Sanskrit Word of the Day: Tantri


  • the wire or string of a lute
  • the strings of the heart
  • any tubular vessel of the body, sinew, vein
  • the plant
  • a girl with peculiar qualities
  • N. of a river

I love that – the strings of the heart.

tántrī p= 436 (link to the Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary)

tantrī तन्त्री

tantryādivādyaśabdeṣu dīrgheṣu kramasaṃsthiteḥ |
ananyacetāḥ pratyante paravyomavapur bhavet ||

Some people find it easier to read if we put in word-boundaries and remove the diacriticals:

tantri adi vadya shabdesu dirghesu krama samsthiteh
ananya chetah pratyante para vyoma vapuh bhavet

Creating an approximate glossary, we see: tantri - musical stringed instruments; adi – begin, also, etcetera; vadya - aloud, to be played or spoken aloud, also, music instrument or instrumental music; shabdeshu - sounds of the instruments; dirghesu - prolonged (continuous), krama – gradually; samsthiteh - is established; ananya - single focus, without deviation; chetah – awareness; pratyante - in the end; para vyoma - the transcendental sky; vapuh - the body, the incarnation; bhavet - becomes.

The text is clearly inviting us to begin by listening to external music, and then follow the impulses to the inner. In Sutra 18 of The Radiance Sutras, “Tend to each note, each chord, rising up from silence and dissolving again. Vibrating strings draw us into the spacious resonance of the heart.”

tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82498]
(īs ; ī). (īs cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159 Ka1s3. ; ī L. ) = °ntī Gobh. iii , 6 , 7 and BhP. iii , 15 , 8 (v.l. for °ntī ; » also vatsatantrī)
tántrī [L=82499]
(īs ; ī). the wire or string of a lute S3a1n3khS3r. xvii La1t2y. iv , 1 , 2 Kaus3. &c (°tri R. vi , 28 , 26)
tántrī [L=82500]
(īs ; ī). (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.)
tántrī [L=82501]
(īs ; ī). any tubular vessel of the body , sinew , vein Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159
tántrī [L=82502]
(īs ; ī). the plant °trikā L.
tántrī [L=82503]
(īs ; ī). a girl with peculiar qualities L.
tántrī [L=82504]
(īs ; ī). N. of a river L.
tántrī [L=82505]
(īs ; ī). cf. ku-tantrī.
tantrī [L=82559]
of °tra q.v.

(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2) f.

tántra [p= 436,1] [L=82477]
( Pa1n2. 7-2 , 9 Ka1s3. ) a loom , v , 2 , 70
436,1] [L=82478]
RV. x , 71 , 9 AV. x , 7 , 42 TBr. ii Ta1n2d2yaBr. x , 5 S3Br. xiv Kaus3. MBh. i , 806 and 809
436,1] [L=82479]
S3Br. xii Ta1n2d2yaBr. xxiii , 19 , 1 La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. &c (e.g. kulasya t° , " the principal action in keeping up a family i.e. propagation " MBh. xiii , 48 , 6 ; ifc. " depending on " cf. ātma- , sva- , para- , &c )
436,1] [L=82480]
esp. the 1st section of a treatise on astron. VarBr2S. i , 9 ; parāśara's work on astron. , ii , 3 ; vii , 8) MBh. &c (cf. aṣṭi- &c )
436,2] [p= 436,1] [L=82481]
śiva and durgā and said to treat of 5 subjects , 1. the creation , 2. the destruction of the world , 3. the worship of the gods , 4. the attainment of all objects , esp. of 6 superhuman faculties , 5. the 4 modes of union with the supreme spirit by meditation ; cf. RTL. pp. 63 , 85 , 184 , 189 , 205ff.) VarBr2S. xvi , 19 Pan5cat. Das3. Katha1s. xxiii , 63 Sarvad.
436,2] [L=82482]
HYog. i , 5 Vcar.
436,2] [L=82483]
436,2] [L=82484]
of a sāman (also called " that of virūpa ") A1rshBr.
436,2] [L=82485]
cf. °trin) BhP. x , 54 , 15
436,2] [L=82486]
a row , number , series , troop Ba1lar. ii f. , vi
436,2] [L=82487]
rājya-t° , government Das3. xiii S3is3. ii , 88
436,2] [L=82488]
para t° , " the highest authority ") Subh.
436,2] [L=82489]
Hariv. ii , 1 , 31
436,2] [L=82490]
esp. one of specific faculties) , chief remedy cf. °trā*vāpa
436,2] [L=82491]
paricchada L.
436,2] [L=82492]
anta L.
436,2] [L=82493]
436,2] [L=82494]
436,2] [L=82495]
tántrea [p= 436,2] [L=82496]
instr. so as to be typical or hold good Ka1tyS3r. xvi , xx
tántrā [p= 436,2] [L=82497]
for °ndrā Sus3r.
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82498]
(īs ; ī). (īs cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159 Ka1s3. ; ī L. ) = °ntī Gobh. iii , 6 , 7 and BhP. iii , 15 , 8 (v.l. for °ntī ; » also vatsatantrī)
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82499]
(īs ; ī). the wire or string of a lute S3a1n3khS3r. xvii La1t2y. iv , 1 , 2 Kaus3. &c (°tri R. vi , 28 , 26)
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82500]
(īs ; ī). (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.)
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82501]
(īs ; ī). any tubular vessel of the body , sinew , vein Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82502]
(īs ; ī). the plant °trikā L.
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82503]
(īs ; ī). a girl with peculiar qualities L.
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82504]
(īs ; ī). N. of a river L.
tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82505]
(īs ; ī). cf. ku-tantrī.
tantrī [p= 436,2] [L=82559]
of °tra q.v.
(H2) n.
[p= the warp
[p= the leading or principal or essential part , main point , characteristic feature , model , type , system , framework
[p= doctrine , rule , theory , scientific work , chapter of such a work (
[p= a class of works teaching magical and mystical formularies (mostly in the form of dialogues between
[p= a spell
[p= oath or ordeal
[p= N.
[p= an army (
[p= ifc.
[p= =
[p= (
[p= a means which leads to two or more results , contrivance
[p= a drug (
[p= =
[p= =
[p= wealth
[p= a house
[p= happiness
(H2C) ind.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2B) f
(H2) f.

tantraka [p= 436,2] [L=82534]
recently from the loom , new and unbleached Pa1n2. 5-2 , 70
436,2] [L=82535]
for °tra , doctrine » pañca-
tantrikā [p= 436,2] [L=82536]
Cocculus cordifolius Bhpr. v , 3 , 7
tantrikā [p= 436,2] [L=82537]
noise in the ears S3a1rn3gS. vii , 142
tantrikā [p= 436,2] [L=82538]
cf. apa-.
(H2) mfn.
[p= ifc.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.

Sanskrit words for “stringed”

1 koṇa (stringed) 2 kvaṇita (stringed) 3 godhāvīṇākā (stringed) 4 ghanā (stringed) 5 citrā (stringed) 6 jyeṣṭhā (stringed) 7 ṭhaṃsarī (stringed) 8 tata (stringed) 9 tantuvādya (stringed) 10 tāntra (stringed) 11 trisarī (stringed) 12 nakuloṣṭhī (stringed) 13 pinākī (stringed) 14 piśīlavīṇā (stringed) 15 puṣkala (stringed) 16 bahirgīta (stringed) 17 brahmavīṇā (stringed) 18 madhusyandin (stringed) 19 mahat (stringed) 20 rāvaṇahasra (stringed) 21 rudra (stringed) 22 vaṭin (stringed) 23 vāraṇahasta (stringed) 24 vitata (stringed) 25 śatatanti (stringed) 26 śārikā (stringed) 27 śvetatantrī (stringed) 28 saptatanti (stringed) 29 saptatantra (stringed) 30 sārikā (stringed) 31 sauradhrī (stringed) 32 svaramaṇḍala (stringed) 33 svaramaṇḍalikā (stringed) 34 hastikā (stringed)

koa [p= 313,1] [L=56532]
a corner , angle Pan5cat. Das3. Ra1matUp. Katha1s.



&c R. ii , 71 , 26 & 81 , 2 Ka1d.




Κρόνος) A1ryabh. VarBr2.

koa [p= 1325,2] [L=328890]
(H1) m.
[L=56533]an intermediate point of the compass
[L=56534](hence) the number , " four "
[L=56535]the quill of a lute , fiddle-stick , drum-stick ,
[L=56536]a sort of musical instrument , stringed musical instrument
[L=56537]the sharp edge of a sword
[L=56538]a staff , club
[L=56539]the planet Saturn (fr.
[L=56540]the planet Mars
(H2) (in
kvaita [p= 324,3] [L=58697]
sounded , twanged (as a stringed instrument) W.

kvaita [L=58699]
sound , twang Ragh. and Gi1t. (ifc.) Bhat2t2.
(H3) mfn.
[L=58698]humming (as a bee)
(H3B) n.
godhā́--vīākā [p= 368,1] [L=67842]
a kind of stringed instrument Ka1tyS3r. xiii , 3 , 17.
(H3) f.
ghanā́ [p= 376,1] [L=69456]
N. of a stringed instrument
(H1B) f.
citrā́ [p= 396,1] [L=73656]
Spica virginis , the 12th (in later reckoning the 14th) lunar mansion AV. xix , 7 , 3 TS. ii , iv , vii TBr. i S3Br. ii , &c
citrā́ [L=73657]
a kind of snake L.
citrā́ [L=73658]
N. of a plant (Salvinia cucullata L. ; Cucumis maderaspatanus L. ; a kind of cucumber L. ; Ricinus communis L. ; Croton polyandrum or Tiglium L. ; the Myrobalan tree L. ; Rubia Munjista L. ; the grass gaṇḍadūrvā L. ) Car. vii , 12 (= dravanti) Sus3r.
citrā́ [L=73659]
a metre of 4 x 16 syllabic instants
citrā́ [L=73660]
another of 4 x 15 syllables
citrā́ [L=73661]
another of 4 x 16 syllables
citrā́ [L=73662]
a kind of stringed instrument
citrā́ [L=73663]
a kind of mūrchanā (in music)
citrā́ [L=73664]
illusion , unreality L.
citrā́ [L=73665]
" born under the asterism citrā ( Pa1n2. 4-3 , 34 Va1rtt. 1) " , N. of arjuna's wife (sister of kṛṣṇa = subhadrā L. ) Hariv. 1952
citrā́ [L=73666]
N. of a daughter of gada (or kṛṣṇa v.l.) , 9194
citrā́ [L=73667]
N. of an apsaras L.
citrā́ [L=73668]
N. of a river DivyA7v. xxx
citrā́ [L=73669]
N. of a rock BhP. xii , 8 , 17
citrā́ [L=73670]
the asterism citrā VarBr2S. xi , 57
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f. pl.
jyéṣṭhā́ [p= 426,3] [L=80563]
(g. ajā*di) the 16th (or accord. to modern reckoning 18th) lunar mansion (sacred to indra) AV. xix , 7 , 3 (parox.) TBr. iii , 1 , 2 Pa1rGr2. MBh. &c (also pl.)
jyéṣṭ [L=80564]
the eldest wife Mn. ix , 122 & 124
jyéṣṭ [L=80565]
a preferred wife L.
jyéṣṭ [L=80566]
the 8th year in the Jupiter cycle of 12 years VarBr2S. viii , 10
jyéṣṭ [L=80567]
the middle finger L.
jyéṣṭ [L=80568]
a kind of stringed instrument
jyéṣṭ [L=80569]
misfortune (personified as the elder sister of lak , PadmaP. v ; cf. °ṣṭha-lakmī́) BhP. i , 17 , 32
jyéṣṭ [L=80570]
N. of a śakti Hcat. i , 8 , 404
jyéṣṭ [L=80571]
ga L.
jyeṣṭhā́ [p= 427,1] [L=80624]
of °ṣṭha q.v.
(H2) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
hasarī [p= 430,1] [L=81313]
N. of a stringed instrument.
(H1) f.
tatá 2 [p= 432,2] [L=81781]
(cf. tāta) chiefly Ved. a father (familiar expression corresponding to nanā́ , mother) RV. viii , 91 , 5 f. ; ix , 112 , 3 AV. TS. iii TBr. &c (voc. [like tāta] also term of affection addressed to a son AitBr. v , 14 , 3 ; vii , 14 , 8) .
tatá 2 [p= 435,1] [L=82230]
vi , 4 , 37 extended , stretched , spread , diffused , expanded RV. &c


instr. or in comp.) Laghuj. ii , 16 Kir. v , 11 S3is3. ix , 23


MBh. i , 49 , 25 ; iv , 5 , 1


i , 2455

RV. &c
tatá 2 [L=82238]
wind L.
tatá 2 [L=82239]
any stringed instrument L.
tatá 2 [L=82240]
a metre of 4 x 1 2 syllables.
(H1) m.
(H2) mfn.
[L=82231]spreading over , extending to
[L=82232]covered over by (
[L=82234]bent (a bow)
[L=82235]spreading , wide
[L=82236]composed (a tale) ,
[L=82237]performed (a ceremony)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
tántu--vādya [p= 436,1] [L=82454]
a stringed instrument W.
(H3) n.
tāntra [p= 442,2] [L=83872]
(ī)n. having wires (tántra) , stringed (a musical instrument) W.

A1pS3r. xiv , 12 , 5 f.

tantras W.
tāntra [L=83875]
the music of a stringed instrument R. i , 3.
(H2) mf
[L=83873]regulated by a general rule
[L=83874]relating to the
(H2B) n.
trí--sarī [p= 461,2] [L=88467]
N. of a stringed instrument.
(H3B) f.
nakuloṣṭ [p= 524,1] [L=102757]
(in music) a partic. stringed instrument.
(H3) f.
pínākī [p= 627,2] [L=124281]
(in music) a kind of stringed instrument
(H1B) f.
piśīla--vīā [p= 628,3] [L=124540]
a kind of stringed instrument La1t2y.
(H3) f.
pukalá [p= 639,1] [L=126894]
(ā)n. (cf. puka) much , many , numerous , copious , abundant MBh. Ka1v. &c

AV. &c

MBh. Hariv. Pur.

pukalá [L=126898]
(v.l. °kara) a kind of drum MBh.
pukalá [L=126899]
(in music) a Partic. stringed instrument
pukalá [L=126900]
N. of śiva S3ivag.
pukalá [L=126901]
of a son of varua L.
pukalá [L=126902]
of an asura Hariv.
pukalá [L=126903]
of a ṛṣi Cat.
pukalá [L=126904]
of a son of bharata R.
pukalá [L=126905]
of a buddha Lalit.
pukalá [L=126906]
of a tīrtha (rather n.) L.
pukalá [L=126907]
pl. N. of , people Ma1rkP.
pukalá [L=126908]
of the military caste in kuśadvīpa VP.
pukalá [L=126910]
(ifc. f(ā).) the bowl of a spoon Gr2ihya1s. (v.l. °kara)
pukalá [L=126911]
a partic. measure of capacity (= 8 kuñcis = 64 handfuls) A1pS3r. Sch.
pukalá [L=126912]
a partic. weight of gold Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
pukalá [L=126913]
alms to the extent of 4 mouthfuls of food W.
pukalá [L=126914]
(rather m.) N. of mount meru L.
(H2) mf
[L=126895]rich , magnificent , full , complete , strong , powerful , excellent , best
[L=126896]loud , resonant , resounding
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
bahir--gīta [p= 726,3] [L=144121]
a song accompanied by a stringed instrument L.
(H3) n.
brahma--vīā [p= 740,1] [L=147029]
a partic. stringed instrument Sam2gi1t.
(H3) f.
mádhu--syandin [p= 780,3] [L=156138]
a partic. stringed instrument , Sam2gi1t.
(H3) m.
mahát [p= 794,2] [L=159193]
(orig. pr. p. of √1. mah ; strong form , mahānt f. mahatī́ ; in ep. often mahat for mahāntam ; ibc. mostly mahā q.v.) great (in space , time , quantity or degree) i.e. large , big , huge , ample , extensive , long , abundant , numerous , considerable , important , high , eminent RV. &c &c (also ind. in mahad-bhū , to become great or full [said of the moon] S3is3. )

instr.) ChUp.

ifc.) distinguished by S3ak.






jana sg.) MBh. (with uktha n. a partic. uktha of 720 verses ; with aukthya n. N. of a sāman MBh. ; mahānti bhūtāni , the gross elements Mn. MBh. ; cf. mahābhūta)
mahát [L=159202]
a great or noble man (opp. to nīca , alpa or dīna) Ka1v. Ka1m. Pan5cat.
mahát [L=159203]
the leader of a sect or superior of a monastery RTL. 87 n. 1
mahát [L=159204]
a camel L.
mahát [L=159205]
N. of rudra or of a partic. rudra BhP.
mahát [L=159206]
of a dānava Hariv.
mahát [L=159207]
(scil. gaa) , a partic. class of deceased progenitors Ma1rkP.
mahát [L=159208]
of two princes VP.
mahát [L=159209]
(rarely n. scil. tattva) , " the great principle " , N. of buddhi , " Intellect " , or the intellectual principle (according to the khya philosophy the second of the 23 principles produced from prakti and so called as the great source of ahakāra , " self-consciousness " , and manas , " the mind " ; cf. IW. 83 , 91 &c ) MaitrUp. Mn. Sa1m2khyak. MBh. &c
mahát [L=159211]
the (7 or 100-stringed) lute of nārada S3is3.
mahát [L=159212]
(with dvādaśī) , the 12th day in the light half of the month bhādrapada Pur. Sus3r.
mahát [L=159213]
anything great or important ChUp.
mahát [L=159214]
greatness , power , might S3Br. A1s3vGr2.
mahát [L=159215]
dominion L.
mahát [L=159216]
a great thing , important matter , the greater part A1s3vGr2.
mahát [L=159217]
advanced state or time (mahatí rātriyai or rātryai , in the middle of the night TS. Br. )
mahát [L=159218]
sacred knowledge MBh.
mahát [p= 803,3] [L=161627]
&c » p.794 , cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) mfn.
[L=159194]abounding on rich in (
[L=159196]early (morning)
[L=159197]advanced (afternoon)
[L=159198]violent (pain or emotion)
[L=159199]thick (as darkness) , gross
[L=159200]loud (as noise)
[L=159201]many (people , with
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H1) mahán
rāvaa--hasra [p= 879,1] [L=177736]
or n. a partic. stringed instrument L. Sch.
(H3) m.
rudrá [p= 883,1] [L=178517]
(prob.) crying , howling , roaring , dreadful , terrific , terrible , horrible (applied to the aśvins , agni , indra , mitra , varua , and the spáśa) RV. AV. (accord. to others " red , shining , glittering " , fr. a √ rud or rudh connected with rudhira ; others " strong , having or bestowing strength or power " , fr. a √ rud = vd , vdh ; native authorities give also the following meanings , " driving away evil " ; " running about and roaring " , fr. ru dra = dru2 ; " praiseworthy , to be praised " ; " a praiser , worshipper " = stot Naigh. iii , 16)
rudrá [p= 883,2] [p= 883,1] [L=178518]
" Roarer or Howler " , N. of the god of tempests and father and ruler of the rudras and maruts (in the veda he is closely connected with indra and still more with agni , the god of fire , which , as a destroying agent , rages and crackles like the roaring storm , and also with kāla or Time the all-consumer , with whom he is afterwards identified ; though generally represented as a destroying deity , whose terrible shafts bring death or disease on men and cattle , he has also the epithet śiva , " benevolent " or " auspicious " , and is even supposed to possess healing powers from his chasing away vapours and purifying the atmosphere ; in the later mythology the word śiva , which does not occur as a name in the veda , was employed , first as an euphemistic epithet and then as a real name for rudra , who lost his special connection with storms and developed into a form of the disintegrating and reintegrating principle ; while a new class of beings , described as eleven [or thirty-three] in number , though still called rudras , took the place of the original rudras or maruts: in VP. i , 7, rudra is said to have sprung from brahmā's forehead , and to have afterwards separated himself into a figure half male and half female , the former portion separating again into the 11 rudras , hence these later rudras are sometimes regarded as inferior manifestations of śiva , and most of their names , which are variously given in the different purāas , are also names of śiva ; those of the Va1yuP. are ajaikapād , ahir-budhnya , hara , nirta , īśvara , bhuvana , agāraka , ardha-ketu , mtyu , sarpa , kapālin ; accord. to others the rudras are represented as children of kaśyapa and surabhi or of brahmā and surabhi or of bhūta and su-rūpā ; accord. to VP. i , 8, rudra is one of the 8 forms of śiva ; elsewhere he is reckoned among the dik-pālas as regent of the north-east quarter) RV. &c (cf. RTL. 75 &c )
rudrá [p= 883,2] [L=178519]
N. of the number " eleven " (from the 11 rudras) VarBr2S.
rudrá [L=178520]
the eleventh Cat.
rudrá [L=178521]
(in astrol.) N. of the first muhūrta
rudrá [L=178522]
(in music) of a kind of stringed instrument (cf. rudrī and rudra-vīā)
rudrá [L=178523]
of the letter e Up.
rudrá [L=178524]
of various men Katha1s. Ra1jat.
rudrá [L=178525]
of various teachers and authors (also with ācārya , kavi , bhaṭṭa , śarman , sūri &c ) Cat.
rudrá [L=178526]
of a king Buddh.
rudrá [L=178527]
du. (incorrect acc. to Va1m. v , 2 , 1) rudra and rudrāī (cf. also bhavā-r° and somā-rudra)
rudrá [L=178528]
pl. the rudras or sons of rudra (sometimes identified with or distinguished from the maruts who are 11 or 33 in number) RV. &c
rudrá [L=178529]
an abbreviated N. for the texts or hymns addressed to rudra Gr2S3rS. Gaut. Vas. (cf. rudra-japa)
rudrá [L=178530]
of a people (v.l. puṇḍra) VP.
rudra [p= 884,1] [L=178750]
» [p= 883,1].
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H1) &c
vain [p= 914,3] [L=185231]
stringed , having a string L.

vain [L=185233]
= vaika BhavP.
(H2) mfn.
[L=185232]circular , globular
(H2B) m.
vāraá--hasta [p= 944,1] [L=191663]
a partic. stringed instrument Sam2gi1t.
(H3) m.
ví-tata [p= 962,2] [L=195460]
» below.
ví-tata [L=195476]
spread out , extended &c





am ind.) VS. &c
ví-tata [L=195482]
any stringed instrument (such as a lute &c ) L.
(H1) &c
(H2) mfn.
[L=195477]diffused , drawn (as a bow-string)
[L=195478]bent (as a bow)
[L=195479]covered , filled
[L=195480]prepared (as a road)
[L=195481]extensive , far-spreading , broad , wide (
(H2B) n.
śatá--tanti [p= 1049,1] [L=211900]
hundred-stringed Ka1tyS3r. , Sch. S3Br. Sch.
(H3) mfn.
śārikā [p= 1066,1] [L=215690]
» next.
śārikā [L=215691]
a kind of bird (commonly called Maina , either the Gracula Religiosa or the Turdus Salica , also written sārikā , q.v.)

Un2. iv , 127 Sch.

ā or any stringed instrument L.

durgā Katha1s. Ra1jat.

of a woman (= śāri) Buddh.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=215692]playing at chess or draughts
[L=215693]a bow or stick used for playing the
[L=215694]a form of
śvetá--tantrī [p= 1106,3] [L=224616]
a kind of stringed instrument Sam2gi1t.
(H3) f.
sapta--tanti [p= 1149,2] [L=232472]
7-stringed S3Br. Sch. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H3) mfn.
sapta--tantra [L=232474]
(ī)n. 7-stringed MBh. Mr2icch.
(H3) mf
sārikā [p= 1209,2] [L=243099]
» next.
sārikā [L=243100]
(= śārikā) Turdus Salica Mn. MBh. &c



vinā of the caṇḍālas L.

of a rākasī Cat.
(H2B) f.
(H2) f.
[L=243101]a confidante
[L=243102]the bridge of a stringed instrument ,
saura--dhrī [p= 1254,3] [L=253785]
a kind of stringed instrument L.
(H3) f.
svára--maṇḍala [p= 1285,2] [L=259923]
a kind of ā or stringed musical instrument L.
(H3) m.
svára--ma° alikā [L=259924]
a kind of ā or stringed musical instrument L.
(H3) f.
hastikā [p= 1295,2] [L=262286]
a kind of stringed instrument , Sam2gi1t.
(H2B) f.