Steps-Krama, Pada

kráma [L=57750]
a step

cf. kāla-k°) Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Ma1lati1m. Hit.

R. ii , 25 , 2

&c ) before making a spring or attacking Pan5cat. Bhat2t2. ii , 9

MBh. iii , 14316

e.g. vara-kramea , " in the order of the castes " Mn. viii , 24 and ix , 85) AV. viii , 9 , 10 RPra1t. xv , 5 Ka1tyS3r. R. &c

Ya1jn5. ii , 119

e.g. yena kramea , in which manner R. ii , 26 , 20 ; tad-anusaraa-kramea , so as to go on following him Hit. )

Car. vi , 13

Ma1rkP. xxiii , 112

krama √1. k , " to follow that rule ") Nya1yam.

gen. or ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 380 Hit.

pada- [ TPra1t. ii , 12] , in relation to conjunct consonants vara- [ib.]) Pra1t.


dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others " noticing of any one's affection ") Das3ar. i , 36 f. Sa1h. Prata1par.

rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Va1m. iv , 3 , 17


Mn. Ragh. &c
krama [p= 1325,3]
(H2) m.
[L=57751]going , proceeding , course (
[L=57752]the way
[L=57753]a position taken (by an animal
[L=57754]the foot
[L=57755]uninterrupted or regular progress , order , series , regular arrangement , succession (
[L=57756]hereditary descent
[L=57757]method , manner (
[L=57759]custom , rule sanctioned by tradition
[L=57761]occasion , cause (with
[L=57762]" progressing step by step " , a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member , either word or letter , to the 2nd , then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd , the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4th , and so on ; this manner of reading in relation to words is called
[L=57763]the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner
[L=57766]power , strength
[L=57768]according to order or rank or series

padá [L=115214]
(rarely m.) a step , pace , stride

RV. &c (padena , on foot ; pade pade , at every step , everywhere , on every occasion ; trīi padāni viṣṇo , the three steps or footprints of viṣṇu [i.e. the earth , the air , and the sky ; cf. RV. i , 154 , 5 Vikr. i , 19], also N. of a constellation or according to some " the space between the eyebrows " ; sg. viṣṇo padam N. of a locality ; pada-,padāt pada-gam or √cal , to make a step move on ; pada-k , with loc. to set foot in or on , to enter ; with mūrdhni , to set the foot upon the head of [gen.] i.e. overcome ; with citte or hdaye , to take possession of any one's heart or mind ; with loc. or prati , to have dealings with pada ni-dhā with loc. , to set foot in = to make impression upon ; with padavyām , to set the foot on a person's [gen. or ibc.] track , to emulate or equal ; padam ni-bandh with loc. , to enter or engage in)

MBh. Katha1s. Pur.

RV. &c (padam ā-tan , to spread or extend one's position ; padāt padam bhrāmayitvā , having caused to wander from place to place)

gen. or comp.) Ka1v. Pan5c. &c


cf. dvi- , tri-)



÷2 or 1÷3 or 3÷7 of a prakrama) Ka1tyS3r.

m. L. )

RV. &c
583,2] [L=115227]
taddhitas Pa1n2. 1-4 , 14 &c

pada-pāha Pra1t.

N. of the P. and A1. Cat.




L. [cf. Gk. πέδον ;Lat. peda ; op-pidum for op-pedum.]
pada [p= 1330,1] [L=335490]
(H2) n.
[L=115215]a footstep , trace , vestige , mark , the foot itself.
[L=115216]a sign , token , characteristic
[L=115217]a footing , standpoint
[L=115218]position , rank , station , site , abode , home
[L=115219]a business affair , matter , object or cause of (
[L=115220]a pretext
[L=115221]a part , portion , division (
[L=115222]a square on a chess-board
[L=115223]a plot of ground
[L=115224]the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers' breadth , or 1
[L=115225]a ray of light (
[L=115226]a portion of a verse , quarter or line of a stanza
[p= a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some
[L=115230]any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required
[L=115231]a period in an arithmetical progression
[L=115232]a square root
[L=115233]a quadrant
(H2) (in

vi-° nyasana [p= 972,3] [L=197397]
putting down (pada-vinyasaam-k , to put down the feet , step , stride) Vcar.
(H3) n.


Whitney Roots links: kram
(H1) kram [p= 319,3] [L=57749]
cl.1 P. A1. krā́mati ( Pa1n2. 7-3 , 76 ; ep. also kramati) , kramate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 43 , ep. also krāmate ; according to Pa1n2. 3-1 , 70 also cl.4 P. krāmyati [kramyati Vop. ] ; aor. akramīt RV. &c ; A1. krámiṣṭa , kraṃsate [ RV. i , 121 , 1] , 3. pl. cákramanta [ RV. ii , 19 , 2] ; perf. cakrāma , or cakrame ; p. cakramāṇá RV. x , 123 , 3 ; fut. kramiṣyati or kraṃsyate ind.p. krāntvā , krantvā , or kramitvā Pa1n2. 6-4 , 18 and vii , 2 , 36) , to step , walk , go , go towards , approach (with áccha , ádhi acc. or loc.) RV. AV. TS. &c ;

to approach in order to ask for assistance (with loc.) AV. iv , 11 , 12 and xix , 17 , 1 ;

to go across , go over MBh. R. &c ;

Ved. to climb (as on a tree's branch) Pa1n2. 7-1 , 40 Ka1s3. ;

to cover (in copulation) AV. iv , 4 , 7 ;

to stretch over , project over , tower above , (ind.p. krāntvā) Ragh. i , 14 ;

to take possession of Pan5cat. ;

A1. to undertake , strive after , make effort for (dat.) Pa1n2. 1-3 , 38 ; 3-1 , 14 Ka1s3. ;

(loc.) Bhat2t2. xv , 20 ;

A1. ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 38) to proceed well , advance , make progress , gain a footing , succeed , have effect MBh. R. Bhat2t2. ;

to be appliable or practicable Sarvad. ;

P. to be liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text called krama (i.e. to be doubled , as a letter or word) RPra1t. vi , 4 ;

A1. to read according to the krama arrangement of a Vedic text RPra1t. La1t2y. (a-krānta): Caus. P. kramayati , to cause to step S3Br. v ; xi ;

kramayati or krām° , to make liable to the peculiar arrangement called krama (i.e. to double a letter or word) RPra1t. &c : Intens. caṅkramyate ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 23 Ka1s3. ; p. caṅ-kramyámāṇa [ TS. vii , 1 , 19 , 3 MBh. ] or °kramam° MBh. i , 7919 and BhP. v , 6 , 7) or caṅkramīti ( MBh. xiv , 137 and 141 ; impf. 2. pl. caṅkramata RV. viii , 55 , 4 ; fut. p. caṅkramiṣyát TS. vii , 1 , 19 , 3 ; ind.p. °mitvā Vop. v , 3 ; cf. °mitá) , to step to and fro , walk or wander about.


(H2) kráma [L=57750] m. a step AV. x , 5 , 25 ff. TS. iii MBh. &c
[L=57751] going , proceeding , course (cf. kāla-k°) Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Ma1lati1m. Hit.
[L=57752] the way R. ii , 25 , 2
[L=57753] a position taken (by an animal &c ) before making a spring or attacking Pan5cat. Bhat2t2. ii , 9
[L=57754] the foot MBh. iii , 14316
[L=57755] uninterrupted or regular progress , order , series , regular arrangement , succession (e.g. varṇa-krameṇa , " in the order of the castes " Mn. viii , 24 and ix , 85) AV. viii , 9 , 10 RPra1t. xv , 5 Ka1tyS3r. R. &c
[L=57756] hereditary descent Ya1jn5. ii , 119
[L=57757] method , manner (e.g. yena krameṇa , in which manner R. ii , 26 , 20 ; tad-anusaraṇa-krameṇa , so as to go on following him Hit. )
[L=57758] diet Car. vi , 13
[L=57759] custom , rule sanctioned by tradition Ma1rkP. xxiii , 112
[L=57760] (kramaṃ √1. kṛ , " to follow that rule ") Nya1yam.
[L=57761] occasion , cause (with gen. or ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 380 Hit.
[L=57762] " progressing step by step " , a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member , either word or letter , to the 2nd , then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd , the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4th , and so on ; this manner of reading in relation to words is called pada- [ TPra1t. ii , 12] , in relation to conjunct consonants varṇa- [ib.]) Pra1t.
[L=57763] the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib.
[L=57764] (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others " noticing of any one's affection ") Das3ar. i , 36 f. Sa1h. Prata1par.
[L=57765] (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Va1m. iv , 3 , 17
[L=57766] power , strength L.
[L=57768] according to order or rank or series Mn. Ragh. &c
(H2) krama [p= 1325,3] [L=329110] (in comp.)

(H3) kráma--pāṭha [p= 320,1] [L=57787] m. the krama reading (i.e. a peculiar " step by step " arrangement of a Vedic text made to secure it from all possible error by , as it were , combining the saṃhitā-pāṭha and the padapāṭha i.e. by giving the words both as connected and unconnected with following and preceding words ; » also krama above ) VPra1t. iv , 180 Sch. Pa1n2. 8-4 , 28 , Kaiy.

(H2) krámaṇa [L=57844] m. a step Ka1tyS3r. iii , 8 , 11 Sch.
[L=57845] the foot L.
[L=57846] a horse L.
[L=57847] N. of a son of bhaja-māna Hariv. 2002
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57848] n. stepping , walking , going RV. vi , 70 , 3 Ya1jn5. i , 188 Mr2icch. BhP.
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57849] n. stepping or treading upon (in comp.) S3a1n3khGr2.
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57850] n. transgressing (ifc.) MBh. xii , 16254 R. v , 1 (at end)
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57851] n. a step RV. i , 155 , 5
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57852] n. approaching or undertaking anything (dat.) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 14
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57853] n. treatment of words or letters according to the krama arrangement (i.e. doubling letters or words &c ) RPra1t. xiv.

Reverse search of the Monier-Williams for “step.”

  • 1 atikram (step)
  • 2 adhiṣṭhā (step)
  • 3 adhyavarah (step)
  • 4 anupadam (step)
  • 5 anuvikram (step)
  • 6 anusaṃdhāna (step)
  • 7 apadeśa (step)
  • 8 apaduṣpad (step)
  • 9 abhikram (step)
  • 10 abhikrāmam (step)
  • 11 abhininartam (step)
  • 12 abhipratyavaruh (step)
  • 13 abhipravraj (step)
  • 14 abhiṣṭhā (step)
  • 15 abhīpada (step)
  • 16 abhyatikram (step)
  • 17 abhyavaruh (step)
  • 18 abhyāruh (step)
  • 19 abhyutkram (step)
  • 20 avakram (step)
  • 21 askhalitaprayāṇa (step)
  • 22 ākram (step)
  • 23 āśuvikrama (step)
  • 24 utkram (step)
  • 25 utsnā (step)
  • 26 upapragā (step)
  • 27 upavṛt (step)
  • 28 upasaṃvraj (step)
  • 29 upasaṃkram (step)
  • 30 upasṛ (step)
  • 31 upāgam (step)
  • 32 upe (step)
  • 33 ekapada (step)
  • 34 kaṣṭamātula (step)
  • 35 kuñjara (step)
  • 36 kram (step)
  • 37 krama (step)
  • 38 kramapāṭha (step)
  • 39 kramaṇa (step)
  • 40 krānta (step)
  • 41 krānti (step)
  • 42 candravaṃśa (step)
  • 43 cārī (step)
  • 44 tittiri (step)
  • 45 drutapada (step)
  • 46 drutavikrama (step)
  • 47 dvaimātura (step)
  • 48 dvyaṇuka (step)
  • 49 nanda (step)
  • 50 nirvikram (step)
  • 51 pad (step)
  • 52 pada (step)
  • 53 padanyāsa (step)
  • 54 padapāta (step)
  • 55 padavikṣepa (step)
  • 56 padaviṣṭambha (step)
  • 57 padaśas (step)
  • 58 padāntara (step)
  • 59 padaka (step)
  • 60 parikram (step)
  • 61 parvan (step)
  • 62 pādatas (step)
  • 63 pādanyāsa (step)
  • 64 pādamudrā (step)
  • 65 pādāntara (step)
  • 66 pādāntare (step)
  • 67 pūrvapakṣa (step)
  • 68 pūrvapakṣapāda (step)
  • 69 prakram (step)
  • 70 prakrama (step)
  • 71 pragāman (step)
  • 72 pratipaddarśinī (step)
  • 73 pratipadam (step)
  • 74 pratipadatva (step)
  • 75 pratidhā (step)
  • 76 pratyākalita (step)
  • 77 pratyākram (step)
  • 78 pratyutkrama (step)
  • 79 praskhaladgati (step)
  • 80 prasthānaviklavagati (step)
  • 81 bhaṅgi (step)
  • 82 bhaṅgī (step)
  • 83 bhūmi (step)
  • 84 bhūmikā (step)
  • 85 bhreṣ (step)
  • 86 madhumatī (step)
  • 87 muṇḍaphala (step)
  • 88 yajñapadī (step)
  • 89 laghukrama (step)
  • 90 laghukramam (step)
  • 91 laghugati (step)
  • 92 laghuvikrama (step)
  • 93 laṅgh (step)
  • 94 vatsa (step)
  • 95 vāruṇḍī (step)
  • 96 vikram (step)
  • 97 vikrama (step)
  • 98 vikramaṇa (step)
  • 99 vikrānta (step)
  • 100 vikrāma (step)
  • 101 vigāman (step)
  • 102 viniṣkram (step)
  • 103 vinyasana (step)
  • 104 viparikram (step)
  • 105 viyam (step)
  • 106 viṣṇukrama (step)
  • 107 vaimātra (step)
  • 108 vaimātraka (step)
  • 109 vaimātreya (step)
  • 110 vaimātreyī (step)
  • 111 vyatikram (step)
  • 112 samatikram (step)
  • 113 samākram (step)
  • 114 samuttṝ (step)
  • 115 stigh (step)


(H1) ati- √ kram [p= 13,2] [L=2919]
to step or go beyond or over or across , (Ved. Inf. ati-kráme , to be walked on RV. i , 105 , 16) ;

to pass , cross ;

to pass time ;

to surpass , excel , overcome ;

to pass by , neglect ;

to overstep , transgress , violate ;

to pass on or away ;

to step out ;

to part from , lose: Caus. -krāmayati , or -kramayati , to allow to pass (as time) ;

to leave unnoticed.


(H1) adhi-ṣṭhā [p= 22,2] [L=4440]
( √sthā) to stand upon , depend upon to inhabit abide to stand over ;

to superintend , govern ;

to step over or across ;

to overcome ; to ascend , mount ;

to attain , arrive at.

(H2) adhiṣṭhā [p= 1310,3] [L=304010] ( √sthā ; P. -tiṣṭhati), to bless (?), Divya7v.

(H1) adhy-ava- √ rah [p= 23,1] [L=4608] to step downwards upon TBr.

(H2C) anu-pad° am [p= 34,2] [L=6609.1] ind. step by step

(H1) anu-vi- √ kram [p= 38,3] [L=7268] A1. to step or walk after , follow AV. &c

(H2) anu-saṃdhāna [p= 40,3] [L=7562] n. investigation , inquiry , searching into , close inspection , setting in order , arranging , planning
[L=7563] aiming at
[L=7564] plan , scheme , congruous or suitable connection
[L=7565] (in the vaiśeṣika phil.) the fourth step in a syllogism (i.e. the application) .

(H2) apa-deśa [p= 49,2] [L=9243] m. assigning , pointing out Ka1tyS3r.
[L=9244] pretence , feint , pretext , disguise , contrivance
[L=9245] the second step in a syllogism (i.e. statement of the reason)
[L=9246] a butt or mark L.
[L=9247] place , quarter L.

(H1) ápa-duṣpad [L=9251] " not a failing step " , a firm or safe step RV. x , 99 , 3.

(H1) abhi- √ kram [p= 61,2] [L=11225]
(aor. -akramīt ind.p. -krámya) to step or go near to , approach RV. &c ;

to attack , overpower RV. vi , 49 , 15 & ix , 40 , 1 ;

to step upon ;

to undertake , begin RPra1t. ;

(with gamanāya) to get on one's way R. i , 77 , 18: Caus. -kramayati , to bring near TS.


(H2) abhi-krāmam [L=11239] ind. so as to step near Ka1tyS3r.
(H2) abhi-krā́mam [p= 1315,1] [L=311630] ( MaitrS. ).

(H1) abhi-ni-nartam [p= 64,1] [L=11627] ind. ( √ nṛt) , so as to accomplish step by step i.e. repeating separately , KaushBr. (cf. abhy-ā-gāram.)

(H1) abhi-praty-ava- √ ruh [p= 65,3] [L=11831] to step down upon (acc.) AitBr.

(H1) abhi-pra- √ vraj [p= 66,1] [L=11873] to step or advance towards ChUp. KaushUp.

(H1) abhi-ṣṭhā [p= 71,3] [L=12651]
( √sthā) , -tiṣṭhati (aor. -asthāt RV. , -aṣṭhāt Pa1n2. 8-3 , 63 ; perf. p. -taṣṭhivás RV. iv , 4 , 9) to tread or step upon (acc.) RV. AV. TS. S3Br. ;

to overpower , defeat RV. AV. VS. ;

to extend or rise over (acc.) RV. i , 149 , 4 and iii , 14 , 4 ;

to step or advance towards (acc.) PBr. ?? Kaus3. ;

to stay , live MBh. xil , 3316 ;

to stop ib. , 4475.


(H3) a-bhī--pada [p= 74,2] [L=12992] (v.l. -pāda) m. " whose foot or step is without fear " , N. of a ṛṣi VBr.
(H1) abhī-pada [p= 74,3] [L=13034] » 1. a-bhī.

(H1) abhy-ati- √ kram [p= 75,2] [L=13170]
(ind.p. -kramya ; Inf. -krāntuṃ) to step over , walk through R. ;

to overpower MBh. xiv , 1551 ;

to transgress , violate MBh. i , 199.


(H1) abhy-ava- √ ruh [p= 76,2] [L=13301]
to step down upon S3Br. ;

(perf. p. -rūḍhavat) R. v , 52 , 15.


(H1) abhy-ā- √ ruh [p= 77,3] [L=13451] -ā́-rohati , to ascend , mount , step upon AV. TS. S3Br. : Caus. (Subj. 1. sg. -roháyāṇi) to cause to ascend S3Br.

(H1) abhy-ut- √ kram [p= 78,1] [L=13509] to go upto , ascend Vait. : P. (fut. 1. pl. -kramiṣyāmas S3Br. ) and Caus. P. -kramayati ([ S3Br. ]) or -krāmayati ([ A1s3vGr2. ]) to cause to go or step towards (loc.)

(H1) ava- √ kram [p= 97,1] [L=17035]
(Opt. , -krāmet) to step down upon (acc.) TA1r. ;

(aor. 3. pl. -kramuḥ [cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 116] ; pr. p. krā́mat) to tread down , overcome RV. vi , 75 , 7 and vii , 32 , 27 VS. AV. S3Br. ;

to descend (into a womb) Buddh. Jain. : Caus. (p. -kramayat) to cause to go down Ka1tyS3r.


(H3) a-skhalita--prayāṇa [p= 122,1] [L=21229] mfn. not stumbling in progress , with unfaltering step Hit.

(H1) ā- √ kram [p= 128,1] [L=22318]
P. A1. (p. P. -krāmat MBh. i , 5018 ; p. A1. ā-krámamāṇa TS. ; aor. ā-akramīt RV. ; perf. p. A1. -cakramāṇá RV. vi , 62 , 2 ; ind.p. -krámya AV. &c ) to step or go near to , come towards , approach , visit RV. AV. &c ;

to step or tread upon (acc. [ RV. x , 166 , 5 S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. &c ] or loc. [ MBh. BhP. ]) ;

(ind.p. -kramya) to hold fast with the hands , seize MBh. i , 5936 R. ;

to attack , invade Mr2icch. (Inf. -kramitum) Ma1rkP. Hit. ;

(in astron.) to eclipse VarBr2S. ;

to undertake , begin (with Inf.) R. iii , 4 , 5 : A1. -kramate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 40 ; fut. p. -kraṃsyámāna) to rise , mount , ascend AV. ix , 5 , 1 and 8 S3Br. MBh. &c : Caus. -kramayati , to cause to come or step near TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. ;

to cause any one (instr.) to enter into (acc.) Kum. vi , 52 : Desid. -cikraṃsate , to wish to ascend Pa1n2. 1-3 , 62 Sch.


(H3) āśú--vikrama [p= 157,3] [L=27549] mfn. having a quick step R.

(H1) ut- √ kram [p= 176,3] [L=30917]
(ud- √kram) P. (and rarely A1.) -krāmati , -kramati (Ved. impf. 3. pl. -akraman AV. iv , 3 , 1) , -te (pf. 3. pl. -cakramus S3Br. ) to step up , go up , ascend AV. VS. TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. R. Katha1s. &c ;

to step out , go out or away ;

to pass away , die S3Br. Mn. Nir. Ka1d. &c ;

to go over , pass over , omit ;

not to notice ;

to neglect , transgress MBh. R. &c : Caus. P. -kramayati and -krāmayati , to cause to go up or ascend TS. S3Br. Kaus3. &c : Desid. -cikramiṣati , or -cikramiṣyati , to wish to go up or out S3Br. ChUp.


(H1) ut- √ snā [p= 183,1] [L=32039] (ud- √snā) P. -snāti and -snāyati , to step out from the water , emerge , come out S3Br. TBr.

(H1) upa-pra- √ gā [p= 202,2] [L=35146] P. (impf. or aor. -prā́*gāt) to step near to , approach RV. i , 162 , 7 ; 163 , 12 ; 13 AV. i , 28 , 1 ; vi , 37 , 1 VS. vi , 7.

(H1) upa- √ vṛt [p= 207,2] [L=35839]
A1. -vartate , to step or walk upon A1s3vS3r. ii , 4 , 8 , 3 ;

to move or come near , approach , fall to R. BhP. ;

to return: Caus. A1. -vartayate , to cause to move up ;

to stroke upwards TBr. ;

to cause to recover Katha1s.


(H1) upa-saṃ- √ vraj [p= 208,3] [L=36014] P. -vrajati , to step into , enter Mn. vi , 51.

(H1) upa-saṃ- √ kram [p= 209,1] [L=36062] P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate , to step or go to the other side (or other world &c ) S3Br. iv , xii TUp. Das3. &c : Caus. -kramayati , to cause to go to the other side S3Br. vi.

(H1) upa- √ sṛ [p= 210,1] [L=36223]
P. -sarati , to go towards , step near , approach , visit TBr. & Up. AitBr. MBh. Ragh. Vikr. &c ;

to approach (sexually) MBh. iii ;

to set about , undertake S3a1n3khBr. ChUp.


(H1) upā* - √ gam [p= 212,3] [L=36587]
P. -gacchati (Ved. Impv. 2. sg. -gahi) to come near , come towards , step near , approach RV. AV. vii , 48 , 2 ; xix , 4 , 3 MBh. Pan5cat. &c ;

to come back , return Katha1s. ;

to approach , come or enter into any state or condition , be subject to MBh. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c ;

to occur , come or fall to one's share Ya1jn5. ii , 143.


(H1) upe* 1 [p= 215,2] [L=36910]
(upa- √i) P. -eti , to go or come or step near , approach , betake one's self to , arrive at , meet with , turn towards RV. AV. TS. S3Br. MBh. S3ak. &c ;

to approach (any work) , undergo , set about , undertake , perform (a sacrifice) , devote one's self to RV. ii , 2 , 11 AV. ix , 6 , 4 VS. AitBr. S3Br. ;

to come near to , reach , obtain , enter into any state , fall into ;

undergo , suffer RV. iv , 33 , 2 S3Br. AitBr. Ragh. Pan5cat. &c ;

to approach sexually TS. ii , v Mn. ix , 4 ;

xi , 172 MBh. Sus3r. Katha1s. ;

to approach a teacher , become a pupil S3Br. x , xi Br2A1rUp. ChUp. ;

to occur , be present , make one's appearance RPra1t. R. ;

to happen , fall to one's share , befall , incur RV. i , 167 , 1 ; vii , 84 , 3 Hit. Bhag. &c ;

to join (in singing) S3a1n3khS3r. ;

to regard as , admit , acknowledge Sa1h. Comm. on Nya1yam. ;

to comprehend , understand Sarvad. : Intens. A1. (1. pl. -īmahe) to implore (a god) RV. x , 24 , 2.

(H1) upe* 2 [p= 215,3] [L=36953]
(upa-ā- √i) P. -eti , to approach , come near or towards RV. AV. S3Br. ;

to apply to , implore RV. viii , 20 , 22 ;

(with śaraṇam) to approach for protection ;

to approach sexually MBh. ;

to reach , obtain , strive to obtain Bhartr2.


(H3) éka--pada [p= 228,2] [L=39394] n. one and the same place or spot
[L=39395] the same panel AgP.
[L=39396] a single word VPra1t. S3is3.
[L=39397] a simple word , a simple nominal formation Nir.
[L=39398] one and the same word VPra1t. i , 111
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39400] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. taking one step A1s3vGr2. i , 7 , 19
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39401] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. having only one foot S3Br. BhP.
(H3B) éka--pada [p= 228,3] [L=39402] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. occupying only one panel Hcat.
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39403] mf(ā and ī [ A1s3vGr2. ])n. consisting of a single word , named with a single word MBh. VPra1t. APra1t. &c
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39404] m. a kind of coitus
(H3B) éka--pada [L=39407] m. pl. N. of a fabulous race VarBr2S.

(H3) kaṣṭa--mātula [p= 266,1] [L=46848] m. a brother of a step-mother L.

(H1) kuñjara [p= 288,1] [L=51484] m. (ifc. f(ā). MBh. R. ) an elephant Mn. iii , 274 MBh. &c
[L=51485] anything pre-eminent in its kind (generally in comp. e.g. rāja-k° , " an eminent king " MBh. Katha1s. ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 62 and g. vyāghrā*di)
[L=51486] the number " eight " (there being eight elephants of the cardinal points) Su1ryas.
[L=51487] a kind of temple VarBr2S.
[L=51488] a kind of step (in dancing to music)
[L=51489] the tree Ficus religiosa L.
[L=51490] N. of a nāga MBh. i , 1560
[L=51491] of a prince (of the sauvīraka race) MBh. iii , 15597
[L=51492] of a mountain Hariv. R.
[L=51493] of a locality

Whitney Roots links: kram
(H1) kram [p= 319,3] [L=57749]
cl.1 P. A1. krā́mati ( Pa1n2. 7-3 , 76 ; ep. also kramati) , kramate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 43 , ep. also krāmate ; according to Pa1n2. 3-1 , 70 also cl.4 P. krāmyati [kramyati Vop. ] ; aor. akramīt RV. &c ; A1. krámiṣṭa , kraṃsate [ RV. i , 121 , 1] , 3. pl. cákramanta [ RV. ii , 19 , 2] ; perf. cakrāma , or cakrame ; p. cakramāṇá RV. x , 123 , 3 ; fut. kramiṣyati or kraṃsyate ind.p. krāntvā , krantvā , or kramitvā Pa1n2. 6-4 , 18 and vii , 2 , 36) , to step , walk , go , go towards , approach (with áccha , ádhi acc. or loc.) RV. AV. TS. &c ;

to approach in order to ask for assistance (with loc.) AV. iv , 11 , 12 and xix , 17 , 1 ;

to go across , go over MBh. R. &c ;

Ved. to climb (as on a tree's branch) Pa1n2. 7-1 , 40 Ka1s3. ;

to cover (in copulation) AV. iv , 4 , 7 ;

to stretch over , project over , tower above , (ind.p. krāntvā) Ragh. i , 14 ;

to take possession of Pan5cat. ;

A1. to undertake , strive after , make effort for (dat.) Pa1n2. 1-3 , 38 ; 3-1 , 14 Ka1s3. ;

(loc.) Bhat2t2. xv , 20 ;

A1. ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 38) to proceed well , advance , make progress , gain a footing , succeed , have effect MBh. R. Bhat2t2. ;

to be appliable or practicable Sarvad. ;

P. to be liable to the peculiar arrangement of a Vedic text called krama (i.e. to be doubled , as a letter or word) RPra1t. vi , 4 ;

A1. to read according to the krama arrangement of a Vedic text RPra1t. La1t2y. (a-krānta): Caus. P. kramayati , to cause to step S3Br. v ; xi ;

kramayati or krām° , to make liable to the peculiar arrangement called krama (i.e. to double a letter or word) RPra1t. &c : Intens. caṅkramyate ( Pa1n2. 3-1 , 23 Ka1s3. ; p. caṅ-kramyámāṇa [ TS. vii , 1 , 19 , 3 MBh. ] or °kramam° MBh. i , 7919 and BhP. v , 6 , 7) or caṅkramīti ( MBh. xiv , 137 and 141 ; impf. 2. pl. caṅkramata RV. viii , 55 , 4 ; fut. p. caṅkramiṣyát TS. vii , 1 , 19 , 3 ; ind.p. °mitvā Vop. v , 3 ; cf. °mitá) , to step to and fro , walk or wander about.


(H2) kráma [L=57750] m. a step AV. x , 5 , 25 ff. TS. iii MBh. &c
[L=57751] going , proceeding , course (cf. kāla-k°) Mr2icch. Pan5cat. Ma1lati1m. Hit.
[L=57752] the way R. ii , 25 , 2
[L=57753] a position taken (by an animal &c ) before making a spring or attacking Pan5cat. Bhat2t2. ii , 9
[L=57754] the foot MBh. iii , 14316
[L=57755] uninterrupted or regular progress , order , series , regular arrangement , succession (e.g. varṇa-krameṇa , " in the order of the castes " Mn. viii , 24 and ix , 85) AV. viii , 9 , 10 RPra1t. xv , 5 Ka1tyS3r. R. &c
[L=57756] hereditary descent Ya1jn5. ii , 119
[L=57757] method , manner (e.g. yena krameṇa , in which manner R. ii , 26 , 20 ; tad-anusaraṇa-krameṇa , so as to go on following him Hit. )
[L=57758] diet Car. vi , 13
[L=57759] custom , rule sanctioned by tradition Ma1rkP. xxiii , 112
[L=57760] (kramaṃ √1. kṛ , " to follow that rule ") Nya1yam.
[L=57761] occasion , cause (with gen. or ifc.) Katha1s. xviii , 380 Hit.
[L=57762] " progressing step by step " , a peculiar manner or method of reading and writing Vedic texts (so called because the reading proceeds from the 1st member , either word or letter , to the 2nd , then the 2nd is repeated and connected with the 3rd , the 3rd repeated and connected with the 4th , and so on ; this manner of reading in relation to words is called pada- [ TPra1t. ii , 12] , in relation to conjunct consonants varṇa- [ib.]) Pra1t.
[L=57763] the words or letters themselves when combined or arranged in the said manner ib.
[L=57764] (in dram.) attainment of the object desired (or accord. to others " noticing of any one's affection ") Das3ar. i , 36 f. Sa1h. Prata1par.
[L=57765] (in rhet.) a kind of simile (in which the comparisons exhibited correspond to each other in regular succession) Va1m. iv , 3 , 17
[L=57766] power , strength L.
[L=57768] according to order or rank or series Mn. Ragh. &c
(H2) krama [p= 1325,3] [L=329110] (in comp.)

(H3) kráma--pāṭha [p= 320,1] [L=57787] m. the krama reading (i.e. a peculiar " step by step " arrangement of a Vedic text made to secure it from all possible error by , as it were , combining the saṃhitā-pāṭha and the padapāṭha i.e. by giving the words both as connected and unconnected with following and preceding words ; » also krama above ) VPra1t. iv , 180 Sch. Pa1n2. 8-4 , 28 , Kaiy.

(H2) krámaṇa [L=57844] m. a step Ka1tyS3r. iii , 8 , 11 Sch.
[L=57845] the foot L.
[L=57846] a horse L.
[L=57847] N. of a son of bhaja-māna Hariv. 2002
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57848] n. stepping , walking , going RV. vi , 70 , 3 Ya1jn5. i , 188 Mr2icch. BhP.
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57849] n. stepping or treading upon (in comp.) S3a1n3khGr2.
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57850] n. transgressing (ifc.) MBh. xii , 16254 R. v , 1 (at end)
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57851] n. a step RV. i , 155 , 5
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57852] n. approaching or undertaking anything (dat.) Pa1n2. 3-1 , 14
(H2B) krámaṇa [L=57853] n. treatment of words or letters according to the krama arrangement (i.e. doubling letters or words &c ) RPra1t. xiv.

(H2) krāntá [p= 320,2] [L=57862] mfn. gone , gone over or across
[L=57863] spread , extended
[L=57864] attacking , invading , gone to or against
[L=57865] overcome (as by astonishment) Ragh. xiv , 17
[L=57866] surpassed
(H2B) krāntá [L=57867] m. a horse L.
(H2B) krāntá [L=57868] m. (in astron.) declination W.
(H2B) krāntá [L=57870] m. a species of the atyaṣṭi metre
(H2B) krāntá [L=57871] n. a step (viṣṇoḥ krānta , " the step of viṣṇu " , N. of a ceremony S3Br. xiii ; cf. viṣṇu-krama) S3Br. Mn. xii , 121
(H2B) krāntá [L=57872] n. (in astron.) a certain aspect when the moon is in conjunction with a planet.
(H1) krāntá [p= 320,3] [L=57972] krānti , &c » √kram.

(H2) krānti [p= 320,2] [L=57873] f. going , proceeding , step L.
[L=57874] overcoming , surpassing W.
[L=57875] attacking L.
[L=57876] declination of a planet Su1ryas. i , 68 ; ii , 28 and 58 ff.
[L=57877] the sun's course (ifc.) HParis3. vii , 3
[L=57878] the sun's course on the globe , ecliptic.

(H3) candrá--vaṃśa [p= 387,2] [L=71807] m. the lunar race of kings (2nd great line of royal dynasties , the progenitor of which was soma the Moon , child of the ṛṣi atri and father of budha [Mercury cf. candra-ja] ; the latter married iḷā , daughter of the solar king ikṣvāku , and had by her a son , aila or purūravas ; this last had a son by urvaśī , named āyus , from whom came nahuṣa , father of yayāti ; the latter had two sons , puru and yadu , from whom proceeded the two branches of the lunar line ; in that of yadu was born kṛṣṇa and bala-rāma ; in that of puru came duṣyanta , hero of the śakuntalā and father of the great bharata ; 9th from bharata came kuru , and 14th from him śāntanu , who had a son vicitra-vīrya and a step-son vyāsa ; the latter married the two widows of his half-brother , and had by them dhṛtarāṣṭra and pāṇḍu , the wars of whose sons form the subject of the MBh. ) (cf. sūrya-v°.)

(H1B) cārī [p= 393,2] [L=73051] f. a particular step (in dancing)

(H2) tittíri [p= 446,3] [L=84896] m. a partridge VS. xxiv TS. ii (°ttirí) Ka1t2h. xii , 10 S3Br. Nir. Mn. &c
[L=84897] a kind of step (in dancing)
[L=84898] the school of the taittirīyas Un2. k.
[L=84899] N. of a pupil of yāska (first teacher of the taittirīya school of the black YV.) A1trAnukr. Pa1n2. 4-3 , 102 MBh. ii , 107
[L=84900] of a nāga , i , 1560 ; v , 3629
(H2B) tittíri [L=84901] f. a female partridge Pa1n2. 4-1 , 65 Ka1s3.
(H2B) tittíri [L=84902] f. ([cf. ku- ; τέτραξ.])

(H3) druta--pada [p= 502,1] [L=97862] n. a quick pace or step W.
[L=97863] a form of metre Col.

(H3) druta--vikrama [L=97872] mfn. having a quick step BhP.

(H3) dvai--mātura [p= 507,2] [L=99074] mf(ī)n. (fr. dvi-mātṛ Pa1n2. 4-1 , 115) having 2 mothers (with bhrātṛ m. step-brother) Katha1s. Ra1jat.
(H3B) dvai--mātura [L=99075] m. N. of gaṇe*śa L.
(H3B) dvai--mātura [L=99076] m. of tarasaṃdha L.

(H3) dvy--aṇuka [p= 507,3] [L=99164] n. a combination of 2 atoms (the first step in the formation of substances when they become perceptible) S3am2k.

(H2) nánda [p= 526,3] [L=103421] m. joy , delight , happiness (also pl.) AV. VS. &c
[L=103422] (in mus.) a flute 7 inches long
[L=103423] N. of one of yudhi-ṣṭhira's 2 drums MBh.
[L=103424] of one of kubera's 9 gems L.
[L=103425] a son (in gopa- add. ; cf. nandana)
[L=103426] N. of viṣṇu MBh.
[L=103427] of one of skanda's attendants ib.
[L=103428] of a nāga ib.
[L=103429] (also -ka)
[L=103430] of a Buddh. deity Lalit.
[L=103431] of an attendant on dakṣa BhP.
[L=103432] of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra (also -ka) MBh.
[L=103433] of a step-brother and disciple of gautama buddha MWB. 441
[L=103434] of a son of vasu-deva Pur.
[L=103435] of the foster-father of kṛṣṇa and ancestor of durgā MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c (also -ka L. )
[L=103436] of a leader of the sātvatas BhP.
[L=103437] of a king of pāṭali-putra and founder of a dynasty consisting of 9 successive princes HParis3. Pur. Katha1s. Pan5c. &c
[L=103438] of the number 9 (because of the 9 nandas) Jyot.
[L=103439] of sev. scholars and authors Cat.
[L=103440] of a mountain BhP. (cf. -parvata and nandi-giri)
(H2B) nánda [L=103460] n. a kind of house Gal.

(H1) nir-vi- √ kram [p= 557,3] [L=110021] -krāmati (pf. -cakrāma) , to step out MBh.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.60, 3.1, 3.4, 35.44
Whitney Roots links: pad
(H1) pad 1 [p= 582,3] [L=115169] cl.1 P. padati v.l. for bad , to stand fast or fixed Dha1tup. iii , 1 , 4 Vop.
(H1) pad 2 [L=115170]
cl.4 A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 60) padyate (°ti AitBr. MBh. ; Pot. padyām R. ; Impv. patsva MBh. ; pf. papāda RV. ; pede Br. ; aor. apadmahi , °dran RV. [Subj. padāti ib.] ; apatsi,patthās AV. ; Prec. padīṣṭá RV. AV. ; fut. patsyati Br. ; °te Up. ; pattā Gr. ; inf. páttave RV. ; °tos,°tum Br. ; -pádas RV. ; ind.p. -pádya ib. ; -pā́dam Br. ) , to fall , fall down or out , perish RV. AV. VS. Br. ;

to go , resort or apply to , participate in (acc.) , keep , observe MBh. : Caus. pādáyati , °te , to cause to fall AV. AitBr. (Pass. pādyate Br. ; Desid. pipādayiṣati Br. &c ) ;

padayate , to go Dha1tup. xxxv , 44 : Desid. pitsate Pa1n2. 7-4 , 54 : Intens. panīpadyate Ka1v. ;

panīpadīti Pa1n2. 7-4 , 84.

(H2) pád 3 [p= 583,1] [L=115198] m. (in strong cases pā́d ; ifc. f(pad or padī). ) a foot (padā , padbhyām and °bhis , also " on foot " RV. &c ; ifc. also " sticking to the feet of " ; cf. śrī-viṣṇu-padī)
[L=115199] a step R.
[L=115200] a fourth part , a quarter AV. S3Br. [cf. pada ; Gk. πούς , ποδ-ός ;Lat. pes , ped-is ; Goth. fo7tus ; Angl.Sax. fo7t ; Eng. foot ; Germ. Fuss.]

(H2) padá [L=115214] n. (rarely m.) a step , pace , stride
[L=115215] a footstep , trace , vestige , mark , the foot itself. RV. &c (padena , on foot ; pade pade , at every step , everywhere , on every occasion ; trīṇi padāni viṣṇoḥ , the three steps or footprints of viṣṇu [i.e. the earth , the air , and the sky ; cf. RV. i , 154 , 5 Vikr. i , 19], also N. of a constellation or according to some " the space between the eyebrows " ; sg. viṣṇoḥ padam N. of a locality ; padaṃ- √dā,padāt padaṃ- √gam or √cal , to make a step move on ; padaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. to set foot in or on , to enter ; with mūrdhni , to set the foot upon the head of [gen.] i.e. overcome ; with citte or hṛdaye , to take possession of any one's heart or mind ; with loc. or prati , to have dealings with padaṃ ni- √dhā with loc. , to set foot in = to make impression upon ; with padavyām , to set the foot on a person's [gen. or ibc.] track , to emulate or equal ; padam ni- √bandh with loc. , to enter or engage in)
[L=115216] a sign , token , characteristic MBh. Katha1s. Pur.
[L=115217] a footing , standpoint
[L=115218] position , rank , station , site , abode , home RV. &c (padam ā- √tan , to spread or extend one's position ; padāt padam bhrāmayitvā , having caused to wander from place to place)
[L=115219] a business affair , matter , object or cause of (gen. or comp.) Ka1v. Pan5c. &c
[L=115220] a pretext L.
[L=115221] a part , portion , division (cf. dvi- , tri-)
[L=115222] a square on a chess-board R.
[L=115223] a plot of ground Inscr.
[L=115224] the foot as a measure of length (= 12 or 15 fingers' breadth , or 1÷2 or 1÷3 or 3÷7 of a prakrama) Ka1tyS3r.
[L=115225] a ray of light (m. L. )
[L=115226] a portion of a verse , quarter or line of a stanza RV. &c
[p= 583,2] [L=115227] a word or an inflected word or the stem of a noun in the middle cases and before some taddhitas Pa1n2. 1-4 , 14 &c
[L=115228] = pada-pāṭha Pra1t.
[L=115229] common N. of the P. and A1. Cat.
[L=115230] any one in a set of numbers the sum of which is required
[L=115231] a period in an arithmetical progression Col.
[L=115232] a square root Su1ryas.
[L=115233] a quadrant ib.
[L=115234] protection L. [cf. Gk. πέδον ;Lat. peda ; op-pidum for op-pedum.]
(H2) pada [p= 1330,1] [L=335490] (in comp.)

(H3) padá--nyāsa [p= 583,2] [L=115275] m. putting down the feet , step , footmark MBh. R. &c
[L=115276] position of the feet in a partic. attitude W.
[L=115277] conduct , procedure (?) id.
[L=115278] writing down (quarters of) verses Ka1v.
[L=115279] Asteracantha Longifolia or Tribulus Lanuginosus L.

(H3) padá--pāta [L=115289] m. foot-fall , tread , step W.

(H3) padá--vikṣepa [L=115311] m. a step , pace , walking
[L=115312] a horse's paces W.

(H3) padá--viṣṭambha [L=115317] m. tread , step , stamp with the foot W.

(H3) padá--śas [p= 583,3] [L=115328] ind. step by step , gradually R.
[L=115328.1] word by word , APra1t. Sch.

(H3) padā* ntara [L=115375] n. an interval of one step (°re sthitvā , stopping after taking one step) S3ak. (cf. a-pad°)
[L=115376] another word Veda7ntas.

(H2) padaka [p= 584,1] [L=115405] mfn. versed in the pada-pāṭha DivyA7v. (g. kramā*di)
(H2B) padaka [L=115406] m. a kind of ornament (= niṣka) L.
(H2B) padaka [L=115407] m. N. of a man
(H2B) padaka [L=115408] m. pl. his descendants g. yaskā*di
(H2B) padaka [L=115409] n. a step , pace MBh.
(H2B) padaka [L=115410] n. an office , dignity Ra1jat.
(H2B) padaka [L=115411] n. a foot BhP.

(H1) pari- √ kram [p= 592,1] [L=117107]
P. -krāmati (rarely A1. °te ; p. -krāmat ; pf. -cakrāma , -cakramur ; aor. -akramīt ; inf. -krāntum ; ind.p. -krā́mam , or -kramya) , to step or walk round or about , circumambulate , roam over , walk through , visit (with acc.) RV. &c ;

to go past , escape AitBr. ;

to outstrip , overtake R. : Intens. -caṅkramati , to move or walk about perpetually BhP.


(H2) párvan [p= 609,2] [L=120046] n. a knot , joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. parus] , but also of the body) , limb , member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c
[L=120047] a break , pause , division , section (esp. of a book) S3Br. MBh. &c
[L=120048] the step of a staircase Ragh.
[L=120049] a member of a compound Pra1t. Nir.
[L=120050] a period or fixed time RV. VS. S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
[L=120051] (esp.) the cāturmāsya festival , S3rS.
[L=120052] the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i.e. the full and change of the moon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=120053] a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon R.
[L=120054] the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction Var. Su1ryas. MBh. &c
[L=120055] the moment of the sun's entering a new sign W.
[L=120056] any partic. period of the year (as the equinox , solstice &c ) ib.
[L=120057] a division of time e.g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh.
[L=120058] a day (360) BhP.
[L=120059] a festival , holiday W.
[L=120060] opportunity , occasion ib.
[L=120061] a moment , instant ib.

(H3) pāda--tas [p= 617,2] [L=121915] ind. from or at or near the feet (-taḥ- √kṛ , to place at the feet) , S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. Katha1s.
[L=121915.1] by the pāda (i.e. quarter of a verse) RPra1t.
[L=121915.2] step by step , by degrees Ka1m.

(H3) pāda--nyāsa [L=121930] m. putting down or placing the feet R.
[L=121931] casting rays (said of the moon) S3ak.
[L=121932] a dance or measured step MW. - 1. 2.

(H3) pāda--mudrā [p= 617,3] [L=121974] f. the impression of a foot-step , any mark or sign Ra1jat.

(H3) pādā* ntara [p= 618,1] [L=122044] n. the interval of a step

(H3C) pādā* ntare [L=122045] ind. close by (with gen.) MBh.
(H3C) pādā* ntare [L=122046] ind. after the interval of a step S3ak. (v.l. for pad°).

(H3) pū́rva--pakṣá [p= 643,3] [L=127964] m. the fore part or side TBr.
[L=127965] the first half of a lunar month , the fortnight of the waxing moon TS. Br. La1t2y. &c (°kṣā*ha , a day in the first half &c A1pGr2. )
[L=127966] the first half of a year Ka1tyS3r.
[L=127967] an action at law , the first statement of the plaintiff , first step in a law-suit Ya1jn5. Vishn2. Na1r.
[L=127968] the first objection to an assertion in any discussion , the prima facie view or argument in any question S3am2k. Sus3r. Ma1rkP. (cf. IW. 99)

(H4) pū́rva--pakṣá---pāda [L=127970] m. the first step of a legal process or law-suit , the plaint of the plaintiff W.

(H1) pra- √ kram [p= 655,1] [L=130210]
P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate , (P.) to step or stride forwards , set out , walk on , advance , proceed , resort to (acc. ; aor. A1. -cákramanta RV. ii , 19 , 2 ; prā*kraṃsta Bhat2t2. ), march , pass , go RV. &c ;

(with pradakṣiṇam) to walk around from left to right BhP. ;

to cross , traverse R. ;

(A1.) to undertake , commence , begin (with acc. , artham ifc. , or inf.) MBh. (also P. e.g. varayām pra-cakramuḥ = °yāṃ-cakruḥ , i , 1809) Ka1v. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 42) ;

to act or behave towards (loc.) MBh. : Caus. -krāmayati , to cause to step forwards Pa1rGr2. : Desid. cikraṃ-siṣyate Pa1n2. 7-2 , 36 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.


(H3) pra-° kramá [L=130213] m. (ifc. f(ā).) stepping , proceeding L.
[L=130214] a step , stride , pace (also as a measure of distance , the length of which is variously stated at 2 or 3 or 3 1÷2 padas , also at more or less) Br. Gr2S3rS.
[L=130215] commencement , beginning , procedure , course Ka1tyS3r. Ma1lati1m. Prab. Katha1s.
[L=130216] leisure , opportunity L.
[L=130217] relation , proportion , degree , measure Veda7ntas.
[L=130218] method , order , regularity (esp in the position of words and in gram. construction ; cf. -bhaṅga)
[L=130219] the reading of the krama (= krama-pāṭha q.v.) Pat.
[L=130220] discussing any point in question
[L=130221] the case in question MW.
[L=130222] (pl.) a series of oblations corresponding to the movements of a sacrificial horse S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.

(H3) pra-° gāman [p= 655,3] [L=130389] n. walk , gait , step (» pṛthu-g°).

(H4) prati--pad---darśinī [p= 662,2] [L=131585.1] f. " looking at every step " , a woman L.

(H3B) prati--padam [L=131587] ind. (also °da ibc.) at every step , on every occasion , at every place , everywhere Ka1v.
(H3B) prati--padam [L=131588] ind. at every word , word by word Sarvad.
(H3B) prati--padam [L=131589] ind. literally , expressly ( Pa1n2. 2-2 , 10 Va1rtt.1 ; vi , 2 , 26 Sch.)
(H3B) prati--padam [L=131590] ind. each , singly R. (= pratyekam Sch.)

(H4) prati--pa° da---tva [L=131591] n. walking step by step Ka1t2h.

(H1) prati- √ dhā [p= 666,2] [L=132408]
P. A1. -dadhāti , -dhatte (Ved. inf. práti-dhātave) , to put on or in or near or back , return , restore (loc. or dat.) RV. AV. Br. ;

to adjust (an arrow) , aim ib. ;

to put to the lips (for drinking) RV. iv , 27 , 5 ;

to put down (the feet) , step out Br. ;

to offer , present AitBr. ;

to use , employ S3atr. ;

to restrain BhP. ;

(A1.) to commence , begin , approach RV. AV.

(H3) prati° dhā́ [L=132409] f. putting to the lips , a draught RV.

(H1) praty-ā-kalita [p= 676,2] [L=134142] mfn. ( √3. kal) enumerated , held forth , reproached Das3.
[L=134143] interposed , introduced (as a step in legal process) W.
(H1B) praty-ā-kalita [L=134144] n. judicial decision as to which of the litigants is to prove his case after the defendant has pleaded Ya1jn5. Sch.
(H1B) praty-ā-kalita [L=134145] n. (defendant's) supplement to the written deposition of two litigants Na1r.

(H1) praty-ā- √ kram [L=134148] P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate , to step back A1pS3r.

(H1) praty-ut-krama [p= 677,2] [L=134313] m. ( √ kram) undertaking , the first step or measure in any business L.
[L=134314] setting out to assail an enemy W.
[p= 677,3] [L=134315] declaration of war W.

(H4) pra-° skha° lad-gati [p= 699,1] [L=138229] mfn. with a tottering step ib.

(H3) pra-sthāna---viklava-gati [p= 699,3] [L=138351] mfn. one whose step falters in walking S3ak.

(H1) bhaṅgi [p= 743,1] [L=147597] °gu,°gura &c » p.744.
(H2) bhaṅgi [p= 744,3] [L=148011] f. breaking Inscr.
[L=148012] f. a bend , curve Dhu1rtas.
[L=148013] f. a roundabout mode of acting or speaking , circumlocution (°gyā , ind. " in an indirect manner ") Ka1vya7d. Das3. Katha1s. &c
[L=148014] f. explaining L.
[L=148015] f. mode , manner , way Vcar.
[L=148016] f. way of dressing , fashion , toilet Ba1lar. Ra1jat.
[L=148017] f. (ifc.) mere appearance or semblance of Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=148018] f. fraud , deception L.
[L=148019] f. irony , wit , repartee W.
[L=148020] f. modesty MW.
[L=148021] f. = bhaṅga (with jainas) Sarvad.
[L=148022] f. figure , shape Siddha7ntas3.
[L=148023] f. a step (» bhakti)
[L=148024] f. a wave Naish.

(H3) bhaṅgī [L=148025] f. breaking Inscr.
[L=148026] a bend , curve Dhu1rtas.
[L=148027] a roundabout mode of acting or speaking , circumlocution (°gyā , ind. " in an indirect manner ") Ka1vya7d. Das3. Katha1s. &c
[L=148028] explaining L.
[L=148029] mode , manner , way Vcar.
[L=148030] way of dressing , fashion , toilet Ba1lar. Ra1jat.
[L=148031] (ifc.) mere appearance or semblance of Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=148032] fraud , deception L.
[L=148033] irony , wit , repartee W.
[L=148034] modesty MW.
[L=148035] = bhaṅga (with jainas) Sarvad.
[L=148036] figure , shape Siddha7ntas3.
[L=148037] a step (» bhakti)
[L=148038] a wave Naish.

(H2) bhūmi [p= 763,1] [L=152108] f. (Ved. also nom. bhū́mī gen. abl. °myās loc. °myām) the earth , soil , ground RV. &c
[L=152109] (pl. divisions of the world ; cf. bhūmi-traya)
[L=152110] a territory. country , district ib.
[L=152111] a place , situation S3Br. &c
[L=152112] position , posture , attitude MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=152113] the part or personification (played by an actor) Katha1s.
[L=152114] the , floor of a house , story Megh. Katha1s.
[L=152115] the area S3ulbas.
[L=152116] the base of any geometrical figure Col.
[L=152117] (metaph.) a step , degree , stage Yogas. (with Buddhists there are 10 or 13 stages of existence or perfection Dharmas. 45 ; 46)
[L=152118] extent , limit Kir.
[L=152119] (ifc.) a matter , subject , object , receptacle i.e. fit object or person for (cf. viśvāsa- , sneha-bh° &c , and pātra , bhājana)
[L=152120] the tongue L.
(H2B) bhūmi [L=152121] m. N. of a son or grandson of yuyudhāna and father of yugaṃdhara Hariv. VP.
(H1) bhūmi [p= 764,2] [L=152453] bhūmī &c » p.763.
(H2) bhūmi [p= 1331,2] [L=337690] f. (also)= bhū (above)

(H2) bhūmikā [p= 763,2] [L=152258] f. earth , ground , soil Ka1s3. Katha1s. &c
[L=152259] (ifc.) a spot , place for (e.g. āhāra-bh° , an eating-place Katha1s. ; akṣara-bh° , a place i.e. a tablet for writing Ragh. )
[L=152260] a story , floor Inscr. Pan5cat. (with gṛhópari , the flat roof of a house S3ukas. )
[L=152261] a step , degree Yogas.
[L=152262] (in dram.) an actor's part or character Vikr. Ma1lati1m. &c
[L=152263] decoration (as of an image) L.
[L=152264] preface , introduction ChUp. Sch. Ka1vya7d.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 21.20
Whitney Roots links: Brez
(H1) bhreṣ [p= 771,1] [L=153856]
(allied to √ bhraṃś and hreṣ) cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxi , 20) bhreṣati , °te (pf. bibreṣa , °ṣe &c Gr.) , to totter , waver , slip , make a false step RV. AitBr. ;

to be angry Naigh. ;

to fear Vop. ;

to go Bhat2t2. (gatau Dha1tup. )


(H3B) mádhu--matī [p= 780,2] [L=155987.40] f. Gmelina Arborea L.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.45] f. Sanseviera Roxburghiana L.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.50] f. a partic. step or degree in the yoga Cat.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.55] f. a partic. supernatural faculty belonging to a yogin Prab.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.60] f. a kind of metre Chandom.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.65] f. N. of a daughter of the asura madhu (wife of hary-aśva) Hariv.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.70] f. of a female servant of lakṣmi (?) Pan5car.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.75] f. of a river Hariv. Ma1lati1m.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.80] f. of a city in saurāṣṭra S3atr. Das3.
(H3B) mádhu--matī [L=155987.85] f. N. of sev. works.

(H3) muṇḍa--phala [p= 822,1] [L=165392] m. a cocoa-nut tree (the fruit being one step towards a human head made by viśvāmitra , when attempting a creation in opposition to that , of brahmā) L.

(H3) yajñá--padī [p= 839,3] [L=169296] f. (prob.) taking a step or steps with the feet during a sacrifice AV.

(H3) laghú--krama [p= 894,1] [L=180816] mfn. having a quick or rapid step , going quickly Hariv. Ma1rkP.

(H4) laghú--kramam [L=180817] ind. with quick step , quickly , hastily Katha1s.

(H3) laghú--gati [L=180823] mfn. having a quick step Megh.

(H3) laghú--vikrama [p= 894,2] [L=180955] m. a quick step R.
(H3B) laghú--vikrama [L=180956] mfn. having a quick step , quick-footed Hariv. R.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 33.121, 33.87, 4.34, 5.55
Whitney Roots links: laNG
(H1) laṅgh [p= 895,1] [L=181121]
(cf. √ raṃh and laghu) cl.1 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. iv , 34 ; v , 55) laṅghati , °te (Gr. also lalaṅgha , °ghe ; aor. alaṅghīt , °ghiṣṭa ; fut. laṅghitā ; °ghiṣyati,°te ; inf. laṅghitum) , to leap over , go beyond (A1.) Pan5cad. ;

to ascend , mount upon (P.) Bhat2t2. ;

to pass over meals , abstain from food , fast (P.) Dha1tup. ;

to dry , dry up , waste , consume L. : Caus. or cl.10 P. ( Dha1tup. xxxiii , 87 ; 121) laṅghayati (mc. also A. °te ; Pass. laṅghyate) , to leap over , cross , traverse Mn. MBh. &c ;

to mount , ascend , tread upon , enter Ka1v. Katha1s. ;

to overstep , transgress , violate , neglect Ya1jn5. Ka1v. Ra1jat. ;

to get over , avoid , shun , escape from Ka1v. Katha1s. ;

to frustrate , prevent , avert R. Mr2icch. ;

to disregard , slight , offend , insult , injure Mn. MBh. &c ;

to excel , surpass , outshine , obscure , eclipse R. Ragh. Ra1jat. ;

to remove , transport Ka1ran2d2. ;

to cause to pass over meals i.e. fast Sus3r. : Desid. of Caus. lilaṅghayiṣati , to intend to step over Ka1vya7d. Sch.


(H1) vatsá [p= 915,3] [L=185391] m. (prob. originally , " yearling " , fr. a lost word vatas) a calf , the young of any animal , offspring , child (voc. vatsa often used as a term of endearment = my dear child , my darling) RV. &c
[L=185392] a son , boy (» bāla-v°)
[L=185393] a year (» tri-v°)
[L=185394] N. of a descendant of kaṇva RV. Pan5cavBr. S3a1n3khS3r.
[L=185395] of an āgneya (author of RV. x , 187) Anukr.
[L=185396] of a kāśyapa Katha1s.
[L=185397] of the step-brother of maitreya (who passed through fire to prove the falseness of maitreya's allegation that he was the child of a śūdra) Mn. viii , 116 (Sch.) of a son of pratardana MBh. Hariv.
[L=185398] of a son of sena-jit Hariv.
[L=185399] of a son of akṣa-mālā Cat.
[L=185400] of a son of uru-kṣepa VP.
[L=185401] of a son of soma-śarman Katha1s.
[L=185402] of the author of a law-book Cat.
[L=185403] (with carakā*dhvaryu-sūtra-kṛt) of another author ib.
[L=185404] of a serpent-demon VP.
[L=185405] N. of a country (whose chief town is kauśāmbī) Katha1s.
[L=185406] Nerium Aistidysentericum L.
[L=185407] the Kutaja tree L.
[L=185408] pl. the descendants of vatsa A1s3vS3r. (cf. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 64 Sch.)
[L=185409] the inhabitants of the country called vatsa MBh. Katha1s.
(H1B) vatsá [L=185410.1] mn. the breast , chest L. [cf. vatsara and ἔτος for ϝέτος ; Lat. vetus , vetus-tus , vitulus ; Germ. widar , Widder ; Eng. wether.]

(H1B) vāruṇḍī [p= 944,3] [L=191824] f. a door-step L.

(H1) vi- √ kram [p= 955,2] [L=194157]
P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate (cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 41) , to step beyond or aside , move away , depart from (abl.) RV. AV. S3Br. ;

to move apart or asunder , become divided RV. AV. TS. ;

to go or stride through , traverse RV. AV. TBr. ;

to move on , walk , go , advance RV. &c ;

to rise to (acc.) S3Br. MBh. R. ;

to bestride BhP. ;

to show valour or prowess , attack , assail , fight MBh. Ka1v. &c : Caus. -kramayati , to cause to step or stride over or through Ka1tyS3r.


(H3) ví--krama [p= 950,1] [L=192937] m. (for » vi- √kram) the absence of the krama-pāṭha (q.v.) RPra1t.
(H2) vi-kramá 2 [p= 955,2] [L=194158] m. (for 1. » [p= 950,1]) a step , stride , pace S3Br. &c
[L=194159] going , proceeding , walking , motion , gait MBh. Ka1s3. &c
[L=194160] course , way , manner (anukrama-vikrameṇa = anukrameṇa , in regular order) MBh.
[L=194161] valour , courage , heroism , power , strength ib. Ka1v. &c (°maṃ- √kṛ , to display prowess , use one's strength)
[L=194162] force , forcible means ib. (°māt ind. by force ; nā*sti vikrameṇa , it cannot be done by force)
[L=194163] intensity , high degree VarBr2S.
[L=194164] stability , duration (opp. to " cessation ") BhP.
[L=194165] a kind of grave accent TPra1t.
[L=194166] non-change of the visarga into an ūṣman RPra1t.
[L=194167] the 14th year in the 60 years cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S.
[L=194168] the 3rd astrological house ib.
[L=194169] a foot L.
[L=194170] N. of viṣṇu MBh.
[L=194171] of the son of vasu Katha1s.
[L=194172] of a son of vatsa-prī Ma1rkP.
[L=194173] of a son of kanaka Cat.
[L=194174] of various authors (also with bhaṭṭa) Cat.
[L=194175] = candragupta ib.
[L=194176] = vikramā*ditya Pan5cad.
[L=194177] N. of a town Cat.

(H3) vi-° krámaṇa [p= 955,3] [L=194219] n. striding , a step , pace , stride (esp. of viṣṇu) RV. &c
[L=194220] bold advance , courage , heroism , strength , power MBh.
[L=194221] (with pāśupatas) supernatural power (-dharmi-tva n. the being possessed of the above power) Sarvad.
[L=194222] the conforming to the rules of the krama-pāṭha (q.v.) RPra1t.

(H2) ví-krānta [L=194229] mfn. stepped beyond , taking wide strides &c
[L=194230] courageous , bold , strong , mighty , victorious (with dhanuṣi , skilled in archery) MBh.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194231] m. a warrior L.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194232] m. a lion L.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194233] m. " passed over " , N. of a kind of saṃdhi which leaves visarga unchanged RPra1t.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194234] m. N. of a prajā-pati VP.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194235] m. of a son of kuvalayā*śva and madālasā Ma1rkP.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194237] n. a step , stride VS. TBr.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194238] n. manner of walking , gait MBh. R.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194239] n. bold advance , courage , might ib.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194240] n. a sham diamond L.
(H2B) ví-krānta [L=194241] n. a kind of intoxicating drink L.
(H1) vi-krānta [p= 956,1] [L=194255] &c » [p= 955,3].

(H3) ví-° krāmá [L=194251] m. a step's width TBr.

(H2) ví-gāman [p= 957,1] [L=194503] n. a step , pace , stride (applied to the three strides of viṣṇu) RV. i , 155 , 4.

(H1) vi-niṣ- √ kram [p= 971,2] [L=197156] P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate (ind.p. -kramya) , to step forth , go out , issue from (abl.) MBh. R. &c

(H3) vi-° nyasana [p= 972,3] [L=197397] n. putting down (pada-vinyasaṇam- √kṛ , to put down the feet , step , stride) Vcar.

(H1) vi-pari- √ kram [p= 973,3] [L=197632] P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate , to step or walk round , circumambulate S3Br.

(H1) vi- √ yam [p= 981,2] [L=198993]
P. -yacchati (3. pl. pf. A1. -yemire RV. iv , 54 , 5) , to spread out , extend RV. ;

to stretch out the legs , step out (as a running horse) ib. ;

to hold apart or asunder ib. : Caus. -yāmayati to stretch out , extend AV.


(H3) víṣṇu--kramá [p= 999,2] [L=202420] m. the step of viṣṇu MW.
[L=202421] pl. N. of the three steps to be taken by the sacrificer between the vedi and the āhavanīya TS. S3Br. Gr2S. S3rS.

(H1) vaimātra [p= 1024,1] [L=207380] mfn. (fr. vi-mātṛ) descended from another mother (with bhrātṛ m. a step-brother) R. S3a1n3khS3r. Sch.
[L=207381] heterogeneous (-tā f.) Buddh.
(H1B) vaimātra [L=207382] m. a step-mother's son , half brother W.
(H1B) vaimātra [L=207383] mf(ā , or ī). a step-mother's daughter ib.
(H1B) vaimātra [L=207384] (prob.) n. gradation (?) Buddh.
(H1B) vaimātra [L=207385] m. a partic. high number ib.

(H2) vaimātraka [L=207386] m. a step-brother Mcar.

(H2) vaimātreya [L=207387] mfn. descended from another mother Kull. on Mn. viii , 116
(H2B) vaimātreya [p= 1024,2] [L=207388] m. a step-mother's son , half brother R. Sch.

(H2B) vaimātreyī [L=207389] f. a step-mother's daughter , half sister W.

(H1) vy-ati- √ kram [p= 1030,1] [L=208502]
P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate (ind.p. -kramya) , to go or pass by , step over or beyond (lit. and fig.) MBh. R. Pan5cat. ;

to pass away , elapse , be spent (as time) ib. BhP. ;

to excel , surpass , conquer R. ;

to neglect , omit , violate ib.


(H1) sam-ati- √ kram [p= 1154,1] [L=233401]
P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate , to go or pass by entirely , cross or step over MBh. ;

to step out of (abl.) R. ;

to transgress , neglect , disregard , lose ib. ;

to surpass , excel exceed MBh. ;

to pass away , elapse (as time) Vet. ;

to let pass by or elapse (dvau māsau samatikramya , " after the lapse of two months ") R.


(H1) sam-ā- √ kram [p= 1158,3] [L=234031] P. A1. -krāmati , -kramate , to tread or step upon MBh. R.

(H1) sam-ut- √ tṝ [p= 1166,1] [L=235139]
P. -tarati (ind.p. -tīrya) , to pass or come out of (abl. ; with or without jalāt , " to step or emerge out of the water ") Gr2S. MBh. &c ;

to escape from , get rid of (abl.) MBh. R. &c ;

to break through , pass over or beyond , cross over , cross ib.


Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 27.18
Whitney Roots links: stiG
(H1) stigh [p= 1258,3] [L=254590] cl.5 P. stighnoti (accord. to Dha1tup. xxvii , 18 A1. stighnute ; Pot. stighnuyāt inf. -stígham ; Gr. also pf. tiṣṭige ; aor. asteghiṣṭa ; fut. steghitā , °ghiṣyate ; inf. steghitum) , to step , stride , step up , mount (esp. in ati- √stigh , " to step over , overstep " , and in pra- √stigh , " to step up , rise up &c ") MaitrS. : Desid. tiṣṭighiṣati (in ati-tiṣṭíghiṣan , " wishing to ascend ") ib. [cf. Gk. στείχω ; Slav. stignati ;Goth. steigan ; Germ. sti7gan , steigen ; Eng. sty.]