acc. , applied to both sexes) MBh. Sus3r.  ; 
to enter upon , undertake , commence , begin , devote one's self to (
acc. , rarely loc.) MBh. Hariv. R. &c (with piṇḍīm or tarpaam , " to accept or enjoy an oblation ")  ; 
to enter into
i.e. be absorbed or thrown into the shade by (acc.) Hariv. (with [svāni] agāni or gātrāi) , " to shrink , shrivel " R. Katha1s. : Caus. -veśayati , °te , to cause or allow to enter , bring or lead or introduce to , usher into (acc. or loc.) AV. &c &c (without an object , " to bring into one's house &c " , esp. " to bring on the stage ")  ; 
to lead home as a wife
i.e. marry MBh.  ; 
to lay or store up , deposit in , put or throw into (
loc. or acc.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to enter
i.e. commit to paper , write down Ya1jn5. Sch.  ; 
to initiate into (
acc.) Prab.  ; 
to instil into (
loc.) = teach , impart Katha1s.  ; 
to spend (money)
Pan5cat.  ; 
to enter , come or be brought into (
acc.) Var. BhP. : Desid. -vivikati , to wish to enter into (acc.) MBh. R.
(H1) P. A1.

pra-° sakhyāna---para [p= 696,2] [L=137742]
engrossed or absorbed in meditation Kum.
(H4) mfn.

brahma--niṣṭha [p= 739,1] [L=146799]
absorbed in contemplating brahma or the one self Spirit Mun2d2Up.
brahma--niṣṭha [L=146800]
the mulberry tree L.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.

brahma--bhūta [p= 739,2] [L=146896]
become i.e. absorbed in brahma Mn. MBh. VP.
brahma--bhūta [L=146896.1]
identification with brahma VP.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) n.

brahma--sat° trin [p= 740,1] [L=147075]
offering the sacrifice of devotion

(H4) mfn.
[L=147076]absorbed in the self-existent One

bhartṛ́--śoka---para [p= 748,1] [L=148840]
absorbed in it MBh.
(H4) mfn.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 29.7, 33.36
Whitney Roots links: yuj

yuj 1 [p= 853,2] [L=171731]
cf. √2. yu cl.7 P. A1. Dha1tup. xxix , 7) yunákti , yukté (ep. also yuñjati , °te ; Ved. yojati , °te ; yuje,yujmahe , 3. pl. yujata Impv. yuk ; Pot. yuñjīyāt R. ; pf. yuyója , yuyujé RV. &c &c , 3. sg. yuyojate RV. viii , 70 , 7 ; aor. Class. P. ayokīt , ayaukīt or ayujat ; Ved. also A1. áyuji ; Ved. and Class. ayuki , ayukta ; fut. yoktā́ Br. ; yokyati ib. ; °te AV. &c ; inf. yoktum Br. ; yujé RV. ; ind.p. yuktvā́ ib. &c ; yuktvā́ya RV. Br. ; -yujya MBh. &c ) , to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot) RV. &c  ; 
to make ready , prepare , arrange , fit out , set to work , use , employ , apply
ib.  ; 
to equip (an army)
R.  ; 
to offer , perform (prayers , a sacrifice)
BhP.  ; 
to put on (arrows on a bow-string)
MBh.  ; 
to fix in , insert , inject (semen)
S3Br.  ; 
to appoint to , charge or intrust with (
loc. or dat.) MBh. VP.  ; 
to command , enjoin
BhP.  ; 
to turn or direct or fix or concentrate (the mind , thoughts
&c ) upon (loc.) TS. &c  ; 
P. A1.) to concentrate the mind in order to obtain union with the Universal Spirit , be absorbed in meditation (also with yogam) MaitrUp. Bhag. &c  ; 
to recollect , recall
MBh.  ; 
to join , unite , connect , add , bring together
RV. &c (A1. to be attached , cleave to Hariv. )  ; 
to confer , or bestow anything (
acc.) upon (gen. or loc.) BhP. Ma1rkP. (A1. with acc. , to become possessed of MBh. ; with ātmani , to use for one's self , enjoy Mn. vi , 12)  ; 
to bring into possession of , furnish or endow with (
instr.) Mn. MBh. R. &c  ; 
to join one's self to (
acc.) RV.  ; 
astron.) to come into union or conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S. : Pass. yujyáte (ep. also °ti ; aor. áyoji) , to be yoked or harnessed or joined &c RV. &c  ; 
to attach one's self to (
loc.) Hit.  ; 
to be made ready or prepared for (
dat.) Bhag.  ; 
to be united in marriage
Gaut. MBh.  ; 
to be endowed with or possessed of (
instr. with or without saha) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
astron.) to come into conjunction with (instr.) VarBr2S.  ; 
to accrue to , fall to the lot of (
gen.) Pan5cat.  ; 
to be fit or proper or suitable or right , suit anything (
instr.) , be fitted for (loc.) , belong to or suit any one (loc. or gen.) , deserve to be (nom.) Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
na) not to be fit or proper &c for (instr.) or to (inf. , also with pass. sense = " ought not to be ") Ka1v. Katha1s. Pan5cat. : Caus. yojayati (mc. also °te ; aor. ayūyujat ; Pass. yojyate) , to harness , yoke with (instr.) , put to (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c  ; 
to equip (an army) , draw up (troops)
MBh. R. &c  ; 
to use , employ , set to work , apply , undertake , carry on , perform , accomplish
Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to urge or impel to
Bhartr2. Prab.  ; 
to lead towards , help to (
loc.) Sarvad.  ; 
to set (snares , nets
&c ) MBh. Hit.  ; 
to put or fix on (
esp. arrows) A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c  ; 
to aim (arrows) at (
loc.) R.  ; 
to fasten on or in , attack , adjust , add , insert
Kaus3. Ka1v. Pur.  ; 
manas , ātmānam &c ) to direct the thoughts to , concentrate or fix the mind upon (loc.) MBh. Hariv. Pur.  ; 
to join , unite , connect , combine , bring or put together (also = write , compose)
R. Var. Ra1jat. &c  ; 
to encompass , embrace
MBh.  ; 
to put in order , arrange , repair , restore
Ra1jat.  ; 
to endow or furnish or provide with (
instr.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to mix (food) with (
instr.) Mn. vii , 218  ; 
to confer anything upon (
loc.) BhP.  ; 
astron.) to ascertain or know (jānāti) the conjunction of the moon with an asterism (instr.) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 26 Va1rtt. 11 Pat.  ; 
A1.) to think little of , esteem lightly , despise Vop. in Dha1tup. xxxiii , 36 : Desid. yuyukati , to wish to harness or yoke or join &c  ; 
to wish to appoint or institute
MBh.  ; 
to wish to fix or aim (arrows)
BhP.  ; 
A1.) to wish to be absorbed in meditation , devout Bhat2t2. : Intens. yoyujyate , yoyujīti or yoyokti Gr. ([cf. Gk. ζεύγνυμι , ζυγόν ; Lat. jungere , jugum ; Lith. ju4ngus ; Slav. igo ; Goth. juk ; Germ. joh , Joch ; Angl.Sax. geoc ; Eng. yoke.])
yúj 2 [p= 854,2] [L=171962]
(mostly ifc. ; when uncompounded , the strong cases have a nasal e.g. nom. yu , yuñjau , yuñjas , but aśva-yuk &c Pa1n2. 7-1 , 71) joined , yoked , harnessed , drawn by RV. &c (cf. aśva- , hari- , hayo*ttama-yuj)

instr. , mostly comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c

e.g. kāma-yuj , " granting wishes ") Hariv.

e.g. yu bhiya , an exciter of fear) Bhat2t2.
854,3] [L=171966]
La1t2y. Mn. MBh. &c
yúj 2 [L=171967]
a yoke-fellow , companion , comrade , associate RV. AV. Br.
yúj 2 [L=171968]
a sage who devotes his time to abstract contemplation W.
yúj 2 [L=171969]
a pair , couple , the number " two " Pan5car.
yúj 2 [L=171970]
du. the two aśvins L.
yúj 2 [L=171971]
(in astron.) the zodiacal sign Gemini.
(H1) (
(H2) mfn.
[L=171963]furnished or provided or filled with , affected by , possessed of (
[L=171964]bestowing , granting (
[L=171965]exciting , an exciter (
[p= being in couples or pairs , even (not odd or separate)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

yukta [p= 853,1] [L=171723]
&c » cols. 2 , 3.
yuktá [p= 853,2] [L=171732]
yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to (loc. or instr.) RV. &c

instr. loc. or comp.) ib.

dat.) MBh.

RV. &c

loc.) MBh. R.

RV. S3a1n3khS3r. Var. BhP. (am ind. in troops S3Br. )
853,3] [L=171738]
instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c

instr.) R.

astron.) being in conjunction with (instr.) A1s3vGr2.

ifc.) added to , increased by (e.g. catur-yuktā viśati , twenty increased by four i.e. 24) VarBr2S.

ifc.) connected with , concerning Ka1tyS3r.

ifc.) subject to , dependent on MBh.

instr. e.g. yukta kālena ya , one who makes use of the right opportunity) Ka1m.

gen. loc. or comp. , e.g. āyati-yukta , suitable for the future ; or ibc. » below ; yuktam with yad or an inf. = it is fit or suitable that or to ; na yuktam bhavatā , it is not seemly for you) Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) Mn. R.


tathā) faring or acting thus MBh.

opp. to " derivative ") Pa1n2. 1-2 , 51
yuktá [L=171750]
N. of a son of manu raivata Hariv.
yuktá [L=171751]
of a ṛṣi under manu bhautya ib.
yuktá [L=171753]
a team , yoke S3Br.
yuktá [L=171754]
junction , connection Pa1n2. 2-3 , 4 ; 8 &c
yuktá [L=171755]
fitness , suitableness , propriety (am ind. fitly , suitably , justly , properly , rightly ; éna , properly , suitably RV. v , 27 , 3 ; buddhi-yuktena , conformably to reason Ra1jat. )
(H1) yukti
(H2) mfn.
[L=171733]set to work , made use of , employed , occupied with , engaged in , intent upon (
[L=171734]ready to , prepared for (
[L=171735]absorbed in abstract meditation , concentrated , attentive
[L=171736]skilful , clever , experienced in , familiar with (
[L=171737]joined , united , connected , combined , following in regular succession
[p= furnished or endowed or filled or supplied or provided with , accompanied by , possessed of (
[L=171739]come in contact with (
[L=171744]fitted , adapted , conforming or adapting one's self to , making use of (
[L=171745]fit , suitable , appropriate , proper , right , established , proved , just , due , becoming to or suitable for (
[L=171746]auspicious , favourable (as fate , time
[L=171747]prosperous , thriving
[L=171749](in gram.) primitive (as
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

yóga--yukta [p= 857,1] [L=172480]
immersed in deep meditation , absorbed in yoga MBh. Pan5cat. &c
(H3) mfn.

yóga--yukti [L=172481]
the being absorbed in yoga Ka1s3i1Kh.
(H3) f.

yóga--śāyin [p= 857,2] [L=172542]
half asleep and half absorbed in meditation Ra1jat.
(H3) mfn.

yóga--stha [L=172572]
absorbed in Yoga Bhag.
(H3) mfn.

yogā* ha [p= 857,3] [L=172615]
absorbed in profound or abstract meditation Nr2isUp.
(H3) mfn.

lālasa [p= 900,3] [L=182261]
(ā)n. (fr. Intens. of √ las) eagerly longing for , ardently desirous of , delighting or absorbed in , devoted or totally given up to (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (-tā f.)
lālasa [L=182262]
and f(ā). longing or ardent desire , fond attachment or devotion to (loc.) Bhartr2. Ba1lar. ( L. also " regret , sorrow ; asking , soliciting ; the longing of a pregnant woman ; dalliance ")
(H1) mf
(H1B) m.

laya [p= 897,3] [L=181584]
&c » [p= 903,2].
laya [p= 903,2] [L=182754]
the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.) , S3is. ?? (laya with loc. , " to become attached to any one " Kuval. )


loc. or comp.) Up. Kap. &c (layagam or " to disappear , be dissolved or absorbed " ; laya sa-gam , " to hide or conceal one's self ")

MBh. Ka1v. &c (laya , " to be destroyed , perish ")

S3is3. BhP. (cf. a-laya)


Kap. Veda7ntas.




druta , " quick " , madhya , " mean or moderate " , and vilambita , " slow ") , Ka1lid. Das3ar. Pan5cat. &c




partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) VS.


laya [L=182772]
the root of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
laya [L=182773]
making the mind inactive or indifferent BhP.
(H1) layana
(H2) m.
[L=182755]lying down , cowering
[L=182756]melting , dissolution , disappearance or absorption in (
[L=182757]extinction , destruction , death
[L=182758]rest , repose
[L=182759]place of rest , residence , house , dwelling
[L=182760]mental inactivity , spiritual indifference
[L=182761]sport , diversion , merriness
[L=182762]delight in anything
[L=182763]an embrace
[L=182764](in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds , viz.
[L=182765]a kind of measure
[L=182766]the union of song , dance and instrumental music
[L=182767]a pause
[L=182769]a swoon
[L=182770]the quick (downward) movement of an arrow
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mfn.

līna [L=182791]
clung or pressed closely together , attached or devoted to , merged in (loc. or comp.) R. Sarvad.


MBh. Ka1v. &c

loc. or comp.) , disappeared , vanished S3vetUp. MBh. &c
līna [L=182795]
the clinging to , being dissolved or absorbed in , disappearance Pan5car.
(H2) mfn.
[L=182793]lying or resting on , staying in , lurking , hiding
[L=182794]dissolved , absorbed in (
(H2B) n.

ví--hasta [p= 953,2] [L=193723]
without a hand or trunk , handless Naish. (-tā f. S3is3. )

» a-vih°)

Ka1d. Naish. (-tā f. S3is3. Hcar. )

ifc.) completely absorbed in Ragh.

comp.) Hariv.

ví--hasta [L=193729]
a eunuch L.
(H3) mfn.
[L=193724]unhandy , inexperienced (
[L=193725]confounded , perplexed , helpless
[L=193727]adroit , skilled , experienced (in ;
[L=193728]wise , learned
(H3B) m.

vidyā́--maya [p= 964,2] [L=195809]
(ī)n. consisting of or absorbed in knowledge MBh. BhP.
(H3) mf

vi- √  [p= 985,3] [L=199757]
-līyate (pf. -lilyuh MBh. ; fut. -letā , or -lātā ; ind.p. -līya or -lāya Pa1n2. 6-1 , 51 Sch.) , to cling or cleave or adhere to MBh. Ratna7v. Sis3. ??  ; 
to hide or conceal one's self , disappear
MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be dissolved , melt
AV. &c &c : Caus. -lāpayati or -lāyayati or -lālayati or -līnayati ( Pa1n2. 7-3 , 39 Sch.) , to cause to disappear , destroy Sam2k. ??  ; 
to cause to be dissolved or absorbed in (
loc.) BhP. Sch.  ; 
to make liquid , dissolve , melt
(H1) A1.

vi-līna [L=199777]
clinging or sticking or attached to , fixed on , immersed in (loc. or comp.) Ka1v. Pan5car.

ifc.) alighted or perched on (said of birds) Katha1s.

» comp.)

loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. &c

ChUp. Katha1s. Sus3r.


(H2) mfn.
[L=199779]sticking (
[L=199780]hidden , disappeared , perished , absorbed in (
[L=199781]dissolved , melted , liquefied
[L=199782]contiguous to , united or blended with
[L=199783]infused into the mind , imagined
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.130
Whitney Roots links: viS

viś 1 [p= 989,2] [p= 989,1] [L=200376]
( Dha1tup. xxviii , 130) viśáti (rarely , in later language mostly mc. also A1. viśate ; pf. vivéśa , viviśe RV. &c [viveśitha , viveśu RV. ; viviśyās ib. ; p. -viśivás AV. ; viviśivas or viviśvas Pa1n2. 7-2 , 68 ; aviveśīs RV. ] ; aor. áviśran , ávikmahi , veśīt RV. ; avikat Br. &c ; avikata Gr. ; Prec. viśyāt ib. ; fut. veṣṭā MBh. ; vekyati , °te Br. &c ; inf. veṣṭum MBh. &c ; veṣṭavai Br. ; viśam RV. ; ind.p. -viśya AV. &c ) , to enter , enter in or settle down on , go into (acc. loc. , or antar with gen.) , pervade RV. &c &c (with punar or bhūyas , to re-enter , return , come back)  ; 
to be absorbed into (
acc.) Bhag.  ; 
astron.) to come into conjunction with (acc.) VarBr2S.  ; 
agnim , jvalanam &c ) to enter the fire i.e. ascend the funeral pyre MBh. R. &c  ; 
apas) to sink or be immersed in the water BhP.  ; 
to enter (a house
&c ) Hariv.  ; 
to appear (on the stage)
R. Ka1m.  ; 
to go home or to rest
RV. S3a1n3khBr.  ; 
to sit down upon (
acc. or loc.) R. Hariv.  ; 
to resort or betake one's self to (
agratas , agre , or acc.) Ragh. Pur.  ; 
to flow into (and , join with , ; applied to rivers and armies)
Ra1jat. v , 140  ; 
to flow or redound to , fall to the share of (
acc.) Hariv. Ragh. &c  ; 
to occur to (as a thought , with
acc.) R.  ; 
to befall , come to (as death , with
acc.) BhP.  ; 
to belong to , exist for (
loc.) ib.  ; 
to fall or get into any state or condition (
acc.) R. S3a1ntis3.  ; 
to enter upon , undertake , begin
R. BhP.  ; 
to mind (any business) , attend to (
dat.) MBh. xii , 6955 : Caus. veśáyati , °te (aor. avīviśat ; Pass. veśyate) , to cause to enter into (acc.) AV.  ; 
to cause to sit down on (
loc.) BhP. : Desid. vivikati , to wish to enter (acc.) BhP.  ; 
agnim or vahnim) to wish to enter the fire i.e. to ascend the funeral pyre Katha1s. : Intens. veviśyate , veveṣṭi , Gr. ([cf. Gk. οκος ; Lat. vicus ; Lith. ve0sze8ti ; Slav. vi8si8 ; Goth. weihs ; Angl.Sax. wi7c ; Germ , wi7ch , Weich-bild.])
víś 2 [p= 989,2] [L=200387]
(m. only L. ; nom. sg. ; loc. pl. vikú) a settlement , homestead , house , dwelling (viśás páti " lord of the house " applied to agni and indra) RV.

pl.) a community , tribe , race (pl. also " subjects " , " people " , " troops ") RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. BhP.

pl.) the people κατ , ξοχήν , (in the sense of those who settle on the soil ; sg. also " a man of the third caste " , a vaiśya ; viśām with pati or nātha or īśvara &c , " lord of the people " , a king , sovereign) S3Br. &c

sāma N. of a sāman

pl.) property , wealth BhP.

víś 2 [L=200393]
a man in general , person L.
víś 2 [L=200394]
feces L. (w.r. for vi).
(H1) cl.6 P.
(H2) f.
[L=200389](sg. and
(H2B) mf.
(H2B) fn.

vaiyagra [p= 1024,2] [L=207409]
(fr. vy-agra) distraction or agitation of mind , perplexity MW.

(H1) n.
[L=207410]the being totally absorbed or wholly engaged (in any occupation)

vaiayika [p= 1027,2] [L=207990]
(ī)n. relating to or denotative of a country or district (as a suffix) Pat.
vaiayika [L=207991]
(ī)n. having a partic. sphere or object or aim (in gram. the ādhāra is called vaiayika when it is the aim or object of the action , Siddh. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 36)
vaiayika [L=207992]
(ī)n. relating to , concerning (comp.) Car.
vaiayika [L=207993]
(ī)n. belonging or relating to an object of sense , sensual , carnal , mundane Pan5car. HParis3.
vaiayika [L=207994]
a sensualist , one addicted to the pleasures of sense or absorbed in worldly objects L. (also -jana)
(H2) mf
(H2) mf
(H2) mf
(H2) mf
(H2) m.

śivá--tā [p= 1074,3] [L=217615]
the state or condition of (a person absorbed in) śiva Sarvad.
(H3) f.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.56, 26.56, 7.1
Whitney Roots links: Suc, Suc

śuc 1 [p= 1081,1] [L=219184]
( Dha1tup. vii , 1) śocati (Ved. and ep. also °te ; once in S3Br. -śucyati [cf. sa-śuc] ; and in MBh. iii , 2372 śocimi ; pf. śuśoca Impv. śuśugdhi Pot. śuśucīta , p. śuśukvás and śuśucāná aor. aśucat [p. śucát and śucámāna] RV. ; aśocīt [2. sg. śocī] Br. ; aśociṣṭa Gr. ; Prec. śucyāsam ib. ; fut. śoktā or śocitā ib. ; śuciyati,°te MBh. &c ; inf. śucádhyai RV. ; śoktum or śocitum MBh. &c ; ind.p. śocitvā MBh. ; śucitvā Pa1n2. 1-2 , 26) to shine , flame , gleam , glow , burn RV. Br. A1s3vS3r.  ; 
to suffer violent heat or pain , be sorrowful or afflicted , grieve , mourn at or for (
loc. or acc. with prati) TS. &c  ; 
to bewail , lament , regret (
acc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be absorbed in deep meditation
MW.  ; 
cl.4. P. A1. śucyati , °te) to be bright or pure Dha1tup. xxvi , 56 (cf. Caus. and śuci)  ; 
to be wet
ib.  ; 
to decay , be putrid , stink
ib. : Pass. (only aor. áśoci) to be kindled , burn , flame RV. vii , 67 , 2 : Caus. śocáyati , °te (p. śucáyat [q.v.] RV. ; aor. aśūśucat , śūśucat AV. Br. ) , to set on fire , burn RV. TBr.  ; 
to cause to suffer pain , afflict , distress
AV. S3Br. MBh.  ; 
to feel pain or sorrow , grieve , mourn
MBh.  ; 
to lament , regret
Ragh. Ra1jat.  ; 
to purify
VarYogay. Katha1s. : Pass. of Caus. śocyate Ka1v. : Desid. śuśuciati or śuśociati Pa1n2. 1-2 , 26 : Intens. śośucyate , śośokti , to shine or flame brightly Gr. (only śóśucan RV. vi , 66 , 3 ; cf. śóśucat , śóśucāna , śośucyamāna).
śúc 2 [L=219185]
shining. illumining (» tri- and viśva-śúc)
śúc 2 [L=219186]
flame , glow , heat RV. AV. Br.
śúc 2 [L=219187]
brightness , lustre RV.
śúc 2 [L=219188]
(also pl.) pain , sorrow , grief or regret for (comp.) AV. &c
śúc 2 [L=219189]
pl. tears BhP.
śuc 3 [p= 1081,3] [L=219306]
( Dha1tup. xxvi , 56) » under √1. śuc.
(H1) cl.1 P.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H1) cl.4 P. A1.

śoaīya [p= 1092,2] [L=221684]
to be dried or sucked up or drained or absorbed VarBr2S.
(H2) mfn.

śoita [L=221687]
dried or sucked up , drained , desiccated , absorbed , exhausted , emptied Hariv. Ka1v. &c
(H2) mfn.

śrī--maya [p= 1099,3] [L=223167]
(ī)n. consisting of (or quite absorbed into) śrī Pan5car.
(H3) mf

sa- √ yuj [p= 1112,2] [L=225727]
-yunakti , -yukte , to join or attach together , conjoin , connect , combine , unite RV. &c  ; 
to bind , fetter
Vait.  ; 
to endow or furnish with (
instr.) S3vetUp. MBh. &c  ; 
to form an alliance , league together
RV. viii , 62 , 11  ; 
to place in , fix on , direct towards (
loc.) MBh. BhP. : Pass. -yujyate , to be joined together , be united &c  ; 
to meet or fall in with (
instr.) Ragh.  ; 
to be married to (
instr.) Mn. ix , 22  ; 
ratyā , or grāmyadharmatayā) to have sexual intercourse Pras3nUp. S3am2k. on ChUp.  ; 
to be supplied or furnished with (
instr.) MBh. R. &c : Caus. -yojayati , to cause to join together , bring together , unite MBh. Katha1s. Ma1rkP.  ; 
to put to (horses) , yoke , harness
ib.  ; 
to hold together , check , control (the senses)
MaitrUp. (v.l.)  ; 
to furnish or endow or present with (
instr.) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c  ; 
to give over to , entrust with (
gen. of pers. and acc. of thing) R. Pan5cat.  ; 
to add to (
loc.) Su1ryas.  ; 
to fix on , direct towards (
loc.) MaitrUp. MBh. BhP.  ; 
to shoot , discharge (a missile)
MBh.  ; 
to equip (an army)
ib.  ; 
to use , employ , appoint
ib.  ; 
to institute , perform , accomplish
Hariv. BhP.  ; 
A1.) to be absorbed , meditate MBh. v , 7260.
sa-yuj [L=225747]
joined together , united , connected , related MBh. BhP.
sa-yuj [L=225748]
a relation S3is3.
sa-yuj [L=225749]
union , connection (= sa-yoga) BhP. Sch.
(H1) P. A1.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.

sa--cinta [p= 1131,1] [L=228936]
(ā)n. absorbed in thought , thoughtful (am ind.) Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H3) mf

sa-niviṣṭa [p= 1147,2] [L=232106]
seated down together , encamped , assembled MBh. R. Katha1s.

loc. or comp.) Up. MBh. &c

loc.) MBh. R.

loc.) R.


(H2) mfn.
[L=232107]fixed in or on , sticking or resting or contained in (
[L=232108]being on (a road or path
[L=232109]dependent on (
[L=232110]entered deeply into , absorbed or engrossed in
[L=232111]contiguous , neighbouring , present , at hand

sam-ā- √ dhā [p= 1159,3] [L=234138]
-dadhāti , -dhatte , to place or put or hold or fix together S3Br. MBh. &c  ; 
to compose , set right , repair , put in order , arrange , redress , restore
MBh. Hit.  ; 
to put to , add , put on (
esp. fuel on the fire) AV. S3Br. R.  ; 
to kindle , stir (fire)
S3Br.  ; 
to place , set , lay , fix , direct , settle , adjust (with
astram , " to adjust an arrow " ; with garbham , " to impregnate " ; with savitu , " to lay in the sun " ; with dṛṣṭim , cittam , cetas , matim , manas , " to direct or fix the eyes or mind upon [loc.] " ; with matim , " to settle in one's mind , resolve " , " make up one's mind " [followed by iti] ; with ātmānam , or manas , " to collect the thoughts or concentrate the mind in meditation &c " ; without an acc. - " to be absorbed in meditation or prayer ") RV. &c  ; 
to impose upon (
loc.) MBh.  ; 
to entrust or commit to (
loc.) ib.  ; 
to establish in (
loc.) Ragh.  ; 
to effect , cause , produce
Hariv.  ; 
(in the following meanings only
A1.) to take to or upon one's self. conceive (in the womb) , put on (a garment or dress) , assume (a shape) , undergo (effort) , show , exhibit , display MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to devote one's self entirely to , give one's self up to (
acc.) R. Hariv. &c (once in Bhat2t2. P.)  ; 
to lay down as settled , settle , establish , prove , declare ,
Kap. Sch.  ; 
to admit , grant
Kull. on Mn. viii , 54 : Desid. -dhitsati , to wish to put together , desire to collect the thoughts MBh. xii , 9586.
sam-ādhā [L=234139]
(only L. ) putting together , adjusting , settling , reconciling , clearing up difficulties &c

(H1) P. A1.
(H2) m.
[L=234140]completion , accomplishment.

sam-ādhi---bht [L=234175]
absorbed in meditation S3is3.
(H3) mfn.

sam-ādhi---mat [L=234178]
absorbed in meditation Kum.


(H3) mfn.
[L=234180]making a promise or assent or permission

sam-ādhi---stha [p= 1160,1] [L=234188]
absorbed in meditation Pan5cat.
(H3) mfn.

sam-° ādhin [L=234193]
absorbed in contemplation W.
(H3) mfn.

sam-ā́hita---manas [L=234216]
having the mind absorbed in (anything) MW.
(H3) mfn.

sam-āpadyana [p= 1161,2] [L=234432]
(?fr. samāpadya stem of pres. tense) the being absorbed , absorption into SaddhP.
(H2) n.

sam-° āveśita [p= 1162,3] [L=234623]
(fr. Caus.) made to enter together , brought together , caused to enter , inserted , placed , fixed , absorbed , engrossed Ka1v. Pur.
(H3) mfn.

sam-upe* [p= 1170,2] [p= 1170,1] [L=235739]
-upa-  5 i) -upaī*ti , to come together , meet (as friends or foes) MBh. R. Pan5cat.  ; 
to have sexual intercourse
MBh.  ; 
to come near , approach , go to (
acc.) ib.  ; 
to have recourse to , apply to ,
S3a1rn3gP.  ; 
to attain , incur , partake of
VarBr2S. S3is3.  ; 
to occur , happen , appear
MBh.  ; 
to come upon , befall
R.  ; 
to be absorbed in
(H1) (

sam- √ pad [p= 1172,1] [p= 1171,3] [L=235982]
-padyate (in some forms also P. ; ind.p. -pādam q.v.) , to fall or happen well , turn out well , succeed , prosper , accrue to (dat. or gen.) AV. &c  ; 
to become full or complete (as a number) , amount to
Br. ChUp. Hariv.  ; 
to fall together , meet or unite with , obtain , get into , partake of (
instr. or acc.) Br. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to enter into , be absorbed in (
acc. or loc.) ChUp. BhP.  ; 
to be produced , be brought forth , be born , arise
MBh. R.  ; 
to become , prove , turn into (
nom.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to be conducive to , produce (
dat.) Pan5cat. Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 13  ; 
adv. in sāt) to become thoroughly Pa1n2. 5-4 , 53  ; 
to fall into a Person's , power
ib. 54  ; 
adv. in tra) to fall to a person's share ib. 55  ; 
to produce a
partic. sound (as that expressed by an onomatopoetic word in ā) Vop. vii , 88 : Caus. -pādayati (rarely °te) , to cause to succeed , cause to arise , bring about , produce , effect , accomplish (with śuśrūām and gen. , " to obey ") MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to make full , complete
S3Br. BhP.  ; 
to transform , make or turn into (
acc.) Katha1s.  ; 
to provide or furnish with (
instr. ; with kriyayā , " to charge or entrust a person with a business ") S3Br. MBh. SaddhP.  ; 
to afford to , procure for (
dat. or gen.) AitBr. MBh. &c  ; 
to attain , obtain , acquire
AV. R. &c  ; 
to ponder on , deliberate
MBh.  ; 
to consent , agree
Br. ChUp. : Desid. of Caus. -pipādayiati (» sam-pipādayiā &c , col , 2) : Intens. -panīpadyate , to fit well Sarvad.
sampád [p= 1172,1] [L=236002]
success , accomplishment , completion , fulfilment , perfection Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

&c BhP.

TS. A1s3vS3r.


VarBr2S. Sarvad. Pur.


ifc.= " possessed of ") R. Katha1s. BhP.

RPra1t. MBh.

Mn. MBh. &c

MBh. Ka1v. &c

Bhag. (also pl.)

= lak) S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c

= vddhi) L.

(H1) A1.
(H2) f.
[L=236003]a condition or requisite of success
[L=236004]concord , agreement , stipulation , bargain
[L=236005]equalization of similar things
[L=236006]attainment , acquisition , possession , enjoyment , advantage , benefit , blessing
[L=236007]turning into , growing , becoming
[L=236008]being , existence (
[L=236009]right condition or method , correctness
[L=236010]excellence , glory , splendour , beauty
[L=236011]excess , abundance , high degree
[L=236012]fate , destiny
[L=236013]good fortune , prosperity , riches , wealth (personified
[L=236014]a kind of medicinal plant (
[L=236015]a necklace of pearls

sam-pra- √  [p= 1176,1] [L=236551]
-līyate , to be completely dissolved in (loc.) , become absorbed , disappear , vanish MBh. BhP.
(H1) A1.

sam-pralīna [L=236552]
wholly dissolved or melted away , disappeared , vanished R.

i.e. contained in (loc.) MBh.
(H2) mfn.

sárva--sāda [p= 1187,3] [L=238858]
that wherein everything is absorbed Hariv. ( Ni1lak. )
(H3) mfn.

sú--samāhita [p= 1238,3] [L=250439]
(sú-) well laden (as a waggon) S3Br.


MBh. Ka1v. &c

(H3) mfn.
[L=250439.1]well arrayed or repaired , beautifully adorned
[L=250439.2]very intent or attentive , having the mind intently fixed or absorbed on a subject or object
[L=250439.3]perfectly fit or suitable

hevākin [p= 1305,2] [L=264414]
devoted to , absorbed in , engrossed by (comp. ; °ki-tā f.) Uttamac.
(H2) mfn.