Apara-Exoteric, inferior, lower (opposed to para)

vrajet prāṇo viśej jīva icchayā kuṭilākṛtiḥ |
dīrghātmā sā mahādevī parakṣetram par
āparā || 154 ||

a-para 1 [p= 50,2] [L=9405]
having nothing beyond or after , having no rival or superior.
ápara 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9410]
(ā)n. (fr. ápa) , posterior , later , latter (opposed to pū́rva ; often in comp.)
50,3] [L=9411]
50,3] [L=9412]
50,3] [L=9413]
50,3] [L=9414]
50,3] [L=9415]
50,3] [L=9416]
50,3] [L=9417]
apara is used as a conjunction to connect words or sentences e.g. apara-ca , moreover
ápara 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9418]
the hind foot of an elephant S3is3.
áparā 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9419]
the west L.
áparā 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9420]
the hind quarter of an elephant L.
áparā 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9421]
the womb L.
áparī 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9422]
(used in the pl.) the future RV. S3Br.
ápará 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9422.1]
ám) ([ RV. vi , 33 , 5]) n. the future RV. S3Br.
ápa° ram 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9423]
(áparam [ AV. ] or aparám [ RV. ]) in future , for the future
aparam 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9424]
again , moreover Pa1rGr2. Pan5cat.
aparam 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9425]
in the west of (abl.) Ka1tyS3r.
áparea 2 [p= 50,3] [L=9426]
(with acc.) behind , west , to the west of Ka1tyS3r. ([cf. Goth. and Old Germ. afar , and the Mod. Germ. aber , in such words as Aber-mal , Aber-witz]).
apara [p= 1314,1] [L=309560]
e), m. pl. others (= anye, used to indicate a various reading), hāla, Sch.
aparā [p= 1314,1] [L=309560.1]
(with vidyā) the exoteric vedānta doctrine (as opp. to parā v°, `the esoteric`), IndSt.
(H1) mfn.
(H1) mf
[p= following
[p= western
[p= inferior , lower (opposed to
[p= other , another (opposed to
[p= different (with
[p= being in the west of
[p= distant , opposite. Sometimes
(H1B) m.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) f.
(H1B) (
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H1C) ind.
(H2) also (
(H2B) f.

A trident of wisdom - Page 147
- 1989 - 404 pages - Google eBook - Preview
In the apara-daSd of Mdlini, the phonemes are concerned with the tattvas and their modification. ... That is why this state is known as apara or non-supreme. Their corresponding modification is shown in the parapara state in Matrka. ...
Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.)

The integral advaitism of Sri Aurobindo - Page 177
The world is a creation of ignorance, of lower nature or what the GM calls Apara Prakrti. ... (G) Gita's Classification of Force into Para and Apara Prakrti The main purpose of the Gita's classification of the two Natures, the Spiritual ...
Rāmacandra Miśra - 1998 - 437 pages -

A conceptual-analytic study of classical Indian philosophy of morals - Page 47
, Centre for Studies in Civilizations (Delhi, India), Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy, and Culture. Sub Project: Consciousness, Science, Society, Value, and Yoga - 2008 - 452 pages - Preview
He also mentions the inquiries which are of the lower kind, apara, so that Saunaka may not call an aparavidyd a paravidya. He does not begin forthwith by proceeding to tell him in a cut and dried manner what that thing is whose ...
Rajendra Prasad

The philosophy of Sankar's Advaita Vedanta - Page 332
- 2000 - 396 pages - Full view
In view of this, the srutis speak of two forms of Brahman, the para (final and ultimate) and the apara (proximate and outer) as also of two forms of vidya ( truth-vision)"0. It is, indeed, remarkable that vidya or true knowledge which is ...
Shyama Kumar Chattopadhyaya

The call of the Upanishads - Page 129
- 1970 - 320 pages - Preview
Upanishad speaks of the guru well versed in both the Apara and the Para Vidya — the Lower and the Higher ... The Apara Vidya is the realm of the mind. The mind has not to be neglected. The mind has to be both alert and negative. ...
Rohit Mehta


a-prakāśa [p= 57,2] [L=10484]
(ā)n. not shining , dark


a-prakāśa [L=10488]
indistinctness , darkness Ragh. i , 68.


[L=10485]not visible , hidden , secret
[L=10486]not manifest or evident
(H1B) m.