Tri-Triple, Triad
(H2) | triká [p= 461,3] [L=88562]
mfn. |
triple , threefold , forming a triad RV. x , 59 , 9. La1t2y. (stoma ; cf. eka-) S3ulbas. i Sus3r. &c
[L=88563] |
happening the 3rd time |
Pa1n2. 5-2 , 77
[L=88564] |
(with or without |
śata) 3 per cent. Mn. viii , 152 Kull.
(H2B) | triká [L=88565]
m. |
(n. L. ) a place where 3 roads meet Hariv. Jain.
(H2B) | triká [L=88566]
m. |
= tri-kaṭa Npr.
(H2B) | triká [L=88567]
m. |
Trapa bispinosa ib.
(H2B) | triká [L=88568]
n. |
a triad (cf. kaṭu- , taurya- , tri- , pañca-) Mn. ii , vii Pat. and Ka1s3. VarBr2S.
(H2B) | triká [L=88569]
n. |
the loins , regio sacra , hips Hariv. Pan5cat. Sus3r. (also " the part between the shoulder-blades ") &c
(H2B) | triká [L=88570]
n. |
the triple vyāhṛti W.
Tri- Words in Sanskrit
(H1) | tra 1 [p= 457,1] [L=87408]
mf |
(ā)n. ( √ trai Pa1n2. 3-2 , 3) ifc. " protecting " » aṃsa- , aṅguli- , ātapa- , kaṭi- , giri- , go- , tanu- , tala- , tvak- , vadha-
[L=87409] |
k |
ṛta- and jala-trā.
(H1) | tra 2 [L=87410]
= |
tri , " three " » dvi-.
(H3) | trí--kakúbh [L=87582]
mfn. |
three-pointed , (indra's thunderbolt) RV. i , 121
(H3B) | trí--kakúbh [L=87583]
m. |
indra Ta1n2d2yaBr. viii , 1
(H3B) | trí--kakúbh [L=87584]
m. |
» °kúd.
(H3) | trí--kaṇṭaka [L=87594]
m. |
(g. rajatā*di) " three-thorn " , = -kaṭa Sus3r.
[L=87595] |
N. |
of a venomous insect , v , 8
[L=87596] |
N. |
of a fish (Silurus) L.
[L=87597] |
a kind of weapon |
R. iii , 28 , 25.
(H3) | trí--kāṇḍa [L=87609]
mf |
(ā)n. (trí-) consisting of three parts or divisions (an arrow or asterism) AitBr. iii , 33 S3Br. ii ; 3 kāṇḍas in measure (48 cubits long W. ) Vop. vi , 55
(H3B) | trí--kāṇḍa [L=87609.1]
n. |
N. of wk. Ka1tyS3r. iii , 2 , 1 Sch.
(H3B) | trí--kāṇḍa [L=87609.2]
n. |
of amarasiṃha's dictionary (commented on by °ḍa-cintāmaṇi and -viveka and supplemented by -śeṣa)
(H4) | trí--kāla---rūpa [L=87623]
mfn. |
three-shaped at the 3 times (of day i.e. the sun) VP. iii , 5 , 19
(H3) | trí--cakṣus [p= 458,2] [L=87686]
mfn. |
three-eyed (kṛṣṇa , more properly śiva) MBh. xii , 1505.
(H3) | trí--dat [p= 458,3] [L=87745]
mfn. |
( Pa1n2. 6-2 , 197) grown as old as to possess three teeth , v , 4 , 141 Ka1s3.
(H3) | trí--dalā [L=87749]
f. |
" three-leaved " , Cissus pedata L.
(H3) | trí--dhāra [p= 459,1] [L=87834]
mf |
(ā)n. three-streamed (gaṅgā) Hariv. 3189
(H3) | trí--dhāraka [L=87838]
m. |
" three-edged " Scirpus Kysoor L.
[L=87839] |
= |
°rā Npr.
(H3) | trí--nā́bhi [L=87850]
mfn. |
three-naved (a wheel) RV. i , 164 , 2 MBh. xiii BhP.
(H3) | trí--netra [L=87855]
m. |
" three-eyed " , śiva MBh. &c
[L=87856] |
(with |
rasa) N. of different mixtures Rase7ndrac. Bhpr. vii , 8 , 157
[L=87857] |
" |
śiva's asterism " , ārdrā VarBr2S. xv , 29
[L=87858] |
N. |
of a prince MatsyaP. cclxx , 27