Sanskrit words for Lust-Kamagni, Mada

kāmā* gni [p= 272,3] [L=48226]
the fire of love , passion , lust
(H3) m.

mádā [p= 777,3] [L=155335]
sexual desire or enjoyment , wantonness , lust , ruttishness , rut (esp. of an elephant) MBh. Ka1v. &c
mádā [L=155336]
, pride , arrogance , presumption , conceit of or about (gen. or comp.) ib.
mádā [L=155337]
any exhilarating or intoxicating drink , spirituous liquor , wine , soma RV. &c ,
mádā [L=155338]
honey Ragh.
mádā [L=155339]
the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples MBh. Ka1v. &c
mádā [L=155340]
semen virile L.
mádā [L=155341]
musk L.
mádā [L=155342]
any beautiful object L.
mádā [L=155343]
a river L.
mádā [L=155344]
N. of the 7th astrol. mansion Var.
mádā [L=155345]
Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by cyavana) MBh.
mádā [L=155346]
N. of a son of brahmā VP.
mádā [L=155347]
of a dānava Hariv.
mádā [L=155348]
of a servant of śiva BhP.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
(H2B) f.
madā* kula [p= 778,1] [L=155415]
agitated by passion or lust , furious with rut R2itus.
(H3) mfn.

śárīra--ja [p= 1057,3] [L=213840]
(ā)n. produced from or belonging to or performed with the body , bodily Mn. S3is3. VP.
śárīra--ja [L=213841]
(ifc. f(ā).) offspring
śárīra--ja [L=213842]
a son MBh.
śárīra--ja [L=213843]
the god of love , love MBh.
śárīra--ja [L=213844]
sickness L.
śárīra--ja [L=213845]
lust , passion MW.
(H3) mf
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.

Sanskrit words for Lust:

1 āmiṣa (lust)
2 ālaṣ (lust)
3 kandarpa (lust)
4 kāmaja (lust)
5 kāmapīḍita (lust)
6 kāmamūḍha (lust)
7 kāmamoha (lust)
8 kāmāgni (lust)
9 kāmāgnisaṃdīpana (lust)
10 kāmātman (lust)
11 kāmātmatā (lust)
12 kāmānala (lust)
13 kāmāndha (lust)
14 kaiśika (lust)
15 jita (lust)
16 jitaśiśnodara (lust)
17 nikam (lust)
18 pramad (lust)
19 pralubh (lust)
20 pralobhana (lust)
21 madā (lust)
22 madākula (lust)
23 lubh (lust)
24 lolupatva (lust)
25 vilāsa (lust)
26 śarīraja (lust)
27 śiśanodaratṛp (lust)
28 śiśanodaraparāyaṇa (lust)
29 śiśanodarambhara (lust)


(H2) āmiṣa [p= 146,2] [L=25436] » s.v.
(H1) āmiṣa [p= 147,1] [L=25523] n. (probably connected with 1. āma ; fr. √2. miṣ , " to wet " T. ), flesh MBh. Mn. Pan5cat. Hit. Ragh. &c
[L=25524] food , meat , prey
[L=25525] an object of enjoyment , a pleasing or beautiful object &c Mn. Ragh. Katha1s. &c
[L=25526] coveting , longing for
[L=25527] lust , desire
[L=25528] a gift , boon , fee L.
(H2) āmiṣa [p= 1319,3] [L=319520] (in comp.)

(H1) ā- √ laṣ [p= 153,3] [L=26771] A1. -laṣate , to desire , lust after BhP. v , 13 , 6.

(H1) kandarpa [p= 249,3] [L=43247] m. (etym. doubtful ; according to some fr. kaṃ-darpa , " inflamer even of a god " » 3. ka , or " of great wantonness ") , N. of kāma (q.v.) , love , lust MBh. Bhag. Sus3r. &c
[L=43248] (in mus.) a particular rāga (q.v.)
[L=43249] a kind of time
[L=43250] membrum virile L.
[L=43251] N. of a man Katha1s.

(H3) kā́ma--ja [p= 272,1] [L=48034] mfn. produced or caused by passion or desire , arising from lust Mn. vii , 46. 47. 50
[L=48035] begotten or born of desire or lust Mn. ix , 107. 143. 147
(H3B) kā́ma--ja [L=48036] m. " born of kāma " , N. of aniruddha W.
(H3B) kā́ma--ja [L=48037] m. pl. = kāmagamās VP.

(H3) kā́ma--pīḍita [p= 272,2] [L=48109] mfn. tormented with lust or irregular desires.

(H3) kā́ma--mūḍha [L=48136] mfn. infatuated by lust MW.

(H3) kā́ma--moha [L=48138] m. infatuation of lust.

(H3) kāmā* gni [p= 272,3] [L=48226] m. the fire of love , passion , lust

(H4) kāmā* gni---saṃdīpana [L=48227] n. kindling the fire of lust , excitement of sexual love.

(H3) kāmā* tman [p= 273,1] [L=48235] mfn. " whose very essence is desire " , consisting of desire , indulging one's desires , given to lust , sensual , licentious MBh. Mn. vii , 27
[L=48236] desiring , wishing for W.

(H4) kāmā*° tma-tā [L=48237] f. passion , lust Mn. ii , 2 R. ii , 21 , 57.

(H3) kāmā* nala [L=48241] m. the fire of love , passion , lust W.

(H3) kāmā* ndha [L=48242] mfn. blinded through love , blind with lust Mn. vii , 27 (v.l.) Subh.
(H3B) kāmā* ndha [L=48243] m. " blind from love " , the Indian cuckoo L.
(H3B) kāmā* ndha [L=48244] m. the falcon L.

(H2) kaiśika [p= 311,3] [L=56310] mf(ī)n. (fr. kéśa) , hair-like , fine as a hair Sus3r.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56311] m. (in music) N. of a rāga
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56312] m. love , passion , lust L.
(H2B) kaiśika [p= 312,1] [L=56313] m. N. of a prince (son of vidarbha and brother of kratha)
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56314] m. of several men Hariv. VP.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56315] m. pl. N. of a subdivision of the yādavas (descended from kaiśika) MBh. ii , 585 Ragh. Ma1lav.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56317] m. N. of a locality or of a river MBh. iii , 10095
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56318] m. for kauśikī (N. of durgā) L.
(H2B) kaiśika [L=56319] n. the whole mass of hair , head of hair Pa1n2. 4-2 , 48.

(H2) jitá [p= 420,3] [L=79199] mfn. won , acquired , conquered , subdued RV. viii , 76 , 4 AV. &c
[L=79200] overcome or enslaved by (in comp. e.g. kāma- , " under the dominion of lust ") Mn. &c
[L=79201] given up , discontinued Mn. iv , 181.

(H3) jitá--śiśno* dara [L=79218] mfn. one who has overcome lust (lit. the membrum virile) and his appetite (lit. belly) MBh. xiii , 5341 ,

[p= 544,2] [L=107824] (Pot. -kāmoyet BhP. ; p. A1. -kāmáyamāna TS. ; pf. cakame S3Br. ; inf. -kamam Ka1t2h. ) , to long or wish for , lust after (acc.)

(H1) pra- √ mad [p= 685,2] [L=135711]
(or mand) P. (rarely A1.) -madati , -mandati , -mādyati (°te) , to enjoy one's self , be joyous , sport , play RV. ;

to be careless or negligent , to be indifferent to or heedless about (abl. or loc.) RV. &c ;

to neglect duty for , idle away time in (loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to be thrown into confusion MBh. : Caus. P. -mādayati , to gladden , delight Ba1lar. ;

A1. -mādayate , to enjoy , indulge in RV.

(H3) pra-° mád [L=135725] f. lust , desire VS. AV.
(H3) prá-mad [L=135726] f. lust , desire VS. AV.

(H1) pra- √ lubh [p= 690,1] [L=136642]
P. A1. -lubhyati , °te , (A1.) to lust after , be lustful , follow one's lusts , go astray sexually (said of a wife) S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. ;

to allure , entice , seduce , pollute MBh. : Caus. -lobhayati , to cause to lust after , allure , entice , attempt , to seduce MBh. R. Pur. &c ;

to divert the attention of any one by (instr.) Sus3r.


(H3) pra-° lobhana [L=136648] mfn. causing to lust after , alluring , seducing BhP.
(H3B) pra-° lobhana [L=136650] n. allurement , inducement MBh. R. Katha1s. Ra1jat.
(H3B) pra-° lobhana [L=136651] n. that which allures , a lure , bait MW.
(H3B) pra-° lobhana [L=136652] n. (also w.r. for pralambhana Bhag. )

(H2B) mádā [p= 777,3] [L=155335] f. sexual desire or enjoyment , wantonness , lust , ruttishness , rut (esp. of an elephant) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) mádā [L=155336] f. , pride , arrogance , presumption , conceit of or about (gen. or comp.) ib.
(H2B) mádā [L=155337] f. any exhilarating or intoxicating drink , spirituous liquor , wine , soma RV. &c ,
(H2B) mádā [L=155338] f. honey Ragh.
(H2B) mádā [L=155339] f. the fluid or juice that exudes from a rutting elephant's temples MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) mádā [L=155340] f. semen virile L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155341] f. musk L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155342] f. any beautiful object L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155343] f. a river L.
(H2B) mádā [L=155344] f. N. of the 7th astrol. mansion Var.
(H2B) mádā [L=155345] f. Intoxication or Insanity personified (as a monster created by cyavana) MBh.
(H2B) mádā [L=155346] f. N. of a son of brahmā VP.
(H2B) mádā [L=155347] f. of a dānava Hariv.
(H2B) mádā [L=155348] f. of a servant of śiva BhP.

(H3) madā* kula [p= 778,1] [L=155415] mfn. agitated by passion or lust , furious with rut R2itus.

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 18.22
Whitney Roots links: luB
(H1) lubh [p= 904,3] [L=183010]
cl.6 P. lubhati (only Dha1tup. xviii , 22) or cl.4 P. xxvi , 124 lúbhyati (pf. lulubhe R. ; aor. alubhat , or alobhīt Gr. ; fut. lobdhā , or lobhitā , lobhiṣyati ib. ; inf. lobdhum MBh. ; ind.p. lobhitvā lubhitvā , lubdhvā Gr.) , to be perplexed or disturbed , become disordered , go astray AitBr. ;

to desire greatly or eagerly , long for , be interested in (dat. or loc.) Mn. MBh. &c ;

to entice , allure R. : Caus. lobháyati , °te (aor. alūlubhat Br. ; Pass. lobhyate MBh. ) , to confound , bewilder , perplex , derange S3Br. ;

to cause to desire or long for , excite lust , allure , entice , attract MBh. Ka1v. &c ;

to efface A1pS3r. (cf. Caus. of √ lup): Desid. of Caus. lulobhayiṣati , see , ā - √lubh: Desid. lulubhiṣati or lulobhiṣati Gr.: Intens. lolubhyate (Gr. also lolobdhi) , to have a vehement desire for (loc.) Ka1m. [cf. Lat. lubet , libet , libido ; Goth. liufs ; Germ. liob , lieb , lieben ; Angl.Sax. leo4f ; Eng. lief , love.]


(H3) lolupa--tva [p= 908,2] [L=183741] n. eager desire or longing for (comp.) , greediness , cupidity , lust , Ka1v. Pur. Sus3r.

(H2) vi-lāsa [p= 985,1] [L=199655] m. (ifc. f(ā).) shining forth , appearance , manifestation , R2it. Gi1t.
[L=199656] sport , play , pastime , pleasure , diversion (esp. with women &c ; but also applied to any playful action or gesture) MBh. Ka1v. &c (°sāya , " for sport ")
[L=199657] coquetry , affectation of coyness , wantonness (a form of feminine gesture considered as indicative of amorous sentiments) Hariv. Ka1v. Das3ar. Sa1h.
[L=199658] liveliness , joviality (considered as a masculine virtue) Das3ar. ii , 9
[L=199659] wantonness , lust Das3ar. Sa1h.
[L=199660] grace , charm , beauty BhP.
[L=199661] N. of a gram. wk.
[L=199662] (with ācārya) of a preceptor Cat.
(H2B) vi-lāsa [L=199663] n. (and f(ā).) N. of a metre VarBr2S.

(H3) śárīra--ja [p= 1057,3] [L=213840] mf(ā)n. produced from or belonging to or performed with the body , bodily Mn. S3is3. VP.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213841] m. (ifc. f(ā).) offspring
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213842] m. a son MBh.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213843] m. the god of love , love MBh.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213844] m. sickness L.
(H3B) śárīra--ja [L=213845] m. lust , passion MW.

(H4) śiśano* dara---tṛp [p= 1076,3] [L=218097] mfn. addicted to lust and gluttony. ( BhP. )

(H4) śiśano* dara---parā* yaṇa [L=218097.1] mfn. addicted to lust and gluttony. ( MW. )

(H4) śiśano* dara---m-bhara [L=218097.2] mfn. addicted to lust and gluttony. ( BhP. )