Sanskrit Words for “Impulse”

The instincts are the wise motions of life, those divine impulses always flowing through the body – the pranamayakosha and the annamayakosha and the other dimensions of a body. Let’s look at the Sanskrit words related to impulse.

prayukti is interesting:

prá-° yukti [p= 688,2] [L=136291]
(prá-) impulse , motive RV.

TBr. S3am2k. Ra1jat.
(H3) f.
[L=136291.1]setting in motion , employment

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This is the result of a search for words related to impulse in Sanskrit:

1 iṣaṇyā (impulse) 2 iṣitatvatā (impulse) 3 iṣṭi (impulse) 4 eṣaṇa (impulse) 5 kṣobhayitṛ (impulse) 6 jalapūrṇa (impulse) 7 java (impulse) 8 jūti (impulse) 9 tuj (impulse) 10 tveṣas (impulse) 11 dhrāji (impulse) 12 nodana (impulse) 13 pratijūtivarpas (impulse) 14 prayukti (impulse) 15 prayuj (impulse) 16 prasava (impulse) 17 preṣa (impulse) 18 bādha (impulse) 19 muni (impulse) 20 vṛṣajūti (impulse) 21 śuṣma (impulse) 22 satyaprasava (impulse) 23 satyaprasavas (impulse) 24 saṃdeśya (impulse) 25 sava (impulse) 26 svabhāva (impulse) 27 hetu (impulse) 28 heman (impulse)
iayā́ [p= 168,3] [L=29443]
instigation , impulse RV. viii , 60 , 18.
(H2) f.
iitá--tvátā [L=29451]
by impulse or excitement RV. x , 132 , 2.
(H3) ind.
iṣṭí 1 [p= 169,1] [L=29509]
impulse , acceleration , hurry

iṣṭí 2 [p= 169,2] [L=29586]
seeking , going after RV.

RV. VS. &c

N. applied to the statement of grammarians who are considered as authoritative.
íṣṭi 3 [p= 169,3] [L=29650]
sacrificing , sacrifice

&c , opposed to the sacrifice of an animal or soma RV. i , 166 , 14 ; x , 169 , 2 S3Br. A1s3vS3r. Ya1jn5. Mn. S3ak. Ragh. &c
iṣṭi [p= 1321,1] [L=321530]
(H2) f.
(H2) f.
[L=29587]endeavouring to obtain
[L=29588]wish , request , desire
[L=29589]any desired object
[L=29590]a desired rule , a desideratum , a
(H2) f.
[L=29651]an oblation consisting of butter , fruits ,
(H2) 3 (in (
e* aa 1 [p= 232,3] [L=40244]
(ā)n. impulse , ardent desire BhP.
éaa 2 [p= 233,1] [L=40259]
seeking for , wishing Nir.
éaa 2 [L=40260]
an iron arrow L.
éaa 2 [L=40262]
(with jainas) right behaviour when begging food Sarvad. 39 , 9
éaa 2 [L=40264]
a goldsmith's scale L.
éaa 2 [L=40265]
the act of seeking , begging , solicitation MBh.
éaa 2 [L=40266]
medical examination , probing Sus3r.
(H2) f
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
kobhayit [p= 331,3] [L=60149]
one who gives the first impulse for anything Ba1dar. ii , 2 , 8 Sch.
(H2) mfn.
jalá--pūra [p= 415,1] [L=77964]
" full to overflowing " , with yoga m. irresistible impulse Hariv. 5196 ; 5425 and 5429.
jala--pūra [p= 1327,2] [L=331760.6]
Bcar. viii, 74
(H3) mfn.
(H3) (also) filled with tears,
javá [p= 416,2] [L=78316]
( √ ju , or ) swift AV. xix , 7 , 1
javá [L=78317]
(parox. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 56 , Va1rtt. 4 and 57) speed , velocity , , swiftness RV. i , 112 , 21 ; x , 111 , 9 VS. AV. S3Br. &c
javá [L=78318]
impulse (of the mind) RV. x , 71 , 8
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.
jūtí [p= 424,2] [L=80084]
( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 97) going or driving , on , quickness , velocity , speed RV. AV. VS. xxi S3Br. ii , xii

AV. xix , 58 , 1

RV. VS. ii , 13 S3Br. xii

pra-jñāna AitUp. v , 2
jūtí [L=80088]
N. of the author of RV. x , 136 , 1
jūtí [L=80089]
cf. rátha-.
(H2) f.
[L=80085]flowing without interruption
[L=80086]impulse , incitement , instigation , inclination , energy
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 33.82, 7.70
Whitney Roots links: tuj
túj 1 [p= 450,1] [L=85811]
(only acc. °jam dat. °) = túc , iii-v. 1.
tuj 2 [L=85813]
(3.du. A1. °jete ; p. P. °ját ; inf. jáse and túje ; Pass. p. °jyámāna) , and tuñj (3. pl. P. °jánti A1. °játe ; p. °jāná , túñjāna , and túñjamāna) , to strike , hit , push RV.  ; 
to press out ("
túñjati , to give " Naigh. Nir. ) RV. i , ix  ; 
A1. to flow forth , iii , 1 , 16  ; 
to instigate , incite ,
i , iii  ; 
Pass. to be vexed , i , 11 , 5: cl.1. tojati , to hurt Dha1tup. vii , 70: Caus. (p. tujáyat ; aor. Pot. tutujyā́t , p. tū́tujāna q.v.) to promote RV. i , 143 , 6  ; 
to move quickly.
vii , 104 , 7  ; 
tuñjayati , " to speak " or " to shine " Dha1tup. xxxiii , 82  ; 
tuñj° or tojayati , to hurt , xxxii , 30  ; 
to be strong
ib.  ; 
to give or take
ib.  ; 
to abide
ib.  ; 
cf. ā-tují. 3.
túj [L=85814]
urging RV.
túj [L=85815]
(only instr. °) shock , impulse , assault RV.
(H1) f.
(H1) cl.6.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) f.
tveás [p= 464,2] [L=89169]
energy , impulse , 61 , 11.
(H2) n.
dhrā́ji [p= 521,2] [L=102262]
= dhrájas ib. (also dhrājí)


(H3) f.
[L=102263]impulse , force (of a passion)
nodana [p= 571,2] [L=112602]
driving away , removing Ka1vya7d.
nodana [L=112603]
= noda BhP.
nodana [L=112604]
impelling , impulse ib.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
prati--jūti-varpas [p= 662,1] [L=131499]
práti-) mfn. assuming any form according to impulse RV. iii , 60 , 1.
(H3) (
prá-° yukti [p= 688,2] [L=136291]
(prá-) impulse , motive RV.

TBr. S3am2k. Ra1jat.
(H3) f.
[L=136291.1]setting in motion , employment
pra- √ yuj [L=136273]
-yukte (rarely P. -yunakti ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 64) , to yoke or join or harness to (loc.) RV.  ; 
to unite with (
instr.) AV.  ; 
to turn (the mind) to (
loc.) RV.  ; 
to prepare for (
dat.) ib.  ; 
to set in motion , throw , cast (also dice) , discharge , hurl at (
loc. or dat.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to utter , pronounce , speak , recite
ib.  ; 
to fix , place in or on (
loc.) BhP.  ; 
to direct , order , urge to (
dat. or loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c  ; 
to choose for (two
acc.) Kum.  ; 
to lead towards , bring into (
acc.) BhP.  ; 
to use , employ , practise , display , exhibit , perform , accomplish , contrive , do
Br. &c  ; 
to undertake , commence , begin
Vait. R.  ; 
to cause , effect , produce
Kum. BhP. Sarvad.  ; 
to represent on the stage , act
Mr2icch. Ka1lid.  ; 
to lend (for use or interest)
Mn. Ya1jn5. : Pass. -yujyate , to be fit or suitable , conduce to (dat.) Ka1v. Pan5cat. : Caus. -yojayati , to throw , discharge , hurl at or against (loc.) MBh.  ; 
to utter , pronounce
R.  ; 
to show , display , exhibit
BhP.  ; 
manas) to concentrate the mind S3vetUp.  ; 
to urge , direct , appoint to (
loc.) MBh. BhP.  ; 
to transfer or entrust to (
dat.) MBh.  ; 
to undertake , begin
Ka1m.  ; 
to represent on the stage
Hariv. Sa1h.  ; 
to cause to be represented by (
instr.) Uttarar.  ; 
to use , employ
MBh. Ka1m. Sus3r. &c  ; 
to perform , practise
Mn. iii , 112  ; 
vddhim) to take interest ib. x , 117  ; 
prayogam) to invest capital SaddhP.  ; 
to be applicable
g. kubhnā*di  ; 
to aim at , have in view
Pa1n2. 6-3 , 62 Sch.: Desid. -yuyukate , to wish to use , want , require Pat.
pra-yúj [L=136293]
(prob.) a team RV.



°yujā havīṃṣi or °yug-ghav° N. of 12 oblations , one of which is offered each month S3Br. )
pra-yúj [L=136293.4]
joining , connected with (lit. or fig. , as a cause , motive &c ) W.
(H1) A1.
(H2) f.
[L=136293.1]impulse , motive
(H2B) mfn.
pra-sava [p= 697,2] [L=137927]
pra-sava. » pra- √3. su and pra- √1. 2. su.
pra-savá 1 [p= 697,3] [L=138014]
(for 2. and 3. » [p= 698,1]) the pressing out (soma juice) RV. S3rS.
prá-sava 2 [p= 698,1] [L=138025]
(for 1. pra- √3. su) setting or being set in motion , impulse , course , rush , flight RV. AitBr.

RV. AV. Br. &c


next TBr. 1.
pra-savá 3 [L=138034]
(ifc. f(ā). ; for 1. 2. » above ) begetting , procreation , generation , conception , parturition , delivery , birth , origin VS. &c


ib. S3am2k.

Mn. MBh. &c (kisalaya-pr° , " a young shoot " Ragh. )

MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. (also n. R. )

(H1) 1. 2. 3.
(H2) m.
(H2) m.
[L=138026]stimulation , furtherance , aid
[L=138027]pursuit , acquisition
(H2) m.
[L=138035]augmentation , increase
[L=138037]offspring , posterity
[L=138038]a flower
pré* a [p= 712,3] [L=141087]
urging on , impelling , impulse ib. i , 68 , 5


(H3) m.
[L=141088]sending , dispatching
[L=141089]pain , affliction
bādhá 1 [p= 728,1] [L=144319]
a harasser , tormentor Hariv.

RV. &c

ā , f. ; cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 44) injury , detriment , hurt , damage MBh. Ka1v. &c

» prā*a-)

comp.) Pan5cat.

&c ) Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. &c

log. , one of the 5 forms of fallacious middle term) Kap. Bha1sha1p. &c
bā́dha 2 [L=144348]
(prob.) urging , impulse ( Naigh. ii , 9= bala Sa1y. = bādhaka , bādhana) RV. vi , 11 , 5 ; i , 61 , 2 ; 132 , 5 (?).
(H2) m.
[L=144320]annoyance , molestation , affliction , obstacle , distress , pain , trouble
[L=144322]danger , jeopardy (
[L=144323]exclusion from (
[L=144324]suspension , annulment (of a rule
[L=144325]a contradiction , objection , absurdity , the being excluded by superior proof (in
(H2) m.
múni [p= 823,1] [L=165590]
(accord. to Un2. iv , 122 impulse , eagerness (?) RV. vii , 56 , 8

RV. AV. Br.

esp. one who has taken the vow of silence) S3Br. &c &c (with hdayeu sthita , the internal monitor or conscience Mn. viii , 91)


of a son of kuru MBh.

dyuti-mat Ma1rkP.

vyāsa Kir.

bharata Sa1h.

agastya L.

buddha or arhat Lalit.

ini &c (cf. -traya)



Agati Grandiflora , Buchanania Latifolia , Butea Frondosa , Terminalia Catappa , the mango-tree and Artemisia Indica) L.

" the celestial munis " , N. of the seven stars of Ursa Major (and there fore a symbolical N. for the number " seven ") Var. Su1ryas. S3rutab.
múni [L=165607]
N. of a vara (called after a royal muni) VP.
(H1) m.
[L=165591](prob.) any one who is moved by inward impulse , an inspired or ecstatic person , enthusiast
[L=165592]a saint , sage , seer , ascetic , monk , devotee , hermit (
[L=165593]a Brahman of the highest (eighth) order ,
[L=165595]of a son of
[L=165599]of a
[L=165601]of other nien
[L=165602]of various authors
[L=165603]of various plants (
(H1B) n.
vṛṣa--jūti [p= 1012,2] [L=205002]
vṛ́ṣa-) mfn. having manly impulse or speed ib.
(H3) (
śuma 1 [p= 1085,1] [L=220022]
n. fire , flame L.

śúma 2 [L=220033]
(ā)n. hissing , roaring (as water) RV.


śúma 2 [L=220036]
hissing , roaring , rushing (of water , fire , the wind &c ) RV. AV.
śúma 2 [L=220037]
exhalation , fragrance , odour (of plants , esp. of the soma) RV. VS.
śúma 2 [L=220038]
strength , vigour , vital or sexual energy , impulse , courage , valour ib. AV. TBr.
śúma 2 [L=220039]
semen virile (?) AV. ix , 1 , 10 ; 20
śúma 2 [L=220040]
air , wind L.
śúma 2 [L=220041]
a bird L.
śúma 2 [L=220042]
w.r. for śuṣṇa Pa1n2. 3-1 , 85 Sch.
śúma 2 [L=220043]
strength (= bala) Naigh. ii , 9.
(H2) m.
[L=220023]the sun
(H2) mf
[L=220035]strong , bold
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
satyá--prasava [p= 1136,1] [L=229947]
satyá-) mfn. ( TS. VS. S3Br. ) one whose stimulating impulse or inspiration is true or continues true to itself.
(H3) (
satyá--prasa° vas [L=229948]
( VS. ) one whose stimulating impulse or inspiration is true or continues true to itself.
(H3) mfn.
sa-° deśyá [p= 1143,2] [L=231466]
to be directed or instructed Katha1s.


opp. to vi-deśya , " foreign ") AV.
(H3) mfn.
[L=231467]founded on direction or impulse , done on purpose
[L=231468]belonging to this place , domestic (as
savá 1 [p= 1190,1] [L=239424]
(fr. √3. su) pressing out the juice of the soma plant RV. S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r.


savá 1 [L=239427]
the juice or honey of flowers L.
savá 2 [p= 1190,2] [L=239461]
(fr. √1. ) one who sets in motion or impels , an instigator , stimulator , commander VS. S3Br.
savá 2 [L=239462]
the sun (cf. savit) L.
savá 2 [L=239463]
setting in motion , vivification , instigation , impulse , command , order (esp. applied to the activity of savit ; dat. savā́ya , " for setting in motion ") RV. AV. VS. TBr.
savá 2 [L=239464]
N. of partic. initiatory rites , inauguration , consecration Br.
savá 2 [L=239465]
a kind of sacrifice Kaus3.
savá 2 [L=239466]
any sacrifice MBh.
savá 2 [L=239467]
a year (?) BhP. (» bahu-s°).
sava 3 [L=239491]
(fr. √2. ) offspring , progeny L.
(H1) m.
[L=239425]pouring it out
[L=239426]the moon
(H1B) n.
(H1) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1) m.
svá--bhāva [p= 1276,1] [L=258038]
(ifc. f(ā).) native place Vishn2.

°vāt or °vena or °va-tas or ibc.) , (from natural disposition , by nature , naturally , by one's self , spontaneously) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
(H3) m.
[L=258039]own condition or state of being , natural state or constitution , innate or inherent disposition , nature , impulse , spontaneity
hetú [p= 1297,3] [L=262728]
» [p= 1303,3].
hetú [p= 1303,3] [L=264003]
" impulse " , motive , cause , cause of , reason for (loc. , rarely dat. or gen. ; hetunā,heto,hetave,hetau , " for a cause or reason " , " by reason of " , " on account of " [with gen. or comp. e.g. mama heto or mad-dheto , " on account of me "] ; ka hetum or ko heu , " wherefore? " " why? " Pa1n2. 2-2 , 23 Pat. ; yato heto , " because " ; anena hetunā or iti heto , " for this reason " ; mtyu-hetave , " in order to kill " ; hetur alaukika , " a supernatural cause " ; ifc. hetu also = " having as a cause or motive " , " caused or effected or actuated or attracted or impelled by " e.g. karma-hetu , " caused by the acts [of a former existence] " Mn. i , 49 ; sa-hetu , " attracted by [the smell of] flesh " MBh. x , 496 ; karma-phala-hetu , " impelled by [the expectation of] the consequences of any act " BhP. ii , 47 ; 49) RV. &c

esp. applied to the second member or avayava of the five-membered syllogism » nyāya) Nya1yad. IW. 61

» hetuvidyā)

Pa1n2. 1-4 , 55 &c

opp. to pratyaya q.v.) Sarvad.

paśu-patis) that which causes the bondage of the soul i.e. the external world and the senses ib.

hetubhi ifc. " by means of ") MBh.

hetubhi ifc. " according to ") ib. Sus3r. Ya1jn5.

Ra1jat. v , 71


rhet.) = kāvya-liga (q.v.) Bhar. Kpr. Sa1h.
(H3) &c
(H2) m.
[L=264004]a logical reason or deduction or argument , the reason for an inference (
[L=264005]logic (in general
[L=264006](in gram.) the agent of the causal verb
[L=264007](with Buddhists) primary cause (as
[L=264009]a means (
[L=264010]mode , manner (
[L=264011]price , cost
héman [p= 1299,2] [L=263142]
» 2. héman p.1304 , col , 1.
hemán 1 [p= 1304,1] [L=264069]
impulse RV. ix , 97 , 1 ( Sa1y. " gold ")

Naigh. i , 12.
héman 2 [L=264077]
» himá and next) , winter (only used in loc. , " in the winter ") TS. Ka1t2h. S3Br.
heman 3 [p= 1304,2] [L=264121]
(of doubtful derivation) gold Naigh. i , 2 Mn. MBh. &c


pl.) golden ornaments Kuval.

Roxburghii Car.

heman 4 [p= 1305,1] [L=264348]
the planet Mercury L.
(H2) &c
(H2) n.
(H1) (
(H1) n.
[L=264122]a gold piece
[L=264125]the thorn-apple
(H1) m.