Sanskrit words for list

During meditation, the brain spends a lot of time going through its lists – often, the to-do lists – as it orients toward the
  • duty or dharma
  • sensual delight and fun, kama
  • creating wealth, artha
  • union with God or liberation, moksha.
Here is a list of “list-related” words. But I don’t see anything that looks good for “my to-do list”

1 anuvaṃśa (list) 2 anuvaṃśya (list) 3 ākṛtigaṇa (list) 4 ānuvaṃśya (list) 5 upapurāṇa (list) 6 kalā (list) 7 dhātugaṇa (list) 8 dhātupāṭha (list) 9 nakṣatrakośa (list) 10 paribhāṣā (list) 11 prakṛtipāṭha (list) 12 premāmṛta (list) 13 bījaka (list) 14 mahāsahasranāman (list) 15 rūpāvalī (list) 16 lekhya (list) 17 vaṃśa (list) 18 vaṃśaṛṣi (list) 19 vaṃśabrāhmaṇa (list) 20 vaṃśānucarita (list) 21 vidyāvaṃśa (list) 22 viṣṇupurāṇa (list) 23 viṣṇupurāṇaka (list) 24 śābdikavidvaktavipramodaka (list) 25 śuddhipattra (list) 26 saṃgraha (list) 27 samāmnāya (list) 28 abhayagaṇa (list) 29 amaragaṇanālekhya (list) 30 ārṣeyabrāhmaṇa (list)

anu-vaśa [p= 38,1] [L=7183]
a genealogical list or table

anu-vaśa [L=7186]
(ā)n. , of a corresponding family , of equal birth.
(H1) m.
[L=7184]collateral branch of a family
(H1B) mf

anuvaśya [L=7187]
relating to a genealogical list.
(H2) mfn.

ā́-kti--gaa [p= 127,3] [L=22230]
a list of specimens , collection of words belonging to a particular grammatical rule (not exhibiting every word belonging to that rule but only specimens , whereas a simple gaa exhibits every word) Pa1n2. Ka1s3. ([Examples of ākti-gaas are arśa-ādi , ādy-ādi , kaṇḍv-ādi , &c ])
(H3) m.

ānuvaśya [p= 141,1] [L=24610]
(fr. anu-vaśa) , belonging to a race , conformable to a genealogical list (according to T. , " behind a bamboo ") L.
(H1) mfn.

upa-purāa [p= 202,2] [L=35134]
a secondary or minor purāa (eighteen are enumerated ; the following is the list in the kūrma-purāa: 1. sānatkumāra , 2. nārasiha (fr. nsiha) 3. bhāda , 4. śiva-dharma , 5. daurvāsasa , 6. nāradīya , 7. kāpila , 8. vāmana , 9. auśanasa , 10. brahmāṇḍa , 11. vārua , 12. kālikā-purāa , 13. māheśvara , 14. sāmba , 15. saura , 16. pārāśara , 17. mārīca , 18. bhārgava).
(H1) n.

kalā [p= 260,2] [L=45612]
» kalā below.
kalā́ [p= 261,1] [L=45820]
(etym. doubtful) a small part of anything , any single part or portion of a whole , esp. a sixteenth part RV. viii , 47 , 17 TS. S3Br. Mn. &c

Hit. Katha1s.

kardama and wife of marīci BhP. )


S3is3. ix , 32

÷900 of a day or 1-6 minutes Mn. i , 64 Hariv. ; or 1÷1800 of a day or 0-8 minutes Comm. on VP. ; or 2 minutes and 26 54÷201 seconds Sus3r. ; or 1 minute and 35 205÷301 , seconds , or 8 seconds BhavP. )


dhātus of the human body (viz. flesh , blood , fat , phlegm , urine , bile , and semen ; but according to hemacandra , rasa , " chyle " , asthi , " bone " , and majjan , " marrow " , take the place of phlegm , urine , and bile) Sus3r.

kalās or atoms in every one of the six dhātus , not counting the rasa , therefore in all 18090)

pāśupatas) the elements of the gross or material world Sarvad.

cf. kalana)

mantra , dravya , and śraddhā Ni1lak. on MBh. [ed. Bomb.] xiv , 89 , 3)

261,2] [p= 261,1] [L=45834]
śaivatantra [ T. ] ; the following is a list of them: gītam , vādyam , ntyam , nātyam , ālekhyam , viśeaka-cchedyam , taṇḍula-kusuma-balivikārā , pu*staranam , daśana-vasanā*garāgā , mai-bhūmikā-karma , śayana-racanam , udaka-vādyam , udaka-ghāta , citrā yogā , mālya-granthana-vikalpā , keśa-śekharā*ayojanam , nepathya-yogā , kara-pattra-bha , gandha-yukti , bhūaa-yojanam , indrajālam , kaucumāra-yogā , hasta-lāghavam , citraśākā*pūpa-bhakya-vikāra-kriyā , pānaka-rasarāgā*sava-yojanam , sūcīvāpa-karma , ā-ama-ruka-sūtra-krīā , prahelikā , pratimā , durvacakayogā , pustaka-vācanam , akā*khyāyikā-darśanam , kāvya-samasyā-pūraam , paṭṭikā-vetrabāa-vikalpā , tarkū-karmāi , takaam , vāstu-vidyā , rūpya-ratna-parīkā , dhātu-vāda , mai-rāga-jñānam , ākara-jñānam , vkā*yur-veda-yogā , mea-kukkua-lāvaka-yuddha-vidhi , śuka-sārikā-pralāpanam , utsādanam , keśa-mārjana-kauśalam , akara-muṣṭikā-kathanam , mlechitaka-vikalpā , deśa-bhāā-jñānam , pupa-śakaikā-nimitta-jñānam , yantra-māt , dhāraa-māt , sayam , mānasī kāvya-kriyā , kriyā-vikalpā , chalitakayogā , abhidhāna-koa-cchando-jñānam , vastra-gopanāni , dyūta-viśea , ākaraa-krīā , bālaka-krīanakāni , vaināyikīnā vidyāā jñānam , vaijayikīnā vidyānā jñānam ; » also Va1tsy. i , 3 , 17) R. Pan5cat. Bhartr2. &c
261,2] [L=45835]



N. given to dākāyaī in the region near the river candrabhāgā MatsyaP.

of a grammatical commentary.
kalā [p= 1324,1] [L=327090]

(H1B) f.
(H1) f.
[L=45821]a digit or one-sixteenth of the moon's diameter
[L=45822](personified as a daughter of
[L=45823]a symbolical expression for the number sixteen
[L=45824]interest on a capital (considered as a certain part of it)
[L=45825]a division of time (said to be 1
[L=45826]the sixtieth part of one-thirtieth of a zodiacal sign , a minute of a degree
[L=45827](in prosody) a syllabic instant
[L=45828]a term for the seven substrata of the elements or
[L=45829]an atom (there are 3015
[L=45831]an embryo shortly after conception (
[L=45832]a designation of the three constituent parts of a sacrifice (viz.
[L=45833]the menstrual discharge
[p= any practical art , any mechanical or fine art (sixty-four are enumerated in the
[p= skill , ingenuity
[L=45837]a low and sweet tone
[L=45838]a boat
(H2) (in

dhātu--gaa [p= 513,3] [L=100633]
" list of roots " , N


(H3) m.

dhātu--pāha [p= 514,1] [L=100654]
" recital of grammatical roots " N. of an ancient list of roots ascribed to ini.
(H3) m.

nákatra--kośa [p= 524,2] [L=102835]

N. of a list of stars.
(H3) m.

pari-bhāā [p= 598,1] [L=118125]
speech , discourse , words MBh. BhP.

pl.) Pat. Ba1lar.


medic.) prognosis

pl.) N. of sev. works.
(H3) f.
[L=118126]blame , censure , reproof (only
[L=118127]any explanatory rule or general definition , (in gram.) a rule or maxim which teaches the proper interpretation or application of other rules
[L=118129]a table or list of abbreviations or signs used in any work

pra-kti--pāha [p= 654,1] [L=130060]

= dhātup° , list of verbal roots Pat.
(H3) m.

premā* mta [p= 711,2] [L=140820]
" love-ambrosia " , N. of a metrical list of 112 names of kṛṣṇa and of sev. other works.
(H3) n.

bījaka [p= 732,3] [L=145494]
seed Sus3r.

bījaka [L=145496]
Citrus Medica R. Hariv. &c
bījaka [L=145497]
a citron or lemon Sus3r.
bījaka [L=145498]
Terminalia Tomentosa L.
bījaka [L=145499]
the position of the arms of a child at birth Sus3r. Bhpr.
bījaka [L=145500]
N. of a poet.
(H2) n.
[L=145495]a list
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.

mahā́--sahasra-nāman [p= 801,3] [L=161066]
a list of 1000 names of rāma from the Rudray.
(H3) n.

rūpā* valī [p= 886,2] [L=179202]
a list or series of (grammatical) forms or of the variations of (grammatical) forms (caused by declension , conjugation &c ) MW.

of various works.
(H3) f.

lekhya 1 [p= 901,3] [L=182433]
P. °yati = lekhāya g. kaṇḍvādi
lekhya 2 [L=182434]
to be scratched or scraped or scarified Sus3r.

Ya1jn5. Ma1rkP.



loc.) Ka1vya7d.

viṣṇu) Vishn2. (Sch.)
lekhya 2 [L=182440]
the act or the art of writing , Mbh. R.
lekhya 2 [L=182441]
copying , transcribing VarBr2S.
lekhya 2 [L=182442]
delineation , drawing , painting ib.
lekhya 2 [L=182443]
a writing , letter , manuscript Ka1m. Katha1s. Sa1h.
lekhya 2 [L=182444]
(in law) any written document (esp. a written accusation or defence) Vishn2. Ya1jn5. (cf. IW. 293)
lekhya 2 [L=182445]
an inscription MBh. xiii , 6330
lekhya 2 [L=182446]
(gaanā-) a catalogue , list of Ragh.
lekhya 2 [L=182447]
a painted figure BhP.
(H2) Nom.
(H2) mfn.
[L=182435]to be written or transcribed
[L=182436]to be drawn or painted
[L=182437]to be portrayed , painted
[L=182438]to be written down or numbered among (
[L=182439]favourable to the gods (said of
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

vaśá [p= 910,1] [L=184159]
(derivation doubtful) the bamboo cane or any cane (accord. to L. also " sugarcane " and " Shorea Robusta ") RV. &c

cf. prācīna-v°) AV. &c


Ka1v. Ra1jat.

VarBr2S. BhP.

BhP. (B.) Sch.



S3Br. &c &c (esp. a noble race , a dynasty of kings , a list of teachers &c ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 19 Sch.)


ifc.) a succession or collection of similar things , assemblage multitude , host (as of chariots , stars &c ) MBh. Ka1v. &c

partic. measure of length (= 10 hastas) Li1l.

partic. musical note S3is3.



of viṣṇu L.
(H1) m.
[L=184160]the upper timbers or beams of a house , the rafters or laths fastened to the beams (of a roof ;
[L=184161]a cross-beam , joist , joint
[L=184162]a reed-pipe , flute , fife
[L=184163]the back-bone , spine
[L=184164]a hollow or tubular bone
[L=184165]the upper nasal bone
[L=184166]the central projecting part of a scimitar or sabre
[L=184167]the line of a pedigree or genealogy (from its resemblance to the succession of joints in a bamboo) , lineage race , family , stock
[L=184168]offspring , a son
[L=184172]pride , arrogance
 vaśa ṛṣi

vaśá--ṛṣi [L=184176]
a ṛṣi mentioned in a vaśa-brāhmaa (or list of ancient teachers) S3am2k.
(H3) m.

vaśá--brāhmaa [p= 910,2] [L=184248]
N. of a brāhmaa (belonging to the sāma-veda and containing a chronological list of ancient teachers)

śata-patha brāhmaa xiv , 5 , 5 , 20-22.
(H3) n.
[L=184249]of a part of the

vaśā* nucarita [p= 910,3] [L=184298]
the history of a family or dynasty , a genealogical list (one of five distinguishing marks of a purāa) BhP. IW. 511.
(H3) n.

vidyā́--vaśa [p= 964,2] [L=195841]
a chronological list of teachers in any branch of science Pa1n2. 2-1 , 19 Sch.
(H3) m.

ṣṇu--purāa [p= 999,3] [L=202529]
N. of one of the most celebrated of the 18 purāas (it conforms more than any other to the definition pañca-lakaa [q.v.] ; and consists of 6 books , the 1st treating of the creation of the universe from prakti , and the peopling of the world by the prajā-patis ; the 2nd giving a list of kings with many curious geographical and astronomical details ; the 3rd treating of the vedas and caste ; the 4th continuing the chronicle of dynasties ; the 5th giving the life of kṛṣṇa ; the 6th describing the dissolution of the world) IW. 517.
(H3) n.

ṣṇu--purā° aka [L=202530]
N. of one of the most celebrated of the 18 purāas (it conforms more than any other to the definition pañca-lakaa [q.v.] ; and consists of 6 books , the 1st treating of the creation of the universe from prakti , and the peopling of the world by the prajā-patis ; the 2nd giving a list of kings with many curious geographical and astronomical details ; the 3rd treating of the vedas and caste ; the 4th continuing the chronicle of dynasties ; the 5th giving the life of kṛṣṇa ; the 6th describing the dissolution of the world) IW. 517.
(H3) n.

śābdika--vidvakta-vipramodaka [p= 1065,2] [L=215557]
or n. a list of words formed by uādi suffixes (by vekae*śvara who lived at the end of the 17th century).
(H3) m.

śúddhi--pattra [p= 1082,3] [L=219521]
a sheet or paper of corrections , errata list (often at the end of works) MW.

(H3) n.
[L=219522]a certificate of purification by penance

sa-graha [p= 1129,2] [L=228623]
holding together , seizing , grasping , taking , reception , obtainment MBh. Ka1v. &c

&c ) Ragh. Bhartr2.

MBh. Hariv.

R. Ragh. Sin6ha7s.

Mn. MBh. &c

phil.) agglomeration (= sayoga q.v.) MW.


ea , " completely " , " entirely ") Ya1jn5. MBh. &c

Car. Va1gbh. Ka1tyS3r. Sch.

ea or āt , " shortly " , " summarily " , " in few words ") Kat2hUp. MBh. &c

Kusum. Kull.

ib. Vet.

Mn. MBh. &c

R. BhP.

» -grahanī)

Mn. MBh. &c

» dāra-s°)

Kap. BhP.




of śiva MBh.

of various works (esp. of a gram. wk. in 100 ,000 ślokas by vyāi ; also often in comp.)

(H2) m.
[L=228624]taking (in the sense of eating or drinking food , medicine
[L=228625]the fetching back of discharged weapons by magical means
[L=228626]bringing together , assembling (of men)
[L=228627]collecting , gathering , conglomeration , accumulation (as of stores)
[L=228629]a place where anything is kept , a store-room , receptacle
[L=228630]complete enumeration or collection , sum , amount , totality (
[L=228631]drawing together , making narrower , narrowing , tightening , making thin or slender , the thin part of anything
[L=228632]a compendium , summary , catalogue , list , epitome , abridgment , short statement (
[L=228633]inclusion , comprehension
[L=228634]check , restraint , control
[L=228635]keeping , guarding , protection
[L=228636]a guardian , ruler , manager , arranger
[L=228637]obstruction , constipation (
[L=228638]attracting , winning , favouring , kind treatment , propitiation , entertaining , entertainment
[L=228639]taking to wife , marriage (
[L=228640]perception , notion
[L=228641]mention , mentioning
[L=228642]elevation , loftiness

sam-āmnāya [p= 1161,3] [L=234477]
mention together , traditional collection , enumeration , list Nir. Pra1t. &c


esp. any special redaction of a Vedic text) A1s3vS3r.


= samhāra) ib.


of śiva MBh.

(H2) m.
[L=234478]handing down by tradition or from memory
[L=234479]collection or compilation of sacred texts (
[L=234480]the sacred texts in general
[L=234481]the destruction of the world (
[L=234482]totality , aggregate

a-bhaya--gaa [p= 1315,1] [L=311510.1]
a list of hymns that secure from danger, AV.Paris3.
(H3) m.

a-mara--gaanā-lekhya [p= 1315,3] [L=313000.1]
the list (or number) of the gods, Ragh. viii, 94
(H3) n.

āreya--brāhmaa [p= 1320,1] [L=320080.1]
N. of a brāhmaa (belouging to the sāmaveda and originally a mere list of names of sāmans)
(H3) n.