Jihva - tongue

jihvá [p= 422,1] [L=79488]
(said of agni) MaitrS. i , 3 , 35 (for yahvá of Padap. and RV. iii , 2 , 9)
jihvá [L=79489]
the tongue Hariv. 6325 f.
jihvá [L=79491]
the tongue or tongues of agni i.e. various forms of flame (3 are named RV. iii , 20 , 2 ; generally 7 VS. xvii , 79 Mun2d2Up. i , 2 , 4 [kālī , karālī , mano-javā , su-lohitā , su-dhūmra-varā , sphuliginī , viśvarūpī] Hemac. ; cf. saptá-jihva ; also identified with the 7 winds pra- , ā- , ud- , sa- , vi- , pari- , and ni-vaha)
jihvá [L=79492]
the tongue of a balance Hcat. i , 5 , 163
jihvá [L=79493]
speech ( Naigh. i , 11) RV. iii , 57 , 5
jihvá [L=79494]
the root of Tabernaemontana coronaria L.
jihvá [L=79495]
cf. dví- , mádhu- , su-
jihvá [L=79496]
agni-jihvá &c ; ([cf. Lat. lingua ; Goth. tuggo1.])
(H1) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.

agní--jihvá [p= 5,2] [L=937]
" having agni for tongue " , consuming the sacrifice through agni RV.

Methonica Superba (galī).
(H3) mfn.
[L=939]the plant
agní--jihvā́ [L=938]
tongue or flame of fire AV. Mun2d2Up.
(H3) f.
ágra--jihvá [p= 6,2] [L=1228]
tip of the tongue VS.
(H3) n.
áti--sparśa [p= 13,1] [L=2854]
too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation.
(H3) m.