Sanskrit Words for Body
1241 words!
1 agnisaṃskāra (body)
2 agrakāya (body)
3 aṅka (body)
4 aṅkadhāraṇā (body)
5 aṅkaparivartana (body)
6 aṅkabandha (body)
7 aṅga (body)
8 aṅgakaṣāya (body)
9 aṅgaja (body)
10 aṅgajāta (body)
11 aṅganyāsa (body)
12 aṅgamarda (body)
13 aṅgamardaka (body)
14 aṅgamardin (body)
15 aṅgamejayatva (body)
16 aṅgarakṣaṇī (body)
17 aṅgarakṣiṇī (body)
18 aṅgarāga (body)
19 aṅgaruha (body)
20 aṅgavidyā (body)
21 aṅgasaṃskāra (body)
22 aṅgasaṃskriyā (body)
23 aṅgasaṃhati (body)
24 aṅgasaṃhitā (body)
25 aṅgāṅgi (body)
26 aṅgāṅgitā (body)
27 aṅgāṅgibhāva (body)
28 aṅgānukūla (body)
29 aṅgānulepana (body)
30 aṅgeṣṭhā (body)
31 aṅgaka (body)
32 ajira (body)
33 añc (body)
34 añca (body)
35 aṇumātrika (body)
36 ataptatanū (body)
37 atikāya (body)
38 adharakāya (body)
39 adhaḥkāya (body)
40 adhodeśa (body)
41 adhobhāga (body)
42 adhobhāgadoṣahara (body)
43 adhorāma (body)
44 adhastāllakṣman (body)
45 adhiṣṭhānadeha (body)
46 adhiṣṭhānaśarīra (body)
47 anaṅgamejaya (body)
48 ananaṅgamejaya (body)
49 anavadyāṅga (body)
50 anāplutāṅga (body)
51 anāvṛtti (body)
52 anāhata (body)
53 anila (body)
54 anudeham (body)
55 anumaraṇa (body)
56 anulepaka (body)
57 anulepana (body)
58 anuṣṭhānaśarīra (body)
59 anūpaviś (body)
60 anūvṛj (body)
61 antaḥkṛmi (body)
62 antaḥśalya (body)
63 antaraṅga (body)
64 antarja (body)
65 antarāṃsa (body)
66 annamayakośa (body)
67 anvārohaṇa (body)
68 apatantra (body)
69 aparakāya (body)
70 apāṅga (body)
71 aptu (body)
72 apsas (body)
73 abhisaṃkṣip (body)
74 abhisaṃkṣipta (body)
75 amarman (body)
76 amarmajāta (body)
77 amūrta (body)
78 amṛta (body)
79 ambhaṇa (body)
80 ayaḥkāya (body)
81 arcā (body)
82 ardhatanu (body)
83 ardhanārīnaravapus (body)
84 ardhāṅga (body)
85 alomaharṣaṇa (body)
86 alpaśarīra (body)
87 avaṭa (body)
88 avadham (body)
89 avanatakaya (body)
90 avanatottarakāya (body)
91 avināśa (body)
92 avyaya (body)
93 aśarīra (body)
94 aśarīrin (body)
95 aśiraḥsnāna (body)
96 aśītatanu (body)
97 aṣṭāṅganaya (body)
98 aṣṭāṅgapāta (body)
99 aṣṭāṅgapraṇāma (body)
100 asu (body)
101 asurya (body)
102 asauṣṭhava (body)
103 asthisamarpaṇa (body)
104 asthisthūṇa (body)
105 asvāṅgapūrvapada (body)
106 ahipūtana (body)
107 ahipūtanā (body)
108 ākāra (body)
109 āṅga (body)
110 ātaṅka (body)
111 ātivāhika (body)
112 ātura (body)
113 ātman (body)
114 ātmatrāṇaparigraha (body)
115 ātmabhāva (body)
116 ātmamūrti (body)
117 ātmarakṣaka (body)
118 ādiśarīra (body)
119 ādhāracakra (body)
120 ādhmāna (body)
121 ānandamayakoṣa (body)
122 āntarāla (body)
123 āmis (body)
124 āyasī (body)
125 āyurveda (body)
126 āroha (body)
127 āryagaṇa (body)
128 āryasaṃgha (body)
129 āvartin (body)
130 āśarīram (body)
131 āśaya (body)
132 āsa (body)
133 āsrāva (body)
134 āhan (body)
135 āhāraniḥsaraṇamārga (body)
136 iṅgita (body)
137 iḍā (body)
138 iḷā (body)
139 indra (body)
140 indriyāyatana (body)
141 īryāpatha (body)
142 uccar (body)
143 ucchad (body)
144 ucchādana (body)
145 ucchlakha (body)
146 utkleśa (body)
147 uttap (body)
148 uttamāṅga (body)
149 uttarakāya (body)
150 uttarārdha (body)
151 utpulaka (body)
152 utsedha (body)
153 udakakārya (body)
154 udakasparśa (body)
155 udāna (body)
156 udaratrāṇa (body)
157 uddīpana (body)
158 udgha (body)
159 udvartana (body)
160 udveṣṭana (body)
161 unmṛd (body)
162 unmarda (body)
163 upagraha (body)
164 upadeha (body)
165 upadhātu (body)
166 upaprāṇa (body)
167 upamṛd (body)
168 uparandhra (body)
169 upasaṃyā (body)
170 upaspṛś (body)
171 upāṅga (body)
172 ulbya (body)
173 ullakasana (body)
174 ūrvaṅga (body)
175 ūrdhvakāya (body)
176 ūrdhvadeha (body)
177 ūrdhvamāruta (body)
178 ūrdhvaroman (body)
179 ūrdhvāṅga (body)
180 ṛggaṇa (body)
181 ṛgveda (body)
182 ṛjukāya (body)
183 ṛṣi (body)
184 ekadeha (body)
185 ekaśarīra (body)
186 ekasūtra (body)
187 ekāṅga (body)
188 ekāṅgau (body)
189 ekatas (body)
190 aikāṅga (body)
191 ojas (body)
192 audārika (body)
193 aupasargika (body)
194 aurdhvadehika (body)
195 ka (body)
196 kakṣa (body)
197 kakṣadhara (body)
198 kaṅkālaya (body)
199 kañcuka (body)
200 kaṭa (body)
201 kaṇṭaka (body)
202 kaṇṭakita (body)
203 kaṇḍarā (body)
204 kathīkṛta (body)
205 kapha (body)
206 kabandha (body)
207 kambu (body)
208 karaṇa (body)
209 karaṅka (body)
210 kalā (body)
211 kalānyāsa (body)
212 kalāpa (body)
213 kalāvatī (body)
214 kalevara (body)
215 kāmopahatacittāṅga (body)
216 kāya (body)
217 kāyacikitsā (body)
218 kāyadaṇḍa (body)
219 kāyabandhana (body)
220 kāyavalana (body)
221 kāyastha (body)
222 kāyasthita (body)
223 kāyāgni (body)
224 kāyaka (body)
225 kāyika (body)
226 kāraṇa (body)
227 kāraṇaśarīra (body)
228 kālāṅga (body)
229 kālanara (body)
230 kiṃtanu (body)
231 kiṃnara (body)
232 kudeha (body)
233 kulakṣaṇa (body)
234 kuśarīra (body)
235 kuśarīrabhṛt (body)
236 kuṭi (body)
237 kuḍi (body)
238 kuṇapa (body)
239 kuṇapagandha (body)
240 kuṇapagandhi (body)
241 kuṇṭhatā (body)
242 kula (body)
243 kulāya (body)
244 kūṭa (body)
245 kūṭaka (body)
246 kūpāṅka (body)
247 kūrca (body)
248 kūrcaka (body)
249 kūrpāsaka (body)
250 kūrma (body)
251 ketana (body)
252 ketu (body)
253 kopa (body)
254 kopavairin (body)
255 kopana (body)
256 komalāṅga (body)
257 kolambaka (body)
258 kośa (body)
259 koṣṭha (body)
260 kauśikī (body)
261 knas (body)
262 kmar (body)
263 kriyākalāpa (body)
264 kledu (body)
265 kleśa (body)
266 kṣatra (body)
267 kṣapaṇa (body)
268 kṣara (body)
269 kṣīṇaśarīra (body)
270 kṣipaṇyu (body)
271 kṣiptadeha (body)
272 kṣuṇṇa (body)
273 kṣutpipāsāparītāṅga (body)
274 kṣetra (body)
275 kṣetrajña (body)
276 kṣetravid (body)
277 kṣetriya (body)
278 kṣāmāṅga (body)
279 kṣāmāsya (body)
280 kha (body)
281 khamūrti (body)
282 khaśarīra (body)
283 khaśarīrin (body)
284 khaṇḍitavigraha (body)
285 kheṭa (body)
286 gaṇa (body)
287 gaṇakāma (body)
288 gal (body)
289 gavīnikā (body)
290 gātra (body)
291 gātrakampa (body)
292 gātrakarśana (body)
293 gātrayaṣṭi (body)
294 gātraruha (body)
295 gātravat (body)
296 gātraśoṣana (body)
297 gātrasaṃkocanī (body)
298 gātrasamplava (body)
299 gātrānulepanī (body)
300 gātrāvaraṇa (body)
301 gātraka (body)
302 gu (body)
303 gupti (body)
304 gulma (body)
305 geha (body)
306 go (body)
307 gokha (body)
308 gomedaka (body)
309 gaurāṅga (body)
310 granthi (body)
311 graha (body)
312 grāhikā (body)
313 glāni (body)
314 ghana (body)
315 ghanadhātu (body)
316 ghanaphala (body)
317 ghanavara (body)
318 cakra (body)
319 catuḥśākha (body)
320 catuḥsama (body)
321 caturdaśasamadvandva (body)
322 catuṣkṛṣṇa (body)
323 carmaja (body)
324 caladaṅga (body)
325 caladaṅgaka (body)
326 cārcikya (body)
327 citrakāya (body)
328 citratanu (body)
329 citrāṅga (body)
330 colapaṭṭaka (body)
331 chidra (body)
332 chedana (body)
333 janya (body)
334 jalarākṣasī (body)
335 jānakīdehabhūṣa (body)
336 jāha (body)
337 jīrvi (body)
338 jīvasthāna (body)
339 jūrṇi (body)
340 jvara (body)
341 jharjharīka (body)
342 jhallikā (body)
343 ḍimba (body)
344 taṭa (body)
345 taṭastha (body)
346 tattvanyāsa (body)
347 tanu (body)
348 tanutyaj (body)
349 tanutra (body)
350 tanudāna (body)
351 tanubhastrā (body)
352 tanubhṛt (body)
353 tanumadhya (body)
354 tanurasa (body)
355 tanuruh (body)
356 tanulatā (body)
357 tanuvraṇa (body)
358 tanusaṃcāriṇī (body)
359 tanus (body)
360 tanū (body)
361 tanūja (body)
362 tanūdeśa (body)
363 tanūbala (body)
364 tantrī (body)
365 tanvin (body)
366 tanva (body)
367 talārakṣa (body)
368 talīdya (body)
369 tāmratanu (body)
370 tiktadhātu (body)
371 tuṣitakāyika (body)
372 tejas (body)
373 tejaskāya (body)
374 toyakarman (body)
375 tyaj (body)
376 trayīdeha (body)
377 trasa (body)
378 trāṇa (body)
379 tritāmra (body)
380 tridoṣa (body)
381 tripiba (body)
382 tripralamba (body)
383 tripralambin (body)
384 triśaṅku (body)
385 trisama (body)
386 trirunnata (body)
387 trailokya (body)
388 tvagja (body)
389 tvaṅmala (body)
390 daṃśa (body)
391 daṇḍapraṇāma (body)
392 daṇḍavat (body)
393 damaśarīrin (body)
394 darśanāgni (body)
395 daśapadma (body)
396 daśapadmavat (body)
397 daśabṛhat (body)
398 daśaratha (body)
399 daśārdhatā (body)
400 divyadeha (body)
401 dīpaśikhā (body)
402 dīpaka (body)
403 dīptāṅga (body)
404 dīrghatanu (body)
405 duḥśīrtatanu (body)
406 durāśaya (body)
407 duśchada (body)
408 duṣkalevara (body)
409 duṣṭanu (body)
410 dūyana (body)
411 devahū (body)
412 devāṅga (body)
413 deśa (body)
414 deha (body)
415 dehakara (body)
416 dehakośa (body)
417 dehakṣaya (body)
418 dehagata (body)
419 dehagrahaṇa (body)
420 dehacara (body)
421 dehacaryā (body)
422 dehacyuta (body)
423 dehaja (body)
424 dehatyāga (body)
425 dehatva (body)
426 dehada (body)
427 dehadāha (body)
428 dehadīpa (body)
429 dehadharma (body)
430 dehadhātṛ (body)
431 dehadhāraka (body)
432 dehadhāraṇa (body)
433 dehadhārin (body)
434 dehadhi (body)
435 dehadhṛk (body)
436 dehapatana (body)
437 dehapāta (body)
438 dehabandha (body)
439 dehabhāj (body)
440 dehabhuj (body)
441 dehabhṛt (body)
442 dehabheda (body)
443 dehamadhya (body)
444 dehamātrāvaśeṣita (body)
445 dehamānin (body)
446 dehambhara (body)
447 dehayātrā (body)
448 deharakṣā (body)
449 dehalakṣaṇa (body)
450 dehavat (body)
451 dehavarman (body)
452 dehavāyu (body)
453 dehavisarjana (body)
454 dehavṛtti (body)
455 dehavrinta (body)
456 dehasaṃcāriṇī (body)
457 dehasāra (body)
458 dehasukha (body)
459 dehātmavāda (body)
460 dehānta (body)
461 dehāntara (body)
462 dehāntaraprāpti (body)
463 dehāri (body)
464 dehāvaraṇa (body)
465 dehāsava (body)
466 debeśvara (body)
467 dehotkampa (body)
468 dehodbhava (body)
469 dehodbhūta (body)
470 dehin (body)
471 daihya (body)
472 doṣa (body)
473 dvātriṃśailakṣaṇika (body)
474 dvātriṃśailakṣaṇopeta (body)
475 dvāra (body)
476 dvyaṇukodara (body)
477 dhanaṃjaya (body)
478 dhanuḥstambha (body)
479 dhamani (body)
480 dhara (body)
481 dharaṇī (body)
482 dharmakāya (body)
483 dharmakośa (body)
484 dharmakoṣa (body)
485 dharmavyādha (body)
486 dharmaśarīra (body)
487 dharmāṅga (body)
488 dhātu (body)
489 dhātumala (body)
490 dhāturājaka (body)
491 dhāmanī (body)
492 dhāraṇī (body)
493 dhṛ (body)
494 dhṛtaśarīra (body)
495 dhruva (body)
496 naliptāṅga (body)
497 nātivātala (body)
498 nakṣatra (body)
499 namrāṅga (body)
500 narāṅga (body)
501 nalaka (body)
502 nalikā (body)
503 navadvāra (body)
504 nāga (body)
505 nāgāvalokita (body)
506 nāgoda (body)
507 nāḍi (body)
508 nāḍikā (body)
509 nāḍī (body)
510 nābhimūla (body)
511 nāla (body)
512 nālī (body)
513 nāli (body)
514 nālīka (body)
515 nirantaraśarīra (body)
516 nirīṣa (body)
517 nikāya (body)
518 niketa (body)
519 nipur (body)
520 nimi (body)
521 nirāyatapūrvakāya (body)
522 nirbhinnatanu (body)
523 nirmāṇakāya (body)
524 nirmuktadeha (body)
525 nirhṛ (body)
526 nirharaṇa (body)
527 nirhāraka (body)
528 nirhāraṇa (body)
529 nṛkalevara (body)
530 netrayoni (body)
531 nyaccha (body)
532 nyastadeha (body)
533 nyāsa (body)
534 pakṣa (body)
535 paṅkadigdhaśarīra (body)
536 paṅgu (body)
537 pakvagātra (body)
538 pañjara (body)
539 pañcadīrgha (body)
540 pañcaprāṇa (body)
541 pañcabhūtaparityakta (body)
542 pañcabhūtātmaka (body)
543 pañcamantratanu (body)
544 pañcavarga (body)
545 pañcāgni (body)
546 pañcāṅga (body)
547 pañcātmaka (body)
548 pañcama (body)
549 paṭala (body)
550 paṭaura (body)
551 pattrabhaṅga (body)
552 pattrabhaṅgi (body)
553 pattrabhaṅgī (body)
554 pativedana (body)
555 pattikāya (body)
556 pattisaṃhati (body)
557 pattisainya (body)
558 padma (body)
559 parakāyapraveśana (body)
560 parakṣetra (body)
561 parāṅga (body)
562 parāṅgada (body)
563 parātman (body)
564 parāpur (body)
565 parāñc (body)
566 parikarman (body)
567 paricara (body)
568 parityaj (body)
569 paritrāṇa (body)
570 parisrāva (body)
571 parus (body)
572 paryaṅkagranthibandha (body)
573 paryaṅkabaddha (body)
574 parvan (body)
575 pavanaprabhava (body)
576 pavanavyādhi (body)
577 pāṇḍupṛṣṭha (body)
578 pāta (body)
579 pāda (body)
580 pārśvānucara (body)
581 piṅga (body)
582 piṅgalā (body)
583 piṇḍa (body)
584 piṇḍatā (body)
585 piṇḍin (body)
586 piṇḍībhū (body)
587 pitṛhū (body)
588 puttala (body)
589 putrapiṇḍapālana (body)
590 pudgala (body)
591 punarbhavin (body)
592 pur (body)
593 pura (body)
594 purī (body)
595 puriśaya (body)
596 puryaṣṭa (body)
597 puryaṣṭaka (body)
598 puraṃdhi (body)
599 pulaka (body)
600 pulakāṅkitasavāṅga (body)
601 pulakoddhūṣitaśarīra (body)
602 pulakaya (body)
603 pulakita (body)
604 puṣṭyartha (body)
605 pūtamūrti (body)
606 pūga (body)
607 pūraṇa (body)
608 pūrvakāya (body)
609 pūrvadeha (body)
610 pūrvāṅga (body)
611 pūrvārdhakāya (body)
612 peśī (body)
613 paurvadehika (body)
614 paurvadaihika (body)
615 prakāśa (body)
616 prakula (body)
617 prakṛti (body)
618 prajanuka (body)
619 praṇatakāya (body)
620 pratikāya (body)
621 pratideham (body)
622 pratipratīka (body)
623 pratipratīkam (body)
624 pratiśarīram (body)
625 pratyaṅga (body)
626 pratyavayava (body)
627 pratyavayavam (body)
628 pratighna (body)
629 pradakṣiṇāvartaikaromatā (body)
630 pradeśa (body)
631 pradoṣa (body)
632 pradhānadhātu (body)
633 pradhānāṅga (body)
634 pramlānaśarīra (body)
635 pralamba (body)
636 praśākha (body)
637 prasara (body)
638 prasṛta (body)
639 prasrava (body)
640 praharṣaṇa (body)
641 prahṛṣṭa (body)
642 prahvalikā (body)
643 prāgdaihika (body)
644 prāṇaśarīra (body)
645 prāṇasadman (body)
646 priyatanu (body)
647 pretakāya (body)
648 pretaśarīra (body)
649 prokṣaṇa (body)
650 proddhṛṣita (body)
651 phalaka (body)
652 phalka (body)
653 bandha (body)
654 bandhuvarga (body)
655 bala (body)
656 balakāya (body)
657 bahutantrī (body)
658 bahistanva (body)
659 bāṇa (body)
660 bāl (body)
661 bāhu (body)
662 bindu (body)
663 bimba (body)
664 buddhavapurdhārin (body)
665 budhna (body)
666 bṛhaccharīra (body)
667 bṛhat (body)
668 bṛhatī (body)
669 brahman (body)
670 brahmagranthi (body)
671 brahmapura (body)
672 brahmāṅgabhū (body)
673 brāhmaṇa (body)
674 bhakti (body)
675 bhasmadhāraṇa (body)
676 bhasmānta (body)
677 bhasmāvṛtāṅga (body)
678 bhasmoddhūlana (body)
679 bhasmoddhūlitavigraha (body)
680 bhasman (body)
681 bhāva (body)
682 bhāsuradeha (body)
683 bhitti (body)
684 bhinnadeha (body)
685 bhūghana (body)
686 bhūtagrāma (body)
687 bhūtanicaya (body)
688 bhūtātman (body)
689 bhūtāvāsa (body)
690 bhūtendriyajayin (body)
691 bhūmivardhana (body)
692 bhoga (body)
693 bhogadeha (body)
694 bhogasthāna (body)
695 bhojyasambhava (body)
696 majjan (body)
697 maṭaka (body)
698 maṇḍala (body)
699 matasna (body)
700 matsya (body)
701 math (body)
702 maddeha (body)
703 maccharīra (body)
704 madhya (body)
705 madhyadeśa (body)
706 madhyadeha (body)
707 madhyabhāga (body)
708 madhyaśarīra (body)
709 madhyasthala (body)
710 madhyebhabandhana (body)
711 madhyama (body)
712 madhyejaṭharam (body)
713 manas (body)
714 manovāgdehaja (body)
715 mantramūrti (body)
716 mandira (body)
717 marut (body)
718 marka (body)
719 martya (body)
720 marman (body)
721 mala (body)
722 maladigdhāṅga (body)
723 mahākāyaśirodhara (body)
724 mahāgaṇa (body)
725 mahāṅga (body)
726 mahādeha (body)
727 mahāroman (body)
728 mahāśarīra (body)
729 māti (body)
730 māṃsakṣaya (body)
731 māṃsaniryāsa (body)
732 māṃsasāra (body)
733 mānasūtra (body)
734 māruta (body)
735 mārutakopana (body)
736 mārutāpaha (body)
737 mārga (body)
738 mārjārīya (body)
739 mukula (body)
740 muc (body)
741 mudrā (body)
742 mūrti (body)
743 mūrtitva (body)
744 mūrtidhara (body)
745 mūḍhatā (body)
746 mṛtadeha (body)
747 mṛtapa (body)
748 mṛtapā (body)
749 mṛtāṅga (body)
750 mṛtādhāna (body)
751 mṛga (body)
752 meghavapus (body)
753 medaścheda (body)
754 medaskṛt (body)
755 yajurveda (body)
756 yathākāyam (body)
757 yathānikāyam (body)
758 yathāśarīram (body)
759 yadi (body)
760 yama (body)
761 yamalā (body)
762 yavodara (body)
763 yaśaḥkāya (body)
764 yāta (body)
765 yāvaddehabhāvin (body)
766 yogaśarīrin (body)
767 rakṣivarga (body)
768 rakta (body)
769 raktamaṇḍalatā (body)
770 ratha (body)
771 rathakāya (body)
772 rathoḍupa (body)
773 rathopastha (body)
774 randhra (body)
775 rallaka (body)
776 ravicakra (body)
777 rasa (body)
778 rasamala (body)
779 rasāyanī (body)
780 rasollāsā (body)
781 rasālasā (body)
782 rājalakṣaṇa (body)
783 rāhubhedin (body)
784 riṣṭadeha (body)
785 ruṇḍa (body)
786 ruṇḍaka (body)
787 rudhiracarcitasarvāṅga (body)
788 rūpa (body)
789 rekhājātakasudhākara (body)
790 rogabhū (body)
791 rogāyatana (body)
792 roman (body)
793 romavikāra (body)
794 romavikriyā (body)
795 romasaṃvejana (body)
796 romaharṣa (body)
797 romaharṣita (body)
798 romāṅkura (body)
799 romāñcakañcuka (body)
800 romāñcita (body)
801 rora (body)
802 lakṣaṇajña (body)
803 lagnabhuja (body)
804 laghusamudīraṇatva (body)
805 latā (body)
806 lasīkā (body)
807 liṅgadeha (body)
808 liṅgaśarīra (body)
809 liṅgin (body)
810 liptāṅga (body)
811 luñcitakeśa (body)
812 luñcitamūrdhaja (body)
813 lokatas (body)
814 loman (body)
815 lomasaṃharṣaṇa (body)
816 lomaharṣa (body)
817 lomaśavakṣaṇa (body)
818 lohitākṣa (body)
819 vaṃśaśalākā (body)
820 vakrāṅga (body)
821 vaṅkhara (body)
822 vajradeha (body)
823 vajrāsana (body)
824 vana (body)
825 vanaṃkaraṇa (body)
826 vanaspatikāya (body)
827 vandanā (body)
828 vapu (body)
829 vapuḥsrava (body)
830 vapurmalasamācita (body)
831 vapuṣmat (body)
832 vapus (body)
833 vapussāt (body)
834 varatanu (body)
835 varāṅga (body)
836 varāhavapuṣa (body)
837 varṇaka (body)
838 varmitaṅga (body)
839 varṣma (body)
840 varṣmavat (body)
841 varṣmavīrya (body)
842 varṣmābha (body)
843 varṣman (body)
844 valmīka (body)
845 vallabhācārya (body)
846 vavri (body)
847 vavrivāsas (body)
848 vahnida (body)
849 vahnināśana (body)
850 vāta (body)
851 vātakara (body)
852 vātakalākalā (body)
853 vātakopana (body)
854 vātakṣobha (body)
855 vātarakta (body)
856 vātaroga (body)
857 vātika (body)
858 vāṅmūrti (body)
859 vācaspati (body)
860 vāyu (body)
861 vāyugranthi (body)
862 vāyuvāhinī (body)
863 vālakhilya (body)
864 vāhinī (body)
865 viguṇa (body)
866 vimajjāntra (body)
867 vilohitaka (body)
868 vikṛti (body)
869 vikṣiptaka (body)
870 vikhāditaka (body)
871 vigraha (body)
872 vigrahāvara (body)
873 vicitradeha (body)
874 vicitrāṅga (body)
875 viceṣṭita (body)
876 vicchitti (body)
877 viju (body)
878 vitatavapus (body)
879 vitap (body)
880 vidatha (body)
881 videhamukti (body)
882 vidhura (body)
883 vidhṛta (body)
884 vinatakāya (body)
885 vināma (body)
886 vināśasambhava (body)
887 vinirmuc (body)
888 vipannadeha (body)
889 vipadumaka (body)
890 vibhinna (body)
891 vibhinnāṅga (body)
892 vibhāva (body)
893 vibhūti (body)
894 vibhūṣitāṅga (body)
895 vimāna (body)
896 viracitavapus (body)
897 virāj (body)
898 virāḍdeha (body)
899 vilagna (body)
900 vivara (body)
901 viśalya (body)
902 viśalyaghna (body)
903 viśalyaprāṇahara (body)
904 viśuddha (body)
905 viśuddhicakra (body)
906 viśīrṇamūrti (body)
907 viśrāntavigrahakatha (body)
908 viśva (body)
909 viśvakāya (body)
910 viśvatanu (body)
911 viśvamūrti (body)
912 viṣṇugranthi (body)
913 visāritāṅga (body)
914 visarpakhinnavigraha (body)
915 visrastāṅga (body)
916 vihā (body)
917 vihvalatanu (body)
918 vihvalasālasāṅga (body)
919 vihvalitasarvāṅga (body)
920 vīḍvāṅga (body)
921 vṛttakāya (body)
922 vṛddhi (body)
923 vetāla (body)
924 vedavedāṅgavigrahin (body)
925 vedāṅga (body)
926 vera (body)
927 vaigrahika (body)
928 vaideha (body)
929 vaihaga (body)
930 vyadh (body)
931 vyan (body)
932 vyāna (body)
933 vyabhicārinbhāva (body)
934 vyavahārāṅga (body)
935 vyādhisthāna (body)
936 vyāvṛttadeha (body)
937 vyūha (body)
938 vyoman (body)
939 vyomacārin (body)
940 vyomapañcaka (body)
941 śatapuṭa (body)
942 śaṃtanu (body)
943 śarīra (body)
944 śarīrakartṛ (body)
945 śarīrakarṣaṇa (body)
946 śarīracintā (body)
947 śarīraja (body)
948 śarīratā (body)
949 śarīratulya (body)
950 śarīratyāga (body)
951 śarīradeśa (body)
952 śarīradhātu (body)
953 śarīradhṛk (body)
954 śarīranicaya (body)
955 śarīranipāta (body)
956 śarīranyāsa (body)
957 śarīrapakti (body)
958 śarīrapāka (body)
959 śarīrapāta (body)
960 śarīrapuruṣa (body)
961 śarīrapradhānatā (body)
962 śarīrabaddha (body)
963 śarīrabandha (body)
964 śarīrabhāj (body)
965 śarīrabhūta (body)
966 śarīrabhṛt (body)
967 śarīrabheda (body)
968 śarīramātra (body)
969 śarīrayaṣṭi (body)
970 śarīrarakṣaka (body)
971 śarīrarakṣā (body)
972 śarīraratna (body)
973 śarīrareṣaṇa (body)
974 śarīravat (body)
975 śarīravattva (body)
976 śarīravimokṣaṇa (body)
977 śarīravṛtti (body)
978 śarīravaikalya (body)
979 śarīraśuśrūṣā (body)
980 śarīraśoṣaṇa (body)
981 śarīrasaṃskāra (body)
982 śarīrasaṃdhi (body)
983 śarīrasampatti (body)
984 śarīrasāda (body)
985 śarīrastha (body)
986 śarīrasthāna (body)
987 śarīranta (body)
988 śarīrantakara (body)
989 śarīrāntara (body)
990 śarīrāntaracārin (body)
991 śarīrārdha (body)
992 śarīrāvayava (body)
993 śarīrāvaraṇa (body)
994 śarīrāsthi (body)
995 śarīraka (body)
996 śarīrin (body)
997 śalya (body)
998 śalyakriyā (body)
999 śalyavāraṅga (body)
1000 śallakāṅgaja (body)
(H3) agní--saṃskāra [p= 6,1] [L=1107] m. the consecration of fire
[L=1108] performance of any rite in which the application of fire is essential , as the burning of a dead body Mn. Ragh.
(H3) ágra--kāya [p= 6,2] [L=1215] m. the fore part of the body.
(H2) aṅká [p= 7,1] [L=1409] m. a hook RV. i , 162 , 13 , &c
[L=1410] part of a chariot (used in the dual) TS. TBr.
[L=1411] a curve
[L=1412] the curve in the human , especially the female , figure above the hip (where infants sitting , astride are carried by mothers hence often = " breast " or " lap ")
[L=1413] the side or flank
[L=1414] the body
[L=1415] proximity , place
[L=1416] the bend in the arm
[L=1417] any hook or crooked instrument
[L=1418] a curved line
[L=1419] a numerical figure , cipher , a figure or mark branded on an animal , &c
[L=1420] any mark , line , stroke , ornament , stigma
[L=1421] a number
[L=1422] the numbers one and nine
[L=1423] a co-efficient
[L=1424] an act of a drama
[L=1425] a drama
[L=1426] a military show or sham-fight
[L=1427] a misdeed , a sin L. ([cf. Gk. ἀγκάς , ἀγκάλη , , ὄγκος , and Lat. uncus]).
(H2) aṅka [p= 1309,1] [L=301170] (also) a kind of regnal year (used in Orissa and usually spoken of as Onko year
[L=301170.1] the peculiarity of it is that in counting the years of the reign of a king certain numbers are omitted, thus, accord. to one system, the numbers ending with 6 or 0, excepting 10, are dropped, so that the sequence of the years would be-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 &c )
(H3) aṅká--dhāraṇā [p= 7,2] [L=1432] f. manner of holding the body , figure A1s3vS3r.
(H3) aṅká--parivartana [L=1433] n. turning the body , turning on the other side.
(H3) aṅká--bandha [L=1443] m. branding with a mark (that resembles a headless body) Ya1jn5.
(H1) aṅgá 1 [L=1496] ind. a particle implying attention , assent or desire , and sometimes impatience , it may be rendered , by well
[L=1496.1] indeed , true , please , rather quick
[L=1496.2] kim aṅga , how much rather!
(H1) áṅga 2 [p= 7,3] [L=1503] n. ( √ am Un2. ), a limb of the body
[L=1504] a limb , member
[L=1505] the body
[L=1506] a subordinate division or department , especially of a science , as the six vedāṅgas
[L=1507] hence the number six
[L=1508] N. of the chief sacred texts of the jainas
[L=1509] a limb or subdivision of mantra or counsel (said to be five , viz. 1. karmaṇām ārambho*pāyaḥ , means of commencing operations ; 2. puruṣa-dravya-sampad , providing men and materials ; 3. deśa-kāla-vibhāga , distribution of place and time ; 4. vipatti-pratīkāra , counter-action of disaster ; 5. kārya-siddhi , successful accomplishment ; whence mantra is said to be pañcā*ṅga)
[L=1510] any subdivision , a supplement
[L=1511] (in Gr.) the base of a word , but in the strong cases only Pa1n2. 1-4 , 13 seqq.
[L=1512] anything inferior or secondary , anything immaterial or unessential , » aṅga-tā
[L=1513] (in rhetoric) an illustration
[L=1514] (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters
[L=1515] an expedient
[L=1516] a mental organ , the mind L.
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1517] m. sg. or pl. N. of Bengal proper or its inhabitants
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1518] m. (sg.) , N. of a king of aṅga
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1519] mfn. having members or divisions L.
(H1B) áṅga 2 [L=1520] m. contiguous L.
(H2) aṅga [p= 1309,2] [L=301290] (in comp.)
(H3) áṅga--kaṣāyá [p= 7,3] [L=1524] m. the essence of the body (said of , the semen virile) S3Br.
(H3) áṅga--ja [L=1526] mfn. produced from or on the body , ornamental L.
[L=1527] produced by a supplementary ceremony
(H3B) áṅga--ja [L=1527.1] m. a son L.
[L=1528] hair of the head L.
[L=1529] the god of love L.
[L=1530] intoxicating passion L.
[L=1531] drunkenness L.
[L=1532] a disease L.
(H3B) áṅga--ja [L=1534] n. blood.
(H3) áṅga--jāta [L=1536] mfn. produced from or on the body
[L=1537] ornamental
[L=1538] produced by a supplementary ceremony.
(H3) áṅga--nyāsa [L=1548] m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body.
(H3) áṅga--marda [L=1554] m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
[L=1555] m. also rheumatism Car.
(H3) áṅga--mardaka [L=1556] m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
(H3) áṅga--mardin [L=1558] m. a servant who shampoos his master's body
[L=1559] aṅgamarda also rheumatism Car.
(H3) áṅga--m-ejayatva [L=1562] (aṅgam-ej°) n. the trembling of the body Yogas.
(H3) áṅga--rakṣaṇī [L=1566] f. " body protector " , a coat of mail L.
(H3) áṅga--rakṣiṇī [L=1567] f. " body protector " , a coat of mail L.
(H3) áṅga--rāga [L=1568] m. application of unguents or cosmetics to the body (especially after bathing)
[L=1569] scented cosmetic.
(H3) áṅga--ruha [L=1573] mfn. " growing on the body " , hair , wool , down , &c
(H3) áṅga--vidyā [L=1583] f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body , Chiromantia Mn. vi , 50 , &c
(H3) áṅga--saṃskāra [L=1586] m. embellishment of person bathing , perfuming and adorning the body.
(H3) áṅga--saṃskriyā [L=1587] f. embellishment of person bathing , perfuming and adorning the body.
(H3) áṅga--saṃhati [L=1588] f. compactness of limb , symmetry of body.
(H3) áṅga--saṃhitā [L=1589] f. the saṃhitā or phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word TS. Pra1t.
(H3) aṅgā* ṅgi [L=1598] ind. jointly or reciprocally , related as one limb to another or to the body.
(H3) aṅgā* ṅgi-tā [L=1599] f. mutual relation or correlation as between the limbs , or a limb and the body , or between subordinate and the principal , or principal and accessory.
(H3) aṅgā* ṅgibhāva [L=1600] m. correlation between the limbs of a body
[p= 8,1] [L=1601] the mutual relation or correlation of the different limbs or members of anything , as in a simile or comparison between the principal parts or features of any object and those of the thing compared to it.
(H3) aṅgā* nukūla [L=1603] mfn. agreeable to the body Megh.
(H3) aṅgā* nulepana [L=1604] n. anointing the body.
(H3) aṅge-ṣṭhā́ [L=1607] mfn. situated in a member or in the body AV.
(H2) aṅgaka [L=1610] n. a limb , member , body
(H1) ajirá [p= 10,2] [L=2149] mfn. ( √ aj) , agile , quick , rapid
(H1B) ajirá [L=2150] m. N. of a nāga priest PBr. ??
(H1B) ajirá [L=2152] n. place to run or fight in , area , court R. &c
(H1B) ajirá [L=2153] n. the body
(H1B) ajirá [L=2154] n. any object of sense , air , wind , a frog L.
(H2) ajira [p= 1309,3] [L=301670] n. (with ājeḥ) a field of battle (cf. samarā*jira), S3is3.
Whitney Roots links: ac
(H1) añc 1 [p= 10,3] [L=2250]
(connected with √ac q.v.) cl.1 P. A1. áñcati , °te , ānañca , °ce , añci-ṣyati , °te , añcitum , to bend , curve , incline , curl ;
to reverence (with inclined body) , to honour ;
to tend , move , go , wander about ;
to request L. : cl.10. or Caus. añcayati , to unfold , make clear , produce. Desid. P. A1. añciciṣati , °te , to be desirous of bending: Pass. añcyate or acyate , to be bent.
(H2) añc 2 [L=2251] only ifc. , turned to , going or directed towards
[L=2251.1] » akudhryā*ñc , ávāñc , udañc , devadryáñc , &c
(H2) añca [p= 11,1] [L=2252] " curling " (of the hairs of the body , thrill of rapture) , only at the end of romā*ñca q.v.
(H3) aṇu--mātrika [p= 11,3] [L=2427] mfn. having the size of an atom
[L=2428] containing the atomic elements (mātrā) of the body Mn. i , 56.
(H3) a-tapta--tanū [p= 12,1] [L=2526] (átapta-) mfn. whose body or mass is not prepared in fire , raw RV. ix , 83 , 1.
(H3) áti--kāya [p= 12,2] [L=2573] mfn. of extraordinary body or size , gigantic
(H3B) áti--kāya [L=2574] m. N. of a rākṣasa R.
(H3) ádhara--kāya [p= 19,3] [L=3979] m. the lower part of the body.
(H3) adhaḥ-kāya [p= 20,1] [L=4028] m. the lower part of the body.
(H3) adho-deśa [L=4072] m. the lower or lowest part (especially of the body).
(H3) adho-bhāga [L=4082] m. the lower or lowest part , especially of the body.
(H3) adho-bhāga-doṣa-hara [L=4083] mfn. curing or strengthening the lower part of the body.
(H3) adhó-rāma [p= 20,2] [L=4097] m. (a goat) having peculiar white or black marks on the lower part (of the body) VS. S3Br.
(H3) adhastāl-lakṣman [L=4113] mfn. having a mark at the lower part (of the body) MaitrS.
(H3) adhi-ṣṭhā́na--deha [p= 22,2] [L=4455] n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the pitṛ-loka or world of spirits (also called the preta-śarīra).
(H3) adhi-ṣṭhā́na--śarīra [L=4456] n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the pitṛ-loka or world of spirits (also called the preta-śarīra).
(H3) an-aṅgá--m-ejaya [p= 24,2] [L=4825] (an-aṅgam-) mfn. not shaking the body (?) , (g. cārv-ādi q.v.)
(H1) an-anaṅgamejaya [p= 24,3] [L=4899] mfn. not leaving the body unshaken (?) cf. an-aṅgamejaya.
(H3) anavadyā* ṅga [p= 26,3] [L=5302] mf(ī)n. having faultless body or limbs.
(H3) an-āplutā* ṅga [p= 28,2] [L=5563] mfn. having an unwashed body MBh.
(H2) an-āvṛtti [p= 28,3] [L=5667] f. non-return to a body , final emancipation.
(H1) an-āhata [p= 29,1] [L=5725] mfn. unbeaten , unwounded , intact
[L=5726] new and unbleached (as cloth)
[L=5727] produced otherwise than by beating
[L=5728] not multiplied
(H1B) an-āhata [L=5729] n. the fourth of the mystical cakras , or circles of the body.
(H1) ánila [p= 30,1] [L=5905] m. ( √ an cf. Trish anal) , air or wind
[L=5906] the god of wind
[L=5907] one of the forty-nine anilas or winds
[L=5908] one of the eight demi-gods , called vasus
[L=5909] wind as one of the humors or rasas of the body
[L=5910] rheumatism , paralysis , or any affection referred to disorder of the wind
[L=5911] N. of a ṛṣi and other persons
[L=5912] the letter y
[L=5913] the number forty-nine.
(H2) a-nila [p= 1311,3] [L=305940] (also) a kind of sword, L.
(H1) anu-deham [p= 33,2] [L=6459] ind. behind the body S3is3. ix , 73.
(H1) anu-maraṇa [p= 36,3] [L=6972] » anu- √mṛ.
(H2) anu-maraṇa [p= 37,1] [L=7006] n. following in death
[L=7007] post-cremation or concremation of a widow
[L=7008] the burning of a widow with (her husband's corpse or with part of his dress when his body is not on the spot ; cf. saha-maraṇa).
(H2) anu-lepaka [p= 38,1] [L=7161] mfn. anointing the body with unguents L.
(H2) anu-lepana [L=7163] n. anointing the body
[L=7164] unguent so used
[L=7165] oily or emollient application.
(H3) anu-ṣṭhāna--śarīra [p= 40,1] [L=7493] n. (in sāṃkhya phil.) the body which is intermediate between the liṅga- or sūkṣma- and the sthūla-śarīra (generally called the adhiṣṭhāna-śarīra q.v.)
(H1) anū* pa- √ viś [p= 42,1] [L=7755]
to sit down in order A1s3vS3r. La1t2y. ;
to lie down or incline the body (said of a parturient animal) S3Br.
(H1) anū-vṛ́j [L=7773] only du. -vṛ́jau mf. a part of the body near the ribs AV. ix , 4 , 12.
(H3) antáḥ--kṛmi [p= 43,1] [L=7987] m. a disease caused by worms in the body.
(H3) antáḥ--śalya [p= 43,2] [L=8029] (antáḥ-) mfn. having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside S3Br.
(H3) antar--aṅga [L=8052] mfn. interior , proximate , related , being essential to , or having reference to the essential part of the aṅga or base of a word
(H3B) antar--aṅga [L=8053] n. any interior part of the body VarBr2S.
(H3) antar--ja [L=8093] mfn. bred in the interior (of the body , as a worm).
(H3) antarā* ṃsa [p= 44,1] [L=8221] m. the part of the body between the shoulders , the breast S3Br.
(H3) anna--maya-kośa [p= 45,2] [L=8526] m. the gross material body (which is sustained by food = sthūla-śarīra).
(H2) anv-ārohaṇa [p= 47,1] [L=8863] n. (a widow's) ascending the funeral pile after or with the body of a husband , (g. anupravacanā*di q.v.)
(H1) apa-tantra [p= 49,1] [L=9166] m. spasmodic contraction (of the body or stomach) , emprosthotonos Hcat.
(H3) ápara--kāya [p= 50,3] [L=9428] m. the hind part of the body.
(H1) apā* ṅga [p= 54,1] [L=9967] mfn. without limbs or without a body L.
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9968] m. (ifc. f(ā or ī).) the outer corner of the eye S3a1k. &c
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9969] m. a sectarial mark or circlet on the forehead R.
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9970] m. N. of kāma (the god of love) L.
(H1B) apā* ṅga [L=9971] m. = apā*mārgá L.
(H1) aptú [p= 57,1] [L=10442] mfn. small , tender [Comm. ; but perhaps connected with aptúr above , because also , applied to the soma] MaitrS. TS. S3Br.
[L=10443] body Un2.
(H1) ápsas [p= 59,3] [L=10890] n. " the hidden part of the body " , the secret charms (of a wife) RV. AV. SV. ([" breast or κόλπος " Gmn. ; " cheek " BR. ; " forehead , face " NBD. ]), hidden fault , sin MaitrS. Ka1t2h.
[L=10891] (apsvas) KapS.
(H1) abhi-saṃ- √ kṣip [p= 72,2] [L=12738] (ind.p. -kṣipya) to compress , render quite small (the body by magical power) MBh. v , 283.
(H2) abhi-saṃkṣipta [L=12739] mfn. one who has compressed his body so as to render it small MBh. i , 5368.
(H1) a-marmán [p= 81,1] [L=13962] mfn. having no vital part , invulnerable RV. iii , 32 , 4 ; v , 32 , 5 and vi , 26 , 3
(H1B) a-marman [L=13963] n. not a vital part of the body Sus3r.
(H3) a-marma--jāta [L=13965] mfn. not originating in a vital part of the body (as a disease) , Sus3r.
(H1) á-mūrta [p= 82,1] [L=14178] mfn. formless , shapeless , unembodied S3Br. xiv Up. &c
[L=14179] not forming one body , consisting of different parts Su1ryas.
(H1B) á-mūrta [L=14180] m. N. of śiva.
(H2) a-mṛ́ta [p= 82,2] [L=14198] mfn. (cf. Pa1n2. 6-2 , 116) not dead MBh.
[L=14198.02] immortal RV. &c
[L=14198.04] imperishable RV. VS.
[L=14198.06] beautiful , beloved L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.08] m. an immortal , a god RV. &c
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.10] m. N. of śiva
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.12] m. of viṣṇu MBh. xiii
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.14] m. of dhanvantari L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.16] m. the plant Phaseolus Trilobus Ait.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.18] m. the root of a plant L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.36] n. collective body of immortals RV.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.38] n. world of immortality , heaven , eternity RV. VS. AV. (also āni n. pl. RV. i , 72 , 1 and iii , 38 , 4)
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.42] n. immortality RV.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.44] n. final emancipation L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.46] n. the nectar (conferring immortality , produced at the churning of the ocean) , ambrosia RV. (or the voice compared to it , N. Ragh. )
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.48] n. nectar-like food
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.50] n. antidote against poison Sus3r.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.52] n. N. of a medicament S3is3. ix , 36, medicament in general Buddh.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.54] n. the residue of a sacrifice (cf. amṛeta-bhuj)
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.56] n. unsolicited alms Mn. iv , 4 and 5, water Naigh.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.58] n. milk L. clarified butter L. (cf. pañā*mṛta) , boiled rice L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.60] n. anything sweet , a sweetmeat R. vii , 7 ,3
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.62] n. a pear L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.64] n. food L. , property L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.66] n. gold L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.68] n. quicksilver L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.70] n. poison L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.72] n. a particular poison L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.74] n. a ray of light Ragh. x , 59 N. of a metre RPra1t.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.76] n. of a sacred place (in the north) Hariv. 14095 , of various conjunctions of planets (supposed to confer long life) L.
(H2B) a-mṛ́ta [L=14198.78] n. the number , " four " L.
(H2) a-mṛta [p= 1315,3] [L=313190] (in comp.)
(H2) ambhaṇa [p= 84,1] [L=14565] n. " sounding " , the body of the vinā lute AitA1r.
(H3) ayaḥ--kāya [p= 85,1] [L=14790] m. " of an iron body " , N. of a daitya Katha1s.
(H2) arcā́ [p= 90,1] [L=15715] f. ( Pa1n2. 2-3 , 43 and 2 , 101) worship , adoration S3Br. xi Mn. &c
[L=15716] an image or idol (destined to be worshipped) VarBr2S. &c
[L=15717] body Jain.
(H2) arcā [p= 1316,2] [L=313880] (in comp.)
(H3) ardhá--tanu [p= 92,1] [L=16169] f. half a body.
(H3) ardhá--nārī-nara-vapus [L=16180] mfn. having a body half man and half woman (said of rudra) Va1yuP. ii.
(H3) ardhā* ṅga [p= 92,3] [L=16286] n. half the body.
(H3) a-lomaharṣaṇa [p= 95,2] [L=16810] mfn. not causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy).
(H3) álpa--śarīra [p= 95,3] [L=16893] mfn. having a small body R. v , 35 , 31.
(H1) avaṭá [p= 98,3] [L=17277] m. a hole , vacuity in the ground SV. VS. &c
[L=17278] a hole in a tooth VarBr2S.
[L=17279] any depressed part of the body , a sinus Ya1jn5. iii , 98
[L=17280] a juggler L.
[L=17281] N. of a man , (g. gargā*di q.v.)
(H1) ava- √ dham [p= 99,3] [L=17446] -dhamati (said of spirituous liquor) to stir up (as the parts of the body) Car. : Pass. to shake , tremble , shudder Bhpr.
(H3) ava-nata--kaya [p= 100,2] [L=17544] mfn. bending the body , crouching down.
(H3) avanato* ttarakāya [L=17548] mfn. bowing the upper part of the body Ragh. ix , 60.
(H1) a-vināśa [p= 109,1] [L=18857] m. non-destruction , non-putrefaction (of a body) Ka1d.
(H1) avyáya 1 [p= 111,3] [L=19307] mfn. or rarely ávyaya ([only RV. viii , 97 , 2 and ix , 86 , 34]) (ávi) made of sheep's skin (as the woollen soma strainer) RV.
[L=19307.1] belonging to or consisting of sheep RV. viii , 97 , 2.
(H1) a-vyaya 2 [L=19308] mf(ā)n. not liable to change , imperishable , undecaying Up. Mn. &c
[L=19309] " not spending " , parsimonious
(H1B) a-vyaya 2 [L=19310] m. N. of viṣṇu or śiva L.
(H1B) a-vyaya 2 [L=19311] m. of a son of manu raivata Hariv. 433
(H1B) a-vyaya 2 [L=19312] m. of a nāga demon MBh. i , 2157 (ed. Bomb.)
(H1B) a-vyaya 2 [L=19313] m. the non-spending , parsimony
(H1B) a-vyaya 2 [L=19314] n. ([or m. L. ]) an indeclinable word , particle Pa1n2. APra1t. &c
(H1B) a-vyaya 2 [L=19315] n. (in vedānta) a member or corporeal part of an organized body L.
(H1) a-śarī́ra [p= 113,1] [L=19506] mf(ā)n. bodiless , incorporeal AitBr. S3Br. xiv , &c
[L=19507] not coming from a visible body (as a voice) R. iv , 63 , 6 Katha1s.
(H1B) a-śarī́ra [L=19508] m. N. of kāma , S3is3. ix , 61
(H1B) a-śarī́ra [L=19509] n. (in rhetoric) absence of the verb in a sentence.
(H2) a-śarīrin [L=19510] mfn. incorporeal Ra1matUp.
[L=19511] not coming from a visible body (as a voice) R. Uttarar. &c
(H3) a-śiraḥ-snāna [p= 113,2] [L=19557] n. bathing the whole body except the head L.
(H3) a-śīta--tanu [L=19579] mfn. (only voc.) having a hot body TS. and TBr. (v.l. for aśītama of VS. )
(H4) aṣṭā* ṅga---naya [p= 117,1] [L=20310] m. prostration of the eight parts of the body (in performing very profound obeisance ; the eight parts are the hands , breast , forehead , eyes , throat , and middle of the back ; or the first four , with the knees and feet ; or these six , with the speech and mind) L.
(H4) aṣṭā* ṅga---pāta [L=20310.1] m. prostration of the eight parts of the body (in performing very profound obeisance ; the eight parts are the hands , breast , forehead , eyes , throat , and middle of the back ; or the first four , with the knees and feet ; or these six , with the speech and mind) L. ([see sā*ṣṭā*ṅga-pātam])
(H4) aṣṭā* ṅga---praṇāma [L=20310.2] m. prostration of the eight parts of the body (in performing very profound obeisance ; the eight parts are the hands , breast , forehead , eyes , throat , and middle of the back ; or the first four , with the knees and feet ; or these six , with the speech and mind) L.
(H1) ásu [p= 121,1] [L=21023] m. ( √1. as) , Ved. breath , life RV. AV. &c
[L=21024] life of the spiritual world or departed spirits RV. x , 15 , 1
[L=21025] (in astron.) " respiration " , = four seconds of sidereal time or one minute of arc Su1ryas.
[L=21026] = prajñā Naigh.
[L=21027] (in later language only ásavas) the vital breaths or airs of the body , animal life AV. Mn. iii , 217 , &c
(H1B) asu [L=21028] n. grief L.
(H1B) asu [L=21029] n. (= citta) the spirit L.
(H2) asuryà 1 [p= 121,2] [L=21088] mfn. (4) incorporeal , spiritual , divine RV.
[L=21088.1] ( Pa1n2. 4-4 , 1 23) demoniacal , belonging or relating to the asuras AitBr. S3Br.
(H2B) asuryà 1 [L=21088.2] m. (às) (= ásura m. q.v.) the supreme spirit RV. ii , 35 , 2.
(H2) asuryà 2 [L=21089] n. (3) spirituality , divine nature RV.
[L=21089.1] the incorporeal , the collective body of spiritual beings RV. ([ Gmn. accentuates asuryá in accordance with similar cases , as 2. samaryá (3) n. compared with 1. samaryá (4) mfn. ])
(H1) a-sauṣṭhava [p= 122,1] [L=21212] n. want of lightness or suppleness (of body) Sa1h.
(H3) ásthi--samarpaṇa [p= 123,1] [L=21420] n. throwing the bones of a dead body into the Ganges L.
(H3) ásthi--sthūṇa [L=21424] mfn. having the bones for its pillars (as the body) Mn. vi , 76.
(H3) a-svā* ṅga-pūrva-pada [p= 123,3] [L=21584] mfn. (a compound) the first part of which is not (a word denoting) part of the body Pa1n2. 4-1 , 53.
(H3) áhi--pūtana [p= 125,1] [L=21844] m. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children) Sus3r.
(H3) áhi--pūtanā [L=21845] f. sores on the hinder part of the body (of children) Sus3r.
(H1) ā-kāra [p= 126,3] [L=22093] °raṇa , &c » ā- √kṛ.
(H2) ā-kāra 1 [p= 127,2] [L=22207] m. (ifc. f(ā). R. i , 28 , 24 Ragh. xii , 41) form , figure , shape , stature , appearance , external gesture or aspect of the body , expression of the face (as furnishing a clue to the disposition of mind) Mn. MBh. &c
(H1) āṅga [p= 131,1] [L=22826] mfn. (in Gr.) relating to the base. (aṅga) of a word Pa1n2. 1-1 , 63 Comm.
(H1B) āṅga [L=22827] m. a prince of the country aṅga , (g. pailā*di q.v.)
(H1B) āṅga [L=22829] n. a soft delicate form or body L.
(H2) ā-taṅka [p= 134,2] [L=23334] m. disease or sickness of body Sus3r.
[L=23335] fever L.
[L=23336] (ifc. f(ā). MBh. ii , 285) pain or affliction of mind , disquietude , apprehension , fear Vikr. Ragh. i , 63 , &c
[L=23337] the sound of a drum L. (cf. nirāt°.)
(H1) ātivāhika [p= 134,3] [L=23413] mfn. (fr. ati-vāha) , " fleeter than wind " , (in vedānta phil.) N. of the subtle body (or liṅga-śarīra) , Kap. Ba1d. &c
(H2) ātivāhika [p= 1319,2] [L=318470] (also) m. an inhabitant of the other world, L.
(H1) ā́-tura [p= 135,1] [L=23432] mf(ā)n. suffering , sick (in body or mind) RV. viii AV. xi , 101 , 2 , &c
[L=23433] diseased or pained by (in comp.) MBh. R. &c
[L=23434] desirous of (Inf.) (cf. an-āturá.)
(H1) ātmán [L=23455] m. (variously derived fr. an , to breathe ; at , to move ; vā , to blow ; cf. tmán) the breath RV.
[L=23456] the soul , principle of life and sensation RV. AV. &c
[L=23457] the individual soul , self , abstract individual [e.g. ātmán (Ved. loc.) dhatte , or karoti , " he places in himself " , makes his own TS. v S3Br. ; ātmanā akarot , " he did it himself " Ka1d. ; ātmanā vi- √yuj , " to lose one's life " Mn. vii , 46 ; ātman in the sg. is used as reflexive pronoun for all three persons and all three genders e.g. ātmānaṃ sā hanti , " she strikes herself " ; putram ātmanaḥ spṛṣṭvā nipetatuḥ , " they two having touched their son fell down " R. ii , 64 , 28 ; see also below s.v. ātmanā ]
[L=23463] essence , nature , character , peculiarity (often ifc. e.g. karmā*tman , &c ) RV. x , 97 , 11 , &c
[L=23464] the person or whole body considered as one and opposed to the separate members of the body VS. S3Br.
[L=23465] the body Ragh. i , 14 Ra1matUp.
[L=23466] (ifc.) " the understanding , intellect , mind " » naṣṭā*tman , mandā*°
[L=23467] the highest personal principle of life , brahma (cf. paramā*tman) AV. x , 8 , 44 VS. xxxii , 11 S3Br. xiv , &c
[L=23468] effort L.
[L=23469] (= dhṛti) firmness L.
[L=23470] the sun L.
[L=23471] fire L.
[L=23472] a son L. ; [Old Germ. a1tum ; Angl.Sax. oedhm ; Mod. Germ. Athem , Odem ; Gk. ἀϋτμήν , (?).]
(H4) ātma--trāṇa---parigraha [p= 135,2] [L=23522] m. a body guard R. v , 47 , 27.
(H3) ātma--bhāva [p= 135,3] [L=23564] m. existence of the soul S3vetUp.
[L=23565] the self , proper or peculiar nature Buddh.
[L=23566] the body ib.
(H3) ātma--mūrti [L=23576] mfn. one whose body is the soul Ra1matUp.
(H3) ātma--rakṣaka [L=23587] mfn. " body guard " , protector Jain. [Prakrit Aya-rakkhaya].
(H3) ādi--śarīra [p= 137,1] [L=23875] n. the primitive body MBh.
[L=23876] (in phil. = sūkṣma° L. )
(H3) ā-dhārá--cakra [p= 139,1] [L=24228] n. N. of a mystical circle on the posterior part of the body Rasik.
(H2) ā-dhmāna [p= 139,2] [L=24263] n. blowing , inflation , puffing Sus3r.
[L=24264] boasting
[L=24265] a bellows L.
[L=24266] intumescence , swelling of the body
[L=24267] N. of certain diseases Sus3r.
[L=24268] N. of a species of sound T.
(H4) ā-nandá--maya---koṣa [p= 140,1] [L=24410] m. the innermost case of the body , the causal frame enshrining the soul.
(H1) āntarāla [p= 141,3] [L=24700] mfn. (fr. antar-āla) , (in phil.) " those who know the condition of the soul within the body " , N. of a philosophical sect.
(H2) ā́mis [p= 147,1] [L=25536] n. raw flesh , meat
[L=25537] a dead body RV. vi , 46 , 14 ([ā́miṣi]).
(H1B) āyasī́ [p= 148,3] [L=25834] f. armour for the body , a breastplate , coat of mail L.
(H2) āyasī [p= 1320,1] [L=319640] f. (also) an iron vessel, Vishn2.
(H3) āyur--veda [p= 149,1] [p= 148,3] [L=25890] m. the science of health or medicine (it is classed among sacred sciences , and considered as a supplement of the atharva-veda ; it contains eight departments: 1. śalya or (removal of) any substance which has entered the body (as extraction of darts , of splinters , &c ) ; 2. śālākya or cure of diseases of the eye or ear &c by śalākās or sharp instruments ; 3. kāya-cikitsā or cure of diseases affecting the whole body ; 4. bhūtavidyā or treatment of mental diseases supposed to be produced by demoniacal influence ; 5. kaumāra-bhṛtya or treatment of children ; 6. agada-tantra or doctrine of antidotes ; 7. rāsāyana-tantra or doctrine of elixirs ; 8. vājīkaraṇa-tantra or doctrine of aphrodisiacs Sus3r. MBh. Hariv. &c )
(H3) ā-roha [p= 151,2] [L=26325] m. one who mounts or ascends , a rider (on a horse &c ) , one who is seated in a carriage R.
[L=26326] ascent , rising , creeping up , mounting S3ak. Katha1s. R.
[L=26327] haughtiness , pride Katha1s.
[L=26328] elevation , elevated place , altitude R.
[L=26329] a heap , mountain R.
[L=26330] increase Sa1h.
[L=26331] a woman's waist , the swell of the body R. BrahmaP. S3is3.
[L=26332] length L.
[L=26333] a particular measure L.
[L=26334] descending (= ava-roha ?) L.
(H2) ā-rohá [p= 1320,1] [L=319930] ( MaitrS. ; also)
[L=319930.1] a chief elephant-driver, L.
(H3) ā́rya--gaṇa [p= 152,2] [L=26555] m. (pāli ayyagaṇo) the whole body of (Buddhist) priests.
(H3) ā́rya--saṃgha [p= 152,3] [L=26594] m. the whole body of (Buddhist) priests
[L=26595] N. of a renowned philosopher (founder of the school of the yogācāras).
(H2) āvartin [p= 156,2] [L=27251] mfn. whirling or turning upon itself
[L=27252] returning
(H2B) āvartin [L=27253] m. a horse having curls of hair on various parts of his body (considered as a lucky mark)
(H2B) āvartin [L=27256] n. N. of particular stotras La1t2y.
(H1) ā-śarīram [p= 157,2] [L=27433] ind. to or as far as the body , (all things) including the body Katha1s. 90 , 18.
(H1) āśaya [L=27429] &c » 3. ā- √śī.
(H2) ā-śaya [p= 157,3] [L=27492] m. resting-place , bed
[L=27493] seat , place
[L=27494] an asylum , abode or retreat S3Br. MBh. Pan5cat. Bhag. &c
[L=27495] a receptacle
[L=27496] any recipient
[L=27497] any vessel of the body (e.g. raktā*śaya , " the receptacle of blood " i.e. the heart ; āmā*śaya , the stomach &c ) Sus3r.
[L=27498] the stomach
[L=27499] the abdomen Sus3r.
[L=27500] the seat of feelings and thoughts , the mind , heart , soul Ya1jn5. R. Katha1s. &c
[L=27501] thought , meaning , intention Prab. Katha1s. Pan5cat.
[L=27502] disposition of mind , mode of thinking
[L=27503] (in yoga phil.) " stock " or " the balance of the fruits of previous works , which lie stored up in the mind in the form of mental deposits of merit or demerit , until they ripen in the individual soul's own experience into rank , years , and enjoyment "(Cowell's translation of Sarvad. 168 , 16 ff.)
[L=27504] the will
[L=27505] pleasure
[L=27506] virtue
[L=27507] vice
[L=27508] fate
[L=27509] fortune
[L=27510] property
[L=27511] a miser , niggard L.
[L=27512] N. of the plant Artocarpus Integrifolia L.
(H2) ā-śayá [p= 1320,2] [L=320430] ( S3Br. )
(H2) āsa 1 [p= 159,3] [L=27852] m. seat (in sv-āsa-sthá q.v.) RV. TS. S3Br. &c
[L=27853] the lower part of the body behind , posteriors ChUp.
(H1) ā́sa 2 [p= 160,1] [L=27904] m. ( √2. as) , ashes , dust AV. ix , 8 , 10 S3Br.
(H1B) ā́sa 2 [L=27905] n. a bow L.
(H2) ā-srāvá [p= 162,1] [L=28251] m. flow , issue , running , discharge Sus3r.
[L=28252] suppuration MBh.
[L=28253] pain , affliction
[L=28254] a particular disease of the body AV. i , 2 , 4 ; ii , 3 , 3-5
[L=28255] the objects of sense A1p.
(H2) ā-srāva [p= 1320,3] [L=320950] (accord. to some in AV. = "diarrhoea").
(H1) ā- √ han [p= 162,1] [L=28282]
P. -hanti (Impv. ā́-jahi AV. &c ; pf. ā́-jaghāna RV. &c ) A1. -hate (only if no object follows Pa1n2. 1-3 , 28, or if the object is a part of one's own body Ka1ty. ; Pot. 1. sg. -ghnīya Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 62 Das3. ) to strike at , hit , beat ;
to attack , assault RV. TS. A1s3vGr2. MBh. Katha1s. &c : (A1.) to strike one's self (or any part of one's body) BhP. Pa1n2. and Comm. Bhat2t2. ;
to make away with one's self Das3. 91 , 15 ;
to fasten AV. S3Br. ;
to beat or cause to sound (a drum &c ) TS. S3Br. Katha1s. Bhat2t2. &c : Intens. ā́-jaṅghanti RV. vi , 75 , 13 , to strike at or beat violently.
(H3) ā-hāra--niḥsaraṇa-mārga [p= 163,1] [L=28415] m. " the place of the exit of food " , the posterior part of the body Bhartr2.
(H2) iṅgita [p= 164,1] [L=28646] n. palpitation
[L=28647] change of the voice , internal motion , motion of various parts of the body as indicating the intentions
[L=28648] hint , sign , gesture
[L=28649] aim , intention , real but covert purpose Mn. R. MBh. Sus3r. Hit. Ragh. &c
(H2) iṅgita [p= 1320,3] [L=321150] (in comp.)
(H2) íḍā [p= 164,2] [L=28694] f. or (in ṛg-veda) íḷā , (not to be confounded with the inst. case of iḍ above ) , refreshing draught , refreshment , animation , recreation , comfort , vital spirit RV. AV. AitBr.
[L=28694.05] offering , libation (especially a holy libation , offered between the pra-yāga and anu-yāga , and consisting of four preparations of milk , poured into a vessel containing water , and then partially drunk by the priest and sacrificers ; personified in the cow , the symbol of feeding , and nourishment) S3Br. i , 8 , 1 , 1 , &c AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3.
[p= 164,3] [p= 164,2] [L=28694.10] (metaphorically cf. id) , stream or flow of praise and worship (personified as the goddess of sacred speech and action , invoked together with aditi and other deities , but especially in the āprī hymns together with sarasvatī and mahī or bhāratī) RV. AV. VS. &c
[L=28694.15] the earth , food Sa1y.
[L=28694.20] a cow
[L=28694.25] the goddess iḍā or iḷā (daughter of manu or of man thinking on and worshipping the gods ; she is the wife of budha and mother of purū-ravas ; in another aspect she is called maitrāvaruṇi as daughter of mitra-varuṇa , two gods who were objects of the highest and most spiritual devotion)
[L=28694.30] N. of durgā
[L=28694.35] of a daughter of dakṣa and wife of kaśyapa
[L=28694.40] of a wife of vasudeva and of the rudra ṛta-dhvaja
[L=28694.45] speech BhP.
[L=28694.50] heaven L.
[L=28694.55] earth MBh.
[L=28694.60] a particular artery on the left side of the body
[L=28694.65] a tubular vessel (one of the principal channels of the vital spirit , that which is on the right side of the body) L.
(H2) iḍā [p= 1320,3] [L=321220] (in comp.)
(H2) íḷā [p= 164,2] [L=28695] f. (not to be confounded with the inst. case of iḍ above ) , refreshing draught , refreshment , animation , recreation , comfort , vital spirit RV. AV. AitBr.
[L=28695.05] offering , libation (especially a holy libation , offered between the pra-yāga and anu-yāga , and consisting of four preparations of milk , poured into a vessel containing water , and then partially drunk by the priest and sacrificers ; personified in the cow , the symbol of feeding , and nourishment) S3Br. i , 8 , 1 , 1 , &c AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3.
[p= 164,3] [p= 164,2] [L=28695.10] (metaphorically cf. id) , stream or flow of praise and worship (personified as the goddess of sacred speech and action , invoked together with aditi and other deities , but especially in the āprī hymns together with sarasvatī and mahī or bhāratī) RV. AV. VS. &c
[L=28695.15] the earth , food Sa1y.
[L=28695.20] a cow
[L=28695.25] the goddess iḍā or iḷā (daughter of manu or of man thinking on and worshipping the gods ; she is the wife of budha and mother of purū-ravas ; in another aspect she is called maitrāvaruṇi as daughter of mitra-varuṇa , two gods who were objects of the highest and most spiritual devotion)
[L=28695.30] N. of durgā
[L=28695.35] of a daughter of dakṣa and wife of kaśyapa
[L=28695.40] of a wife of vasudeva and of the rudra ṛta-dhvaja
[L=28695.45] speech BhP.
[L=28695.50] heaven L.
[L=28695.55] earth MBh.
[L=28695.60] a particular artery on the left side of the body
[L=28695.65] a tubular vessel (one of the principal channels of the vital spirit , that which is on the right side of the body) L.
(H1) índra [p= 166,2] [p= 166,1] [L=28925] m. (for etym. as given by native authorities » Nir. x , 8 Sa1y. on RV. i , 3 , 4 Un2. ii , 28 ; according to BRD. fr. in = √inv with suff. ra preceded by inserted d , meaning " to subdue , conquer " ; according to Muir , S. T. v , 119 , for sindra fr. √ syand , " to drop " ; more probably from √ ind , " to drop " q.v. , and connected with indu above ) , the god of the atmosphere and sky
[L=28926] the Indian Jupiter Pluvius or lord of rain (who in Vedic mythology reigns over the deities of the intermediate region or atmosphere ; he fights against and conquers with his thunder-bolt [vajra] the demons of darkness , and is in general a symbol of generous heroism ; indra was not originally lord of the gods of the sky , but his deeds were most useful to mankind , and he was therefore addressed in prayers and hymns more than any other deity , and ultimately superseded the more lofty and spiritual varuṇa ; in the later mythology indra is subordinated to the triad brahman , viṣṇu , and śiva , but remained the chief of all other deities in the popular mind) RV. AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. R. &c
[L=28927] (he is also regent of the east quarter , and considered one of the twelve ādityas) Mn. R. Sus3r. &c
[L=28928] in the vedānta he is identified with the supreme being
[L=28929] a prince
[L=28930] ifc. best , excellent , the first , the chief (of any class of objects ; cf. sure*ndra , rāje*ndra , parvate*ndra , &c ) Mn. Hit.
[L=28931] the pupil of the right eye (that of the left being called indrāṇī or indra's wife) S3Br. Br2A1rUp.
[L=28932] the number fourteen , Su1ryas.
[L=28933] N. of a grammarian
[L=28934] of a physician
[L=28935] the plant Wrightia Antidysenterica (» kuṭaja) L.
[L=28936] a vegetable poison L.
[L=28937] the twenty-sixth yoga or division of a circle on the plane of the ecliptic
[L=28938] the yoga star in the twenty-sixth nakṣatra , γ Pegasi
[L=28939] the human soul , the portion of spirit residing in the body
[L=28940] night L.
[L=28941] one of the nine divisions of jambu-dvīpa or the known continent L.
(H2) indra [p= 1320,3] [L=321400] (in comp.)
(H3) indriyā* yatana [p= 167,2] [L=29252] n. the residence of the senses
[L=29253] the body L.
(H3) īryā--patha [p= 170,3] [L=29777] m. the observances of a religious mendicant
[L=29778] the four positions of the body (viz. going , standing upright , sitting and lying down) Buddh. and Jain. (cf. airyāpathikī.)
(H1) uc- √ car [p= 173,2] [L=30322]
(ud- √car) P. A1. -carati , -te ([ Pa1n2. 1-3 , 53]) , to go upwards , ascend , rise (as the sun) , issue forth , go forth RV. AV. VS. S3Br. Ragh. &c ;
to let the contents (of anything) issue out ;
to empty the body by evacuations S3Br. BhP. ;
to emit (sounds) , utter , pronounce MBh. Ragh. Sa1h. &c ;
to quit , leave Naish. Bhat2t2. ;
to sin against , be unfaithful to (a husband) ;
to trespass against MBh. : Caus. P. -cārayati , to cause to go forth ;
to evacuate the body by excretion , discharge feces Sus3r. ;
to emit , cause to sound , utter , pronounce , declare MBh. R. BhP. Mr2icch. &c
(H1) uc- √ chad [p= 173,3] [L=30379] (ud- √chad , sometimes also incorrectly for ut-sad q.v.) , Caus. P. -chādayati , to uncover (one's body) , undress.
(H2) uc-chādana [L=30382] n. cleaning or rubbing the body with oil or perfumes R.
(H1) uc-chlakhá [p= 174,2] [L=30489] (ud-śl°) , au m. du. a particular part of the human body AV. x , 2 , 1.
(H2) ut-kleśa [p= 177,1] [L=30955] m. excitement , disquietude
[L=30956] disorder or corruption of the humors (of the body) Sus3r.
[L=30957] sickness , nausea.
(H1) ut- √ tap [p= 177,3] [L=31058]
(ud- √ tap) P. -tapati , to make warm or hot ;
to heat thoroughly Ra1jat. La1t2y. &c ;
to pain , torment , press hard Ra1jat. S3is3. &c : A1. -tapate , to shine forth , give out heat Pa1n2. 1-3 , 27 ;
to warm one's self or a part of one's body Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 1-3 , 27 : Caus. -tāpayati , to warm up , heat MBh. ;
to excite , urge on Sa1h.
(H3) uttamā* ṅga [p= 178,1] [L=31123] n. the highest or chief part of the body , the head Mn. MBh. Bhag. Sus3r. Mr2icch. &c
(H3) úttara--kāya [p= 178,2] [L=31184] m. the upper part of the body Ragh.
(H3) uttarā* rdhá [p= 178,3] [L=31317] n. the upper part (of the body) Ragh.
[L=31318] the northern part S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
[L=31319] the latter half S3rut.
[L=31320] the further end
(H1) ut-pulaka [p= 181,2] [L=31766] mfn. having the hairs of the body raised (through joy or rapture) BhP. Ra1jat.
(H1B) ut-pulaka [L=31767] n. erection of the hairs of the body (through rapture) BhP.
(H2) ut-sedhá [p= 182,2] [L=31923] m. height , elevation , altitude S3Br. Car.
[L=31924] thickness , bigness MBh. Sus3r. Kum. S3is3. &c
[L=31925] excelling
[L=31926] sublimity R.
[L=31927] the body R. vii , 116 , 19 [Comm.] Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 5-2 , 21
(H2B) ut-sedhá [L=31928] n. killing , slaughter L.
(H2B) ut-sedhá [L=31929] n. N. of several sāmans.
(H1) ut-sedhá [p= 182,3] [L=32036] » ut-sidh.
(H3) udaká--kārya [p= 183,2] [L=32148] n. id. R.
[L=32149] ablution of the body MBh.
(H3) udaká--sparśa [p= 183,3] [L=32197] mfn. touching different parts of the body with water
[L=32198] touching water in confirmation of a promise Ka1s3.
(H2) ud-āna [p= 184,2] [L=32328] m. breathing upwards
[L=32329] one of the five vital airs of the human body (that which is in the throat and rises upwards) Veda1ntas. 97 AV. xi , 8 , 4 VS. ChUp. S3Br. MBh. Sus3r. &c
[L=32330] the navel L.
[L=32331] an eyelash L.
[L=32332] a kind of snake L.
[L=32333] joy , heart's joy ( Buddh. )
(H1) ud-āna [p= 185,2] [L=32479] » 2. ud- √an.
(H2) udāná [p= 1321,3] [L=322950] ( AV. ), also (with Buddhists) one of the 9 divisions of sacred scriptures, Dharmas. 62 ( MWB. 63)
(H3) udára--trāṇa [p= 184,3] [L=32361] n. a cuirass or covering for the front of the body L.
[L=32362] a girth , belly-band L.
(H2) ud-dīpana [p= 188,2] [L=33014] mfn. inflaming , exciting VarBr2S.
[L=33015] affecting violently (as poison) Das3. 12 , 10
(H2B) ud-dīpana [L=33016] n. the act of inflaming , illuminating
(H2B) ud-dīpana [L=33017] n. lighting up VarBr2S.
(H2B) ud-dīpana [L=33018] n. inflaming (a passion) , exciting , animating , stimulating R. R2itus. Sa1h. &c
(H2B) ud-dīpana [L=33019] n. an incentive , stimulus
(H2B) ud-dīpana [L=33020] n. any aggravating thing or circumstance (giving poignancy to feeling or passion) Sa1h.
(H2B) ud-dīpana [L=33021] n. burning (a body &c ) L.
(H1) ud-gha [p= 187,3] [L=32850] &c » ud-dhan , [p= 188,3].
(H2) ud-gha [p= 188,3] [L=33061] m. excellence
[L=33062] a model , pattern Pa1n2. 3-3 , 86
[L=33063] happiness
[L=33064] the hollow hand
[L=33065] fire
[L=33066] organic air in the body L.
(H2) ud-vartana [p= 192,2] [L=33703] mfn. causing to burst Hariv. 9563
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33704] n. the act of rising , going up , ascending , jumping up Megh. Katha1s. VarBr2S.
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33705] n. the springing up of plants or grain &c
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33706] n. swelling up , overflowing Car.
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33707] n. drawing out metal , laminating W.
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33708] n. grinding , pounding
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33709] n. rubbing or kneading the body , rubbing and cleansing it with fragrant unguents
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33710] n. the unguents used for that purpose (or to relieve pains in the limbs &c ) Ya1jn5. Mn. Sus3r. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) ud-vartana [L=33711] n. bad behaviour , bad conduct L.
(H2) ud-veṣṭana 1 [p= 192,3] [L=33751] n. (for 2. » s.v.) the act of surrounding , wrapping , tying together
[L=33751.1] contraction
[L=33751.2] convulsion (of the heart) , straitening
[L=33751.3] pain in the back of the body Sus3r.
(H1) ud-veṣṭana 2 [L=33754] mfn. freed from bonds or ties , unbound , unfettered Ragh. Kum.
(H2) ud-veṣṭana [p= 1322,1] [L=323320] n. (also) relieving a besieged town, HParis3.
(H1) un- √ mṛd [p= 194,3] [L=34057] (ud- √mṛd) P. -mṛdati , to rub , mash together , mingle Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. : Caus. -mardayati , to rub (the body).
(H1) un-marda [p= 194,1] [L=33966] » un-mṛd , col.3.
(H2) un-marda [p= 194,3] [L=34058] m. rubbing off , rubbing (the body) BhP.
(H2) upa-graha 1 [p= 197,1] [L=34390] m. (for 2. » s.v.) seizure , confinement L.
[L=34391] a prisoner L.
[L=34392] a handful (of kuśa grass) Ka1ty.
[L=34393] adding , addition (of a sound) Comm. on Pa1n2.
[L=34394] an e used as nidhana (q.v.) at the end of a sāman La1t2y. vii , 8 , 11
[L=34395] alteration , change Sam2hUp. ii , 3
[L=34396] propitiation , conciliation , coaxing Das3ar.
[L=34397] a kind of saṃdhi or peace (purchased by the cession of everything) Ka1m. Hit.
[L=34398] the pada or voice of a verb Comm. on Pa1n2.
[L=34399] a kind of demon causing diseases (supposed to preside over the planets) Hariv. 9562.
(H1) upa-graha 2 [L=34405] m. (fr. graha with upa implying inferiority) , a minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind , a comet , meteor , falling star &c MBh. &c
(H2) upa-deha 1 [p= 199,2] [L=34732] (for 2. » s.v.) m. a cover , liniment , ointment Comm. on Car.
(H1) upa-deha 2 [L=34770] m. (for 1. » upa- √dih) " a secondary growth of the body " , a kind of excrescence Sus3r.
(H1) upa-dhātu [p= 200,1] [L=34830] m. a secondary mineral , semi-metal (seven are specified: svarṇa-mākṣika , pyrites ; tāra-mākṣika , a particular white mineral ; tuttha , sulphate of copper ; kāṃsya , brass ; rīti , calx of brass ; sindūra , red lead ; śilājatu , red chalk) Bhpr.
[L=34831] secondary secretions and constituents of the body (viz. the milk , menses , adeps , sweat , teeth , hair , and lymph) S3a1rn3gS. &c
(H1) upa-prāṇa [p= 202,3] [L=35172] m. a secondary vital air belonging to the body W.
(H1) upa- √ mṛd [p= 204,1] [L=35358]
P. -mṛdnāti , to graze in passing (said of a heavenly body in its transit) VarBr2S. ;
to crush , destroy , annul Naish. Comm. on Br2A1rUp. : Caus. -mardayati , to destroy , devastate , annul , annihilate BhP. Comm. on ChUp. and Br2A1rUp.
(H1) upa-randhra [p= 204,3] [L=35488] n. a minor hole or cavity
[L=35489] N. of a particular part of the body of a horse (probably a hollow place or depression on the flanks or ribs ; cf. randhra S3is3. v , 4).
(H1) upa-saṃ- √ yā [p= 208,2] [L=36003] P. (Impv. 2. pl. -yāta) to come in a body towards AV. vi , 73 , 1.
(H1) upa- √ spṛś 1 [p= 211,3] [p= 211,2] [L=36417]
P. -spṛśati , to touch above , reach up to , touch RV. AV. ;
to touch softly , caress S3Br. AitBr. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c ;
(with or without apaḥ or jalam &c ) to touch water (for ablution) , wash , bathe (as a religious ceremony) ;
to sip water (from the palm of the hand ; it is not the custom to spit out the water after sipping it) S3Br. A1s3vS3r. & A1s3vGr2. MBh. Ya1jn5. Mn. &c ;
to touch certain parts of one's body (acc.) with water (instr.) Mn. iv , 143 ;
(also without the instr.) Mn. v , 138 ;
(or without the acc.) MBh. : Caus. -sparśayati , to cause to touch water or wash the hands S3Br. iii.
(H2) upa-spṛ́ś 2 [L=36426] mfn. touching AV. xx , 127 , 2
(H2B) upa-spṛ́ś 2 [L=36427] f. (k) (scil. stuti) " the touching or affecting verse " , N. of the verse RV. x , 22 , 13.
(H1) upā* ṅga 1 [p= 213,1] [L=36611] n. (for 2. » upā*ñj) a minor limb or member of the body Ma1rkP. Sarvad.
[L=36611.1] a subdivision
[L=36611.2] a supplementary or additional work , secondary portion of a science MBh. Hariv. &c (such as the purāṇas , the nyāya , mīmāṃsā , and the dharma-śāstras)
[L=36611.3] N. of a class of sacred writings of the jainas (eight are enumerated , the last of which includes four subdivisions)
[L=36611.4] a sectarial mark (made with sandal &c ) on the forehead L.
[L=36611.5] (in mus.) a particular drum-like instrument.
(H2) upā* ṅga 2 [L=36631] (for 1. » above ) m. the act of smearing , anointing Car.
(H2) úlbya [p= 219,1] [L=37544] mfn. being inside the membrane enveloping the embryo , (with āpaḥ) the fluid surrounding the embryo S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
(H2B) úlbya [L=37545] n. excess and vitiation of any of the three humors of the body (bile , phlegm , or wind) MW.
(H2B) úlbya [L=37546] n. any calamity MW.
(H1) ullakasana [L=37548] n. erection of the hair of the body (through joy) L.
(H3) ūrvaṅga [p= 221,2] [L=38028] n. " having a thigh-like body " , fungus , mushroom L.
(H3) ūrdhvá--kāya [p= 222,1] [L=38134] m. the upper part of the body Naish.
(H3) ūrdhvá--deha [p= 222,2] [L=38185] m. a body gone above or into heaven , a deceased one R. (cf. aurdhvadehika.)
(H3) ūrdhvá--māruta [L=38227] n. pressure of the wind (of the body) upwards (so as to cause vomiting) Sus3r.
(H3) ūrdhvá--roman [L=38237] mfn. having the hair of the body erect MBh. BhP.
(H3B) ūrdhvá--roman [L=38238] m. N. of a mountain BhP. v , 20 , 15.
(H3) ūrdhvā* ṅga [p= 222,3] [L=38278] n. the upper part of the body i.e. the part above the collar-bone.
(H3) ṛg--gaṇa [p= 225,1] [L=38724] m. pl. the whole body of the ṛg-veda.
(H3) ṛg--vedá [L=38737] m. " Hymn - veda " or " veda of praise " , the ṛg-veda , or most ancient sacred book of the Hindus (that is , the collective body of sacred verses called ṛcas [see below] , consisting of 1017 hymns [or with the vālakhilyas 1028] arranged in eight aṣṭakas or in ten maṇḍalas ; maṇḍalas 2-8 contain groups of hymns , each group ascribed to one author or to the members of one family ; the ninth book contains the hymns sung at the soma ceremonies ; the first and tenth contain hymns of a different character , some comparatively modern , composed by a greater variety of individual authors ; in its wider sense the term ṛg-veda comprehends the brāhmaṇas and the sūtra works on the ritual connected with the hymns) AitBr. S3Br. Mn. &c
(H3) ṛjú--kāya [p= 225,2] [L=38801] mfn. having a straight body BhP.
[L=38802] N. of kaśyapa L.
(H1) ṛ́ṣi [p= 226,3] [L=39047] m. ( √2. ṛṣ Comm. on Un2. iv , 119 ; ṛṣati jñānena saṃsāra-pāram T. ; perhaps fr. an obsolete √ṛṣ for √dṛś , " to » ? " cf. ṛṣi-kṛt) , a singer of sacred hymns , an inspired poet or sage , any person who alone or with others invokes the deities in rhythmical speech or song of a sacred character (e.g. the ancient hymn-singers kutsa , atri , rebha , agastya , kuśika , vasiṣṭha , vy-aśva) RV. AV. VS. &c
[L=39048] the ṛṣis were regarded by later generations as patriarchal sages or saints , occupying the same position in India history as the heroes and patriarchs of other countries , and constitute a peculiar class of beings in the early mythical system , as distinct from gods , men , asuras , &c AV. x , 10 , 26 S3Br. AitBr. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
[p= 227,1] [L=39049] they are the authors or rather seers of the Vedic hymns i.e. according to orthodox Hindu ideas they are the inspired personages to whom these hymns were revealed , and such an expression as " the ṛṣi says " is equivalent to " so it stands in the sacred text "
[L=39050] seven ṛṣis , sapta ṛṣayaḥ , or saptaṛṣayaḥ or saptarṣayaḥ , are often mentioned in the brāhmaṇas and later works as typical representatives of the character and spirit of the pre-historic or mythical period
[L=39051] in S3Br. xiv , 5 , 2 , 6 their names are given as follows , gotama , bharadvāja , viśvā-mitra , jamadagni , vasiṣṭha , kaśyapa , and atri
[L=39052] in MBh. xii , marīci , atri , aṅgiras , pulaha , kratu , pulastya , vasiṣṭha are given as the names of the ṛṣis of the first manvantara , and they are also called prajāpatis or patriarchs
[L=39053] the names of the ṛṣis of the subsequent manv-antaras are enumerated in Hariv. 417 ff.
[L=39054] afterwards three other names are added , viz. pracetas or dakṣa , bhṛgu , and nārada , these ten being created by manu svāyambhuva for the production of all other beings including gods and men A1s3vS3r. MBh. VP. &c
[L=39055] in astron. the seven ṛṣis form the constellation of " the Great Bear " RV. x , 82 , 2 AV. vi , 40 , 1 S3Br. A1s3vGr2. MBh. &c
[L=39056] (metaphorically the seven ṛṣis may stand for the seven senses or the seven vital airs of the body VS. xxxiv S3Br. xiv Ka1tyS3r. )
[L=39057] a saint or sanctified sage in general , an ascetic , anchorite (this is a later sense ; sometimes three orders of these are enumerated , viz. devarṣis , brahmarṣis , and rājarṣis ; sometimes seven , four others being added , viz. maharṣis , paramarṣis , śrutarṣis , and kāṇḍarṣis) Mn. iv , 94
[L=39058] xi , 236 S3ak. Ragh. &c
[L=39059] the seventh of the eight degrees of Brahmans Hcat.
[L=39060] a hymn or mantra composed by a ṛṣi
[L=39061] the veda Comm. on MBh. and Pat.
[L=39062] a symbolical expression for the number seven
[L=39063] the moon
[L=39064] an imaginary circle
[L=39065] a ray of light L.
[L=39066] the fish Cyprinus ṛṣi L. ; ([cf. Hib. arsan , " a sage , a man old in wisdom " ; arrach , " old , ancient , aged. "]) ,
(H2) ṛṣi [p= 1323,1] [L=325190] (in comp.)
(H3) éka--deha [p= 228,2] [L=39335] mfn. having a similar body or descended from the same person (as a family) Hariv. 2532
[L=39336] having as it were one body Hariv. 3439
(H3B) éka--deha [L=39338] m. " having a singular or beautiful form " , N. of the planet Mercury L.
(H3) éka--śarīra [p= 229,2] [L=39643] mfn. descended from one body , consanguineous W.
(H3) éka--sūtra [p= 229,3] [L=39702] n. a small double drum (played by a string and ball attached to the body of it) L.
(H3) ekā* ṅga [p= 230,1] [L=39760] n. a single member , single part MBh. R. &c
[L=39761] the most excellent member of the body , the head T.
[L=39762] sandal-wood L.
(H3B) ekā* ṅga [L=39763] m. " having a unique or beautiful shape " , N. of the planet Mercury L.
(H3B) ekā* ṅga [L=39764] m. of the planet Mars L.
(H3B) ekā* ṅga [L=39765] m. of viṣṇu L.
(H3B) ekā* ṅga [L=39767] m. pl. " constituting one body " , body-guard Ra1jat.
(H3B) ekā* ṅga [L=39769] mfn. relating to or extending over one part only , incomplete
(H3B) ekā* ṅgau [L=39766] m. du. " forming a single body " , a married couple T.
(H3) éka--tas [p= 228,1] [L=39274] » [p= 230,3].
(H2) ekatas [p= 231,1] [L=39952] ind. from one , from one and the same Ra1jat.
[L=39952.1] from one view , from one side , on one side , on one part , on the one hand AitBr. MBh. &c
[L=39952.2] (the correlative to ekatas is either ekatas repeated or aparatas or anyatas or vā e.g. ekatas - ekatas or ekatas - aparatas , on the one hand - on the other)
[L=39952.3] in one body , all together MBh. xiii , 2230 Sus3r.
(H2) aikāṅga [p= 233,2] [L=40328] m. (fr. ekā*ṅga) , a soldier who acts as body-guard Ra1jat.
(H1) ójas [p= 235,2] [L=40625] n. ( √vaj , or uj ; cf. ugra) , bodily strength , vigour , energy , ability , power RV. AV. TS. AitBr. MBh. &c
[L=40626] vitality (the principle of vital warmth and action throughout the body) Sus3r. &c
[L=40627] (in rhet.) elaborate style (abounding with compounds)
[L=40628] vigorous or emphatic expression Sa1h. Va1m.
[L=40629] water L.
[L=40630] light , splendour , lustre L.
[L=40631] manifestation , appearance L.
[L=40632] support L.
(H1B) ójas [L=40633] m. N. of a yakṣa BhP. ; ([cf. Zd. avjan3h , " power " ; Gk. ὑγ-ιές , αὐγ-ή , ἐρι-αυγής ; Lat. vige1re , augere , augur , augus-tus , auxilium ; Goth. aukan , Eng. eke.])
(H1) audārika [p= 237,3] [L=40954] m. (fr. udāra) , (with jainas) the gross body which invests the soul Sarvad. HYog.
(H2) audārika [p= 1323,2] [L=325900] (in comp.)
(H1) aupasargika [p= 239,1] [L=41122] mfn. (fr. upa-sarga) , superior to adversity , able to cope with calamity g. saṃtāpā*di Pa1n2. 5-1 , 101 superinduced , produced in addition to (or out of another disease) Sus3r.
[L=41123] infectious (as a disease) Sus3r. i , 271 , 13
[L=41124] connected with a preposition , prepositive
[L=41125] portentous
[L=41126] relating to change &c W.
(H1B) aupasargika [L=41127] m. irregular action of the humors of the body (producing cold sweat &c ) L.
(H2) aurdhvadehika [p= 239,3] [L=41211] mfn. id.
[L=41212] relating to a deceased person , performed in honour of the dead , funereal , funeral
(H2B) aurdhvadehika [L=41213] n. the obsequies of a deceased person , any funeral ceremony
(H2B) aurdhvadehika [L=41214] n. whatever is offered or performed on a person's decease (as burning of the body , offering cakes , distributing alms &c ) Mn. xi , 10 MBh. R. Ragh. &c
(H1) ka 1 [p= 240,2] [L=41332] the first consonant of the alphabet , and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to k in keep or king).
(H1) ká 2 [L=41336] kas,kā,kim , interrog. pron. (» kim and 2. kad , and cf. the following words in which the interrogative base ka appears , katama,katara,kati,katham,kadā,karhi,kā , &c ) , who? which? what? In its declension ka follows the pronoun tad except in nom. acc. sing. neut. , where kim has taken the place of kad or kat in classical Sanskrit
[p= 240,3] [p= 240,2] [L=41336.1] but the old form kad is found in the veda (» Gram. ?? 227) ; ([cf. Zd. ka , ko7 , kA7 , kat ; Gk. πόθεν , πῶς , (Ion. κόθεν , κῶς ,) τίς , τί ; Lat. quis , quid ; Lith. kas ká ; Goth. hvas , hvo7 , hva , Angl.Sax. hwa1 , hwaet ; Eng. who , what.]) The interrogative sentence introduced by ka is often terminated by iti (e.g. kasya sa putra iti kathyatām , let it be said , " whose son is he? ") , but iti may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e.g. kasya sa putro na jñāyate , it is not known whose son he is) . ka with or without √1. as may express " how is it possible that? " " what power have I , you , they , &c ? " (e.g. ke mama dhanvino'nye , what can the other archers do against me? ke āvām paritrātum , what power have we to rescue you?) ka is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e.g. ko 'yam āyāti , who comes here?) or with the potential (e.g. ko hariṃ nindet , who will blame hari?) ka is sometimes repeated (e.g. kaḥ ko 'tra , who is there? kān kān , whom? whom? i.e. which of them? cf. Gram. 54) , and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e.g. keṣāṃ kiṃ śāstram adhyayanīyam , which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. a). When kim is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express " what is gained by doing so , &c ? " (= ko'rthas)
[L=41336.2] (e.g. kiṃ vilambena , what is gained by delay? kim bahunā , what is the use of more words? dhanena kiṃ yo na dadāti , what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen. , nīrujaḥ kim auṣadhaiḥ , what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) ka is often followed by the particles iva , u , nāma , nu , vā , svid , some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e.g. kim iva etad , what can this be? ka u śravat , who can possibly hear? ko nāma jānāti , who indeed knows? ko nv ayam , who , pray , is this? kiṃ nu kāryam , what is to be done? ko vā devād anyaḥ , who possibly other than a god? kasya svid hṛdayaṃ nā*sti , of what person is there no heart?) ka is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun , especially in negative sentences (e.g. na kasya ko vallabhaḥ , no one is a favourite of any one ; nā*nyo jānāti kaḥ , no one else knows ; kathaṃ sa ghātayati kam , how does he kill any one?) Generally , however , ka is only made indefinite when connected with the particles ca,caná,cid,vā ,andápi , in which case ka may sometimes be preceded by the relative ya (e.g. ye ke ca , any persons whatsoever ; yasyai kasyai ca devatāyai , to any deity whatsoever ; yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi , any friends whatsoever ; yat kiṃca , whatever) . The particle cana , being composed of caandna , properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e.g. yasmād indrād ṛte kiṃcana , without which indra there is nothing) , but the negative sense is generally dropped (e.g. kaścana , any one ; na kaścana , no one) , and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e.g. yat kiṃcana , anything whatsoever) . Examples of cid with the interrogative are common
[L=41336.3] vā and api are not so common , but the latter is often found in classical Sanskrit (e.g. kaścid , any one ; kecid , some ; na kaścid , no one ; na kiṃcid api , nothing whatsoever ; yaḥ kaścid , any one whatsoever ; kecit - kecit , some - others ; yasmin kasmin vā deśe , in any country whatsoever ; na ko 'pi , no one ; na kimapi , nothing whatever) . ka may sometimes be used , like 2. kad , at the beginning of a compound. » ka-pūya , &c
(H1) ká 3 [L=41337] m. (according to native authorities) N. of prajāpati or of a prajāpati VS. xx , 4 ; xxii , 20 TS. i S3Br. &c
[L=41338] of brahman MBh. i , 32 BhP. iii , 12 , 51 ; xii , 13 , 19 ; 20
[L=41339] of dakṣa BhP. ix , 10 , 10
[L=41340] of viṣṇu L.
[L=41341] of yama L.
[L=41342] of garuḍa
[L=41343] the soul Tattvas.
[L=41344] a particular comet VarBr2S.
[L=41345] the sun L.
[L=41346] fire L.
[L=41347] splendour , light L.
[L=41348] air L.
[L=41349] a peacock L.
[L=41350] the body L.
[L=41351] time L.
[L=41352] wealth L.
[L=41353] sound L.
[L=41354] a king L.
[L=41355] = kāma-granthi (?)
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41356] n. happiness , joy , pleasure ChUp. iv , 10 , 5 Nir. &c
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41357] n. water MaitrS. i , 10 , 10 S3Br. x Ya1jn5. &c
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41358] n. the head
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41359] n. hair , a head of hair L.
(H1B) ká 3 [L=41360] n. (also regarded as ind. ; cf. 1. kam.)
(H1) ka 4 [L=41365] a taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives ; it may also be added to nouns to express diminution , deterioration , or similarity e.g. putraka , a little son ; aśvaka , a bad horse or like a horse).
(H1) kákṣa [p= 241,3] [L=41515] m. ( √kaṣ Un2. iii , 62 ; cf. √kac) , lurking-place , hiding-place RV. x , 28 , 4 VS. xi , 79
[L=41516] a wood , large wood (?) RV. vi , 45 , 31
[L=41517] a forest of dead trees , a dry wood , underwood (often the lair of wild beasts) VS. TS. Ta1n2d2yaBr. Mn. &c
[L=41518] an inner recess , the interior of a forest
[L=41519] grass , dry grass
[L=41520] a spreading creeper , climbing plant L.
[L=41521] side or flank L.
[L=41522] sin L.
[L=41523] a gate W.
[L=41524] a buffalo L.
[L=41525] Terminalia Bellerica W.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41526] mf. the armpit (as the most concealed part of the human body) , region of the girth AV. vi , 127 , 2 Sus3r. Mr2icch. &c ; ([cf. Lat. coxa , " hip " ; O. H. G. hahsa ; Zd. kasha ; cf. Sk. kaccha])
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41527] mf. a girdle , zone , belt , girth MBh. BhP. &c
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41528] mf. the end of the lower garment (which , after the cloth is carried round the body , is brought up behind and tucked into the waistband)
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41529] mf. hem , border , lace BhP. ix , 10 , 37
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41530] mf. the scale of a balance Ka1vya7d. Vcar.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41532] mf. a surrounding wall , a wall , any place surrounded by walls (as a court-yard , a secluded portion of a building , a private chamber or room in general) MBh. BhP. Mn. &c
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41533] mf. the orbit of a planet VarBr2S. Su1ryas. &c
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41534] mf. the periphery , circumference Su1ryas. xii , 65
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41535] mf. balance , equality , similarity , resemblance MBh. xii , 7269 VarBr2S. 26 , 6
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41536] mf. emulation , rivalry , object of emulation Naish.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41537] mf. the jeweller's weight called Retti L.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41538] mf. objection or reply in argument L.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41539] mf. a particular part of a carriage L.
(H1B) kákṣa [L=41540] m. pl. N. of a people MBh. VP.
(H3) kákṣa--dhara [L=41541] m. the part of the body where the upper arm is connected with the shoulder , the shoulder-joint Sus3r.
(H2) kaṅkālaya [p= 242,2] [L=41684] m. the human body T.
[L=41685] N. of an author.
(H1) kañcuka [p= 243,1] [L=41844] mf(ī)n. (ifc. f(ā).) (fr. √ kañc?) a dress fitting close to the upper part of the body , armour , mail
[p= 243,2] [p= 243,1] [L=41845] a cuirass , corselet , bodice , jacket BhP. Ratna1v. Katha1s. &c
(H1B) kañcuka [L=41846] m. the skin of a snake Pan5cat.
(H1B) kañcuka [L=41847] m. husk , shell Bhpr.
(H1B) kañcuka [L=41848] m. cover , cloth , envelope Bhpr.
(H1B) kañcuka [L=41849] m. (fig.) a cover , disguise Hcat.
(H1B) kañcuka [L=41850] m. = karabha L.
(H2) káṭa [L=41895] m. (perhaps for karta fr. √3. kṛt) a twist of straw of grass , straw mat , a screen of straw TS. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
[L=41896] the hip MBh. (cf. kaṭi)
[L=41897] the hollow above the hip or the loins , the hip and loins
[L=41898] the temples of an elephant Ragh.
[L=41899] a glance or side look BhP. x , 32 , 6 (cf. kaṭā*kṣa)
[L=41900] a throw of the dice in hazard Mr2icch.
[L=41901] a corpse L.
[L=41902] a hearse or any vehicle for conveying a dead body L.
[L=41903] a burning-ground or place of sepulture L.
[L=41904] a time or season L.
[L=41905] excess , superabundance L.
[L=41906] (kaṭa ifc. is considered as a suffix cf. ut-kaṭa , pra-kaṭa , &c )
[L=41907] an annual plant L.
[L=41908] grass L.
[L=41909] Saccharum Sara L.
[L=41910] a thin piece of wood , a plank L.
[L=41911] agreement L.
[L=41912] environs L.
[L=41913] N. of a rakṣas R.
(H2B) káṭa [L=41915] n. (ifc.) dust of flowers (considered as a suffix Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 5-2 , 29).
(H2) kaṭa [p= 1323,3] [L=326280] (in comp.)
(H2) káṇṭaka [p= 245,2] [L=42385] m. (n. L. ) a thorn S3Br. v MBh. Ya1jn5. &c
[L=42386] anything pointed , the point of a pin or needle , a prickle , sting R.
[L=42387] a fish-bone R. iii , 76 , 10 Mn. viii , 95
[L=42388] a finger-nail (cf. karaka°) Naish. i , 94
[L=42389] the erection of the hair of the body in thrilling emotions (cf. kaṇṭakita)
[L=42390] unevenness or roughness (as on the surface of the tongue) Car.
[L=42391] any troublesome seditious person (who is , as it were , a thorn to the state and an enemy of order and good government) , a paltry foe , enemy in general (cf. kṣudra-śatru) Mn. ix , 253 , &c BhP. R. &c
[L=42392] a sharp stinging pain , symptom of disease Sus3r.
[L=42393] a vexing or injurious speech MBh. i , 3559
[L=42394] any annoyance or source of vexation , obstacle , impediment R. Hit.
[L=42395] the first , fourth , seventh , and tenth lunar mansions VarBr2S. and VarBr2.
[L=42396] a term in the nyāya philosophy implying refutation of argument , detection of error &c L.
[L=42397] a bamboo L.
[L=42398] workshop , manufactory L.
[L=42399] boundary of a village L.
[L=42400] fault , defect L.
[L=42401] N. of makara (or the marine monster , the symbol of kāma-deva) L.
[L=42402] of the horse of śākya-muni Lalit. (wrong reading for kaṇṭhaka BRD. )
[L=42403] of an agrahāra Ra1jat.
[L=42404] of a barber Hariv. (v.l. kaṇḍuka)
(H2) kaṇṭakita [p= 245,3] [L=42440] mfn. thorny MBh. Katha1s. &c
[L=42441] covered with erect hairs , having the hair of the body erect S3ak. 68 b Kum. Ka1d. &c
(H2) kaṇḍarā [p= 246,1] [L=42564] f. a sinew (of which sixteen are considered to be in the human body) Sus3r. Bhpr. &c
[L=42565] a principal vessel of the body , a large artery , vein &c W.
(H3) kathīkṛta [p= 247,2] [L=42760] mfn. reduced to a mere tale i.e. deceased , dead (e.g. kathī-kṛtaṃ vapuḥ , a body reduced to a mere tale , a dead body Kum. iv , 13) .
(H1) kapha [p= 251,2] [L=43697] m. phlegm (as one of the three humors of the body » also vāyu and pitta) Sus3r.
[L=43698] watery froth or foam in general (cf. abdhik° , megha-k° , &c )
(H1) kábandha [p= 251,3] [L=43737] mn. (sometimes written kávandha) a big barrel or cask , a large-bellied vessel (metaphorically applied to a cloud) RV. AV. ix , 4 , 3 ; x , 2 , 3
[L=43738] (ep.) the clouds which obscure the sun at sunset and sunrise (sometimes personified) MBh.
[L=43739] the belly Nir.
[L=43740] a headless trunk (shaped like a barrel ; esp. one retaining vitality W. ) R. Pan5cat. Ragh. &c
(H1B) kábandha [L=43741] m. N. of the rākṣasa danu (son of śrī ; punished by indra for insolently challenging him to combat ; his head and thighs were forced into his body by a blow from the god's thunderbolt , leaving him with long arms and a huge mouth in his belly ; it was predicted that he would not recover his original shape until his arms were cut off by rāma and lakṣmaṇa). R. iii , 69 , 27ff. Hariv. Ragh. &c
(H1B) kábandha [L=43742] m. N. of rāhu L.
(H1B) kábandha [L=43743] m. N. of certain ketus (96 in number) VarBr2S.
(H1B) kábandha [L=43744] m. N. of an ātharvaṇa and gandharva S3Br. xiv (kabándha) VP. &c
(H1B) kábandha [L=43745] n. water Sa1y. & L.
(H1) kambu [p= 253,1] [L=43991] m. (u n. L. ) a conch
[L=43992] a shell MBh. iv , 255 BhP. Katha1s. &c
[L=43993] a bracelet or ring made of shells MBh.
[L=43994] a bracelet in general L.
[L=43995] three lines or marks in the neck (indicative of good fortune) VarBr2S.
[L=43996] the neck L.
[L=43997] an elephant L.
[L=43998] a tube-shaped bone L.
[L=43999] a vein or tubular vessel of the body W.
[L=44000] a sort of Curcuma L.
(H2) káraṇa [p= 254,1] [L=44240] mf(ī)n (once karaṇá RV. i , 119 , 7) doing , making , effecting , causing (esp. ifc. ; cf. antakaraṇa , uṣṇaṃ-k° , &c ) R. &c
[L=44240.02] clever , skilful RV. i , 119 , 7
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.04] m. a helper , companion AV. vi , 46 , 2 ; xv , 5 , 1-6 ; xix , 57 , 3
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.06] m. a man of a mixed class (the son of an outcast kṣatriya Mn. x , 22 ; or the son of a śūdra woman by a vaiśya Ya1jn5. i , 92 ; or the son of a vaiśya woman by a kṣatriya MBh. i , 2446 ; 4521 ; the occupation of this class is writing , accounts &c )
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.07] m. writer , scribe W.
(H2) káraṇa [L=44240.08] m. (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech (or as separated from the context ; in this sense usually n.) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 41 Pat. Comm. on RPra1t.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.10] m. (in mus.) a kind of time Kum. vi , 40
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.24] n. the act of making , doing , producing , effecting S3Br. MBh. &c (very often ifc. e.g. muṣṭi-k° , virūpa-k°)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.26] n. an act , deed RV.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.28] n. an action (esp. a religious one) Ya1jn5. i , 250 R.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.30] n. the special business of any tribe or caste L.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.32] n. a calculation (esp. an astronomical one) VarBr2S.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.34] n. an astrological division of the day (these karaṇas are eleven , viz. vava , valava , kaulava , taitila , gara , vaṇija , viṣṭi , śakuni , catuṣpada , kintughna , and nāga , two being equal to a lunar day ; the first seven are called a-dhruvāṇi or movable , and fill , eight times repeated , the space from the second half of the first day in the moon's increase to the first half of the fourteenth day in its wane ; the four others are dhruvāṇi or fixed , and occupy the four half-days from the second half of the fourteenth day in the wane of the moon to the first half of the first day in its increase) VarBr2S. Sus3r. &c
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.36] n. pronunciation , articulation , APra1t.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.38] n. (in Gr.) a sound or word as an independent part of speech , separated from its context Pa1n2. Ka1s3. &c , (karaṇa may be used in this way like kāra e.g. iti-karaṇa S3a1n3khS3r. )
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.40] n. the posture of an ascetic
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.42] n. a posture in sexual intercourse
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.44] n. instrument , means of action S3vetUp. Ya1jn5. Megh.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.46] n. an organ of sense or of speech VPra1t. Pa1rGr2.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.48] n. (in law) an instrument , document , bond Mn. viii , 51 ; 52 ; 154
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.50] n. (in Gr.) the means or instrument by which an action is effected , the idea expressed by the instrumental case , instrumentality Pa1n2. 1-4 , 42 ; ii , 3 , 18 ; iii , 2 , 45
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.52] n. cause (= kāraṇa)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.54] n. a spell , charm Katha1s. (cf. karaṇa-prayoga)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.56] n. rhythm , time Kum.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.58] n. body Megh. Kum. Ka1d.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.60] n. N. of a treatise of varāha-mihira on the motion of the planets
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.62] n. of a work belonging to the śiva-darśana
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.64] n. a field L.
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.66] n. the mind , heart W. (cf. antaḥ-karaṇa)
(H2B) káraṇa [L=44240.68] n. grain W.
(H1) karaṇa [p= 255,1] [L=44431] &c » [p= 254,1].
(H2) karaṇa [p= 1324,1] [L=326750] n. (also) a sinew, tendon, muscle, Kir.
(H1) karaṅka [p= 254,3] [L=44394] m. the skull , head Katha1s. Ma1lati1m.
[L=44395] a cocoa-nut hollowed to form a cup or vessel L.
[L=44396] a kind of sugar-cane (cf. the next) L.
[L=44397] any bone of the body L.
[L=44398] ([cf. Gk. κάρυον , κέρας , καρκίνος ; Lat. carina , cornu , cancer ; Eng. horn ; cf. karka.])
(H1B) kalā [p= 260,2] [L=45612] f. » kalā below.
(H1) kalā́ [p= 261,1] [L=45820] f. (etym. doubtful) a small part of anything , any single part or portion of a whole , esp. a sixteenth part RV. viii , 47 , 17 TS. S3Br. Mn. &c
[L=45821] a digit or one-sixteenth of the moon's diameter Hit. Katha1s.
[L=45822] (personified as a daughter of kardama and wife of marīci BhP. )
[L=45823] a symbolical expression for the number sixteen Hcat.
[L=45824] interest on a capital (considered as a certain part of it) S3is3. ix , 32
[L=45825] a division of time (said to be 1÷900 of a day or 1-6 minutes Mn. i , 64 Hariv. ; or 1÷1800 of a day or 0-8 minutes Comm. on VP. ; or 2 minutes and 26 54÷201 seconds Sus3r. ; or 1 minute and 35 205÷301 , seconds , or 8 seconds BhavP. )
[L=45826] the sixtieth part of one-thirtieth of a zodiacal sign , a minute of a degree Su1ryas.
[L=45827] (in prosody) a syllabic instant
[L=45828] a term for the seven substrata of the elements or dhātus of the human body (viz. flesh , blood , fat , phlegm , urine , bile , and semen ; but according to hemacandra , rasa , " chyle " , asthi , " bone " , and majjan , " marrow " , take the place of phlegm , urine , and bile) Sus3r.
[L=45829] an atom (there are 3015 kalās or atoms in every one of the six dhātus , not counting the rasa , therefore in all 18090)
[L=45830] (with pāśupatas) the elements of the gross or material world Sarvad.
[L=45831] an embryo shortly after conception (cf. kalana)
[L=45832] a designation of the three constituent parts of a sacrifice (viz. mantra , dravya , and śraddhā Ni1lak. on MBh. [ed. Bomb.] xiv , 89 , 3)
[L=45833] the menstrual discharge L.
[p= 261,2] [p= 261,1] [L=45834] any practical art , any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the śaivatantra [ T. ] ; the following is a list of them: gītam , vādyam , nṛtyam , nātyam , ālekhyam , viśeṣaka-cchedyam , taṇḍula-kusuma-balivikārāḥ , puṣpā*staranam , daśana-vasanā*ṅgarāgāḥ , maṇi-bhūmikā-karma , śayana-racanam , udaka-vādyam , udaka-ghātaḥ , citrā yogāḥ , mālya-granthana-vikalpāḥ , keśa-śekharā*pīḍayojanam , nepathya-yogāḥ , karṇa-pattra-bhaṅgāḥ , gandha-yuktiḥ , bhūṣaṇa-yojanam , indrajālam , kaucumāra-yogāḥ , hasta-lāghavam , citraśākā*pūpa-bhakṣya-vikāra-kriyā , pānaka-rasarāgā*sava-yojanam , sūcīvāpa-karma , vīṇā-ḍama-ruka-sūtra-krīḍā , prahelikā , pratimā , durvacakayogāḥ , pustaka-vācanam , nāṭakā*khyāyikā-darśanam , kāvya-samasyā-pūraṇam , paṭṭikā-vetrabāṇa-vikalpāḥ , tarkū-karmāṇi , takṣaṇam , vāstu-vidyā , rūpya-ratna-parīkṣā , dhātu-vādaḥ , maṇi-rāga-jñānam , ākara-jñānam , vṛkṣā*yur-veda-yogāḥ , meṣa-kukkuṭa-lāvaka-yuddha-vidhiḥ , śuka-sārikā-pralāpanam , utsādanam , keśa-mārjana-kauśalam , akṣara-muṣṭikā-kathanam , mlechitaka-vikalpāḥ , deśa-bhāṣā-jñānam , puṣpa-śakaṭikā-nimitta-jñānam , yantra-mātṛkā , dhāraṇa-mātṛkā , saṃpāṭyam , mānasī kāvya-kriyā , kriyā-vikalpāḥ , chalitakayogāḥ , abhidhāna-koṣa-cchando-jñānam , vastra-gopanāni , dyūta-viśeṣaḥ , ākarṣaṇa-krīḍā , bālaka-krīḍanakāni , vaināyikīnāṃ vidyāṇāṃ jñānam , vaijayikīnāṃ vidyānāṃ jñānam ; » also Va1tsy. i , 3 , 17) R. Pan5cat. Bhartr2. &c
[L=45835] skill , ingenuity
[L=45836] ignorance
[L=45837] a low and sweet tone Ba1lar.
[L=45838] a boat L.
[L=45839] a N. given to dākṣāyaṇī in the region near the river candrabhāgā MatsyaP.
[L=45840] N. of a grammatical commentary.
(H2) kalā [p= 1324,1] [L=327090] (in comp.)
(H3) kalā́--nyāsa [p= 261,2] [L=45860] m. tattooing a person's body with particular mystical marks Tantras.
(H3) kalā* --° pa [L=45861] m. (kalā*pa , fr. √āp) " that which holds single parts together " , a bundle , band (cf. jaṭā-k° , muktā-k° , raśanā-k°) MBh. Kum. &c
[L=45861.04] a bundle of arrows , a quiver with arrows , quiver MBh. R. &c
(H3B) kalā* --° pa [L=45861.08] m. (once n. MBh. iii , 11454)
[L=45861.12] a peacock's tail MBh. Pan5cat. &c
[L=45861.16] an ornament in general Ma1lav.
[L=45861.20] a zone , a string of bells (worn by women round the waist) L.
[L=45861.24] the rope round an elephant's neck L.
[L=45861.28] totality , whole body or collection of a number of separate things (esp. ifc. ; cf. kriyā-k° , &c )
[L=45861.32] the moon L.
[L=45861.36] a clever and intelligent man L.
[L=45861.40] N. of a grammar also called kātantra (supposed to be revealed by kārttikeya to śarvavarman)
[L=45861.44] N. of a village (cf. kalāpa-grāma) VP.
[L=45861.48] a poem written in one metre W.
(H1) kalā* pa [p= 261,3] [L=45912] &c » kalā.
(H3B) kalā́--vatī [L=45876] f. a mystical ceremony (the initiation of the Tantrika student in which the goddess durgā is supposed to be transferred from the water-jar to the body of the novice) Tantras.
(H3B) kalā́--vatī [L=45877] f. (in mus.) a particular mūrchanā
(H3B) kalā́--vatī [L=45878] f. the lute of the gandharva tumburu L.
(H3B) kalā́--vatī [L=45879] f. N. of an apsaras
(H3B) kalā́--vatī [L=45880] f. of a daughter of the apsaras alambuṣā Katha1s. cxxi , 111 ff.
(H3B) kalā́--vatī [L=45881] f. of several other women.
(H1) kalevara [p= 262,2] [L=46046] mn. the body MBh. R. &c ; ([cf. Lat. cada1ver])
(H1B) kalevara [L=46047] m. Olibanum L.
(H4) kāmo* pahata---cittā* ṅga [p= 273,1] [L=48290] mfn. one whose mind and body are overcome with love W.
(H1) kāyá 1 [p= 274,1] [L=48455] mf(ī)n. (fr. 3. ka Pa1n2. 4-2 , 25), relating or devoted to the god ka (prajā-pati RV. x , 121) VS. TS. S3Br.
[L=48456] &c
(H1B) kāyá 1 [L=48457] m. one of the eight modes of marriage (= prājāpatya » vivāha) Mn. iii , 38 Ya1jn5. i , 60
(H1B) kāyá 1 [L=48458] n. part of the hand sacred to prajā-pati , the root of the little finger Mn. ii , 58 and 59.
(H1) kāya 2 [L=48459] m. ( √ci Pa1n2. 3-3 , 41), the body Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
[L=48460] the trunk of a tree R.
[L=48461] the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L.
[L=48462] assemblage , collection , multitude SaddhP.
[L=48463] principal , capital Na1r. Br2ih.
[L=48464] a house , habitation L.
[L=48465] a butt , mark L.
[L=48466] any object to be attained L.
[L=48467] natural temperament L.
(H2) kāya [p= 1324,2] [L=327560] (in comp.)
(H3) kāya--cikitsā [p= 274,1] [L=48470] f. " body-cure " , treatment of bodily diseases Sus3r.
(H3) kāya--daṇḍa [L=48471] m. complete command over one's body Mn. xii , 10.
(H3) kāya--bandhana [L=48472] n. " body-fastening " , a girdle Buddh.
(H3) kāya--valana [L=48475] n. " body-fence " , armour L.
(H3) kāya--stha [L=48477] m. " dwelling in the body " , the Supreme Spirit L.
[L=48478] a particular caste or man of that caste , the Kayath or writer caste (born from a kṣatriya father and śūdra mother) Ya1jn5. Mr2icch. &c
(H3) kāya--sthita [L=48488] mfn. situated in the body , corporeal.
(H3) kāyā* gni [L=48489] m. " body-fire " , the digestive secretion Car.
(H2) kāyaka [L=48493] mf(ikā)n. belonging or relating to the body , &c , corporeal L.
(H2B) kāyaka [L=48494] m. ifc. = kāya , body Sarvad.
(H2) kāyika [L=48496] mf(ī)n. performed with the body Mn. xii , 8 MBh. xviii , 303
[L=48497] corporeal Sus3r. &c
[L=48498] (ifc.) belonging to an assemblage or multitude Buddh.
(H2) kāraṇa 1 [p= 274,2] [L=48528] n. cause , reason , the cause of anything (gen. , also often loc.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Mn. &c
[L=48529] instrument , means
[L=48530] motive origin , principle
[L=48531] a cause (in phil. i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product cf. samavā*yi-k° , asamavā*yi-k° , nimitta-k°)
[L=48532] an element , elementary matter Ya1jn5. iii , 148 Bhag. xviii , 13
[L=48533] the origin or plot of a play or poem Sa1h.
[L=48534] that on which an opinion or judgement is founded (a sign , mark ; a proof ; a legal instrument , document) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=48535] an organ of sense Ragh. xvi , 22 &c
[L=48536] an action MBh. xii , 12070
[L=48537] agency , instrumentality , condition Katha1s. cxii , 178
[L=48538] " the cause of being " , a father W.
[L=48539] " cause of creation " , a deity W.
[L=48540] the body L.
[L=48541] a kind of musical instrument L.
[L=48542] a sort of song L.
[L=48543] a number of scribes or kāyasthas W.
(H2) kāraṇa 2 [p= 274,3] [L=48605] n. killing , injury L.
(H3) kāraṇa--śarīra [L=48564] n. " causal body " , the original embryo or source of the body existing with the Universal impersonal Spirit and equivalent to a-vidyā (equivalent also to māyā , and when investing the impersonal Spirit causing it to become the Personal God or īśvara RTL. , p.35 and 36), Veda7ntas.
(H3) kālā* ṅga [p= 277,3] [L=49214] mfn. having a dark-blue body (as a sword with a dark-blue edge) MBh. iv , 231.
(H3) kāla--nara [p= 277,2] [L=49117] m. N. of a son of sabhā-nara (a son of anu) BhP. ix , 23 , 1 (cf. kālā*nala.)
(H3) kālá--nara 2 [p= 278,2] [L=49452] m. " a time-man " i.e. (in astrol.) the figure of a man's body on the various limbs of which the twelve signs of the zodiac are distributed for the purpose of foretelling future destinies Comm. on VarBr2.
(H1) kiṃ-tanu [p= 282,2] [L=50286] -tu-ghna , &c » kím.
(H3) kiṃ--tanu [p= 283,1] [L=50384] m. an insect (described as having eight legs and a very slender body) , a species of spider L.
(H1) kiṃ-nara [p= 282,2] [L=50290] &c » kím.
(H3) kiṃ--nara [p= 283,1] [L=50400] m. " what sort of man? " a mythical being with a human figure and the head of a horse (or with a horse's body and the head of a man S3is3. iv , 38 ; originally perhaps a kind of monkey cf. vā-nara ; in later times (like the naras) reckoned among the gandharvas or celestial choristers , and celebrated as musicians ; also attached to the service of kubera ; (with Jains) one of the eight orders of the vyantaras) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=50401] N. of a prince VP.
[L=50402] of nara (a son of vibhīṣaṇa) Ra1jat. i , 197
[L=50403] of the attendant of the fifteenth arhat of the present avasarpiṇī Jain.
[L=50404] N. of a locality g. takṣaśilā*di
(H3) ku--deha [p= 286,1] [L=51012] m. a miserable body BhP. v , 12 , 2.
(H3) ku--lakṣaṇa [p= 286,2] [L=51153] mf(ā)n. having fatal marks on the body Katha1s. xci , 17 and 19.
(H3) ku--śarīra [p= 286,3] [L=51197] n. a bad body BhP. v , 26 , 17
(H3B) ku--śarīra [L=51198] mfn. ill-shaped Ma1rkP.
(H3B) ku--śarīra [L=51199] mfn. N. of a muni VayuP. ??
(H4) ku--śarīra---bhṛt [L=51200] mfn. furnished with a body that is miserable in comparison with the soul BhP. x , 87 , 22.
(H2) kuṭi [p= 288,2] [L=51543] f. " a curvature , curve " » bhṛk° , bhruk°
[L=51544] a hut , cottage , hall , shop (= kuṭī q.v.) Un2. iv , 144
(H2B) kuṭi [L=51545] m. a tree L.
(H2B) kuṭi [L=51546] m. the body L.
(H2) kuṭi [p= 288,3] [L=51632] &c » ib.
(H1) kuḍi [p= 289,1] [L=51753] m. (= kuṭi) the body Un2.
(H1) kúṇapa [p= 289,2] [L=51791] n. [as m. g. ardharcā*di] a dead body , corpse AV. TS. S3Br. Mn. &c
[L=51792] (said contemptuously of) the living body BhP.
[L=51793] dung
(H1B) kúṇapa [L=51794] m. a spear MBh. R.
(H1B) kúṇapa [L=51795] m. pl. N. of a people VarBr2S.
(H1B) kuṇápa [L=51797] mfn. mouldering , smelling like a carcase S3Br. Sus3r.
(H2) kuṇapa [p= 1325,1] [L=328130] m. (also) a partic. hell, Buddh.
(H3) kúṇapa--gandhá [p= 289,2] [L=51798] m. the smell of a dead body S3Br. iv.
(H3) kúṇapa--gandhi [L=51799] mfn. smelling like dead body Sus3r.
(H3) kuṇṭha--tā [p= 289,3] [L=51827] f. bluntness , dulness (of a part of the body) Sus3r.
[L=51828] indolence.
(H1) kúla [p= 294,2] [L=52810] n. (ifc. f(ā).) a herd , troop , flock , assemblage , multitude , number , &c (of quadrupeds , birds , insects , &c , or of inanimate objects e.g. go-kula , a herd of cows R. &c ; mahiṣīk° , a herd of female buffaloes R2itus. ; ali-k° , a swarm of bees S3is3. Gi1t. &c ; alaka-k° , a multitude of curls BhP. )
[L=52811] a race , family , community , tribe , caste , set , company (e.g. brāhmaṇa-k° , the caste of the Brahmans BhP. ; padātīnāṃ kula , infantry Ra1jat. v , 247)
[L=52812] (ifc. with a gen. sg.) a lot , gang (e.g. caurasya-k° , a gang of thieves) Pa1n2. 6-3 , 21 Ka1s3.
[p= 294,3] [L=52813] the residence of a family , seat of a community , inhabited country (as much ground as can be ploughed by two ploughs each drawn by six bulls Comm. on Mn. vii , 119)
[L=52814] a house , abode MBh.
[L=52815] a noble or eminent family or race Mn. MBh. &c
[L=52816] high station (in comp. " chief , principal " cf. kula-giri , &c )
[L=52817] the body L.
[L=52818] the front , forepart W.
[L=52819] a blue stone L.
[L=52820] (with śāktas) N. of śakti and of the rites observed in her worship (cf. kaula)
[L=52821] = kula-nakṣatra q.v. Tantras.
(H1B) kúla [L=52822] m. the chief of a corporation or guild L.
(H1B) kúla [L=52823] m. = kula-vāra q.v. Tantras.
(H1B) kúla [L=52824] m. N. of a man R. vii , 43 , 2
(H2) kula [p= 1325,1] [L=328360] (in comp.)
(H1) kulā́ya [p= 295,3] [L=53117] n. (in later language also as m. Pan5cat. &c ) a woven texture , web , nest (of a bird) , case or investing integument , receptacle , home AV. TS. S3Br. &c
[L=53118] the body as the dwelling-place of the soul AV. S3Br. xiv BhP.
[L=53119] the kennel or resting-place of a dog Pa1n2. 1-3 , 21 Va1rtt. 4
[L=53120] a place , spot in general L.
[L=53121] (with agneḥ Vait. ; or with indrā*gnyoḥ Ta1n2d2yaBr. A1s3vS3r. &c ) N. of a particular ekā*ha (cf. aindrā*gna-k°.)
(H1) kū́ṭa [p= 299,2] [L=53812] n. the bone of the forehead with its projections or prominences , horn RV. x , 102 , 4 AV. S3Br. AitBr.
[L=53813] a kind of vessel or implement Kaus3. 16
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53814] mn. any prominence or projection (e.g. aṃsa-k° , akṣi-k° , qq. vv.)
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53815] mn. summit , peak or summit of a mountain MBh. &c
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53816] mn. summit , head i.e. the highest , most excellent , first BhP. ii , 9 , 19
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53817] mn. a heap , multitude (e.g. abhra-k° , a multitude of clouds) MBh. R. BhP.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53818] mn. part of a plough , ploughshare , body of a plough L.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53819] mn. an iron mallet MBh. xvi , 4 , 6
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53820] mn. a trap for catching deer , concealed weapon (as a dagger in a wooden case , sword-stick , &c ) R. Pan5cat.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53821] mn. (as L. ; am) illusion , fraud , trick , untruth , falsehood L.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53822] mn. a puzzling question , enigma BhP. vi , 5 , 10 and 29
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53823] m. a kind of hall (= maṇḍapa) Hcat.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53824] m. N. of a particular constellation VarBr2. xii , 8 and 16
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53825] m. a subdivision of graha-yuddha Su1ryas.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53826] m. a mystical N. of the letter kṣa Ra1matUp.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53827] m. N. of agastya (cf. kuṭaja) L.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53828] m. of an enemy of viṣṇu R. BhP. x
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53829] mn. uniform substance (as the etherial element , &c ) L.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53830] mn. a water-jar Hcar.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53831] mn. a kind of plant L.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53832] mf(ī). a house , dwelling (cf. kuṭa and kuṭī) L.
(H1B) kūṭá [L=53833] mf(ā́)n. not horned or cornuted (as an animal with incomplete continuations of the bone of the forehead) AV. xii , 4 , 3 TS. i Ka1t2h. &c
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53834] mn. false , untrue , deceitful Mn. Ya1jn5. Katha1s. &c
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53835] mn. base (as coins) Ya1jn5. ii , 241
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53836] m. an ox whose horns are broken L.
(H1B) kū́ṭa [L=53837] n. counterfeited objects (of a merchant) VarBr2. xiv , 3.
(H2) kūṭa [p= 1325,1] [L=328460] (in comp.)
(H2) kūṭaka [p= 299,3] [L=53907] mfn. base (as a coin) Ya1jn5. ii , 241
(H2B) kūṭaka [L=53908] m. a braid or tress of hair L.
(H2B) kūṭaka [L=53909] m. N. of a fragrant plant L.
(H2B) kūṭaka [L=53910] m. of a mountain BhP. v , 19 , 16
(H2B) kūṭaka [L=53911] n. elevation , prominence , projection L. (» akṣik°)
(H2B) kūṭaka [L=53912] n. " a ploughshare " , or " the body of a plough (i.e. the wood without the ploughshare and pole) " L.
(H3) kūpā* ṅka [p= 300,1] [L=53965] m. bristling or erection of the hairs of the body L.
(H1) kūrcá [L=54004] m. rarely n. (g. ardharcā*di) a bunch of anything , bundle of grass , &c (often used as a seat) TS. vii S3Br. &c
[L=54005] a fan , brush NarasP.
[L=54006] a handful of kuśa grass or peacock's feathers Comm. on MBh.
[p= 300,2] [L=54007] (n. L. ) " ball , roll " , N. of certain parts of the human body (as the hands , feet , neck , and the membrum virile) Sus3r.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54008] mn. the upper part of the nose (the part between the eyebrows) L.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54009] mn. (as L. ; am) the beard Ka1d. Ra1jat. BhavP.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54010] mn. (beard of a buck) Comm. on Ka1tyS3r.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54011] m. (Prakrit kucca) S3ak.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54012] mn. the tip of the thumb and middle finger brought in contact so as to pinch &c W.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54013] mn. deceit , fraud , hypocrisy L.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54014] mn. false praise , unmerited commendation either of one's self or another person , boasting , flattery L.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54015] mn. hardness , solidity L.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54016] m. the head L.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54017] m. a store-room L.
(H1B) kūrcá [L=54018] m. the mystical syllable huṃ , or hrūṃ.
(H2) kūrcaka [L=54025] m. a bunch , bushel Jain. Comm.
[L=54026] a brush for cleaning the teeth , painter's brush &c Sus3r. Ka1d.
[L=54027] N. of certain parts of the human body (» kūrca) Sus3r.
[L=54028] (ifc.) the beard
[L=54029] = kūrca-śīrṣa Npr.
(H2B) kūrcaka [L=54035] n. » tri-k°.
(H2) kūrpāsaka [L=54055] m. a bodice , jacket (with short sleeves worn next the body , especially by women) , R2itus.
[L=54056] a cuirass , corselet Hcar. S3is3. v , 23.
(H1) kūrmá [L=54057] m. a tortoise , turtle VS. TS. &c (ifc. f(ā). MBh. iv , 2016)
[L=54058] the earth considered as a tortoise swimming on the waters (» -vibhāga)
[L=54059] (hence) N. of the fourteenth adhyāya of VarBr2S. VarYogay. ix , 4
[L=54060] a particular figure or intertwining of the fingers (mudrā) Tantras.
[L=54061] one of the outer winds of the body (causing the closing of the eyes) Veda7ntas.
[L=54062] N. of a deity Rasik.
[L=54063] of a serpent or kādraveya king MBh. i , 2549
[L=54064] of a ṛṣi (son of gṛtsa-mada , author of RV. ii , 27-29) RAnukr.
[L=54065] viṣṇu's second incarnation (descent in the form of a tortoise to support the mountain mandara at the churning of the ocean) NarasP. &c
(H1B) kūrmá [L=54067] f. ([cf. κλέμμυς , χέλυς , χελώνη.])
(H2) ketana [p= 308,3] [L=55623] n. a summons , invitation Mn. iv , 110 MBh. Ma1rkP.
[L=55624] a house , abode MBh. R. BhP. Katha1s.
[L=55625] " abode of the soul " , the body Gi1t. vii , 5 (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=55626] place , site Katha1s. xxvi , 44
[L=55627] sign , mark , symbol (of a deity) , ensign (of a warrior) , flag or banner (e g. vānara-k° , " one who has a monkey as his ensign or arms " MBh. ; » also makara-k° , &c ) MBh. R. Ragh. ix , 38
[L=55628] business , indispensable act Ma1lati1m.
(H1) ketana [p= 309,1] [L=55636] °taya , &c » kéta.
(H1) ketú [L=55638] m. (fr. √4. cit) , bright appearance , clearness , brightness (often pl. , " rays of light ") RV. VS. AV.
[L=55639] lamp , flame , torch ib.
[L=55640] day-time S3a1n3khBr.
[L=55641] ( Naigh. iii , 9) apparition , form , shape RV. Pa1rGr2.
[L=55642] sign , mark , ensign , flag , banner RV. AV. MBh. &c
[L=55643] a chief , leader , eminent person RV. R. iv , 28 , 18 Ragh. ii , 33 BhP.
[L=55644] intellect , judgement , discernment (?) RV. v , 66 , 4 AV. x , 2 , 12
[L=55645] any unusual or striking phenomenon , comet , meteor , falling star AdbhBr. Mn. i , 38 VarBr2S. BhP. &c
[L=55646] the dragon's tail or descending node (considered in astron. as the 9th planet , and in mythol. as the body of the demon saiṃhikeya [son of siṃhikā] which was severed from the head or rāhu by viṣṇu at the churning of the ocean , but was rendered immortal by having tasted the amṛta) Hariv. 4259 R. VP.
[L=55647] " a pigmy race " » -gaṇa below
[L=55648] disease L.
[L=55649] an enemy L.
[L=55650] N. of a son of agni (author of RV. x , 156) RAnukr.
[L=55651] (with the patr. vājya) VBr.
[L=55652] N. of a dānava Hariv. 198
[L=55653] of a son (of ṛṣabha BhP. v , 4 , 10 ; of the 4th manu , viii , 1 , 27)
[L=55654] aruṇā́ḥ ketávaḥ , " red apparitions " , a class of spirits (a kind of sacrificial fire is called after them āruṇaketuka q.v.) AV. xi , 10 , 1 f. and 7 TA1r. MBh. xii , 26 , 7.
(H1) kopa [p= 313,2] [L=56579] m. ( √kup) morbid irritation or disorder of the humors of the body Sus3r.
[L=56580] fury (of fire , arms , war , &c ) VarBr2S. VarBr2.
[L=56581] passion , wrath , anger , rage (with loc. gen. , prati , or upari , or ifc.) Mn. iii , 230 & viii , 280 MBh. &c (rarely pl. Hit. ; ifc. f(ā). Ma1lav. ; sa-kopa , " enraged " Pan5cat. ; sa-kopam , " angrily " Pan5cat. Hit. )
[L=56582] the state of being in contradiction with , incompatibleness with Ba1dar. ii , 1 , 26.
(H3) kopa--vairin [L=56598] m. " enemy of (i.e. removing) the morbid irritation of the humors of the body " , the plant Sesbania grandiflora Npr.
(H2) kopana [L=56604] mf(ā)n. inclined to passion , passionate , wrathful , angry MBh. R. &c
[L=56605] irritating , causing morbid irritation or disorder of the humors Sus3r.
(H2B) kopana [L=56606] m. N. of an asura Hariv. 2284
(H2B) kopana [L=56607] n. irritating MBh. xiv , 466
(H2B) kopana [L=56608] n. morbid irritation of the humors of the body Pa1n2. 5-1 , 38 Va1rtt. 1 Sus3r.
(H2B) kopana [L=56609] n. making angry MBh. xiii , 2426
(H3) komalā* ṅga [L=56640] mf(ī)n. having a tender body Das3.
(H1) ko-lambaka [p= 313,3] [L=56716] m. the body of a lute (the whole of it except the strings) L.
(H1) kóśa [p= 314,1] [L=56740] m. (n. L. ; in class. literature kośa , or koṣa ; fr. √kuś or kuṣ? , related to kukṣí and koṣṭha?) , a cask , vessel for holding liquids , (metaphorically) cloud RV. AV. Sus3r.
[L=56741] a pail , bucket RV.
[L=56742] a drinking-vessel , cup L.
[L=56743] a box , cupboard , drawer , trunk RV. vi , 47 , 23 AV. xix , 72 , 1 S3Br.
[L=56744] the interior or inner part of a carriage RV.
[L=56745] (ifc.) MBh. viii , 1733
[L=56746] a sheath , scabbard , &c MBh. R. VarBr2S.
[L=56747] a case , covering , cover AV. ChUp. Mun2d2Up. TUp. Pa1rGr2. BhP.
[L=56748] store-room , store , provisions Mn. MBh. &c
[L=56749] a treasury , apartment where money or plate is kept , treasure , accumulated wealth (gold or silver , wrought or unwrought , as plate , jewellery , &c ) ib.
[L=56750] (in surg.) a kind of bandage Sus3r.
[L=56751] a dictionary , lexicon or vocabulary
[L=56752] a poetical collection , collection of sentences &c Ka1vya7d. i , 13 Sa1h.
[L=56753] a bud , flower-cup , seed-vessel (cf. bīja-) R. Ragh. BhP. Dhu1rtas.
[L=56754] the sheath or integument of a plant , pod , nut-shell Ma1rkP.
[L=56755] a nutmeg L.
[L=56756] the inner part of the fruit of Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits L.
[L=56757] the cocoon of a silk-worm Ya1jn5. iii , 147 Veda7ntas.
[L=56758] the membrane covering an egg (in the womb) Sus3r. VarBr2. Ma1rkP.
[L=56759] the vulva L.
[L=56760] a testicle or the scrotum Sus3r. VarBr2S.
[L=56761] the penis W.
[L=56762] an egg L.
[L=56763] (in vedā*nta phil.) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are , 1. the ānanda-maya k° or " sheath of pleasure " , forming the kāraṇa-śarīra or " causal frame " ; 2. the vijñāna-maya or buddhi-m° or mano-m° or prā*ṇa-m° k° , " the sheath of intellect or will or life " , forming the sūkṣma-śarīra or " subtile frame " ; 3. the anna-m° k° , " the sheath of nourishment " , forming the sthūla-śarīra or " gross frame ") Veda7ntas.
[L=56764] (ifc.) a ball or globe (e.g. sūtra- , a ball of thread L. ; netra- , the eye-ball R. iii , 79 , 28)
[L=56765] the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it) Ya1jn5. ii , 95
[L=56766] an oath Ra1jat. v , 325
[L=56767] a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace (°śaṃ- √pā , to drink from that cup) Ra1jat. vii , 8 ; 75 ; 460 and 493 ; viii , 283
[L=56768] N. of a conjunction of planets VarBr2S.
[L=56769] of the 2nd astrological mansion , VarYogay.
[L=56770] (with Buddh. ) of a collection of gāthā verses Ka1ran2d2. Hcar.
(H2) kośa [p= 1325,2] [L=328940] (in comp.)
(H1) koṣṭha [p= 314,3] [L=56869] m. ( √kuṣ? ; probably related to kukṣí and kóśa) , any one of the viscera of the body (particularly the stomach , abdomen) MBh. Sus3r. &c
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56870] mn. (as L. ; am) a granary , store-room MBh. BhP. (ifc. f(ā).)
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56871] mn. a treasury W.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56872] m. an inner apartment L.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56873] m. the shell of anything W.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56874] m. a kind of pan , pot Kaus3. Pat. Car. Bhpr.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56875] m. property (or mfn. " own ") L.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56876] m. night L.
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56877] n. a surrounding wall BhP. iv , 28 , 57
(H1B) koṣṭha [L=56878] n. any enclosed space or area , chess square VarBr2S. liii , 42 Hcat. Tithya1d. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H2B) kauśikī 2 [p= 317,3] [L=57436] f. N. of a goddess sprung from the body of pārvatī Ma1rkP. lxxxv , 40 Ka1lP. Devi1P. ??
(H1B) kauśikī 3 [p= 318,1] [L=57483] f. (in music) N. of a rāgiṇī
(H1B) kauśikī 3 [L=57484] f. N. of durgā Hariv. 3260 and 3270
(H1B) kauśikī 3 [L=57485] f. N. of a śikṣā
(H1B) kauśikī 3 [L=57486] f. of a river in Bahar (commonly Kosi or Koosa , created by viśvā-mitra , or identified with satyavatī , the sister of viśvā-mitra) MBh. Hariv. R. &c
(H1B) kauśikī 3 [L=57487] f. N. of a Buddhist female beggar Ma1lav.
(H1B) kauśikī 3 [L=57488] f. for kaiśikī q.v. Sa1h.
(H2) kauśikī [L=57501] (f. of °ka q.v.)
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.26
(H1) knas [p= 318,3] [L=57603]
cl.4 P. °syati , to be crooked (in mind or body) Dha1tup. xxvi , 26 ;
to shine ib. : Caus. knasayati , to shine Dha1tup. xix , 65 Vop. (cf. √ knaṃs.)
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 15.47
(H1) kmar [L=57613] cl.1 P. kmarati , to be crooked (in body or mind) , be fraudulent Dha1tup. xv , 47 (cf. √ hvṛ.)
(H3) kriyā--kalā* pa [p= 320,3] [L=58000] m. N. of wk.
[p= 321,1] [L=58001] the great body of ceremonies enjoined in the Hindu law W.
[L=58002] a number of actions of any kind W.
[L=58003] all the particulars of any business W.
(H2) kledu [p= 323,3] [L=58595] m. the moon Un2. i , 10
[L=58596] a morbid combination (saṃnipāta) of the three humors of the body , complication of disorders L.
(H2) kleśa [p= 324,1] [L=58617] m. pain , affliction , distress , pain from disease , anguish S3vetUp. Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=58618] (in yoga phil. five kleśas are named , viz. a-vidyā , " ignorance " , asmi-tā , " egotism " , rāga , " desire " , dveṣa , " aversion " , and abhiniveśa , " tenacity of mundane existence " Yogas. Prab. Sarvad. ; the Buddhists reckon ten , viz. three of the body [murder , theft , adultery] , four of speech [lying , slander , abuse , unprofitable conversation] , three of the mind [covetousness , malice , scepticism] Buddh. Sarvad. )
[L=58619] wrath , anger L.
[L=58620] worldly occupation , care , trouble (= vyavasāya) L.
(H1) kleśa [p= 324,2] [L=58674] &c » √kliś.
(H1) kṣatrá [p= 325,1] [L=58814] n. ( √1. kṣi? ; g. ardharcā*di) sg. and pl. dominion , supremacy , power , might (whether human or supernatural , especially applied to the power of varuṇa-mitra and indra) RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ii
[L=58815] xi
[L=58816] sg. and pl. government , governing body RV. AV. VS. x , 17 TBr. ii
[p= 325,2] [L=58817] the military or reigning order (the members of which in the earliest times , as represented by the Vedic hymns , were generally called rājanya , not kṣatriya ; afterwards , when the difference between brahman and kṣatra or the priestly and civil authorities became more distinct , applied to the second or reigning or military caste) VS. AV. TS. &c
[L=58818] a member of the military or second order or caste , warrior Mn. MBh. &c (fancifully derived fr. kṣatāt tra fr. √ trai i.e. " a preserver from injury " Ragh. ii , 53)
[L=58819] the rank of a member of the reigning or military order , authority of the second caste AitBr. viii , 5 S3Br. xiii , 1 , 5 , 2 BhP. iii , ix
[L=58820] wealth Naigh. ii , 10
[L=58821] water , i , 12
[L=58822] the body L.
[L=58823] Tabernaemontana coronaria (v.l. chattra) L.
(H2) kṣatra [p= 1325,3] [L=329220] (in comp.)
(H2) kṣapaṇa 1 [p= 326,1] [L=58971] m. " fasting " , a religious mendicant , jaina (or Buddhist) mendicant L.
[L=58972] N. of a samādhi Ka1ran2d2.
(H2B) kṣapaṇa 1 [L=58973] m. pl. N. of a Buddhist school L.
(H2B) kṣapaṇa 1 [L=58975] n. abstinence , chastisement of the body [" pause , interruption (of study) , defilement , impurity " Comm. ; cf. 2. kṣapaṇa] Pa1rGr2. Gaut. Mn. iv , 222 ; v , 71 MBh. xiii , 5145.
(H2) kṣapaṇa 2 [L=58984] mfn. ifc. (cf. akṣa-kṣ°) one who destroys , destructive BhP.
(H2B) kṣapaṇa 2 [L=58985] m. N. of śiva
(H2B) kṣapaṇa 2 [L=58986] n. destroying , diminishing , suppressing , expelling MBh. Sus3r. BhP.
(H2B) kṣapaṇa 2 [L=58987] n. " passing (as time) , waiting , pause " = kṣapaṇa1 q.v.
(H1) kṣapaṇa [p= 326,2] [L=59024] » √1. and √3. kṣap
(H2) kṣara [p= 327,1] [L=59142] mf(ā)n. (g. jvalā*di) melting away , perishable S3vetUp. MBh. Bhag.
(H2B) kṣara [L=59143] m. a cloud L.
(H2B) kṣara [L=59144] n. water L.
(H2B) kṣara [L=59145] n. the body MBh. xiv , 470.
(H3) kṣīṇá--śarīra [p= 328,3] [L=59474] mfn. one who has a thin or emaciated body W.
(H2) kṣipaṇyu [p= 329,1] [L=59521] mfn. diffusive , what may be sent or scattered , fragrant L.
(H2B) kṣipaṇyu [L=59522] m. the body L.
(H2B) kṣipaṇyu [L=59523] m. spring Un2. iii , 51 Sch.
(H3) kṣiptá--deha [L=59533] mfn. one who prostrates the body , who lies down.
(H1) kṣuṇṇa [p= 330,2] [L=59874] °ṇṇaka » √kṣud.
(H2) kṣuṇṇa [L=59878] mfn. stamped or trampled upon MBh. viii , 4845 VarBr2S. liv Ragh. i , 17 Pan5cat. &c
[L=59879] pounded , bruised , crushed , pulverised Sus3r. Pa1n2. 4-2 , 92 Ka1s3.
[L=59880] broken to pieces , shattered , pierced MBh. iii , 678 Mr2icch. BhP. Ma1rkP.
[L=59881] violated (as a vow) R. i , 8 , 9 (a-kṣ°)
[L=59882] practised , exercised (as the body) Sus3r.
[L=59883] thought over repeatedly , reflected on again and again W.
[L=59884] one versed in sacred science but unable to explain or teach it W.
[L=59885] defeated , overcome W.
[L=59886] multiplied Su1ryas. (cf. akṣ°.)
(H3) kṣut--pipāsā-parī* tā* ṅga [p= 331,2] [L=60083] mfn. one whose body is affected with hunger and thirst W.
(H1) kṣétra [p= 332,1] [L=60239] n. ( √2. kṣi) landed property , land , soil (kṣétrasya páti , " lord of the soil " , N. of a kind of tutelary deity RV. AV. ii , 8 , 5 ; also kṣétrasya pátnī , " mistress of the soil " , and kṣétrāṇām páti , " the lord of the soil " , N. of tutelary deities AV. ii , 12 , 1 VS. xvi , 18)
[L=60240] " soil of merit " , a buddha or any holy person DivyA7v.
[L=60241] a field (e.g. °traṃ- √kṛ , " to cultivate a field " Mn. Ya1jn5. ii , 158 ; cf. sasya-kṣ°) RV. &c
[L=60242] place , region , country RV. AV. iii , 28 , 3 TS. vii Sus3r. Megh. Vet.
[L=60243] a house L.
[L=60244] a town L.
[L=60245] department , sphere of action MBh. xiv , 126 R. &c
[L=60246] place of origin , place where anything is found Yogas. ii , 4 Sus3r. BhP. viii , 12 , 33
[L=60247] a sacred spot or district , place of pilgrimage (as Benares &c ; often ifc.) BrahmaP.
[L=60248] an enclosed plot of ground , portion of space , superficies (e.g. sv-alpa-kṣ° , of a small circuit Ya1jn5. ii , 156)
[L=60249] (in geom.) a plane figure (as a triangle , circle , &c ) enclosed by lines , any figure considered as having geometrical dimensions Gol.
[L=60250] a diagram W.
[L=60251] a planetary orbit Gan2it.
[L=60252] a zodiacal sign Su1ryas.
[L=60253] an astrological mansion VarBr2S. VarBr2. i , xi
[L=60254] (in chiromancy) certain portions marked out on the palm VarBr2S. lxviii , 1
[L=60255] " fertile soil " , the fertile womb , wife Mn. Ya1jn5. ii , 127 MBh. R. S3ak. BhP.
[L=60256] the body (considered as the field of the indwelling soul) Ya1jn5. iii , 178 Bhag. xiii , 1 and 2 Kum. vi , 77
[L=60257] (in sāṃkhya phil.) = a-vyakta (q.v.) Tattvas.
(H1B) kṣétra [L=60259] [cf. á-kṣ° , anya- and kuru-kṣetrá , karma-kṣ° , deva-kṣ° , dharma-kṣ° , raṇa-kṣ° , siddha-kṣ° , su-kṣ° , sure*śvarī-kṣ° ; cf. also Goth. haithi , Them. haithjo ; Germ. Heide.]
(H2) kṣetra [p= 1325,3] [L=329441] (in comp.)
(H3) kṣétra--jñá [p= 332,2] [L=60274] mfn. knowing localities TBr. iii AitBr. Ta1n2d2yaBr. S3Br. xiii ChUp.
[L=60275] familiar with the cultivation of the soil (as a husbandman) L.
[L=60276] clever , dexterous , skilful (with gen.) MBh. i , 3653
[L=60277] cunning L.
(H3B) kṣétra--jñá [L=60278] m. " knowing the body " i.e. the soul , the conscious principle in the corporeal frame S3vetUp. Mn. viii , 96 ; xii , 12 and 14 Ya1jn5. MBh. Hariv. 11297 , &c
(H3B) kṣétra--jñá [L=60279] m. a form of bhairava (or śiva)
(H3B) kṣétra--jñá [L=60280] m. N. of a prince BhP. xii , 1 , 4 (vv.ll. kṣatrau*jas and kṣemā*rcis)
(H3) kṣétra--víd [L=60312] mfn. (= -jñá) familiar with localities RV. (also compar. -vít-tara , x , 25 , 8) TS. v , 2 , 8 , 5
[L=60313] experienced , clever , skilful Kum. iii , 50
[L=60314] knowing the body (as the soul) Tattvas.
(H3B) kṣétra--víd [L=60315] m. (t) " knowing the cultivation of fields " , a husbandman W.
(H3B) kṣétra--víd [L=60316] m. one who possesses spiritual knowledge , sage W.
(H3B) kṣétra--víd [L=60317] m. the soul BhP. iv , 22 , 37 (cf. á-kṣ°.)
(H2) kṣetriyá [p= 332,3] [L=60351] mfn. " organic " (as a disease) , incurable (" curable in a future body i.e. incurable in the present life " Pa1n2. 5-2 , 92) Kpr.
(H2B) kṣetriyá [L=60352] m. one who seduces other men's wives , adulterer L.
(H2B) kṣetriyá [L=60353] n. ( L. ) an organic and incurable disease AV.
(H2B) kṣetriyá [L=60354] m. meadow grass , herbage L.
(H2B) kṣetriyá [L=60355] n. pl. (ā́ṇi) the environs of a place AV. ii , 14 , 5.
(H3) kṣāmā* ṅga [p= 333,2] [L=60482] mfn. having a slender body Bha1m.
(H3) kṣāmā* sya [L=60484] n. any diet or any state of the body (as menstruation) incompatible with a particular medical treatment L. (v.l. kṣamasya).
(H1) kha 1 [p= 334,1] [L=60669] the second consonant of the alphabet (being the aspirate of the preceding consonant ; often in MSS. and Inscr. confounded with ṣa).
(H1) kha 2 [p= 334,2] [L=60671] m. the sun L.
(H1) khá 3 [L=60672] n. ( √khan) a cavity , hollow , cave , cavern , aperture RV.
[L=60673] an aperture of the human body (of which there are nine , viz. the mouth , the two ears , the two eyes , the two nostrils , and the organs of excretion and generation) AV. xiv , 2 , 1 and 6 Pra1t. Kat2hUp. Gaut. Mn. &c
[L=60674] (hence) an organ of sense BhP. viii , 3 , 23
[L=60675] (in anat.) the glottis W.
[L=60676] " the hole made by an arrow " , wound Mn. ix , 43
[L=60677] the hole in the nave of a wheel through which the axis runs RV. S3Br. xiv
[L=60678] vacuity , empty space , air , ether , sky S3Br. xiv Pras3nUp. Mn. xii , 120 &c
[L=60679] heaven L.
[L=60680] brahma (the Supreme Spirit) W.
[L=60681] (in arithm.) a cypher Su1ryas. Sa1h.
[L=60682] the anusvāra represented by a circle (bindu) L.
[L=60683] N. of the tenth astrological mansion VarBr2.
[L=60684] talc L.
[L=60685] a city L.
[L=60686] a field L.
[L=60687] happiness (a meaning derived fr. su-kha , duḥ-kha) L.
[L=60688] action L.
[L=60689] understanding L.
(H2) kha [p= 1325,3] [L=329580] (in comp.)
(H3) khá--mūrti [p= 334,3] [L=60790] f. a celestial body or person
(H3) khá--śarīra [L=60800] n. a celestial body W.
(H3) khá--° śarīrin [L=60801] mfn. gifted with an ethereal body (cf. -mūrti-mat) Mn. iv , 243.
(H3) khaṇḍita--vigraha [p= 336,2] [L=61206] mfn. " one whose body is injured " , maimed , mutilated Kir. v , 43.
(H3) khe--'ṭa [p= 334,3] [L=60843] m. " moving in the air " , a planet
[L=60844] the ascending node or rāhu W.
(H1) kheṭa [p= 340,3] [L=62023] m. a village , residence of peasants and farmers , small town (half a pura Hcat. ) MBh. iii , 13220 Jain. BhP. VP. : the phlegmatic or watery humor of the body , phlegm Car. iv , 4
[L=62024] snot , glanders L.
[L=62025] a horse L.
[L=62026] the club of balarāma L.
(H1B) kheṭa [L=62027] mn. hunting , chase (cf. ā-kheṭa) L.
(H1B) kheṭa [L=62028] mn. a shield Hcat. i , 5 , 529 ([ Ma1rkP. ]) and 532 ([ Br2Na1rP. ]) ; ii , 1
(H1B) kheṭa [L=62029] mn. (ifc.) expressing defectiveness or deterioration ( Pa1n2. 6-2 , 126 ; e.g. nagara- , " a miserable town " ib. Ka1s3. ; upānat- , " a miserable shoe " ib. Ka1s3. ; muni- , " a miserable sage " Ba1lar. ii)
(H1B) kheṭa [L=62030] n. grass L.
(H1B) kheṭa [L=62031] mfn. low , vile Bhar. xxxiv , 109
(H1B) kheṭa [L=62032] n. armed W.
(H1) khe'ṭa [L=62040] » 3. khá , [p= 334,3].
(H2) gaṇá [p= 343,1] [L=62524] m. a flock , troop , multitude , number , tribe , series , class (of animate or inanimate beings) , body of followers or attendants RV. AV. &c
[L=62525] troops or classes of inferior deities (especially certain troops of demi-gods considered as śiva's attendants and under the special superintendence of the god gaṇe*śa ; cf. -devatā) Mn. Ya1jn5. Lalit. &c
[L=62526] a single attendant of śiva VarBr2S. Katha1s. Ra1jat. iii , 270
[L=62527] N. of gaṇe*śa W.
[L=62528] a company , any assemblage or association of men formed for the attainment of the same aims Mn. Ya1jn5. Hit.
[L=62529] the 9 assemblies of ṛṣis under the arhat mahā-vīra Jain.
[L=62530] a sect in philosophy or religion W.
[L=62531] a small body of troops (= 3 gulmas or 27 chariots and as many elephants , 81 horses , and 135 foot) MBh. i , 291
[L=62532] a series or group of asterisms or lunar mansions classed under three heads (that of the gods , that of the men , and that of the rākṣasas) W.
[L=62533] (in arithm.) a number L.
[L=62534] (in metre) a foot or four instants (cf. -cchandas)
[L=62535] (in Gr.) a series of roots or words following the same rule and called after the first word of the series (e.g. ad-ādi , the g. ad &c or the whole series of roots of the 2nd class ; gargā*di , the g. garga &c or the series of words commencing with garga)
(H2B) gaṇá [L=62536] m. a particular group of sāmans La1t2y. i , 6 , 5 VarYogay. viii , 7
(H2B) gaṇá [L=62537] m. a kind of perfume L.
(H2B) gaṇá [L=62538] m. = vāc (i.e. " a series of verses ") Naigh. i , 11
(H2B) gaṇá [L=62539] m. N. of an author
(H2) gaṇa [p= 1326,1] [L=329910] (in comp.)
(H3) gaṇá--kāma [p= 343,1] [L=62543] mfn. desirous of a body of attendants S3a1n3khGr2. ii , 2 , 13.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 15.39, 33.26
Whitney Roots links: gal
(H1) gal 1 [p= 350,3] [L=64198]
cl.1 P. °lati , to drip , drop , ooze , trickle , distil Pan5cat. v BrahmaP. Katha1s. &c ;
to fall down or off Ragh. vii , 10 Bhat2t2. Gi1t. Prab. ii ;
to vanish , perish , pass away Das3. Katha1s. Kuval. : Caus. gālayati , to cause to drop , filter , strain Sus3r. Das3. ;
to cause (the water of a dropsical person) to go off Car. vi , 18 ;
to fuse , liquefy , dissolve , melt Sus3r. : A1. °te , to flow Dha1tup. xxxiii , 26 : Intens.p. jalgalyamāna , causing to drop from one's body Nir. vii , 13 ; ([cf. Old Germ. qvall , quillu , qual and quella , " a well. "])
(H1) gal 2 [L=64241] (= √2. gṝ) cl.1 P. °lati , to eat , swallow Dha1tup. xv , 39.
(H1) gavī́nikā [p= 351,3] [L=64448] f. du. the groins (or another part of the body near the pudenda) AV. i , 11 , 5 and ix , 8 , 7.
(H2) gā́tra [p= 352,1] [L=64504] n. " instrument of moving " , a limb or member of the body RV. AV. &c (ifc. ā [ MBh. ix Pan5cat. ii , 4 , 3÷4] or ī [ Mr2icch. i , 21 S3ak. Kum. &c ] cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 54 Ka1s3. )
[L=64505] the body Mn. iv , 122 ; 169 Nal. &c
[L=64506] the forequarter of an elephant (cf. gātrā*vara) L.
(H2B) gā́tra [L=64509] m. N. of a son of vasiṣṭha VP. i , 10 , 13 Va1yuP.
(H2) gā́tra [L=64510] mfn. = -yuta L.
(H2) gā́tra [p= 353,2] [L=64748] » √1. gā.
(H2) gātra [p= 1326,2] [L=330270] (in comp.)
(H3) gā́tra--kampa [p= 352,2] [L=64511] m. trembling of the body Yogas3Up. 1.
(H3) gā́tra--karśana [L=64512] mfn. emaciating the body W.
(H3) gā́tra--yaṣṭi [L=64518] f. (in Prakrit gAya-laTThi Jain. ) a thin or slender body Ragh. vi , 81 Ka1d. iv , 119
(H3B) gā́tra--yaṣṭi [L=64519] mfn. ifc. i ([v , 799 R2itus. iii , 1]) or ī ([iv , vi]) .
(H3) gā́tra--ruha [L=64521] n. " growing on the body " , the hairs on the body BhP. ii , 3 , 24 (cf. aṅga-r°).
(H3) gā́tra--vat [L=64523] mfn. having a handsome body R. B. ii , 98 , 24 (v.l.)
(H3B) gā́tra--vat [L=64524] m. N. of a son of kṛṣṇa and lakṣmaṇā Hariv. 9189 VP. v , 32 , 4 BhP. x , 61 , 15
(H3) gā́tra--śoṣana [L=64529] mfn. consuming the body (as grief) MBh. xii , 900.
(H3) gā́tra--saṃkocanī [L=64530] f. " contracting its body " , a hedgehog. VS. xxiv , 36 Sch.
(H3) gā́tra--samplava [L=64532] m. " body-diver " , the bird Pelicanus fusicollis L. (cf. plava.)
(H3) gātrā* nulepanī [L=64534] f. fragrant unguents &c smeared upon the body , perfume for the person L.
(H3) gātrā* varaṇa [L=64536] n. " body-covering " , a shield , vii , 79.
(H2) gātraka [L=64538] n. the body Vikr.
(H3) gā́° traka [p= 353,2] [L=64749] » √1. gā.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.52, 28.106
Whitney Roots links: gu
(H1) gu 1 [p= 356,1] [L=65339] (cf. √ 1. gā) cl.1 A1. gávate , to go Naigh. ii , 14.
(H2) gu 2 [L=65340] ifc. " going " » ádhri-gu , vanar-gú (cf. also priyáṃgu , śāci-gu)
[L=65340.1] " fit for " » tāta-gu , nigu (cf. agre-gū́.)
(H1) gu 3 [p= 356,2] [L=65341] cl.1 A1. gavate , to sound Dha1tup. xxii , 52 : Intens. A1. (1. and 3. sg. jóguve , p. jóguvāna) " to cause to sound " , proclaim RV. i , 61 , 14 ; v , 64 , 2 TBr. ii Ka1t2h. xiii , 11 f. : P. (impf. agaṅgūyat for aguṅg°) to shout with joy Ta1n2d2yaBr. xiv , 3 , 19 (cf. prati- √3. gu and jógū.)
(H1) gu 4 [L=65342] (= √1. gū q.v.) cl.6 P. guvati , to void by stool Dha1tup. xxviii , 106 (cf. vi-gūna.)
(H1) gu 5 [L=65343] f. ifc. = gó , cow
[L=65343.1] earth
[L=65343.2] ray ( Pa1n2. 1-2 , 48) » á-gu , anu-gu , anuṣṇa-gu , áriṣṭagu , upa-gu , uṣṇa-gu , kṛśá-gu , tamo-gu , &c
(H1B) gu 5 [L=65343.3] n. (u) water L.
(H1B) gu 5 [L=65343.4] n. the hair on the body L.
(H2) gúpti [p= 359,1] [L=65945] f. preserving , protecting , protection AV. vi , 122 , 3 ; xii , 3 , 7 TS. v f. TBr. &c
[L=65946] restraint (of body , mind , and speech) HYog. Sarvad. iii , 191 and 210 f.
[L=65947] concealing , hiding , keeping secret (ifc.) Ka1m. ( Hit. ) Sa1h. Sarvad. xv
[L=65948] a means of protection , fortification , rampart R. v f. Kum. v , 38
[L=65949] a prison VarBr2. v , 10
[L=65950] " place of concealment " , a hole in the ground , sink , cellar L.
[L=65951] digging a hole in the ground L. Sch.
[L=65952] " a leak in a ship " or " the well or lower deck of a boat " L.
(H2) gupti [p= 1326,2] [L=330430] (a "rampart", read, " Kum. vi, 38") in comp.
(H1) gúlma [p= 360,2] [L=66224] m. (rarely n. MBh. x BhP. viii , x) a cluster or clump of trees , thicket , bush , shrub VS. xxv , 8 Mn. Ya1jn5. &c
[L=66225] a troop or guard of soldiers , body of troops , division of an army (consisting of 45 foot , 27 horse , 9 chariots , and 9 elephants MBh. i , 290 ; or of 135 foot , 81 horse , 27 chariots , and 27 elephants L. ; cf. MBh. v , 5270) Mn. vii , ix MBh. &c
[L=66226] a fort , entrenchment W.
[L=66227] disciplining an army W.
[L=66228] a chronic enlargement of the spleen or any glandular enlargement in the abdomen (as that of the mesenteric gland &c ) Sus3r. VarBr2. xxi , 8 Katha1s. xv
(H1B) gúlma [L=66229] m. the spleen L.
(H1B) gúlma [L=66230] m. " a wharf or stairs , Ghat2. " » -tara-paṇya
(H1) gehá [p= 363,2] [L=66824] n. (corrupted fr. gṛhá) , a house , dwelling , habitation VS. xxx , 9 Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) gehá [L=66825] n. du. " the two habitations " , the house and the body BhP. x , 60 , 20
(H2) geha [p= 1326,3] [L=330540] (also) family life, Ja1takam.
(H1) gó [p= 363,3] [L=66884] gaús (acc. gā́m instr. gávā dat. gáve , gen. abl. gós loc. gávi ; du. gā́vā [Ved.] , gā́vau ; pl. nom. gā́vas acc. gā́s [rarely gā́vas TBr. iii TUp. MBh. iv , 1506 R. ii] instr. góbhis dat. abl. góbhyas , gen. gávām [once at the end of a pāda RV. iv , 1 , 19] and [in RV. at the end of pādas only cf. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 57] gónām loc. góṣu) m. an ox f. a cow , (pl.) cattle , kine , herd of cattle RV. &c (in comp. before vowels [cf. Pa1n2. 6-1 , 122 ff.] gav , gava , qq. vv. ; cf. also gavām , gavi , gāṃ ss.vv. ; gavāṃ vrata N. of a sāman ; gavāṃ tīrtha » go t° ; góṣu- √gam , to set out for a battle [to conquer cows] RV. ii , 25 , 4 ; v , 45 , 9 ; viii , 71 , 5)
[L=66884.02] mf. " anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow " , milk (generally pl.) , flesh (only pl. RV. x , 16 , 7 ; " fat " Gmn. ) , skin , hide , leather , strap of leather , bow-string , sinew ( RV. x , 27 , 22 AV. i , 2 , 3) RV.
[L=66884.04] mf. = gó-ṣṭoma (q.v.) AitBr. iv , 15 S3Br. xiii (» also go-āyús)
[L=66884.06] mf. (pl.) " the herds of the sky " , the stars RV. i , 154 , 6 and vii , 36 , 1
[L=66884.08] mf. (m. [also f. Un2. Sch.]) rays of light (regarded as the herds of the sky , for which indra fights with vṛtra) MBh. i , iii Hariv. 2943 R. &c
(H1B) gó [L=66884.10] m. the sign Taurus VarBr2S. xl f. VarBr2. Laghuj.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.12] m. the sun (cf. -putra) Nir. ii , 6 and 14
(H1B) gó [L=66884.14] m. the moon L.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.16] m. a kind of medicinal plant (ṛṣabha) L.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.18] m. a singer , praiser (fr. √gai) Naigh. iii , 16
(H1B) gó [L=66884.20] m. " a goer " , horse (fr. √1. gā) Sa1y. on RV. i , 121 , 9 and iv , 22 , 8
(H1B) gó [L=66884.22] m. N. of two ṛṣis of the SV. (with the patr. āṅgirasa [ Ta1n2d2yaBr. xvi] and māyūka)
(H1B) gó [L=66884.24] m. N. of a man (who with puṣkara is said to be the balā*dhyakṣa of the sons and grandsons of varuṇa) MBh. ii , 381 (cf. R. vii , 23 , 28)
(H1B) gó [L=66884.26] m. f. (?) the sun's ray called suṣumṇa Nir. ii , 6
(H1B) gó [L=66884.28] m. water BhP. i , 10 , 36 (also f. pl. , xi , 7 , 50)
(H1B) gó [L=66884.30] m. an organ of sense BhP. vii , 5 , 30
(H1B) gó [L=66884.32] m. the eye Kuval. 70
(H1B) gó [L=66884.34] m. a billion Ta1n2d2yaBr. xvii , 14 , 2
(H1B) gó [L=66884.36] mf. the sky Naigh. i , 4 (perhaps VS. xxiii , 48)
(H1B) gó [L=66884.38] mf. the thunderbolt Sa1y. on RV. v , 30 , 7
(H1B) gó [L=66884.40] mf. the hairs of the body L.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.42] f. an offering in the shape of a cow (= dhenu q.v.) W.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.44] f. a region of the sky L.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.46] f. ( Naigh. i , 1) the earth (as the milk-cow of kings) Mn. iv , xii MBh. R. &c
(H1B) gó [L=66884.48] f. (hence) the number " nine " Jyot. Su1ryas.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.50] f. = go-vīthī Sch. on VarBr2S. ix , 1 ff.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.52] f. a mother L. (cf. VarBr2S. iii , 68)
(H1B) gó [L=66884.54] f. ( Naigh. i , 11) speech , sarasvatī (goddess of speech) MBh. i , iii , v Ragh. ii , v Ca1n2.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.56] f. voice , note (fr. √ gai) S3is3. iv , 36
(H1B) gó [L=66884.58] f. N. of gaurī Gal.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.60] f. of the wife [or of a daughter-in-law BhP. ix , 21 , 25] of śuka (a daughter of the manes called sukālas) Hariv. 986 MatsyaP.
(H1B) gó [L=66884.62] f. N. of a daughter of kakut-stha and wife of yayāti Hariv. 1601
(H1B) gó [L=66884.64] f. ([cf. βοῦς ; Lat. bos ; Old Germ. chuo ; Mod. Germ. Kuh ; Eng. cow ; Lett. gohw ; cf. also γαῖα , γῆ ; Goth. gavi and Mod. Germ. Gau.])
(H2) go [p= 1326,3] [L=330550] (in comp.)
(H3) gó--kha [p= 364,1] [L=66957] " cow-aperture " , a particular part of the body , g. kroḍā*di (not in Ka1s3. and Gan2ar. , but mentioned by S3a1k. Gan2ar. 43 Sch.)
(H3) gó--medaka [p= 366,2] [L=67435] m. n. N. of a gem (= °da) Hcat. i , 5 and 7
[L=67436] a kind of poison (? , kākola , for kakk° ?) L.
[L=67437] = pattraka (smearing the body with unguents W. ) L.
[L=67438] the dvīpa °da Gol. iii , 25 MatsyaP. cxxii.
(H3) gaurā* ṅga [p= 370,1] [L=68297] mf(ī)n. having a white or yellowish body
(H3B) gaurā* ṅga [L=68298] m. N. of caitanya
(H2) granthí 1 [p= 371,1] [L=68481] m. a knot , tie , knot of a cord , knot tied in the end of a garment for keeping money ( Pan5cat. ), bunch or protuberance of any kind (esp. if produced by tying several things together) RV. ix , 97 , 18 & x , 143 , 2 AV. TS. &c
[L=68482] the joint of a reed or cane Prab. v , i , 8
[L=68483] joint of the body Mr2icch. i , 1 Dhu1rtas. Sa1h.
[L=68484] a complaint , (knotting i.e.) swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele) R. Sus3r.
[L=68485] " a knot tied closely and therefore difficult to be undone " , difficulty , doubt ChUp. Kat2hUp. Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c
[L=68486] a bell Katha1s. lxv , 135 f.
[L=68487] N. of several plants and bulbous roots (granthi-parṇa , hitā*valī , bhadra-mustā , piṇḍā*lu) L. (cf. udara- , kaṭu- , kāla- , kṛmi- , keśa- , go- , dāma- , &c )
(H2) granthi 2 [p= 371,2] [L=68543] m. crookedness (lit. and fig.) L.
(H2) granthi [p= 1326,3] [L=330590] (also) the point of a moustache, Nalac.
(H2) gráha [p= 372,1] [L=68596] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 58 ; g. vṛṣā*di) ifc. (iii , 2 , 9 Va1rtt. 1) seizing , laying hold of , holding BhP. iii , 15 , 35 (cf. aṅkuśa- , dhanur- , &c )
[L=68596.02] obtaining , v , viii
[L=68596.04] perceiving , recognising , iv , 7 , 31
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.06] m. " seizer (eclipser) " , rāhu or the dragon's head MBh. &c
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.08] m. a planet (as seizing or influencing the destinies of men in a supernatural manner ; sometimes 5 are enumerated , viz. Mars , Mercury , Jupiter , Venus , and Saturn MBh. vi , 4566 f. R. i , 19 , 2 Ragh. iii , 13 &c ; also 7 i.e. the preceding with rāhu and ketu MBh. vii , 5636 ; also 9 i.e. the sun [cf. S3Br. iv , 6 , 5 , 1 and 5 MBh. xiii , 913 ; xiv , 1175] and moon with the 7 preceding Ya1jn5. i , 295 MBh. iv , 48 VarBr2S. ; also the polar star is called a graha , Garg. ?? ( Jyot. 5 Sch.) ; the planets are either auspicious śubha- , sad- , or inauspicious krūra- , pāpa- VarBr2S. ; with jainas they constitute one of the 5 classes of the jyotiṣkas)
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.10] m. the place of a planet in the fixed zodiac W.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.12] m. the number " nine "
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.14] m. N. of particular evil demons or spirits who seize or exercise a bad influence on the body and mind of man (causing insanity &c ; it falls within the province of medical science to expel these demons ; those who esp. seize children and cause convulsions &c are divided into 9 classes according to the number of planets Sus3r. ) MBh. &c
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.16] m. any state which proceeds from magical influences and takes possession of the whole man BhP. vii , ix BrahmaP. Hit. ii , 1 , 20
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.18] m. a crocodile MBh. xvi , 142 (ifc. f(ā).) R. iv f. BhP. viii
(H2B) gráha [p= 371,3] [L=68596.20] m. any ladle or vessel employed for taking up a portion of fluid (esp. of soma) out of a larger vessel Mn. v , 116 Ya1jn5. i , 182
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.22] m. N. of the 8 organs of perception (viz. the 5 organs of sense with manas , the hands and the voice) S3Br. xiv Nr2isUp. i , 4 , 3 , 22
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.24] m. (= gṛha) a house R. vii , 40 , 30 (cf. a- , khara- , -druma and -pati)
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.26] m. " anything seized " , spoil , booty MBh. iii , 11461 (cf. °hā*luñcana)
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.28] m. as much as can be taken with a ladle or spoon out of a larger vessel , ladleful , spoonful (esp. of soma) RV. x , 114 , 5 VS. TS. AitBr. S3Br. &c
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.30] m. the middle of a bow or that part which is grasped when the bow is used MBh. iv , 1351 (su- , 1326)
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.32] m. the beginning of any piece of music
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.34] m. grasp , seizing , laying hold of (often ifc.) Kaus3. 10 MBh. &c
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.36] m. keeping back , obstructing Sus3r.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.38] m. imprisoning , imprisonment (°haṃ- √gam , " to become a prisoner " Ka1m. ) R. ii , 58 , 2
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.40] m. seizure (by demons causing diseases e.g. aṅga- , spasm of the limbs) Sus3r.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.42] m. seizure of the sun and moon , eclipse AV. xix , 9 , 7 and 10 VarBr2S.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.44] m. stealing , robbing Mn. ix , 277 MBh. vi , 4458
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.46] m. effort Hit.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.48] m. insisting upon , tenacity , perseverance in (loc. or in comp.) BhP. vii , 14 , 11 Naish. ix , 12 Katha1s. Ra1jat. viii , 226
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.50] m. taking , receiving , reception Mn. viii , 180 S3r2in3ga1r.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.52] m. taking up (any fluid)
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.54] m. choosing MBh. xii , 83 , 12 Sa1h. vi , 136
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.56] m. " favour " » -nigraha
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.58] m. mentioning , employing (a word) Mn. viii , 271 Pa1n2. 7-1 , 21 , Ka1r. 2 Amar. Ra1jat.
(H2B) gráha [L=68596.60] m. apprehension , perception , understanding Bha1sha1p. BhP. Sarvad. Sch. on Jaim. and KapS.
(H2B) grāhikā [p= 373,1] [L=68775] f. with vali , one of the 3 folds which lead off the feces from the body , S3a1rn3gS. vi , 8
(H3) glā° ni [p= 374,2] [L=69158] &c » ib.
(H2) glāni [p= 374,3] [L=69182] f. ( Pa1n2. 3-3 , 95 Va1rtt. 4) exhaustion , fatigue of the body , lassitude , languor , depression of mind , debility Mn. i , 53 MBh. &c
[L=69183] sickness Sus3r.
[L=69184] decrease MBh. xii , 4750 Bhag. iv , 7.
(H1) ghaná [p= 376,1] [L=69423] mf(ā́)n. ( √han) a striker , killer , destroyer RV. i , 4 , 8 ; iii , 49 , 1 ; iv , 38 , 1 ; viii , 96 , 18
[L=69424] compact , solid , material , hard , firm , dense , i , 8 , 3 (ghanā́ for °nám ā́) Sus3r. &c
[L=69425] coarse , gross
[L=69426] viscid , thick , inspissated Sus3r. Bhartr2. Katha1s. xxiv , 93
[L=69427] full of (in comp.) , densely filled with (in comp.) MBh. i , xiii Ragh. viii , 90 Ratna7v. iv , 2
[L=69428] uninterrupted Pan5cat. iii , 14 , 11
[L=69429] dark (cf. -śyāma) BhP. iv , 5 , 3
[L=69430] deep (as sound ; colour) MBh. i , 6680 VarBr2S. xliii , 19
[L=69431] complete , all Katha1s. iv , 53
[L=69432] auspicious , fortunate W.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69433] m. (= φόνος) slaying RV. vi , 26 , 8
(H1B) ghaná [L=69434] m. an iron club , mace , weapon shaped like a hammer i , 33 , 4 ; 36 , 16 ; 63 , 5 ; ix , 97 , 16 AV. x , 4 , 9
(H1B) ghaná [L=69435] m. any compact mass or substance (generally ifc.) S3Br. xiv &c (said of the foetus in the 2nd month Nir. xiv , 6 Laghuj. iii , 4)
(H1B) ghaná [L=69436] m. ifc. mere , nothing but (e.g. vijñāna-ghaná , " nothing but intuition " S3Br. xiv) Ma1n2d2Up. 5 Pras3nUp. v , 5 BhP. viii f. (cf. ambu- , ayo-)
(H1B) ghaná [L=69437] m. a collection , multitude , mass , quantity W.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69438] m. vulgar people Subh.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69439] m. a cloud MBh. &c (ifc. f(ā). Hariv. 2660)
(H1B) ghaná [L=69440] m. talc L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69441] m. the bulbous root of Cyperus Hexastachys communis Sus3r. vi
(H1B) ghaná [L=69442] m. a peculiar form of a temple Hcat. ii , 1 , 389
(H1B) ghaná [L=69443] m. a particular method of reciting the RV. and yajur-veda (cf. RTL. p.409)
(H1B) ghaná [L=69444] m. the cube (of a number) , solid body (in geom.) Laghuj. Su1ryas.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69445] m. phlegm (kapha) L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69446] m. the body L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69447] m. extension , diffusion W.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69448] n. any brazen or metallic instrument or plate which is struck (cymbal , bell , gong , &c ) Hariv. 8688
(H1B) ghaná [L=69449] n. iron L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69450] n. tin L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69451] n. a mode of dancing (neither quick nor slow) L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69452] n. darkness L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69454] n. ( √dhvan , to sound) deep Ra1jat. v , 377
(H1B) ghaná [L=69455] n. very much W.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69457] n. Glycine debilis L.
(H1B) ghaná [L=69458] n. a kind of creeper L.
(H2) ghana [p= 1326,3] [L=330700] (in comp.)
(H3) ghaná--dhātu [p= 376,2] [L=69485] m. " inspissated element of the body " , lymph L.
(H3) ghaná--phala [L=69498] m. " thick-fruited " , Asteracantha longifolia L.
(H3B) ghaná--phala [L=69499] n. the solid or cubical contents of a body.
(H3) ghaná--vara [L=69514] n. " best part of the body " , the face L.
(H1) cakrá [p= 380,3] [L=70328] n. (Ved. rarely m. ; g. ardharcā*di ; fr. √ car? ; √1. kṛ Pa1n2. 6-1 , 12 Ka1s3. ) the wheel (of a carriage , of the Sun's chariot [ RV. ],of Time [i , 164 , 2-48] ; °kráṃ- √car , to drive in a carriage S3Br. vi) RV. &c
[L=70329] a potter's wheel S3Br. xi Ya1jn5. iii , 146 (cf. -bhrama &c )
[L=70330] a discus or sharp circular missile weapon (esp. that of viṣṇu) MBh. R. Sus3r. Pan5cat. BhP.
[L=70331] an oil-mill Mn. iv. 85 MBh. xii , 6481 & 7697
[L=70332] a circle R. BhP. &c (kalā*pa- , " the circle of a peacock's tail " R2itus. ii , 14)
[L=70333] an astronomical circle (e.g. rāśi- , the zodiac) VarBr2S. Su1ryas.
[L=70334] a mystical circle or diagram , Tantr. ??
[L=70335] = -bandha q.v. Sa1h. x , 13 a÷b
[L=70336] a cycle , cycle of years or of seasons Hariv. 652
[L=70337] " a form of military array (in a circle) " » -vyūha
[L=70338] circular flight (of a bird) Pan5cat. ii , 57
[L=70339] a particular constellation in the form of a hexagon VarBr2S. xx VarBr2. Laghuj.
[L=70340] a circle or depression of the body (for mystical or chiromantic purposes ; 6 in number , one above the other , viz. 1. mūlā*dhāra , the parts about the pubis ; 2. svā*dhiṣṭhāna , the umbilical region ; 3. maṇi-pūra , the pit of the stomach or epigastrium ; 4. anāhata , the root of the nose ; 5. viśuddha , the hollow between the frontal sinuses ; 6. ājñā*khya , the fontanelle or union of the coronal and sagittal sutures ; various faculties and divinities are supposed to be present in these hollows)
[L=70341] N. of a metre (= -pāta)
[L=70342] a circle or a similar instrument (used in astron.) Laghuj. Su1ryas. xiii , 20 Gol. xi , 10 ff.
[L=70343] (also m. L. ) a troop , multitude MBh. v , ix (°krā*valī , q.v.) Hariv. R. &c
[L=70344] the whole number of (in comp.) Sarvad. xi , 127
[L=70345] a troop of soldiers , army , host MBh. (ifc. f(ā). , iii , 640) BhP. i , ix Ca1n2.
[L=70346] a number of villages , province , district L.
[L=70347] (fig.) range , department VarBr2S. xxx , 33
[L=70348] the wheel of a monarch's chariot rolling over his dominions , sovereignty , realm Ya1jn5. i , 265 MBh. i , xiii BhP. ix , 20 , 32 VP.
(H1B) cakrá [L=70349] n. (pl.) the winding of a river L.
[L=70350] a whirlpool L.
[L=70351] a crooked or fraudulent device (cf. cakrikā) L.
[L=70352] the convolutions or spiral marks of the śāla-grāma or ammonite W.
[L=70353] N. of a medicinal plant or drug Sus3r. vf.
[L=70354] of a tīrtha BhP. x , 78 , 19
(H1B) cakrá [L=70355] m. the ruddy goose or Brahmany duck (Anas Casarca , called after its cries ; cf. -vāká) MBh. ix , 443 Ba1lar. viii , 58 Katha1s. lxxii , 40 S3a1rn3gP.
(H1B) cakrá [L=70356] m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh. vi , 352
(H1B) cakrá [L=70357] m. (g. aśvā*di) N. of a man , Br2A1rUp. iii , 4 , 1 Sch.
(H1B) cakrá [L=70358] m. of another man Katha1s. lvi , 144
(H1B) cakrá [L=70359] m. of a nāga MBh. i , 2147
(H1B) cakrá [L=70360] m. of one of skanda's attendants MBh. ix , 2539 and 2542
(H1B) cakrá [L=70361] m. of a mountain BhP. v , 20 , 15 Katha1s. liv. 16
(H1B) cakrá [L=70364] m. (du. °kriyau) Ka1t2h. xxix , 7
(H1B) cakrá [L=70365] m. ([cf. a- , aṣṭā́- , uccā- , éka- , kāla- , kū- , daṇḍa- , dik- , dharma- , mahā- , mātṛ- , ródha- , viṣṇu- , sa- , saptá- , hiraṇya- ; tri- and sucakrá ; cf. also , κύκλος , Lat. circus ; Angl.Sax. hveohl , Engl. wheel.])
(H2) cakra [p= 1326,3] [L=330820] (in comp.)
(H3) catuḥ--śākha [p= 384,1] [L=71090] n. " having 4 extremities " , the body L.
(H3) catuḥ--sama [L=71120] mfn. having 4 symmetric parts of the body (viz. arms , knees , legs , and cheeks Sch. ; but cf. -śākha and cátur-aṅga) R. v , 32 , 13 (cf. Hariv. 14779)
(H3B) catuḥ--sama [L=71121] n. an unguent of 4 ingredients (sandal , agallochum , saffron ; and musk Bhpr. vii).
(H4) catur--da° śa-sama-dvandva [p= 384,3] [L=71221.45] mfn. having the 14 paired parts of the body symmetric R. (B) v , 35 , 19
(H3) catuṣ--kṛṣṇa [p= 385,3] [L=71400] mfn. having 4 black parts of the , body R. ii , 32 , 13 (v.l. for -kala).
(H3) carma--ja [p= 390,3] [L=72475] mfn. made of leather BhP. x , 64 , 4
(H3B) carma--ja [L=72476] n. " skin-born " , the hairs of the body L.
(H3B) carma--ja [L=72477] n. blood L.
(H3) calad--aṅga [p= 391,2] [L=72633] m. " of a palpitating body " , the fish Ophiocephalus aurantiacus L.
(H3) calad--aṅ° gaka [L=72634] m. " of a palpitating body " , the fish Ophiocephalus aurantiacus L.
(H2) cārcikya [p= 394,1] [L=73245] n. (= carc°) smearing the body with unguents L.
(H3) citrá--kāya [p= 396,2] [L=73704] m. " striped-body " , a tiger or panther L.
(H3) citrá--tanu [L=73744] m. " having a speckled body " , the partridge Npr.
(H3) citrā* ṅga [p= 397,2] [L=73918] mfn. having a variegated body Buddh. L.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73919] m. a kind of snake L.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73920] m. Plumbago rosea L.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73921] m. N. of a son of dhṛta-rāṣṭra MBh. i , 4545 PadmaP. iv , 55
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73922] m. of an antelope Pan5cat. Hit.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73923] m. of a dog Pan5cat.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73924] n. vermilion L.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73925] n. yellow orpiment L.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73927] n. Rubia munjista L.
(H3B) citrā* ṅga [L=73928] n. N. of a courtesan Katha1s. cxxii , 68
(H3) cola--paṭṭaka [p= 403,1] [L=75149] m. a piece of cloth worn (by jainas) round the middle of the body , S3i1l.
(H2) chidrá [p= 406,3] [L=75933] mf(ā)n. torn asunder RV. i , 162 , 20
[L=75934] containing holes , pierced Ka1tyS3r. xv ff. R. i , 73 , 20 Sus3r. v , 1 , 43
[L=75935] leaky MBh. v , 1307;1047(=xii , 8782)
(H2B) chidrá [L=75936] n. a hole , slit , cleft , opening VS. TS. i , vi Ka1tyS3r. La1t2y. Kaus3. Mn. &c (daiva-kṛta , " opening or hole made by nature " , the cartilage of the ear , pupil of the eye Sus3r. ; °draṃ √dā , " to yield an opening or free access " BhP. v , 6 , 4)
(H2B) chidrá [L=75937] n. defect , fault , blemish , imperfection , infirmity , weak point , foible MBh. &c
(H2B) chidrá [L=75938] n. (in astrol.) the 8th lunar mansion VarBr2. Laghuj. i , 17
(H2B) chidrá [L=75939] n. the number " nine " (there being 9 openings in the body) Su1ryas. ii , 18
(H2B) chidrá [L=75940] n. the lower regions Gal. (cf. á- , karṇa- , kṛta- , gṛha- , niś- , mahā-).
(H2) chedana [p= 407,1] [L=76036] mfn. cutting asunder , splitting MBh. i , 1498 ; ii , 1953
[L=76037] destroying , removing (ifc.) , xiv , 423
(H2B) chedana [L=76038] n. an instrument for cutting Hcat. i , 9 , 204
(H2B) chedana [L=76039] n. section , part L.
(H2B) chedana [L=76040] n. (chiefly ifc.) cutting , removal (of doubts , saṃśaya-) MBh. iii , xv Hariv. 913
(H2B) chedana [L=76041] n. a medicine for removing the humors of the body Bhpr.
(H2) janya 1 [p= 411,3] [L=77120] mfn. ( √ jan Pa1n2. iii , 4 , 68 ; iii , 1 , 97 Pat. ) born , produced Bha1sha1p. 44 BrahmaP.
[L=77121] ifc. born or arising or produced from , occasioned by S3is3. Bha1sha1p. Tarkas. &c (-tā f. abstr. Veda7ntas. ; -tva n. id. KapS. Sch.)
(H2B) janya 1 [L=77122] m. a father L.
(H2B) janya 1 [L=77123] n. the body BhP. i , 9 , 31
(H2B) janya 1 [L=77124] n. a portent occurring at birth L.
(H2) jánya 2 [L=77125] mfn. (fr. jána) belonging to a race or family or to the same country , national RV. ii , 37 , 6 and 39 , l ; x , 91 , 2 S3a1n3khS3r. xv , 13 , 3
[L=77126] belonging or relating to the people RV. iv , 55 , 5 ; ix , 49 , 2 TBr. i Ta1n2d2yaBr. Shad2vBr.
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77127] m. the friend or companion of a bridegroom RV. iv , 38 , 6 AV. xi , 8 , I f. Gobh. ii , 1 , 13 MBh. i , iii Katha1s.
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77128] m. a son-in-law Gal.
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77129] m. a common man TS. vi , 1 , 6 , 6 TBr. i , 7 , 8 , 7
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77130] m. N. of śiva MBh. xiii , 1170
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77131] m. v.l. for jānya q.v.
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77132] m. n. rumour , report Pa1n2. 4-4 , 97
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77133] n. people , community , nation RV. ii;x , 42 , 6 AV. xiii , 4 , 43 (oxyt.)
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77134] n. pl. inimical races or men AitBr. viii , 26
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77135] n. fighting , war , Gaut. MBh. v , 3195 Ragh. iv , 77 Das3.
(H2B) jánya 2 [L=77136] n. a market L.
(H2) janya [L=77152] °nyīya,°nyu. » above.
(H3) jalá--rākṣasī [p= 415,2] [L=78042] f. N. of a female demon (mother of the nāgas who tried to prevent hanumat's crossing the straits between the continent and Ceylon by attempting to swallow him ; he escaped by reducing himself to the size of a thumb , darting through her huge body and coming out at her right ear) MBh. iii , 16255
[L=78043] (called su-rasā) R. v , 6 , 2 ff.
(H3) jānakī--deha-bhūṣa [p= 418,3] [L=78794] m. " body-ornament of sitā " , rāma Ra1matUp. i , 32.
(H1) jāha [p= 420,2] [L=79169] n. ifc. (g. 2. karṇadi) the root or point of issue of certain parts of the body cf. akṣi- , (āsya-) , oṣṭha- , karṇa- , keśa- , gulpha- , danta- , nakha- , pāda- , priṣṭha- , bhrū- , mukha-.
(H3) jīrvi [p= 422,2] [L=79618] m. = paśu or parśu (axe or animal) Un2. iv , 54÷55
[L=79619] a cart Un2vr2.
[L=79620] the body ib.
(H3) jīvá--sthāna [p= 423,1] [L=79763] n. any vital part of the body L.
(H2) jūrṇí 1 [p= 424,2] [L=80103] f. glowing fire , blaze RV. vii , 39 , 1 ; viii , 72 , 9
[L=80104] a fiery weapon i , 129 , 8 ( Nir. vi , 4)
[L=80105] anger Naigh. ii , 13
[L=80106] = °rti L.
[L=80107] (fr. √1. jur , " decaying " ?) the body L.
[L=80108] (for jūtí) speed L.
(H2B) jūrṇí 1 [L=80109] m. the sun L.
(H2) jūrṇí 1 [L=80110] m. brahmā L.
(H1) jū́rṇi 2 [L=80113] » √2. jṝ.
(H2) jū́rṇi 2 [p= 424,3] [L=80156] mfn. invoking , 127 , 10.
(H2) jvara [p= 428,1] [L=80858] m. (g. vṛṣā*di) fever (differing according to the different doṣas or humors of the body supposed to be affected by it ; " leader and king of all diseases " Sus3r. ) MBh. &c
[L=80859] fever of the soul , mental pain , affliction , grief ib.
(H1) jharjharīka [p= 428,3] [L=81030] mn. the body Un2. iv , 20 Sch.
(H1B) jharjharīka [L=81031] m. a region Un2vr2.
(H1B) jharjharīka [L=81032] m. a picture ib.
(H1) jhallikā [p= 429,1] [L=81053] f. a cloth used for applying colour or perfumes L. (also jhill° W. ; jhillī L. )
[L=81054] dirt rubbed off the body by the application of perfumes (also jhillakā and jhillīkā) L.
[L=81055] light , sunshine (also jhill° , jhillī and jhillīkā ; cf. jhalā) L.
(H1) ḍimba [p= 430,3] [L=81422] mn. ( L. ) " affray , riot " » °bā*hava
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.05] m. an egg Ma1latim. ?? Pan5car.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.10] m. a chrysalis W.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.15] m. the recently-formed embryo L.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.20] m. (for °mbha) a new-born child , a child L.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.25] m. a young animal W.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.30] m. an idiot Ra1jat. vii , 1074 ; viii , 1707
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.35] m. a ball W.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.40] m. a humming top Naish. xxii , 53
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.45] m. the body S3is3. xviii , 77
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.50] m. the lungs L.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.55] m. the spleen L.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.60] m. the uterus W.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.65] m. Ricinus communis L.
(H1B) ḍimba [L=81422.70] m. cf. ujjūṭa- , jala-
(H1) taṭa [p= 432,1] [L=81664] m. (exceptionally n. Das3ar. ii. 18÷19) a slope , declivity , any part of the body which has (as it were) sloping , sides (cf. śroṇi- , stana- , &c ) , a shore MBh. (said of śiva , xii , 10381) Hariv. &c (ifc. f(ī). Bhartr2. )
(H1B) taṭa [L=81666] f. cf. a- , ut-
(H1B) taṭa [L=81667] f. pura-taṭī.
(H3) taṭa--stha [L=81670] mfn. standing on a declivity or bank Naish. iii , 55
(H3) taṭa--stha [L=81671] mfn. = -sthita , Ma1latim. ?? Naish. iii , 55
(H3B) taṭa--stha [L=81672] m. an indifferent person (neither friend nor foe) W.
(H3B) taṭa--stha [L=81673] n. a property distinct from the nature of the body and yet that by which it is known , spiritual essence , Veda7ntak. ??
(H4) tat--tva---nyāsa [p= 433,1] [L=81873] m. " application of true principles " , N. of a ceremony in honour of viṣṇu (application of mystical letters &c to parts of the body while prayers are recited) , Tantr. ??
(H2) tanú [p= 435,2] [L=82274] mf(us , ū́s , vī)n. thin , slender , attenuated , emaciated , small , little , minute , delicate , fine (texture R2itus. i , 7) S3Br. iii , 5 , 4 , 21 Ka1tyS3r. viii , 5 MBh. &c (in comp. g. kaḍārā*di ; also = -dagdha Sarvad. xv , 189)
[L=82275] (said of a speech or hymn) accomplished (in metre) RV. viii , 1 , 18 and (acc. f. °nvám) 76 , 12
(H2B) tanú [L=82276] m. (g. 2. lohitā*di , not in Ka1s3. ) N. of a ṛṣi with a very emaciated body MBh. xii , 4665
(H2B) tanú [L=82277] f. (us) (once m. Bha1m. ii , 79) = °nū́ (» s.v.) , the body , person , self (cf. duṣ-ṭanu , priyá-) AitBr. viii , 24 , 4 (ifc.) Mn. (svakā t° , " one's own person " , iv , 184) MBh. Hariv. (acc. pl. irr. °navas , 3813) &c (iyaṃ tanur mama , " this my self. i.e. I myself here " Ratna7v. iv , 4 ; °nuṃ- √tyaj or hā , " to give up one's life " Mn. vi , 32 BhP. iii Katha1s. )
(H2B) tanú [L=82278] m. form or manifestation S3ak. i , 1
(H2B) tanú [L=82279] m. the skin L.
(H2B) tanú [L=82280] m. = -gṛha VarBr2. Laghuj.
(H2B) tanú [L=82282] m. Desmodium gangeticum L.
(H2B) tanú [L=82283] m. Balanites Roxburghii (vv.ll. tannī , °nni , " Hemionitis cordifolia " ; tajvi) L.
(H2B) tanú [L=82284] m. a metre of 4 24 syllables
(H2B) tanú [L=82285] m. N. of a wife of kṛṣṇa (?) Hariv. 6703
(H2B) tanú [L=82286] m. ([cf. τανυ- ; Lat. tenuis &c ])
(H2) tanu [p= 1328,1] [L=332510] (in comp.)
(H3) tanú--tyaj [p= 435,2] [L=82303] mfn. giving up one's body , dying , i , 8
[L=82304] = °nū-t° A1p. MBh. iv , 2354 Ragh. vii Ma1lav. v , 11÷12 BhP.
(H3) tanú--tra [L=82307] n. " body-guard " , armour MBh. iv , 1009 Sus3r. BhP. Tantr. ??
(H3) tanú--dāna [L=82318] n. offering the body (for sexual intercourse)
[L=82319] a scanty gift.
(H3) tanú--bhastrā [L=82327] f. " body-bellows " , the nose L.
(H3) tanú--bhṛt [p= 435,3] [L=82330] m. any being possessing a body , esp. a human being Pan5cat. VarBr2S. Bhartr2. BhP. Prab.
(H3) tanú--madhya [L=82332] n. " body-middle " , the waist ib.
(H3B) tanú--madhya [L=82333] mf(ā)n. = °dhyama Nal. iii , 13
(H3) tanú--rasa [L=82337] m. " body fluid " , sweat L.
(H3) tanú--ruh [L=82338] n. " growing on the body " , a hair of the body L.
(H3) tanú--latā [L=82341] f. a slender body Prasannar. ii , 19.
(H3) tanú--vraṇa [L=82343] m. " body-wound " , elephantiasis L.
(H3) tanú--saṃcāriṇī [L=82347] f. " moving the body coquettishly (?) " , a girl L.
(H2) tanus [L=82361] n. ( Un2. ii , 113) the body R. v , 93 , 23.
(H2) tanū 1 [L=82362] in comp. for °nú.
(H2) tanū́ 2 [L=82369] f. (of °nú q.v. ; acc. °nvám RV. &c BhP. iii ; °nuvam [ Pa1n2. 6-4 , 77 Va1rtt.] BhP. vii , 9 , 37 ; instr , °nuvā , iii f. ; gen. abl. °nvás RV. &c ; loc. °nví & °nvī́ RV. ; °nvā́m AV. &c ; du. °nū́ [ RV. x , 183 , 2 AV. iv , 25 , 5] , °nvā́ [ RV. ] , °núvau [ TBr. i , 1 , 7 , 3] , °nvau [see gharma-] ; pl. nom. & acc. °nvás RV. &c BhP. i ; nom. °núvas TBr. i , 1 , 7 , 3) the body , person , self (often used like a reflexive noon. ; cf. ātmán) RV. &c
[L=82370] form or manifestation RV. &c (tanū́ manyos , " a sign of wrath " Pa1rGr2. iii , 13 , 5) .
(H3) tanū́--já [L=82375] mfn. produced or born on or from the body AV. i , 23 , 4
[L=82376] belonging to the person , vi , 41 , 3 (cf. AitBr. ii , 27)
(H3B) tanū́--já [L=82377] m. a son MBh. v , viii Hariv. &c
(H3B) tanū́--já [L=82378] m. N. of a sādhya , 11536
(H3B) tanū́--já [L=82379] n. the plumage , wing MBh. v , 113 , 4
(H3) tanū́--deśa [L=82387] m. a part of the body BhP. vii , 13 , 12.
(H3) tanū́--balá [L=82397] n. strength of body , one's , own strength AV. ix , 4 , 20.
(H2B) tántrī [p= 436,2] [L=82498] f(īs ; ī). (īs cf. Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159 Ka1s3. ; ī L. ) = °ntī Gobh. iii , 6 , 7 and BhP. iii , 15 , 8 (v.l. for °ntī ; » also vatsatantrī)
(H2B) tántrī [L=82499] f(īs ; ī). the wire or string of a lute S3a1n3khS3r. xvii La1t2y. iv , 1 , 2 Kaus3. &c (°tri R. vi , 28 , 26)
(H2B) tántrī [L=82500] f(īs ; ī). (fig.) the strings of the heart Hariv. 3210 (v.l.)
(H2B) tántrī [L=82501] f(īs ; ī). any tubular vessel of the body , sinew , vein Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159
(H2B) tántrī [L=82502] f(īs ; ī). the plant °trikā L.
(H2B) tántrī [L=82503] f(īs ; ī). a girl with peculiar qualities L.
(H2B) tántrī [L=82504] f(īs ; ī). N. of a river L.
(H2B) tántrī [L=82505] f(īs ; ī). cf. ku-tantrī.
(H2) tantrī [L=82559] f. of °tra q.v.
(H2) tanvin [L=82570] m. " possessed of a body " , N. of a son of manu tāmasa Hariv. 429.
(H1) tanva [p= 436,3] [L=82603] m. N. of the author of a sāman (cf. 2. tā́nva)
[L=82604] (n. , ?) a part of the body S3ulbas. ii , 37.
(H3) talā* rakṣa [p= 440,3] [L=83537] m. a body-guard (= aṅga-r°?) Campak. 286.
(H1) talīdyá [p= 441,1] [L=83573] n. a particular part of the body AV. vii , 76 , 3.
(H3) tāmrá--tanu [p= 443,2] [L=84098] mfn. having a ruddy body W.
(H3) tikta--dhātu [p= 446,1] [L=84778] m. " bitter elementary substance (of the body) " , bile L.
(H3) tuṣita--kāyika [p= 452,2] [L=86321] mfn. belonging to the body of the tuṣitas Lalit. v , 6.
(H2) téjas [p= 454,2] [L=86857] n. (often pl.) the sharp edge (of a knife &c ) , point or top of a flame or ray , glow , glare , splendour , brilliance , light , fire RV. &c
[L=86858] clearness of the eyes VS. xxi AitBr. &c
[p= 454,3] [L=86859] the bright appearance of the human body (in health) , beauty Nal. Sus3r. i , 15
[L=86860] the heating and strengthening faculty of the human frame seated in the bile , 14 and 26
[L=86861] the bile L.
[L=86862] fiery energy , ardour , vital power , spirit , efficacy , essence AV. &c
[L=86863] semen virile MBh. R. Ragh. S3ak.
[L=86864] marrow L.
[L=86865] the brain W.
[L=86866] gold L.
[L=86867] (opposed to kṣamā) impatience , fierceness , energetic opposition MBh. iii VarBr2. Sa1h. iii , 50 and 54 Das3ar. ii , 3
[L=86868] (in sāṃkhya phil.) = rajas (passion)
[L=86869] spiritual or moral or magical power or influence , majesty , dignity , glory , authority AV. VS. &c
[L=86870] a venerable or dignified person , person of consequence MBh. v , xiii S3ak. vii , 15
[L=86871] fresh butter L.
[L=86872] a mystical N. of the letter $ Ra1matUp. i , 23
[L=86873] (ase) dat. inf. √tij q.v.
[L=86874] cf. a- , agni- , ugra- &c
(H3) téjas--kāya [L=86878] mfn. having light as one's body A1p.
(H3) tóya--karman [p= 456,1] [L=87179] n. " water-ceremony " , ablution of the body , oblation of water to the dead MBh. i , xii.
Whitney Roots links: tyaj
(H1) tyaj 1 [p= 456,3] [L=87337]
cl.1. °jati (metrically also °te ; pf. Ved. tityā́ja , Class. tat° Pa1n2. 6-1 , 36 ; tatyaja BhP. iii , 4 ; fut. tyakṣyati Pa1n2. 7-2 , 10 Ka1r. ; tyajiṣy° R. ii , vii Ma1rkP. ; aor. atyāhṣīt ; inf. tyaktum) to leave , abandon , quit RV. x , 71 , 6 Mn. MBh. &c ;
to leave a place , go away from Mn. vi , 77 MBh. &c ;
to let go , dismiss , discharge VarBr2S. xvii , 22 Bhat2t2. ;
to give up , surrender , resign , part from , renounce I1s3Up. 1 Mn. MBh. &c (tanum or deham or kalevaram , " to abandon the body , die " Mn. vi MBh. &c ; prāṇān or śvāsam or jīvitam , " to give up breath or life , risk or lose one's life " MBh. R. &c ) ;
P. A1. to shun , avoid , get rid of , free one's self from (any passion &c ) MBh. &c ;
to give away , distribute , offer (as a sacrifice or oblation to a deity ; tyajate etymologically = σέβεται) Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c ;
to set aside , leave unnoticed , disregard S3a1n3khS3r. Mn. iii MBh. i , 3098 Hit. ii , 3 , 30 ;
(ind.p. tyaktvā) to except VarBr2S. Caurap. Sch. ;
Pass. tyajyate , to be abandoned by , get rid of (instr.) Pan5cat. i , 10 , 0÷1 : Caus. tyājayati (aor. atityajat Bhat2t2. ) to cause anyone to quit MBh. xiii , 288 ;
to cause anyone to give up Katha1s. lxxxiii , 34 ;
to expel , turn out , xx , 126 ;
to cause any one to lose , deprive of (instr.) Bhat2t2. xv , 120 ;
to empty the body by evacuations Bhpr. : Desid. tityakṣati , to be about to lose (one's life , prāṇān) Car. v , 10 and 12.
(H2) tyaj 2 [L=87354] mfn. ifc. leaving , abandoning W.
[L=87355] giving up , offering BhP. viii Ra1jat. iv
[L=87356] cf. tanu- , tanū- , su-.
(H3) trayī́--deha [p= 457,2] [L=87483] m. " having the 3 vedas for a body " , the sun , 11 , 374.
(H2) trasa [p= 457,3] [L=87511] mfn. moving
(H2B) trasa [L=87511.1] n. the collective body of moving or living beings (opposed to sthāvara) MBh. xii f. Jain.
(H2B) trasa [L=87512] m. " quivering " , the heart L.
(H2B) trasa [L=87513] n. a wood L.
(H2) trāṇa [L=87527] mfn. protected Pa1n2. 8-2 , 56
(H2B) trāṇa [L=87528] n. protecting , preserving , protection , defence , shelter , help (often ifc.) ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) trāṇa [L=87529] n. protection for the body , armour , helmet &c , iii , 12092
(H2B) trāṇa [L=87530] n. = trāyamāṇā́ L.
(H2B) trāṇa [L=87532] n. cf. aṅguli- , udara- , uras- &c
(H3) trí--tāmra [p= 458,2] [L=87736] mfn. red on 3 parts of the body R. (B)v.35 , 17
(H3) trí--doṣa [p= 458,3] [L=87811] in comp. , disorder of the 3 humours of the body
(H3B) trí--doṣa [L=87811.1] mfn. causing the tri-doṣa Sus3r. i , 45 , 10 , 11 and 46 , 4 , 28
(H3) trí--piba [p= 459,2] [L=87949] mfn. drinking with 3 members of the body (with the 2 pendent ears and tongue , as a long-eared goat) , 271 Kull.
(H3) trí--pralamba [p= 459,3] [L=88041] mfn. having 3 pendent parts of the body R. v.
(H3) trí--pralambin [L=88042] mfn. having 3 pendent parts of the body R. v.
(H3) trí--śaṅku [p= 460,3] [L=88313] m. N. of a sage TUp. i , 10
[L=88314] of a king of ayodhyā (aspiring to ascend to heaven in his mortal body , he first requested vasiṣṭha to perform a great sacrifice for him ; on vasiṣṭha's refusing he applied to vasiṣṭha's hundred sons , who cursed and degraded him to the rank of a caṇḍāla [hence called a caṇḍāla king DivyA7v. xxxiii] ; viśvā-mitra then undertook the sacrifice for him and invited all the gods , who declined to come and thereby so enraged the sage that , by his own power , he transported triśaṅku to heaven ; on his being hurled down again head foremost by the gods , he was arrested in his course by viśvā-mitra and remained suspended in the sky , forming the southern cross constellation R. i , 57 (59 G) ff. [son of pṛthu] ; Hariv. 730 ff. and VP. iv , 3 , 13 f. [son of trayyāruṇa] ; [son of tri-bandhana] BhP. ix , 7) MBh. i , xiii &c
[L=88315] a cat L.
[L=88316] the civet-cat Npr.
[L=88317] a grasshopper L.
[L=88318] a fire-fly L.
[L=88319] = °ṅkha L.
[L=88320] N. of a mythical mountain DivyA7v. viii , 293 ff.
(H3B) trí--śaṅku [L=88321] f. N. of a mythical river 223 and 295
(H3B) trí--śaṅku [L=88322] f. (°kukā) 298
(H3B) trí--śaṅku [L=88323] m. pl. N. of thorns 293
(H3) trí--sama [p= 461,2] [L=88461] mfn. having 3 equal sides (a quadrangle)
[L=88462] having 3 equal parts of the body R. B. v , 35 , 17
(H3B) trí--sama [L=88463] n. an aggregate of equal parts of 3 substances (yellow myrobalan , ginger , and molasses) L.
(H3) trir--unnata [p= 461,3] [L=88594] mfn. having 3 parts of the body stretched upwards S3vetUp. ii , 8.
(H2) trailokya [p= 462,2] [L=88719] n. (g. caturvarṇā*di) the 3 lokas or worlds Mn. xi , 237 MBh. &c
[L=88720] a mystic N. of some part of the body
(H2B) trailokya [L=88721] m. N. of a man Ra1jat. vii f.
(H3) tvag--ja [p= 463,3] [L=89038] n. " skin-born " , the hairs on the body L.
[L=89039] blood L.
(H3) tvaṅ--mala [L=89054] n. the hairs of the body L.
(H2) daṃśa [p= 464,3] [L=89232] mfn. " biting " » mṛga-
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89233] m. a bite , sting , the spot bitten (by a snake &c ) Sus3r. Ma1lav. iv , 4 & 4÷5 , 3 Gi1t. x , 11 Katha1s. lx , 131
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89234] m. snake-bite W.
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89235] m. pungency W.
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89236] m. a flaw (in a jewel) L.
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89237] m. a tooth L.
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89238] m. a stinging insect , gnat , gad-fly ChUp. Mn. xii , 62 Ya1jn5. iii , 215 MBh. &c
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89239] m. N. of an asura , xii , 93
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89240] m. armour , mail BhP. i , iii
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89241] m. a joint of the body L.
(H2B) daṃśa [L=89243] m. cf. kṣamā- , vṛṣa-.
(H3) daṇḍá--praṇāma [p= 467,1] [L=89656] m. a prostration of the body at full length (like a stick) Das3. ii , 29.
(H3) daṇḍá--vat [L=89680] mfn. ( Pa1n2. 5-2 , 115 Ka1s3. ) carrying a staff Hcat. i , 11 , 566
[L=89681] furnished with a handle Ka1tyS3r. xxvi
[L=89682] having a large army Ragh. xvii Ka1m. xiii , 37
(H3B) daṇḍá--vat [L=89683] ind. like a stick Vishn2. xxviii , 5
(H3B) daṇḍá--vat [L=89684] ind. (with pra-ṇamya , prostrating the body) in a straight line , AdhyR. Introd. 5.
(H3) dáma--śarīrin [p= 469,2] [L=90264] mfn. keeping one's body in self-control BhP. iii , 31 , 19.
(H3) darśanā* gni [p= 471,1] [L=90659] m. the fire in the body that causes ocular sensation GarbhUp.
(H3) daśa--padma [p= 471,3] [L=90872] (B) (G) mfn. having 10 lotus-like parts of the body R. v.
(H3) daśa--pad° ma-vat [L=90873] (G) mfn. having 10 lotus-like parts of the body R. v.
(H3) daśa--bṛhat [p= 472,1] [L=90902] m. (nom. °hat)fn. having 10 large parts of the body R. (B)v , 35 , 20.
(H3) dáśa--ratha [L=90931] mfn. (dáś°) having 10 chariots RV. i , 126 , 4
(H3B) dáśa--ratha [L=90931.05] m. N. of rāma's father (descendant of ikṣvāku , sovereign of ayodhyā) R. i ; ii , 63 f. (death of durgā) Ja1takam. 461 Hariv. 821 f. Ragh. viii , 29 (-pūrva-ratha) BhP. ix , 10 , 1 VP. iv , 4 , 40 and l 8 , 3
(H3B) dáśa--ratha [L=90931.10] m. N. of an ancestor of rāma's father 4 , 38
(H3B) dáśa--ratha [L=90931.15] m. of a son of nava-ratha 12 , 16 BhP. ix , 24 , 4 Hariv. 1993
(H3B) dáśa--ratha [L=90931.20] m. of roma- or loma-pāda 1696 VP. iv , 18 , 3
(H3B) dáśa--ratha [L=90931.25] m. of a son of su-yaśas 24 , 8 (dāś° v.l.) and Inscr. (in Prakrit dasalatha)
(H3B) dáśa--ratha [L=90931.30] n. the body Npr.
(H4) daśā* rdha---tā [p= 472,2] [L=91021] f. (= pañca-tva) dissolution of the body into the 5 elements , iii , 209 , 26
(H3) divyá--deha [p= 479,2] [L=92410] m. a divine body MW.
(H3) dīpa--śikhā [p= 481,2] [L=92803] f. the flame of a lamp-foe Katha1s. xviii , 77
[L=92804] the point of a shining body , Li1l. 95
[L=92805] lamp-black , soot L.
(H2) dīpaka [L=92822] mfn. kindling , inflaming , illuminating Pan5c. iii , 27 , 221÷222
[L=92823] exciting , stimulating (digestion) Sus3r.
[L=92824] skilful in managing a lamp (g. ākarṣā*di)
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92825] m. a light , lamp Hariv. Bhartr2. BhP.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92826] m. the shining body , Li1la1v.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92827] m. N. of two plants having digestive properties , Ptychotis Ajowan or Celosia cristata L.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92828] m. a bird of prey L.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92829] m. (in music) N. of a rāga
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92830] m. a kind of measure
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92831] m. N. of kāma (the inflamer) L.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92832] m. of a son of garuḍa ( MBh. v , 3596) &c
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92833] m. or n. saffron L.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92839] n. a partic. class of rhet. figures (throwing light upon an idea) Sa1h. Kuval.
(H2B) dīpaka [L=92840] n. N. of a metre
(H3) dīptā* ṅga [p= 481,3] [L=92927] m. " having a brilliant body " , a peacock L.
(H3) dīrghá--tanu [p= 482,1] [L=93031] mf(vī)n. " having a long body " , tall
(H3) duḥ--śīrtatanu [p= 483,1] [L=93307] mfn. having an indestructible body MaitrS. i , 8 , 6.
(H3) dur--āśaya [p= 485,1] [L=93808] mfn. evil-minded , malicious Prab. ii , 28÷29 BhP.
(H3B) dur--āśaya [L=93809] m. the subtle body which is not destroyed by death Sch.
(H3) duś--chada [p= 487,3] [L=94537] mfn. badly covering (the body) R. ii , 32 , 31
[L=94538] hardly covered , tattered W.
(H3) duṣ--kalevara [L=94558] n. " the bad or miserable body " BhP.
(H3) duṣ--ṭanu [p= 488,1] [L=94582] mfn. having an ugly body AV. iv , 7 , 3.
(H2) dūyana [p= 489,2] [L=94864] n. heat (of the body) , fever Car.
(H3) devá--hū [p= 495,1] [L=96162] mfn. invoking the gods (superl. -tama) RV. VS.
(H3B) devá--hū [L=96163] m. N. of a man g. gargā*di
(H3B) devá--hū [L=96164] f. (scil. dvār) N. of the northern aperture of the human body , i.e. of the left ear (which is turned north wards if the face is directed towards the east) BhP. iv , 25 , 51 &c (cf. pitṛ-).
(H3) devā* ṅga [L=96181] m. N. of an emanation from sadā-śiva's body (inventor of weaving)
(H1) deśá [p= 496,2] [L=96520] m. ( √1. diś) point , region , spot , place , part , portion VS. AitBr. S3r. & Gr2S. Mn. &c
[L=96521] province , country , kingdom R. Hit. Katha1s. Vet.
[L=96522] institute , ordinance W. (deśam ā √ vas , or ni- √viś , to settle in a place Mn. ; °śe , in the proper place [esp. with kāle] MBh. Hit. Often ifc. [f(ā). Ragh. vii , 47 R2it. i , 27] esp. after a word denoting a country or a part of the body e.g. kāmboja-,magadha- ; aṃsa-,kaṇṭha-,skandha- ; ātmīya- , one's own country or home)
(H2) deśa [p= 1329,1] [L=334000] (in comp.)
(H1) deha [p= 496,3] [L=96630] mn. ( √ dih , to plaster , mould , fashion) the body TA1r. Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c
[L=96631] (in a triad with manas and vāc) Mn. i , 104 &c
[L=96632] (°haṃdhāraya , to support the body i.e. exist Nal. )
[L=96633] form , shape , mass , bulk (as of a cloud ; ifc. f(ā).) Var.
[L=96634] person , individual Subh.
[L=96635] appearance , manifestation ifc. having the appearance of (saṃdeha- Ba1lar. iii , 43÷44)
[L=96636] N. of a country L.
(H2) deha [p= 1329,1] [L=334010] (in comp.)
(H3) deha--kara [p= 496,3] [L=96638] m. " body-former " , a father MBh.
(H3) deha--kośa [L=96643] m. " body-covering " , skin or wing L. (cf. -dhi).
(H3) deha--kṣaya [L=96644] m. " body-decay " , sickness , disease L.
(H3) deha--gata [L=96645] mfn. " gone into a body " , incarnate MW.
(H3) deha--grahaṇa [L=96646] n. assuming a body or visible form ib.
(H3) deha--cara [L=96648] mfn. being on or in a body , bodily (as disease) BhP.
(H3) deha--caryā [L=96649] f. care of the body Katha1s.
(H3) deha--cyuta [L=96650] mfn. separated from the body (as excrement or the spirit) W.
(H3) deha--ja [L=96651] m. " body-born " , a son BhP. (cf. tanu-)
[L=96652] the god of love , diś.
(H3) deha--tyāga [L=96654] m. relinquishing the body , death Mn. x , 62 Ka1v. &c
(H3) deha--tva [L=96655] n. the state or condition of a body A1past.
(H3) deha--da [L=96656] m. " body-(life?) giving " , quicksilver L. (cf. pāra-).
(H3) deha--dāha [L=96657] m. " body-heat " , fever Ma1lati1m.
(H3) deha--dīpa [L=96658] m. " body-lamp " , the eye L.
(H3) deha--dharma [L=96659] m. function or law of the body MW.
(H3) deha--dhātṛ [L=96660] m. (for dhātu?) chief part or element of the body Car. (cf. dhātu).
(H3) deha--dhāraka [p= 497,1] [L=96661] m. " body Supporter " , bone L.
(H3) deha--dhāraṇa [L=96662] n. " supporting the body " , living , life , existence MBh.
(H3) deha--dhārin [L=96663] mfn. having a body , living , alive Das3.
(H3) deha--dhi [L=96664] m. " body-receptacle " , wing L.
(H3) deha--dhṛk [L=96665] m. (nom.) " sustaining the body " , air , wind Sus3r.
(H3) deha--patana [L=96666] n. ( MBh. ) " decay of the body " , death.
(H3) deha--pāta [L=96667] m. ( Katha1s. ) " decay of the body " , death.
(H3) deha--bandha [L=96668] mfn. furnished with a body Hariv. 9030 (baddha?).
(H3) deha--bhāj [L=96669] m. " possessed of a body " , corporeal
[L=96669.1] living creature (esp. man) , Ka1v. BhP.
(H3) deha--bhuj [L=96670] m. " possessing a body " , N. of śiva MBh. xiii , 1067.
(H3) deha--bhṛt [L=96671] mfn. " carrying a body " , embodied , corporeal
(H3B) deha--bhṛt [L=96672] m. a living creature (esp. man) MBh. Ragh. Pur.
(H3B) deha--bhṛt [L=96673] m. N. of śiva MBh. xiii , 1 067 (cf. -bhuj)
(H3B) deha--bhṛt [L=96674] m. life , vitality W.
(H3) deha--bheda [L=96675] m. " destruction of the body " , death S3vetUp. MBh.
(H3) deha--madhya [L=96676] n. " middle of the body " , waist Ra1matUp.
(H3) deha--mātrā* vaśeṣita [L=96677] mfn. having merely the body left BhP.
(H3) deha--mānin [L=96678] mfn. proud of the body MW.
(H3) deha--mbhara [L=96679] mfn. intent (only) upon nourishing the body or prolonging life BhP. v , 26 , 3
(H3) deha--yātrā [L=96682] f. supporting the body or prolonging life BhP. Veda7ntas.
[L=96683] food , nourishment L.
[L=96684] passing away of the body , dying , death L.
(H3) deha--rakṣā [L=96685] f. " care of the body " , chastity MBh. iii , 17092.
(H3) deha--lakṣaṇa [L=96686] n. " body-mark " , mole L.
(H3) deha--vat [L=96687] mfn. furnished with a body , embodied R.
(H3B) deha--vat [L=96688] m. a living creature , man MBh. BhP.
(H3) deha--varman [L=96689] n. " body-armour " , the skin Gal.
(H3) deha--vāyu [L=96690] m. " body-wind " , vital air L.
(H3) deha--visarjana [L=96691] n. " quitting the body " , death MW.
(H3) deha--vṛtti [L=96692] f. support of the body Katha1s.
(H3) deha--vrinta [L=96693] n. " body-stalk " , navel Gal.
(H3) deha--saṃcāriṇī [L=96695] f. " issued from or passing through (her father's) body (?) " , a daughter L.
(H3) deha--sāra [L=96696] m. " body essence " , marrow L.
(H3) deha--sukha [L=96698] mfn. agreeable to the body Var.
(H3) dehā* tmavāda [L=96700] m. " assertion that the soul is body " , materialism Madhus.
(H3) dehā* nta [L=96702] m. end of the body , death BhP.
(H3) dehā* ntara [L=96703] n. another body MW.
(H4) dehā* ntara---prā* pti [L=96704] f. obtaining another body , transmigration id.
(H3) dehā* ri [L=96705] m. " foe of the body " , N. of śiva MBh. xiii , 1179 Sch. (as v.l. for kāhali).
(H3) dehā* varaṇa [L=96706] n. " body-screen " , armour , dress MBh.
(H3) dehā* sava [L=96708] m. " body-liquid " , urine Gal.
(H3) debe* śvara [L=96709] m. " lord of the body " , the soul Ma1rkP.
(H3) deho* tkampa [L=96710] m. trembling of the body , Ma1lati1m. v , 19.
(H3) deho* dbhava [L=96711] mfn. born in the body , innate MW.
(H3) deho* d° bhūta [L=96712] mfn. born in the body , innate MW.
(H2) dehin [L=96719] mfn. having a body , corporeal
(H2B) dehin [L=96720] m. a living creature , man Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) dehin [L=96721] m. the spirit , soul (enveloped in the body) Up. Bhag. Sus3r. BhP.
(H3) dai° hya [p= 498,1] [L=96950] mf(ā)n. being in the body (ātman) ib.
(H3B) dai° hya [L=96950.1] m. the soul ib.
(H1) doṣa 1 [p= 498,2] [L=97011] m. evening , darkness (only BhP. , where personified as one of the 8 vasus and husband of Night, vi , 6 , 11 ; 14)
(H1) doṣa 2 [p= 498,3] [L=97026] m. rarely n. ( √ duṣ) fault , vice , deficiency , want , inconvenience , disadvantage Up. Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=97027] badness , wickedness , sinfulness Mn. R.
[L=97028] offence , transgression , guilt , crime (acc. with √ ṛ or labh , to incur guilt) , S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=97029] damage , harm , bad consequence , detrimental effect (nai*ṣa doṣaḥ , there is no harm ; ko'tra d° , what does it matter?) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=97030] accusation , reproach (°ṣaṃ √kṛ or °ṣeṇa- √gam with acc. , to accuse) R.
[L=97031] alteration , affection , morbid element , disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body , viz. pitta , vāyu , and śleṣman , 1 [cf. tridoṣa and dhātu] , applied also to the humours themselves) Sus3r.
[L=97032] (also °ṣaka) a calf L.
(H4) dvā́--triṃ° śai-lakṣaṇika [p= 503,3] [L=98162.50] mfn. ( Sin6ha7s. ) " having 32 auspicious marks upon the body " , illustrious , great.
(H4) dvā́--triṃ° śai-lakṣaṇo* péta [L=98162.55] mfn. ( Hit. ) " having 32 auspicious marks upon the body " , illustrious , great.
(H2) dvā́ra [p= 504,2] [L=98316] n. door , gate , passage , entrance S3Br. A1s3vGr2. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=98317] opening , aperture (esp. of the human body cf. nava-) Up. Sus3r. &c
[L=98318] a way , means , medium (instr. °reṇa ifc. by means of. with regard or according to) MBh. Ka1v. Pan5c. &c (the māheśvaras hold that there are 6 dvāras or means of obtaining religious ecstasy Sarvad. )
(H2B) dvā́ra [L=98319] m. N. of a gandharva R.
(H4) dvy--aṇu° ko* dara [p= 507,3] [L=99166] mf(ī)n. having a very thin body Naish. iv , 3.
(H3) dhána--ṃ-jayá [p= 508,2] [L=99287] mfn. = prec. mfn. RV. AV. TBr.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99288] m. fire , Ka1t2h.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99289] m. a partic. vital air supposed to nourish the body Veda7ntas.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99290] m. Plumbago Zeylanica L.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99291] m. N. of arjuna MBh. Hariv.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99292] m. the 9th day of the karma-māsa (s.v.) , the plant Terminalia Arjuna L.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99293] m. N. of a serpent-demon MBh. Hariv. BhP.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99294] m. of a vyāsa VP.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99295] m. of a king of kaliṅga Katha7rn2.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99296] m. of a king of Kausthalapura L.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99297] m. of the author of the dala-rūpaka &c (» below)
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99298] m. of a merchant SkandaP.
(H3B) dhána--ṃ-jayá [L=99299] m. of a Brahman pl. his descendants Pravar.
(H3) dhanuḥ--stambha [p= 509,1] [L=99548] tn. a kind of spasmodic contraction of the body Sus3r.
(H2) dhamáni [p= 510,1] [L=99718] f. the act of blowing or piping RV. ii , 11 , 8
[L=99719] (also °nī) a pipe or tube , (esp.) a canal of the human body , any tubular vessel , as a vein , nerve &c AV. ChUp. MBh. Sus3r. &c (24 tubular vessels starting from the heart or from the navel are supposed to carry the raca or chyle through the body)
[L=99720] the throat , neck L.
[L=99721] N. of hrāda's wife (the mother of vātāpi and ilvala) BhP.
(H1) dhara [L=99748] mf(ā)n. ( √ dhṛ) bearing , supporting (scil. the world , said of kṛṣṇa and śiva) MBh.
[L=99749] mfn. ifc. holding , bearing , carrying , wearing , possessing , having , keeping (also in memory) , sustaining , preserving , observing (cf. aṃśu- , akṣa- , kulaṃ- &c ) MBh. R. &c
(H1B) dhara [L=99750] m. a mountain Kir. xv , 12 (cf. kṣiti- , bhū- &c )
(H1B) dhara [L=99751] m. a flock of cotton L.
(H1B) dhara [L=99752] m. a frivolous or dissolute man (= viṭa) L.
(H1B) dhara [L=99753] m. a sword Gal.
(H1B) dhara [L=99754] m. N. of a vasu MBh.
(H1B) dhara [L=99755] m. of a follower of the pāṇḍavas ib. of the king of the tortoises L.
(H1B) dhara [L=99756] m. of the father of padma-prabha (6th arhat of pres. ava-sarpiṇī) L.
(H1B) dhara [L=99758] m. the uterus or womb Bhpr.
(H1B) dhara [L=99759] m. a vein or tubular vessel of the body L.
(H1B) dhara [L=99760] m. marrow L.
(H1B) dhara [L=99761] m. a mass of gold or heap of valuables (representing the earth and given to Brahmans) W.
(H1B) dhara [L=99762] m. one of the 8 forms of sarasvatī id.
(H1B) dhara [L=99763] m. N. of one of the wives of kaśyapa (mother of the land and water-birds , prob. = the Earth) Hariv. 232 (v.l. irā)
(H1B) dhara [L=99764] n. poison L. (v.l. dara)
(H2B) dháraṇī [L=99781] f. » s.v.
(H2) dharaṇī [p= 510,2] [L=99800] f. (cf. °ṇa and °ṇi) the earth , the soil or ground MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
[L=99801] a vein or tubular vessel of the body L.
[L=99802] = -kanda L.
[L=99803] a beam or rafter for a roof. L.
[L=99804] N. of a Dictionary (cf. °ṇi-kośa).
(H3) dhárma--kāya [p= 510,3] [L=99944] m. " law-body " , N. of one of the 3 bodies of a buddha Vajracch. MWB. 246
[L=99945] " having the law for body " , a buddha L.
[L=99946] a jaina saint W.
[L=99947] N. of avalokite*śvara Buddh.
[L=99948] of a god of the bodhi tree Lalit.
(H3) dhárma--kośa [L=99966] m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties Mn. i , 99
[L=99967] m. N. of wk. Cat.
(H3) dhárma--koṣa [L=99968] m. the treasury or collective body of laws and duties Mn. i , 99
[L=99969] N. of wk. Cat.
(H3) dhárma--vyādha [p= 512,1] [L=100280] m. " the righteous hunter " , N. of a Brahman changed into a hunter in consequence of a curse MBh. iii S3ukas. (according to the VarP. of a Brahman killer born as a hunter from the body of vasu , king of kaśmīra) .
(H3) dhárma--śarīra [L=100281] n. a body or collection of virtues or sacred relics Ja1takam.
[L=100282] a kind of small Buddhist stūpa.
(H3) dharmā* ṅga [p= 512,2] [L=100368] m. " whose body is the law " , N. of viṣṇu , Vishn2.
(H2) dhātu 1 [p= 513,3] [L=100617] m. layer , stratum Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3.
[L=100618] constituent part , ingredient (esp. [ and in RV. only] ifc. , where often = " fold " e.g. tri-dhā́tu , threefold &c ; cf. triviṣṭi- , sapta- , su-) RV. TS. S3Br. &c
[L=100619] element , primitive matter (= mahā-bhūta L. ) MBh. Hariv. &c (usually reckoned as 5 , viz. kha or ākāśa , anila , tejas , jala , bhū ; to which is added brahma Ya1jn5. iii , 145 ; or vijñāna Buddh. )
[L=100620] a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours [called also doṣa] phlegm , wind and bile BhP. [cf. purīṣa , māṃsa , manas , ChUp. vi , 5 , 1] ; or as the 5 organs of sense , indriyāṇi [cf. s.v. and MBh. xii , 6842 , where śrotra , ghrāṇa , āsya , hṛdaya and koṣṭha are mentioned as the 5 dhātu of the human body born from the either] and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them , gandha , rasa , rūpa , sparśa and śabda L. ; or the 7 fluids or secretions , chyle , blood , flesh , fat , bone , marrow , semen Sus3r. [ L. rasā*di or rasa-raktā*di , of which sometimes 10 are given , the above 7 and hair , skin , sinews BhP. ])
[L=100621] primary element of the earth i.e. metal , mineral , are (esp. a mineral of a red colour) Mn. MBh. &c element of words i.e. grammatical or verbal root or stem Nir. Pra1t. MBh. &c (with the southern Buddhists dhātu means either the 6 elements [see above] Dharmas. xxv ; or the 18 elementary spheres [dhātu-loka] ib. lviii ; or the ashes of the body , relics L. [cf. -garbha]).
(H1) dhā́tu 2 [p= 514,3] [L=100897] mfn. ( √ dhe) to be sucked in or drunk (havis) RV. v , 44 , 3
(H1B) dhā́tu 2 [L=100897.1] f. = dhenu , milch cow La1t2y. vii , 5 , 9.
(H1) dhātu 3 [L=100906] n. (with rauhiṇa) N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H2) dhātu [p= 1329,2] [L=334330] (also) a cause, Sukh. i.
(H3) dhātu--mala [p= 514,1] [L=100677] n. impure excretion from the fluids of the body , faeces BhP.
[L=100678] lead (the most impure of metals) L.
(H3) dhātu--rājaka [L=100689] n. " chief fluid of the body " , semen L.
(H2) dhāmanī [p= 515,1] [L=100938] f. Hemionitis Cordifolia L.
[L=100939] any tubular vessel of the body (= dhamani) ib.
(H2) dhāraṇī [p= 515,2] [L=100990] f. any tubular vessel of the body L.
[L=100991] the earth Gal.
[L=100992] a partic. bulbous plant ib.
[L=100993] a mystical verse or charm used as a kind of prayer to assuage pain &c MWB. 154 ; 351 &c (4 kinds of dhāraṇī according to Dharmas. lii)
[L=100994] row or line (w.r. for dhoraṇī) L.
[L=100995] N. of a daughter of sva-dhā VP.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.3
Whitney Roots links: Df
(H1) dhṛ [p= 519,2] [p= 519,1] [L=101815]
cl.1 P. A1. dharati , °te ( Dha1tup. xxii , 3 ; A1. Pot. dhareran A1pS3r. ), but more commonly in the same sense the Caus. form dhārayati , °te (perf. P. dādhā́ra , °dhártha [Impv. dadhartu AV.Paipp. ] ; A1. dadhré , 3. pl. °dhriré RV. &c ; aor. adhāram R. ; adhṛta,dhṛthās AV. ; ádīdharat RV. &c [dīdhar,didhṛtam,°ta RV. ; 3. pl. °rata S3Br. ] ; adārṣīt Gr. ; fut. dhariṣyati MBh. ; °ṣyé AV. ; dhartā BhP. ; inf. dhartum Ka1v. , °tavai Br. [dhartári » under °ṭri] ; ind.p. dhṛtvā , -dhṛtya Br. ) to hold , bear (also bring forth) , carry , maintain , preserve , keep , possess , have , use , employ , practise , undergo RV. &c ;
(with or scil ātmānam , jīvitam , prāṇān , deham , śarīram &c ) to preserve soul or body , continue living , survive MBh. Ka1v. &c (esp. fut. dhariṣyati ; cf. Pass. below) ;
to hold back , keep down , stop , restrain , suppress , resist Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to place or fix in , bestow or confer on (loc.) RV. AV. Br. &c ;
to destine for (dat. ; A1. also to be destined for or belong to) RV. ;
to present to (gen.) Ka1ran2d2. ;
to direct or turn (attention , mind , &c ) towards , fix or resolve upon (loc. or dat.) Up. Ya1jn5. MBh. ;
A1. to be ready or prepared for S3Br. ;
P. A1. to owe anything (acc.) to (dat. or gen.) MBh. (cf. Pa1n2. 1-4 , 35) ;
to prolong (in pronunciation) AitBr. RPra1t. ;
to quote , cite L. ;
(with garbham) to conceive , be pregnant (older °bham- √bhṛ) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(with daṇḍam) to inflict punishment on (loc.) MBh. R. BhP. (also damam) ;
(with keśān , or śmaśru) to let the hair or beard grow MBh. ;
(with raśmīn [ib.] or praharān [ S3ak. ]) to draw the reins tight ;
(with dharamam) to fulfil a duty R. ;
(with vratám) to observe or keep a vow RV. &c ;
(with dhāraṇām) to practise self-control Ya1jn5. ;
(wit. ipas) to perform penance BhP. ;
(with mūrdhnā or °dhni , śirasā or °si) to bear on the head , honour highly Ka1v. ;
(with or scil. tulayā) to hold in a balance , weigh , measure MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(with or scil. manasā) to bear in mind , recollect , remember ib. ;
(with samaye) to hold to an agreement , cause to make a compact Pan5c. i , 125÷126 (B. dṛṣṭvā for dhṛtvā): Pass. dhriyáte (ep. also °yati ; pf. dadhré &c = A1. ; aor. adhāri) to be borne &c ;
so be firm , keep steady RV. &c ;
continue living , exist , remain Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c (also dhāryate R. ) ;
to begin , resolve upon , undertake (dat. ; acc. or inf.) AV. S3Br. ChUp. : Caus. dhāráyati , °te » above: Desid. didhīrṣati (» °ṣā) , didhariṣate Pa1n2. 7-2 , 75 ;
didhārayiṣati , to wish to keep up or preserve (ātmānam) Gobh. iii , 5 , 30 : Intens. dárdharti ( RV. ) anddādharti (3. pl. °dhrati TS. ; cf. Pa1n2. 7-4 , 65) to hold fast , bear firmly , fasten. [cf. Zd. dar ; Gk. θρόνος , θρᾶ-νος , ; Lat. fre1-tus , fre1-num.]
(H3) dhṛtá--śarīra [L=101871] mfn. " retaining a body " , continuing to live , existing Kap.
(H1) dhruvá [p= 521,3] [p= 521,2] [L=102286] mf(ā́)n. (prob. fr. √ dhṛ , but cf. √dhru and dhruv) fixed , firm , immovable , unchangeable , constant , lasting , permanent , eternal RV. &c (e.g. the earth , a mountain , a pillar , a vow &c ; with svā*ṅga n. an inseparable member of the body Pa1n2. 6-2 , 177 ; with dhenu f. a cow which stands quiet when milked AV. xii , 1 , 45 ; with diś f. the point of the heavens directly under the feet [reckoned among the quarters of the sky cf. 2. diś] AV. Br. ; with smṛti f. a strong or retentive memory ChUp. vii , 26 , 2 ; cf. also under karaṇa and nakṣatra)
[L=102287] staying with (loc.) RV. ix , 101 , 12
[L=102288] settled , certain , sure Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=102289] mfn. ifc. = pāpa L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102290] m. the polar star (personified as son of uttāna-pāda and grandson of manu) Gr2S. MBh. &c
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102291] m. celestial pole Su1ryas.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102292] m. the unchangeable longitude of fixed stars , a constant arc ib.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102293] m. a knot VS. v , 21 ; 30
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102294] m. a post , stake L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102295] m. the Indian fig-tree L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102296] m. tip of the nose (?) L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102297] m. a partic. water-bird ib.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102298] m. the remaining (i.e. preserved) graha which having been drawn in the morning is not offered till evening S3Br. Vait.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102299] m. (in music) the introductory verse of a song (recurring as a kind of burthen) or a partic. time or measure (tāla-viśeṣa)
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102300] m. any epoch to which a computation of dates is referred W.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102301] m. N. of an astrol. yoga
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102302] m. of the syllable Om Ra1matUp.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102303] m. of brahmā L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102304] m. of viṣṇu MBh.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102305] m. of śiva S3ivag.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102306] m. of a serpent supporting the earth Gr2S. TA1r.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102307] m. of a vasu MBh. Hariv. Pur.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102308] m. of a son of vasu-deva and rohiṇī BhP.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102309] m. of an āṅgirasa (supposed author of RV. x , 173) Anukr.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102310] m. of a son of nahuṣa MBh.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102311] m. of a follower of the pāṇḍus ib.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102312] m. of a son of ranti-nāra (or ranti-bhāra) Pur.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102314] m. (scil. vṛtti) a partic. mode of life Baudh.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102315] m. (scil. strī) a virtuous woman L. @
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102316] m. Desmodium Gangeticum L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102317] m. Sanseviera Zeylanica L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102318] m. (in music) the introductory verse (cf. above )
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102319] n. the fixed point (from which a departure takes place) Pa1n2. 1-4 , 24
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102320] n. the enduring sound (supposed to be heard after the abhinidhāna) RPra1t.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102321] n. air , atmosphere L.
(H1B) dhruvá [L=102322] n. a kind of house Gal.
(H3) ná--liptā* ṅga [p= 523,2] [L=102664] mfn. whose body is not anointed R. (B.)
(H4) nā* ti---vātala [L=102675.52] mfn. not too much producing wind (in the body) Sus3r.
(H2) nákṣatra [p= 524,2] [L=102827] n. (m. only RV. vi , 67 , 6 ; prob. fr. √ nakṣ cf. nakṣ dyām , i , 33 , 14 &c ) a star or any heavenly body
[L=102828] also applied to the sun
(H2B) nákṣatra [L=102829] n. sg. sometimes collectively " the stars " e.g. vii. 86 , 1 RV. &c
(H2B) nákṣatra [L=102830] n. an asterism or constellation through which the moon passes , a lunar mansion AV. &c &c (27 , later 28 , viz. śraviṣṭhā or dhaniṣṭhā , śata-bhiṣaj , pūrva-bhadrapadā , uttara-bhadrapadā , revatī , aśvinī , bharaṇī , kṛttikā , rohiṇī or brāhmī , mṛga-śiras or āgrahāyaṇī , ārdrā , punarvasū or yāmakau , puṣya or sidhya , āśleṣā , maghā , pūrva-phalgunī , uttara-phalgunī , hasta , citrā , svātī , viśākhā or rādhā , anurādhā , jyeṣṭha , mūla , pūrvā*ṣāḍhā , uttarāṣāḍhā , abhijit , śravaṇa ; according to VarBr2S. revatī , uttara-phalgunī , uttara-bhādrapadā and uttarāṣāḍhā are called dhruvāṇi , fixed ; in the vedap the nakṣatras are considered as abodes of the gods or of pious persons after death Sa1y. on RV. i , 50 , 2 ; later as wives of the moon and daughters of dakṣa MBh. Hariv. &c ; according to jainas the sun , moon , grahas , nakṣatras and tārās form the jyotiṣkas)
(H2B) nákṣatra [L=102831] n. a pearl L.
(H2) nakṣatra [p= 1329,2] [L=334570] (in comp.)
(H3) namrā* ṅga [p= 528,2] [L=103897] mf(ī)n. bending the body , bowed , stooping MW.
(H3) narā* ṅga [p= 529,2] [L=104172] mn. " man-member " , the penis L.
(H3B) narā* ṅga [L=104173] m. eruption on the face L. (cf. naraṅga)
(H3B) narā* ṅga [L=104174] mf(ī)n. having a human body (also -ka) Hcat.
(H2) nalaka [p= 530,2] [L=104424] n. a bone (hollow like a reed)
[L=104425] any long bone of the body e.g. the tibia or the radius of the arm Sus3r.
[L=104426] a partic. ornament for the nose Can2d2.
(H2B) nalikā [L=104427] f. a tube or tubular organ of the body (= nāḍī) L.
(H2B) nalikā [L=104428] f. a quiver Naish.
(H2B) nalikā [L=104429] f. Dolichos Lablab Var.
(H2B) nalikā [L=104430] f. Polianthes Tuberosa or Daemia Extensa L.
(H2B) nalikā [L=104431] f. a kind of fragrant substance L.
(H3) náva--dvāra [p= 531,2] [L=104646] n. pl. the 9 doors or apertures (of the body ; cf. 3. khá) Subh.
(H3B) náva--dvāra [L=104647] mfn. 9 doored AV. Up. &c
(H3B) náva--dvāra [L=104648] n. the body Kum.
(H1) nāgá [p= 532,3] [L=104933] m. (prob. neither fr. na-ga nor fr. nagna) a snake , (esp.) Coluber Naga S3Br. MBh. &c
[p= 533,1] [L=104934] (f. ī́ Suparn2. ) a nāga or serpent-demon (the race of kadru or su-rasā inhabiting the waters or the city bhoga-vatī under the earth ; they are supposed to have a human face with serpent-like lower extremities [see esp. Na1g. v , 17 RTL. 233 &c ] ; their kings are śeṣa , vāsuki , and takṣaka ib. 323 ; 7 or 8 of the nāgas are particularly mentioned MBh. Ka1v. &c ; with Buddhists they are also represented as ordinary men MWB. 220)
[L=104935] N. of the numbers 7 ( Su1ryas. ) or 8 ( Hcat. )
[L=104936] a cruel man L.
[L=104937] one of the 5 airs of the human body (which is expelled by eructation) Veda7ntas.
[L=104938] (sg. also collect.) an elephant (f(ī). , ifc. f(ā).) Ka1v. BhP. etc.
[L=104939] the best or most excellent of any kind (ifc.) L. (cf. ṛṣabha , vyāghra &c )
[L=104940] shark L.
[L=104941] cloud L.
[L=104942] N. of sev. plants (Mesua Roxburghii , Rottlera Tinctoria &c ) L.
[L=104943] N. of a serpent-demon VP.
[L=104944] of a sādhya Hariv.
[L=104945] of a teacher Buddh.
[L=104946] of a dynasty of 9 or 10 princes VP.
[L=104947] of sev. authors (also -śarman and -bhaṭṭa) Col.
[L=104948] of sev. other men Ra1jat.
[L=104949] of a mountain Pur.
[L=104950] of a district L.
[L=104951] = -danta (below) L.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104952] f(ā and ī). N. of sev. women Ra1jat.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104954] n. (m. L. ) tin , lead Bhpr.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104955] n. a kind of talc ib.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104956] n. a kind of coitus L.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104957] n. N. of the 3rd invariable karaṇa (» s.v.) Su1ryas. Var.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104958] n. of the effects of that period on anything happening during it W.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104959] n. of a district of bhārata-varṣa Gol.
(H1B) nāgá [L=104960] mf(ā , or ī)n. formed of snakes , relating to serpents or serpents-demons , snaky , serpentine , serpent-like MBh. &c (with āsana n. a partic. attitude in sitting Cat. ; ā f. [scil. vīthī] = nāga-v° , below Var. )
(H1B) nāgá [L=104961] mf(ā , or ī)n. belonging to an elephant , elephantine (as urine) Sus3r.
(H2) nāga [p= 1329,2] [L=334770] (in comp.)
(H3) nāgā* valokita [p= 533,3] [L=105182] n. elephant look (turning the whole body , as a mark of buddha) DivyA7v.
(H3) nāgo* da [L=105203] n. (nāga uda or corrupted fr. next) armour for the front of the body L.
(H2) nāḍi 1 [p= 534,2] [L=105364] m. the son of naḍa Pa1n2. 4-1 , 99 Ka1s3.
(H2) nāḍi 2 [L=105365] f. any tube or pipe , (esp.) a tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) BhP. (cf. nāḍī).
(H2B) nāḍikā [L=105374] f. a hollow stalk Jyot.
(H2B) nāḍikā [L=105375] f. any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H2B) nāḍikā [L=105376] f. a measure of time = 1÷2 muhūrta Var. Ma1lati1m. &c
(H2B) nāḍikā [L=105377] f. a measure of length = 1÷2 daṇḍa Ma1rkP.
(H2B) nāḍikā [L=105378] f. v.l. for nālikā Ka1m. v , 51
(H2) nāḍī́ [L=105382] f. (fr. nāḍa nom. °ḍī́s RV. x , 135 , 7) the tubular stalk of any plant or any tubular organ (as a vein or artery of the body)
[L=105383] any pipe or tube RV. &c
[L=105384] a flute RV. Ka1t2h.
[L=105385] the box of a wheel TS. Ka1t2h.
[L=105386] a fistulous sore Sus3r.
[L=105387] the pulse W.
[L=105388] any hole or crevice Katha1s.
[L=105389] a sort of bent grass (= gaṇḍa-dūrvā) L.
[L=105390] a strap of leather , thong L.
[L=105391] a measure of time = 1÷2 muhūrta Var.
[L=105392] a juggling trick , deception L.
(H3) nā́bhi--mūla [p= 535,3] [L=105688] n. the part of the body immediately under the navel Var.
(H1) nāla [p= 537,3] [L=106121] mfn. (fr. nala cf. nāḍa) consisting or made of reeds BhP.
(H1B) nāla [L=106122] m. (g. ardharcā*di) f(ā , or ī L. ). and n. a hollow stalk , (esp.) of the lotus MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1B) nāla [L=106123] m. any tube or tubular vessel or vein &c of the body ib.
(H1B) nāla [L=106124] m. or n. the navel-string Gobh. Sch.
(H1B) nāla [L=106125] m. N. of a poet Cat.
(H1B) nāla [L=106128] m. the stalk of a pot-herb L.
(H1B) nāla [L=106129] m. a piece of metal on which the hours are struck = ghaṭī W.
(H1B) nāla [L=106130] m. a lotus-flower , L: (cf. nālīka)
(H1B) nāla [L=106131] n. the urethra Sus3r.
(H1B) nāla [L=106132] n. a handle (only mf(ā)n. ifc.) MBh. vii , 75
(H1B) nāla [L=106133] n. a partic. ornament on a chariot R. vi , 75 , 28
(H1B) nāla [L=106134] n. yellow orpiment L.
(H1B) nālī [L=106127] f. an instrument for perforating an elephant's ear L.
(H2) nālī [L=106142] f. = nāḍī , any tubular vessel or vein &c of the body L.
(H2B) nālī [L=106143] mfn. ifc. = °likā , a period of 24 minutes Sa1h.
(H2) nāli [L=106142.1] f. = nāḍī , any tubular vessel or vein &c of the body L.
(H2B) nāli [L=106143.1] mfn. ifc. = °likā , a period of 24 minutes Sa1h.
(H2) nālīka [L=106157] m. a kind of arrow or spear MBh. R. &c
[L=106158] body , limb L.
(H2B) nālīka [L=106159] mn. a lotus flower L.
(H2B) nālīka [L=106160] n. (ib.) = nālīkinī
(H4) nir--antara---śarīra [p= 539,2] [L=106559] mfn. one whose body is densely transfixed with (arrows) R.
(H3) nir--īṣa [p= 540,2] [L=106835] n. the body of a plough
(H3B) nir--īṣa [L=106835.1] mfn. without a pole or shaft L. (v.l. -īśa).
(H1) ni-kāyá [p= 544,3] [L=107850] m. ( √1. ci) a heap , an assemblage , a group , class , association (esp. of persons who perform the same duties) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=107850.1] congregation , school Buddh.
[L=107850.2] collection (of Buddh. sūtras , there are 5 MWB. 62 , 63)
[L=107850.3] habitation , dwelling , hiding-place R. (cf. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 41)
[L=107850.4] the body S3vetUp.
[L=107850.5] the air , wind VS. xv , 5 (Mahidh.)
[L=107850.6] aim , mark L.
[L=107850.7] the Supreme Being L.
(H1) ni-keta [p= 545,1] [L=107950] m. rarely n. ( √4. cit) a mark , sign MBh. iii , 12541 (tapā*tyaya-n° , " mark of departure of heat " , said of a cloud)
[L=107951] a house , habitation MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=107952] seat of one of the constituent elements of the body Car.
[L=107953] a bee-hive (j) MBh. xi , 140
[L=107954] a stage in the religious life of a Brahman , iii , 13411
[L=107955] state of being DivyA7v.
(H1) ni-púr [p= 550,1] [L=108775] f. the subtle body VS. AV. (= sūkṣma-deha Mahi1dh. )
(H1) nimi 1 [p= 551,1] [L=108943] m. N. of sev. kings of videha Mn. MBh. &c
[L=108944] of a son of dattatreya MBh.
[L=108945] of a son of ikṣvāku Pur. (having lost his body through the curse of vasiṣṭha he occupied the eyes of all living beings , hence the opening and shutting of men's eyelids ; cf. ni-miṣa and » VP. iv , 5)
[L=108946] of 21st jaina arhat of present ava-sarpiṇī (identified with the former nimi) L.
[L=108947] of a son of bhajamāna VP.
[L=108948] of a son of daṇḍa-pāṇi BhP.
[L=108949] of a dānava Hariv. (v.l. ḍimbha)
[L=108950] the closing or winking of the eyes , twinkling BhP. ix , 24 , 64.
(H1) ni- √ mi 1 2 [L=108953]
P. -minoti (pf. -mimā́ya Pass. -mīyate) , to fix or dig in , erect , raise RV. AV. Br. &c ;
to perceive , notice , understand (?) AV. iv , 16 , 5. 2.
(H2) nimi [p= 1329,3] [L=335000] m. N. of a tathāgata, Sukh. i.
(H4) nir-ā-° yata---pūrva-kāya [p= 553,3] [L=109354.1] mfn. having the fore-part of the body stretched out S3ak. i , 8.
(H4) nir-° bhinna---tanu [p= 556,1] [L=109737] mfn. having the body pierced through or transfixed MW.
(H4) nir-° māṇa---kāya [p= 556,2] [L=109781] m. the body of transformations Buddh. MWB. 247
(H4) nir-° mukta---deha [L=109803] mfn. one who is freed from his body (or bodily desires) ib.
(H1) nir- √ hṛ [p= 558,2] [L=110131]
P. A1. -harati , °te , to take out or off , draw or pull out , extract from (abl.) , expel , remove , destroy RV. &c ;
to export (goods) Mn. ;
to carry out (a dead body) ib. Ya1jn5. ;
to let (blood) Sus3r. ;
to purge ib. ;
(A1.) to exclude or deliver from (abl.) TS. S3Br. ;
to shake off , get rid of (acc.) A1past. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to change or interchange (clothes) Mn. viii , 396 ;
to fix S3ulbas. ;
to get , receive SaddhP. : Caus. -hārayati , to cause (a dead body) to be carried out Kull. on Mn. v , 104 : Desid. -jihīrṣati , to wish to take off or subtract S3ulbas. (cf. nir-jihīrṣu).
(H3) nir-° haraṇa [L=110132] n. taking out , extracting , expelling , removing , destroying MBh. Sus3r. Pur.
[L=110133] carrying out (esp. a dead body) MBh. R. &c
(H3) nir-° hāraka [L=110142] mfn. carrying out (as a dead body ; cf. pre*ta-nirh°)
[L=110143] purifying L.
(H3) nir-° hāraṇa [L=110144] n. (fr. Caus.) causing (a dead body) to be carried out Kull.
(H3) nṛ́--kalevara [p= 567,3] [L=111814] m. a human body , dead body Katha1s.
(H3) netra--yoni [p= 569,1] [L=112135] m. N. of indra (whose body , after his adultery with ahalyā , was covered with marks which resembled the female organ and then were made to resemble eyes ; cf. sahasrā*kṣa) L.
[L=112136] the moon (as produced from the eye of atri) L.
(H1) nyaccha [p= 571,3] [L=112672] n. a mole or spot upon the body Sus3r.
(H4) ny-° asta---deha [p= 572,1] [L=112760] mfn. " one who has laid down the body " , dead ib.
(H2) ny-āsa [L=112769] m. putting down or in , placing , fixing , inserting , applying , impressing , drawing , painting , writing down MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. akṣara- , khura- , caraṇa- , nakha- , pada-. , pāda-. , bīja- , rekhā-)
[L=112770] putting away , taking off , laying aside MBh. Hariv. Das3. BhP. (cf. deha- , śarīra- , śastra-)
[L=112771] abandoning , resigning Up. Bhag. BhP.
[L=112772] depositing , intrusting , delivering
[L=112773] any deposit or pledge Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=112774] written or literal text (cf. yathā-nyāsam) Pat.
[L=112775] lowering (the voice) RPra1t.
[L=112776] (in music) the final tone
[L=112777] bringing forward , introducing (cf. arthā*ntara.)
[L=112778] consigning or intrusting anything to the mind W.
[L=112779] mental appropriation or assignment of various parts of the body to tutelary deities RTL. 205 &c
[L=112780] N. of sev. works. , (esp.) of a Comm. on Ka1s3.
(H1) ny-āsa [p= 573,1] [L=112963] &c » under ny-as.
(H2) pakṣá [p= 573,2] [L=113061] m. (ifc. f(ā or ī). ) a wing , pinion (in one passage n.) RV. &c
[L=113062] a symbol. N. of the number two Var. Hcat.
[L=113063] a feather , the feathers on both sides of an arrow (cf. gārdhra-p°)
[L=113064] the fin of a fish (cf. nis-tvak-p°)
[L=113065] the shoulder
[L=113066] the flank or side or the half of anything RV. &c
[p= 573,3] [L=113067] the side or wing of a building AV.
[L=113068] the wing or flank of an army MBh. Hariv.
[L=113069] the half of a lunar month (the first half from new moon to full moon was called pūrva or apūryamāṇa , later śukla or śuddha ; the other half apara or apa-kṣīyamāṇa , later kṛṣṇa or tāmisra ; each fortnight consists of 15 tithis or lunar days called prathamā , dvitīyā &c ) Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. Var. &c
[L=113070] a side , party , faction
[L=113071] multitude , number , troop , set , class of beings
[L=113072] partisan , adherent , follower , friend (śatru- " the enemy's side " or " a partisan of the enemy " ; mahā- , " one who has many adherents ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=113073] side i.e. position , place , stead (°kṣe ifc. instead of or by way of) ib.
[L=113074] quantity (» keśa-)
[L=113075] one of two cases or one side of an argument , an alternative (°kṣe , " on the other hand " , with atra , " in this case " , pakṣā*ntare , " in the other case ") Pa1n2. Sch.
[L=113076] a point or matter under discussion , a thesis , a particular theory , a position advanced or an argument to be maintained (cf. pūrva- , uttara-)
[L=113077] an action or lawsuit Ya1jn5. Sch.
[L=113078] (in logic) the proposition to be proved in a syllogism Tarkas. Bha1sha1p.
[L=113079] any supposition or view , motion , idea , opinion (mukhyaḥ pakṣaḥ , " an excellent idea " S3ak. Sch.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=113080] the sun Sa1y. on RV. iii , 53 , 16
[L=113081] N. of sev. men VP.
[L=113082] (in alg.) a primary division or the side of an equation in a primary division
[L=113083] the wall of a house or any wall L.
[L=113084] an army L.
[L=113085] favour L.
[L=113086] contradiction , rejoinder L.
[L=113087] the ash-pit of a fire-place L.
[L=113088] a royal elephant L.
[L=113089] a limb or member of the body L.
[L=113090] the feathers of the tail of a peacock , a tail L.
[L=113091] proximity , neighbourhood L.
[L=113092] a bracelet L.
[L=113093] purity , perfection L.
(H2B) pakṣá [L=113094] mfn. = pācaka , bādhaka Sa1y. on RV. vi , 47 , 19. [cf. OGerm. fahs ; Angl.Sax. feax.]
(H4) páṅka--digdha---śarīra [p= 574,3] [L=113327] m. " having a mud-smeared body " , N. of a dānava Hariv.
(H1) paṅgu [L=113394] mf(vī , or ū)n. (fr. √ paj ? ; cf. Un2. i , 37 Sch.) lame , halt , crippled in the legs AVPar. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=113395] N. of those elements of the body which are themselves without motion (but are moved by the wind) Bhpr.
(H1B) paṅgu [L=113396] m. N. of the planet Saturn (as moving slowly) Cat. (cf. -vāsara)
(H1B) paṅgu [L=113397] m. of nirjita-varman Ra1jat.
(H3) pakvá--gātra [p= 575,1] [L=113447] mfn. having a decrepit or infirm body DivyA7v.
(H2) pañjara [p= 575,2] [L=113515] n. a cage , aviary , dove-cot , net MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=113516] a skeleton , the ribs Prab. Can2d2. (also m. L. )
[L=113517] N. of partic. prayers and formularies Va1mP.
(H2B) pañjara [L=113518] m. (L.) the body. Udbh.
(H2B) pañjara [L=113519] m. the kali-yuga L.
(H2B) pañjara [L=113520] m. a purificatory ceremony performed on cows L.
(H2B) pañjara [L=113521] m. a kind of bulbous plant (v.l. pañjala).
(H3) pañca--dīrgha [p= 576,2] [L=113678] n. sg. the 5 long parts of the body (viz. the arms , eyes , belly [knees Buddh. ], nose , and breast) L.
(H3) pañca--prā* ṇa [p= 576,3] [L=113761] m. pl. the 5 vital airs (supposed to be in the body)
(H4) pañca--bhūta---parityakta [L=113795] mfn. deserted by the 5 elements (as a dead body) MW.
(H4) pañca--bhū° tā* tmaka [L=113797] mfn. consisting of 5 elements (as the human body) Sus3r.
(H3) pañca--mantra-tanu [L=113802] m. " whose body consists of 5 mantras " , N. of śiva (with śaivas) Sarvad.
(H3) pañca--varga [p= 577,2] [L=113885] m. a class or group or series of 5 e.g. the 5 constituent elements of the body (cf. 1. dhātu) R. ii , 118 , 27
[L=113886] the 5 classes of spies (viz. a pilgrim or rogue , an ascetic who has violated his vows , a distressed agriculturist , a decayed merchant , a fictitious devotee) Kull. vii , 154
[L=113887] the 5 organs of sense , the 5 devotional acts &c (also f(ī).)
(H3B) pañca--varga [L=113888] mfn. proceeding in 5 lines or at , times Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) pañca--varga [p= 1330,1] [L=335420.5] m. also the square of five, VarBr2S.
(H3) pañcā* gni [p= 577,3] [L=114030] n. (mostly in comp.) = °ca-tapas (q.v.) the 5 sacred fires (viz. anvāhārya-pacana or dakṣiṇa , gārhapatya , āhavanīya , sabhya , and āvasathya) ; 5 mystic fires supposed to be present in the body W.
(H3B) pañcā* gni [L=114030.1] mfn. = pañcā*gnica-tapas mfn. Katha1s.
(H3B) pañcā* gni [L=114030.2] mfn. maintaining the 5 sacred fires Kat2hUp. Mn. &c
(H3B) pañcā* gni [L=114030.3] mfn. acquainted with the doctrine of the 5 mystic fires W.
(H3) pañcā* ṅga [L=114031] n. (mostly ibc.) 5 members or parts of the body Kir. ; 5 parts of a tree (viz. root , bark , leaf , flower , and fruit) L. ; 5 modes of devotion (viz. silent prayer , oblations , libations , bathing idols , and feeding Brahmans) W.
[p= 578,1] [L=114032] any aggregate of 5 parts ib.
(H3B) pañcā* ṅga [L=114033] mf(ī)n. 5-limbed , 5-membered (with praṇāma m. obeisance made with the arms , knees , head , voice , and look Tantras. )
(H3B) pañcā* ṅga [L=114034] mf(ī)n. having 5 parts or subdivisions Ka1v. (also °gika Sus3r. )
(H3B) pañcā* ṅga [L=114035] m. a tortoise or turtle L. (cf. pañcā*ṅga-gupta) ; a horse with 5 spots in various parts of his body L. (cf. pañca-bhadra)
(H3B) pañcā* ṅga [L=114038] n. a calendar or almanac (treating of 5 things , viz. solar days , lunar days , nakṣatras Yogas. and karaṇas) L.
(H3) pañcā* tmaka [L=114057] mfn. consisting of 5 elements (as the body) , fivefold (-tva n.) S3vetUp.
(H2) pañcamá [p= 578,2] [L=114157] mf(ī)n. the fifth VS. AV. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 5-2 , 49)
[L=114158] forming the 5th part (with or sc. aṃśa = 1÷5) TBr. Mn. &c
[L=114159] = rucira or dakṣa L.
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114160] m. (in music) the 5th (later 7th) note of the gamut (supposed to be produced by the air drawn from 5 parts of the body) MBh. Sa1h.
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114161] m. = -rāga Gi1t.
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114162] m. the 21st kalpa (called after the musical note) Va1yuP.
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114163] m. the 5th consonant of a varga (i.e. the nasal) VPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch.
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114164] m. N. of a muni Cat.
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114166] n. the fifth part , 1÷5 (cf. above and Pa1n2. 5-3 , 49)
(H2B) pañcamá [L=114167] n. copulation (as the 5th of the tattvas of the tāntrikas ; cf. pañca-tattva)
(H2) paṭala [p= 579,1] [L=114314] n. (and rarely f(ī).) a roof , thatch Var.
[L=114315] a veil , cover Ka1v. Pur. Sa1h. (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=114316] a basket , chest , box Ba1lar.
[L=114317] a heap , mass , multitude (esp. in comp. with a word denoting " cloud ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) paṭala [L=114318] nm. an enclosing or surrounding skin or membrane (esp. of the eyes) , a film over the eyes , cataract &c Sus3r. Ka1ran2d2.
(H2B) paṭala [L=114319] n. a chip , piece , portion Ka1d.
(H2B) paṭala [L=114320] n. a section or chapter of a book (esp. of RPra1t. )
(H2B) paṭala [L=114321] n. train , retinue L.
(H2B) paṭala [L=114322] n. a (sectarian or ornamental) mark on the forehead or other parts of the body with sandal-wood L.
(H2B) paṭala [L=114323] m. v.l. for paṭara (» above )
(H2B) paṭala [L=114324] mf. a tree or a stalk (vṛkṣa v.l. vṛnta) L.
(H1) paṭaurá [p= 579,2] [L=114433] m. ( Padap. paṭa ūra?) a partic. member of the body AV.
(H3) páttra--bhaṅga [p= 581,3] [L=114901] m. ( Ka1d. ) a decoration consisting in lines or streaks drawn on the face and body with musk and other fragrant substances.
(H3) páttra--bhaṅgi [L=114902] ( Dharmas3arm. ) f. a decoration consisting in lines or streaks drawn on the face and body with musk and other fragrant substances.
(H3) páttra--bhaṅgī [L=114903] ( Naish. ) f. a decoration consisting in lines or streaks drawn on the face and body with musk and other fragrant substances.
(H3) páti--védana [p= 582,2] [L=115050] mfn. procuring a husband (aryaman) AV. xiv , 1 , 17
(H3B) páti--védana [L=115051] m. du. a partic. part of the body (attracting a husband?) , viii , 6 , 1
(H3B) páti--védana [L=115052] n. procuring a husband (by means of magical formulas) , ii , 36 , 2.
(H3) pattí--kāya [p= 583,1] [L=115188] m. (body of) infantry L.
(H3) pattí--saṃhati [L=115192] f. ( L. ) a body or troop of infantry.
(H3) pattí--sainya [L=115193] n. ( MBh. ) a body or troop of infantry.
(H1) padma [p= 584,2] [L=115507] mn. (2. or 3. pad?) a lotus (esp. the flower of the lotus-plant Nelumbium Speciosum which closes towards evening ; often confounded with the water-lily or Nymphaea Alba) MBh. Ka1v. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=115508] the form or figure of a lotus R. Ma1rkP. (a N. given by the tāntrikas to the 6 divisions of the upper part of the body called cakras q.v.)
[L=115509] a partic. mark or mole on the human body R.
[L=115510] red or coloured marks on the face or trunk of an elephant L.
[L=115511] a partic. part of a column or pillar Var.
[L=115512] a kind of temple ib.
[L=115513] an army arrayed in the form of a lotus Mn. MBh.
[L=115514] a partic. posture of the body in religious meditation , Veda7nt. (cf. padmā*sana)
[L=115515] a kind of coitus L.
[L=115516] one of the 9 treasures of kubera (also personified) R.
[L=115517] one of the 8 treasures connected with the magical art called padminī MBh. Hariv. &c
[L=115518] a partic. high number (1000 millions or billions) MBh. R. &c
[L=115519] a partic. constellation Var.
[L=115520] N. of a partic. cold hell Buddh.
[L=115521] a partic. fragrant substance MBh. (v.l. °maka)
[L=115522] the root of Nelumbium Speciosum L.
[L=115523] a species of bdellium L.
[L=115524] lead L.
(H1B) padma [L=115525] m. a species of plant L.
(H1B) padma [L=115526] m. an elephant L.
(H1B) padma [L=115527] m. a species of serpent Sus3r.
(H1B) padma [L=115528] m. N. of rāma (son of daśa-ratha) S3atr.
(H1B) padma [L=115529] m. of two serpent-demons MBh. R. &c
(H1B) padma [L=115530] m. of one of the attendants of skanda MBh.
(H1B) padma [L=115531] m. of a mythical buddha MWB. 136 n. 1.
(H1B) padma [L=115532] m. (with jainas) N. of the 9th cakra-vartin in bhārata and of one of the 9 white balas
(H1B) padma [L=115533] m. N. of a king MBh.
(H1B) padma [L=115534] m. of a prince of kaśmīra (founder of padma-pura and of a temple ; » padma-svāmin) Ra1jat.
(H1B) padma [L=115535] m. of another man ib.
(H1B) padma [L=115536] m. of a Brahman Lalit.
(H1B) padma [L=115537] m. of a mythical elephant R. (cf. mahā-padma)
(H1B) padma [L=115538] m. of a monkey R.
(H1B) padma [L=115539] m. of a mountain Var.
(H1B) padma [L=115541] m. a species of plant Sus3r. (Clerodendrum Siphorantus or Hibiscus Mutabilis L. )
(H1B) padma [L=115542] m. cloves L.
(H1B) padma [L=115543] m. the flower of Carthamus Tinctoria L.
(H1B) padma [L=115544] m. N. of the mother of muni-suvrata (the 20th arhat of the present avasarpiṇī) L.
(H1B) padma [L=115545] m. of a female serpent-demon (= the goddess manasā , wife of the sage jarat-kāru ; cf. padma-priyā) L.
(H1B) padma [L=115546] m. of a daughter of king bṛhadratha and wife of kalki Pur.
(H1B) padma [L=115547] mfn. lotus-hued , being of the colour of a lotus Shad2vBr.
(H3) pára--kāya-praveśana [p= 586,2] [L=116055] n. entering another's body (a supernatural art) Cat.
(H3) pára--kṣetra [L=116066] n. another's field or wife (cf. kṣetra) Mn.
[L=116067] the body in another life Pa1n2. 5-2 , 92 (cf. kṣetriya).
(H3) parā* ṅga [p= 587,2] [L=116320] n. the hinder part of the body Ka1v.
[L=116321] a part of that which follows Pa1n2. 2-1 , 2.
(H3) parā* ṅga-da [L=116322] m. " giving form to another (sc. to durgā with whom he forms one body , or to kāma-deva whose body he restored after reducing it to ashes) " , N. of śiva L.
(H3) parā* tman [p= 587,3] [L=116324] m. the Supreme Spirit BhP.
(H3B) parā* tman [L=116325] mfn. one who considers the body as the soul MBh. BhP.
(H3) parā--púr [p= 589,1] [L=116680] f. a great body (?) VS. Sch.
(H1) parāñc [p= 590,1] [L=116799] mfn. (fr. 2. añc ; nom. āṅ , ācī , āk , or āṅ) directed or going away or towards some place beyond (opp. to arvāñc)
[L=116800] turned away , averted , distant , turning from , being beyond or outside of (abl.) , not returning , done away with , gone , departed RV. AV. TS. Br. Up.
[L=116801] having any one behind
[L=116802] standing or going behind one another , following (abl.) ib.
[L=116803] directed outwards or towards the outer world (as the senses) Kat2hUp. BhP.
(H1B) parāñc [L=116804] n. the body BhP. iv , 11 , 10
(H3) pari-karman [p= 591,3] [L=117058] m. a servant , assistant L.
(H3B) pari-karman [L=117059] n. attendance , worship , adoration BhP.
(H3B) pari-karman [L=117060] n. dressing , painting or perfuming the body (esp. after bathing) MBh. Ka1lid.
(H3B) pari-karman [L=117061] n. cleansing , purification S3is3.
(H3B) pari-karman [L=117062] n. preparation Katha1s. (cf. °kara)
(H3B) pari-karman [L=117063] n. arithmetical computation or operation W.
(H3) pari-cará [p= 593,3] [L=117356] mf(ā́)n. moving , flowing VS. AV.
(H3B) pari-cará [L=117357] m. an attendant , servant , follower S3Br. Sus3r.
(H3B) pari-cará [L=117358] m. a patrol or body-guard L.
(H3B) pari-cará [L=117359] m. homage , service Hariv.
(H1) pari- √ tyaj [p= 595,2] [L=117678]
P. -tyajati (°te R. Ma1rkP. ; ind.p. -tyajya) , to leave , quit , abandon , give up , reject , disregard , not heed Mn. MBh. &c ;
(with deham) to forsake the body i.e. die BhP. ;
(with prā*ṇān , or jīvitam) to resign the breath , give up the ghost Mn. MBh. Das3. Vet. ;
(with nāvam) to disembark MW. : Pass. -tyajyate , to be deprived or bereft of (instr.) Mn. Pan5c. Hit. &c : Caus. -tyājayati , to deprive or rob a person of (2 acc.) R.
(H3) pari-tyaj [L=117685] mfn. id. MBh.
(H3) pari-trāṇa [p= 595,3] [L=117701] n. rescue , preservation , deliverance from (abl.) , protection or means of protection , refuge , retreat Mn. MBh. &c
[L=117702] self-defence L.
[L=117703] the hair of the body L.
[L=117704] moustaches Gal.
(H3) pari-srāva [p= 604,2] [L=119108] m. flowing , efflux , effluxion Sus3r.
[L=119109] N. of a morbid state ascribed to the overflowing of the moistures of the body ib.
(H2) párus [p= 606,1] [L=119417] n. a joint or knot (esp. of a cane or reed , orig. " fullness " i.e. the full or thick part of the stalk) , a limb or member of the body RV. AV. VS. S3Br.
[L=119418] a part or portion RV. TS. TBr.
[L=119419] Grewia Asiatica L.
(H3) pary-aṅka--granthi-bandha [p= 607,1] [L=119628] m. the bending of the legs crossways under the body in sitting Mr2icch. i , 1.
(H3) pary-aṅka--baddha [L=119631] mfn. sitting with the legs bent crossways under the body , squatting Buddh.
(H2) párvan [p= 609,2] [L=120046] n. a knot , joint (esp. of a cane or other plant [cf. parus] , but also of the body) , limb , member (lit. and fig.) RV. &c
[L=120047] a break , pause , division , section (esp. of a book) S3Br. MBh. &c
[L=120048] the step of a staircase Ragh.
[L=120049] a member of a compound Pra1t. Nir.
[L=120050] a period or fixed time RV. VS. S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
[L=120051] (esp.) the cāturmāsya festival , S3rS.
[L=120052] the days of the 4 changes of the moon (i.e. the full and change of the moon and the 8th and 14th of each half-month) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=120053] a sacrifice performed on the occasion of a change of the moon R.
[L=120054] the day of the moon's passing the node at its opposition or conjunction Var. Su1ryas. MBh. &c
[L=120055] the moment of the sun's entering a new sign W.
[L=120056] any partic. period of the year (as the equinox , solstice &c ) ib.
[L=120057] a division of time e.g. a half-month (24 in a year) MBh.
[L=120058] a day (360) BhP.
[L=120059] a festival , holiday W.
[L=120060] opportunity , occasion ib.
[L=120061] a moment , instant ib.
(H3) pávana--prabhava [p= 610,3] [L=120384] m. (disease) coming from the wind of the body Sus3r.
(H3) pávana--vyādhi [L=120390] m. disease or morbid state of the wind of the body , rheumatism W.
[L=120391] N. of uddhava (the friend and counsellor of kṛṣṇa) L.
(H3) pāṇḍú--pṛṣṭha [p= 616,1] [L=121589.1] mfn. " white-backed " , having no distinguished mark on the body , one from whom nothing great is to be expected L.
(H2) pāta 1 [p= 613,2] [L=120937] mfn. (for 2. » [p= 616,3]) watched , protected , preserved L.
(H2) pāta 2 [p= 616,3] [L=121720] m. (for 1. » under √3. pā) flying , mode of flying , flight MBh.
[L=121721] throwing one's self or falling into (loc.) or from (abl.) , fall , downfall (also ifc. after what would be a gen. or abl. &c e.g. , gṛha- , fall of a house ; parvata- , fall from a mountain ; bhū- , fall on the earth) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=121722] alighting , descending or causing to descend , casting or throwing upon , cast , fall (of a thunderbolt) , throw , shot MBh. R. Pan5cat.
[L=121723] a stroke (of a sword &c ) Katha1s.
[L=121724] application (of ointment , of a knife &c ) Ka1vya7d.
[L=121725] casting or directing (a look or glance of the eyes) Ragh.
[L=121726] decay of the body (deha-pāta) , death Katha1s. Ba1dar.
[L=121727] (with garbhasya) fall of the fetus , miscarriage Sus3r.
[L=121728] an attack , incursion Var.
[L=121729] a case , possibility , S3a1n3khBr.
[L=121730] happening , occurrence , appearance Prab. Katha1s. Das3ar.
[L=121731] a fault , error , mistake Su1ryas.
[L=121732] the node in a planet's orbit ib. (cf. IW. 179)
[L=121733] a malignant aspect ib.
[L=121734] N. of rāhu L.
[L=121735] pl. N. of a school of the yajur-veda ib.
(H2) pāda [p= 617,2] [p= 617,1] [L=121865] m. (ifc. f(ā). , rarely f(ī).) the foot (of men and animals) RV. &c &c (the pl. sometimes added to proper names or titles in token of respect e.g. deva-pādāḥ , " the king's majesty " Pan5c. ; nārāyaṇap° , " the venerable nārāyaṇa " Sa1h. ; pādaiḥ ind. on foot [said of several persons]. R. ; °dayoḥ and °de- √pat , to fall at a person's [gen.] feet Ka1v. Hit)
[L=121866] the foot or leg of an inanimate object , column , pillar AV. S3Br. MBh. &c
[L=121867] a wheel S3is3. xii , 21
[L=121868] a foot as a measure (= 12 aṅgulas) S3Br. S3rS. Ma1rkP.
[L=121869] the foot or root of a tree Var.
[L=121870] the foot or a hill at the foot of a mountain MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=121871] the bottom (dṛteh pādāt , " from the bottom of a bag " v.l. pātrāt) MBh. v , 1047
[L=121872] a ray or beam of light (considered as the foot of a heavenly body) ib.
[L=121873] a quarter , a fourth Part (the fourth of a quadruped being one out of 4) S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c (pl. the 4 parts i.e. all things required for [gen.] Sus3r. )
[L=121874] the quadrant (of a circle) A1ryabh. Sch.
[L=121875] a verse or line (as the fourth part of a regular stanza) Br. S3rS. Pra1t. &c
[L=121876] the caesura of a verse AgP. , the chapter of a book (orig. only of a book or section of a book consisting of 4 parts , as the adhyāyas of pāṇini's grammar).
(H2) pāda [p= 1330,2] [L=335990] (in comp.)
(H3) pārśvā* nucara [p= 622,2] [L=123051] m. " attending at the side " , an attendant , body. servant Ragh.
(H1) piṅga [p= 624,2] [L=123468] piṅgara,piṅgala » under √piñj , col.3.
(H2) piṅga [p= 624,3] [L=123560] mf(ā)n. yellow , reddish-brown , tawny MBh. Ka1v. &c (cf. g. kaḍārā*di)
(H2B) piṅga [L=123561] m. yellow (the colour) L.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123562] m. a buffalo L. : a mouse L.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123563] m. N. of one of the sun's attendants L.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123564] m. of a man A1s3vS3r. (cf. paiṅgi , °gin)
(H2B) piṅga [L=123565] m. (piṅgá , in one place pínga) , N. of a kind of divine being (?) AV. viii , 6 , 6 ; 18 &c
(H2B) piṅga [L=123567] m. a kind of yellow pigment (cf. go-rocanā)
(H2B) piṅga [L=123568] m. the stalk of Ferula Asa Foetida L.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123569] m. turmeric , Indian saffron L.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123570] m. bamboo manna W.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123571] m. N. of a woman MBh.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123572] m. of durgā W.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123573] m. a tubular vessel of the human body which according to the yoga system is the channel of respiration and circulation for one side ib.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123575] n. orpiment L.
(H2B) piṅga [L=123576] n. a young animal MW.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [p= 625,1] [L=123627] f. a species of bird L.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123628] f. a kind of owl Var.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123629] f. Dalbergia Sissoo L.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123630] f. = karṇikā L.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123631] f. a kind of brass L.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123632] f. a partic. vessel of the body (the right of 3 tubular vessels which according to the yoga philosophy are the chief passages of breath and air ; cf. ChUp. viii , 6 , 1)
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123633] f. a kind of yellow pigment (= go-rocanā) L.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123634] f. N. of lakṣmī Gal.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123635] f. of a courtezan who became remarkable for her piety MBh.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123636] f. of the female elephant of the South quarter L.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123637] f. of an astrological house or period W.
(H2B) piṅgalā́ [L=123638] f. heart-pea W.
(H2) píṇḍa [p= 625,2] [L=123763] m. (rarely n.) any round or roundish mass or heap , a ball , globe , knob , button , clod , lump , piece (cf. ayaḥ-. , māṃsa- &c ) RV. (only i , 162 , 19 and here applied to lumps of flesh) TS. S3Br. &c
[L=123764] a roundish lump of food , a bite , morsel , mouthful
[L=123765] (esp.) a ball of rice or flour &c offered to the pitṛs or deceased ancestors , a śrāddha oblation ( RTL. 293 ; 298-310) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=123766] food , daily bread , livelihood , subsistence MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=123767] any solid mass or material object , the body , bodily frame Ragh. S3am2k. Vajracch.
[L=123768] the calf of the leg Ma1lati1m. v , 16
[L=123769] the flower of a China rose L.
[L=123770] a portico or partic. part of a house L.
[L=123771] power , force , an army L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123772] m. (du.) the fleshy parts of the shoulder situated above the collar-bone MBh.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123773] m. (du.) the two projections of an elephant's frontal sinus L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123774] m. the embryo in an early stage of gestation L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123775] m. a partic. kind of incense Var. (" myrrh " or " olibanum " L. )
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123776] m. meat , flesh L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123777] m. alms Ma1lati1m. (cf. -pāta below)
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123778] m. Vangueriya Spinosa L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123779] m. quantity , collection L.
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123780] m. (in arithm.) sum , total amount
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123781] m. (in astron.) a sine expressed in numbers
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123782] m. (in music) a sound , tone
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123783] m. N. of a man g. naḍā*di
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123784] n. ( L. ) iron
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123785] n. steel
(H2B) píṇḍa [L=123786] n. fresh butter
(H3) píṇḍa--tā [L=123795] f. condition of a body Mcar.
(H2) piṇḍin [p= 626,1] [L=123930] mfn. possessing or receiving the śrāddha oblations L.
(H2B) piṇḍin [L=123931] m. an offerer of balls of rice &c to the pitṛs L.
(H2B) piṇḍin [L=123932] m. a beggar L.
(H2B) piṇḍin [L=123933] m. a male creature (lit. " having a body ") JaimBr.
(H2B) piṇḍin [L=123934] m. Vangueria Spinosa Bhpr.
(H3) piṇḍī-- √ bhū [L=123958] to be made into a lump or ball , to become a solid body L.
(H3) pitṛ́--hū [p= 627,1] [L=124146] mfn. invoking the pitṛs
[L=124147] f. (sc. dvār) N. of the southern aperture of the human body i.e. the right ear BhP. (cf. deva-hū).
(H1) puttala [p= 632,3] [L=125483] m. (prob. fr. putra) a puppet , doll , small statue , effigy , image (-dahana n. -vidhāna n. and -vidhi m. burning an effigy in place of the body of one who has died abroad) Cat.
(H3) putrá--piṇḍa-pālana [L=125536] m. (with upavāsa) " cherishing the body of a son " , N. of a ceremony S3ak. ii , 16÷17 ( MW. p.51 n. 1 ; v.l. -pāraṇa).
(H1) pudgala [p= 633,2] [L=125648] mf(ā)n. beautiful , lovely , handsome Ma1rkP.
(H1B) pudgala [L=125649] m. the body Hit. i , 41 v.l.
(H1B) pudgala [L=125650] m. (with jainas) material object (including atoms) S3am2k. MWB. 535
(H1B) pudgala [L=125651] m. the soul , personal entity Lalit.
(H1B) pudgala [L=125652] m. man Var.
(H1B) pudgala [L=125653] m. the Ego or individual (in a disparaging sense) SaddhP.
(H1B) pudgala [L=125654] m. N. of śiva MBh. (= deha Ni1lak. )
(H1B) pudgala [L=125655] m. a horse of the colour of rock-crystal Gal.
(H3) púnar--bhavin [p= 633,3] [L=125770] (?) m. the sentient soul (existing again after the dissolution of one body in another form) W.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.56
(H1) púr 1 [p= 634,2] [L=125866] f. ( √ pṝ) only instr. pl. pūrbhís , in abundance , abundantly RV. v , 66 , 4.
(H1) pur 2 [L=125867] cl.6 P. purati , to precede , go before , lead Dha1tup. xxviii , 56 (prob. invented to furnish an etymology for puras and purā below) .
(H1) púr 3 [p= 635,2] [L=126130] f. (in nom. sg. and before consonants pūr) a rampart , wall , stronghold , fortress , castle , city , town (also of demons) RV. &c
[L=126131] the body (considered as the stronghold of the puruṣa q.v.) BhP.
[L=126132] the intellect (= mahat) VP.
[L=126133] N. of a daśa-rātra Ka1tyS3r. [Perhaps fr. √ pṝ and orig. identical with 1. pur ; cf. Gk. , πόλις]
(H2) pura 1 [p= 634,2] [L=125868] (for 2. » p.635) , in comp. for puras.
(H2) pura [p= 635,3] [p= 635,2] [L=126134] n. (for 1. » [p= 634,2]) (ifc. f(ā).) a fortress , castle , city , town (a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch and extending not less than one Kos in length ; if it extends for half that distance it is called a kheṭa , if less than that , a karvaṭa or small market town ; any smaller cluster of houses is called a grāma or village W. ) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=126134.04] the female apartments , gynaeceum MBh. (cf. antaḥ-p° , nārī-p° &c )
[L=126134.08] a house , abode , residence , receptacle BhP. Tattvas.
[L=126134.12] an upper story L.
[L=126134.16] a brothel L.
[L=126134.20] " the city " Gk. κατ᾽ ἐξοχήν i.e. pāṭali-putra or Patna L.
[L=126134.24] = tri-pura , the 3 strong holds of the asuras Katha1s.
[L=126134.28] the body (cf. 3. pur) BhP.
[L=126134.32] the skin L.
[L=126134.36] a species of Cyperus L.
[L=126134.40] N. of a constellation Var.
[L=126134.44] a leaf rolled into the shape of a funnel L. (prob. w.r. for puṭa)
[L=126134.48] N. of the subdivisions of the vedānta wk. tripurī or tripuṭī (perhaps also w.r. for puṭa) Cat.
(H2B) pura [L=126134.52] mf(ā)n. a kind of resin , bdellium , Sus3r. L.
(H2B) pura [L=126134.56] m. N. of an asura= tri-pura (cf. pura-jit) , of another man , g. kurv-ādi
(H2B) purī [L=126134.68] f. a fortress , castle , town TA1r. MBh. &c
(H2B) purī [L=126134.72] f. N. of a town (the capital of kaliṅga , noted for the worship of jagan-nātha or kṛṣṇa IW. 244 n. 1)
(H2B) purī [L=126134.76] f. the sanctuary or adytum of a temple Inscr.
(H2B) purī [L=126134.80] n. the body BhP.
(H2B) purī [L=126134.84] n. N. of one of the 10 orders of mendicants (said to be founded by disciples of śaṃkara , the members of which add the word purī to their names) W.
(H2) purī [p= 636,1] [L=126218] f. » under 2. pura.
(H3) puri--śayá [L=126213] mfn. (invented to explain puruṣa) reposing in the fortress or fastness (i.e. the body) S3Br. GopBr.
(H3) pury-aṣṭa [L=126226] n. the eight constituent parts of the body Kull. on Mn. i , 56.
(H3) pury-aṣ° ṭaka [L=126227] n. the eight constituent parts of the body Kull. on Mn. i , 56.
(H1) puraṃdhi [L=126246] mfn. (etym. much contested ; prob. fr. acc. of 1. or 3. pur and √ dhā , " bearing fulness " or " bearing a body ") prolific , not barren (lit. and fig.) , bountiful , munificent , liberal RV. VS. TS.
(H1B) puraṃdhi [L=126247] f. a woman , wife RV. i , 116 , 7 ; 1 3 ; 117 , 19 &c
(H1B) puraṃdhi [L=126248] f. liberality , munificence , kindness (shown by gods to man e.g. RV. i , 5 , 3 ; 158 2 &c ; or by man to gods in offering oblations e.g. i , 123 , 6 ; 134 , 3 &c ; also personified as goddess of abundance and liberality e.g. vii , 36 , 8 &c )
(H2) pulaka [p= 638,1] [L=126653] m. a species of edible plant MBh.
[L=126654] a species of tree L.
[L=126655] (pl.) erection or bristling of the hairs of the body (considered to be occasioned by delight or rapture rather than by fear) Ka1v. Pur. (also n. but mostly occurring ibc. and ifc. with f(ā).)
[L=126656] a bunch (» tṛṇa-p°)
[L=126657] a kind of stone or gem Var.
[L=126658] flaw or defect in a gem L.
[L=126659] a kind of insect or vermin L.
[L=126660] a cake of meal with which elephants are fed L.
[L=126661] orpiment L.
[L=126662] a gandharva L.
[L=126663] = asurājī (?) L.
[L=126664] N. of a prince VP.
[L=126665] of a nāga L.
(H2B) pulaka [L=126666] n. a species of earth L.
(H2B) pulaka [L=126667] n. horripilation (cf. above )
(H3) pula° kā* ṅkita-savā* ṅga [L=126669] mf(ī)n. having the whole body covered with bristling hair Pan5c.
(H3) pula° ko* ddhūṣita-śarīra [L=126676] mfn. (B. dhṛṣita-ś°) having she body covered with erected hairs Pan5c.
(H3) pula° kaya [L=126678] Nom. P. °yati , to have or feel the hair of the body erect (with rapture or delight) Gi1t.
(H3) pula° kita [L=126679] mfn. having the hair of the body erect , thrilled with joy Ka1v. Pan5c. Hit.
(H2) puṣṭy-artha [p= 639,2] [L=126968] n. N. of a śrāddha (" for health and well-being of body ") RTL. 305.
(H3) pūtá--mūrti [p= 641,1] [L=127336] mfn. having one's form or body cleansed , pure , purified Ra1jat.
(H1) pūga [L=127353] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; cf. puñja) any assemblage or combination or body of persons , a multitude , number , mass , quantity (in one place n.) S3a1n3khBr. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=127354] country court or an assembly of townsmen IW. 296 n. 1
[L=127355] disposition , property , nature W.
[L=127356] the Areca Catechu , called betel-nut tree (n. its nut) Var. Ka1v. Sus3r.
[L=127357] = kaṇṭaki-vṛkṣa L.
[L=127358] = chanda , or chandas L. = bhāva L.
(H2) pūraṇa [p= 642,1] [L=127570] mf(ī)n. filling , completing , satisfying causing , effecting Ka1tyS3r. S3am2k. Hariv.
[L=127571] drawing (a bow) MW.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127572] m. " completer " , N. of the masculine ordinal numbers from dvitīya upwards Pa1n2. 2-2 , 11 &c
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127573] m. a dam , bridge L.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127574] m. the sea L.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127575] m. a medicinal oil or embrocation L.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127576] m. N. of a man A1s3vS3r.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127577] m. (with the patr. vaiśvāmitra) , N. of the author of RV. x , 160
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127579] m. Bonibax Heptaphyllum L.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127580] m. (du.) the cross threads in weaving cloth , warp Ra1jat.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127581] m. N. of durgā MW.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127582] m. of one of the two wives of the popular deity Ayenar RTL. 219
(H2B) pū́raṇa [L=127582.1] n. the act or filling or filling up , puffing or swelling up AV. &c
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127583] m. fulfilling , satisfying Ma1lav.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127584] m. furnishing , equipping Var.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127585] m. (with dhanuṣaḥ) drawing or bending a bow to the full MBh. R.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127586] m. (in medic.) injection of fluids or supplying with food
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127587] m. (in astron.) the revolution of a heavenly body through its orbit Su1ryas.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127588] m. (in arithm.) multiplication
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127589] m. rain L.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127590] m. a sort of cake Bhpr.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127591] m. Cyperus Rotundus L.
(H2B) pūraṇa [L=127592] m. the cross threads in weaving cloth , warp L.
(H3) pū́rva--kāya [p= 643,1] [L=127844] m. the fore (part of the) body (of animals) or the upper (part of the) body (of men) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
(H3) pū́rva--deha [p= 643,2] [L=127948] m. a former body
(H3) pūrvā* ṅga [p= 644,2] [L=128152] n. the former body Katha1s.
[L=128153] a constituent part of the preceding VPra1t. Sch.
(H3B) pūrvā* ṅga [L=128154] m. the first day in the civil month Su1ryapr.
(H4) pūrvā* rdhá---kāya [p= 644,3] [L=128216] m. the front or upper part of the body MBh.
(H1B) péśī [p= 648,3] [L=128995] f. » below.
(H2) peśī 1 [L=129022] f. (g. gaurā*di) a piece of flesh or meat (also māṃsa-p° or peśī māṃsa-mayī) Shad2vBr. Gobh. MBh. (cf. piśita)
[L=129023] the fetus shortly after conception (-tva n.) Nir. MBh. Sus3r.
[L=129024] a muscle (of which there are said to be 500 in the human body) Ya1jn5. Sus3r.
[L=129025] the peel or rind (of fruit) Sus3r. (cf. peśikā)
[L=129026] a kind of drum MBh.
[L=129027] a sheath , scabbard L.
[L=129028] a shoe L.
[L=129029] the egg of a bird L.
[L=129030] spikenard L.
[L=129031] a blown bud L.
[L=129032] N. of a piśācī and a rākṣasī L.
[L=129033] of a river L.
(H2) peśī 2 [L=129035] ind. for °śa.
(H3) paurva--dehika [p= 651,3] [L=129634] mfn. belonging to or derived from a former body or a , former existence , done in a former life Ya1jn5. MBh. Hariv.
(H3) paurva--daihika [L=129635] mfn. belonging to or derived from a former body or a , former existence , done in a former life Ya1jn5. MBh. Hariv.
(H3) pra-° kāśa [p= 653,1] [L=129833] mfn. visible , shining , bright S3a1n3khBr. MBh. &c
[L=129834] clear , manifest , open , public Mn. MBh. &c (nāmadheyam prakāśaṃ kṛtvā , " pronouncing a name out loud " S3a1n3khGr2. )
[L=129835] expanded W.
[L=129836] universally noted , famous , celebrated for (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1lid.
[L=129837] renowned throughout (comp.) Ragh.
[L=129838] (ifc.) having the appearance of , looking like , resembling MBh. R. &c
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129839] ibc. openly , publicly , before the eyes of all Mn. MBh. &c (°śaṃ nā*bhyudaikṣata , " he did not look up openly " R. )
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129841] m. clearness , brightness , splendour , lustre , light RV. &c
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129842] m. (fig.) light , elucidation , explanation (esp. at the end of titles of explanatory works e.g. kāvya- , tarka- &c )
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129843] m. appearance , display. manifestation , expansion , diffusion MBh. Ka1v. Sa1h.
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129844] m. publicity , fame , renown , glory Hariv.
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129845] m. sunshine open spot or air MBh. S3ak. Ma1rkP. (°śe ind. openly , publicly , before the world ifc. in the presence of MBh. Prab. )
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129846] m. the gloss on the upper part of a (horse's) body VS. ( Mahi1dh. )
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129847] m. w.r. for prāk° TBr.
(H3) pra-° kāśa [L=129848] mfn. a chapter , section Cat.
[L=129849] N. of sev. works. ib.
[L=129850] laughter L.
[L=129851] N. of a Brahman (son of tamas) MBh.
[L=129852] of manu raivata Hariv.
[L=129853] mfn. (pl.) the messengers of viṣṇu L.
(H3B) pra-° kāśa [L=129854] n. bell-metal , brass L.
(H1) pra-kula [p= 653,2] [L=129950] n. a handsome or excellent body L. (v.l. pra-hvala).
(H3) pra-° kṛti [p= 653,3] [L=130012] f. » next p.
(H2) pra-kṛti [p= 654,1] [L=130024] f. " making or placing before or at first " , the original or natural form or condition of anything , original or primary substance (opp. to vi-kṛti q.v.) Pra1t. Nir. Jaim. MBh.
[L=130025] cause original source Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c
[L=130026] origin , extraction Mr2icch.
[L=130027] nature , character , constitution , temper , disposition MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r. &c (ibc. and °tyā ind. by nature , naturally , unalterably , properly Pra1t. S3rS. Mn. &c )
[L=130028] fundamental form , pattern , standard , model , rule (esp. in ritual) S3rS.
[L=130029] (in the sāṃkhya phil.) the original producer of (or rather passive power of creating) the material world (consisting of 3 constituent essences or guṇas called sattva , rajas and tamas) , Nature (distinguished from puruṣa , Spirit as māyā is distinguished from brahman in the vedāntas)
[L=130030] pl. the 8 producers or primary essences which evolve the whole visible world (viz. a-vyakta , buddhi or mahat , ahaṃ-kāra , and the 5 tan-mātras or subtle elements ; rarely the 5 elements alone) IW. 80 &c
[L=130031] (in mythol.) a goddess , the personified will of the Supreme in the creation (hence the same with the śakti or personified energy or wife of a deity , as lakṣmī , durgā &c ; also considered as identical with the Supreme Being) W. IW. 140 RTL. 223
[L=130032] (pl.) N. of a class of deities under manu raibhya Hariv.
[L=130033] (in polit.) pl. a king's ministers , the body of ministers or counsellors , ministry Mn. MBh. &c
[L=130034] the subjects of a king , citizens , artisans &c ib.
[L=130035] the constituent elements or powers of the state (of which are usually enumerated , viz. king minister , allies , treasure , army , territory , fortresses Mn. ix , 294 ; 295)
[L=130036] the various sovereigns to be considered in case of war (viz. the madhyama , vijigīṣu , udāsīna and śatru ; to which should be added 8 remoter princes , viz. the mitra , arimitra , mitra-mitra , arimitra-mitra , pārṣṇi-graha , ākranda , pārṣṇigrāhā*sāra , ākrandā*sāsa ; each of these 12 kings has 5 prakṛtis in the form of minister , territory , fortresses , treasure and army , so that the total number of prakṛtis may be 72) Mn. vii , 155 ; 157 Kull.
[L=130037] (in gram.) the crude or elementary form of a word , base , root , an uninflected word Sa1h. Pa1n2. Sch. Vop.
[L=130038] N. of 2 classes of metres Col.
[L=130039] (in arithm.) a co-efficient multiplier ib.
[L=130040] (in anat.) temperament , the predominance of one of the humours at the time of generation W.
[L=130041] (with tritīyā) the third nature , a eunuch MBh.
[L=130042] matter , affair Lalit.
[L=130043] the male or female organ of generation L.
[L=130044] a woman or womankind L.
[L=130045] a mother L.
[L=130046] an animal L.
[L=130047] N. of a woman Buddh.
[L=130048] N. of wk.
(H3) pra-° januka [p= 658,2] [L=130853] (?) m. the body L.
(H4) pra-° ṇata---kāya [p= 659,3] [L=131087] mfn. having the body bent down SaddhP.
(H3) prati--kāya [p= 661,3] [L=131417] m. " counter-body " , an adversary Kir.
[L=131418] a target , butt , mark ib.
[L=131419] an effigy , likeness , picture L.
[L=131420] a bow Gal.
(H3) prati--deham [p= 662,1] [L=131523] ind. in each body S3am2k.
[p= 662,2] [L=131633] (ibc.) at each initial word A1s3vS3r.
[L=131633.1] on or at every part of the body Naish.
(H3) prati--pratī° kam [L=131634] ind. at each initial word A1s3vS3r.
[L=131634.1] on or at every part of the body Naish.
(H3) prati--śarīram [p= 663,2] [L=131874] ind. concerning one's own body or person Pat.
(H3) praty--aṅga [p= 663,3] [L=131964] n. a minor or secondary member of the body (as the forehead , nose , chin , fingers , ears &c ; the 6 aṅgas or chief members being the trunk , head , arms and legs) MBh. R. Sus3r. &c
[L=131965] a division , section , part Sus3r. Nir.
[L=131966] a subdivision (of a science &c ) W.
[L=131967] a weapon BhP.
(H3B) praty--aṅga [L=131968] m. a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.
(H3B) praty--aṅga [L=131969] m. N. of a prince MBh.
(H3B) praty--aṅga [L=131970] (ibc. or am ind.) on every part or member of the body , on the limbs severally Pan5cat. Hit. Gi1t. Katha1s.
(H3B) praty--aṅga [L=131971] (ibc. or am ind.) for one's own person Pat. (cf. -vartin)
(H3B) praty--aṅga [L=131972] (ibc. or am ind.) for every part or subdivision (of a sacrifice &c ) Mn.
(H3B) praty--aṅga [L=131973] (ibc. or am ind.) (in gram.) in each base Pa1n2. 1-1 , 29 Pat.
(H3) praty--avayava [p= 664,1] [L=132046] (ibc.) on or at every part of the body Naish. Comm.
[L=132046.02] (ibc.)in every part or particular , in detail Ba1dar. Sch.
(H3) praty--avaya° vam [L=132047] (ind.) , on or at every part of the body Naish. Comm.
[L=132047.1] () in every part or particular , in detail Ba1dar. Sch.
(H3) prati-° ghna [p= 665,2] [L=132273] n. the body L.
(H4) pradakṣiṇā* var° tai* ka-romatā [p= 679,2] [L=134614] f. having single hairs on the body and all turning to the reverential Dharmas. 83.
(H2) pra-deśa [p= 680,1] [L=134704] m. (ifc. f(ā).) pointing out , showing , indication , direction , decision , determination Nir. S3rS.
[L=134705] appeal to a precedent Sus3r.
[L=134706] an example (in grammar , law &c ) RPra1t. MBh. Ya1jn5. Sch.
[L=134707] a spot , region , place , country , district (often in comp. with a part of the body e.g. kaṇṭha- , hṛdaya-) MBh. Ka1v. &c (n. Pan5cad. )
[L=134708] a short while (» comp. below)
[L=134709] a wall L.
[L=134710] a short span (measured from the tip of the thumb to that of the forefinger) L.
[L=134711] (with jainas) one of the obstacles to liberation Sarvad. (" atomic individuality " W. )
(H1) pra-deśa [p= 680,2] [L=134801] &c » pra- √diś.
(H3) pra-° doṣa [p= 680,1] [L=134769] mfn. (for 2. » col.2) corrupt , bad , wicked S3is3.
(H3B) pra-° doṣa [L=134770] m. defect , fault , disordered condition (of the body or of a country) , mutiny , rebellion Pan5cat.
(H1) pra-doṣa 2 [p= 680,2] [L=134802] m. (for 1. » under pra-duṣ) the first part of the night , evening (also personified as a son of doṣā and associated with niśitha and vyuṣṭa) MBh. Ka1v. Pur. &c
(H3) pradhāna--dhātu [p= 681,1] [L=134917] m. " chief element of the body " , semen virile L.
(H3) pradhānā* ṅga [L=134932] n. a chief member , the chief member of the body
[L=134933] most eminent person in a state
[L=134934] principal branch of a science &c W.
(H3) pramlāna--śarīra [p= 687,2] [L=136141] mfn. withered in body , having an exhausted frame Var.
(H2) pralamba [p= 689,2] [L=136538] mf(ā)n. hanging down , depending , pendent , pendulous (generally ibc.) Ka1tyS3r. Sch. MBh. Hariv. R.
[L=136539] bending the upper part of the body forward MBh.
[L=136540] prominent MW.
[p= 689,3] [L=136541] slow , dilatory W.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136542] m. hanging on or from , depending L.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136543] m. a branch L.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136544] m. a shoot of the vine-palm L.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136545] m. a cucumber Bhpr.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136546] m. a garland of flowers worn round the neck W.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136547] m. a kind of necklace of pearls L.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136548] m. the female breast L.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136549] m. tin (?) W.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136550] m. N. of a daitya slain by balarāma or kṛṣṇa MBh. Hariv. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) pralamba [L=136551] m. of a mountain R.
(H2B) pralamba [L=136552] m. (f(ā). N. of a rākṣasī Buddh. )
(H1) pra-śākha [p= 695,2] [L=137542] mfn. having great branches (as a tree) , Pa1n2. 6-2 , 177 Sch.
[L=137543] (also °śaka) N. of the 5th stage in the formation of an embryo (in which the hands and feet are formed) Buddh.
(H1B) pra-śākha [L=137545] f. (prob.) extremity of the body Sus3r.
(H1) pra-sara [p= 697,2] [L=137922] pra-saraṇa » pra- √sṛ.
(H2) pra-sara [p= 698,2] [L=138097] m. (ifc. f(ā).) going forwards , advance , progress , free course , coming forth , rising , appearing , spreading , extension , diffusion Ka1lid. Ka1d. S3am2k. &c
[L=138098] range (of the eye) Amar.
[L=138099] prevalence , influence S3ak.
[L=138100] boldness , courage Mr2icch.
[L=138101] a stream , torrent , flood Gi1t. BhP.
[L=138102] (in med.) morbid displacement of the humours of the body Sus3r.
[L=138103] multitude , great quantity S3is3.
[L=138104] a fight , war L.
[L=138105] an iron arrow L.
[L=138106] speed L.
[L=138107] affectionate solicitation L.
(H2B) pra-sara [L=138109] n. (in music) a kind of dance Sam2gi1t.
(H2) prá-sṛta [L=138148] mfn. come forth , issued from (abl. or comp.) S3vetUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=138149] displaced (as the humours of the body) Sus3r.
[L=138150] resounding (as tones) Katha1s. (n. impers. with instr. " a sound rose from " ib.)
[L=138151] held or stretched out TBr. Bhartr2. Katha1s.
[L=138152] wide-spreading Mun2d2Up. Bhag.
[L=138153] extending over or to (loc.) Katha1s.
[p= 698,3] [L=138154] intent upon , devoted to (comp.) R. Vajracch.
[L=138155] prevailing , ordinary S3Br. Ka1t2h.
[L=138156] intense , mighty , strong Uttarar. Das3. Katha1s.
[L=138157] set out , departed , fled Das3. Katha1s.
[L=138158] w.r. for pra-śrita , humble , modest , quiet MBh. R. &c
(H2B) prá-sṛta [L=138159] m. the palm of the hand stretched out and hollowed as if to hold liquids Gr2S3rS.
(H2B) prá-sṛta [L=138160] m. (also n. L. ) a handful (as a measure = 2 palas) S3Br. (also -mātra n.) S3rS. Sus3r.
(H2B) prá-sṛta [L=138161] m. pl. N. of a class of deities under the 6th manu VP.
(H2B) prá-sṛta [L=138163] n. what has sprung up or sprouted , grass , plants , vegetables MBh. Pan5car.
(H2B) prá-sṛta [L=138164] n. agriculture (prob. w.r. for pra-mṛta) L.
(H2) pra-srava [p= 700,1] [L=138443] m. (often v.l. °snava) flowing forth MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=138444] a stream , flow , gush (lit.and fig.) ib.
[L=138445] a flow of milk (loc. " when the milk flows from the udder ") Mn. (esp. v , 130) MBh. &c
[L=138446] (pl.) gushing tears MBh.
[L=138447] (pl.) urine ib. (v.l.)
[L=138448] (pl.) morbid matter in the body Car.
[L=138449] the overflow of boiling rice L.
(H2B) pra-srava [L=138450] n. a waterfall R. (B.)
(H3) pra-° harṣaṇa [p= 701,2] [L=138679] mf(ī)n. causing erection of the hair of the body , enrapturing , delighting MBh. Hariv.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138680] m. the planet Mercury or its ruler L. (cf. °ṣula)
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138682] m. a kind of metre Chandom.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138683] n. erection (of the hair of the body) Car.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138684] n. rapture , joy , delight MBh.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138685] n. gladdening , delighting. ib.
(H3B) pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138686] n. the attainment of a desired object Kuval.
(H2) pra-hṛṣṭa [L=138695] mfn. erect , bristling (as the hair of the body) MBh. R. BhP.
[L=138696] thrilled with delight. exceedingly pleased , delighted ib. Var. Katha1s. Pan5cat. &c
(H1) pra-hvalikā [p= 701,3] [L=138757] n. a for beautiful body L. (cf. prakula).
(H3) prāg--daihika [p= 704,2] [L=139328] mfn. belonging to life in a former body Car.
(H3) prā* ṇá--śarīra [p= 705,3] [L=139651] mfn. whose (only) body is vital air ChUp.
(H3) prā* ṇá--sadman [L=139659] n. " abode of vital airs " , the body L.
(H3) priyá--tanu [p= 710,1] [L=140504] (priyá-) mfn. loving the body , loving life AV. v , 18 , 6.
(H3) pré* ta--kāya [p= 711,3] [L=140893] m. a dead body , corpse Katha1s.
(H3) pré* ta--śarīra [p= 712,1] [L=140942] n. the body with which a departed spirit is invested RTL. 28.
(H3) pró* kṣaṇa [p= 713,1] [L=141156] n. id. , consecration by sprinkling (of a sacrificial animal or of a dead body before burial) TS. &c
[L=141157] a vessel for holy water Hariv. (v.l. °ṇī)
[L=141158] immolation of victims L. (-vidhi m. N. of wk.)
(H1) pro* ddhṛṣita [p= 714,1] [L=141264] (pra-uddhṛṣ°) mfn. bristling (as the hair of the body) , thrilling , shuddering Pan5cat. 13 (w.r. °dhūṣita).
(H2) phalaka [p= 717,2] [L=141964] (ifc. (ikā)f.) = phala , fruit , result , gain (-tva n.) Kull. on Mn. ii , 146
[L=141964.04] menstruation (cf. nava-phalikā)
(H2B) phálaka [L=141964.08] (phálaka) n. (m. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) a board , lath , plank , leaf. bench Br. Gr2S3rS. , &c
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.12] n. a slab or tablet (for writing or painting on ; also = page , leaf) Ka1v. Ya1jn5. Sch. Lalit.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.16] n. a picture (= citra-ph°). Mr2icch. iv , 3÷4
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.20] n. a gaming-board (cf. śāri-ph°)
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.24] n. a wooden bench MBh.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.28] n. a slab at the base (of a pedestal ; cf. sphaṭika-ph°)
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.32] n. any flat surface (often in comp. with parts of the body , applied to broad flat bones cf. aṃsa- , phaṇā- , lalāṭa-ph° &c )
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.36] n. the palm of the hand S3Br.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.40] n. the buttocks L.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.44] n. the top or head of an arrow Kull. on Mn. vii , 90
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.48] n. a shield MBh.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.52] n. bark (as a material for clothes) MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.56] n. the pericarp of a lotus S3is3.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.60] n. = -yantra Gol.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.64] n. a layer W.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.68] n. the stand on which a monk keeps his turban Buddh.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.72] m. Mesua Roxburghii L.
(H2B) phalaka [L=141964.76] f. (ā or ikā) » below.
(H1) phalka [p= 718,1] [L=142080] mfn. one who has an expanded or extended body (= visāritā*ṅga) L.
[L=142081] = viśodhitā*ṅka (?) L.
(H2) bandhá [p= 720,3] [L=142631] m. binding , tying , a bond , tie , chain , fetter RV. &c
[L=142632] a ligature , bandage Sus3r.
[L=142633] damming up (a river) Ma1rkP.
[L=142634] capture , arrest , imprisonment , custody Mn. MBh. &c
[L=142635] connection or intercourse with (comp.) Pan5cat. BhP. (ifc. = connected with , conducive to MBh. )
[L=142636] putting together , uniting , contracting , combining , forming , producing MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=142637] joining (the hollowed hands) Ragh.
[L=142638] anything deposited (°dhe- √sthā = to remain deposited) Campak.
[L=142639] a deposit , pledge Ra1jat.
[L=142640] any configuration or position of the body (esp. of the hands and feet) Ragh. Kum.
[L=142641] a partic. mode of sexual union (there are said to be 16 , 18 , 36 , or even 84 L. ) , Caur. ??
[L=142642] constructing , building (of a bridge &c ) MBh. Ra1jat.
[L=142643] bridging over (the sea) Vcar.
[L=142644] knitting (the brows) Ra1jat.
[L=142645] fixing , directing (mind , eyes , &c ) Cat.
[L=142646] assumption , obtainment (of a body) Ragh.
[L=142647] (ifc.) conceiving , cherishing , feeling , betraying Hariv. Ka1lid.
[L=142648] a border , framework , inclosure , receptacle L.
[L=142649] a sinew , tendon L.
[L=142650] the body L.
[L=142651] (in phil.) mundane bondage , attachment to this world S3vetUp. Bhag. &c (opp. to mukti , mokṣa , " final emancipation " , and regarded in the sāṃkhya as threefold , viz. prakṛti- , vaikārika- , and dakṣiṇā-b°)
[L=142652] combination of sounds (in rhet.) , construction or arrangement of words Ka1vya7d. Prata1p.
[L=142653] arrangement of a stanza in a partic. shape Kpr.
[L=142654] arrangement of musical sounds , composition S3atr.
[L=142655] a disease which prevents the eyelids from quite closing Sus3r.
[L=142656] (ifc. with numerals) a part (cf. pañca- , daśa-b°).
(H3) bándhu--varga [p= 721,2] [L=142778] m. the whole body of relations , kindred MW.
(H2) bala [p= 722,3] [L=143062] n. (or m. g. ardharcā*di) power , strength , might , vigour , force , validity RV. &c (balāt , " forcibly , against one's will , without being able to help it " ; also = bala ibc. , or balena , bala-tas , with gen. or ifc. , " by force , by the power or on the strength or in virtue or by means of , by ")
[L=143063] force or power of articulation TUp.
[L=143064] force considered as a sixth organ of action (cf. karme*ndriya) MBh.
[L=143065] (the Buddhists reckon 10 forces , the ascetic śaivas four , which according to Sch. on R. [B.] are sāman , dāna , bheda , and nigraha)
[L=143066] Force personified as one of the viśve-devāḥ MBh.
[L=143067] power of , expertness in (loc.) Nal.
[L=143068] stoutness , bulkiness L.
[L=143069] (also pl. ; ifc. f(ā).) military force , troops , an army Mn. MBh. &c
[L=143070] ( L. also shape ; body ; semen virile ; gum ; blood ; a young shoot ; bone)
(H2B) bala [L=143071] m. a crow MBh.
(H2B) bala [L=143072] m. Crataeva Roxburghii L.
(H2B) bala [L=143073] m. half-ripe barley L.
(H2B) bala [L=143074] m. N. of a demon conquered by indra (the brother of vṛtra , in older texts vala) RV. &c
(H2B) bala [L=143075] m. of an elder brother of kṛṣṇa (also called bala-deva , balabhadra , bala-rāma &c ) MBh. Pur.
(H2B) bala [L=143076] m. cf. IW. 332 &c
(H2B) bala [L=143077] m. (with jainas) a white bala or elder brother of vāsudeva (9 in number , viz. acala , vijaya , bhadra , su-prabha , su-darśana , ānanda , nandana , padma , and rāma)
(H2B) bala [L=143078] m. N. of a son of varuṇa and brother of surā MBh.
(H2B) bala [L=143079] m. of an attendant on skanda ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143080] m. of a son of aṅgiras ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143081] m. of a son of parikṣit ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143082] m. of a son of parijātra BhP.
(H2B) bala [L=143083] m. of a son of kṛṣṇa ib.
(H2B) bala [L=143084] m. of a lexicographer (also written vala) Naish. Sch.
(H2B) bala [L=143085] m. of a horse of the Moon VP.
(H2B) balá [L=143093] n. = valá , a cavern AV.
(H2B) bala [L=143094] mfn. strong , robust L. ; sick (= amin) L. [cf. Lat. valere , valor &c ]
(H3) bala--kāya [L=143097] m. " armed body " , an army DivyA7v.
(H3) bahú--tantrī [p= 724,3] [L=143577] mfn. (nom. īs) many-fibred (said only of the body Pa1n2. 5-4 , 159).
(H3) bahís--tanva [p= 726,3] [L=144089] mfn. one whose limbs extend over the body (of the fire-altar) S3ulbas.
(H1) bāṇá [p= 727,2] [L=144242] m. or vāṇá ( RV. ) , bā́ṇa ( AV. ; later more usually vāṇa q.v.) a reed-shaft , shaft made of a reed , an arrow RV. &c
[L=144242.05] N. of the number five (from the 5 arrows of kāma-deva ; cf. pañca-b°) Su1ryas. Sa1h.
[L=144242.10] the versed sine of an arc Gan2it.
[L=144242.15] a mark for arrows , aim BhP.
[L=144242.20] a partic. part of an arrow L.
[L=144242.25] Saccharum Sara or a similar species of reed Bhpr.
[L=144242.30] the udder of a cow (vāṇá RV. iv , 24 , 9) L.
[L=144242.35] music (for vāṇá) AV. x , 2 , 17 = kevala ,
[L=144242.40] N. of an asura (a , son of bali , an enemy of viṣṇu and favourite of śiva) MBh. Pur.
[L=144242.45] of one of skanda's attendants MBh.
[L=144242.50] of a king Hariv.
[L=144242.55] (also -bhaṭṭa) of a poet (the author of the kādambarī , of the harṣa-carita , and perhaps of the ratnā*valī) Cat.
[L=144242.60] of a man of low origin Ra1jat.
(H1B) bāṇá [L=144242.65] m. ( S3is3. ) or (ā) f. ( L. ) a blue-flowering Barleria
(H1B) bāṇá [L=144242.75] n. the flower of Barleria Kir. S3is3.
(H1B) bāṇá [L=144242.80] n. the body Pras3nUp.
(H1) bā́l [p= 728,3] [L=144473] ind. onomat. an interjection imitating the sound of a falling body AV.
(H1) bāhú 1 [p= 730,2] [L=144913] mf. (f. L. ) (fr. √ bah , baṃh ; for 2. bāhu » col.3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to pra-gaṇḍa q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to sakthi , the lower extremity) RV. &c
[L=144914] the arm as a measure of length (= 12 aṅgulas) S3ulbas.
[L=144915] the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. A1s3vGr2.
[L=144916] the limb of a bow S3Br.
[L=144917] the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh.
[L=144918] the post (of a door ; » dvāra-b°)
[L=144919] the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas.
[L=144920] the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib.
[L=144921] (also du.) the constellation ārdrā L.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144922] m. N. of a daitya MBh.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144923] m. of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) ib.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144924] m. of a son of vṛka Hariv.
(H1B) bāhú 1 [L=144925] m. of a son of vajra VP. [cf. Gk. πᾶχυς , πῆχυς ;Germ. buog , Bug ; Angl.Sax. bo1g ; Eng. bough.]
(H1) bāhu 2 [p= 730,3] [L=145018] (for 1. » col.2) , vṛddhi form of bahu in comp. = kīṭa mfn. g. palady-ādi.
(H2) bindú [p= 731,2] [L=145141] m. (once n. MBh. ; in later language mostly written vindu) a detached particle , drop , globule , dot , spot AV. &c
[L=145142] (with hiraṇyaya) a pearl AV. xix , 30 , 5 (cf. -phala)
[L=145143] a drop of water taken as a measure L.
[L=145144] a spot or mark of coloured paint on the body of an elephant Kum.
[L=145145] (ifc. also -ka) the dot over a letter representing the anusvāra (supposed to be connected with śiva and of great mystical importance) MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=145146] a zero or cypher R. (in manuscripts put over an erased word to show that it ought not to be erased = " stet " Naish. )
[L=145147] a partic. mark like a dot made in cauterizing Sus3r.
[L=145148] a mark made by the teeth of a lover on the lips of his mistress L.
[L=145149] a coloured mark made on the forehead between the eyebrows L.
[L=145150] (in dram.) the sudden development of a secondary incident (which , like a drop of oil in water , expands and furnishes an important element in the plot) Sa1h. (ifc. also -ka)
(H2B) bindú [L=145151] m. N. of a man g. bidā*di
(H2B) bindú [L=145152] m. of an āṅgirasa (author of RV. viii , 83 ; ix , 30) Anukr.
(H2B) bindú [L=145153] m. of the author of a rasa-paddhati Cat.
(H2B) bindú [L=145154] m. pl. N. of a warrior tribe g. dāmany-ādi.
(H1) bimba [p= 731,3] [L=145222] mn. (also written vimba , or vimva , of doubtful origin , but cf. Un2. iv , 95 Sch. ; ifc. f(ā).) the disk of the sun or moon Ka1v. Pur. &c
[L=145223] any disk , sphere , orb (often applied to the rounded parts of the body) Ka1lid. Pan5cat.
[L=145224] a mirror S3vetUp. Kum.
[L=145225] an image , shadow , reflected or represented form , picture , type R. BhP. Ra1jat.
[L=145226] m. (in rhet.) the object compared (as opp. to prati-bimba , " the counterpart " to which it is compared) Sa1h. Prata1p.
(H1B) bimba [L=145227] m. a lizard , chameleon Gaut.
(H1B) bimba [L=145228] m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
(H1B) bimba [L=145230] m. N. of 2 metres Col.
(H1B) bimba [L=145231] m. N. of the wife of bālā*ditya (king of kaśmīra) Ra1jat.
(H1B) bimba [L=145233] m. N. of the mother of king bimbi-sāra (below) Buddh.
(H1B) bimba [L=145234] n. the fruit of the Momordica Monadelpha (to which the lips of women are often compared) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) buddha--vapur-dhārin [p= 733,3] [L=145625] mfn. bearing the body or form of Buddha Cat.
(H1) budhná [p= 735,1] [L=145962] mn. (probably not connected with √ budh ; but cf. Un2. iii , 5) bottom , ground , base , depth , lowest part of anything (as the root of a tree &c ) RV. AV. S3Br. (búdhna) S3rS. ChUp.
[L=145963] the sky Nir.
[L=145964] the body ib.
[L=145965] N. of a son of the 14th manu VP. ; often w.r. for budhnya ([cf. Gk.πυθμήν Lat. fundus ; Germ. bodam , bodem , Boden ; Angl.Sax. botm ; Eng. bottom.])
(H3) bṛhác--charīra [p= 735,3] [L=146066] (°hác śar°) mfn. having a vast body RV. Sus3r.
(H2) bṛhát [L=146096] mf(atī́)n. (in later language usually written vṛhat) lofty , high , tall , great , large , wide , vast , abundant , compact , solid , massy , strong , mighty RV. &c
[L=146097] full-grown , old RV.
[L=146098] extended or bright (as a luminous body) ib.
[L=146099] clear , loud (said of sounds) ib.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146100] m. N. of a marut Hariv.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146101] m. of a prince MBh.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146102] m. of a son of su-hotra and father of aja-mīḍha Hariv.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146102.1] m. or n. (?) speech (°tām pati = bṛhaspati) S3is3. ii , 26
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146104] n. height (also = heaven , sky) RV.
(H2B) bṛhát [p= 736,1] [L=146105] n. N. of various sāmans composed in the metrical form bṛhatī (also with āneyam , bharad-vājasya. bhāradvājam , vāmadevyam , sauram) A1rshBr.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146106] n. N. of brahman BhP.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146107] n. of the veda ib.
(H2C) bṛhát [L=146108] ind. far and wide , on high RV.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146109] n. firmly , compactly ib.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146110] n. brightly ib.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146111] n. greatly , much ib.
(H2B) bṛhát [L=146112] n. aloud ib. (also atā́ AV. )
(H2B) bṛhátī [p= 735,3] [L=146103] f. » s.v.
(H2) bṛhatī́ [p= 736,2] [L=146202] f. fr. bṛkát N. of a partic. metre of 36 (orig. 8 8 12 8) syllables or (later) any metre containing 36 syllables (ifc. (°tīka) mfn. ) RV. RPra1t. AV. Br. &c
[L=146203] a symbolical expression for the number 36 S3rS.
[L=146204] (pl.) N. of partic. bricks forming part of the sacrificial fire-altar S3Br. S3ulbas.
[L=146205] a partic. Solanum (-dvaya n. two species of it) Saln3khGr2. ?? Sus3r.
[L=146206] a part of the body between the breast and backbone Sus3r.
[L=146207] (du.) heaven and earth Gal.
[L=146208] speech (a sense inferred from certain passages)
[L=146209] a mantle , wrapper L.
[L=146210] a place containing water , reservoir L.
[L=146211] the lute of nārada or viśvā-vasu L.
[L=146212] N. of two works.
[L=146213] N. of sev. women Hariv. BhP.
(H1) bráhman [p= 737,3] [L=146546] n. (lit. " growth " , " expansion " , " evolution " , " development " " swelling of the spirit or soul " , fr. √2. bṛh) pious effusion or utterance , outpouring of the heart in worshipping the gods , prayer RV. AV. VS. TS.
[L=146547] the sacred word (as opp. to vāc , the word of man) , the veda , a sacred text , a text or mantra used as a spell (forming a distinct class from the ṛcas , sāmāni and yajūṃṣi ; cf. brahma-veda) RV. AV. Br. Mn. Pur.
[L=146548] the brāhmaṇa portion of the veda Mn. iv , 100
[L=146549] the sacred syllable Om Prab. , Sch. , (cf. Mn. ii , 83)
[L=146550] religious or spiritual knowledge (opp. to religious observances and bodily mortification such as tapas &c ) AV. Br. Mn. R.
[L=146551] holy life (esp. continence , chastity ; cf. brahma-carya) S3ak. i , 24÷25 S3am2k. Sarvad.
[p= 738,1] [p= 737,3] [L=146552] (exceptionally treated as m.) the brahma or one self-existent impersonal Spirit , the one universal Soul (or one divine essence and source from which all created things emanate or with which they are identified and to which they return) , the Self-existent , the Absolute , the Eternal (not generally an object of worship but rather of meditation and-knowledge ; also with jyéṣṭha , prathama-já , svayóm-bhu , a-mūrta , para , paratara , parama , mahat , sanātana , śāśvata ; and = paramā*tman , ātman , adhyātma , pradhāna , kṣetra-jña , tattva) AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. &c ( IW. 9 , 83 &c )
(H1B) bráhman [L=146553] n. the class of men who are the repositories and communicators of sacred knowledge , the Brahmanical caste as a body (rarely an individual Brahman) AV. TS. VS. S3Br. Mn. BhP.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146554] n. food Naigh. ii , 7
(H1B) bráhman [L=146555] n. wealth ib. 10
(H1B) bráhman [L=146556] n. final emancipation L.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146557] m. (brahmán) , one who Prays , a devout or religious man , a Brahman who is a knower of Vedic texts or spells , one versed in sacred knowledge RV. &c ([cf. Lat. , fla1men])
(H1B) bráhman [L=146558] m. N. of bṛhas-pati (as the priest of the gods) RV. x , 141 , 3
(H1B) bráhman [L=146559] m. one of the 4 principal priests or ṛtvijs (the other three being the hotṛ , adhvaryu and udgātṛ ; the brahman was the most learned of them and was required to know the 3 vedas , to supervise the , sacrifice and to set right mistakes ; at a later period his functions were based especially on the atharva-veda) RV. &c
(H1B) bráhman [L=146560] m. brahmā or the one impersonal universal Spirit manifested as a personal Creator and as the first of the triad of personal gods (= prajā-pati q.v. ; he never appears to have become an object of general worship , though he has two temples in India » RTL. 555 &c ; his wife is sarasvatī ib. 48) TBr. &c
(H1B) bráhman [L=146561] m. = brahmaṇa āyuḥ , a lifetime of brahmā Pan5car.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146562] m. an inhabitant of brahmā's heaven Ja1takam.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146563] m. the sun L.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146564] m. N. of śiva Prab. Sch.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146565] m. the veda (?) Pa1rGr2.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146566] m. the intellect (= buddhi) Tattvas.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146567] m. N. of a star , δ Aurigae , Su1ryat. ??
(H1B) bráhman [L=146568] m. a partic. astron. yoga L.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146569] m. N. of the 9th muhūrta L.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146570] m. (with jainas) a partic. kalpa Dharmas3.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146571] m. N. of the servant of the 10th arhat of the present avasarpiṇī L.
(H1B) bráhman [L=146572] m. of a magician Ra1jat.
(H3) brahma--granthi [p= 738,2] [L=146639] m. N. of the knot which ties together the 3 threads forming the sacred cord Gobh. Sch. ( RTL. 361)
[L=146640] of a partic. joint of the body Cat.
(H3) brahma--pura [p= 739,1] [L=146836] n. " brahmā's town " , N. of a city in heaven MBh. (-mā*hātmya n. N. of wk.)
[L=146837] of a city on earth Var. Hit.
[L=146838] of a kingdom Buddh.
[L=146839] the heart Ma1n2d2Up.
[L=146840] the body ChUp. (cf. IW. 116 , 2)
(H3) brahmā* ṅgabhū [p= 740,2] [L=147147] mfn. one who has touched the several parts of his body during the repetition of mantras Kum. iii , 15 ( Mall. )
(H3B) brahmā* ṅgabhū [L=147148] m. = prec. A.
(H2) brā́hmaṇa [p= 741,2] [L=147317] mfn. relating to or given by a Brahman , befitting or becoming a Brahman , Brahmanical AV. TBr. MBh.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147318] m. one who has divine knowledge (sometimes applied to agni) , a Brahman , a man belonging to the 1st of the 3 twice-born classes and of the 4 original divisions of the Hindu body (generally a priest , but often in the present day a layman engaged in non-priestly occupations although the name is strictly only applicable to one who knows and repeats the veda) RV. &c
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147319] m. = brāhmaṇācchaṃsin Ka1tyS3r.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147320] m. a Brahman in the second stage (between mātra and śrotriya) Hcat.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇá [L=147321] m. N. of the 28th lunar mansion L.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147323] n. that which is divine , the divine AV.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147324] n. sacred or divine power ib. A1s3vGr2.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147325] n. Brahmanical explanation , explanations of sacred knowledge or doctrine (esp. for the use of the Brahmans in their sacrifices) Br.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147326] n. the brāhmaṇa portion of the veda (as distinct from its mantra and upaniṣad portion) and consisting of a class of works called brāhmaṇas (they contain rules for the employment of the mantras or hymns at various sacrifices , with detailed explanations of their origin and meaning and numerous old legends ; they are said by sāyaṇa to contain two parts: 1. vidhi , rules or directions for rites ; 2. artha-vāda , explanatory remarks ; each veda has its own brāhmaṇa , that of the RV. is preserved in 2 works , viz. the aitareya , sometimes called āśvalāyana , and the kauṣītaki or śāṅkhāyana-brāhmaṇa ; the white yajur-veda has the śata-patha-brāhmaṇa ; the black yajur-veda has the brāhmaṇa which differs little from the text of its saṃhitā ; the SV. has 8 brāhmaṇas , the best known of which are the prauḍha or pañca-viṃśa and the ṣaḍviṃśa ; the AV. has one brāhmaṇa called go-patha) Nir. Gr2S3rS. &c
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147327] n. the soma vessel of the brahman priest RV. AV.
(H2B) brā́hmaṇa [L=147328] n. a society or assemblage of Brahmans , a conclave W.
(H2) brāhmaṇa [p= 1331,1] [L=337420] (in comp.)
(H2) bhaktí [p= 743,1] [L=147660] f. distribution , partition , separation RV. Ta1n2d2Br. &c (cf. kṣetra- , bhaṅgī-bh°)
[L=147661] a division , portion , share AitBr.
[p= 743,2] [p= 743,1] [L=147662] a division of a sāman (also called vidhi , of which 7 or 5 are enumerated) La1t2y. S3am2k.
[L=147663] division by streaks or lines Ragh.
[L=147664] a streak , line , variegated decoration Hariv. Ka1v.
[L=147665] a row , series , succession , order (°tyā ind. and °ti-tas ind. in succession) RPra1t.
[L=147666] (ifc.) the being a part of (ajbhakteḥ , " on the part of the vowels ") , belonging to Siddh. &c
[L=147667] that which belongs to or is contained in anything else , an attribute Nir. Pra1t.
[L=147668] predisposition (of body to any disease) Car.
[L=147669] attachment , devotion , fondness for , devotion to (with loc. , gen. or ifc.) , trust , homage , worship , piety , faith or love or devotion (as a religious principle or means of salvation , together with karman , " works " , and jñāna , " spiritual knowledge " ; cf. IW. 326 RTL. 97) S3vetUp. Bhag. Ka1v. Pur. &c
[L=147670] (ifc.) assumption of the form of Megh. 61
[L=147671] often w.r. for bhaṅgi or bhukti
(H3) bhasma--dhāraṇa [p= 750,2] [L=149340] n. application of ashes (on the head and other parts of the body) RTL. 400
(H3) bhasmā* nta [L=149378] n. nearness of ashes
(H3) bhásmā* nta [L=149380] mfn. ending in ashes , finally burnt (as the body) S3Br.
(H3) bhasmā* vṛtā* ṅga [p= 750,3] [L=149385] mfn. having the body covered with ashes MW.
(H3) bhasmo* ddhūlana [L=149390] n. smearing the body with ashes Kpr.
(H4) bhasmo* ddhū° lita-vigraha [L=149391] m. " whose body is smeared with ashes " , N. of śiva S3ivag.
(H2) bhásman [L=149398] mfn. chewing , devouring , consuming , pulverizing RV. v , 19 , 5 ; x , 115 , 2
(H2B) bhásman [L=149399] n. (also pl.) " what is pulverized a or calcined by fire " , ashes AV. &c (yuṣmābhir bhasma bhakṣayitavyam , " you shall have ashes to eat " i.e. " you shall get nothing " Hit. ; °mani-huta. mfn. " sacrificed in ashes " i.e. " useless " Pa1n2. 2-1 , 47 Sch.)
(H2B) bhásman [L=149400] n. sacred ashes (smeared on the body ; cf. bhasma-dhāraṇa).
(H1) bhasman [L=149417] &c » above.
(H1) bhāvá [p= 754,2] [L=150178] m. ( √ bhū) becoming , being , existing , occurring , appearance S3vetUp. Ka1tyS3r. &c
[L=150179] turning or transition into (loc. or comp.) MBh. RPra1t.
[L=150180] continuance (opp. to cessation ; eko*ti-bhāva , continuity of the thread of existence through successive births Buddh. , wrongly translated under eko*ti-bh°) MBh.
[L=150181] state , condition , rank (with sthāvira , old age ; anyam bhāvam āpadyate , euphem. = he dies ; state of being anything , esp. ifc. e.g. bālabhāva , the state of being a child , childhood = bālatā , or tva ; sometimes added pleonastically to an abstract noun e.g. tanutā-bhāva , the state of thinness) Up. S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=150182] true condition or state , truth , reality (ibc. and °vena ind. really , truly) MBh. Hariv.
[L=150183] manner of being , nature , temperament , character (eko bhāvaḥ or eka-bh° , a simple or artless nature ; bhāvo bhāvaṃ nigacchati = birds of a feather flock together) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150184] manner of acting , conduct , behaviour Ka1v. Sa1h.
[L=150185] any state of mind or body , way of thinking or feeling , sentiment , opinion , disposition , intention (yādṛśena bhāvena , with whatever disposition of mind ; bhāvam amaṅgalaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to be ill disposed against ; bhāvaṃ dṛḍhaṃ- √kṛ , to make a firm resolution) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150186] (in rhet.) passion , emotion (2 kinds of bhāvas are enumerated , the sthāyin or primary , and vyabhicārin or subordinate ; the former are 8 or 9 according as the rasas or sentiments are taken to be 8 or 9 ; the latter 33 or 34) Ka1v. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c
[L=150187] conjecture , supposition Mn. Pan5cat.
[L=150188] purport , meaning , sense (iti bhāvaḥ , " such is the sense " = ity arthaḥ or ity abhiprā*yaḥ , constantly used by commentators at the end of their explanations)
[L=150189] love , affection , attachment (bhāvaṃ- √kṛ , with loc. , to feel an affection for) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=150190] the seat of the feelings or affections , heart , soul , mind (parituṣṭena bhāvena , with a pleased mind) S3vetUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=150191] that which is or exists , thing or substance , being or living creature (sarva-bhāvāḥ , all earthly objects ; bhāvāḥ sthāvara-jaṅgamāḥ , plants and animals) Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c
[L=150192] (in dram.) a discreet or learned man (as a term of address = respected sir) Mr2icch. Ma1lav. Ma1lati1m.
[L=150193] (in astron.) the state or condition of a planet L.
[L=150194] an astrological house or lunar mansion ib.
[L=150195] N. of the 27th kalpa (s.v.) ib.
[L=150196] of the 8th (42nd) year in Jupiter's cycle of 60 years VarBr2S.
[L=150197] (in gram.) the fundamental notion of the verb , the sense conveyed by the abstract noun (esp. as a term for an impersonal passive or neuter verb having neither agent nor object expressed e.g. pacyate , " there is cooking " or " cooking is going on ") Pa1n2. 3-1 , 66 ; 107 &c
[L=150198] N. of the author of the bhāvaprakāśa (= miśra-bhāva) Cat.
[L=150199] wanton sport , dalliance L.
[L=150200] birth L.
[L=150201] place of birth , the womb L.
[L=150202] the world , universe L.
[L=150203] an organ of sense L.
[L=150204] superhuman power L.
[L=150205] the Supreme Being L.
[L=150206] advice , instruction L.
[L=150207] contemplation , meditation L. (cf. -samanvita).
(H2) bhāva [p= 760,2] [L=151460] &c » p.754 &c
(H3) bhāsura--deha [p= 756,2] [L=150635] mfn. having a splendid body or from MBh.
(H2) bhittí [p= 757,1] [L=150730] f. breaking , splitting Ka1t2h.
[L=150731] a mat (made of split reeds) S3Br.
[L=150732] a wall (of earth or masonry) , partition , panel MaitrUp. Inscr. &c
[L=150733] (ifc. with parts of the body) a wall-like surface (cf. kapola- , gaṇḍa-bh°)
[L=150734] a fragment , bit , portion L.
[L=150735] a place , spot Mudr.
[L=150736] a rent , fissure L.
[L=150737] a flaw , deficiency W.
[L=150738] an opportunity , occasion L.
(H3) bhinná--deha [p= 757,2] [L=150831] mfn. " whose body is pierced " , wounded MW.
(H3) bhū́--ghana [p= 761,1] [L=151599] m. the body L.
(H3) bhūtá--grāma [p= 762,1] [L=151823] m. = -gaṇa (in both meanings) MBh. Pur.
[L=151824] a multitude of plants L.
[L=151825] any aggregate or elementary matter , the body W.
(H3) bhūtá--nicaya [L=151871] m. " aggregation of elements " , the body , S3a1ntis3.
(H3) bhūtā* tman [p= 762,2] [L=151987] m. " soul of all beings " , N. of brahmā R.
[L=151988] of mahāpuruṣa i.e. viṣṇu Hariv.
[L=151989] of śiva L.
[L=151990] the individual soul Mn. v , 109 Ya1jn5. iii , 34 &c
[L=151991] " nature of all beings " , war , conflict L.
(H3B) bhūtā* tman [L=151992] mfn. one whose soul is subdued or purified MBh. (cf. bhāvitā*tman)
(H3B) bhūtā* tman [L=151993] m. " the self consisting of the elements " , the body MaitrUp. Mn. xii , 12 (opp. to kṣetra-jña).
(H3) bhūtā* vāsa [p= 762,3] [L=152012] m. " abode of beings " , N. of viṣṇu and śiva MBh. Hariv.
[L=152013] Terminalia Bellerica (as the abode of evil beings) L.
[L=152014] the body (as the abode of the elements) Mn. MBh. &c
(H3) bhūte* ndriya-jayin [L=152020] m. " one who has subdued both the elements (of the body) and the senses " , a kind of ascetic or devotee Cat.
(H3) bhūmi--vardhana [p= 763,2] [L=152225] mn. " earth-increasing " , a dead body , corpse L.
(H1) bhogá 1 [p= 767,2] [L=153082] m. ( √1. bhuj) any winding or curve , coil (of a serpent) RV. &c
[L=153083] the expanded hood of a snake Hariv. Ka1m. Pan5cat.
[L=153084] a partic. kind of military array Ka1m.
[L=153085] a snake Suparn2.
[L=153086] the body L.
(H1) bhoga 2 [L=153111] m. ( √3. bhuj) enjoyment , eating , feeding on RV. &c &c (with jainas " enjoying once " , as opp. to upa-bhoga , q.v.)
[L=153112] use , application S3Br. Gr2S3rS. &c
[L=153113] fruition , usufruct , use of a deposit &c Mn. Ya1jn5.
[L=153114] sexual enjoyment Mn. MBh. &c
[L=153115] enjoyment of the earth or of a country i.e. rule , sway Ma1rkP.
[L=153116] experiencing , feeling , perception (of pleasure or pain) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=153117] profit , utility , advantage , pleasure , delight RV. &c
[L=153118] any object of enjoyment (as food , a festival &c ) MBh. R.
[L=153119] possession , property , wealth , revenue Mn. MBh. &c
[L=153120] hire , wages (esp. of prostitution) L.
[L=153121] (in astron.) the passing through a constellation VarBr2S.
[L=153122] the part of the ecliptic occupied by each of the 27 lunar mansions Su1ryas.
[L=153123] (in arithm.) the numerator of a fraction (?) W.
[L=153124] N. of a teacher Cat.
(H1B) bhoga 2 [L=153126] n. w.r. for bhogya or bhāgya.
(H3) bhoga--deha [p= 767,3] [L=153140] m. " the body of feeling " (the intermediate body which a dead person acquires through the śrāddha after cremation , and with which , according to his works , he either enjoys happiness or suffers misery cf. adhiṣṭhāna-d° , sambhogakāya) RTL. 28 , 292 MWB. 247.
(H3) bhoga--sthāna [L=153170] n. the body
[L=153171] the women's apartments W.
(H3) bhojya--sambhava [p= 768,2] [L=153335] m. " having its origin in food " , chyle , chyme , the primary juice of the body (cf. rasa) L.
(H2) majján [p= 773,3] [p= 773,2] [L=154364] m. (lit , " sunk or seated within ") the marrow of bones (also applied to the pith of plants) RV. &c &c (according to S3Br. &c one of the 5 elements or essential ingredients of the body ; in the later medical system that element which is produced from the bones and itself produces semen Sus3r. ) ; scurf. Kull. on Mn. v , 135. [cf. Zd. mazga ; Slav. mozgu1 ; Germ. marg , marag , Mark ; Angl.Sax. mearg ; Eng. marrow.]
(H2) maṭaka [p= 774,2] [L=154545] m. or n. a dead body , corpse Katha1s. (cf. mṛtaka).
(H1) máṇḍala [p= 775,3] [L=154912] mf(ā)n. circular , round VarBr2S.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154913] n. (rarely m. g. ardharcā*di , and f.(ī) g. ganrā*di) a disk (esp. of the sun or moon)
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154914] n. anything round (but in Hcat. also applied to anything triangular ; cf. maṇḍalaka)
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154915] n. a circle (instr. " in a circle " ; also " the charmed circle of a conjuror ") , globe , orb , ring , circumference , ball , wheel S3Br. &c
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154916] n. the path or orbit of a heavenly body Su1ryas.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154917] n. a halo round the sun or moon VarBr2S.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154918] n. a ball for playing MBh.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154919] n. a circular bandage (in surgery) Sus3r.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154920] n. (also n. pl.) a sort of cutaneous eruption or leprosy with circular spot ib.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154921] n. a round mole or mark (caused by a finger-nail &c ) on the body La1t2y. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154922] n. a circular array of troops MBh. Ka1m.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154923] n. a partic. attitude in shooting L.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154924] n. a district , arrondissement , territory , province , country (often at the end of modern names e.g. Coro-mandal coast) Inscr. AV.Paris3. MBh. &c
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154925] n. a surrounding district or neighbouring state , the circle of a king's near and distant neighbours (with whom he must maintain political and diplomatic relations ; 4 or 6 or 10 or even 12 such neighbouring princes are enumerated) Mn. (esp. vii , 154 &c ) Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154926] n. a multitude , group , band , collection , whole body , society , company Ya1jn5. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154927] n. a division or book of the ṛg-veda (of which there are 10 , according to the authorship of the hymns ; these are divided into 85 anuvākas or lessons , and these again into 1017 , or with the 11 additional hymns into 1028 sū*ktas or hymns ; the other more mechanical division , is into aṣṭakas , adhyāyas and vargas q.v.) RPra1t. Br2ih. &c
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154928] m. a dog L.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154929] m. a kind of snake L.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154931] m. Cocculus Cordifolius Bhpr.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154932] n. Unguis Odoratus L.
(H1B) máṇḍala [L=154933] n. a partic. oblation or sacrifice L.
(H1) mátasna [p= 776,2] [L=155048] n. du. N. of partic. internal organs of the body RV. AV. VS. (hṛdayo*bhaya-pārśva-sthe asthinī , two bones situated on either side of the heart , Mahi1dh. )
(H2) mátsya [p= 776,3] [L=155087] m. (cf. matsa and maccha) a fish RV. &c &c (personified as a prince with the patr. sāmmada S3Br. )
[L=155088] a partic. species of fish L.
[L=155089] (in astron.) the figure of a figure (= timi) Su1ryas.
[L=155090] a partic. luminous appearance VarBr2S.
[L=155091] (du.) the 12th sign of the zodiac (Pisces) Jyot.
[L=155092] a partic. figure (= svastikamadhyā*kṛti) Hcat.
[L=155093] (pl.) N. of a people and country (which accord. to Mn. ii , 19 forms part of brahmarṣi) RV. &c &c
[L=155094] a king of the Matsyas. (cf. matsa)
[L=155095] N. of virāṭa (as having been found by fishermen , along with his sister matsyā or satya-vatī , in the body of the apsaras adrikā , metamorphosed into a fish) MBh.
[L=155096] N. of a pupil of deva-mitra śākalya Cat.
(H1) matsya [p= 777,1] [L=155184] &c » [p= 776,3].
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 20.18, 3.5, 31.40
Whitney Roots links: maT
(H1) math 1 [L=155187]
or manth (q.v.) cl.1.9. P. ( Dha1tup. xx , 18 , iii , 5 and xxxi , 40) mā*thati , mánthati , mathnā́ti (Ved. and ep. also A1. máthate , mánthate and mathnīte ; Impv. mathnadhvam MBh. ; pf. mamātha AV. ; 3. pl. mamathuḥ Vop. ; methuḥ,methire Br. ; mamantha,°nthuḥ MBh. ; aor. mathīt RV. ; amanthiṣṭām ib. ; amathiṣata Br. ; fut. mathiṣyati , °te manthiṣyati Br. &c ; mathitā MBh. ; inf. mathitum MBh. &c ; °tos Br. ; mánthitavaí MaitrS. ; ind.p. mathitvā́ , -máthya Br. &c ; manthitvā , Pa1n2. 1-2 , 33 ; -manthya and -mātham MBh. &c ) . to stir or whirl round RV. &c ;
(with agnim) , to produce fire by rapidly whirling round or rotating a dry stick (araṇi) in another dry stick prepared to receive it ib. ;
(with araṇim) , to rotate the stick for producing fire MBh. Ka1v. Pur. ;
(with ūrum , hastam &c ) , to use friction upon any part of the body with the object of producing offspring from it Hariv. BhP. ;
to churn (milk into butter) , produce by churning TS. &c (also with two acc. e.g. sudhāṃ kṣīra-nidhim mathnāti , " he churns nectar out of the ocean of milk " Siddh. on Pa1n2. 1-4 , 51) ;
to mix , mingle Sus3r. ;
to stir up , shake , agitate , trouble disturb , afflict , distress , hurt , destroy AV. &c &c : Pass. mathyáte (ep. also °ti) , to be stirred up or churned &c RV. &c &c : Caus. manthayati ( La1t2y. ) , māthayati ( MBh. ) , to cause to be stirred up or churned &c : Desid. mimathiṣati , mimanthiṣati Gr.: Intens. māmathyate , māmantti &c ib. [cf. Gk. μίνθη ; Lat. mentha , menta ; Lit. mentu4re ; Germ. minza , Minze ; Angl.Sax. minte ; Eng. mint.]
(H2) math 2 [L=155188] mfn. (ifc.) destroying , a destroyer (cf. madhumath)
(H2B) math 2 [L=155188.1] m. » mathin.
(H3) mad--deha [p= 777,2] [L=155244] m. my body ib.
(H3) mac--charīra [L=155260] (mad śar°) n. my body ib.
(H1) mádhya [p= 781,3] [L=156344] mf(ā)n. middle (used like medius e.g. mádhye samudré , " in the midst of the sea ") RV. VPra1t. Kat2hUp.
[L=156345] middlemost , intermediate , central Var. Megh.
[L=156346] standing between two , impartial , neutral Ka1m.
[L=156347] middle i.e. being of a middle kind or size or quality , middling , moderate (with vṛtti f. " a middle course ") La1t2y. Mn. Sus3r. &c
[L=156348] (in astron.) mean i.e. theoretical (opp. to spaṣṭa , or sphuṭa) Su1ryas. (-tva n.)
[L=156349] lowest , worst L.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156350] mn. (ifc. f(ā).) the middle of the body , (esp.) a woman's waist S3Br. &c
(H1B) mádhya [L=156351] m. (in alg.) the middle term or the mean of progression Col.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156353] m. the middle finger L.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156354] m. (in music) a partic. tone Sam2gi1t.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156355] m. (also n.) a kind of metre Col.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156356] n. (m. g. ardharcā*di) the middle , midst , centre , inside , interior RV. &c (am ind. into the midst of , into , among , with gen. or ifc. MBh. Ka1v. &c ; °dhyena ind. in or through the midst of , on the inside , through , between , with gen. acc. or ifc. S3Br. MBh. &c ; °dhyāt ind. from the midst of. out of. from among R. Hariv. &c ; °dhye ind. » s.v.)
(H1B) mádhya [L=156357] n. the middle of the sky (with or scil. nabhasas) Mn. MBh.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156358] n. space between (e.g. bhruvos , the eye brows) MBh.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156359] n. midday (with ahnaḥ) , Ma1av. ??
(H1B) mádhya [L=156360] n. the meridian Ma1lati1m.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156361] n. intermediate condition between (gen.) R.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156362] n. the belly , abdomen Kum.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156363] n. the flank of a horse L.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156364] n. (in music) mean time Sam2gi1t.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156365] n. ten thousand billions MBh.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156366] n. cessation , pause , interval L.
(H1B) mádhya [L=156367] n. N. of a country between Sindh and Hindustan proper Cat. [cf. Zd. maidhya ; Gk. μέσσος , μέσος for μέθιος ; Lat. medius ; Goth. midjis3 ; Eng. mid in midland , midnight &c ]
(H3) mádhya--deśa [L=156390] m. middle region , middle space , the central or middle part of anything S3rS.
[L=156391] (= madhyaṃ nabhasaḥ) , the meridian MBh.
[L=156392] the middle of the body , waist MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=156393] the trunk of the body , belly , abdomen ib.
[L=156394] the midland country (lying between the himā*layas on the north , the vindhya mountains on the south , vinaśana on the west , prayāga on the east , and comprising the modern provinces of Allahabad , agra , Delhi , Oude &c ) Mn. MBh. (cf. IW. 226 n. 1)
(H3B) mádhya--deśa [L=156395] mfn. belonging to or living in the midland country , of midland origin MBh.
(H3B) mádhya--deśa [L=156396] m. pl. the inhabitants of the midland country Cat.
(H3) mádhya--deha [L=156399] m. the middle or trunk of the body , belly &c Sus3r.
(H3) mádhya--bhāga [p= 782,1] [L=156411] m. the middle part or portion Katha1s.
[L=156412] the middle of the body , waist Bhartr2.
(H3) mádhya--śarīra [L=156439] mfn. having a middle-sized body or one of moderately full habit Sus3r.
(H3) mádhya--sthala [L=156450] n. (ifc. f(ī). ) a middle place or region , (esp.) the middle of the body , the waist or hip L.
(H3) madhye* bha-bandhana [p= 782,2] [L=156482] n. a band or rope round an elephant's body L.
(H2) madhyamá [L=156485] mf(ā)n. (superl. of mádhya) middle (used like Lat. medius e.g. madhyaime gulme , " in the midst of the troop ") MBh. R.
[L=156486] being or placed in the middle , middlemost , intermediate , central RV. &c
[L=156487] middle-born (neither youngest nor oldest) , Ven2is.
[L=156488] of a middle kind or size or quality , middling , moderate TS. &c
[L=156489] standing between two persons or parties , impartial , neutral MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=156490] (in astron.) mean (cf. madhya) Su1ryas.
[L=156491] relating to the meridian ib.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156492] m. the middlemost prince (whose territory lies between that of a king seeking conquest and that of his foe) Mn. vii , 155
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156493] m. the middle character in plays IW. 473
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156494] m. the midland country (= madhya-deśa) L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156495] m. (in music) the 4th or 5th note Sam2gi1t.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156496] m. the middlemost of the 3 scales ib.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156497] m. a partic. rāga ib.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156498] m. (in gram.) the 2nd person (= -puruṣa) Pa1n2.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156499] m. the governor of a province L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156500] m. a kind of antelope L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156501] m. N. of the 18th kalpa (s.v.) Cat.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156502] m. pl. a class of gods S3a1n3khS3r.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156503] m. (with Buddhists) N. of a partic. Buddh. sect Sarvad.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156504] m. n. the middle of the body , waist MBh. R. &c
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156506] m. the middle finger Kaus3. Sus3r.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156507] m. midnight L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156508] m. a girl arrived at puberty L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156509] m. the pericarp of a lotus L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156510] m. a central blossom W.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156511] m. a kind of metre L.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156512] m. (in music) a partic. mūrchanā Sam2gi1t.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156513] n. the middle APra1t.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156514] n. mediocrity , defectiveness , S3r2in3ga1r.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156515] n. N. of the 12th (14th) kāṇḍa of the S3Br.
(H2B) madhyamá [L=156516] n. (in astron.) the meridian ecliptic point Su1ryas.
(H2) madhyama [p= 1331,2] [L=337890] (in comp.)
(H3) madhye--jaṭharam [p= 782,3] [L=156583] ind. in the middle of the body Bha1m.
(H2) mánas [p= 783,3] [L=156776] n. mind (in its widest sense as applied to all the mental powers) , intellect , intelligence , understanding , perception , sense , conscience , will RV. &c &c (in phil. the internal organ or antaḥ-karaṇa of perception and cognition , the faculty or instrument through which thoughts enter or by which objects of sense affect the soul IW. 53 ; in this sense manas is always is always regarded as distinct from ātman and puruṣa , " spirit or soul " and belonging only to the body , like which it is - except in the nyāya - considered perishable ; as to its position in the various systems » for nyāya and vaiśeṣika IW. 63 ; 67 ; 76 , for sāṃkhya and vedā*nta ib. 84 ; 109 ; 117 ; in RV. it is sometimes joined with hṛd or hṛdaya , the heart Mn. vii , 6 with cakṣus , the eye)
[L=156777] the spirit or spiritual principle , the breath or living soul which escapes from the body at death (called asu in animals ; cf. above ) ib.
[p= 784,1] [p= 783,3] [L=156778] thought , imagination , excogitation , invention , reflection , opinion , intention , inclination , affection , desire , mood , temper , spirit ib. (ifc. after a verbal noun or an inf. stem in °tu = having a mind or wishing to ; cf. draṣṭu-m° &c ; manaḥ √ kṛ , to make up one's mind ; with gen. , to feel inclination for ; manaḥ √ kṛ,pra- √kṛ , √ dhā , vi- √ dhā , √ dhṛ , √ bandh and Caus. of ni- √viś with loc. dat. acc. with prati , or inf. , to direct the mind or thoughts towards , think of or upon ; manaḥ with sam-ā- √dhā , to recover the senses , collect one's self ; with √ han » mano-hatya ; mánasā ind. in the mind ; in thought or imagination ; with all the heart , willingly ; with gen. , by the leave of ; with iva = °se*va , as with a thought , in a moment ; with √ man , to think in one's mind , be willing or inclined ; with saṃ- √gam , to become unanimous , agree ; manasi with √ kṛ , to bear or ponder in the mind , meditate on , remember ; with ni- √dhā , to impress on the mind , consider ; with √ vṛt , to be passing in one's mind)
[L=156779] N. of the 26th kalpa (s.v.) Cat.
[L=156780] of the lake mānasa BhP.
[L=156781] manaso dohaḥ N. of a sāman A1rshBr. [cf. Gk. μένος ; Lat. miner-va.]
(H3) mano--vāg-deha-ja [p= 785,3] [L=157161] mfn. resulting from thoughts and wishes and deeds (lit. mind , speech and body) MW.
(H3) mántra--mūrti [p= 786,2] [L=157352] m. " whose body consists of sacred texts " , N. of śiva MBh.
(H2) mandira [p= 788,3] [L=157877] n. any waiting or abiding-place , habitation , dwelling , house , palace , temple , town , camp &c (ifc. dwelling in) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=157878] a stable for horses L. (cf. mandurā)
[L=157879] the body L.
(H2B) mandira [L=157880] m. the sea L.
(H2B) mandira [L=157881] m. the hollow or back of the knee L.
(H2B) mandira [L=157882] m. N. of a gandharva L.
(H1) marút [p= 790,2] [L=158299] m. pl. (prob. the " flashing or shining ones " ; cf. marīci and Gk. μαρμαίρω) the storm-gods (indra's companions and sometimes e.g. Ragh. xii , 101 = devāḥ , the gods or deities in general ; said in the veda to be the sons of rudra and pṛśni q.v. , or the children of heaven or of ocean ; and described as armed with golden weapons i.e. lightnings and thunderbolts , as having iron teeth and roaring like lions , as residing in the north , as riding in golden cars drawn by ruddy horses sometimes called pṛṣatīḥ q.v. ; they are reckoned in Naigh. v , 5 among the gods of the middle sphere , and in RV. viii , 96 , 8 are held to be three times sixty in number ; in the later literature they are the children of diti , either seven or seven times seven in number , and are sometimes said to be led by mātariśvan) RV. &c
[L=158300] the god of the wind (father of hanumat and regent of the north-west quarter of the sky) Kir. Ra1jat. (cf. comp.)
[L=158301] wind , air , breath (also applied to the five winds in the body) Ka1v. Pur. &c
[L=158302] a species of plant Bhpr.
[L=158303] m. = ṛtvij Naigh. iii , 18
[L=158304] gold ib. i , 2
[L=158305] beauty ib. iii , 7
[L=158306] N. of a sādhya Hariv.
[L=158307] of the prince bṛhad-ratha MaitrUp.
(H1B) marút [L=158308] f. Trigonella Corniculata L.
(H1B) marút [L=158309] n. a kind of fragrant substance (= granthi-parṇa) L.
(H2) marka 1 [p= 791,1] [L=158407] m. an ape , monkey BhP.
[L=158408] N. of vāyu , the wind L.
[L=158409] the mind L.
(H1) marká 2 [L=158450] m. ( √ mṛc cf. marc below) seizure i.e. eclipse (of sun) RV. x , 27 , 20 (márka) , N. of the purohita of the asuras (held to be a son of śukra) VS. TS. Br.
[L=158451] a demon presiding over various sicknesses of childhood Pa1rGr2.
[L=158452] N. of a yakṣa Cat.
(H1) marka 3 [L=158453] m. (accord. to Un2. iii , 43 fr. √ marc) the vital breath which pervades the body L. (others " wind " and " body ") .
(H2) mártya [L=158475] mfn. who or what must die , mortal Br. Kaus3.
(H2B) mártya [L=158476] m. a mortal , man , person RV. &c
(H2B) mártya [L=158477] m. the world of mortals , the earth L.
(H2B) mártya [L=158479] n. that which is mortal , the body BhP.
(H1) márman [p= 791,2] [L=158519] n. ( √ mṛ) mortal spot , vulnerable point , any open or exposed or weak or sensitive part of the body (in Nir. reckoned to be 107) RV. &c
[L=158520] the joint of a limb , any joint or articulation ib.
[L=158521] the core of anything , the quick ib.
[L=158522] any vital member or organ (cf. antar-m°)
[L=158523] anything which requires to be kept concealed , secret quality , hidden meaning , any secret or mystery MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) mála [p= 792,1] [L=158636] n. (in later language also m. ; prob. fr. √ mlai) dirt , filth , dust , impurity (physical and moral) AV. &c
[L=158637] (in med.) any bodily excretion or secretion (esp. those of the dhātus q.v. , described as phlegm from chyle , bile from the blood , nose mucus and ear wax from the flesh , perspiration from the fat , nails and hair from the bones , rheum of the eye from the brain ; cf. also the 12 impurities of the body enumerated in Mn. v , 135) Sus3r. Va1gbh. &c
[L=158638] (with śaivas) , original sin , natural impurity Sarvad.
[L=158639] camphor L.
[L=158640] Os Sepiae L.
(H1B) mála [L=158641] m. the son of a śūdra and a mālukī L.
(H1B) mála [L=158643] n. tanned leather , a leathern or dirty garment (?) RV. x , 136 , 2
(H1B) mála [L=158644] n. a kind of brass or bell-metal L.
(H1B) mála [L=158645] n. the tip of a scorpion's tail L. (v.l. ala)
(H1B) mála [L=158646] mfn. dirty , niggardly L.
(H1B) mála [L=158647] mfn. unbelieving , godless L. [cf. Gk. μέλας ;Lat. ma8lus ; Lith. mo4lis , me4lynas.]
(H3) mála--digdhā* ṅga [L=158662] mfn. having the limbs defiled with dirt , having the body soiled with dust MBh.
(H4) mahā́--kāya---śiro-dhara [p= 795,1] [L=159357] mfn. having a large body and strong neck R.
(H3) mahā́--gaṇá [p= 795,2] [L=159459] m. a great multitude , great assembly or crowd , great corporate body AV. MBh. S3a1ntik. Var.
[L=159460] a partic. high number (1 with 14 ciphers) L.
(H3) mahā* --° ṅga [p= 795,3] [L=159542] mfn. (°hā*ṅga) having a great body or limbs (said of śiva) MBh.
(H3B) mahā* --° ṅga [L=159542.1] m. (only L. ) a camel
(H3B) mahā* --° ṅga [L=159542.2] m. a kind of rat
(H3B) mahā* --° ṅga [L=159542.3] m. Asteracantha Longifolia
(H3B) mahā* --° ṅga [L=159542.4] m. Plumbago Zeylanica.
(H3) mahā́--deha [p= 796,2] [L=159768] mfn. having a great body Bhpr.
(H3) mahā́--roman [p= 799,3] [L=160647] mfn. having large or thick hair on the body (said of śiva) MBh.
(H3B) mahā́--roman [L=160648] m. N. of a king R. Pur.
(H3B) mahā́--roman [L=160649] m. of the superior of a Buddhist monastery Buddh. (w.r. -roma ; cf. -loman).
(H3) mahā́--śarīra [p= 801,1] [L=160917] mfn. having a great body Sus3r.
(H2) māti [p= 804,2] [L=161700] f. measure , accurate knowledge L.
[L=161701] a partic. part of the body L.
(H1) māti [p= 807,1] [L=162221] mātu » [p= 804,2].
(H3) māṃsá--kṣaya [p= 805,1] [L=161786] m. " house of flesh " , the body MBh.
(H3) māṃsá--niryāsa [L=161808] m. the hair of the body L.
(H3) māṃsá--sāra [L=161865] m. " flesh-essence " , tat L.
[L=161866] blood Gal.
(H3B) māṃsá--sāra [L=161867] mfn. having the flesh predominant (among the 7 constituent parts of the body) VarBr2S.
(H3) mā́na--sūtra [p= 809,3] [L=162861] n. a measuring-cord Das3.
[L=162862] a cord or chain worn round the body L.
(H1) mā́ruta [p= 812,1] [L=163305] mf(ī)n. or mārutá (fr. marut) relating or belonging to the maruts , proceeding from or consisting of the maruts RV. &c
[L=163305.05] relating to or derived from the wind , windy , aerial Mn. Hariv. &c
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.10] m. N. of viṣṇu RV.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.15] m. of rudra VarBr2S.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.20] m. a son of the maruts (applied to vāyu , ūrdhva-nabhas , dyutāna or nitāna) VS. TS. Br. S3rS.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.25] m. (= marut) wind , air , the god of wind Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.30] m. vital air , one of the 3 humours of the body Sus3r.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.35] m. breath S3iksh.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.40] m. a chief of the maruts g. parśv-ādi
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.45] m. N. of a marut Ya1jn5. Sch.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.50] m. of agni Gr2ihya1s.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.55] m. pl. the maruts (regarded as children of diti) MBh. R.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.60] m. N. of a people MBh. (B. ; C. maḍaka)
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.75] n. (scil. ṛkska or nakṣatra) the constellation svāti L.
(H1B) mā́ruta [L=163305.80] n. N. of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H3) mā́ruta--kopana [L=163306] mfn. disturbing the wind (of the body) , Sus3r. (cf. vāta-k°).
(H3) mārutā* paha [L=163317] m. " expelling the wind (of the body) " , Capparis Trifoliata L.
(H2) mārga [p= 812,2] [L=163364] m. (in most meanings fr. mṛga , of which it is also the vṛddhi form in comp.) seeking , search , tracing out , hunting L.
[L=163365] (exceptionally also n. ; ifc. f(ā).) the track of a wild animal , any track , road , path , way to (loc. or comp.) or through (comp.) , course (also of the wind and the stars) Mn. MBh. &c (mārgaṃ- √dā or yam , with gen. of pers. , to give up the way to , allow to pass ; māgeṇa ifc. = by way of i.e. through , across or along ; with √ yā , to go the way of i.e. suffer the same fate as ; mārgais ifc. , through ; mārgāya , with gen. , in order to make way for any one ; mārge , by the wayside or on the way ; with pra- √cal , to set out on one's way ; nijamārgaṃ- √gam , to go one's way)
[L=163366] a walk , journey VarBr2S.
[L=163367] reach , range Kir.
[L=163368] a scar , mark (left by a wound &c ) Ragh.
[L=163369] (in medic.) a way , passage , channel (in any part of the body , esp. the intestinal canal , anus)
[L=163370] a way , expedient , means Ka1m. Katha1s. (mārgeṇa , by means of. VarBr2S. )
[L=163371] a way , manner method , custom , usage Up. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=163372] the right way , proper course MBh. Hariv. (cf. āmārga)
[L=163373] (with Buddhists) the way or path pointed out by buddha for escape from the misery of existence (one of the 4 noble. truths) MWB. 44 (cf. āryā*ṣṭāṅga-m°)
[L=163374] a title or head in law , ground for litigation Mn. viii , 3 , 9 &c
[L=163375] a way of speaking or writing , diction , style Ka1vya7d. Sa1h.
[L=163376] a high (opp. to " vulgar ") style of acting or dancing or singing Inscr. Das3ar.
[L=163377] (in dram.) pointing out the way , indicating how anything is to take place Das3ar. Sa1h.
[L=163378] (in astrol.) the 7th mansion VarYogay.
[L=163379] (in geom.) a section W.
[L=163380] musk L. (cf. mṛga-mada)
[L=163381] the month mārgaśīrṣa (November-December) Ra1jat.
[L=163382] the constellation mṛga-śiras L.
[L=163383] N. of viṣṇu (as " the way " , scil. to final emancipation) MBh.
(H2B) mārga [L=163384] mf(ī)n. belonging to or coming from game or deer R. Var. Sus3r.
(H2) mārjārī́ya [p= 813,1] [L=163523] m. a cat L.
[L=163524] a śūdra L.
[L=163525] one who continually cleanses his body L.
(H1) mukula [p= 819,2] [L=164808] n. (m. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) a bud (also fig. " a first tooth ") Ka1lid. Pur. S3us3r. (in this sense also makula L. )
[L=164809] the body L.
[L=164810] the soul L.
[L=164811] (only n.) a kind of metre Ked.
(H1B) mukula [L=164812] m. (with hāsta) a bud-like junction or bringing together of the fingers of the hand Nalo7d.
(H1B) mukula [L=164813] m. N. of a king and another man Ra1jat.
(H1B) mukula [L=164814] m. (with bhaṭṭa) N. of an author Cat.
(H1B) mukula [L=164815] mf(ā)n. closed (as eyes) , Ma1lati1m. Sch.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.136, 33.66, 6.12
Whitney Roots links: muc
(H1) muc 1 [p= 820,3] [L=165081] cl.1 A1. mocate , to cheat Dha1tup. vi , 12 (= √ mac q.v.)
(H1) muc 2 [L=165082]
cl.6 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 136) muñcáti , °te ( RV. also , mucánti , mucasva ; p. muñcāna MBh. ; pf. , mumóca , mumucé , Ved. , also , mumócat , múmocati , mumucas , mumoktu , amumuktam ; aor. ámok AV. ; Impv. mogdhí TA1r. ; amauk Br. ; ámucat AV. ; amukṣi,mukṣata RV. AV. ; Prec. mucīṣṭa RV. ; mukṣīya ib. ; fut. , moktā , Ka1lid. ; mokṣyati,°te Br. &c ; inf. moktum Br. &c ; ind.p. muktvā́ ib. , -múcya RV. , mókam , Br. ) , to loose , let loose , free , let go , slacken , release , liberate (" from " , abl. or -tas ; A1. and Pass. with abl. or instr. , rarely with gen. " to free one's self , get rid of , escape from ") RV. &c , &c (with kaṇṭham , to relax the throat i.e. raise a cry ; with raśmīn , to slacken the reins ; with prā*ṇān , to deprive of life , kill) ;
to spare , let live R. ;
to set free , allow to depart , dismiss , despatch (" to " , loc. or dat.) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to relinquish , abandon , leave , quit , give up , set aside , depose ib. (with kalevaram , deham , prā*ṇān or jīvitam , to quit the body or give up the ghost i.e. to die) ;
to yield , grant , bestow Ra1jat. Campak. ;
to send forth , shed , emit , utter , discharge , throw , cast , hurl , shoot at (" or upon " loc. dat. , or acc. with or without prati ; with abl. and ātmānam , to throw one's self down from) Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c ;
(A1.) to put on Bhat2t2. (Sch.) : Pass. mucyáte (or múcyate , ep. also °ti and fut. mokṣyati ; aor. ámoci) , to be loosed , to be set free or released RV. &c ;
to deliver one's self from , to get rid of , escape (esp. from sin or the bonds of existence) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to abstain from (abl.) Pan5cat. ;
to be deprived or destitute of (instr.) MBh. : Caus. mocayati (mc. also °te ; aor. amūmucat) , to cause to loose or let go or give up or discharge or shed (with two acc.) Megh. Bhat2t2. ;
to unloose , unyoke , unharness (horses) MBh. R. ;
to set free , liberate , absolve from (abl.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to redeem (a pledge) Ya1jn5. ;
to open (a road) Prab. ;
to give away , spend , bestow Ma1rkP. ;
to gladden , delight , yield enjoyment Dha1tup. xxxiii , 66 : Desid. of Caus. mumocayiṣati , to wish to deliver (from the bondage of existence) S3am2k. (cf. , mumocayiṣu): Desid. mumukṣati , °te , (P.) to wish or be about to set free Pa1n2. 7-4 , 57 Sch. ;
to be about to give up or relinquish (life) Katha1s. ;
to wish or intend to cast or hurl Ragh. ;
(A1.) to wish to free one's self Pa1n2. 7-4 , 57 Sch. ;
to desire final liberation or beatitude RV. BhP. (cf. √ mokṣ): Intens. momucyate or monokti Gr. ([cf. Gk. μύσσω , μῦκος , μυκτής ; Lat. mungo , mucus.])
(H2) muc 3 [p= 821,2] [L=165249] mfn. freeing or delivering from (» aṃho-m°)
[L=165250] letting go or letting fall , dropping , discharging , shooting , sending (» jala- , parṇa- , sāyaka-m° &c )
(H2B) muc 3 [L=165251] f. deliverance (» a-múc).
(H2B) mudrā́ [p= 822,3] [L=165530] f. » mudrā below.
(H1) mudrā [L=165535] f. (fr. mudra » above ) a seal or any instrument used for sealing or stamping , a seal-ring , signet-ring (cf. aṅguli-m°) , any ring MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=165536] type for printing or instrument for lithographing L.
[L=165537] the stamp or impression made by a seal &c
[L=165538] any stamp or print or mark or impression MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=165539] a stamped coin , piece of money , rupee , cash , medal L.
[L=165540] an image , sign , badge , token (esp. a token or mark of divine attributes impressed upon the body) Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.
[L=165541] authorization , a pass , passport (as given by a seal) Mudr.
[L=165542] shutting , closing (as of the eyes or lips gen. or comp.) Ka1v.
[L=165543] a lock , stopper , bung Amar. Bhpr.
[L=165544] a mystery Cat.
[L=165545] N. of partic. positions or intertwinings of the fingers (24 in number , commonly practised in religious worship , and supposed to possess an occult meaning and magical efficacy Das3. Sarvad. Ka1ran2d2. RTL. 204 ; 406)
[L=165546] a partic. branch of education (" reckoning by the fingers ") DivyA7v.
[L=165547] parched or fried grain (as used in the śākta or Tantrik ceremonial) RTL. 192
[L=165548] (in rhet.) the natural expression of things by words , calling things by their right names Kuval.
[L=165549] (in music) a dance accordant with tradition Sam2gi1t.
(H2) mū́rti [p= 824,1] [L=165816] f. any solid body or material form , (pl. material elements , solid particles ; ifc. = consisting or formed of) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=165817] embodiment , manifestation , incarnation , personification TBr. Mn. MBh. &c (esp. of śiva Hcat. )
[L=165818] anything which has definite shape or limits (in phil. as mind and the 4 elements earth , air , fire , water , but not ākāśa , ether IW. 52 n. 1) , a person , form , figure , appearance MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=165819] an image , idol , statue Ka1v.
[L=165820] beauty Pan5cat.
[L=165821] N. of the first astrological house VarBr2S.
[L=165822] of a daughter of dakṣa and wife of dharma BhP.
(H2B) mū́rti [L=165823] m. N. of a ṛṣi under the 10th manu ib.
(H2B) mū́rti [L=165824] m. of a son of vasiṣṭha VP.
(H3) mū́rti--tva [L=165826] n. the having a body , corporeal nature , materiality Su1ryas. VarBr2S.
[L=165827] (in phil.) she having a finite or fixed measure or motion.
(H3) mū́rti--dhara [L=165828] mfn. having a body , corporeal , incarnate Katha1s. BhP.
(H3) mūḍhá--tā [p= 825,2] [L=166142] f. bewilderment , perplexity , confusion , simplicity , folly , ignorance Ka1v. Pur.
[L=166143] the gathering or drawing (of a tumour) Sus3r.
[L=166144] degeneracy , morbid condition (of the wind in the body) ib.
(H3) mṛtá--deha [p= 827,3] [L=166627] m. a dead body , corpse Katha1s.
(H3) mṛtá--pa [L=166634] m. a person who guards a dead body ib. (cf. Pa1n2. 2-4 , 10 Sch.)
(H3) mṛtá--pā [L=166636] m. a person who watches a dead body , a man of the lowest caste who collects dead men's clothes or conveys dead bodies to the river side to be burnt or executes criminals &c W.
[L=166637] N. of an asura MBh.
(H3) mṛtāṅga [L=166677] n. a dead body (°ga-lagna , prob. n. the clothing of a dead body) Ya1jn5.
(H3) mṛtā* dhāna [L=166682] n. placing a dead body (on the , pyre) MW.
(H2) mṛgá [p= 828,2] [L=166792] m. (prob. " ranger " , " rover ") a forest animal or wild beast , game of any kind , (esp.) a deer , fawn , gazelle , antelope , stag , musk-deer RV. &c
[L=166793] the deer or antelope in the moon (i.e. the spots on the disk supposed to resemble those of an antelope as well as a hare)
[L=166794] the disk or antelope in the sky (either the nakṣatra mṛga-śiras or the sign of the zodiac Capricorn ; also in general the 10th arc of 30 degrees in a circle) Su1ryas. VarBr2S. &c
[L=166795] an elephant with partic. marks (accord. to L. " one the secondary marks of whose body are small ") R. Var.
[L=166796] a large soaring bird RV. i , 182 , 7 &c
[L=166797] N. of a demon or vṛtra in the form of a deer slain by indra ib. i , 80 , 7 &c
[L=166798] of a celestial being (occupying a partic. place in an astrol. house divided into 81 compartments) VarBr2S. Hcat.
[L=166799] of a partic. class of men whose conduct in coitus resembles that of the roebuck L.
[L=166800] of the district in śāka-dvīpa inhabited principally by Brahmans MBh. (B. maṅga) ; of the Brahmans themselves VP. (v.l. maga)
[L=166801] of a horse of the Moon VP.
[L=166802] musk (= mṛga-nābhi or -mada) VarBr2S.
[L=166803] a partic. aja-pāla sacrifice L.
[L=166804] search , seeking , asking , requesting L.
(H3) megha--vapus [p= 832,1] [L=167644] n. " cloud-body " , a mass of cloud of any shape MBh.
(H3) medaś--cheda [p= 832,3] [L=167816] m. the removal of fat (from the body) S3ak.
(H3) médas--kṛt [L=167820] n. " fat-producer " , the body , flesh L.
(H3) yajur--vedá [p= 839,2] [L=169189] m. " the sacrificial veda " , the collective body of sacred mantras or texts which constitute the yajur-veda (these mantras , though often consisting of the prose yajus , are frequently identical with the mantras of the ṛg-veda , the yajur-veda being only a sort of sacrificial prayer-book for the adhvaryu priests formed out of the ṛg-veda , which had to be dissected and rearranged with additional texts for sacrificial purposes ; the most characteristic feature of the yajur-veda is its division into two distinct collections of texts , the taittirīya-saṃhitā and the vājasaneyi-saṃhitā q.v. ; the former of which is also called kṛṣṇa i.e. " Black " , because in it the saṃhitā and brāhmaṇa portions are confused ; and the latter śukla i.e. " White " , because in this , which is thought the more recent of the two recensions , the saṃhitā is cleared from confusion with its brāhmaṇa and is as it were white or orderly ; the order of sacrifices , however , of both recensions is similar , two of the principal being the darśa-pūrṇa-māsa or sacrifice to be performed at new and full moon , and the aśva-medha or horse-sacrifice ; cf. IW. 6 ; 245 n. 2) Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c
(H3) yáthā--kāyam [p= 841,3] [L=169666] ind. " according to body or form " , according to the dimensions (of the yūpa) Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) yáthā--nikāyam [p= 842,2] [L=169769] ind. according to the body S3vetUp.
(H3) yáthā--śarīrám [p= 843,2] [L=169980] ind. body by body TBr.
(H2) yádi [p= 845,1] [p= 844,3] [L=170219] ind. (in veda also yádī , sometimes yadi cit , yadi ha vai , yádī́*t , yády u , yady u vai) if , in case that RV. &c &c In the earlier language yadi may be joined with Indic. Subj. or leṭ Pot. , or Fut. , the consequent clause of the conditional sentence being generally without any particle. In the later language yadi may be joined with Pres. (followed in consequent clause by another Pres. e.g. yadi jīvati bhadrāṇi paśyati , " if he lives he beholds prosperity " , or by fut. or by Impv. or by Pot. or by no verb) ; or it may be joined with Pot. (e.g. yadi rājā daṇḍaṃ na praṇayet , " if the king were not to inflict punishment " , followed by another Pot. or by Cond. or by Pres. or by Impv. or by fut. or by no verb) ; or it may be joined with fut. (e.g. yadi na kariṣyanti tat , " if they will not do that " , followed by another fut. or by Pres. or by Impv. or by no verb) ; or it may be joined with Cond. (e.g. yady anujñām adāsyat , " if he should give permission " , followed by another Cond. or by Pot. or by aor.) ; or it may be joined with aor. (e.g. yadi prajā-patir na vapur arsrākṣīt , " if the Creator had not created the body " , followed by Cond. or by Pot. or by pf.) ; or it may be joined with Impv. or even with pf. (e.g. yady āha , " if he had said ") . There may be other constructions , and in the consequent clauses some one of the following may be used: atha , atra , tad , tena , tatas , tataḥ param , tadā , tarhi , tadānīm. Observe that yadi may sometimes = " as sure as " (esp. in asseverations , followed by Impv. with or without tathā or tena or followed by Pot. with tad) MBh. Ka1v. &c ; or it may = " whether " (followed by Pres. or Pot. or no verb e.g. yadi-na vā , " whether-or not " , and sometimes kim is added) ib. ; or it may = " that " (after verbs of " not believing " or " doubting " , with Pres. or Pot. e.g. nā*śaṃse yadi jīvanti , " I do not expect that they are alive " cf. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 147 Sch.) ; or if placed after duṣkaraṃ or kathaṃ cid it may = " hardly " , " scarcely " MBh. R. ; or it may = " if perchance " , " perhaps " (with Pot. with or without iti , or with fut. or pres.) MBh. Ka1v. &c The following are other combinations: yadi tāvat , " how would it be if " (with Pres. or Impv.)
[L=170219.05] yadi nāma , " if ever "
[L=170219.10] yadi ce*t (ce*t being added redundantly) = " if " (e.g. yadi ce*t syāt , " if it should be ")
[L=170219.15] purā yadi = " before " (e.g. purā yadi paśyāmi , " before that I see ")
[L=170219.20] yády ápi (rarely api yadi) , " even if " , " although " (followed by tathā*pi or tad api or sometimes by no particle in the correlative clause)
[L=170219.25] yadi - yadi ca-yady api , " if - and if - if also "
[L=170219.30] yádi - yádi-vā , or yádi vā - yádi vā , or yádi vā - yádi , or yadi vā - vā , or vā - yadi vā , or yad vā - yadi vā , " if - or if " , " whether - or "
[L=170219.35] yádi vā - ná vā , " whether - or not "
[L=170219.40] vā - yadi vā - yadi vā-tathā*pi , " whether - or - or - yet "
[L=170219.45] vā yadi = " or if " , " or rather "
[L=170219.50] yadi vā id. or = " yet " , " however. "
(H2) yáma [p= 846,1] [L=170382] m. a rein , curb , bridle RV. v , 61 , 2
[L=170383] a driver , charioteer ib. viii , 103 , 10
[L=170384] the act of checking or curbing , suppression , restraint (with vācām , restraint of words , silence) BhP.
[L=170385] self-control forbearance , any great moral rule or duty (as opp. to niyama , a minor observance ; in Ya1jn5. iii , 313 ten yamas are mentioned , sometimes only five) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=170386] (in yoga) self-restraint (as the first of the eight aṅgas or means of attaining mental concentration) IW. 93
[L=170387] any rule or observance Pa1rGr2.
(H2B) yamá [L=170388] mf(ā́ or ī́)n. twin-born , twin , forming a pair RV. &c
(H2B) yáma [L=170389] m. a twin , one of a pair or couple , a fellow (du. " the twins " N. of the aśvins and of their twin children by mādrī , called nakula and saha-deva ; yamau mithunau , twins of different sex) ib.
(H2B) yáma [L=170390] m. a symbolical N. for the number " two " Hcat.
(H2B) yáma [p= 846,2] [p= 846,1] [L=170391] m. N. of the god who presides over the pitṛs (q.v.) and rules the spirits of the dead RV. &c IW. 18 ; 197 , 198 &c RTL. 10 ; 16 ; 289 &c (he is regarded as the first of men and born from vivasvat , " the Sun " , and his wife saraṇyū ; while his brother , the seventh manu , another form of the first man , is the son of vivasvat and saṃjñā , the image of saraṇyū ; his twin-sister is yamī , with whom he resists sexual alliance , but by whom he is mourned after his death , so that the gods , to make her forget her sorrow , create night ; in the veda he is called a king or saṃgamano janānām , " the gatherer of men " , and rules over the departed fathers in heaven , the road to which is guarded by two broad-nosed , four-eyed , spotted dogs , the children of śaramā q.v. ; in Post-vedic mythology he is the appointed Judge and " Restrainer " or " Punisher " of the dead , in which capacity he is also called dharmarāja or dharma and corresponds to the Greek Pluto and to Minos ; his abode is in some region of the lower world called yama-pura ; thither a soul when it leaves the body , is said to repair , and there , after the recorder , citra-gupta , has read an account of its actions kept in a book called agra-saṃdhānā , it receives a just sentence ; in MBh. yama is described as dressed in blood-red garments , with a glittering form , a crown on his head , glowing eyes and like varuṇa , holding a noose , with which he binds the spirit after drawing it from the body , in size about the measure of a man's thumb ; he is otherwise represented as grim in aspect , green in colour , clothed in red , riding on a buffalo , and holding a club in one hind and noose in the other ; in the later mythology he is always represented as a terrible deity inflicting tortures , called yātanā , on departed spirits ; he is also one of the 8 guardians of the world as regent of the South quarter ; he is the regent of the nakṣatra apa-bharaṇī or bharaṇī , the supposed author of RV. x , 10 ; 14 , of a hymn to viṣṇu and of a law-book ; yamasyā*rkaḥ N. of a sāman A1rshBr. )
(H2B) yáma [L=170392] m. N. of the planet Saturn (regarded as the son of vivasvat and chāyā) Hariv. BhP.
(H2B) yáma [L=170393] m. of one of skanda's attendants (mentioned together with ati-yama) MBh.
(H2B) yáma [L=170394] m. a crow L. (cf. -dūtaka)
(H2B) yáma [L=170395] m. a bad horse (whose limbs are either too small or too large) L.
(H2B) yáma [L=170397] n. a pair , brace , couple L.
(H2B) yáma [L=170398] n. (in gram.) a twin-letter (the consonant interposed and generally understood , but not written in practice , between a nasal immediately preceded by one of the four other consonants in each class) Pra1t. Pat. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 8
(H2B) yáma [L=170399] n. pitch of the voice , tone of utterance , key Pra1t.
(H2B) yamalā [p= 847,1] [L=170556] f. a kind of hiccough Sus3r.
(H2B) yamalā [L=170557] f. N. of a tantra deity Cat.
(H2B) yamalā [L=170558] f. of a river S3atr.
(H2B) yamalā [L=170559] f. a sort of dress (consisting of body and petticoat) W. (also f(ī) DivyA7v. )
(H3) yavo* dara [p= 847,3] [L=170727] n. the body or thick part of a grain of barley (used as a measure of length) Ma1rkP.
(H3) yaśaḥ--kāya [p= 848,2] [L=170874] m. a body of fame or glory , fulness of glory or reputation Bhartr2.
(H2) yātá [p= 849,2] [L=171022] mfn. gone , proceeded , marched (n. also impers.) RV. &c
[L=171023] gone away , fled , escaped MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=171024] passed by , elapsed Hariv. Var.
[L=171025] entered upon , pursued (as a path) R.
[L=171026] gone to , come or fallen into (acc. loc. , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=171027] situated (as a heavenly body) VarBr2S.
[L=171028] become , turned out (kva tad yātam , what has become of this?) Hariv.
[L=171029] known , understood Pat.
(H2B) yātá [L=171030] n. motion , progress , gait , course , drive RV. &c
(H2B) yātá [L=171031] n. the place where a person has gone Pa1n2. 2-3 , 68 Sch.
(H2B) yātá [L=171032] n. the past time (opp. to an-āgatam , the future) VarBr2S.
(H2B) yātá [L=171033] n. the guiding or driving of an elephant with a goad L.
(H1) yāta [p= 851,1] [L=171350] &c » [p= 849,2].
(H3) yāvad--deha-bhāvin [p= 852,2] [L=171630] mfn. lasting as long as the body , sāṃkhyas. Sch.
(H3) yóga--śarīrin [p= 857,2] [L=172541] mfn. (one) whose body is Yoga MBh.
(H3) rakṣi--varga [p= 860,1] [L=173125] m. an assemblage of guards or sentinels , body-guard L.
(H2) rakta [p= 861,2] [L=173343] mf(ā)n. coloured , dyed , painted Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c (cf. Pa1n2. 4-2 , 1)
[L=173344] reddened , red , crimson S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. Ka1v. &c (said of 5 or 7 parts of the body which ought to be red MBh. iv , 253 VarBr2S. lxviii , 84)
[L=173345] " coloured or modified by nasalization " , nasalized (said of a vowel) RPra1t. (cf. raṅga)
[L=173346] excited , affected with passion or love , impassioned , enamoured , charmed with (instr.) , attached or devoted to , fond of (loc. gen. or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=173347] beloved , dear , lovely , pleasant , sweet Ka1v.
[L=173348] fond of play , engaging in pastime , sporting L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173349] m. red colour L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173350] m. safflower L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173351] m. Barringtonia Acutangula L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173352] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H2B) rakta [L=173353] m. of the planet Mars VarBr2S. Sch.
(H2B) rakta [L=173355] m. Abrus Precatorius (or its seeds as a measure or weight , = raktikā) Car.
(H2B) rakta [L=173356] m. Rubia Munjista L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173357] m. Echinops Echinatus L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173358] m. N. of one of the 7 tongues of fire L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173359] m. (in music) N. of a śruti Sam2gi1t.
(H2B) rakta [L=173360] n. blood Mn. Hariv. &c
(H2B) rakta [L=173361] n. a partic. disease of the eyes , Hcat.
(H2B) rakta [L=173362] n. the menstrual fluid L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173363] n. copper L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173364] n. vermilion L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173365] n. cinnabar L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173366] n. saffron L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173367] n. the fruit of Flacourtia Cataphracta L.
(H2B) rakta [L=173368] n. = padmaka L.
(H4) rakta--maṇḍala---tā [p= 862,1] [L=173562] f. the appearance of red spots on the body caused by a bad state of the blood S3a1rn3gS.
(H1) rátha 1 [p= 865,2] [L=174494] m. ( √4. ṛ) " goer " , a chariot , car , esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the anas q.v.) , any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods) , waggon , cart RV. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=174495] a warrior , hero , champion MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=174496] the body L.
[L=174497] a limb , member , part L.
[L=174498] Calamus Rotang L.
[L=174499] Dalbergia Ougeinensis L.
[L=174500] = pauruṣa L.
(H1) ratha 2 [p= 866,2] [L=174786] m. ( √ ram) pleasure , joy , delight (cf. mano-ratha)
[L=174787] affection , love (cf. next).
(H2) ratha [p= 1331,3] [L=338620] (in comp.)
(H3) rátha--kāya [p= 865,2] [L=174507] m. the whole body or collection of chariots (constituting one division of an army) Buddh.
(H3) ratho* ḍupa [p= 866,1] [L=174725] m. or n. the body of a carriage , the " boot " or interior receptacle of a carriage MBh.
(H3) ratho* pasthá [L=174736] m. the seat of a chariots , driving-box (as lower than the main body of the car) , the hinder part of a car AV. Br. &c
(H1) rándhra [p= 866,3] [L=174840] n. rarely m. (prob. fr. √ rad) a slit , split , opening , aperture , hole , chasm , fissure , cavity RV. &c &c (nine openings are reckoned in the human body cf. under kha ; and sometimes a tenth in the skull , as in the fontanel of an infant)
[L=174841] the vulva BhP.
[L=174842] a partic. part of a horse's head VarBr2S. S3is3. (cf. upa-r°)
[L=174843] a defect , fault , flaw , imperfection , weak part Ya1jn5. MBh. &c (cf. chidra)
[L=174844] N. of the 8th astrological mansion VarBr2S.
[L=174845] of the number " nine " (cf. above ) MW.
(H1B) rándhra [L=174846] m. N. of a son of manu bhautya VP. (v.l. bradhna)
(H1B) rándhra [L=174847] m. the off spring of a Brahman and a maitrī L.
(H1) rallaka [p= 868,3] [L=175301] m. a species of bird VarBr2S.
(H1) rallaka [L=175302] m. a species of stag or deer with a shaggy or hairy body Ka1d.
[L=175303] a woollen cloth , coverlet , blanket S3a1rn3gS.
[L=175304] the eyelashes. L.
(H3) ravi--cakra [p= 869,1] [L=175359] n. a partic. astronomical diagram (the sun represented as a man carrying the stars on the various parts of his body) Ga1rud2aP.
(H2) rása [p= 869,2] [L=175486] m. (ifc. f(ā).) the sap or juice of plants , Juice of fruit , any liquid or fluid , the best or finest or prime part of anything , essence , marrow RV. &c
[L=175487] water , liquor , drink MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=175488] juice of the sugar-cane , syrup Sus3r.
[L=175489] any mixture , draught , elixir , potion R. BhP.
[L=175490] melted butter L.
[L=175491] (with or scil. gavām) milk MBh.
[p= 869,3] [L=175492] (with or scil. viṣasya) poison Das3. Ra1jat.
[L=175493] nectar L.
[L=175494] soup , broth L.
[L=175495] a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body , serum , (esp.) the primary juice called chyle (formed from the food and changed by the bile into blood) ib.
[L=175496] mercury , quicksilver (sometimes regarded as a kind of quintessence of the human body , else where as the seminal fluid of śiva) Sarvad.
[L=175497] semen virile RV. i , 105 , 2
[L=175498] myrrh L.
[L=175499] any mineral or metallic salt Cat.
[L=175500] a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. upa- , mahā-r°)
[L=175501] gold L.
[L=175502] Vanguieria Spinosa L.
[L=175503] a species of amaranth L.
[L=175504] green onion L.
[L=175505] resin L.
[L=175506] = amṛta L.
[L=175507] taste , flavour (as the principal quality of fluids , of which there are 6 original kinds , viz. madhura , sweet ; amla , sour ; lavaṇa , salt ; kaṭuka , pungent ; tikta , bitter ; and kaṣāya , astringent ; sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished , viz. beside the 6 original ones , 15 mixtures of 2 , 20 of 3 , 15 of 4 , 6 of 5 , and 1 of 6 flavours) S3Br. &c
[L=175508] N. of the number " six " VarBr2S. S3rutab.
[L=175509] any object of taste , condiment , sauce , spice , seasoning MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=175510] the tongue (as the organ of taste) BhP.
[L=175511] taste or inclination or fondness for (loc. with or scil. upari , or comp.) , love , affection , desire MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=175512] charm pleasure , delight ib.
[L=175513] (in rhet.) the taste or character of a work , the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 rasas are generally enumerated , viz. śṛṅgāra , love ; vīra , heroism ; bībhatsa , disgust ; raudra , anger or fury ; hāsya , mirth ; bhayānaka , terror ; karuṇa , pity ; adbhuta , wonder ; śānta , tranquillity or contentment ; vātsalya , paternal fondness ; the last or last two are sometimes omitted ; cf. under bhāva) Bhar. Das3ar. Ka1vya7d. &c
[L=175514] the prevailing sentiment in human character Uttarar. Ra1jat.
[L=175515] (with vaiṣṇavas) disposition of the heart or mind , religious sentiment (there are 5 rasas or ratis forming the 5 degrees of bhakti q.v. , viz. śānti , dāsya , sākhya , vātsalya , and mādhurya) W.
[L=175516] a kind of metre Pin3g.
[L=175517] N. of the sacred syllable , " Om , " S3a1n3khGr2.
[L=175518] the son of a niṣāda and a śanakī L.
(H3) rása--mala [p= 870,1] [L=175644] m. or n. the refuse of juices (of the body) , impure excretions Kap.
(H3B) rasā* yanī [p= 870,2] [L=175766] f. a canal or channel for the fluids (of the body) Car. Sus3r.
(H3B) rasā* yanī [p= 870,3] [p= 870,2] [L=175767] f. N. of various plants (Solanum Indicum ; Cocculus Cordifolius ; a species of karañja ; = gorakṣa-dugdhā ; = māṃsa-cchadā &c ) L.
(H3B) raso* llāsā [L=175818] f. (scil. siddhi) " spontaneous evolution of the fluids (or juices of the body , without nutriment from without) " , N. of one of the 8 siddhis or states of perfection VP.
(H2) rasālasā [p= 871,1] [L=175872] f. any tubular vessel of the body (esp. one conveying the fluids) , vein , artery &c L.
(H3) rāja--lakṣaṇa [p= 874,1] [L=176593] n. a royal sign or token , any mark on the body &c indicating a future kind Das3.
[L=176594] royal insignia , regalia W.
(H3) rāhú--bhedin [p= 880,1] [L=177919] m. " severing (the body of) rāhu " , N. of viṣṇu L.
(H3) riṣṭá--deha [p= 881,2] [L=178159] mfn. wounded in body MW.
(H2) ruṇḍa [p= 883,1] [L=178495] mfn. maimed , mutilated
(H2B) ruṇḍa [L=178496] m. a headless body Uttarar. Katha1s. (L. also n.)
(H2B) ruṇḍa [L=178497] m. the offspring of a mule and a mare L.
(H2) ruṇḍaka [L=178498] m. = ruṇḍa , a headless body (only ifc.) Katha1s.
[L=178499] the son of a śūdra and a varuṭī L.
(H3) rudhirá--carcita-sarvā* ṅga [p= 884,3] [L=178830] mf(ī)n. having the whole body smeared with blood Vet.
(H2) rūpá [p= 886,1] [p= 885,3] [L=179062] n. (perhaps connected with varpa , varpas ; ifc. f(ā). , rarely f(ī).) any outward appearance or phenomenon or colour (often pl.) , form , shape , figure RV. &c (rūpeṇa ifc. in the form of ; rūpam- √kṛ or √ bhū , to assume a form ; often ifc. = " having the form or appearance or colour of " , " formed or composed of " , " consisting of " , " like to " ; sometimes used after an adj. or p.p. to emphasize its meaning or almost redundantly cf. ghora-r° ; or connected with a verb e.g. pacati-rūpam , he cooks very well cf. Pa1n2. 8-1 , 57)
[L=179063] dreamy or phantom shapes (pl.) VS. S3Br.
[L=179064] handsome form , loveliness , grace , beauty , splendour RV. &c
[L=179065] nature , character , peculiarity , feature , mark , sign , symptom VS. &c
[L=179066] likeness , image , reflection Mn. Katha1s.
[L=179067] circumstances (opp. to " time " and " place ") Mn. viii , 45
[L=179068] sort , kind R. Sus3r.
[L=179069] mode , manner , way Kap.
[L=179070] (ifc.) trace of. R.
[L=179071] a single specimen or exemplar (and therefore a term for the number " one ") VarBr2S. Gan2it.
[L=179072] a partic. coin (prob. a rupee) VarBr2S.
[L=179073] a show , play , drama Das3ar.
[L=179074] (in alg.) the arithmetical unit
[L=179075] (pl.) integer number
[L=179076] known or absolute number , a known quantity as having specific form (and expressed by rū i.e. first syllable of rūpa) IW. 182
[L=179077] (in gram.) any form of a noun or verb (as inflected by declension or conjugation) Pa1n2. 1-1 , 68 &c
[L=179078] (in phil.) the quality of colour (one of the 17 or 24 guṇas of the vaiśeṣikas) IW. 68
[L=179079] (with Buddhists) material form i.e. the organized body (as one of the 5 constituent elements or skandhas) Dharmas. 22 MWB. 109
[L=179080] (in dram.) a reflection or remark made under partic. circumstances when the action is at its height (garbhe) Bhar. Das3ar. &c
[L=179081] (only L. ) cattle
[L=179082] a beast
[L=179083] a sound , word
[L=179084] rereading a book (= granthā*vṛtti)
(H2B) rūpá [L=179085] m. a word of unknown meaning AV. xviii , 3 , 40
(H2B) rūpá [L=179086] m. (pl.) N. of a people MBh.
(H2B) rūpá [L=179087] m. or n. N. of a place (v.l. rūma) Cat.
(H3) rekhā--jātaka-sudhā* kara [p= 887,1] [L=179353] m. N. of wk. (on prognostications from lines on various parts of the body).
(H3) róga--bhū [p= 888,3] [L=179673] f. the place or seat of disease , the body L.
(H3) rogā* yatana [L=179710] n. abode or seat of disease , the body Mn.
(H1) róman 1 [p= 889,3] [L=179893] n. (prob. connected with √1. ruh ; cf. loman) the hair on the body of men and animals , (esp.) short hair , bristles , wool , down , nap &c (less properly applicable to the long hair on the head and beard of men , and to that of the mane and tail of animals) RV. &c
[L=179894] the feathers of a bird R. (cf. mayūra-r°)
[L=179895] the scales of a fish (» pṛthu-r°).
(H1) roman 2 [p= 890,1] [L=179990] m. pl. N. of a people MBh. VP.
(H3) roma--vikāra [p= 889,3] [L=179926] m. ( L. ) ( Kum. Sa1h. Prata1p. ) " changed condition of the hairs " , bristling or erection of the hairs of the body.
(H3) roma--vikriyā [L=179927] f. ( Kum. Sa1h. Prata1p. ) " changed condition of the hairs " , bristling or erection of the hairs of the body.
(H3) roma--saṃvejana [L=179935] n. the bristling of the hair of the body Sus3r.
(H3) roma--harṣa [L=179937] m. the bristling of the hairs of the body , thrill (caused by joy , fear , cold &c ) MBh. R. &c
(H3) roma--harṣita [L=179945] mfn. having the hairs of the body bristling or erect (through excessive joy or terror) PadmaP.
(H3) romā* ṅkura [L=179949] m. a bristling hair of the body Ka1d. 1.
(H4) romā* ñca---kañcuka [L=179951] m. a coat of mail consisting (as it were) of the down of the body erect through delight Katha1s.
(H3) romā* ñcita [L=179956] mfn. having the hair of the body erect or thrilling with joy or terror (ūrdhva-r° id.) Hariv. Ka1v. &c
(H1) róra 1 [p= 890,1] [L=179998] m. a partic. part of the body MaitrS. (du.) VS. (= aṃsa-granthi , Mahidh.)
(H1) rora 2 [L=179999] or raura m. a worker , labourer (?) HParis3.
(H3) lakṣaṇa--jña [p= 892,1] [L=180403] mfn. sign-knowing , understanding marks (esp. those on the body) , able to interpret or explain them R. VarBr2S.
[L=180404] (ifc.) understanding a person's lucky marks or signs BhP.
(H3) lagna--bhuja [p= 893,3] [L=180741] m. (in astron.) ascensional difference i.e. the difference between the time of rising of a heavenly body at laṅkā and at any other place W.
(H4) laghú--samudīraṇa---tva [p= 894,2] [L=181000] n. mobility (of the body) Buddh.
(H1) latā [p= 895,3] [L=181250] f. a creeper , any creeping or winding plant or twining tendril Mn. MBh. &c (the brows , arms , curls , a slender body , a sword-blade , lightning &c are often compared to the form of a creeper , to express their graceful curves and slimness of outline ; cf. bhrū-l° , bāhu-l° , taḍil-l° &c )
[L=181251] the mādhavī -creeper , Gaertnera Racemosa Bhpr.
[L=181252] Trigonella Corniculata ib.
[L=181253] Panicum Italicum L.
[L=181254] Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.
[L=181255] Panicum Dactylon L.
[L=181256] = kaivartikā L.
[L=181257] = the plant sārivā L.
[L=181258] musk-creeper L.
[L=181259] a slender woman , any woman Naish. Tantras.
[L=181260] the thong or lash of a whip , whip Pan5cat. Sus3r.
[L=181261] a string of pearls VarBr2S.
[L=181262] a streak , line (vārāṃ latāḥ , thin jets of water) Ba1lar.
[L=181263] a kind of metre Col.
[L=181264] N. of an apsaras MBh.
[L=181265] of a daughter of meru and wife of ilā*vṛta BhP.
(H2) lasīkā [p= 899,2] [L=182007] f. watery humour in the body , lymph , serum &c Car. Bhpr.
[L=182008] the juice of the sugar-cane L.
[L=182009] a tendon , muscle L.
(H3) liṅga--deha [p= 902,1] [L=182512] m. n. the subtle body (» liṅga above and liṅga-śarīra below) Ba1lar.
(H3) liṅga--śarīra [L=182564] n. the subtle body which accompanies the individual spirit or soul in all its transmigrations and is not destroyed by death (it is also called sūkṣma-ś° q.v. , and since it is the sign and accompaniment of individuality it can never perish till the individualized soul is finally merged in the Universal) Kap. Veda7ntas. ( IW. 53 n. 2) .
(H2) liṅgin [p= 902,2] [L=182593] mfn. having a mark or sign , wearing a distinguishing mark
[L=182594] (ifc.) having the marks or appearance of , characterized by Mn. MBh. &c
[L=182595] bearing false marks or signs , a hypocrite , (ifc.) only having the appearance or acting the part of ib. (cf. dvija-l°)
[L=182596] having a right to wear signs or badges , one whose external appearance corresponds , with his inner character ib.
[L=182597] having a subtle body BhP.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182598] m. a Brahman of a partic. order , religious student , ascetic MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182599] m. pl. " possessing or furnished with a liṅga " , N. of a śaiva sect (» liṅga-vat) Col.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182600] m. " sustaining the liṅga or pradhāna " , N. of parameśvara Lin3gaP.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182601] m. (in logic) = -vyāpaka , that which possesses an invariable characteristic mark (as in the proposition " there is fire because there is smoke " , fire is the liṅgin ; cf. IW. 62)
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182602] m. original source or germ Kap. Sch.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182603] m. an elephant L.
(H2B) liṅgin [L=182605] m. a species of plant L.
(H3) liptā* ṅga [p= 902,3] [L=182650] mfn. having the body anointed with unguents &c MW.
(H3) luñcita--keśa [p= 904,1] [L=182898] m. " having the hair torn out " , N. of a jaina ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification) Sarvad.
(H3) luñcita--mūrdhaja [L=182899] m. " having the hair torn out " , N. of a jaina ascetic (so called as pulling out the hair of the head and body by way of self-mortification) Sarvad.
(H3) loká--tas [p= 906,2] [L=183278] ind. by men , from people , from people's talk R. Katha1s.
[L=183278.1] (ifc.) on the part of the people of (jñāti-l° , on the part of the collective body of relations) VarBr2S.
[L=183278.2] as usual or customary in the world S3a1n3khGr2.
(H1) loman [p= 908,1] [L=183640] n. (later form of roman q.v.) the hair on the body of men and animals (esp. short hair , wool &c ; not so properly applicable to the long hair of the head or beard , nor to the mane and tail of animals) RV. &c
[L=183641] a tail L.
[L=183642] du. (with bharad-vājasya) , N. of sāman A1rshBr.
(H3) loma--saṃharṣaṇa [L=183670] mfn. causing the hair of the body to bristle or stand erect MBh.
(H3) loma--harṣa [L=183673] m. the bristling or erection of the hair of the body , thrill or shudder (caused by excessive joy , fear &c ) MBh. (cf. romah°)
[L=183674] N. of a rākṣasa R.
(H3) lomaśá--vakṣaṇa [p= 908,2] [L=183721] mf(ā)n. covered with hair on the body , shaggy AV.
(H3) lohitā* kṣa [p= 909,2] [L=183982] m. a red die (used in gaming) MBh. 2.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183983] mf(ī)n. red-eyed S3Br. S3vetUp. &c
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183984] m. a kind of snake Sus3r.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183985] m. the Indian cuckoo L.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183986] m. N. of viṣṇu L.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183987] m. of another deity , Ma1nGr2.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183988] m. of one of skanda's attendants MBh.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183989] m. of a man (pl. , his descendants) A1s3vS3r.
(H3) lohitā* kṣá [L=183991] n. a part of the arm and of the thigh , the place where these are joined to the body , joint of the arm , thigh-joint Sus3r. Bhpr.
(H3) vaṃśá--śalākā [p= 910,3] [L=184281] f. a bamboo peg or screw at the lower end of a vinā or lute , (accord. to some) the bamboo pipe that forms the body of the lute L.
[L=184282] any small bamboo pin or stake (as the bar of a cage &c ) W.
(H3) vakrā* ṅga [p= 911,1] [L=184445] n. (ifc. f(ī).) a crooked limb Hariv.
[L=184446] w.r. for vakrā*ṅghri (q.v.) Ra1jat.
(H3B) vakrā* ṅga [L=184447] m. " having a curved body " , a goose
(H3B) vakrā* ṅga [L=184448] m. the ruddy goose L.
(H3B) vakrā* ṅga [L=184449] m. a snake L.
(H1) vaṅkhara [p= 911,3] [L=184577] mfn. = cāru (applied to a body) Pan5car.
(H1B) vaṅkhara [p= 912,1] [L=184578] m. N. of a man (» next) .
(H3) vájra--deha [p= 913,2] [L=184905] mfn. having an adamantine frame or a very hardy body MW.
(H3) vajrā* sana [p= 914,1] [L=185092] n. a diamond seat Buddh.
[L=185093] a partic. posture in sitting (the hands being placed in the hollow between the body and the crossed feet) HYog.
(H3B) vajrā* sana [L=185094] m. N. of buddha Inscr.
(H2) vána 1 [p= 917,2] [L=185717] n. (once m. R. v , 50 , 2 ; for 2. » [p= 919,1]) a forest , wood , grove , thicket , quantity of lotuses or other plants growing in a thick cluster (but in older language also applied to a single tree) RV. &c
[L=185718] plenty , abundance R. Katha1s.
[L=185719] a foreign or distant land RV. vii , 1 , 19 (cf. araṇya)
[L=185720] wood , timber RV.
[L=185721] a wooden vessel or barrel (for the soma juice) RV. (?)
[L=185722] a cloud (as the vessel in the sky) ib.
[L=185723] (prob.) the body of a carriage RV. viii , 34 , 18
[L=185724] water Naigh. i , 12
[L=185725] a fountain , spring L.
[L=185726] abode Nalo7d.
[L=185727] Cyperus Rotundus VarBr2S.
[L=185728] = raśrmi , a ray of light Naigh. i , 4
[L=185729] (prob.) longing , earnest desire KenUp.
(H2B) vána 1 [L=185730] m. N. of a son of uśīnara BhP.
(H2B) vána 1 [L=185731] m. of one of the 10 orders of mendicants founded by śaṃkarācārya (the members of which affix vana to their names cf. rārme*ndra-v°) W.
(H1) vana 2 [p= 919,1] [L=186167] ind. g. cā*di.
(H2) vana [p= 1332,1] [L=339060] (in comp.)
(H3) vána--ṃ-káraṇa [p= 917,3] [L=185773] n. a partic. part of the body (with mehana) RV. x , 163 , 5.
(H4) vanas-páti---kāya [p= 918,2] [L=185990.65] m. the whole body or world of plants L.
(H2B) vándanā [p= 919,1] [L=186189] f. praise , worship , adoration L.
(H2B) vándanā [L=186190] f. (with Buddhists) one of the 7 kinds of anuttara-pūjā or highest worship (the other 6 being pūjanā , pāpa-deśanā , anumodanā , adhyeṣaṇā , badhi-cittā*tpā*da and pariṇamanā) Dharmas. 1 4
(H2B) vándanā [p= 919,2] [L=186191] f. a mark or symbol impressed on the body (with ashes &c ) Vas.
(H2) vapu [p= 919,3] [L=186329] m. = vapus , a body , MW.
(H2B) vapu [L=186330] f. N. of an apsaras MBh. Ma1rkP.
(H3) vapuḥ--srava [p= 920,1] [L=186334] m. humour of the body , chyle L.
(H3) vapur--mala-samācita [L=186340] mfn. having the body covered with dirt ib. &c
(H3) vapuṣ--mat [L=186346] mfn. having a body , embodied , corporeal Kir.
[L=186347] having a beautiful form , handsome Mn. MBh. &c
[L=186348] containing the word vapus AitBr.
(H3B) vapuṣ--mat [L=186349] m. N. of a deity enumerated among the viśve devāḥ Hariv.
(H3B) vapuṣ--mat [L=186350] m. of a son of priya-vrata Pur.
(H3B) vapuṣ--mat [L=186351] m. of a ṛṣi in the 11th manv-antara VP.
(H3) vapuṣ--mat [L=186352] m. of a king of kuṇḍina ib.
(H2) vápus [L=186362] mfn. having form or a beautiful form , embodied , handsome , wonderful RV.
(H2B) vápus [L=186363] n. form , figure , (esp.) a beautiful form or figure , wonderful appearance , beauty (°puṣe ind. for beauty ; vápur dṛśáye , a wonder to see) RV. &c
(H2B) vápus [L=186364] n. nature , essence Mn. v , 96 ; x , 9 &c
(H2B) vápus [L=186365] n. (ifc. f(uṣī). ) the body Mn. MBh. &c
(H2B) vápus [L=186366] f. Beauty personified as a daughter of dakṣa and dharma VP. Ma1rkP.
(H2B) vápus [L=186367] f. N. of an apsaras VP.
(H3) vápus--sāt [L=186368] ind. into the state of a body , APra1t. Sch.
(H3) vará--tanu [p= 922,1] [L=186795] mf(ū)n. having a beautiful body Ka1lac.
(H3) varā* ṅga [p= 922,3] [L=186947] n. " best member of the body " , the head R. VarBr2.
[L=186948] the female pudenda Katha1s.
[L=186949] the principal piece or part VarBr2S.
[L=186950] an elegant form or body MW.
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186951] mfn. having an excellent form , excellent or beautiful in all parts L.
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186952] m. an elephant DivyA7v.
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186953] m. (in astron.) a nakṣatra year consisting of 324 days
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186954] m. N. of viṣṇu L.
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186955] m. of a king VP.
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186958] n. Cassia bark , green cinnamon Bhpr.
(H3B) varā* ṅga [L=186959] n. sorrel L.
(H3) varāha--vapuṣa [p= 923,2] [L=187135] n. the body of a boar ib.
(H2) varṇaka [p= 925,1] [L=187452] mf(ikā)n. painting , picturing , representing Ra1jat.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187453] m. a strolling player or singer L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187454] m. a species of plant Sus3r.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187455] m. fragrant ointment L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187456] m. N. of a man (pl. his descendants) g. upakā*di
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187457] m. or n. a model or specimen Katha1s.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187458] mf(ikā)n. colour for painting , paint , pigment , unguent , anything for smearing on the body AitA1r. S3a1n3khGr2. &c (ifc. f(akā). )
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187459] m. sandal L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187462] m. a pencil or brush for painting or writing L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187463] m. kind , description HParis3.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187464] m. a woman's fragrant ointment L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187465] f(akā or ikā). fine gold , purity of gold L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187466] n. a chapter , section of a book Nya1yam. Sch.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187467] n. a circle , orb HParis3.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187468] n. orpiment L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187469] n. the red colouring or paint with which bride and bridegroom are marked at weddings , the painting of the bride by the bridegroom and of the bridegroom by the bride L.
(H2B) varṇaka [L=187470] n. (ifc.) a letter or syllable S3rutab.
(H3) varmitáṅga [p= 926,3] [L=187822] mfn. having the body clad in armour R.
(H2) varṣma 1 [p= 927,3] [L=188058] m. Pa1rGr2. i , 3 , 8 (varṣmo'smi prob. w.r. for varṣmā*smi)
(H2B) varṣma 1 [L=188059] n. body , form = várṣman MW.
(H2) varṣma 2 [L=188060] in comp. for varṣman.
(H3) varṣma--vat [L=188061] mfn. having a body MBh.
(H3) varṣma--vīrya [L=188062] n. vigour of body MW.
(H3) varṣmā* bha [L=188063] mfn. resembling the body or form (of anything) MW.
(H2) varṣmán [L=188064] m. height , top RV. AV.
[L=188065] the vertex RV.
(H2B) varṣmán [L=188066] n. (várihman) height , top , surface , uttermost part RV. VS. TS. &c
(H2B) varṣmán [L=188067] n. height , greatness , extent MBh. Hariv. &c
(H2B) varṣmán [L=188068] n. measure W.
(H2B) varṣmán [L=188069] n. body MBh. Hariv. Ya1jn5. &c
(H2B) varṣmán [L=188070] n. a handsome form or auspicious appearance L.
(H2B) varṣmán [L=188071] mfn. holding rain W.
(H2) valmīka [p= 928,2] [L=188253] mn. (g. ardharcā*di) an ant-hill , mole-hill , a hillock or ground thrown up by white ants or by moles (cf. vamrī-kūṭa) &c VS. &c
[L=188254] swelling of the neck or of the chest and other parts of the body , elephantiasis Sus3r.
(H2B) valmīka [L=188255] m. = sā*tapo meghaḥ or = sūryaḥ Megh. Sch.
(H2B) valmīka [L=188256] m. N. of the father of vālmīki BhP.
(H2B) valmīka [L=188257] m. the poet vālmīki L.
(H2B) valmīka [L=188258] n. N. of a place Katha1s.
(H3) vallabhā* cārya [p= 928,3] [L=188317] m. N. of a celebrated vaiṣṇava teacher (successor of a less celebrated teacher viṣṇusvāmin ; he was born , it is said , in the forest of campāraṇya in 1479 ; at an early age he travelling to propagate his doctrines , and at the court of kṛṣṇadeva , king of vijaya-nagara , succeeded so well in his controversies with the śaivas that the vaiṣṇavas chose him as their chief ; he then went to other parts of India , and finally settled down at Benares , where he composed seventeen works , the most important of which were a commentary on the vedā*nta and mīmāṃsā sūtras and another on the bhāgavata-purāṇa , on which last the sect rest their doctrines ; he left behind eighty-four disciples , of each of whom some story is told , and these stories are often repeated on festive occasions. He taught a non-ascetical view of religion and deprecated all self-mortification as dishonouring the body which contained a portion of the supreme Spirit. His followers in Bombay and Gujarat , and their leaders , are called mahā-rājas ; they are called the epicureans of India) RTL. 134-137
(H2) vavrí [p= 929,1] [L=188388] m. a lurking-place RV.
[L=188389] a cover , vesture ib.
[L=188390] the body ib.
[L=188391] N. of the supposed author of RV. v , 9 Anukr.
(H3) vavrí--vāsas [L=188392] (vavrí-) mfn. (prob.) dwelling in the body AV.
(H3) váhni--da [p= 934,1] [L=189349] mfn. giving heat (to the body) Sus3r.
(H3) váhni--nāśana [L=189359] mfn. extinguishing the heat (of the body). Sus3r.
(H2) vāta 1 [p= 934,2] [L=189437] mfn. (for 2. » [p= 939,3]) blown &c
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189438] m. wind or the wind-god (pl. also " the maruts " , cf. vāyu) RV. &c
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189439] m. wind , air Hit.
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189440] m. wind emitted from the body MBh. iv , 117
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189441] m. wind or air as one of the humours of the body (also called vāyu , māruta , pavana , anila , samīraṇa) Katha1s. Sus3r. &c
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189442] m. morbid affection of the windy humour , flatulence , gout , rheumatism &c VarBr2S. S3r2in3ga1r.
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189443] m. N. of a people (» vāta-pati and vātā*dhipa)
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189444] m. of a rākṣasa VP.
(H2B) vā́ta 1 [L=189445] m. of a son of śūra ib.
(H1) vāta 1 [p= 939,3] [L=190608] &c » [p= 934,2] &c
(H1) vāta 2 [L=190609] mfn. (fr. √ van) = vanita , solicited , wished for , desired (cf. vivasvad-v°)
[L=190610] attacked , assailed , injured , hurt (cf. 3. a-v° and nivāta).
(H2) vāta 3 [p= 1019,3] [L=206545] mfn. (for 1. and 2. » pp. 934 , 939) dried up (» 1. a-vātá).
(H2) vāta [p= 1332,1] [L=339260] (in comp.)
(H3) vāta--kara [p= 934,2] [L=189447] mfn. producing wind (in the body) , causing flatulence Bhpr.
(H3) vāta--kalākalā [L=189449] f. the particles of wind or air distributed in the body (°līya mfn. relating to them) Car.
(H3) vāta--kopana [L=189458] mfn. exciting wind (in the body) Sus3r.
(H3) vāta--kṣobha [L=189459] m. disturbance or movement of wind (in the body) Katha1s.
(H3) vāta--rakta [p= 934,3] [L=189538] m. wind (in the body) and blood Sus3r.
[L=189539] acute gout or rheumatism (ascribed to a vitiated state of wind and blood) ib. (cf. -śoṇita)
(H3) vāta--roga [L=189554] m. " wind-disease " , any disease supposed to arise from a diseased state of the wind in the body (e.g. gout , rheumatism , paralysis &c ) Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.
(H2) vātika [p= 935,2] [L=189696] mf(ī)n. windy , stormy L.
[L=189697] affected by wind-disease , rheumatic L.
[L=189698] exciting or allaying wind (in the body) Pat.
[L=189699] produced by or proceeding from disorder of the wind Sus3r.
[L=189700] mad MW.
(H2B) vātika [L=189701] m. a man of mere words , noisy talker , flatterer MBh.
(H2B) vātika [L=189702] m. a juggler or conjurer MBh. Hcar.
(H2B) vātika [L=189703] m. a person who cures poison , dealer in antidotes L.
(H2B) vātika [L=189704] m. the bird cātaka Sa1h. (cf. vātīka)
(H2B) vātika [L=189705] m. N. of an attendant of skanda MBh.
(H3) vāṅ--mūrti [p= 937,2] [L=190143] mfn. having speech for a body
(H3B) vāṅ--mūrti [L=190144] f. (with devatā) sarasvatī , Pracan2d2.
(H3) vācás--páti [L=190184] m. (vācás-) " lord of voice or speech " , N. of a divine being (presiding over human life which lasts as long as there is voice in the body ; applied to soma , viśva-karman , prajā-pati , brahmā &c , but esp. to bṛhas-pati , who is lord of eloquence , preceptor of the gods , and regent of the planet Jupiter) RV. AV. &c
[L=190184.1] a master of speech , orator BhP.
[L=190184.2] N. of a ṛṣi , a lexicographer , a philosopher &c Sarvad. Un2. Sch. &c
(H1) vāyú 1 [p= 942,2] [L=191228] m. (fr. √2. vā) wind , air (as one of the 5 elements ; in MBh. 7 winds are reckoned) RV. &c
[L=191229] the god of the wind (often associated with indra in the ṛg-veda , as vāta [q.v.] with parjanya , but although of equal rank with indra , not occupying so prominent a position ; in the puruṣasūkta he is said to have sprung form the breath of puruṣa , and elsewhere is described as the son-in-law of tvaṣṭṛ ; be is said to move in a shining car drawn by a pair of red or purple horses or by several teams consisting of ninety-nine or a hundred or even a thousand horses [cf. ni-yút] ; he is often made to occupy the same chariot with indra , and in conjunction with him honoured with the first draught of the soma libation ; he is rarely connected with the maruts , although in i , 134 , 4 , he is said to have begotten them from the rivers of heaven ; he is regent of the nakṣatra svāti and north-west quarter » loka-pāla) ib.
[L=191230] breathing , breath VPra1t I1s3Up.
[L=191231] the wind of the body , a vital air (of which 5 are reckoned , viz. prā*ṇa , apā*na , samāna , udāna , and vyāna ; or nāga , kūrma , kṛkara , devadatta , and dhanaṃ-jaya) Hariv. Sa1m2khyak. Veda7ntas.
[L=191232] (in medicine) the windy humour or any morbid affection of it Sus3r.
[L=191233] the wind as a kind of demon producing madness Ka1d. Vcar. (cf. -grasta)
[L=191234] (in astron.) N. of the fourth muhūrta
[L=191235] a mystical N. of the letter ya Up.
[L=191236] N. of a vasu Hariv.
[L=191237] of a daitya ib.
[L=191238] of a king of the gandharvas VP.
[L=191239] of a marut R.
[L=191240] pl. the maruts Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
(H1) vāyú 2 [p= 943,1] [L=191393] mfn. (fr. √ vai) tired , languid RV. vii , 91 , 1.
(H1) vāyú 3 [L=191394] mfn. (fr. √ vī) desirous , covetous , greedy (for food , applied to calves) TS.
[L=191395] desirable , desired by the appetite RV.
(H3) vāyú--granthi [p= 942,2] [L=191255] m. a lump or swelling caused by disturbance of the air in the body Ma1rkP.
(H3) vāyú--vāhinī [p= 942,3] [L=191345] f. the air-conveying (vessel of the body) L.
(H1) vālakhilya [p= 946,2] [L=192149] n. (also written bāl° , of doubtful derivation) N. of a collection of 11 (accord. to some only 6 or 8) hymns of the ṛg-veda (commonly inserted after viii , 48 , but numbered separately as a supplement by some editors ; they are also called vālakhilyāḥ , with or scil. mantrāḥ , or ṛcaḥ , and daśatī vālakhilyakā) Br. S3rS. &c
[L=192150] (°lyá) pl. N. of a class of ṛṣis of the size of a thumb (sixty thousand were produced from brahmā's body and surround the chariot of the sun) TA1r. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) vāhinī [p= 949,2] [L=192786] f. » next.
(H2) vāhínī [L=192787] f. an army , host , body of forces AV. MBh. &c
[L=192788] a partic. division of an army (consisting of 3 gaṇas i.e. 81 elephants , 81 cars , 243 horse , 405 foot ; cf. akṣauhiṇī) MBh.
[L=192789] a river ib. R. &c
[L=192790] a channel Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
[L=192791] N. of the wife of kuru MBh.
(H3) ví--guṇa [p= 950,2] [L=192959] mfn. without a string (» below)
[L=192960] deficient , imperfect , destitute of (comp.) Ka1tyS3r. MBh. &c
[L=192961] unsuccessful , ineffective Ra1jat.
[L=192962] adverse (as fortune) Pan5cat. (v.l.)
[L=192963] void of qualities BhP.
[L=192964] destitute of merits , wicked , bad MBh. R. &c
[L=192965] disordered , corrupted (as the humours of the body) Sus3r.
(H1) vi-guṇa [p= 957,2] [L=194516] &c » [p= 950,2].
(H3) ví--majjā* ntra [p= 951,3] [L=193335] mfn. deprived of marrow and intestines (said of the body) MBh.
(H3) ví--lohitaka [p= 952,2] [L=193500] n. a dead body that has become red L.
(H2) ví-kṛti [p= 954,3] [L=194023] f. change , alteration , modification , variation , changed condition (of body or mind ; acc. with √ gam , yā , vraj , or pra- √pad , to undergo a change , be changed) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=194024] sickness , disease L.
[L=194025] perturbation , agitation , emotion MBh. Katha1s. &c
[L=194026] alienation , hostility , defection Ka1m. Pan5cat.
[L=194027] a verse changed in a partic. manner S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
[L=194028] an apparition , phantom , spectre Katha1s.
[L=194029] any production (ifc. anything made of) MBh. Sus3r.
[L=194030] (in sāṃkhya) = 2. vi-kāra
[L=194031] (in gram.) a derivative Nir.
[L=194032] formation , growth , development AitBr.
[L=194033] abortion Sus3r. (v.l. vaikṛta)
[L=194034] = ḍimba L.
[L=194035] = pralāpa Harav. Sch.
[L=194036] N. of a class of metres Pin3g.
(H2B) ví-kṛti [L=194037] m. N. of a son of jīmūta VP.
(H3) vi-° kṣiptaka [p= 956,2] [L=194365] n. a dead body which has been torn asunder or lacerated Buddh.
(H3) vi-° khāditaka [p= 956,3] [L=194418] n. a dead body which has been devoured by animals Buddh.
(H3) ví--graha 1 [p= 950,2] [L=192968] mfn. (for 2. » vi- √grah) freed from " the Seizer " i.e. rāhu (said of the moon) R.
(H2) vi-graha 2 [p= 957,2] [L=194540] m. (for 1. » p.950.col.2) keeping apart or asunder , isolation Nir. BhP.
[L=194541] division , Bh.
[L=194542] distribution (esp. of fluids cf. vi- √grah) Ka1tyS3r.
[L=194543] (in gram.) independence (of a word , as opp. to composition) APra1t.
[L=194544] separation , resolution , analysis , resolution of a compound word into its constituent parts , the separation or analysis of any word capable of separation (such words are kṛdantas , taddhitas , all samāsas or compound words , ekaśeṣas , and all derivative verbs like desideratives &c ; the only words incapable of resolution being the simple verb , the singular of the noun , and a few indeclinables not derived from roots ; all compounds being called nitya or " fixed " , when their meaning cannot be ascertained through an analysis of their component parts ; cf. jamad-agni) Pa1n2. Sch. S3am2k. &c
[L=194545] discord , quarrel , contest , strife , war with (instr. with or without saha , sā*rdham or sākam loc. gen. with upari , or comp.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=194546] (one of the 6 guṇas or measures of policy Mn. vii , 160 [cf. under guṇa] , also applied to the conflict of hostile planets , in this sense also n. Su1ryas. R. ; acc. with √ kṛ , to make or wage war)
[L=194547] separate i.e. individual form or shape , form , figure , the body Up. MBh. &c (also applied to the shape of a rainbow ; acc. with √ grah , pari- √grah , √ kṛ , upā*- √dā , to assume a form)
[L=194548] an ornament , decoration MBh. R.
[L=194549] (in sāṃkhya) an element
[p= 957,3] [L=194550] N. of śiva MBh.
[L=194551] of one of skanda's attendants ib.
(H3) vi-gra° hā* vara 2 [L=194562] n. " hinder part of the body " , the back L.
(H3) vi-citra---deha [p= 959,1] [L=194840] mfn. having a painted body W.
[L=194841] elegantly formed ib.
(H3B) vi-citra---deha [L=194842] m. a cloud L.
(H3) vi-ci° trā* ṅga [L=194854] m. " having variegated limbs or a spotted body " , a peacock L.
[L=194855] a tiger L.
(H3) vi-° ceṣṭita [p= 959,2] [L=194897] mfn. struggled , striven , exerted &c
[L=194898] effected , produced Hit.
[L=194899] investigated , inquired into W.
[L=194900] unconsidered , ill-judged ib.
(H3B) vi-° ceṣṭita [L=194901] n. motion (of the body) , gesture Ka1v. Sus3r.
(H3B) vi-° ceṣṭita [L=194902] n. action , exertion , conduct , behaviour Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
(H3B) vi-° ceṣṭita [L=194903] n. evil or malicious act , machination W.
(H3) ví-° cchitti [L=194918] f. (ví-) cutting asunder or off , breaking off , prevention , interruption , cessation TBr. &c
[L=194918.1] wanting , lack of (instr.) S3is3.
[L=194918.2] (in rhet.) a pointed or cutting or sharp style Sa1h. Kuval.
[L=194918.3] irregularity or carelessness in dress and decoration Va1s. Das3ar.
[L=194918.4] colouring or marking the body with unguents , painting S3ak. S3is3.
[L=194918.5] caesura , pause in a verse W.
(H1) viju [p= 960,3] [L=195195] m. that part of a bird's body on which the wings grow AitA1r.
(H3) ví-tata---vapus [p= 962,2] [L=195485] mfn. having an elongated body MW.
(H1) vi- √ tap [p= 962,3] [L=195522]
P. A1. -tapati , °te , (P.) to give out heat TBr. ;
to force asunder , tear , penetrate RV. AV. ;
(A1. ; cf. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 27 Sch.) to burn (intr.) Bhat2t2. ;
to warm one's self or any member of the body Pa1n2. 1-3 , 27 Va1rtt. 1 Pat. : Caus. -tāpayati , to heat , warm VarBr2S.
(H2) vidátha [p= 963,3] [L=195644] n. knowledge , wisdom
[L=195645] (esp.) " knowledge given to others " i.e. instruction , direction , order , arrangement , disposition , rule , command (also pl.) RV. AV. VS. (vidatham ā- √vad , to impart knowledge , give instruction , rule , govern)
[L=195646] a meeting , assembly (either for deliberating or for the observance of festive or religious rites i.e.) council , community , association , congregation ib. (also applied to partic. associations or communities of gods , which in RV. viii , 39 , 1 &c are opposed to those of men ; in RV. ii , 27 , 8 ; vi , 51 , 2 &c three associations of gods are mentioned)
[L=195647] a host , army , body of warriors (esp. applied to the maruts) RV.
[L=195648] war , fight ib.
[L=195649] a sage , scholar L.
[L=195650] a saint , devotee , ascetic (= yogin) L.
[L=195651] = kṛtin L.
[L=195652] N. of a man Sa1y. on RV. v , 33 , 9.
(H2) vidátha [p= 1332,2] [L=339320] (accord. to some for vidhā*tha fr. √vidh, and orig. = "homage, worship, sacrifice" ; accord. to others also = "house, household, &c ").
(H3) vi-deha---mukti [p= 966,2] [L=196252] f. deliverance through release from the body Ra1matUp. (°ti-kathana n. and °ty-ādi-kathana n. N. of two treatises)
(H3) ví--dhura 1 [p= 951,1] [L=193164] mf(ā)n. destitute of a shaft (as a carriage) MBh. vi , 1890 (perhaps " damaged " = vidhura2 » s.v.)
(H3) vidhura [p= 967,2] [L=196469] » [p= 968,2].
(H2) vidhura 2 [p= 968,3] [L=196698] mf(ā)n. (for 1. » [p= 951,1]) bereft , bereaved (esp. of any loved person) , alone , solitary Ka1v. Ra1jat.
[L=196699] (ifc.) separated from , destitute of , wanting BhP. Sarvad.
[L=196700] suffering from want , miserable , helpless , distressed MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=196701] perplexed , troubled , depressed , dejected (am ind.) Ka1v. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
[L=196702] adverse , unfavourable , hostile ib.
(H2B) vidhura 2 [L=196703] m. a rākṣasa L.
(H2B) vidhura 2 [L=196704] m. a widower MW.
(H2B) vidhura 2 [L=196706] n. adversity , calamity , distress Katha1s. ( L. also = viśleṣa , praviśleṣa or pariśleṣa)
(H2B) vidhura 2 [L=196707] n. du. N. of two partic. joints of the body Bhpr.
(H2) ví-dhṛta [p= 969,1] [L=196766] mfn. kept asunder , divided , separated TS. &c
[L=196767] kept off , avoided Hariv.
[L=196768] stopped , checked , suppressed , restrained MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=196769] held , borne (with śirasā , mūrdhnā or °dhni , borne on the head i.e. highly esteemed ; with svo*dareṇa , borne in one's own body) ib.
[L=196770] held , possessed Bhartr2.
[L=196771] saved , preserved BhP.
[L=196772] (with antare) pledged Pan5cat.
(H2B) ví-dhṛta [L=196773] n. w.r. for vi-dhūta (q.v.) Sa1h.
(H3) vi-nata---kāya [p= 969,2] [L=196829] mfn. one who has the body bent , stooping SaddhP.
(H2) vi-nāma [L=196849] m. crookedness (of the body , caused by pain) Bhpr. Car. (also °maka m. °mikā f.)
[L=196850] conversion into a cerebral letter , the substitution of ṣ for s and ṇ for n Pra1t.
(H3) vi-nāśa---sambhava [p= 969,3] [L=196874] m. a source of destruction , cause of the subsequent non-existence of a composite body (avayavin) MW.
(H1) vi-nir- √ muc [p= 971,1] [L=197078] P. -muñcati (only ind.p. -mucya) , to abandon , relinquish (the body i.e. to die) Hariv. : Pass. -mucyate , to be liberated or set free , be delivered from , be rid of (instr.) Pras3nUp.
(H3) vi-panna---deha [p= 973,3] [L=197617] mfn. " having a decomposed body " , dead , defunct Mr2icch. i , 30
(H1) vipadumaka [L=197626] (?) n. a dead body gnawed by worms Buddh.
(H2) vi-bhinna [p= 978,1] [L=198329] mfn. split or broken in two &c
[L=198330] passed across or through (as by a heavenly body) VarBr2S.
[L=198331] opened blown Ragh.
[L=198332] cleft (said of the temples of an elephant which exude during rut) Bhartr2.
[L=198333] broken , destroyed BhP.
[L=198334] altered , changed (also in one's feelings) Ka1v. Katha1s.
[L=198335] alienated , estranged , become faithless Ra1jat.
[L=198336] separated , divided Katha1s.
[L=198337] disunited , living at variance R.
[L=198338] (a place) filled with dissensions Katha1s.
[L=198339] disappointed (» āśā-v°)
[L=198340] contradictory Subh.
[L=198341] various , manifold Katha1s. Ma1rkP.
[L=198342] mingled with (instr.) Kir.
(H2B) vi-bhinna [L=198343] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H3) vi-bhi° nnā* ṅga [L=198349] mfn. one who has his body pierced or transfixed R.
(H3) vi-° bhāva [p= 977,3] [L=198289] (for 2. » [p= 978,3]) mf(arī » next)n. (voc. vi-bhāvas) , id. ib.
(H1) vi-bhāva [L=198307] 1. and 2. vi-bhāva. » above and [p= 978,3].
(H2) vi-bhāva 2 [p= 978,3] [L=198416] m. (for 1. » under vi- √bhā) any condition which excites or develops a partic. state of mind or body , any cause of emotion (e.g. the persons and circumstances represented in a drama , as opp. to the anu-bhāva or external signs or effects of emotion) Bhar. Das3ar. Sa1h. (-tva n.)
[L=198417] a friend , acquaintance L.
[L=198418] N. of śiva Pan5car.
(H2) ví-bhūti [L=198482] mfn. penetrating , pervading Nir.
[L=198483] abundant , plentiful RV.
[L=198484] mighty , powerful ib.
[L=198485] presiding over (gen.) ib. viii , 50 , 6
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198486] m. N. of a sādhya Hariv.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198487] m. of a son of viśvāmitra MBh.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198488] m. of a king VP.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198489] f. development , multiplication , expansion , plenty , abundance Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) ví-bhūti [p= 979,1] [p= 978,3] [L=198490] f. manifestation of might , great power , superhuman power (consisting of eight faculties , especially attributed to śiva , but supposed also to be attainable by human beings through worship of that deity , viz. aṇiman , the power of becoming as minute as an atom ; laghiman , extreme lightness ; prā*pti , attaining or reaching anything [e.g. the moon with the tip of the finger] ; prākāmya , irresistible will ; mahiman , illimitable bulk ; īśitā , supreme dominion ; vaśitā , subjugating by magic ; and kāmā*vasāyitā , the suppressing all desires) ib.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198491] f. a partic. śakti Hcat.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198492] f. the might of a king or great lord , sovereign power , greatness Ka1lid. Pan5cat. Katha1s. &c
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198493] f. successful issue (of a sacrifice) MBh. R.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198494] f. splendour , glory , magnificence Hariv. Ragh. VarBr2S.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198495] f. fortune , welfare , prosperity Pras3nUp. MBh. &c
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198496] f. (also pl.) riches , wealth , opulence Ka1m. Ka1v. Katha1s.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198497] f. N. of lakṣmi (the goddess of fortune and welfare) BhP.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198498] f. the ashes of cow-dung &c (with which śiva is said to smear his body , and hence used in imitation of him by devotees) Pan5car. Sa1h.
(H2B) ví-bhūti [L=198499] f. (in music) a partic. śruti Sam2gi1t.
(H4) vi-° bhūṣi° tā* ṅga [L=198535] mfn. decorated about the body MW.
(H3) ví--māna [p= 951,3] [L=193377] mfn. (for 2. » vi- √man) devoid of honour , disgraced BhP.
(H2) vi-māna 2 [p= 979,3] [L=198637] m. (for 1. » [p= 951,3] ; for 3. under vi- √mā) disrespect , dishonour (» a-vi mana).
(H2) ví-māna 3 [p= 980,1] [L=198730] mf(ī)n. (for 1. » [p= 951,3] ; for 2 , under vi- √man) measuring out , traversing RV. AV. MBh.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198731] m. n. a car or chariot of the gods , any mythical self-moving aerial car (sometimes serving as a seat or throne , sometimes self-moving and carrying its occupant through the air ; other descriptions make the vimāna more like a house or palace , and one kind is said to be 7 stories high ; that of rāvaṇa was called puṣpaka q.v. ; the nau-v° [ Ragh. xvi , 68] is thought to resemble a ship) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198732] m. any car or vehicle (esp. a bier) Ra1jat. vii , 446
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198733] m. the palace of an emperor or supreme monarch (esp. one with 7 stories) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198734] m. a temple or shrine of a partic. form VarBr2S.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198735] m. a kind of tower (?) R. v , 52 , 8
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198736] m. a grove Ja1takam.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198737] m. a ship , boat L.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198738] m. a horse L.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198739] n. measure RV.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198740] n. extension ib.
(H2B) ví-māna 3 [L=198741] n. (in med.) the science of (right) measure or proportion (e.g. of the right relation between the humours of the body , of medicines and remedies &c ) Car.
(H4) vi-° racita---vapus [p= 982,1] [L=199064] mfn. one who has his body formed or arranged MW.
(H3) ví--rāj 1 [p= 949,3] [L=192829] m. (for 2. » s.v.) king of birds BhP.
(H1) vi- √ rāj [p= 982,3] [L=199210]
P. A1. -rājati , °te , to reign , rule , govern , master (gen. or acc.) , excel (abl.) RV. AV. Br. ;
to be illustrious or eminent , shine forth , shine out (abl.) , glitter ChUp. Mn. MBh. &c ;
to appear as (nom.) MBh. : Caus. -rājayati , (rarely °te) cause to shine forth , give radiance or lustre , brighten , illuminate MBh. R. &c
(H2) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199211] mfn. (for 1. » [p= 949,3]) ruling far and wide , sovereign , excellent , splendid RV.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199212] mfn. a ruler , chief. king or queen (applied to agni , sarasvatī , the Sun &c ) ib. AV. VS. Br. MBh.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199213] f. excellence , pre-eminence , high rank , dignity , majesty TS. Br. S3rS.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199214] mf. the first progeny of brahmā (according to Mn. i , 32 &c , brahmā having divided his own substance into male and female , produced from the female the male power virāj , who then produced the first manu or manu svāyambhuva , who then created the ten prajā-patis ; the BhP. states that the male half of brahmā was manu , and the other half śata-rūpā , and does not allude to the intervention of virāj ; other purāṇas describe the union of śata-rūpā with virāj or puruṣa in the first instance , and with manu in the second ; virāj as a sort of secondary creator , is sometimes identified with prajā-pati , brahmā , agni , puruṣa , and later with viṣṇu or kṛṣṇa , while in RV. x , 90 , he is represented as born from puruṣa , and puruṣa from him ; in the AV. viii , 10 , 24 ; xi , 8 , 30 , virāj is spoken of as a female , and regarded as a cow ; being elsewhere , however , identified with prā*ṇa) IW. 22 &c
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199215] m. (in vedānta) N. of the Supreme Intellect located in a supposed aggregate of gross bodies (= vaiśvānara , q. v.) , vedāntas.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199216] m. a warrior (= kṣatriya) MBh. BhP.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199217] m. the body MW.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199218] m. a partic. ekā*ha Pan5cavBr. Vait.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199219] m. N. of a son of priya-vrata and kāmyā Hariv.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199220] m. of a son of nara VP.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [p= 983,1] [L=199221] m. of buddha L.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199222] m. of a son of rādhā MW.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199223] m. of a district ib.
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199224] f. a particular Vedic metre consisting of four pādas of ten syllables each (and therefore also a symbolical N. of the number " ten " ; in RV. x , 130 , 5 this metre is represented as attaching itself to mitra and varuṇa , and in AitBr. i , 4 virāj is mystically regarded as " food " , and invocations are directed to be made in this metre when food is the especial object of prayer ; in prosody virāj is applied to any metre defective by two syllables RPra1t. )
(H2B) vi-rā́j 2 [L=199225] f. pl. N. of partic. bricks (40 in number) VS. S3Br.
(H3) virāḍ--deha [L=199259] m. " having the body of virāj " , N. of the Universe MW.
(H3) vi-° lagna [p= 984,3] [L=199563] mfn. clung or fastened or attached to , resting or hanging on , connected with (loc. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (tīravilagna come ashore , landed Katha1s. ) pendulous , flaccid (as breasts) R.
[L=199564] hanging in a cage , caged (as a bird) ib.
[L=199565] gone by , passed away Pan5cat.
[L=199566] thin , slender MBh. Kum.
(H3B) vi-° lagna [L=199567] m. or n. the waist , middle (as connecting the upper and lower parts of the body) L.
(H3B) vi-° lagna [L=199568] n. the rising of constellations , a horoscope &c (= lagna) Var.
(H1) vi-vara [p= 987,1] [L=199988] vi-varaṇa &c » under vi- √1. vṛ , p.988.
(H2) vi-vará [p= 988,2] [L=200219] m. n. a fissure , hole , chasm , slit , cleft , hollow , vacuity (also applied to the apertures of the body and to gaping wounds) RV. &c
[L=200220] intermediate space , interstice MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=200221] difference VarBr2S. Gan2it.
[L=200222] a breach , fault , flaw , vulnerable or weak point MBh. Ka1v.
[L=200223] harm , injury Ma1rkP.
[L=200224] expansion , opening , widening BhP.
[L=200225] N. of the number " nine " (cf. above and under randhra) MW.
[L=200226] a partic. high number Buddh.
(H3) ví--śalya [p= 952,3] [L=193574] » s.v.
(H1) ví-śalya [p= 989,3] [L=200451] mfn. pointless (as an arrow) VS.
[L=200452] freed from an arrow-head , healed of an arrow-wound MBh. R.
[L=200453] free from thorns or darts W.
[L=200454] freed from an extraneous substance in the body (ā viśaīya-bhāvāt , " until freed from the embryo ") Sus3r.
[L=200455] freed from pain MBh.
[L=200456] without trouble or care or pain W.
(H3) ví-śalya---ghna [p= 990,1] [L=200473] mfn. (prob. said of those spots of the body , such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface , but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r.
(H3) ví-śalya---prā* ṇa-hara [L=200473.1] mfn. (prob. said of those spots of the body , such as the temples and space between the eye-brows a blow on which is fatal even without any point entering the surface , but commonly applied to those spots a wound on which becomes fatal as soon as a pointed weapon is extracted) Sus3r.
(H2) vi-śuddha [p= 991,2] [L=200737] mfn. completely cleansed or purified (also in a ritual sense) , clean , clear , pure (lit.and fig.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=200738] free from vice , virtuous , honest MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=200739] brilliantly white (as teeth) R2itus.
[L=200740] thoroughly settled or established or fixed or determined or ascertained ib.
[L=200741] (ifc.) one who has gone through or thoroughly completed (upadeśa-v°) Ma1lav.
[L=200742] cleared i .e. exhausted , empty (as a treasury) Ra1jat.
[L=200743] (in alg.) subtracted Gol.
(H2B) vi-śuddha [L=200744] n. a kind of mystical circle in the body (cf. cakra and vi-śuddhi-c°)
(H3) vi-śuddhi---cakra [L=200773] n. a kind of mystical circle or mark in the body (said to be in the region of the throat) Cat.
(H3) vi-śīrṇa---mūrti [p= 991,3] [L=200834] mfn. having the body destroyed (said of kāma-deva) Kum.
(H3) vi-śrānta---vigraha-katha [p= 992,1] [L=200869] mfn. one in whom , " war " or " a body " (cf. vi-graha) is out of the question i.e. " unwarlike " and " bodiless " (applied to king udayana and to the god of love) Ratna7v. i , 8
(H1) víśva [p= 992,2] [L=200987] mf(ā)n. (prob. fr. √1. viś , to pervade cf. Un2. i , 151 ; declined as a pron. like sarva , by which it is superseded in the brāhmaṇas and later language) all , every , every one
[L=200988] whole , entire , universal RV. &c
[L=200989] all-pervading or all-containing , omnipresent (applied to viṣṇu-kṛṣṇa , the soul , intellect &c ) Up. MBh. &c
(H1B) víśva [L=200990] m. (in phil.) the intellectual faculty or (accord. to some) the faculty which perceives individuality or the individual underlying the gross body (sthūla-śarīra-vyaṣṭy-upahita) Veda7ntas.
(H1B) víśva [L=200991] m. N. of a class of gods cf. below
(H1B) víśva [L=200992] m. N. of the number " thirteen " Gol.
(H1B) víśva [L=200993] m. of a class of deceased ancestors Ma1rkP.
(H1B) víśva [L=200994] m. of a king MBh.
(H1B) víśva [L=200995] m. of a well-known dictionary = viśva-prakāśa
(H1B) víśva [L=200996] m. pl. (víśve , with or scil. devā́s cf. viśve-deva , p.995) " all the gods collectively " or the " All-gods " (a partic. class of gods , forming one of the 9 gaṇas enumerated under gaṇadevatā q.v. ; accord. to the viṣṇu and other purāṇas they were sons of viśvā , daughter of dakṣa , and their names are as follow , 1. vasu , 2. satya , 3. kratu , 4. dakṣa , 5. kāla , 6. kāma , 7. dhṛti , 8. kuru , 9. purū-ravas , 10. mādravas [?] ; two others are added by some , viz. 11. rocaka or locana , 12. dhvani [or dhūri ; or this may make 13]: they are particularly worshipped at śrāddhas and at the vaiśvadeva ceremony [ RTL. 416] ; moreover accord. to manu [iii , 90 , 121] , offerings should be made to them daily - these privileges having been bestowed on them by brahmā and the pitṛs , as a reward for severe austerities they had performed on the himā*laya: sometimes it is difficult to decide whether the expression viśve devāḥ refers to all the gods or to the particular troop of deities described above ) RV. &c
(H1B) víśva [p= 992,3] [L=200997] m. &c
(H1B) víśva [L=201007] n. the whole world , universe AV. &c &c
(H1B) víśva [L=201008] n. dry ginger Sus3r.
(H1B) víśva [L=201009] n. myrrh L.
(H1B) víśva [L=201010] n. a mystical N. of the sound o Up.
(H2) viśva [p= 1332,2] [L=339470] (in comp.)
(H3) víśva--kāya [p= 992,3] [L=201020] mfn. whose body is the universe BhP.
(H3) víśva--tanu [p= 993,1] [L=201088] mfn. whose body is the universe BhP.
(H3) víśva--mūrti [p= 993,2] [L=201238] mfn. having all forms (or one " whose body is the universe ") MBh. Hariv. &c (applied to the Supreme Spirit)
(H3B) víśva--mūrti [L=201239] m. a kind of mixture Rase7ndrac.
(H3) víṣṇu--granthi [p= 999,3] [L=202446] m. a partic. joint of the body Cat.
(H4) vi-° sāri° tā* ṅga [p= 1001,1] [L=202748] mfn. one who has an expanded or extended body MW.
(H3) vi-sarpa---khinnavigraha [p= 1001,2] [L=202842] mfn. one whose body is moist with the exudation caused by the visarpa disease Ra1jat.
(H3) ví-sras° tā* ṅga [p= 1002,3] [L=203073] mfn. having a languid body or relaxed limbs MBh.
(H1) vi- √ hā 1 [p= 1003,1] [L=203131] A1. -jihīte , to go apart , become expanded , start asunder , open , fly open , gape , yawn RV. AV. TS. S3Br. : Caus: -hāpayati , to cause to gape , open AV. AitBr. S3Br.
(H2) vihā [L=203166] ind. = svarga , heaven Un2. iv , 36 Sch.
(H1) vi- √ hā 3 [L=203172]
P. -jahāti , (ind.p. -hāya » below) , to leave behind , relinquish , quit , abandon RV. &c &c (with śarīram , prā*ṇan &c , " to abandon the body or life " , to die) ;
to give up , cast off , renounce , resign MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to be deprived of , lose Ragh. Sarvad. ;
to get rid of or free from (acc.) MBh. R. BhP. ;
to desist from (abl.) Subh. ;
to stop , pause VarBr2S. : Pass. -hīyate (aor. -hāyi) , to be left behind S3Br. ;
to be inferior to (abl.) MBh. ;
to be lost AV. : Caus. -hāpayati » next: Desid. -jihāsati , to wish to leave or abandon HParis3.
(H3) vi-hvala---tanu [p= 1003,3] [L=203301] mfn. one whose body is exhausted by (comp.) Pan5cat.
(H3) vi-hvala---sā* lasā* ṅga [p= 1004,1] [L=203304] mf(ī)n. one whose body is exhausted and languid Caurap.
(H4) vi-° hvalita---sarvā* ṅga [L=203310] mfn. trembling with the whole body MBh.
(H3) vīḍv-ā* ṅga [p= 1005,1] [L=203483] mfn. strong-limbed , firm in body ib.
(H3) vṛttá--kāya [p= 1009,3] [L=204384] mf(ā)n. having a round body Sus3r.
(H2) vṛddhi 1 [p= 1010,2] [L=204569] f. cutting off , abscission W.
[L=204570] (in law) forfeiture , deduction ib.
(H2) vṛddhi 2 [p= 1011,1] [L=204729] f. (for 1. » p.1010) growth , increase , augmentation , rise , advancement , extension , welfare , prosperity , success , fortune , happiness RV. &c
[L=204730] elevation (of ground) VarBr2S.
[L=204731] prolongation (of life) Pan5cat.
[L=204732] swelling (of the body) Sus3r.
[L=204733] enlargement of the scrotum (either from swelled testicle or hydrocele) ib.
[L=204734] swelling or rising (of the sea or of the waters) , waxing (of the moon) MBh.
[L=204735] gain , profit R. Subh.
[p= 1011,2] [p= 1011,1] [L=204736] profit from lending money &c , usury , interest Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. (the various kinds of interest recognized by Hindu lawyers are , 1. kāyikā vṛddhi , " body-interest " i.e. either the advantage arising from the body of an animal pledged as security for a loan , or interest paid repeatedly without reducing the body or principal ; 2. kālikā v° , " time-interest " i.e. payable weekly , monthly , annually , &c , but most usually computed by the month ; 3. cakrav° , " wheel-interest " i.e. interest upon interest , compound interest ; 4. kāritā v° , " stipulated interest " , at a rate higher than the usual legal rate ; 5. śikhā-v° , " interest growing like a lock of hair " i.e. at a usurious rate payable daily ; 6. bhoga-lābha , " advantage [accruing to a creditor] from the use " of objects handed over to him as security e.g. of lands , gardens , animals , &c : " lawful interest " is called dharma-v° , " usurious interest " a-nyāya-v° , " interest at the highest legal rate " parama-v°) IW. 264
[L=204737] the second modification or increase of vowels (to which they are subject under certain conditions e.g. ā is the vṛddhi of the vowel a ; ai of i , ī , and e ; au of u , ū , and o ; cf. 2. vṛddha and kṛta-vṛddhi) VPra1t. Pa1n2. Ra1jat. Sarvad.
[L=204738] one of the 8 principal drugs (described as mild , cooling &c ; and a remedy for phlegm. leprosy , and worms) Sus3r. Bhpr.
[L=204739] N. of the 11th of the astrological yogas (or the yoga star of the 11th lunar mansion) L.
[L=204740] = vṛddhi-śrāddha Gr2S.
(H2B) vṛddhi 2 [L=204741] m. (with bhaṭṭa) N. of a poet Cat.
(H1) vetāla [p= 1014,3] [L=205573] m. (of doubtful derivation) a kind of demon , ghost , spirit , goblin , vampire (esp. one occupying a dead body) Hariv. Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
[L=205574] N. of one of śiva's attendants , Ka1lika1P. ??
[L=205575] of a teacher BhP.
[L=205576] of a poet Cat.
[L=205577] a door-keeper (?) L.
(H4) veda--vedā* ṅga---vigrahin [p= 1016,1] [L=205803.3] mfn. one whose body consists of the veda and vedā*ṅga (said of viṣṇu) Vishn2.
(H3) vedā* ṅga [p= 1016,2] [L=205859] » below.
(H2) vedā* ṅga [p= 1016,3] [L=205937] n. " a limb (for preserving the body) of the veda " , N. of certain works or classes of works regarded as auxiliary to and even in some sense as part of the veda , (six are usually enumerated [and mostly written in the sūtra or aphoristic style] ; 1. śikṣā , " the science of proper articulation and pronunciation " , comprising the knowledge of letters , accents , quantity , the use of the organs of pronunciation , and phonetics generally , but especially the laws of euphony peculiar to the veda [many short treatises and a chapter of the taittirīya-āraṇyaka are regarded as the representatives of this subject ; but other works on Vedic phonetics may be included under it » prātiśākhya]: 2. chandas , " metre " [represented by a treatise ascribed to piṅgala-nāga , which , however , treats of Prakrit as well as Sanskrit metres , and includes only a few of the leading Vedic metres]: 3. vyākaraṇa , " linguistic analysis or grammar " [represented by pāṇini's celebrated sūtras]: 4. nirukta , " explanation of difficult Vedic words " [cf. yāska]: 5. jyotiṣa , " astronomy " , or rather the Vedic calendar [represented by a small tract , the object of which is to fix the most auspicious days for sacrifices]: 6. kalpa , " ceremonial " , represented by a large number of sūtra works [cf. sūtra]: the first and second of these vedā*ṅgas are said to be intended to secure the correct reading or recitation of the veda , the third and fourth the understanding of it , and the fifth and sixth its proper employment at sacrifices: the vedā*ṅgas are alluded to by manu , who calls them , in iii , 184 , pravacanas , " expositions " , a term which is said to be also applied to the brāhmaṇas) IW. 145 &c
(H1) vera [p= 1018,2] [L=206254] m. n. (only L. ) the body
(H1B) vera [L=206255] n. the egg-plant
(H1B) vera [L=206256] n. saffron
(H1B) vera [L=206257] n. the mouth.
(H2) vaigrahika [p= 1020,3] [L=206717] mf(ī)n. belonging to the body , corporeal , bodily MW.
(H1) vaidehá [p= 1022,2] [L=207032] mf(ī)n. (fr. vi-deha) belonging to the country of the videhas TS. MaitrS.
[L=207033] (accord. to Comm. on TS. ) having a handsome frame or body , well-formed
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207034] m. a king of the veda (also °ho rājan) Br. S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207035] m. a dweller in videha MW.
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207036] m. a partic. mixed caste , the son of a śūdra by a vaiśyā ( Gaut. ),or of a vaiśya by a Brahman woman ( Mn. )
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207037] m. a trader L.
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207038] m. an attendant on the woman's apartments L.
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207039] m. pl. = videha (N. of a people) MBh. VarBr2S. &c
(H1B) vaídehá [L=207040] m. people of mixed castes MW.
(H1) vaihaga [p= 1028,1] [L=208108] mf(ī)n. (fr. viha-ga) relating or belonging to a bird (with tanu f. " the body or form of a bird ") Katha1s.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 26.72
Whitney Roots links: vyaD
(H1) vyadh [p= 1031,2] [p= 1031,1] [L=208671]
cl.4 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 72) vídhyati (ep. also °te ; pf. p. vivyādha Br. &c ; 3. pl. vivyadhuḥ MBh. , vividhuḥ Up. ; A1. vivyadhe MBh. ; p. vividhvás RV. ; aor. vyātsīḥ Br. ; Prec. vidhyāt Gr. ; fut. veddhā , vetsyati , °te MBh. ; vyaddhā,vyatsyati Gr. ; inf. veddhum MBh. ; -vidhe RV. ; ind.p. viḍḍhvā , -vidhya MBh. ) , to pierce , transfix , hit , strike , wound RV. &c ;
(with sirām) to open a vein , bleed Sus3r. ;
to pelt with (instr.) RV. AV. MBh. ;
to inflict , attach to , affect with (acc. of pers. and instr. of thing) RV. AV. Br. Up. ;
to shake , wave MBh. ;
(in astron.) to fix the position of a heavenly body Gol. ;
to cling to (acc.) S3Br. : Caus. vyādhayati , (ep. also vedhayati ; aor. avīvidhat or avivyadhat) , to pierce , open (a vein) MBh. Sus3r. ;
to cause to pierce or perforate AitA1r. : Desid. vivyatsati , to wish to affect or taint with (instr.) S3Br. : Intens. vevidhyate or vāvyaddhi (?) Gr.
(H1) vy- √ an [L=208700]
P. -aniti , to respire , breathe , inhale and exhale RV. ;
to draw in the breath through the whole body S3Br.
(H2) vy-āna [L=208701] m. one of the five vital airs (that which circulates or is diffused through the body ; personified as a son of udāna and father of apā*na ; cf. prā*ṇa) AV. &c
(H1) vy-āna [p= 1037,2] [L=209744] &c » vy- √an , p.1031.
(H3) vy-abhi° cārin---bhāva [p= 1032,2] [L=208856.3] m. a transitory state (of mind or body , opp. to sthāyi-bh° [q.v.] , and said to be thirty-four in number , viz. nirveda , glāni , śaṅkā , asūyā , mada , śrama , ālasya , dainya , cintā , moha , smṛti , dhṛti , vrīḍā , capalatā , harṣa , āvega , jaḍatā , garva , viṣāda , autsukya , nidrā , apasmāra , supta , vibodha , amarṣa , avahitthā , ugratā , mati , upā*lambha , vyādhi , unmāda , maraṇa trāsa , vitrarka qq. vv.) Das3ar. Kpr. &c
(H3) vyavahārā* ṅga [p= 1034,3] [L=209197] n. the body of civil and criminal law ib.
(H3) vy-ādhi--sthāna [p= 1037,2] [L=209731] n. " station of diseases " , the body L.
(H3) vy-ā́vṛtta---deha [p= 1039,2] [L=210069] mfn. having the body split or burst asunder (said of a mountain) Hariv.
(H2) vy-ūhá 1 [p= 1041,1] [L=210306] m. placing apart , distribution , arrangement R. VarBr2S. &c
[L=210307] orderly arrangement of the parts of a whole (cf. caraṇa-vy°) , disposition Nya1yas.
[L=210308] military array , an army , host , squadron (various arrays are daṇḍa- , " staff-like array " ; śakaṭa- , " cart array " ; varāha- , " boar array " ; maṇḍala- , " circular array " ; ā-saṃhata- , " loose array " ; ākheṭa-vyūha , " hunting array " &c ) Mn. vii , 187 MBh. &c
[L=210309] shifting , transposition , displacement S3Br. S3rS.
[L=210310] separation , resolution (of vowels , syllables &c ) RPra1t.
[L=210311] detailed explanation or description SaddhP.
[L=210312] a section , division , chapter Sarvad.
[L=210313] form , manifestation (esp. the quadruple manifestation of puruṣo*ttama as vāsudeva , saṃkarṣaṇa , pradyumna , and aniruddha) , appearance (often ifc. after numerals cf. catur- , trir-vy°) MBh. BhP. Sarvad.
[L=210314] formation , structure , manufacture L.
[L=210315] an aggregate , flock , multitude Va1s. S3atr.
[L=210316] the body W.
[L=210317] breathing Nya1yas.
(H2) vy-ūha 2 [L=210331] m. reasoning , logic (= tarka) L.
(H3) vy--oman [p= 1029,1] [L=208306] mfn. (for 2. » s.v.) one who cannot be saved (?) Ka1t2h.
(H1) vyo* man 2 [p= 1041,2] [L=210350] m. (for 1. » [p= 1029,1] ; accord. to Un2. iv , 150 fr. √ vye accord. to others fr. vi- √av or √ ve) heaven , sky , atmosphere , air (vyomnā , vyoma-mārgeṇa or -vartmanā , " through the air ") RV. &c
[L=210351] space Kap.
[L=210352] ether (as an element) Ka1v. Pur. Sus3r.
[L=210353] wind or air (of the body) BhP.
[L=210354] water L.
[L=210355] talc , mica L.
[L=210356] a temple sacred to the sun L.
[L=210357] a partic. high number L.
[L=210358] the 10th astrol. mansion VarBr2S.
[L=210359] preservation , welfare TS. (= rakṣaṇa Sch.)
(H1B) vyo* man 2 [L=210360] m. a partic. ekā*ha S3rS.
(H1B) vyo* man 2 [L=210361] m. N. of prajā-pati or the Year (personified) TS. VS. ( Mahi1dh. )
(H1B) vyo* man 2 [L=210362] m. of viṣṇu Vishn2.
(H1B) vyo* man 2 [L=210363] m. of a son of daśārha Hariv. Pur. (v.l. vyoma).
(H3) vyoma--cārin [L=210375] mfn. = -ga VarBr2S. Katha1s.
[L=210376] a bird L.
[L=210377] a divine being , god Ra1jat.
[L=210378] = cira-jīvin and dvi-jāta (prob. " a bird ") L.
[L=210379] a saint W.
[L=210380] a Brahman W.
[L=210381] a heavenly body A.
(H3) vyoma--pañcaka [L=210389] n. (prob.) the five apertures in the body Cat.
(H3) śatá--puṭa [p= 1049,3] [L=212030] m. a partic. part of the body (= adhyūdhnī) Ka1tyS3r. Sch.
(H3) śáṃ--tanu [p= 1054,3] [L=213088] mfn. (śáṃ-) wholesome for the body or the person (-tvá n.) TS.
(H3B) śáṃ--tanu [L=213088.1] m. (also written śāṃtanu) N. of an ancient king with the patr. kauravya (he was fourteenth descendant of kuru , son of pratīpa and younger brother of devāpi , and usurped the sovereignty whilst the latter became a hermit ; he married gaṅgā and satya-vatī ; by the former he had a son named bhīṣma , and by the latter citrā*ṅgada and vicitravīrya cf. IW. 375) RV. MBh. Hariv. &c
(H3B) śáṃ--tanu [L=213088.2] m. (with cakra-vartin) N. of an author (son of uddharaṇa , of the tomara race) Cat.
(H1) śárīra [p= 1057,3] [L=213830] n. (once in R. m. ; ifc. f(ā). ; either fr. √ śri and orig. = " support or supporter " cf. 2. śaraṇa and Mn. i , 7 ; or accord. to others , fr. √ śṝ , and orig. = " that which is easily destroyed or dissolved ") the body , bodily frame , solid parts of the body (pl. the bones) RV. &c
[L=213831] any solid body (opp. to udaka &c ) MBh. VarBr2S. Pan5cat.
[L=213832] one's body i.e. one's own person Mn. xi , 229
[L=213833] bodily strength MW.
[L=213834] a dead body ib.
(H3) śárīra--kartṛ [L=213835] m. " body-maker " , a father MBh.
(H3) śárīra--karṣaṇa [L=213836] n. emaciation of the body Mn. vii , 112.
(H3) śárīra--cintā [L=213839] f. care of the body (washing one's self &c ) Pan5cad.
(H3) śárīra--ja [L=213840] mf(ā)n. produced from or belonging to or performed with the body , bodily Mn. S3is3. VP.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213841] m. (ifc. f(ā).) offspring
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213842] m. a son MBh.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213843] m. the god of love , love MBh.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213844] m. sickness L.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213845] m. lust , passion MW.
(H3) śárīra--tā [L=213847] f. the state or condition of a body Sarvad.
(H3) śárīra--tulya [L=213848] mf(ā)n. equal to the body , dear as one's own person MBh.
(H3) śárīra--tyāga [L=213849] m. abandonment of the body , renunciation of life Va1s.
(H3) śárīra--deśá [L=213852] m. a part of the body S3Br.
(H3) śárīra--dhātu [L=213853] m. a chief constituent of the body (flesh , blood &c ) MBh.
[L=213854] a relic of buddha's body (such as a bone , tooth , a hair , or nail) MWB. 495.
(H3) śárīra--dhṛk [L=213855] m. " bearing a body " , a corporeal being Baudh.
(H3) śárīra--nicaya [p= 1058,1] [p= 1057,3] [L=213856] m. (accord. to Ni1lak. = śarīrasya saṃcayaḥ , śar° avasthitiḥ ; prob. w.r. for -niścaya) certainty about the body MBh.
(H3) śárīra--nipāta [L=213857] m. collapse of the body , falling down dead Gaut.
(H3) śárīra--nyāsa [L=213858] m. casting off the body , death A1past.
(H3) śárīra--pakti [L=213859] f. purification of the body MBh.
(H3) śárīra--pāka [L=213861] m. " ripening of the body " , decline of bodily strength , decay MW.
(H3) śárīra--pāta [L=213862] m. collapse of the body , death VarBr2. Kum. &c
(H3) śárīra--puruṣa [L=213864] m. a soul possessed with a body AitA1r.
(H3) śárīra--pradhānatā [L=213865] f. the character or nature of the body (°tayā ind. in virtue of the body) Veda7ntas.
(H3) śárīra--baddha [L=213868] mf(ā)n. endowed or invested with a body Kum.
(H3) śárīra--bandha [L=213869] m. the fetters of the body , being fettered by the body BhP.
[L=213870] assumption of a (new) body , rebirth Ragh.
(H3) śárīra--bhāj [L=213873] mfn. having a body , embodied L.
(H3B) śárīra--bhāj [L=213874] m. an embodied being BhP.
(H3) śárīra--bhūta [L=213875] mf(ā)n. become or being a body MW.
(H3) śárīra--bhṛt [L=213876] mfn. " containing the (future) body " and " endowed with a body " (said of seed and the soul) MBh.
(H3) śárīra--bheda [L=213877] m. dissolution of the body , death AitUp. Gaut. &c
(H3) śárīra--mātra [L=213878] n. the mere body or person , the body only MW.
(H3) śárīra--yaṣṭi [L=213879] f. " stick-like body " , a slender body , slim figure Ragh.
(H3) śárīra--rakṣaka [L=213883] m. a body-guard L.
(H3) śárīra--rakṣā [L=213884] f. defence of the body , protection of the person Ragh.
(H3) śárīra--ratna [L=213885] n. a jewel of a body i.e. an excellent body , Ma1lati1m.
(H3) śárīra--reṣaṇa [L=213886] n. hurting or injuring the body , sickness and death A1pGr2.
(H3) śárīra--vat [L=213888] mfn. provided with a body Sarvad.
[L=213889] substantial TBr.
(H3B) śárīra--vat [L=213890] m. an embodied being MBh.
(H4) śárīra--vattva [L=213891] n. the being provided with a body Sarvad.
(H3) śárīra--vimokṣaṇa [L=213894] n. liberation from body , death Baudh. Mn.
(H3) śárīra--vṛtti [L=213896] f. maintenance of the body , support of life Ragh.
(H3) śárīra--vaikalya [L=213897] n. imperfection or indisposition of the body Hit.
(H3) śárīra--śuśrūṣā [L=213898] f. attendance on the body personal attendance Mn. Pan5cat.
(H3) śárīra--śoṣaṇa [L=213899] n. drying up i.e. mortification of the body Sarvad. Pan5cat.
(H3) śárīra--saṃskāra [L=213900] m. Purification of the body (by the ceremonies at conception , birth , initiation &c ; » saṃsk°) Mn. ii , 26
(H3B) śárīra--saṃskāra [L=213901] n. decoration or adorning of the person W.
(H3) śárīra--saṃdhi [L=213902] m. a joint of the body BhP.
(H3) śárīra--sampatti [L=213903] f. health or prosperity of body MW.
(H3) śárīra--sāda [L=213905] m. exhaustion of body Ragh.
(H3) śárīra--stha [L=213906] mfn. existing in the body Bhartr2.
(H3) śárīra--sthāna [L=213907] n. the doctrine about the human body Cat.
(H3) śarīránta [L=213914] m. (ifc. f(ā).) the hairs on the body Pan5cat.
(H4) śarīránta---kara [L=213915] mfn. making an end of or destroying the body MBh. Bh. R.
(H3) śarīrā* ntara [L=213916] n. another body
(H4) śarīrā* ntara---cārin [L=213917] mfn. acting in another body MBh.
(H3) śarīrā* rdha [L=213919] m. the half of the body Kum.
(H3) śarīrā* vayava [L=213920] m. a part of the body , member , limb Pa1n2. 5-1 , 6.
(H3) śarīrā* varaṇa [L=213921] n. " body-covering " , a shield MBh.
[L=213922] the skin (?) L.
(H3) śarīrā* sthi [L=213923] n. bones of the body , a skeleton L.
(H2) śarīraka [L=213924] n. a small or tiny body S3is3.
[L=213925] a wretched b Pan5cat. Ka1d. Katha1s. &c
[L=213926] (mc. for śarīra)
(H2B) śarīraka [L=213926.1] mf(ikā)n. ifc.the body Ya1jn5. Hcat.
(H2B) śarīraka [L=213927] m. the soul A.
(H2) śarīrin [L=213928] mfn. having a body , embodied , corporeal Mn. Ka1v. &c
[L=213929] (ifc.) having anything as a body Mn. iv , 243 (cf. kha-s°)
[L=213930] covered with bodies MBh.
[L=213931] (ifc.) exercising one's own bodies BhP.
[L=213932] living MW.
(H2B) śarīrin [L=213933] m. an embodied being , creature , (esp.) a man Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
(H2B) śarīrin [L=213934] m. the soul Bhag. Ragh. &c (n. W. )
(H2B) śarīrin [L=213935] m. an embodied spirit MW.
(H2) śalya [p= 1059,1] [L=214123] mn. (ifc. f(ā).) a dart , javelin , lance , spear , iron-headed weapon (cf. upa-ś°) , pike , arrow , shaft (also the point of an arrow or spear and its socket) RV. &c
[L=214124] anything tormenting or causing pain (as a thorn , sting &c ) , or (in med.) any extraneous substance lodged in the body and causing pain (e.g. a splinter , pin , stone in the bladder &c ; also applied to the fetus , and , as a branch of medicine , to " the extraction of splinters or extraneous substances ") MBh. R. &c Sus3r.
[L=214125] a fault , defect Hariv. (cf. karma-ś°)
(H2B) śalya [L=214126] m. a porcupine BhP.
(H2B) śalya [L=214127] m. a kind of fish L.
(H2B) śalya [L=214128] m. a fence , boundary L.
(H2B) śalya [L=214129] m. Vanguieria Spinosa L.
(H2B) śalya [L=214130] m. Aegle Marmelos L.
(H2B) śalya [L=214131] m. N. of an asura Hariv. VP.
(H2B) śalya [L=214132] m. of a king of madra (maternal uncle of the sons of pāṇḍu and esp. of nakula and saha-deva , madrī the wife of pāṇḍu being sister to śalya) MBh. Hariv. &c
(H2B) śalya [L=214133] m. of another king Ra1jat.
(H2B) śalya [L=214135] n. an iron crow L.
(H2B) śalya [L=214136] n. poison L.
(H2B) śalya [L=214137] n. abuse , defamation L. ,
(H1) śalya [p= 1059,3] [L=214239] &c » col.1.
(H3) śalya--kriyā [p= 1059,1] [L=214146] f. the extraction of thorns or other extraneous substances lodged in the body W.
(H3) śalya--vāraṅga [p= 1059,2] [L=214160] n. " arrow-handle " , the part by which an arrow or other foreign substance lodged in the body is laid hold of during the operation of extraction ib.
(H3) śallakā* ṅga-ja [L=214189] mfn. grown on the body of a porcupine Sus3r.
1 śava (body)
2 śavaviṣa (body)
3 śavas (body)
4 śākhā (body)
5 śākhāṅga (body)
6 śārīra (body)
7 śārīrika (body)
8 śāva (body)
9 śāstra (body)
10 śikhaṇḍaka (body)
11 śikhara (body)
12 śiva (body)
13 śukrāṅga (body)
14 śukladeha (body)
15 śuklāṅga (body)
16 śuklāpara (body)
17 śūnyaśarīra (body)
18 śūdra (body)
19 śṛddha (body)
20 śeṣaśarīra (body)
21 śaiva (body)
22 śman (body)
23 śrāddha (body)
24 śrīkhaṇḍāṅgarāga (body)
25 śrīcakra (body)
26 śleṣman (body)
27 śvapada (body)
28 śvabhojana (body)
29 śvasana (body)
30 ṣaṭcakra (body)
31 ṣaḍaṅga (body)
32 ṣaḍaṅgaka (body)
33 ṣaḍunnata (body)
34 ṣoḍhānyāsa (body)
35 saṃyāna (body)
36 saṃvah (body)
37 saṃvāha (body)
38 saṃvāhinī (body)
39 saṃvīj (body)
40 saṃvītāṅga (body)
41 saṃśuddhi (body)
42 saṃskāra (body)
43 saṃsthā (body)
44 saṃhata (body)
45 saṃhanana (body)
46 saṃhṛṣ (body)
47 saṃharṣa (body)
48 saṃharṣaṇa (body)
49 saṃharṣita (body)
50 saṃhṛṣṭaroman (body)
51 saṃhṛṣṭaromāṅga (body)
52 sakaṇṭaka (body)
53 sakaraṇaka (body)
54 sakaladeha (body)
55 saṃkasuka (body)
56 saṃkrośa (body)
57 saṃkṣap (body)
58 saṃgha (body)
59 saṃghāta (body)
60 saṃcara (body)
61 saṃcaya (body)
62 saṃcayana (body)
63 satanu (body)
64 sannaśarīra (body)
65 saṃtap (body)
66 saṃdaṃśa (body)
67 saṃdegha (body)
68 saṃdehya (body)
69 saṃdhi (body)
70 saṃdhīśvara (body)
71 saṃnatāṅga (body)
72 saṃnyastadeha (body)
73 saṃnyāsa (body)
74 sapattrākaraṇa (body)
75 saptadhātu (body)
76 saptadhātuvarūthaka (body)
77 saptarakta (body)
78 saptotsāda (body)
79 samagrāṅga (body)
80 samavāyin (body)
81 samāpana (body)
82 samāpti (body)
83 samīra (body)
84 samīraṇa (body)
85 samucchraya (body)
86 samutkaṇṭakita (body)
87 samprahṛṣṭa (body)
88 samprahṛṣṭatanūruha (body)
89 sambaddhasainyaugha (body)
90 sambhinnasarvāṅga (body)
91 sambhogakāya (body)
92 sambhṛtāṅga (body)
93 sarasāṅgayaṣṭi (body)
94 sarvatanu (body)
95 sarvatanū (body)
96 sarvaśarīra (body)
97 sarvaśarīryātman (body)
98 sarvāṅga (body)
99 sarvāṅgika (body)
100 sarvāṅgīṇa (body)
101 sarvānavadyāṅga (body)
102 sarṣapī (body)
103 savapuṣa (body)
104 savigraha (body)
105 savetāla (body)
106 saśarīra (body)
107 sahagamana (body)
108 sahoṭaja (body)
109 sahasrin (body)
110 sāṃhananika (body)
111 sāgara (body)
112 sāṅga (body)
113 sāṅgaglāni (body)
114 sāṅgarāga (body)
115 sāttvika (body)
116 sāmudra (body)
117 sāmudraka (body)
118 sāmudrakavidyā (body)
119 sāmudrika (body)
120 sāra (body)
121 sāratā (body)
122 sāraṅga (body)
123 sārthamaṇḍala (body)
124 sāṣṭaṅga (body)
125 siṃhapūrvārdhakāyatā (body)
126 sitāṅgarāga (body)
127 siddhāsana (body)
128 sina (body)
129 sirā (body)
130 sirāmbu (body)
131 sīvanī (body)
132 sīmanta (body)
133 sutanu (body)
134 sudevya (body)
135 sudeha (body)
136 suptavigraha (body)
137 suvapus (body)
138 suvigraha (body)
139 suśarīra (body)
140 suṣumṇā (body)
141 suṣumnā (body)
142 sūkṣmaśarīra (body)
143 sūtraśākha (body)
144 sṛp (body)
145 sena (body)
146 senā (body)
147 sevanī (body)
148 sehu (body)
149 sainika (body)
150 sainya (body)
151 somātipavita (body)
152 sautrāmaṇī (body)
153 sauṣṭhava (body)
154 skanda (body)
155 skandha (body)
156 stabdhavapus (body)
157 stīrvi (body)
158 strīdehārdha (body)
159 sthalī (body)
160 sthāna (body)
161 sthānaka (body)
162 sthāga (body)
163 sthāsaka (body)
164 sthūla (body)
165 sthūlaśarīra (body)
166 sthūlasūkṣmaśarīra (body)
167 snāyu (body)
168 snāyurajju (body)
169 snāvanya (body)
170 sneha (body)
171 spandana (body)
172 spṛś (body)
173 spṛṣṭikā (body)
174 sphuraṇa (body)
175 smaradaśā (body)
176 smṛti (body)
177 srastaśarīrasaṃdhi (body)
178 srotas (body)
179 svadehadāna (body)
180 svabhaṭa (body)
181 svamāṃsa (body)
182 svavigraha (body)
183 svaśarīra (body)
184 svastha (body)
185 svāṅga (body)
186 svāṅgabhaṅga (body)
187 svādhiṣṭhāna (body)
188 svodaya (body)
189 svaṅga (body)
190 svargalokeśa (body)
191 svalpaśarīra (body)
192 svāsthya (body)
193 svāhā (body)
194 svedamalojjhitadeha (body)
195 haradagdhamūrti (body)
196 hariroman (body)
197 haritardhakāya (body)
198 harṣaṇa (body)
199 hastapādādi (body)
200 hastabimba (body)
201 hārdi (body)
202 hiraṇyagarbha (body)
203 hiraṇyaśarīra (body)
204 hṛd (body)
205 hṛdaya (body)
206 hṛdayastha (body)
207 hṛdayasthāyin (body)
208 hṛṣ (body)
209 hṛṣita (body)
210 hṛṣṭa (body)
211 hṛṣṭapuṣṭāṅga (body)
212 hṛṣṭaroman (body)
213 aṅgakriyā (body)
214 aṅgavāhaka (body)
215 aṅgu (body)
216 annapāśa (body)
217 apanidra (body)
218 aśīrtatanu (body)
219 aṣṭāṅgapraṇipāta (body)
220 āḍindikā (body)
221 ātmasaṃyukta (body)
222 ādehadāham (body)
223 ābharaṇasthāna (body)
224 ālāla (body)
225 āsrava (body)
226 indriyasparśa (body)
227 ūrdhvanāpita (body)
228 ūrdhvāgra (body)
229 ūrdhvāgraromatā (body)
230 audārikaśarīra (body)
231 karmadeha (body)
232 kāyagata (body)
233 kāyasthiti (body)
234 keśaśmaśruīomanakha (body)
235 cara (body)
236 jvalaccharīra (body)
237 tapastanu (body)
238 dehavimukti (body)
239 prajānuka (body)
240 manuṣyakāya (body)
241 mūrtisaṃcara (body)
(H1) śava [p= 1059,3] [L=214244] mn. (ifc. f(ā). ; prob. fr. √1. śū , or śvi and orig. = " swollen ") a corpse , dead body S3Br. &c
(H1B) śava [L=214245] n. water L.
(H3) śava--viṣa [L=214267] n. corpses-poison , the poison of a dead body Sus3r.
(H2) śávas [L=214283] n. (orig. " swelling , increase ") strength , power , might , superiority , prowess , valour , heroism (°sā ind. mightily , with might) RV. AV.
[L=214284] water L.
[L=214285] a dead body (= -śava) L.
(H2B) śávas [L=214286] m. N. of a teacher Cat.
(H2B) śākhā [p= 1062,3] [L=214949] f. » next.
(H2) śā́khā [L=214950] f. (ifc. f(ā or ī). ) a branch (lit. and fig.) RV. &c
[L=214951] a limb of the body , arm or leg Sus3r.
[L=214952] a finger Naigh. ii , 5
[L=214953] the surface of the body Car.
[L=214954] a door-post VarBr2S. (cf. dvāra-ś°)
[L=214955] the wing of a building Ma1rkP.
[L=214956] a division , subdivision MBh. BhP.
[L=214957] the third part of an astrological saṃhitā (also °khā-skandha , m.) VarBr2S.
[L=214958] a branch or school of the veda (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation ; in the caraṇa-vyūha , a work by śaunaka treating of these various schools , five śākhās are enumerated of the ṛg-veda , viz. those of the śākalas , bāṣkalas , āśvalāyanas , śāṅkhāyanas , and māṇḍukāyanas ; forty-two or forty-four out of eighty-six of the yajur-veda , fifteen of which belong to the vājasaneyins , including those of the kāṇvas and mādhyaṃdinas ; twelve out of a thousand said to have once existed of the sāma-veda and nine of the atharva-veda ; of all these , however , the ṛg-veda is said to be now extant in one only , viz. the śākala-śākhā , the yajur-veda in five and partially in six , the sāma-veda in one or perhaps two , and the atharva-veda in one: although the words caraṇa and śākhā are sometimes used synonymously , yet caraṇa properly applies to the sect or collection of persons united in one school , and śākhā to the traditional text followed , as in the phrase śākhām adhīte , he recites a particular version of the veda) Pra1t. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=214959] a branch of any science Car.
[L=214960] a year S3ri1kan2t2h.
[L=214961] = pakṣā*ntara L.
[L=214962] = antika L.
(H3) śā́khā--° ṅga [L=214964] (°khā*ṅ°) n. a limb of the body Ya1jn5.
(H1) śārīrá [p= 1066,2] [L=215782] mf(ī)n. (fr. śarīra) bodily , corporeal , relating or belonging to or being in or produced from or connected with the body (with daṇḍa m. corporal punishment) S3Br. &c
[L=215783] made of bone Sus3r.
(H1B) śārīrá [L=215784] n. bodily constitution MBh. VarBr2S.
(H1B) śārīrá [L=215785] n. (in med.) the science of the body and its parts , anatomy Sus3r. Car.
(H1B) śārīrá [L=215786] n. the feces , excrement Mn. xi , 202
(H1B) śārīrá [L=215787] n. the embodied soul or spirit W.
(H1B) śārīrá [L=215788] n. = vṛṣa (?) L.
(H2) śārīrika [p= 1066,3] [L=215820] mfn. relating to the body , corporeal , personal , material , contained in the body , incorporate , psychological ib.
(H1) śāva 1 [p= 1068,2] [L=216248] m. (prob. fr. √1. śū for √ śvi ; cf. śiśu) the young of any animal (cf. mṛga-śāva) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) śāva 2 [L=216251] mfn. (fr. śava) cadaverous , relating to a dead body , produced by or belonging to a corpse Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=216252] dead Hariv.
[L=216253] of a cadaverous or dark yellowish colour , tawny W.
(H1B) śāva 2 [p= 1068,3] [L=216254] n. defilement caused by contact with a corpse or the death of a relation Ma1rkP.
(H1) śāva 3 [L=216256] w.r. for śyāva.
(H2) śāstrá [p= 1069,1] [L=216350] n. an order , command , precept , rule RV. Ka1v. Pur.
[L=216351] teaching , instruction , direction , advice , good counsel MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=216352] any instrument of teaching , any manual or compendium of rules , any bock or treatise , (esp.) any religious or scientific treatise , any sacred book or composition of divine authority (applicable even to the veda , and said to be of fourteen or even eighteen kinds [see under vidyā] ; the word śāstra is often found ifc. after the word denoting the subject of the book , or is applied collectively to whole departments of knowledge e.g. vedā*nta-ś° , a work on the vedā*nta philosophy or the whole body of teaching on that subject ; dharma-ś° , a law-book or whole body of written laws ; kāvya-ś° , a poetical work or poetry in general ; śilpi-ś° , works on the mechanical arts ; kāma-ś° , erotic compositions ; alaṃkāra ś° , rhetoric , &c ) Nir. Pra1t. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=216353] a body of teaching (in general) , scripture , science Ka1v. Pur.
(H2) śikhaṇḍaka [p= 1070,2] [L=216595] m. a tuft or lock of hair (= śikhaṇḍa) Ka1lid.
[L=216596] three or five locks left on the side of the head (esp. in men of the military class = kākapakṣa q.v.) W.
[L=216597] a curl or ringlet MW.
[L=216598] a peacock's tail Gi1t.
[L=216599] du. (accord. to Sch. n.) the fleshy parts of the body below the buttocks TS.
[L=216600] (with mystic śaivas) one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation Hcat.
(H1) śikhara [L=216630] &c » col.3.
(H2) śikhara [p= 1070,3] [L=216696] mfn. pointed , spiked , crested Megh. Katha1s.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216697] m. n. a point , peak (of a mountain) , top or summit (of a tree) , edge or point (of a sword) , end , pinnacle , turret , spire MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) śikhara [L=216698] m. erection of the hair of the body L.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216699] m. the arm-pit L.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216700] m. a ruby-like gem (of a bright red colour said to resemble ripe pomegranate seed) L.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216701] m. (?) the bud of the Arabian jasmine (cf. -daśanā)
(H2B) śikhara [L=216702] m. N. of a mythical weapon (astra) R.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216703] m. a partic. position of the fingers of the hand Cat.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216704] m. N. of a man Katha1s.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216706] m. N. of a partic. mythical club (gadā) R.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216708] m. = karkaṭa-śṛṅgī L.
(H2B) śikhara [L=216709] n. cloves L.
(H1) śivá [p= 1074,1] [L=217497] mf(ā́)n. (according to Un2. i , 153 , fr. √1. śī , " in whom all things lie " ; perhaps connected with √ śvi cf. śavas , śiśvi) auspicious , propitious , gracious , favourable , benign , kind , benevolent , friendly , dear (°vám ind. kindly , tenderly) RV. &c
[L=217498] happy , fortunate BhP.
(H1B) śivá [L=217499] m. happiness , welfare (cf. n.) R. v , 56 , 36
(H1B) śivá [L=217500] m. liberation , final emancipation L.
(H1B) śivá [p= 1074,2] [p= 1074,1] [L=217501] m. " The Auspicious one " , N. of the disintegrating or destroying and reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindu trimūrti or Triad , the other two being brahmā " the creator " and viṣṇu " the preserver " ; in the veda the only N. of the destroying deity was rudra " the terrible god " , but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. śiva " the auspicious " [just as the Furies were called Εὐμενίδες " the gracious ones "] , and to assign him the office of creation and reproduction as well as dissolution ; in fact the preferential worship of śiva as developed in the purāṇas and Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers [called śaivas] ; in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called kāla " black " , and is then also identified with " Time " , although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name kālī , whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices ; as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction śiva's symbol is the liṅga [q.v.] or Phallus , under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day ; again one of his representations is as ardha-nārī , " half-female " , the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle [ RTL. 85] ; he has three eyes , one of which is in his forehead , and which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time , past , present , and future , while a moon's crescent , above the central eye , marks the measure of time by months , a serpent round his neck the measure by years , and a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person , the perpetual revolution of ages , and the successive extinction and generation of the races of mankind: his hair is thickly matted together , and gathered above his forehead into a coil ; on the top of it he bears the Ganges , the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream ; his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality ; he holds a tri-śūla , or three-pronged trident [also called pināka] in his hand to denote , as some think , his combination of the three attributes of Creator , Destroyer , and Regenerator ; he also carries a kind of drum , shaped like an hour-glass , called ḍamaru: his attendants or servants are called pramatha [q.v.] ; they are regarded as demons or supernatural beings of different kinds , and form various hosts or troops called gaṇas ; his wife durgā [otherwise called kālī , pārvatī , umā , gaurī , bhavāṇī &c ] is the chief object of worship with the śāktas and tāntrikas , and in this connection he is fond of dancing [see tāṇḍava] and wine-drinking ; he is also worshipped as a great ascetic and is said to have scorched the god of love (kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye , that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance ; in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe and all the gods , including brahmā and viṣṇu , by a similar scorching glance , and to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body , whence the use of ashes in his worship , while the use of the rudrā*kṣa berries originated , it is said , from the legend that śiva , on his way to destroy the three cities , called tri-pura , let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads: his residence or heaven is kailāsa , one of the loftiest northern peaks of the himā*laya ; he has strictly no incarnations like those of viṣṇu , though vīra-bhadra and the eight bhairavas and khaṇḍobā &c [ RTL. 266] are sometimes regarded as forms of him ; he is especially worshipped at Benares and has even more names than viṣṇu , one thousand and eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the śiva-purāṇa and in the 17th chapter of the anuśāsana-parvan of the mahā-bhārata , some of the most common being mahā-deva , śambhu , śaṃkara , īśa , īśvara , mahe*śvara , hara ; his sons are gaṇe*śa and kārttikeya) A1s3vS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c RTL. 73
(H1B) śivá [L=217502] m. a kind of second śiva (with śaivas) , a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection or emancipation MBh. Sarvad.
(H1B) śivá [L=217503] m. śiva-liṅga L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217504] m. any god L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217505] m. a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally śivā f. q.v.)
(H1B) śivá [L=217506] m. sacred writings L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217507] m. (in astron.) N. of the sixth month
(H1B) śivá [L=217508] m. a post for cows (to which they are tied or for them to rub against) L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217509] m. bdellium L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217510] m. the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217511] m. Marsilia Dentata L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217512] m. a kind of thorn-apple or = puṇḍarīka (the tree) L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217513] m. quicksilver L. (cf. śiva-bīja)
(H1B) śivá [L=217514] m. a partic. auspicious constellation L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217515] m. a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv.
(H1B) śivá [L=217516] m. = śukra m. kāla m. vasu m. L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217517] m. the swift antelope L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217518] m. rum , spirit distilled from molasses L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217519] m. buttermilk L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217520] m. a ruby L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217521] m. a peg L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217522] m. time L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217523] m. N. of a son of medhā*tithi Ma1rkP.
(H1B) śivá [L=217524] m. of a son of idhma-jihva BhP. @
(H1B) śivá [L=217525] m. of a prince and various authors (also with dīkṣita , bhaṭṭa , paṇḍita , yajvan , sūri &c ) Cat.
(H1B) śivá [L=217526] m. of a fraudulent person Katha1s.
(H1B) śivá [L=217527] m. (du.) the god śiva and his wife Kir. v , 40 Pracan2d2. i , 20 (cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 1)
(H1B) śivá [L=217528] m. pl. N. of a class of gods in the third manvantara Pur.
(H1B) śivá [L=217529] m. of a class of Brahmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of śiva MBh.
(H1B) śivá [L=217531] n. welfare , prosperity , bliss (āya , éna or ébhis , " auspiciously , fortunately , happily , luckily " ; śivāya gamyatām , " a prosperous journey to you! ") RV. &c
(H1B) śivá [L=217532] n. final emancipation L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217533] n. water L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217534] n. rock-salt L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217535] n. sea-salt L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217536] n. a kind of borax L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217537] n. iron L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217538] n. myrobalan L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217539] n. Tabernaemontana Coronaria L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217540] n. sandal L.
(H1B) śivá [L=217541] n. N. of a purāṇa (= śiva-purāṇa or śaiva) Cat.
(H1B) śivá [L=217542] n. of the house in which the pāṇḍavas were to be burnt Ma1rkP.
(H1B) śivá [L=217543] n. of a varṣa in plakṣa-dvīpa and in jambu-dvīpa Pur.
(H3) śukrā* ṅga [p= 1080,2] [L=219006] m. " having a brilliant body " , a peacock L.
(H3) śuklá--deha [p= 1080,3] [L=219075] mfn. pure in body or person MBh.
(H3) śuklā* ṅga [L=219126] m. " having a white or brilliant body " , a peacock L.
(H3) śuklā* para [L=219131] mfn. having a white hinder part (said of the body) Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) śūnyá--śarīra [p= 1085,2] [L=220112] mfn. " empty-bodied " , having nothing in the body (-tā f.) Va1s.
(H1) śūdrá [p= 1085,3] [L=220180] m. (of doubtful derivation) a śūdra , a man of the fourth or lowest of the four original classes or castes (whose only business accord. to Mn. i , 91, was to serve the three higher classes ; in RV. ix , 20 , 12, the śūdra is said to have been born from the feet of puruṣa q.v. ; in Mn. i , 87 he is fabled to have sprung from the same part of the body of brahmā , and he is regarded as of higher rank than the present low and mixed castes so numerous throughout India ; kevala-ś° , a pure śūdra) RV. &c ( IW. 212 &c )
[L=220181] a man of mixed origin L.
[L=220182] N. of a Brahman Buddh.
[L=220183] pl. N. of a people MBh. Pur.
(H1B) śūdrá [L=220184] f(ā and ī). » below.
(H2) śṛddha [p= 1088,1] [L=220777] mfn. expelled from the body downwards (as wind) MW.
[L=220778] moistened ib.
(H3) śeṣa--śarīra [p= 1089,1] [L=220939] n. the remainder (i.e. all the other parts) of the body MW.
(H1) śaiva 1 [p= 1090,2] [L=221226] mf(ī)n. (fr. śiva) relating or belonging or sacred to the god śiva , coming or derived from śiva R. Katha1s. Pur. &c
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221227] m. patr. fr. śiva Pa1n2. 4-1 , 112
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221228] m. " a worshipper or follower of śiva " , N. of one of the three great divisions of modern Hinduism (the other two being the vaiṣṇavas and śāktas , qq. vv. ; the śaivas identify śiva-rather than brahmā and viṣṇu-with the Supreme Being and are exclusively devoted to his worship , regarding him as the source and essence of the universe as well as its disintegrator and destroyer ; the temples dedicated to him in his reproducing and vivifying character [as denoted by the liṅga q.v.] are scattered all over India ; the various sects of śaivas are described in RTL. 86 &c )
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221229] m. a particular religious rite in honour of durgā (consisting of devout meditation and prostration of the body) MW.
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221230] m. the thorn-apple L.
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221231] m. a kind of plant (= vasuka) L.
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221232] m. (with jainas) , N. of the fifth black vāsudeva L.
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221234] n. auspiciousness , welfare , prosperity BhP.
(H1B) śaiva 1 [L=221235] n. N. of a śāstra and of a tantra and of a purāṇa (» below) .
(H2) śaiva 2 [L=221267] vṛddhi form of śiva in comp.
(H1) śaiva 3 [p= 1090,3] [L=221276] n. a kind of aquatic plant , Blyxa Octandra L.
(H1) śaiva 4 [L=221294] w.r. for śaiba.
(H1) śman [p= 1094,1] [L=221967] n. the body Nir.
[L=221968] the mouth L.
[L=221969] (both meanings prob. invented to explain śmaśāna and śmaśru).
(H1) śrāddha [p= 1097,3] [L=222705] mf(ī)n. (fr. śrad-dhā) faithful , true , loyal , believing HParis3. SaddhP. (cf. Pa1n2. 5-2 , 101)
[L=222706] relating to a śrāddha ceremony Cat.
(H1B) śrāddha [L=222707] n. a ceremony in honour and for the benefit of dead relatives observed with great strictness at various fixed periods and on occasions of rejoicing as well as mourning by the surviving relatives (these ceremonies are performed by the daily offering of water and on stated occasions by the offering of piṇḍas or balls of rice and meal [see piṇḍa] to three paternal and three maternal forefathers i.e. to father , grandfather , and great grandfather ; it should be borne in mind that a śrāddha is not a funeral ceremony [antye*ṣṭi] but a supplement to such a ceremony ; it is an act of reverential homage to a deceased person performed by relatives , and is moreover supposed to supply the dead with strengthening nutriment after the performance of the previous funeral ceremonies has endowed them with ethereal bodies ; indeed until those antye*ṣṭi , or " funeral rites " have been performed , and until the succeeding first śrāddha has been celebrated the deceased relative is a pre*ta or restless , wandering ghost , and has no real body [only a liṅga-śarīra q.v.] ; it is not until the first śrāddha has taken place that he attains a position among the pitṛs or Divine Fathers in their blissful abode called pitṛ-loka , and the śrāddha is most desirable and efficacious when performed by a son ; for a full description of the śrāddha ceremonies » RTL. 276 , 304 &c ) Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c
(H1B) śrāddha [L=222708] n. gifts or offerings at a śrāddha MW.
(H4) śrī--khaṇ° ḍā* ṅga-rāga [p= 1099,1] [L=222956] m. anointing the body with sandal Katha1s.
(H3) śrī--cakra [L=222983] n. a magical diagram (supposed to represent the orb of the earth) RTL. 196 ; 203
[L=222984] an astrological division of the body (said to , represent the uterine or pubic region) L.
[L=222985] a wheel of indra's car L.
(H2) śleṣmán [p= 1104,2] [L=224127] m. phlegm , mucus , rheum , the phlegmatic humour (one of the three humours of the body = kapha ; » dhātu) S3Br. Ya1jn5. Sus3r. MBh. &c
(H2B) śleṣmán [L=224128] n. a band , cord , string AitBr. Ka1t2h.
(H2B) śleṣmán [L=224129] n. lime , glue &c A1past.
(H2B) śleṣmán [L=224130] n. the fruit of Cordia Latifolia Vishn2. (Sch.)
(H3) śva--pada [p= 1105,1] [L=224246] n. a dog's foot (or its mark branded on the body) Mn. ix , 237.
(H3) śva--bhojana [L=224261] n. a meal for dog (said of the body) BhP.
(H3B) śva--bhojana [L=224262] m. " having dog for food " , N. of a hell VP.
(H2) śvasaná [p= 1105,3] [L=224375] mfn. blowing , hissing , panting , breathing RV. S3a1n3khBr. VarBr2S.
[L=224376] breathing heavily Sus3r.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224377] m. air , wind (also of the body) or the god of wind MBh. R. Sus3r.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224378] m. N. of a vasu (son of śvāsā) MBh. i , 2583
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224379] m. (śvás°) N. of a serpent-demon Suparn2.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224380] m. Vanguieria Spinosa Car.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224381] n. breathing , respiration , breath Ka1v. Pur. Sus3r.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224382] n. heavy breathing Sus3r.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224383] n. clearing the throat ib.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224384] n. hissing (of a serpent) S3is3.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224385] n. sighing , a sigh Ratna7v.
(H2B) śvasaná [L=224386] n. feeling or an object of feeling BhP. (Sch.)
(H3) ṣaṭ--cakra [p= 1108,2] [L=224973] n. sg. the six mystical circles of the body (mūlā*dhāra , svā*dhiṣṭhāna , maṇipūra , an-āhata , viśuddha , ājñā*khya) Pan5car.
[L=224974] N. of wk.
(H3) ṣaḍ--aṅga [p= 1108,3] [L=225072] n. sg. the six principal parts of the body (viz. the two arms , two legs , head , and waist) L.
[L=225073] six auspicious things i.e. the six things obtained from a cow (go-mūtraṃ go-mayaṃ kṣīram , sarpir dadhi ca rocanā) , A.
[L=225074] pl. the six limbs or works auxiliary to the veda , six vedā*ṅgas Gaut. Mn. &c
[L=225075] any set of six articles MW.
[L=225076] = -rudra (q.v.)
(H3B) ṣaḍ--aṅga [L=225078] mfn. six-limbed , having six parts Br. Amr2itabUp. Sus3r. VarBr2S.
(H3B) ṣaḍ--aṅga [L=225079] mfn. having six vedā*ṅgas Pa1rGr2. A1past. R.
(H3B) ṣaḍ--aṅga [L=225080] m. a kind of Asteracantha L.
(H3) ṣaḍ--aṅgaka [p= 1109,1] [L=225088] n. the body consisting of six parts L.
(H3) ṣaḍ--unnata [L=225142] mf(ā)n. having six prominent parts of the body MBh.
(H3) ṣoḍhā́--nyāsa [p= 1110,3] [L=225505] m. 16 ways of disposing magical texts on the body (as practised by the tāntrikas) Cat.
(H2) saṃ-yāna [p= 1112,1] [L=225705] m. a mould L.
(H2B) saṃ-yāna [L=225707] n. going together , going along with (comp.) Katha1s.
(H2B) saṃ-yāna [L=225708] n. going , travelling a journey (with uttama , " the last journey " , i.e. the carrying out of a dead body) MBh. R. Hariv.
(H2B) saṃ-yāna [L=225709] n. setting out , departure MBh.
(H2B) saṃ-yāna [L=225710] n. a vehicle , waggon , car &c R. Mr2icch.
(H2B) saṃ-yāna [L=225711] n. N. of partic. sū*ktas TS.
(H1) saṃ- √ vah [p= 1114,3] [L=226125]
(cf. sam- √1. ūh) cl.1 P. A1. -vahati , °te (inf. -voḍhum) , to bear or carry together or along or away , take , convey , bring AV. &c ;
to load (a cart or car) R. ;
to take a wife , marry MW. ;
to carry or move or rub (the hand) along the body , stroke , soothe MBh. (3. du. pf. saṃ-vavāhatuḥ , iii , 11005 accord. to some fr. saṃ- √vāh) ;
to manifest , express BhP. : Pass. -samuhyate , to be borne by (instr.) , ride on (instr.) MBh. BhP. : Caus. -vāhayati , °te (Pass. -vāhyate) , to cause to be brought together , bring together , assemble Hariv. Ra1jat. ;
to guide , conduct , drive (a carriage) MBh. R. Katha1s. ;
to chase , hunt Pan5cat. v , 14 ;
to rub , stroke A1past. R. S3ak. &c ;
to set in motion Ka1d. ;
to take (a wife) , marry Vet. (v.l.)
(H2) saṃ-vāha [L=226131] mfn. setting in motion , moving (» tṛṇa-s°)
[L=226132] = saṃ-vāhaka L.
(H2B) saṃ-vāha [L=226133] m. bearing or carrying along , pressing together MW.
(H2B) saṃ-vāha [L=226134] m. rubbing the body , shampooing Ma1rkP.
(H2B) saṃ-vāha [L=226135] m. a park for recreation (cf. saṃ-vāsa) MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) saṃ-vāha [L=226136] m. a market-place Pat. Sch.
(H2B) saṃ-vāha [L=226137] m. extortion oppression Ra1jat.
(H2B) saṃ-vāha [p= 1115,1] [L=226138] m. N. of one of the 7 winds (= or w.r. for saṃ-vaha above ) L.
(H1) saṃ-vāha [L=226162] &c » saṃ- √vah.
(H3B) saṃ-° vāhinī [L=226146] f. a partic. vessel of the body (leading from the fetus to the mother) Car.
(H1) saṃ- √ vīj [p= 1116,1] [L=226315]
Caus. -vījayati , to fan BhP. ;
to cause (the hair of the body) to stand erect Car.
(H3) saṃ-vī° tā* ṅga [p= 1117,1] [L=226514] mfn. one who has the body covered , properly clothed Mn. iv , 49.
(H3) saṃ-° śuddhi [p= 1118,1] [L=226615] f. perfect purification or purity (also in a ritual sense) Bhag. Ka1m.
[L=226616] cleaning (the body) W.
[L=226617] acquittal , acquittance ib.
[L=226618] correction , rectification ib.
(H2) saṃ-skāra [p= 1120,2] [L=227017] m. (ifc. f(ā).) putting together , forming well , making perfect , accomplishment , embellishment adornment , purification , cleansing , making ready , preparation , dressing (of food) , refining (of metals) , polishing (of gems) , rearing (of animals or plants) Gr2S3rS. MBh. Ka1v. , &c
[L=227018] cleansing the body , toilet , attire Hariv.
[L=227019] forming the mind , training , education R. Ragh.
[L=227020] correction (also in an astronomical sense Su1ryas. ), correct formation or use of a word Nir. Sarvad.
[L=227021] correctness , purity (esp. of pronunciation or expression) MBh. R. &c
[L=227022] making sacred , hallowing , consecration Mn. MBh. &c
[p= 1120,3] [L=227023] a sacred or sanctifying ceremony , one which purifies from the taint of sin contracted in the , womb and leading to regeneration (12 such ceremonies are enjoined on the first three or twice-born classes in Mn. ii , 27 , viz. 1. garbhā*dhāna , 2. puṃ-savana , 3. sīmanto*nnayana , 4. jāta-karman , 5. nāmakarman , 6. niṣkramaṇa , 7. anna-prā*śana , 8. cūḍā-karman , 9. upanayana , 10. keśā*nta , 11. samāvartana , 12. vivāha , qq. vv. ; accord. to Gaut. viii , 8 &c there are 40 saṃskāras) Gr2S. Mn. MBh. &c ( IW. 188 ; 192 &c RTL. 353)
[L=227024] the ceremony performed on a dead body (i.e. cremation) R.
[L=227025] any purificatory ceremony W.
[L=227026] the faculty of memory , mental impression or recollection , impression on the mind of acts done in a former state of existence (one of the 24 qualities of the vaiśeṣikas , including bhāvanā , " the faculty of reproductive imagination ") Kan2. Sarvad. ( IW. 69)
[L=227027] (pl. , with Buddhists) a mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world , regarded by it as real , though actually non-existent , and forming the second link in the twelvefold chain of causation or the fourth of the 5 skandhas) Dharmas. 22 ; 42
[L=227028] a polishing stone MW.
(H1) saṃ- √ sthā [p= 1121,2] [L=227174]
A1. -tiṣṭhate ( Pa1n2. 1-3 , 22 ; ep. and mc. also P. -tiṣṭhati ; Ved. inf. -sthātos A1pS3r. ) , to stand together , hold together (pf. p. du. -tasthāné , said of heaven and earth) RV. ;
to come or stay near (loc.) ib. VS. S3Br. ;
to meet (as enemies) , come into conflict RV. ;
to stand still , remain , stay , abide (lit. and fig. ; with vākye , " to obey ") MBh. R. &c ;
to be accomplished or completed (esp. applied to rites) Br. S3rS. Mn. MBh. BhP. ;
to prosper , succeed , get on well MBh. ;
to come to an end , perish , be lost , die MBh. Ka1v. BhP. ;
to become , be turned into or assume the form of (acc.) Lalit. : Caus -sthāpayati (Subj. aor. tiṣṭipaḥ S3Br. ) , to cause to stand up or firm , raise on their legs again (fallen horses) MBh. ;
to raise up , restore (dethroned kings) ib. ;
to confirm , encourage , comfort (ātmānam , or hṛdayam , " one's self " i.e. " take heart again ") Ka1v. Pan5cat. ;
to fix or place upon or in (loc.) Kaus3. MBh. &c ;
to put or add to (uparī) Ya1jn5. ;
to build (a town) Hariv. ;
to heap , store up (goods) VarBr2S. ;
to found , establish , fix , settle , introduce , set a foot MBh. R. Ra1jat. ;
to cause to stand still , stop , restrain , suppress (breath , semen &c ) AitBr. ;
to accomplish , conclude , complete (esp. a rite) Br. Kaus3. MBh. ;
to put to death , kill S3Br. MBh. ;
to perform the last office for i.e. to burn , cremate (a dead body) S3a1n3khBr. ;
to put to subjection , subject MW. : Desid. of Caus. -sthāpayiṣati , to wish to finish or conclude S3a1n3khBr.
(H2B) saṃ-sthā [L=227185] f. » next.
(H2) saṃ-sthā́ [L=227186] f. (ifc. f(ā).) staying or abiding with (comp.) MBh.
[L=227187] shape , form , manifestation , appearance (ifc. " appearing as ") Up. MBh. &c
[L=227188] established order , standard , rule , direction (acc. with √ kṛ or Caus. of √ sthā , " to establish or fix a rule or obligation for one's self " ; with vyati- √kram or pari √bhid , " to transgress or break an established rule or obligation ") MBh. R. &c
[L=227189] quality , property , nature Ka1v. Pur.
[p= 1121,3] [L=227190] conclusion , termination , completion TS. S3Br. &c
[L=227191] end , death Pur.
[L=227192] destruction of the world (= pralaya , said to be of four kinds , viz. naimittika , prākṛtika , nitya , ātyantika) ib.
[L=227193] a complete liturgical course , the basis or essential form of a sacrifice (the jyotiḥ-ṣṭoma , havir-yajña , and pāka-yajña consist of seven such forms) S3rS.
[L=227194] killing (paśu-s° , " killing of the sacrificial animal ") BhP.
[L=227195] cremation (of a body ; also pre*ta-s°) ib.
[L=227196] (prob.) = śrāddha Ma1rkP.
[L=227197] a spy or secret emissary in a king's own country (= cara m. prob. a group of five spies consisting of a vaṇij " , merchant " , bhikṣu , " mendicant " , chāttra , " pupil " , lingin , " one who falsely wears the mark of a twice-born " , and kṛṣīvala , " husbandman " cf. pañca-varga , and Mn. vii , 154 Kull. ) Ka1m.
[L=227198] continuation in the right way L.
[L=227199] occupation , business , profession W.
[L=227200] an assembly ib.
[L=227201] a royal ordinance ib.
(H2) saṃ-hata [p= 1122,3] [L=227370] mfn. struck together , closely joined or united with (instr.) , keeping together , contiguous , coherent , combined , compacted , forming one mass or body A1s3vS3r. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=227371] accompanied or attended by (instr.) Mn. vii , 165
[L=227372] become solid , compact , firm , hard MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=227373] strong-limbed , athletic MBh.
[L=227374] strong , intensive VarBr2S.
[L=227375] (prob.) complex , composite , compound (said of a partic. tone and odour) MBh.
[L=227376] struck , hurt , wounded , killed W.
(H2B) saṃ-hata [L=227377] n. a partic. position in dancing , Sam2gi1t.
(H2) saṃ-hanana [L=227408] mfn. compact , solid , firm MBh. BhP.
[L=227409] making compact or solid Sus3r.
[L=227410] striking together MW.
[L=227411] killing , destroying , a destroyer ib.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227412] m. N. of a son of manasyu MBh.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227413] n. the act of striking together Sus3r.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227414] n. hardening ib.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227415] n. solidity , compactness , robustness , strength , muscularity MBh. R. &c
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227416] n. firmness , steadfastness , S3i1l.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227417] n. junction , connection (in a-s°) Ni1lak.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227418] n. agreement , harmony MBh.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227419] n. the body (as having the limbs well compacted) L.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227420] n. a mail-coat (?) L.
(H2B) saṃ-hanana [L=227421] n. rubbing the limbs W.
(H1) saṃ- √ hṛṣ [p= 1123,2] [L=227561]
P. -hṛṣyati (mc. also A1. °te) , to bristle , stand erect (as the hair of the body from joy or fright) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to thrill with delight , be glad , rejoice ib. : Caus. -harṣayati , to gladden , delight R. DivyA7v.
(H1) saṃ-harṣa [p= 1122,3] [L=227438] °ṣaṇa » sam- √hṛṣ.
(H2) saṃ-harṣa [p= 1123,2] [L=227562] m. bristling or erection of the hair of the body , thrill of delight , joy , pleasure MBh. S3is3.
[L=227563] sexual excitement Sus3r.
[L=227564] ardour , emulation , rivalry , jealousy (cf. saṃ-gharṣa) MBh. R. &c
[L=227565] air , wind L.
[L=227566] rubbing together , trituration (for saṃgharṣa) W.
(H3) saṃ-° harṣaṇa [L=227568] mf(ī)n. causing (the hair of the body) to stand erect (» loma-h°)
[L=227569] gladdening , delighting (with gen.) MBh.
(H3B) saṃ-° harṣaṇa [L=227570] n. emulation , rivalry Ka1m.
(H3) saṃ-° harṣita [L=227571] mfn. (fr. Caus.) bristling , standing erect (as the hair of the body) SaddhP.
(H3) saṃ-hṛṣṭa---roman [p= 1123,3] [L=227581] mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling (with joy) , thrilled , delighted MBh.
(H3) saṃ-hṛṣṭa---romā* ṅga [L=227581.1] mfn. one who has the hair of the body bristling (with joy) , thrilled , delighted MBh.
(H3) sa--kaṇṭaka [L=227611] mf(ā)n. having thorns , thorny , prickly , Ca1n2.
[L=227612] troublesome , perilous W.
[L=227613] having the hairs of the body erected , thrilled with joy or desire Katha1s.
[L=227614] having pointed splinters MBh. (v.l.)
[L=227615] accompanied with bones (said of fish) Pat.
(H3B) sa--kaṇṭaka [L=227616] m. Guilandina Bonduc L.
(H3B) sa--kaṇṭaka [L=227617] m. Blyxa Octandra L.
(H3) sa--karaṇaka [L=227630] mf(ikā)n. transmitted by means of an organ (of the body) , S3a1n2d2. ?? Sch.
(H3) sa-kala--deha [p= 1124,2] [L=227751] m. the whole body Dhu1rtas.
(H1) sáṃ-kasuka [p= 1125,3] [L=227993] mfn. (fr. sam √1. kas ; often written saṃkusuka , or śaṃkusuka) splitting , crumbling up (applied to agni as the destroyer of the body) AV.
[L=227994] (saṃkás°) , crumbling away S3Br.
[L=227995] unsteady , irresolute MBh. xii , 1044 (accord. to L. also = durbala , manda , saṃkīrṇa , apavāda-śīla , durjana and saṃśleṣaka)
(H1B) sáṃ-kasuka [L=227996] m. N. of the author of RV. x , 18 (having the patr. yāmāyana) Anukr.
(H2) saṃ-krośá [p= 1127,2] [L=228310] m. crying out together , clamour , shout of anger or indignation (pl. with aṅgirasām N. of sāmans) A1rshBr.
(H2B) saṃ-krośá [L=228311] n. pl. those parts of a horse's body which in moving produce a sound VS. (Sch.)
(H1) saṃ- √ kṣap 1 [p= 1127,3] [L=228325] P. -kṣapati , to emaciate the body by fasting or abstinence , do penance MBh.
(H2) saṃ-gha [p= 1122,3] [L=227433] &c » s.v.
(H1) saṃ-gha [p= 1129,3] [L=228728] m. (fr. sam √ han) " close contact or combination " , any collection or assemblage , heap , multitude , quantity , crowd , host , number (generally with gen. pl. or ifc. , e.g. muni-s° , " a multitude of sages " BhP. ; śatru-s° , a host of enemies Ra1jat. ) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=228729] any number of people living together for a certain purpose , a society , association , company , community
[L=228730] a clerical community , congregation , church Mn. Sa1h. &c
[L=228731] (esp.) the whole community or collective body or brotherhood of monks (with Buddhists ; also applied to a monkish fraternity or sect among jainas) Buddh. Sarvad. MWB. 176.
(H3) saṃ-ghāta [p= 1122,3] [L=227434] &c » s.v.
(H2) saṃ-ghātá [p= 1130,1] [L=228761] m. (rarely n. ; ifc. f(ā).) striking or dashing together , killing , crushing MBh. Sus3r.
[L=228762] closing (of a door &c ) VS. TBr.
[L=228763] combat , war , battle VS. Ka1t2h. MBh.
[L=228764] compressing , condensation , compactness , hardening Ya1jn5. Hariv. Sus3r. VarBr2S.
[L=228765] close union or combination , collection , cluster , heap , mass , multitude TS. MBh. &c
[L=228766] a company of fellow-travellers , caravan VP.
[L=228767] a collection of mucus , phlegm (cf. saṃghāṇaka) L.
[L=228768] a bone L.
[L=228769] any aggregate of matter , body Bhag. Pur.
[L=228770] intensity R. Sus3r.
[L=228771] a poem composed in one and the same metre Ka1vya7d.
[L=228772] (in gram.) a compound as a compact whole (opp. to its single parts) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 56
[L=228773] a vowel with its consonant (opp. to varṇa , " a letter ") , Ka1ty.
[L=228774] (in dram.) a partic. gait or mode of walking W.
[L=228775] N. of a division of the infernal regions (cf. saṃhāta) Ya1jn5. Buddh.
(H1) saṃ-ghāta [p= 1130,2] [L=228828] &c » col.1.
(H2) saṃ-cará [p= 1131,3] [L=229070] mfn. going about , moving (» divā-s°)
[L=229071] going or belonging together , simultaneous VS. A1pS3r.
(H2B) saṃ-cará [L=229072] m. (ifc. f(ā).) passage , a way , road , path , place for walking (esp. the space assigned to each person who takes part in a rite) TS. S3Br. S3rS. Ka1lid. Katha1s.
(H2B) saṃ-cará [L=229073] m. a difficult passage , defile , bridge over a torrent &c W.
(H2B) saṃ-cará [L=229074] m. (in sāṃkhya) evolution , development , emanation Tattvas.
(H2B) saṃ-cará [L=229075] m. the body L.
(H2B) saṃ-cará [L=229076] m. killing W.
(H1) saṃ-caya [L=229068] &c » saṃ- √1. ci.
(H2) saṃ-caya [p= 1132,1] [L=229156] m. (ifc. f(ā).) collection , gathering , accumulation , heap , hoard , store , multitude , quantity (dat. , " in order to have more ") Nir. MBh. &c
[L=229157] collecting the bones of a burnt body (in asthi-s°) RTL. 284 ; 300
(H3) saṃ-° cayana [L=229159] n. the act of piling or heaping together , heaping up , gathering , collecting (esp. the ashes or bones of a body lately burnt » asthi-s°) Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c
(H3) sa--tanu [p= 1137,3] [L=230384] (sá-) mfn. having a body , together with the body TS. TBr.
(H3) sanná--śarīra [p= 1139,1] [L=230631] mfn. one whose body is wearied or exhausted VarBr2S.
(H1) saṃ- √ tap [p= 1142,1] [L=231259]
P. -tapati , to heat thoroughly , scorch , parch , dry up R. Sus3r. VarBr2S. &c ;
to feel pain or remorse Mn. MBh. ;
to pain by heat , torture , oppress , afflict , harass RV. &c &c : Pass. -tapyate (ep. also °ti) , to be oppressed or afflicted , suffer pain , undergo penance (3. sg. impers. with gen. of pers.) S3Br. &c &c : Caus. -tāpayati (Pass. -tāpyate) , to cause to be heated , make very hot , burn , inflame , scorch Kaus3. MBh. &c ;
to pair by heat , torture , torment (ātmānam , " one's self. i.e. to afflict the body by austerities ") , afflict , trouble , distress MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2) saṃ-daṃśá [p= 1143,1] [L=231379] m. compression (of the lips) MBh.
[L=231380] too great compression of the teeth in the pronunciation of vowels RPra1t.
[L=231381] junction , connection Subh.
[L=231382] a pair of tongs or pincers or nippers AV. Br. Pur. Sus3r.
[L=231383] N. of those parts of the body which are used for grasping or seizing (as the thumb and forefinger together , the opposite eye-teeth , the nippers of a crab &c ) Ya1jn5. VarBr2S. Sus3r. Pan5cat. Katha1s.
[L=231384] a partic. naraka or hell (where the flesh of the wicked is tortured with pincers) Pur.
[L=231385] a chapter or section of a book Da1yabh.
[L=231386] a partic. ekā*ha Vait.
[L=231387] the site of a village &c (fixed according to the compass) L.
(H2) saṃ-deghá [p= 1143,3] [L=231491] m. (cf. next) a conglomeration of material elements (said contemptuously of the body) S3Br.
(H3) saṃ-° dehya [L=231511] m. the body (= saṃ-deha) Br2A1rUp.
(H2) saṃ-dhí [p= 1144,3] [L=231642] mfn. containing a conjunction or transition from one to the other &c TBr.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231643] m. (exceptionally f. ; once in MBh. loc. pl. saṃdhīṣu) junction , connection , combination , union with (instr.) Kat2hUp. Subh.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231644] m. association , intercourse with (instr.) MBh.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231645] m. comprehension , totality , the whole essence or scope of (comp.) Pan5cat.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231646] m. agreement , compact TBr.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231647] m. alliance , league , reconciliation , peace between (gen.) or with (instr. with or without saha) , making a treaty of peace , negotiating alliances (one of a king's six courses of action » guṇa ; many kinds are specified e.g. adṛṣṭa-puruṣa , ucchinna , kāñcana , kapāla , saṃtāna , qq. vv.) Mn. Ya1jn5. Hit. &c
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231648] m. euphonic junction of final and initial letters in grammar (every sentence in Sanskrit being regarded as a euphonic chain , a break in which occurs at the end of a sentence and is denoted by a virāma or avasāna , " stop " ; this euphonic coalition causing modifications of the final and initial letters of the separate words of a sentence and in the final letters of roots and stems when combined with terminations to form such words) Pra1t. Katha1s. Sa1h.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231649] m. contrivance , management Ragh. Das3.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231650] m. place or point of connection or contact , juncture , hinge , boundary , boundary line TS. A1past. MBh. &c
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231651] m. critical juncture , crisis , opportune moment MW.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231652] m. a joint , articulation (of the body ; esp. applied to the five junctures of the parts of the eye) RV. &c
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231653] m. interstice , crevice , interval MBh.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231654] m. the space between heaven and earth , horizon S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231655] m. the interval between day and night , twilight (= saṃ-dhyā) VS. &c
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231656] m. a seam Amar.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231657] m. a fold Pan5cat.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231658] m. a wall or the hole or cavity or breach in a wall made by a housebreaker (acc. with √ chid or bhid or Caus. of ut- √pad , " to make a breach in a wall ") Mn. Mr2icch. Das3.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231659] m. the vagina or vulva L.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231660] m. a juncture or division of a drama (reckoned to be five , viz. mukha , pratimukha , garbha , vimarśa , and nirvahaṇa , qq. vv. ; or one of the 14 kinds of nirvahaṇa or catastrophe) Bhar. Das3ar. &c
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231661] m. a period at the expiration of each yuga or age (equivalent to one sixth of its duration and intervening before the commencement of the next ; occurring also at the end of each manv-antara and kalpa) W.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231662] m. a pause or rest ib.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231663] m. a part , portion , piece of anything AitBr. Hariv. Naish. Sch.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231664] m. a partic. stotra Br.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231665] m. (in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular ib.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231666] m. the common side of a double triangle S3ulbas.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231667] m. = sā*vakāśa L.
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231668] m. N. of a son of prasuśruta BhP. @
(H2B) saṃ-dhí [L=231669] f. N. of a goddess presiding over junction or union VS.
(H3) saṃdhī́śvara [p= 1145,1] [L=231738] m. N. of a sanctuary sacred to the putting together of the parts of the body of saṃdhi-mati Ra1jat.
(H3) saṃ-na° tā* ṅga [p= 1146,1] [L=231910] mf(ī)n. having the body bent , having rounded limbs Kum. i , 34.
(H3) saṃ-nyasta---deha [p= 1148,1] [L=232183] mfn. one who has given up his body MW.
(H2) saṃ-nyāsa [L=232185] m. (ifc. f(ā).) putting or throwing down , laying aside , resignation , abandonment of (gen. or comp.) MBh. R. Sarvad.
[L=232186] renunciation of the world , profession of asceticism Mn. MBh. &c
[L=232187] abstinence from food L.
[L=232188] giving up the body , sudden death W.
[L=232189] complete exhaustion Sus3r.
[L=232190] deposit , trust R. Mr2icch.
[L=232191] compact , agreement Katha1s.
[L=232192] stake , wager MBh.
[L=232193] Indian spikenard L.
(H4) sa--pattrā---karaṇa [p= 1148,2] [L=232241.1] n. wounding with an arrow or other feathered weapon so that the feathers enter the body (causing excessive pain) L.
(H3) saptá--dhātu [p= 1149,3] [L=232502] mf(u)n. (°tá-) consisting of 7 , 7-fold RV.
[L=232502.1] consisting of 7 constituent elements (as the body) GarbhUp.
(H3B) saptá--dhātu [L=232502.2] m. N. of one of the ten horses of the Moon L.
(H3B) saptá--dhātu [L=232502.3] m. pl. the 7 constituent elements of the body (viz. chyle , blood , flesh , fat , bone , marrow , and semen) W.
(H4) saptá--dhātu---varūthaka [L=232502.5] mfn. having the 7 constituent elements of the body for a chariot-guard BhP.
(H3) sapta--rakta [p= 1150,1] [L=232578] n. sg. the 7 red-coloured parts of the body (viz. palms of hands , soles of feet , nails , eye-corners , tongue , palate , lips) L.
(H3) sapto* tsāda [p= 1150,3] [L=232743] mfn. having 7 prominent parts on the body Buddh.
(H3) samagrā* ṅga [p= 1153,3] [L=233349] mfn. one who has his body or limbs complete MBh.
(H2) samavā* yin [p= 1158,1] [L=233899] mfn. met together , closely connected or united , concomitant , inherent in (comp.) Kan2. Sus3r. Va1s. Sarvad.
[L=233900] aggregated , multitudinous W.
(H2B) samavā* yin [L=233901] m. a partner L.
(H2B) samavā* yin [L=233902] m. (with puruṣa) , the soul combined (with a body) , the individual soul Ya1jn5. iii , 125
(H2B) samavā* yin [L=233903] m. having or consisting of a combination (of the humours) Sus3r.
(H3) sam-° āpana [p= 1161,1] [L=234388] mfn. (in some meanings fr. Caus.) accomplishing , completing , concluding Kaus3. MBh.
(H3B) sam-° āpana [L=234390] n. the act of causing to complete or completing , completion , conclusion Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c
(H3B) sam-° āpana [L=234391] n. coming to an end , dissolution , destruction (of the body) MBh.
(H3B) sam-° āpana [L=234392] n. section , chapter , division (of a book) Ma1rkP.
(H3B) sam-° āpana [L=234393] n. profound meditation (= samādhāna) L.
(H2) sám-āpti [L=234410] f. complete acquisition (as of knowledge or learning) A1past. ,
[L=234411] accomplishment , completion , perfection , conclusion , solution (of the body) Mn. ii , 244
[L=234412] reconciling differences , putting an end to disputes L.
(H2) sam-īra [p= 1165,1] [L=235008] m. air , breeze , wind (also of the body » below) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=235009] the god of wind L.
[L=235010] the śamī tree MW.
[L=235011] pl. N. of a people MBh.
(H2) sam-īraṇa [L=235015] mfn. setting in motion , causing activity , stimulating , promoting MBh. R. Car.
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [L=235015.1] m. (ifc. f(ā).) breeze , wind , air , breath (also " the god of wind ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [L=235016] m. wind of the body (of which there are five » vāyu) Sus3r.
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [L=235017] m. N. of the number " five " VarBr2S.
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [L=235018] m. a traveller L.
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [L=235019] m. marjoram or a similar plant L.
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [p= 1165,2] [L=235020] n. setting in motion TPra1t.
(H2B) sam-īraṇa [L=235021] n. hurling , throwing MBh.
(H2) sam-ucchraya [p= 1165,3] [L=235073] mfn. who or what rises or grows up (sarvam °rayam = " all living beings ") R.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235074] m. raising aloft , erection , elevation MBh. SaddhP.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235075] m. height , length Hariv. Ragh. VarBr2S.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235076] m. an eminence , hill , mountain MBh.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235077] m. rising , rise , exaltation , high position MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235078] m. increase , growth , high degree Hariv. Sus3r.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235079] m. stimulation Sus3r.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235080] m. accumulation , multitude Ka1ran2d2.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235081] m. (with Buddh. ) birth (according to others , " body ") DivyA7v.
(H2B) sam-ucchraya [L=235082] m. opposition , enmity L.
(H1) sam-utkaṇṭakita [L=235110] mfn. having the hair (of the body) bristling or thrilled with joy or passion Ka1d.
(H2) sam-prahṛṣṭa [p= 1177,1] [L=236660] mfn. excessively rejoiced , rejoicing , joyful MBh. R. &c
[L=236661] erect , bristling (or " standing on end " , as the hair of the body) , thrilling ib.
(H3) sam-prahṛṣṭa---tanūruha [L=236662] mfn. having the hairs of the body bristling with delight MBh.
(H3) sam-baddha---sainyau* gha [p= 1177,3] [L=236757] mfn. one who has the main body of troops concentrated Ka1m.
(H3) sam-bhinna---sarvā* ṅga [p= 1178,3] [L=236904] mfn. one who has contracted or compressed the whole body (as a tortoise) MBh.
(H3) sam-bhogá---kāya 2 [L=236928] m. " body of enjoyment " , N. of one of the three bodies of a buddha MWB. 247
(H4) sám-bhṛ° tā* ṅga [p= 1179,3] [L=237049] mfn. one whose body is well nourished or fed TBr.
(H3) sarasā* ṅga-yaṣṭi [p= 1183,3] [L=237816] mfn. , one whose delicate body is moist with perspiration (cf. 2. yaṣṭi) MW.
(H3) sárva--tanu [p= 1185,3] [L=238312] mfn. (sárva-.) complete in regard to the body or person AV. S3Br. TA1r. A1s3vS3r.
(H3) sárva--ta° nū [L=238313] mfn. (sárva-.) complete in regard to the body or person AV. S3Br. TA1r. A1s3vS3r.
(H3B) sárva--ta° nū [L=238313.1] m. one who is born again with his whole body MW.
(H3) sárva--śarīra [p= 1187,2] [L=238768] n. the body of all things (-tā f.) Sarvad.
(H3) sárva--śarīryātman [L=238769] m. the soul of all that has a body BhP.
(H3) sarvā* ṅga [p= 1188,1] [L=238952] n. (ifc. f(ī). ) the whole body , Vla1. ?? Katha1s. &c
[L=238953] pl. all the limbs R. Katha1s. Maitr. Up. Sch.
[L=238954] all the vedā*ṅgas KenUp.
(H3B) sárvā* ṅga [L=238955] mf(ī)n. entire or perfect in limb RV. AV.
[L=238956] complete , (-bhaṅga m. " entire collapse ") Ka1m. Ra1jat.
(H3B) sarvā* ṅga [L=238957] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H3) sarvā* ṅgika [L=238964] mfn. (an ornament) destined for the whole body , Ma1lati1m.
(H3) sarvā* ṅgīṇa [L=238965] mf(ā)n. (w.r. °gīna) covering or pervading or thrilling the whole body Ka1v. Ka1vya7d. &c
[L=238966] relating or belonging to the aṅgas or vedā*ṅgas collectively W.
(H3) sarvā* navadyā* ṅga [p= 1188,2] [L=239007] mf(ī)n. having an entirely faultless body MBh.
(H1B) sarṣapī [p= 1189,2] [L=239263] f. a kind of herb L.
(H1B) sarṣapī [L=239264] f. a partic. eruption of the body Car.
(H1B) sarṣapī [L=239265] f. a kind of small bird (said to be a species of wagtail , = khañjanikā) L.
(H3) sa--vapuṣa [p= 1190,3] [L=239505] mf(ī)n. having body or form , embodied W.
(H3) sa--vigraha [L=239542] mfn. having body or form , embodied Ra1jat.
[L=239543] having meaning or import , meaning , importing W.
(H3) sa--vetāla [p= 1191,1] [L=239620] mfn. occupied by a vetāla (said of a dead body) Katha1s.
(H3) sa--śarīra [p= 1191,3] [L=239729] mf(ā)n. (sá.) with the body , embodied TBr. Pan5cavBr. R.
[L=239729.1] with the bones Ka1tyS3r.
(H3) sahá--gamana [p= 1193,3] [L=240125] n. going with or accompanying (esp. a widow's going with her deceased husband i.e. burning herself with his dead body) ib.
(H3) saho* ṭaja [p= 1194,3] [L=240384] m. a kind of hut made of leaves (sometimes but with the body of an ascetic) L.
(H2) sahasrín [p= 1196,3] [L=240828] mfn. numbering a thousand , thousandfold RV. BhP.
[L=240829] gaining a thousand RV. S3Br.
[L=240830] containing a thousand different things RV.
[L=240831] having a thousand (also ifc.) MBh. Hariv. &c
[L=240832] paying a thousand (paṇas as a fine) Mn. viii , 376
[L=240833] consisting of a thousand soldiers L.
[L=240834] amounting to a thousand (as a fine) MW.
(H2B) sahasrín [L=240835] m. a body of a thousand men &c W.
(H2B) sahasrín [L=240836] m. the commander of a thousand ib.
(H2) sāṃhananika [p= 1197,2] [L=240946] mfn. (fr. saṃ-hanana) relating to the body , bodily , corporeal MW.
(H1) sāgara [p= 1198,2] [L=241082] m. (ifc. f(ā). ; fr. 2. sa-gara) the ocean (said to have been named so by bhagīratha after his son sagara [see 2. sa-gara , p.1125] ; another legend asserts that the bed of the ocean was dug by the sons of sagara ; 3 or 4 or 7 oceans are reckoned cf. 1 , sam-udra ; sāgarasya phenaḥ = samudraph°) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=241083] an ocean (as expressing any vast body or inexhaustible mass ; often ifc. cf. guṇa-śoka- , saṃsāra-s°)
[L=241084] a symbolical expression for the number , " four " (like other words signifying " ocean ") Gan2it.
[L=241085] a partic. high number (= 10 padmas) Pur.
[L=241086] a sort of deer L.
[L=241087] N. of a serpent-demon Ka1ran2d2.
[L=241088] (with jainas) of the third arhat of the past utsarpiṇī L.
[L=241089] of one of the 10 orders of mendicants traced back to disciples of śaṃkarā*cārya Cat.
[L=241090] of various persons HParis3.
[L=241091] of two authors and of a wk. on dharma Cat.
[L=241092] of a place ib.
[L=241093] (pl.) the sons of sagara MBh. R.
(H1B) sāgara [L=241094] n. N. of a town Buddh.
(H1B) sāgara [L=241095] mf(ī)n. relating to the sea , marine Hariv.
(H1) sā* ṅgá [p= 1199,2] [L=241275] mfn. or saṅga having limbs or a body Katha1s.
[L=241275.1] together with the limbs AV. S3Br.
[L=241275.2] with all its aṅgas or supplements Ka1tyS3r.
[L=241275.3] complete , entire MBh.
[L=241275.4] concluded , finished Uttarar.
(H3) sā* ṅgá--glāni [L=241276] mfn. with an exhausted body , S3a1ntis3.
(H3) sā* ṅgá--rāga [L=241278] mfn. having the body anointed with unguents R.
(H2) sāttvika [p= 1200,1] [L=241401] mf(ī)n. (fr. sat-tva) spirited , vigorous , energetic Mn. MBh. &c
[L=241402] relating to or endowed with the quality sattva (i.e. " purity " or " goodness ") , pure , true , genuine , honest , good , virtuous (also applied to partic. purāṇas which exalt viṣṇu IW. 513) MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c internal , caused by internal feeling or sentiment Ma1lati1m.
[L=241403] natural , not artificial , unaffected (as style) Sa1h.
(H2B) sāttvika [L=241404] m. a state of body caused by some natural emotion (constituting a class of 8 bhāvas holding a middle place between the sthāyi- and vyabhicāri-bhāvas , viz. stambha , sveda , romā*ñca , svara-vikāra , vepathu , varṇavikā*ra , aśru , pralaya , qq. vv.) ib.
(H2B) sāttvika [L=241405] m. N. of brahmā L.
(H2B) sāttvika [L=241406] m. of the eighth creation by prajā-pati MW.
(H2B) sāttvika [p= 1200,2] [L=241408] m. a partic. kind of pūjā practised by the worshippers of durgā MW.
(H2B) sāttvika [L=241409] m. (scil. tuṣṭi) N. of one of the five kinds of external acquiescence (in sāṃkhya) ib.
(H2B) sāttvika [L=241410] m. an autumn night L.
(H2B) sāttvika [L=241411] n. an offering or oblation (without pouring water) L.
(H1) sāmudra 1 [p= 1206,2] [L=242519] mfn. (fr. sam-udra) relating to the sei , oceanic , marine Kaus3. Sus3r. MBh. &c Va1gbh.
[L=242520] declared or related by samudra MW.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242521] m. a mariner , voyager , sailor Ya1jn5.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [p= 1206,3] [L=242522] m. the son of a karaṇa and a vaiśyā (who lives from the produce of the sea) L.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242523] m. a kind of gnat Sus3r.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242524] m. patr. of citra-sena MBh.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242525] m. (pl.) N. of a people R.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242527] n. sea-salt Car.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242528] n. a cuttle-fish bone L.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242529] n. du. (with agneḥ) N. of two sāmans A1rshBr.
(H1B) sāmudra 1 [L=242530] mn. (?) N. of a peculiar kind of rainwater (which falls in the month āśvayuja or āśvina) Sus3r.
(H1) sāmudra 2 [L=242541] n. (fr. sa-mudra) an impression or mark on the body L.
(H2) sāmudraka 1 [L=242534] mfn. oceanic , maritime g. dhumā*di
(H2B) sāmudraka 1 [L=242536] n. sea-salt Sus3r.
(H2B) sāmudraka 1 [L=242537] n. N. of a tīrtha MBh.
(H2) sāmudraka 2 [L=242544] m. an interpreter of marks or spots on the body , fortune-teller Sin6ha7s.
(H3) sāmudraka--vidyā [L=242545] f. the art of interpreting marks on the body , palmistry MW.
(H2) sāmudrika 1 [L=242539] mfn. belonging or relating to the sea , seafaring MBh.
[L=242540] m. a mariner ib.
(H2) sāmudrika 2 [L=242546] mfn. relating to marks on the body (°kāguṇāḥ , " qualities denoted by marks on the body ") MW.
[L=242547] relating to good or bad fortune (as indicated by marks on the body) ib.
(H2B) sāmudrika 2 [L=242548] m. = sāmudraka2 Cat.
(H2B) sāmudrika 2 [L=242549] n. palmistry Das3.
(H2B) sāmudrika 2 [L=242550] n. N. of wk. on this subject.
(H1) sāra 1 [p= 1208,1] [L=242770] m. (fr. √ sṛ) course , motion (» pūrva-s°)
[L=242770.1] stretching out , extension Ka1lac.
(H1B) sāra 1 [L=242770.2] mfn. driving away , destroying Ba1lar. ii , 60÷61
(H1) sā́ra 2 [L=242807] mn. (ifc. f(ā). ; perhaps to be connected with 1. sāra above ; prob. fr. a lost root meaning. " to be strong ") the core or pith or solid interior of anything RV. &c
[L=242808] firmness , strength power , energy AV. &c
[L=242809] the substance or essence or marrow or cream or heart or essential part of anything , best part , quintessence (ifc. = " chiefly consisting of or depending on &c " [cf. para] e.g. dharma-sāraṃ jagat , " the world chiefly depends on justice " ; tūṣṇīṃ-sāra mfn. " chiefly silent " ; sārat sāram , " the very best ") AitBr. &c
[L=242810] the real meaning , main point MW.
[L=242811] a compendium , summary , epitome (often ifc. in titles of books)
[L=242812] a chief-ingredient or constituent part of the body (causing the peculiarities of temperament ; reckoned to be 7 , viz. sattva , śukra , majjan , asthi , medas , māṃsa , rakta) Sus3r. VarBr2S.
[L=242813] any ingredient Sus3r.
[L=242814] nectar R. BhP.
[L=242815] cream , curds L.
[L=242816] worth , value (eṇa , " in consideration of. " , " according to ") Mn. Ya1jn5. &c
[L=242817] wealth , property , goods , riches Ka1v. Pur. Ra1jat.
[L=242818] m. (in rhet.) a kind of climax (uttaro*ttaram utkarṣaḥ) Sa1h. Kpr.
[L=242819] resin used as a perfume Sus3r. S3a1rn3gS.
[L=242820] water Va1s.
[L=242821] dung Kr2ishis.
[L=242822] the matter formed in a boil or ulcer , pus MW.
[L=242823] impure carbonate of soda ib.
[L=242824] a confederate prince , ally VarBr2S.
[L=242825] m. (= 1. śāra) a piece at chess or backgammon &c
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242829] mf(ā)n. hard , firm solid strong MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242830] mf(ā)n. precious , valuable Das3.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242831] mf(ā)n. good , sound , best , excellent BhP. Pan5car.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242832] mf(ā)n. sound (as an argument , thoroughly proved) W.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242833] mf(ā)n. full of (instr.) VarBr2S.
(H1B) sā́ra 2 [L=242834] mf(ā)n. motley , speckled (= śāra) Sus3r. Ka1d.
(H1) sā* ra 3 [p= 1208,3] [L=242965] mfn. having spokes S3ulbas.
(H3) sā́ra--tā [p= 1208,2] [L=242862] f. firmness , solidity R.
[L=242863] strong confidence in (loc.) ib.
[L=242864] worth , value Hit. S3a1rn3gP.
[L=242865] highest degree R. Ra1jat.
[L=242866] the being a chief ingredient (in the body ; » sāra) Car.
(H1) sāráṅga [p= 1208,3] [L=242972] mf(ī)n. or sāraṅgá (sometimes written śār° ; either fr. sa-raṅga , " having colour &c " , or for śarā*ṅga or sār° , " having a dappled body ") , of a variegated colour , dappled , spotted (cf. kṛṣṇa-s° , lohita-s°) AV. Br. MBh.
[L=242972.05] derived from the antelope called sāraṅga L.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.10] m. (ifc. f(ā).) a kind of spotted antelope Ka1v. Katha1s. &c
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.15] m. N. of various birds (esp. a kind of viṣkira or pratuda [qq. vv.] ; a peacock ; the Indian cuckoo ; the rāja-haṃsa ; the cātaka &c ) Ka1v. Sus3r. Car. &c
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.20] m. a bee BhP.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.25] m. a kind of metre Col.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.30] m. (in music) a partic. rāga Sam2gi1t.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.35] m. (only L. , " an elephant ; lion ; cloud ; tree ; umbrella ; parasol ; garment ; clothes ; hair ; lotus ; flower ; conch-shell ; sort of musical instrument ; ornament ; jewel ; gold ; a bow ; sandal ; camphor ; the earth ; light ; night ")
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.40] m. N. of śiva MBh.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.45] m. of kāma-deva L.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.50] m. of the father of bhaṭṭa rāghava Cat.
(H1B) sāráṅga [L=242972.55] m. (with kavi) of a poet ib.
(H3) sā* rtha--maṇḍala [p= 1209,3] [L=243175] n. the circle or collected body of a caravan ib.
(H2) sā* ṣṭaṅga [p= 1212,1] [L=243546] mfn. performed with eight limbs or members (as a reverential prostration of the body so as to touch the ground with the hands , breast , forehead , knees , and feet) Prab.
(H3) siṃhá--pūrvā* rdha-kāya-tā [p= 1213,2] [L=243834] f. having the forepart of the body like a lion (one of the 32 signs of perfection) Dharmas. 83.
(H4) sitā* ṅga---rāga [p= 1214,3] [L=244212] m. a white cosmetic. or pigment for the limbs or body Kum.
(H3) siddhā* sana [p= 1216,1] [L=244531] n. a partic. sedent posture in religious meditation (described as placing the left heel under the body and the right heel in front of it , fixing the sight between the eyebrows , and meditating upon the syllable om) Cat.
(H3B) siddhā* sana [L=244532] m. N. of skanda L.
(H2) sina 1 [p= 1213,1] [L=243727] mfn. (for 2. » s.v.) stuck fist (as food in the throat) Pat. on Pa1n2. 8-2 , 47 Va1rtt. 4
(H2B) sina 1 [L=243728] m. a bond , fetter L.
(H1) sína 2 [p= 1217,1] [L=244769] n. (accord. to some fr. a √ sā = ἁ in ἅμεναι ; fr. which also sinva , sinvat in a-s° ; for 1. sina » [p= 1213,1]) provision , store (accord. to Naigh. = anna , " food " ; accord. to others " reward , pay ") RV.
(H1B) sína 2 [L=244770] m. (only L. ) the body
(H1B) sína 2 [L=244771] m. a garment
(H1B) sína 2 [L=244772] m. Careya Arborea
(H1B) sína 2 [L=244774] m. mt (ī)n. white (= 3. sita) L.
(H1B) sína 2 [L=244775] m. blind , one eyed (= kāṇa) L.
(H1) sirā [p= 1217,3] [L=244948] f. (fr. √ sṛ) a stream , water RV. i , 121 (cf. Naigh. i , 12 ; often written śirā)
[L=244949] any tubular vessel of the body , a nerve , vein , artery , tendon &c Sus3r. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c
[L=244950] a vein-like channel or narrow stream of river water VarBr2S.
[L=244951] lines which cross each other like veins ib.
[L=244952] a bucket , baling-vessel L.
(H3) sirā--° mbu [L=244962] (sirā*mbu) n. the fluid in the vessels of the body , blood &c HParis3.
(H2B) sīvanī [p= 1218,1] [L=245005] f. a needle ib.
(H2B) sīvanī [L=245006] f. the frenum of the prepuce L.
(H2B) sīvanī [L=245007] f. the part of the body of a horse below the anus L.
(H2) sīmánta [p= 1218,3] [L=245137] m. (ifc. ā ; cf. sīmā*nta) parting of the hair AV. Gr2S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=245138] = sīmanto*n-nayana below Ya1jn5. i , 11
[L=245139] a line of separation on the human body (14 are enumerated , corresponding to the joints of the bones or asthi-saṃghātas) Sus3r.
[L=245140] a boundary , limit MBh.
[L=245141] N. of a son of king bhadra-sena Cat.
[L=245142] of a poet ib.
(H3) su--tanu [p= 1223,3] [L=246357] mfn. very thin or slender (-tā f.) Dhu1rtas. (v.l.)
[L=246358] having a beautiful body Ka1v.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246359] m. N. of a gandharva R.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246360] m. of a son of ugra-sena Hariv.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246361] m. of a monkey R.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246362] f(u or ū). a fair woman (voc. sutanu cf. Va1m. v , 2 , 49 ; v , 2 , 49) S3ak. S3is3.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246363] m. N. of a daughter of āhuka (wife of akrūra) MBh.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246364] m. of a concubine of vasu-deva Hariv.
(H3B) su--tanu [L=246365] m. of a daughter of ugra-sena ib. VP.
(H3) su--devyá [p= 1225,2] [L=246767] n. the whole body of good gods RV.
(H3) su--deha [L=246776] m. a beautiful body BhP.
(H3) suptá--vigraha [p= 1230,2] [L=248153] mfn. " having sleep for a body " , appearing as sleep (said of kṛṣṇa) Pan5car.
(H3) su--vapus [p= 1233,1] [L=248876] f. " having a handsome body " , N. of an apsaras VP.
(H3) su--vigraha [p= 1233,2] [L=249014] mfn. having a beautiful body or figure Ka1m. Mr2icch.
(H3B) su--vigraha [L=249015] m. N. of a messenger Katha1s.
(H3) su--śarīra [p= 1237,1] [L=250040] mfn. having a beautiful body , well shaped VarBr2S.
(H3B) su--ṣumṇā́ [p= 1237,3] [L=250245] f. a partic. artery (prob. " the carotid ") or vein of the body (lying between those called iḍā and piṅgalā , and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or spirit ; cf. brahma-randhra) Up. BhP. Ra1jat.
(H3B) su--ṣumnā́ [L=250248] f. a partic. artery (prob. " the carotid ") or vein of the body (lying between those called iḍā and piṅgalā , and supposed to be one of the passages for the breath or spirit ; cf. brahma-randhra) Up. BhP. Ra1jat.
(H3) sūkṣma--śarīra [p= 1240,3] [L=250974] n. (in phil.) the subtle body (= lingaś° q.v. , opp. to sthūla-ś° q.v.)
(H3B) sūkṣma--śarīra [L=250975] n. pl. the six subtle principles from which the grosser elements are evolved (viz. ahaṃ-kāra and the 5 tan-mātras » Mn. i , 17 ; accord. to other systems " the 17 subtle principles of the 5 organs of sense , 5 organs of action , 5 elements , buddhi and manas ") IW. 53 n. 2 ; 198 n. 3
(H3) sū́tra--śākha [p= 1242,1] [L=251266] n. the body Gal.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 23.14
Whitney Roots links: sfp
(H1) sṛp [p= 1245,3] [L=252008]
cl.1 P. ( Dha1tup. xxiii , 14) sárpati (ep. and mc. also °te ; p. sárpat [see s.v.] and sarpamāṇa ; pf. sasarpa [1. du. sasṛpiva] Br. ; aor. asṛpat AV. Br. ; asṛpta Br. &c ; asārpsītorasrāpsīt Gr. ; fut. sarptā or sraptā ib. ; sarpsyati Br. ; srapsyati ib. &c ; inf. sarpitum MBh. &c ; sarptum or sraptum Gr. ; -sṛ́pas Br. ; ind.p. sṛptvā ib. ; -sṛ́pya AV. &c ; -sarpam Br. &c ) , to creep , crawl , glide , slink , move gently or cautiously (sarpata , " depart! " Ra1jat. ) RV. &c ;
to slip into (acc.) AitBr. ;
(in ritual) to glide noiselessly and with bended body and hand in hand (esp. from the sadas to the bahiṣ-pavamāna) Br. S3rS. ChUp. : Pass. sṛpyate (aor. asarpi) , to be crept &c MBh. &c : Caus. sarpayati (aor. asīsṛpat or asasarpat) , to cause to creep &c (» ava- , anu-pra- , vi- √sṛp): Desid. sísṛpsati (» ut- √sṛp): Intens. sarīsṛpyate ( AitA1r. ) , sarīsarpti , p. sarīsṛpat ( BhP. ) , to creep along or hither and thither , glide about &c [cf. Gk. ἕρπω ; Lat. serpere ; » also sarpa.]
(H1) se* na 1 [p= 1246,2] [L=252144] mfn. (7. sa ina) having a master or lord , dependent on another Va1s.
(H1) sena 2 [L=252145] (?) n. the body L.
(H2) sena 3 [p= 1246,3] [L=252205] (for 1. 2. » col.2) , in comp. for senā.
(H1) sénā [p= 1246,2] [L=252146] f. (fr. √2. si) a missile , dart , spear RV. AV.
[L=252147] N. of indra's wife (or his thunderbolt so personified) TS. AitBr. Vait.
[L=252148] an army , armament , battle-array , armed force (also personified as wife of kārttikeya ; ifc. also n(sena).) RV. &c
[L=252149] a small army (consisting of 3 elephants , 3 chariots , 9 horse , and 15 foot) L.
[L=252150] any drilled troop or band or body of men Ba1lar.
[L=252151] a kind of title or addition to the names of persons (also names of courtezans) Sa1h. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-1 , 152 &c )
[L=252152] N. of a courtezan (abridged fr. kubera-senā) HParis3.
[L=252153] of the mother of śambhava (the third arhat of the present avasarpiṇī) L.
(H2B) sevanī 2 [p= 1247,2] [L=252356] f. a needle L.
(H2B) sevanī 2 [L=252357] f. a seam L.
(H2B) sevanī 2 [L=252358] f. a suture or peculiar , seam-like union of parts of the body (seven in number , viz. five of the cranium , one of the tongue , and one of the glans penis) Br. Sus3r.
(H2B) sevanī 2 [L=252359] f. a kind of small jasmine L.
(H1) sehu [p= 1247,3] [L=252376] m. a partic. dry substance AV.
[L=252377] a partic. organ in the body Ka1t2h.
(H2) sainika [p= 1248,1] [L=252430] mfn. relating or belonging to an army , military , martial , drawn up in martial array MBh. R. &c
(H2B) sainika [L=252431] m. an army-man , soldier , guard , sentinel , a body of forces in array ib.
(H2B) sainika [L=252432] m. N. of a son of śambara Hariv.
(H2) sainya [L=252433] mfn. belonging to or proceeding from an army MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) sainya [L=252434] m. (ifc. f(ā).) a soldier (pl. " troops ") R.
(H2B) sainya [L=252435] m. an army MBh. Ra1jat.
(H2B) sainya [L=252436] m. a sentinel , guard L.
(H2B) sainya [L=252437] n. a body of troops , army MBh. R. &c
(H2B) sainya [L=252438] n. a camp VarBr2S.
(H3) somā* tipavita [p= 1251,1] [L=253114] mfn. excessively purged by the soma-juice (which , if drunk in excess , is supposed to pass through the nose , ears , and other apertures of the body) Pan5cavBr. S3rS.
(H1B) sautrāmaṇī [p= 1252,2] [L=253388] f. » below.
(H2) sautrāmaṇī́ [L=253393] f. a partic. sacrifice in honour of indra (su-trāman ; described as the 6th or 7th ; of the 7 havir-yajña-saṃsthās q.v. ; in the S3Br. it is said that every one consecrated by the sautrāmaṇi enters among the gods and is born sarva-tanūḥ i.e. with his entire body ; -tvá n. S3Br. ) AV. VS. Br. S3rS. BhP.
[L=253394] N. of wk. by deva-bhadra.
(H1) sauṣṭhava [p= 1255,3] [L=254038] n. (fr. su-ṣṭhu) excellence , superior goodness or beauty , extreme skilfulness , cleverness MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=254039] a partic. position of the body (also in dancing ; often with lāghava) ib. Sam2gi1t.
[L=254040] self-confidence L.
[p= 1256,1] [L=254041] a partic. division of dramatic composition W.
(H2) skandá [L=254079] m. anything which jumps or hops (in tṛṇa-skandá , " grasshopper " , N. of a man) RV.
[L=254080] spurting , effusing , effusion , spilling , shedding (cf. á and ghraṇa-sk°)
[L=254081] perishing , destruction Gi1t.
[L=254082] quick-silver L.
[p= 1256,2] [p= 1256,1] [L=254083] " Attacker " , N. of kārttikeya (q.v. , son of śiva or of agni ; he is called god of war as leader of śiva's hosts against the enemies of the gods ; he is also leader of the demons of illness that attack children [cf. -graha] , also god of burglars and thieves ; cf. -putra and IW. 427 n. 1) MaitrS. MBh. &c
[L=254084] N. of śiva MBh.
[L=254085] a king prince L.
[L=254086] a clever or learned man (cf. skandha) L.
[L=254087] the body L.
[L=254088] the jā*di (pl. Sam2ska1rak. )
(H1) skandhá [p= 1256,3] [L=254160] m. (accord. to Un2. iv , 206 , from √ skand in the sense of " rising " ?) the shoulder , upper part of the back or region from the neck to the shoulder-joint (in men and animals) AV. &c
[L=254161] the stem or trunk of a tree (esp. that part of the stem where the branches begin) S3a1n3khGr2. MBh. &c
[L=254162] a large branch or bough L.
[L=254163] a troop , multitude , quantity , aggregate (cf. kari- , nara-sk°) MBh. BhP.
[L=254164] a part , division (esp. a division of an army or a form of military array) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=254165] a chapter , section (of a book , system &c ) VarBr2S. Car.
[L=254166] a tract , path , region (esp. of the winds , said to be seven) MBh. Hariv.
[L=254167] (in phil.) the five objects of sense (» viṣaya) W.
[L=254168] (with Buddhists) the five constituent elements of being (viz. rūpa , " bodily form " ; vedanā , " sensation " ; saṃjñā , " perception " ; saṃskāra , " aggregate of formations " ; vijñāna , " consciousness or thought-faculty ") MWB. 109
[L=254169] (with jainas) the body (in the widest sense = piṇḍa) Sarvad.
[L=254170] a partic. form of the āryā metre Col.
[L=254171] a king , prince L.
[L=254172] any article used at the coronation of a king (as a jar filled with consecrated water , an umbrella &c ) W.
[L=254173] a sage , teacher ib.
[L=254174] war , battle ib.
[L=254175] an engagement , agreement ib.
[L=254176] a heron ib.
[L=254177] equality of height in the humps of a pair of draught oxen ib.
[L=254178] = samparā*ya and bhadrā*di L.
[L=254179] N. of a serpent-demon MBh.
[L=254180] of a poet Cat.
[L=254181] often w.r. for skanda
(H3) stabdha--vapus [p= 1258,2] [L=254491] mfn. one whose body is benumbed or paralyzed HParis3.
(H1) stīrvi [p= 1259,1] [L=254624] m. (said to be fr. √1. stṛ , only L. ) an officiating priest (esp. an adhvaryu q.v.)
[L=254625] a kind of grass
[L=254626] the sky , atmosphere
[L=254627] water
[L=254628] blood
[L=254629] the body
[L=254630] fear
[L=254631] N. of indra.
(H3) strī́--dehā* rdha [p= 1260,3] [L=254978] m. " he who has half of (his) body female " , N. of śiva (cf. ardha-nārī*śa) L.
(H2B) sthalī [p= 1261,3] [L=255208] f. an eminence , tableland (also applied to prominent parts of the body) La1t2y. MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) sthalī [L=255209] f. soil , ground Ka1lid. BhP.
(H2B) sthalī [L=255210] f. place , spot Ragh. Prab.
(H2) sthalī 1 [p= 1262,1] [L=255272] f. » under sthala above.
(H2) sthalī 2 [L=255276] in comp. for sthala.
(H2) sthā́na [p= 1263,1] [L=255374] n. (also said to be m. Siddh. ) the act of standing , standing firmly , being fixed or stationary AV. &c
[L=255375] position or posture of the body (in shooting &c ) R.
[L=255376] staying , abiding , being in or on (loc. or comp.) Das3. Ka1m. Hariv. Sa1h.
[L=255377] storing-place or storage (of goods) Mn. viii , 401
[L=255378] firm bearing (of troops) , sustaining a charge (as opp. to yuddha , " charging ") ib. vii , 190
[L=255379] state , condition (ifc. = " being in the state of ") Up. BhP.
[L=255380] continued existence , continuance in the same state (i.e. in a kind of neutral state unmarked by loss or gain) , continuing as or as long as (with instr.) MBh. R. BhP.
[L=255381] a state of perfect tranquillity Sarvad.
[L=255382] station , rank , office , appointment , dignity , degree MaitrUp. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=255383] place of standing or staying , any place , spot , locality , abode , dwelling , house , site (sthāne sthāne or sthāne sthāneṣu , " in different places " , " here and there ") RV. &c
[L=255384] place or room , stead (sthāne with gen. or ifc. " in place of " , " instead of " , " in lieu of " ; ripu-sthāne- √vṛt , " to act in the place of an enemy " ; vilocana-sthāna-gata , " acting the part of eyes " ; also sthāna ifc. = " taking the place of " , " acting as " , " representing " or " represented by " e.g. pitṛ-sth° , " acting as a father " or " represented by a father " ; iyaṅ-uvaṅ-sthāna , " represented by iy or uv " [as īandū Pa1n2. 1-4 , 4] ; in pāṇini's grammar the gen. case is often used alone , when the word sthāne has to be supplied e.g. hanter jaḥ , " ja is to be substituted in place of han " , i , 1 , 49) AitBr. Gr2S3rS. &c
[L=255385] place for , receptacle of (gen.) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=255386] proper or right place (sthāne , " in the right place or at the right time , seasonably , justly ") Pan5cavBr. &c (cf. g. svar-ādi)
[L=255387] province , region , domain , sphere (of gods or virtuous men ; said to be in one of three places , viz. " earth " or " atmosphere " or " heaven " ; accord. to some that of virtuous Brahmans is called prājāpatya ; of kṣatriyas , aindra ; of vaiśyas , māruta ; of śūdras , gāndharva) Nir. VarBr2S.
[L=255388] the main support or strength or chief constituent of a kingdom (said to be four , viz. " army " , " treasury " , " city " , " territory ") Mn. vii , 56
[L=255389] a stronghold , fortress Pan5cat.
[L=255390] the place or organ of utterance of any sound (said to be 8 in number , viz. kaṇṭha , " throat " ; tālu , " palate " ; mūrdhan , " top of palate " ; danta , " teeth " ; oṣṭha , " lips " ; kaṇṭha-tālu , " throat and palate " ; kaṇṭh'-oṣṭha , " throat and lips " ; dant'-oṣṭha , " teeth and lips " ; to which are added nāsikā , " nose " , said to be the place of utterance of true anusvāra , and uras , " chest " , of visarga) Pa1n2. 1-9 Sch. Pra1t. Sarvad.
[L=255391] any organ of sense (e.g. the eye) BhP.
[L=255392] the pitch or key of the voice , note , tone (of which accord. to RPra1t. , there are three [see mandra] , or accord. to TPra1t. , seven ; vīnā cyutā sthānāt , " a lute out of tune ") S3rS. Pra1t. MBh. &c
[L=255393] shape , form , appearance (as of the moon) VarBr2S.
[L=255394] the part or character of an actor MW.
[L=255395] case , occurrence (ne*daṃ sthānaṃ vidyate , " this case does not occur ") Ya1jn5. Pan5cat. Vajracch.
[L=255396] occasion , opportunity for (gen. or comp. ; °ne ind. " occasionally ") S3rS. MBh. &c
[L=255397] cause or object of (gen. or comp. e.g. śulka-sthāna , " an object of toll " ; pūjā- or mānya-sth° , " an object of honour " ; also applied to persons ; °ne ind. " because of " , " on account of ") MBh. Pan5cat. Katha1s.
[L=255398] a section or division (e.g. of medicine) Car. Sus3r. &c
[L=255399] an astrol. mansion or its subdivision VarBr2S.
[L=255400] = kāryo*tsarga , S3i1l.
[L=255401] an open place in a town , plain , square W.
[L=255402] a holy place MW.
[L=255403] an altar ib.
[L=255404] N. of a gandharva king R.
(H1) sthāna [p= 1265,2] [L=255888] sthānin,sthāpaka,°pana &c » p.1263.
(H2) sthānaka [p= 1263,2] [L=255462] m. N. of a man Ra1jat.
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255463] n. position , situation , rank , dignity MBh.
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255464] n. a place , spot Pan5cat.
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255465] n. a city , town L.
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255466] n. attitude of the body (in shooting &c ) Hcar. Nalac.
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255467] n. a partic. point or situation in dramatic action , Vikr. iv , 44÷45 (others " a kind of posture " ; but cf. patākā-sth°)
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255468] n. a basin or trench dug for water at the root of a tree L.
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255469] n. a division or section (esp , ) of the kāṭhaka (accord. to some " a mode of recitation ")
(H2B) sthānaka [L=255470] n. froth or bubbles on spirits or wine (prob. for sthāsaka) L.
(H1) sthāga [p= 1265,2] [L=255879] m. (derivation doubtful) a dead body L.
[L=255880] N. of one of śiva's attendants L.
(H1) sthāsaka [L=255893] m. smearing or perfuming the body with unguents (of sandal &c cf. sthakara , sthākara) L.
[L=255894] a bubble of water or any fluid L.
(H1B) sthāsaka [L=255895] mn(?). a bubble-shaped ornament on a horse's trappings S3is3.
(H1B) sthāsaka [L=255896] mn(?). a figure made with unguents Ratna7v.
(H2) sthūlá [p= 1266,1] [L=256004] mf(ā́)n. (fr. √ sthū = sthā and originally identical with sthūra) large , thick , stout , massive , bulky , big , huge AV. &c
[L=256005] coarse , gross , rough (also fig. = " not detailed or precisely defined " ; cf. yathā-sth°) Mn. MBh. &c
[L=256006] dense , dull , stolid , doltish , stupid , ignorant (cf. comp.) MBh. Pan5cat.
[L=256007] (in phil.) gross , tangible , material (opp. to sūkṣma , " subtle " ; cf. sthūla-śarīra)
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256008] m. Artocarpus Integrifolia L.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256009] m. N. of one of śiva's attendants L.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256010] m. n. g. ardharcā*di
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256012] m. Cucumis Utilissimus L.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256013] m. large cardamoms L.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256014] n. " the gross body " (= sthūla-ś°) Up. MBh. &c
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256015] n. sour milk , curds L.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256016] n. = kūṭa L.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256017] n. a heap , quantity W.
(H2B) sthūlá [L=256018] n. a tent (prob. for 1. sthula) ib.
(H3) sthūlá--śarīra [p= 1266,2] [L=256123] n. the gross or material and perishable body with which a soul clad in its subtle body is invested (opp. to sūkṣma- and liṅga-s° , qq.vv.) Veda7ntas. RTL. 35
(H3B) sthūlá--śarīra [L=256124] mfn. large-bodied W.
(H4) sthūlá--sūkṣma---śarīra [L=256148] n. the gross and subtle body ib.
(H1) snā́yu [p= 1267,1] [L=256269] fn. (accord. to some fr. a √ snā contracted from sinā pres. base of √ si , " to bind " ; cf. also √ snai) any sinew or ligament in the human and animal body , tendon , muscle , nerve , vein TBr. Sus3r. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=256270] the string of a bow Pan5cat.
(H1B) snā́yu [L=256271] m. an eruption on the skin of she extremities Bhpr. [?cf. Germ. se0nawa , Sehne ; Eng. sinew.]
(H3) snā́yu--rajju [L=256280] mfn. having sinews for cords (said of the body) MW.
(H2) snāvanyá [L=256294] du. (gender unknown) partic. parts of the body of a horse TS.
(H2) sneha [p= 1267,2] [L=256358] m. (or n. g. ardharcā*di ; ifc. f(ā).) oiliness , unctuousness , fattiness , greasiness , lubricity , viscidity (also as one of the 24 guṇas of the vaiśeṣika branch of the nyāya phil.) Sus3r. Ya1jn5. Tarkas. Sarvad. ( IW. 69)
[L=256359] oil , grease , fat , any oleaginous substance , an unguent S3a1n3khBr. &c
[L=256360] smoothness , glossiness VarBr2S.
[L=256361] blandness , tenderness , love , attachment to , fondness or affection for (loc. gen. , or comp.) , friendship with (saha) MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=256362] moisture MW.
[L=256363] a fluid of the body ib.
[L=256364] (pl.) N. of the vaiśyas in kuśa-dvīpa VP.
(H1) sneha [p= 1268,1] [L=256485] &c » [p= 1267,2].
(H2) spandaná [L=256505] mf(ā́)n. making a sudden movement , kicking (as a cow) AV.
(H2B) spandaná [L=256506] m. a kind of tree (the wood of which is made into bedsteads , chairs &c ) VarBr2S.
(H2B) spandaná [L=256507] n. throbbing , pulsation , palpitation , quivering , twitching (twitchings and quiverings of the body are supposed to prognosticate good or bad luck , and are therefore minutely described in certain works ; » above ) , trembling , agitation A1s3vGr2. Mr2icch. &c
(H2B) spandaná [p= 1268,2] [L=256508] n. throbbing with life , quickening (of a child in the womb) Ya1jn5. Sus3r.
(H2B) spandaná [L=256509] n. quick movement , motion Katha1s.
(H2B) spandaná [L=256510] n. w.r. for syand° RV. iii , 53 , 19.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 28.128
Whitney Roots links: spfS
(H1) spṛś 1 [p= 1269,1] [p= 1268,3] [L=256602]
cl.6 P. ( Dha1tup. xxviii , 128) spṛśáti (mc. also °te ; pr. p. spṛśāna MBh. ; impf. asparśat BhP. ; pf. pasparśa , paspṛśuḥ , paspṛśe ib. &c ; Subj. paspárśat RV. ; aor. aspṛkṣat AV. Br. ; asprākṣīt Br. MBh. ; aspārkṣīt Gr. ; Prec. spṛśyāt MBh. ; fut. spraṣṭā or sparṣṭā Gr. ; sparkṣyati ib. ; sprakṣyati MBh. ; inf. spraṣṭum ib. &c ; -spṛ́śe RV. ; -spṛ́śas Br. ; ind.p. spṛṣṭvā , -spṛ́śya ib. &c ) , to touch , feel with the hand , lay the hand on (acc. or loc.) , graze , stroke RV. &c ;
to handle , take hold of (anyo 'nyaṃ hastau spṛśataḥ , " they mutually touch or shake hands ") MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
(with apáḥ , udakam , jalam ; or adbhis &c ) to touch or sip water , wash or sprinkle certain parts of the body with water Gr2S3rS. Mn. ii , 60 MBh. &c ;
to touch so as to hurt , injure , harm Katha1s. ;
to perceive or feel by touch Up. Mn. VarBr2S. ;
to touch , come into contact (lit. ; and fig. in astron. sense) VarBr2S. ;
to reach or penetrate to (loc. or acc. ; with karṇam , " to come to the ears " ; with kriyām , " to set about any action ") MBh. R. &c ;
to come up to , equal (acc. ; with girā , " to equal with words " i.e. " to be able to describe ") Ka1v. ;
to act upon , affect Sarvad. BhP. ;
to touch i.e. endow or fill with (instr.) RV. iv , 3 , 15 ;
to touch i.e. befall , fall to the lot of , come upon , visit , afflict (acc.) ChUp. MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to touch , take hold of , make one's own , appropriate MBh. iv , 135 ;
to attain to , obtain , experience , undergo MBh. Ka1m. &c ;
to grant , bestow (cf. Caus.) BhP. : Pass. spṛśyate (aor. asparśi) , to be touched or seized or affected by MBh. &c : Caus. sparśayati , °te (aor. apasparśat or apispṛśat ; Subj. pispṛśaḥ , °śati RV. ) , to cause to touch (two acc.) , bring into immediate contact with (loc. or instr.) Mn. MBh. &c ;
to convey to (loc.) RV. ;
to fill or cover with (instr.) &c ;
to perceive by touch , feel MaitrUp. ;
to offer , present , give Mn. MBh. &c : Desid. pispṛkṣati (cf. pispṛkṣu) Gr.: Intens. parīspṛśyate , parīspraṣṭi , parīsparṣṭi ib.
(H2) spṛś 2 [p= 1269,2] [L=256680] mfn. (generally ifc. ; nom. spṛk) touching , coming into contact with (» kṣiti- , śava-spṛś &c )
[L=256681] reaching to (» gagana- , bhūspṛś &c )
[L=256682] experiencing , betraying Ka1v.
(H2B) spṛś 2 [L=256683] f. = spṛkkā VarBr2S. Sch.
(H2B) spṛṣṭikā [L=256701] f. touching parts of the body (as the feet &c , an asseveration or taking an oath) Mr2icch. Mcar.
(H2) spṛṣṭikā [L=256705] f. » under spṛṣṭaka above.
(H2) sphuraṇa [p= 1271,1] [L=256973] mfn. glittering , sparkling VarBr2S.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256974] n. the act of trembling , throbbing , vibration , pulsation (also f(ā).) Dha1tup. L.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256975] n. quivering or throbbing of parts of the body (as indicating good or bad luck) MW.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256976] n. springing or breaking forth , starting into view , expansion , manifestation Sa1h. BhP. Sarvad.
(H2B) sphuraṇa [L=256977] n. flashing , coruscation , twinkling , glittering Megh. Ma1lati1m.
(H3) smara--daśā [p= 1272,1] [L=257135] f. state of the body produced by love (ten states are named: joy of the eyes , pensive reflection , desire , sleeplessness , emaciation , indifference to external objects , abandonment of shame , infatuation , fainting away , death) Megh.
(H2) smṛ́ti [p= 1272,3] [L=257270] f. remembrance , reminiscence , thinking of or upon (loc. or comp.) , calling to mind (smṛtim api te na yānti , " they are not even thought of ") , memory TA1r. ChUp. MBh. &c
[L=257271] memory as one of the vyabhicāri-bhāvas (q.v.) Das3ar.
[L=257272] Memory (personified either as the daughter of dakṣa and wife of aṅgiras or as the daughter of dharma and medhā) Hariv. Pur.
[L=257273] the whole body of sacred tradition or what is remembered by human teachers (in contradistinction to śruti or what is directly heard or revealed to the ṛṣis ; in its widest acceptation this use of the term smṛti includes the 6 vedā*ṅgas , the sūtras both śrauta and gṛhya , the law-books of manu &c [see next] ; the itihāsas [e.g. the mahābhārata and rāmā*yaṇa] , the purāṇas and the nītiśāstras ; iti smṛteḥ , " accord. to such and such a traditional precept or legal text ") IW. 144 , 145
[L=257274] the whole body of codes of law as handed down memoriter or by tradition (esp. the codes of manu yājñavalkya and the 16 succeeding inspired lawgivers , viz. atri , viṣṇu , hārīta , uśanas or śukra , aṅgiras , yama , āpastamba , saṃvarta , kātyāyana , bṛhas-pati , parāśara , vyāsa , śaṅkha , likhīta , dakṣa and gautama ; all these lawgivers being held to be inspired and to have based their precepts on the veda ; cf. IW. 203) Gr2S3rS. Mn. Ya1jn5. &c
[L=257275] symbolical N. for the number 18 (fr. the 18 lawgivers above )
[L=257276] a kind of metre L.
[L=257277] N. of the letter g Up.
[L=257278] desire , wish Pan5cat. iii , 258 (v.l. for spṛhā).
(H3) srasta--śarīra-saṃdhi [p= 1273,3] [L=257552] mfn. having the joints of the body relaxed Mr2icch.
(H2) srótas [p= 1274,3] [L=257699] n. the current or bed of a river , a river , stream , torrent RV. &c
[L=257700] water Naigh. i , 12
[L=257701] rush , violent motion or onset of (comp.) Ka1v. Pur. Sarvad.
[L=257702] the course or current of nutriment in the body , channel or course for conveying food (» ūrdhva- and tiryak-sr°)
[L=257703] an aperture in the human or animal body (reckoned to be 9 in men and 11 in women) Sus3r.
[L=257704] the spout of a jar Sus3r.
[L=257705] an organ of sense S3vetUp. R. &c
[L=257706] lineage , pedigree (?) MBh.
(H3) svá--deha-dāna [p= 1275,3] [L=257949] n. the gift of one's own body L.
(H3) svá--bhaṭa [p= 1276,1] [L=258033] m. one's own warrior or body-guard MW.
(H3) svá--māṃsa [p= 1276,2] [L=258083] n. own flesh or body Mn. R.
(H3) svá--vigraha [p= 1276,3] [L=258215] m. one's own body (°ham , " one's self ") Ra1jat.
(H3) svá--śarīra [p= 1277,1] [L=258241] n. one's own body or person R.
(H3) svá--stha [L=258275] mf(ā)n. self-abiding , being in one's self (or " in the self " Sarvad. ), being in one's natural state , being one's self uninjured , unmolested , contented , doing well , sound well , healthy (in body and mind ; often v.l. for su-stha) , comfortable , at ease (compar. -tara) MaitrUp. &c
[L=258276] relying upon one's self , confident , resolute , composed W.
[L=258277] self-sufficient , independent ib.
(H1) sva-stha [p= 1283,2] [L=259572] &c » [p= 1271,1].
(H3) svā* ṅga [p= 1277,2] [L=258323] n. a limb of one's own body , one's own body , limb or body in the strict (not metaphorical) sense Ka1v. Yogas. &c
(H3B) svā* ṅga [L=258324] m. a proper N. MW.
(H4) svā* ṅga---bhaṅga [L=258325] m. injury to one's own body Ml.
(H3) svā* dhiṣṭhāna [L=258340] n. one's own place VP. Sch.
[L=258341] one of the 6 mystical circles of the body (» cakra) Pan5car. A1nand.
(H3) svo* daya [p= 1278,1] [L=258460] m. the rising of a sign or of any heavenly body at any partic. place (determined by adding to or deducting from the laṅko*daya or time of rising at Ceylon) MW.
(H1) sv-áṅga [p= 1279,2] [L=258749] mfn. having a beautiful body , well-shaped , fair-limbed RV.
(H1B) sv-áṅga [L=258750] n. a good or handsome limb MW.
(H3) svaṅga [L=258778] » pari-ṣv°.
(H4) svargá--lo° ke* śa [p= 1281,3] [L=259206] m. " lord of heaven " , indra MW.
[L=259207] the body (as enjoying felicity in indra's heaven) L.
(H3) sv-alpa--śarīra [p= 1282,3] [L=259444] mfn. having a very diminutive body , small in stature L.
(H1) svāsthya [p= 1284,3] [L=259775] n. (fr. sva-stha) self-dependence , sound state (of body or soul) , health , ease , comfort , contentment , satisfaction MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1) sv-ā́hā [L=259776] ind. (prob. fr. 5. su and √ ah ; cf. dur-āhā) hail! hail to! may a blessing rest on! (with dat. ; an exclamation used in making oblations to the gods ; with √ kṛ [ind.p. -kā́ram , or -kṛtya] and acc. " to pronounce the exclamation svāhā over ") RV. &c
(H1B) sv-ā́hā [L=259776.1] f. an oblation (offered to agni , indra &c ) or Oblation personified (as a daughter of dakṣa and wife of agni ; she is thought to preside over burnt-offerings ; her body is said to consist of the four vedas , and her limbs are the six aṅgas or members of the veda ; she is represented also as a wife of the rudra paśu-pati) RV. &c &c
(H3) svéda--malo* jjhitadeha [p= 1285,1] [L=259822] m. " one whose body is freed from perspiration and impurity " , a jina L.
(H3) hara--dagdha-mūrti [p= 1289,1] [L=260704] m. " whose body has been burnt by śiva " , kāma-deva (also " sexual love ") VarBr2S.
(H3) hári--roman [p= 1290,3] [L=261156] mfn. having fair hair on the body ib.
(H3) haritárdhakāya [p= 1291,3] [L=261448] mfn. having half the body green Bcar.
(H2) harṣaṇa [p= 1292,3] [L=261728] mfn. causing the hair of the body to stand erect , thrilling with joy or desire , gladdening , delightful , pleasant MBh. Hariv. &c
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261729] m. " gladdener " , N. of one of the five arrows of kāma-deva Bcar.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261730] m. of a man VP. ( L. also , " a partic. disease of the eyes " ; " a partic. śrāddha " ; " a deity presiding over śrāddhas " ; " the 14th of the astron Yogas. ")
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261731] n. bristling , erection Sus3r.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261732] n. erection of the sexual organ , sexual excitement ib.
(H2B) harṣaṇa [L=261733] n. the act of delighting , delight , joy , happiness MBh. R.
(H4) hásta--pā° dā* di [p= 1295,1] [L=262200] m. the hand and feet , the extremities , limbs of the body MW.
(H3) hásta--bimba [L=262207] n. anointing the body with perfumes L.
(H2) hā́rdi [p= 1297,2] [L=262695] m. the heart AV.
[L=262696] contentment , ease , comfort VarBr2S.
(H2B) hā́rdi [L=262697] n. the heart or interior of the body (also applied to the intestines) RV.
(H3) hiraṇya--garbhá [p= 1299,3] [L=263207] m. a golden fetus Cat.
[L=263208] N. of brahmā (so called as born from a golden egg formed out of the seed deposited in the waters when they were produced as the first creation of the Self-existent ; according to Mn. i , 9, this seed became a golden egg , resplendent as the sun , in which the Self-existent brahma was born as brahmā the Creator , who is therefore regarded as a manifestation of the Self-existent RV. x , 121) RV. AV. S3Br. &c (cf. RTL. 14 &c )
[L=263209] N. of the author of the hymn ṛgveda x , 121 (having the patr. prājāpatya) Anukr.
[L=263210] of a vedānta teacher Tattvas.
[L=263211] of various other persons Cat.
[L=263212] of viṣṇu MBh.
[L=263213] of a flamingo Hit.
[L=263214] (in phil.) the soul invested with the sūkṣma-śarīra or subtle body (= sūtrā*tman , prā*ṇā*tman) Veda7ntas.
(H3B) hiraṇya--garbhá [L=263216] n. (prob.) N. of a liṅga ib.
(H3B) hiraṇya--garbhá [L=263217] mfn. relating to hiraṇya-garbha or brahmā. IndSt.
(H3) hiraṇya--śarīra [p= 1300,2] [L=263326] mfn. having a golden body AitBr.
(H1) hṛ́d [p= 1302,2] [L=263665] n. (optionally substituted for hṛdaya in the weak cases i.e. in all except the first five inflexions ; thought to be connected with śrad q.v.) the heart (as the seat of feelings and emotions) , soul , mind (as seat of thought and intellectual operations ; hṛdy avedin , " having no capacity of knowledge in the heart or mind " , said of animals) , breast , chest , stomach , interior (also in older language , " interior of the body ") RV. &c &c [cf. Gk. καρδία , κραδίη ; Lat. cor (cordis) ; Germ. Herz ; Eng. heart.]
(H2) hṛ́daya [p= 1302,3] [L=263742] n. (ifc. f(ā).) the heart (or region of the heart as the seat of feelings and sensations ; hṛdaye- √kṛ , " to take to heart ") , soul , mind (as the seat of mental operations ; capala-hṛdaya , " fickle-minded ") RV. &c
[L=263743] the heart or interior of the body RV. AV. TBr. MBh.
[L=263744] the heart or centre or core or essence or best or dearest or most secret part of anything AV. &c
[L=263745] true or divine knowledge MW.
[L=263746] the veda ib.
[L=263747] science ib.
[L=263748] (with prajāpateḥ) N. of a sāman IndSt.
(H2B) hṛ́daya [L=263749] m. a partic. Sunday BhavP.
(H2B) hṛ́daya [L=263751] mfn. going to the heart Bha1gP. (fr. hṛd aya Sch.)
(H3) hṛ́daya--stha [p= 1303,1] [L=263823] mfn. being in the heart (as wishes) Pan5cat.
[L=263824] being in the body (as worms) Sus3r.
(H3) hṛ́daya--sthāyin [L=263827] mfn. being in the interior of the body Car.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 17.59, 26.119
Whitney Roots links: hfz
(H1) hṛṣ [p= 1303,2] [L=263915]
cl.1 P. A1. hárṣati , °te (fr. P. only p. hárṣat) , to be excited or impatient , rejoice in the prospect of , be anxious or impatient for (dat.) RV. ;
to speak or affirm falsely , lie Dha1tup. xvii , 59 ; cl.4 P. ( Dha1tup. xxvi , 119) hṛṣyati (ep. and mc. also °te ; pf. jaharṣa , jahṛṣuḥ ; jahṛṣe , °ṣire MBh. &c ; aor. ahṛṣat ib. ; fut. harṣitā , harṣiṣyati Gr. ; inf. harṣitum ib. ; ind.p. -hṛṣya MBh. &c ) , to thrill with rapture , rejoice , exult , be glad or pleased Pa1rGr2. Mn. MBh. &c ;
to become sexually excited Sus3r. ;
to become erect or stiff or rigid , bristle (said of the hairs of the body &c ) , become on edge (like the teeth) MBh. BhP. : Pass. hṛṣyate (aor. aharṣi) Gr.: Caus. harṣáyati , °te (aor. ajīhṛṣat , or ajaharṣat) , to excite , make impatient or eager for (victory &c ) RV. &c ;
to rejoice , be glad Mn. MBh. ;
to cause to bristle Cat. : Desid. jiharṣiṣati Gr.: Intens. jarīhṛṣyate , jarharṣṭi &c (Ved. forms jarhṛṣanta , járhṛṣāṇa and jāhṛṣāṇá) , to be impatient or excited RV. VS. A1s3vS3r. ;
to excite violently RV. [cf. Lat. horreo for horseo.]
(H2) hṛṣitá [L=263924] mfn. cheerful , glad , happy RV. MBh.
[L=263925] bristling , erect (as the hair of the body) MBh.
[L=263926] not drooping , fresh (as flowers) MBh.
[L=263927] dulled , blunted , set on edge (= pratihata) Pat. on Pa1n2. 7-2 , 29
[L=263928] surprised , astonished (= vismita) ib.
[L=263929] bent , bowed (= praṇata) L.
[L=263930] armed , accoutred (= varmita) L.
(H2) hṛṣṭa [L=263946] mfn. thrilling with rapture , rejoiced , pleased , glad , merry Mn. MBh. &c
[L=263947] bristling , erect , standing on end (said of the hairs of the body) MBh. R. &c
[L=263948] rigid , stiff Hariv.
[L=263949] blunted (cf. hṛṣita) Pat.
[L=263950] surprised , astonished ib.
(H4) hṛṣṭa--puṣ° ṭā* ṅga [L=263958] mfn. happy and fat (in body) Hit.
(H3) hṛṣṭa--roman [L=263962] mfn. having the hair of the body bristling or thrilling (with delight or rapture) Bhag.
(H3B) hṛṣṭa--roman [L=263963] m. N. of an asura Katha1s.
(H3) áṅga--kriyā [p= 7,3] [L=1523] f. a supplementary sacrificial act.
(H3) aṅga--kriyā [p= 1309,2] [L=301290.1] f. anointing the body, Das3.
(H3) aṅga--vāhaka [L=301290.5] mfn. rubbing or shampooing the body, MatsyaP.
(H2) aṅgu [L=301360] m. or f. (?) a limb of the body, L.
[L=301360.1] a bird, L.
(H3) anna--pāśa [p= 1313,1] [L=308400.6] m. the binding power of food (in binding soul and body together), Gobh.
(H1) apa-nidra 1 [p= 49,3] [L=9289] mfn. sleepless.
(H1) apa-ni-dra 2 [L=9290] mfn. ( √ drā) , opening (as a flower) S3is3. Kir.
(H2) apa-nidra [p= 1313,3] [L=309310] (also) bristling, erect (as the hair on the body), Naish.
(H2) a-śīrta-tanu [p= 1317,3] [L=316260] mfn. having an indestructible body, Ka1t2h.
(H3) aṣṭā* ṅga--praṇipāta [p= 1318,1] [L=316500.1] m. prostration of the 8 parts of the body (= -praṇāma), Pa1rGr2.
(H2) āḍindikā [p= 1319,2] [L=318350] f. clean shaving of the whole body, L.
(H3) ātma--saṃyukta [L=318520.8] mfn. being in the body, A1past.
(H2) ā-deha-dāham [L=318650] ind. from the cremation of the body, Naish.
(H2) ābharaṇa-sthāna [p= 1319,3] [L=319300] n. a place (on the body) for ornament, Mr2icch.
(H2) ālāla [p= 1320,2] [L=320190] a partic. slimy substance in the human body, Car.
(H2) ā-srava [p= 162,1] [L=28247] m. the foam on boiling rice L.
[L=28248] a door opening into water and allowing the stream to descend through it Sarvad.
[L=28249] (with jainas) the action of the senses which impels the soul towards external objects (one of the seven sattvas or substances ; it is two fold , as good or evil) Sarvad.
[L=28250] distress , affliction , pain L.
(H2) ā-srava [p= 1320,3] [L=320940] m. (with Buddh. ) impurity, defilement, sin
[L=320940.1] (with jainas) the influence or action of body and mind and speech in impelling the soul to generate Karma.
(H3) indriya--sparśa [p= 1321,1] [L=321420.7] m. touching parts of the body (in the nyāsa ceremonial), RTL. 406
(H3) ūrdhva--nāpita [p= 1322,3] [L=325000.5] m. a barber who shaves the upper part of the body
(H3) ūr--° dhvā* gra [L=325001.2] mf(ā)n. with the point upwards, Hir. ?? (-romatā, f. having the hairs of the body erect [one of this 32 signs of perfection], Dharmas. 83).
(H4) ūr--° dhvā* gra---romatā [L=325001.3] ( f. having the hairs of the body erect [one of this 32 signs of perfection], Dharmas. 83).
(H3) audārika--śarīra [p= 1323,2] [L=325900.1] n. the coarse body (perishing at death), S3i1l.
(H3) karma--deha [p= 1324,1] [L=326960.6] m. the active body, Kap.
(H3) kāya--gata [p= 1324,2] [L=327560.2] mfn. dwelling in the body, Mn, xi, 98
(H3) kāya--sthiti [L=327560.4] f. support of the body, keeping alive, taking food, Bhadrab.
keśaśmaśru īomanakha
(H3) keśa--śmaśru-īoma-nakha [p= 1325,2] [L=328740.7] n. pl. hair and beard and down of the body and nails, Hir. ??
(H2) cara [p= 389,2] [L=72174] mfn. (g. pacā*di) moving , locomotive (as animals opposed to plants , or as the karaṇas in astrol.) VPra1t. S3vetUp. iii , 18 Mn. vii , 15 MBh. &c
[L=72175] (= saṃcārin) forming the retinue of any one BhP. iv , 29 , 23
[L=72176] movable , shaking , unsteady W.
[L=72177] ifc. going , walking , wandering , being , living , practising (e.g. adhaś- , anta- , antarikṣa- , ap- , ādāya- , udake- , &c ; cf. Pa1n2. 3-2 , 16)
(H2B) cara [L=72178] mf(ī)n. ifc. ( Pa1n2. 5-3 , 53 f. ; vi , 3 , 35 f.) having been formerly (e.g. āḍhya- , devadatta- , qq. vv. ; a-dṛṣṭa- or nadṛṣṭa- , " not seen before " Katha1s. [once f. irr. ā , lx , 58] Sarvad. iii , 16 ; vii , 19 ; an-ālokita- id. Ba1lar. iv , 54÷55)
(H2B) cara [L=72179] m. a spy , secret emissary or agent Mn. vii , 122 Hariv. 10316 R. &c
(H2B) cara [L=72180] m. = caraṭa L.
(H2B) cara [L=72181] m. the small shell Cypraea moneta L.
(H2B) cara [L=72182] m. the wind , air BhP. x , 14 , 11
(H2B) cara [L=72183] m. the planet Mars L.
(H2B) cara [L=72184] m. a game played with dice (similar to backgammon) L.
(H2B) cara [L=72185] m. a cowrie W.
(H2B) cara [L=72186] m. " passage " » a- , duś-
(H2B) cara [L=72187] n. (in astron.) ascensional difference Gol. vii
(H2B) cara [L=72189] n. (in music) N. of a mūrchanā
(H2B) cara [L=72191] n. = digambaraprasiddhā g. gaurā*di
(H2B) cara [L=72192] n. also ifc. » anu- and sahacarī.
(H2) cara [p= 1327,1] [L=330990] (in astron., read, "the difference of time between the rising of a heavenly body at laṅkā or Ceylon, over which the first meridian passes, and that of its rising at any partic. place").
(H2) jvalac-charīra [p= 1327,3] [L=332130] mfn. having a radiant body, Bcar.
(H3) tápas--tanu [p= 437,1] [L=82711] mfn. = °paḥ-kṛśa AitA1r. v , 3 , 2 , 1.
(H3) tapas--tanu [p= 1328,1] [L=332530.3] mfn. having p°enance as a body, JaimUp.
(H3) deha--vimukti [p= 1329,1] [L=334010.2] f. abandonment of the body or of life, ib.
(H2) pra-jānuka [p= 1330,3] [L=336470] m. the body.
(H3) manuṣya--kāya [p= 1331,2] [L=337910.1] mfn. having a human body, Bcar.
(H2) mūrti-saṃcara [p= 1331,3] [L=338320] mfn. going about with a body, embodied, incarnate, Uttarar.