
vrajet prāṇo viśej jīva icchayā kuṭilākṛtiḥ |
dīrghātmā sā mahādevī parakṣetram parāparā || 154 ||

vrajet - acquires
sthūlarūpasya bhāvasya stabdhāṃ dṛṣṭiṃ nipātya ca |
acireṇa nirādhāraṃ manaḥ kṛtvā śivaṃ
vrajet || 80 ||

vrāja 1 [p= 1042,1] [L=210447]
(for 2. » below) going , movement , motion MW.
vrājá 2 [p= 1042,1] [L=210503]
(for 1. » above ) = 2. vrajá , a troop , host , band (am ind. in troops) AV.
1042,1] [L=210504]
vrāja [p= 1043,1] [L=210729]
vrāja &c » [p= 1042,1].
(H2) m.
(H2) m.
[p= a domestic cock
(H1) 1. 2.

vrajet, used in the sense, “acquires” by Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati in 80

A trident of wisdom - Page 7
- 1989 - 404 pages - Google eBook - Preview
So 'khecari-samatam vrajet' means he acquires the same integral, unconditioned, undetermined consciousness as that of Siva or the Divine. One who does not rise to that level does not have the experience of khecari. As AG puts it in LV, ...

The Yoga of delight, wonder, and astonishment: a translation of ... - Page 75
Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.)
Jaideva Singh - 1991 - 173 pages - Google eBook - Preview
nfrT II 5o II Sthularupasya bhavasya1 stabdharn drstim nipatya ca / Acirena niradharam manah krtva slvarn vrajet // 80 ... making his mind free of all prop2 of thought-constructs, the aspirant acquires the state of Siva without delay. ...

Parātrīśikā-vivaraṇa: the secret of tantric mysticism
, Lakshmanjee (Swami.), Bettina Bäumer - 1988 - 404 pages - Snippet view
So 'khecari-samatam vrajet' means he acquires the same integral, unconditioned, undetermined consciousness as that of Siva or the Divine. One who does not rise to that level does not have the experience of khecari. As AG puts it in LV, ...
books.google.com -
Abhinavagupta (Rājānaka.)

The triadic Heart of Śiva: Kaula tantricism of Abhinavagupta in ... - Page 142
- 1989 - 330 pages - Google eBook - Preview
Khecari The term khecari appears in the Goddess' initial question in the FT verses. The Sanskrit text of the second half of the first verse reads, "yena vijnatamatrena khecarlsamat&m vrajet." Two different readings of the sense ...
Paul Eduardo Muller-Ortega

Kuṇḍalinī: the energy of the depths : a comprehensive study based ... - Page 79
- 1988 - 223 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... ata eva srimdlinivijayottare I pradarsite 'sminndnandaprabhrtau pancake yadd II 108 yogi viset tadd tat tac cakresatvam hathdd vrajet I yathd sarvesind bodhendkrdntdpi tanuh kvacit I 109 kimcit kartum prabhavati caksusd rupasamvidam ...
Lilian Silburn

Ritual and speculation in early tantrism: studies in honour of ... - Page 65
, Teun Goudriaan - 1992 - 359 pages - Google eBook - Preview
... devi samacaret // 5 abrahmabljadosas ca niyamatikramodbhavah / jnanajnanakrtah sarve pranasyanti japat priye // 6 samsare duhkhabhuyisthe yadlcchet siddhim atmanah / pancarigopasanenaiva mantrajapl vrajet sukham // 7 puja traikalikl ...
André Padoux

The forceful yoga: being the translation of Hathayoga-Pradipika, ... - Page 45
, G.P. Bhatt, Rai Bahadur - 2004 - 275 pages - Preview
It becomes straight like a serpent struck dead with a stick. bilarh pravisteva tato brahmanddyantaram vrajet / tasmdn nityam mulabandhah kartavyo yogibhih sadd // 68 // It enters the Brahma Nadi, just as a serpent enters its hole. ...
Pancham Sinh

A Sanskrit grammar: including both the classical language, and the ... - Page 198
- 1879 - 485 pages - Free Google eBook - Read
will be enough to illustrate them : uchhtam not 'va bhuhfiydm na kurydm pddadhdvanam, 'I will not eat of the remnant of the sacrifice, I will not perform the foot-lavation' ; Jndtin vrajet, 'let her go to her relations'; ...
William Dwight Whitney

Mandukya Upanisad With Karika - Page 379
- 1998 - 414 pages - Preview
F^ II 6$ II Viprdnarh vinayo hyesa samah prdkrta ucyate, damah prakrti-dantatvd- devam vidvah-samam vrajet. fayiuMH, viprdndm = of wise-men ie, brahmand-s; 1wT: vinayah = humility; % hi = indeed; thT: esah - mis; Wl: samah = mental ...
Swami Chinmayananda

Hatha Yoga Pradipika: Sanskrit and English - Page 92
- Full view
ffiefiUfdi^^cl dWt^W-^TSWdJcl^d I dW/fcdrvrajet | tasmannityam mula- bandhah kartavyo yoghibhih sada | | 69 | | The Jalandhara Bandha ...
Swami Swatmarama

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Bhagavata Purana: Volumes 2-3
- 1988 - Snippet view
Here it is clearly stated, purusah purusam vra- jet: the purusa, the living entity, goes to the Supreme Person. ... Purusah purusam vrajet: when the living entity enters into the kingdom of God and cooperates with the Supreme Lord by ...
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Glimpses of purāṇic myth and culture
- 1987 - 184 pages - Snippet view
1 13.13ab vatamule sanga madau mrto visnupurim vrajet). The confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna is said to be particularly auspicious. A gift at this place , or a gift of a daughter at this place is said to bestow happy life after ...
Sadashiv Ambadas Dange

Suśruta-saṃhitā: with English translation of text and Ḍalhaṇa's ...: Volume 1
, Ḍalhaṇa, Priya Vrat Sharma - 1999 - Snippet view
This shows the achievements in this life; asuksaye — after death; ' Sakrasalokatam vrajet' — shares the abode of Indra. ... Others read ' Sakrusulokatum vrajet here su means "honour'-thus meaning as 'attain honour in the abode of Indra'. ...

The serpent power: being the Ṣaṭ-cakra-nirūpana and ... - Page 382
, Sir John George Woodroffe, Pūrṇānanda - 1974 - 529 pages - Preview
She is of a golden hue, is dressed in yellow raiment, and wears every variety i Iha bhuktvd varan bhogdn ante mukti-padam vrajet. 2 The Siddhi by which Yogis transfer themselves into another's body, as Samkaracarya is said to have done. ...
Arthur Avalon