(H1) | yukta [p= 853,1] [L=171723]
yukti |
&c » cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) | yuktá [p= 853,2] [L=171732]
mfn. |
yoked or joined or fastened or attached or harnessed to (loc. or instr.) RV. &c
[L=171733] |
set to work , made use of , employed , occupied with , engaged in , intent upon ( |
instr. loc. or comp.) ib.
[L=171734] |
ready to , prepared for ( |
dat.) MBh.
[L=171735] |
absorbed in abstract meditation , concentrated , attentive |
RV. &c
[L=171736] |
skilful , clever , experienced in , familiar with ( |
loc.) MBh. R.
[L=171737] |
joined , united , connected , combined , following in regular succession |
RV. S3a1n3khS3r. Var. BhP. (am ind. in troops S3Br. )
[p= | 853,3] [L=171738]
furnished or endowed or filled or supplied or provided with , accompanied by , possessed of ( |
instr. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=171739] |
come in contact with ( |
instr.) R.
[L=171740] |
(in |
astron.) being in conjunction with (instr.) A1s3vGr2.
[L=171741] |
( |
ifc.) added to , increased by (e.g. catur-yuktā viṃśatiḥ , twenty increased by four i.e. 24) VarBr2S.
[L=171742] |
( |
ifc.) connected with , concerning Ka1tyS3r.
[L=171743] |
( |
ifc.) subject to , dependent on MBh.
[L=171744] |
fitted , adapted , conforming or adapting one's self to , making use of ( |
instr. e.g. yuktaḥ kālena yaḥ , one who makes use of the right opportunity) Ka1m.
[L=171745] |
fit , suitable , appropriate , proper , right , established , proved , just , due , becoming to or suitable for ( |
gen. loc. or comp. , e.g. āyati-yukta , suitable for the future ; or ibc. » below ; yuktam with yad or an inf. = it is fit or suitable that or to ; na yuktam bhavatā , it is not seemly for you) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=171746] |
auspicious , favourable (as fate , time |
&c ) Mn. R.
[L=171747] |
prosperous , thriving |
[L=171748] |
(with |
tathā) faring or acting thus MBh.
[L=171749] |
(in gram.) primitive (as |
opp. to " derivative ") Pa1n2. 1-2 , 51
(H2B) | yuktá [L=171750]
m. |
N. of a son of manu raivata Hariv.
(H2B) | yuktá [L=171751]
m. |
of a ṛṣi under manu bhautya ib.
(H2B) | yuktá [L=171753]
n. |
a team , yoke S3Br.
(H2B) | yuktá [L=171754]
n. |
junction , connection Pa1n2. 2-3 , 4 ; 8 &c
(H2B) | yuktá [L=171755]
n. |
fitness , suitableness , propriety (am ind. fitly , suitably , justly , properly , rightly ; éna , properly , suitably RV. v , 27 , 3 ; buddhi-yuktena , conformably to reason Ra1jat. )
(H1) | laya [p= 897,3] [L=181584]
layana |
&c » [p= 903,2].
(H2) | laya [p= 903,2] [L=182754]
m. |
the act of sticking or clinging to (loc.) , S3is. ?? (layaṃ √ gā with loc. , " to become attached to any one " Kuval. )
[L=182755] |
lying down , cowering |
[L=182756] |
melting , dissolution , disappearance or absorption in ( |
loc. or comp.) Up. Kap. &c (layaṃ √ gam or yā " to disappear , be dissolved or absorbed " ; layaṃ saṃ- √gam , " to hide or conceal one's self ")
[L=182757] |
extinction , destruction , death |
MBh. Ka1v. &c (layaṃ √ yā , " to be destroyed , perish ")
[L=182758] |
rest , repose |
S3is3. BhP. (cf. a-laya)
[L=182759] |
place of rest , residence , house , dwelling |
[L=182760] |
mental inactivity , spiritual indifference |
Kap. Veda7ntas.
[L=182761] |
sport , diversion , merriness |
[L=182762] |
delight in anything |
[L=182763] |
an embrace |
[L=182764] |
(in music) time (regarded as of 3 kinds , viz. |
druta , " quick " , madhya , " mean or moderate " , and vilambita , " slow ") , Ka1lid. Das3ar. Pan5cat. &c
[L=182765] |
a kind of measure |
[L=182766] |
the union of song , dance and instrumental music |
[L=182767] |
a pause |
[L=182768] |
a |
partic. agricultural implement (perhaps a sort of harrow or hoe) VS.
[L=182769] |
a swoon |
[L=182770] |
the quick (downward) movement of an arrow |
(H2B) | laya [L=182772]
n. |
the root of Andropogon Muricatus Bhpr.
(H2B) | laya [L=182773]
mfn. |
making the mind inactive or indifferent BhP.
(H1) | sam- √ pad [p= 1172,1] [p= 1171,3] [L=235982]
A1. |
-padyate (in some forms also P. ; ind.p. -pādam q.v.) , to fall or happen well , turn out well , succeed , prosper , accrue to (dat. or gen.) AV. &c ;
to become full or complete (as a number) , amount to Br. ChUp. Hariv. ;
to fall together , meet or unite with , obtain , get into , partake of (instr. or acc.) Br. Mn. MBh. &c ;
to enter into , be absorbed in (acc. or loc.) ChUp. BhP. ;
to be produced , be brought forth , be born , arise MBh. R. ;
to become , prove , turn into (nom.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to be conducive to , produce (dat.) Pan5cat. Va1rtt. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 13 ;
(with adv. in sāt) to become thoroughly Pa1n2. 5-4 , 53 ;
to fall into a Person's , power ib. 54 ;
(with adv. in tra) to fall to a person's share ib. 55 ;
to produce a partic. sound (as that expressed by an onomatopoetic word in ā) Vop. vii , 88 : Caus. -pādayati (rarely °te) , to cause to succeed , cause to arise , bring about , produce , effect , accomplish (with śuśrūṣām and gen. , " to obey ") MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to make full , complete S3Br. BhP. ;
to transform , make or turn into (acc.) Katha1s. ;
to provide or furnish with (instr. ; with kriyayā , " to charge or entrust a person with a business ") S3Br. MBh. SaddhP. ;
to afford to , procure for (dat. or gen.) AitBr. MBh. &c ;
to attain , obtain , acquire AV. R. &c ;
to ponder on , deliberate MBh. ;
to consent , agree Br. ChUp. : Desid. of Caus. -pipādayiṣati (» sam-pipādayiṣā &c , col , 2) : Intens. -panīpadyate , to fit well Sarvad.
(H2) | sampád [p= 1172,1] [L=236002]
f. |
success , accomplishment , completion , fulfilment , perfection Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=236003] |
a condition or requisite of success |
&c BhP.
[L=236004] |
concord , agreement , stipulation , bargain |
TS. A1s3vS3r.
[L=236005] |
equalization of similar things |
[L=236006] |
attainment , acquisition , possession , enjoyment , advantage , benefit , blessing |
VarBr2S. Sarvad. Pur.
[L=236007] |
turning into , growing , becoming |
[L=236008] |
being , existence ( |
ifc.= " possessed of ") R. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=236009] |
right condition or method , correctness |
RPra1t. MBh.
[L=236010] |
excellence , glory , splendour , beauty |
Mn. MBh. &c
[L=236011] |
excess , abundance , high degree |
MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=236012] |
fate , destiny |
Bhag. (also pl.)
[L=236013] |
good fortune , prosperity , riches , wealth (personified |
= lakṣmī) S3Br. ChUp. MBh. &c
[L=236014] |
a kind of medicinal plant ( |
= vṛddhi) L.
[L=236015] |
a necklace of pearls |