Akriti-Form, part, figure, shape, aspect, species

dhāmāntaḥkṣobhasambhūtasūkṣmāgnitilakākṛtim |
binduṃ śikhānte hṛdaye layānte dhyāyato layaḥ || 37 ||

  • f. a constituent part RV. x , 85 , 5 (cf. dvā́daśā*kṛti)
  • form , figure , shape , appearance , aspect Ka1tyS3r. S3vetUp. Mn. &c
  • a well-formed shape VarBr2S. Mr2icch.
  • kind , species Sus3r.
  • specimen RPra1t.
  • a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables each) RPra1t. &c
  • (hence in arithm.) the number twenty-two

ā́-kti [L=22222]
a constituent part RV. x , 85 , 5 (cf. dvā́daśā*kti)

Ka1tyS3r. S3vetUp. Mn. &c
127,3] [L=22224]
VarBr2S. Mr2icch.



RPra1t. &c

arithm.) the number twenty-two
ā́-kti [L=22229]
N. of a prince MBh. ii , 126 and 1165 (v.l. ā-kti).
(H2) f.
[L=22223]form , figure , shape , appearance , aspect
[p= a well-formed shape
[L=22225]kind , species
[L=22227]a metre (consisting of four lines with twenty-two syllables each)
[L=22228](hence in
(H2B) m.