Sanskrit Word for Joy
nava, nanda, ananda, mud, huluhulu
- 1 akhkhala (joy)
2 anāhlāda (joy)
3 anumodaka (joy)
4 anumodana (joy)
5 abhisaṃjāta (joy)
6 alomaharṣaṇa (joy)
7 avana (joy)
8 aharṣamaya (joy)
9 ākalpaka (joy)
10 āttamanas (joy)
11 āttamanaska (joy)
12 ānanda (joy)
13 ānandakanda (joy)
14 ānandaghana (joy)
15 ānandaja (joy)
16 ānandajala (joy)
17 ānandatā (joy)
18 ānandāmṛta (joy)
19 ānandathu (joy)
20 āmoda (joy)
21 ās (joy)
22 āstubh (joy)
23 āhlāda (joy)
24 āhlādin (joy)
25 utkaṇṭakita (joy)
26 utthāna (joy)
27 utpulaka (joy)
28 utsāha (joy)
29 utsava (joy)
30 udāna (joy)
31 udānaya (joy)
32 uddhava (joy)
33 uddhūṣita (joy)
34 uddhṛṣ (joy)
35 uddharṣa (joy)
36 uddharṣaṇa (joy)
37 uddharṣin (joy)
38 unmudra (joy)
39 ullakasana (joy)
40 ullāsa (joy)
41 audbilya (joy)
42 ka (joy)
43 kaj (joy)
44 kallola (joy)
45 kamalānandana (joy)
46 kilakilā (joy)
47 kilakilāya (joy)
48 kilikilaya (joy)
49 kilikilita (joy)
50 kilikila (joy)
51 kumuda (joy)
52 kulanandana (joy)
53 kulānanda (joy)
54 gadgadadhvani (joy)
55 gard (joy)
56 gu (joy)
57 ghṛṣvirādhas (joy)
58 carbhaṭī (joy)
59 cidānanda (joy)
60 cidānandadaśaślokī (joy)
61 cidānandamaya (joy)
62 jagatprīti (joy)
63 jñānānanda (joy)
64 toṣa (joy)
65 devanandā (joy)
66 devabhoga (joy)
67 dvaṃdva (joy)
68 dharmanandana (joy)
69 dhṛti (joy)
70 nanda (joy)
71 nandaka (joy)
72 nandathu (joy)
73 nandayitṛ (joy)
74 nandi (joy)
75 nandikara (joy)
76 nandighoṣa (joy)
77 narmadyuti (joy)
78 narmasphañja (joy)
79 narmasphiñja (joy)
80 narmasphūrja (joy)
81 nalānanda (joy)
82 nāgānanda (joy)
83 nāgānandiya (joy)
84 nāndī (joy)
85 nāndīnāda (joy)
86 nāndīnināda (joy)
87 nāndīrava (joy)
88 nāva (joy)
89 niṣprītika (joy)
90 nityānandarasa (joy)
91 pikānanda (joy)
92 pulakākulākṛti (joy)
93 pulakita (joy)
94 prakaṭaprītivardhana (joy)
95 prakāma (joy)
96 prajātyānanda (joy)
97 pratimud (joy)
98 pratiram (joy)
99 pratihṛṣ (joy)
100 pratiharṣa (joy)
101 pratiharṣaṇa (joy)
102 pradyumnānanda (joy)
103 praphullanayana (joy)
104 praphullanetra (joy)
105 praphullavadana (joy)
106 pramada (joy)
107 pramoda (joy)
108 pramodam (joy)
109 pramodin (joy)
110 pravaṇapraharṣa (joy)
111 praharṣa (joy)
112 praharṣaṇa (joy)
113 praharṣaṇakara (joy)
114 prahlāda (joy)
115 prahlādaka (joy)
116 prahlādana (joy)
117 prīti (joy)
118 prītyā (joy)
119 prīticcheda (joy)
120 prītimaya (joy)
121 prītirasāyana (joy)
122 prītivardhana (joy)
123 premapātana (joy)
124 preman (joy)
125 phalodaya (joy)
126 phulladṛṣṭi (joy)
127 phullanayana (joy)
128 phullanetra (joy)
129 bandh (joy)
130 brahmānanda (joy)
131 bhuvanānanda (joy)
132 bhūrati (joy)
133 bhṛṅgānandā (joy)
134 bhramarānanda (joy)
135 makha (joy)
136 maṅgalaśaṃsana (joy)
137 maṅgalācaraṇa (joy)
138 maṅgalecchu (joy)
139 matta (joy)
140 mattamayūra (joy)
141 madālāpin (joy)
142 madra (joy)
143 madrakāra (joy)
144 madvan (joy)
145 manaḥsukha (joy)
146 manoratha (joy)
147 manohlāda (joy)
148 manmathānanda (joy)
149 mayūrollāsaka (joy)
150 mahaye (joy)
151 mahas (joy)
152 mahānanda (joy)
153 mahāsukha (joy)
154 mātṛnandana (joy)
155 māhina (joy)
156 mud (joy)
157 mudbhāj (joy)
158 mudā (joy)
159 mudānvita (joy)
160 muditā (joy)
161 mudita (joy)
162 meghanādin (joy)
163 moda (joy)
164 raṇa (joy)
165 raṇakṛt (joy)
166 raṇya (joy)
167 ratha (joy)
168 rabhasa (joy)
169 ratikara (joy)
170 rama (joy)
171 ramaṇa (joy)
172 rāga (joy)
173 rābhasya (joy)
174 rāma (joy)
175 romaharṣa (joy)
176 romaharṣaṇa (joy)
177 romaharṣita (joy)
178 romāñca (joy)
179 romāñcita (joy)
180 lālita (joy)
181 lomaharṣa (joy)
182 lomaharṣaṇa (joy)
183 valgita (joy)
184 vasudeva (joy)
185 viharṣa (joy)
186 vikas (joy)
187 vighnitasamāgamasukha (joy)
188 vidhāna (joy)
189 viplutanetra (joy)
190 viplutalocana (joy)
191 vibhraṣṭaharṣa (joy)
192 vyapetaharṣa (joy)
193 śamasukha (joy)
194 śarmalābha (joy)
195 śāta (joy)
196 śārīraka (joy)
197 śivānanda (joy)
198 śivāhlāda (joy)
199 śuddhānanda (joy)
200 ṣaṭpadānandavardhana (joy)
201 saṃvalgana (joy)
202 saṃstavāna (joy)
203 saṃstubh (joy)
204 saṃhṛṣ (joy)
205 saṃharṣa (joy)
206 saṃharṣayogin (joy)
207 saṃharṣin (joy)
208 saṃhṛṣṭa (joy)
209 saṃhṛṣṭaroman (joy)
210 saṃhṛṣṭaromāṅga (joy)
211 saṃhṛṣṭavadana (joy)
212 sakaṇṭaka (joy)
213 saccidānanda (joy)
214 saccidānandamaya (joy)
215 sadānandacidātmaka (joy)
216 sannaharsha (joy)
217 sadāmatta (joy)
218 sadāmada (joy)
219 sanandana (joy)
220 saṃtuṣ (joy)
221 sapulaka (joy)
222 samaduḥkhasukha (joy)
223 samabhihṛṣ (joy)
224 samutkaṇṭakita (joy)
225 samarotsava (joy)
226 sampramoda (joy)
227 sampraharṣa (joy)
228 samprahṛṣṭamukha (joy)
229 samprīti (joy)
230 sambhoga (joy)
231 sammada (joy)
232 sammahas (joy)
233 sammud (joy)
234 sarvaharṣakara (joy)
235 saharṣasādhvasam (joy)
236 saharṣākūtam (joy)
237 sānanda (joy)
238 sānandagadgadapadam (joy)
239 sānandāśru (joy)
240 sānta (joy)
241 sāhlāda (joy)
242 sukha (joy)
243 sukhakāra (joy)
244 sukhakārin (joy)
245 sukhakṛt (joy)
246 sukhaṃkara (joy)
247 sukhaduḥkha (joy)
248 sukhaduḥkhasuhṛd (joy)
249 sukhamaya (joy)
250 sukhamānin (joy)
251 sukhavat (joy)
252 sukhānanda (joy)
253 sukhābhyudayika (joy)
254 sukhārta (joy)
255 sukhāvṛta (joy)
256 sukheta (joy)
257 sukheṣṭha (joy)
258 sukhaikāyatana (joy)
259 sukhodaya (joy)
260 suprīti (joy)
261 suprītiyukta (joy)
262 sumna (joy)
263 sumnāvarī (joy)
264 suraṇa (joy)
265 surata (joy)
266 suratotsava (joy)
267 suranandā (joy)
268 sūnṛta (joy)
269 sūnṛtā (joy)
270 sphūrtimat (joy)
271 smaradaśā (joy)
272 svastimukha (joy)
273 hanta (joy)
274 hariṣa (joy)
275 harṣa (joy)
276 harṣakara (joy)
277 harṣakrodha (joy)
278 harṣagadgada (joy)
279 harṣagarbha (joy)
280 harṣacala (joy)
281 harṣaja (joy)
282 harṣajaḍa (joy)
283 harṣanāda (joy)
284 harṣapūrṇavaktra (joy)
285 harṣabhāj (joy)
286 harṣamaya (joy)
287 harṣayukta (joy)
288 harṣavat (joy)
289 harṣavivardhana (joy)
290 harṣaviṣāda (joy)
291 harṣavihvala (joy)
292 harṣaśoka (joy)
293 harṣasamanvita (joy)
294 harṣasvana (joy)
295 harṣākula (joy)
296 harṣātiśaya (joy)
297 harṣānvita (joy)
298 harṣāviṣṭa (joy)
299 harṣāśru (joy)
300 harṣodaya (joy)
301 harṣaṇa (joy)
302 harṣita (joy)
303 hāvu (joy)
304 hīhī (joy)
305 huluhulu (joy)
306 hṛdayānanda (joy)
307 hṛṣi (joy)
308 hṛṣīvat (joy)
309 hṛṣṭi (joy)
310 hlād (joy)
311 hlāda (joy)
312 atiśāta (joy)
313 antaḥpramoda (joy)
314 antarmoda (joy)
315 apaharṣa (joy)
316 ānandacidghana (joy)
317 nandayitnu (joy)
318 ramatha (joy)
(H1) | akhkhala [p= 4,2] [L=757]
ind. |
an exclamation of joy Sa1y. on RV. vii , 103 , 3.
(H1) | an-āhlāda [p= 29,2] [L=5747]
m. |
absence of joy
(H1B) | an-āhlāda [L=5748]
mfn. |
gloomy , not cheerful.
(H2) | anu-modaka [p= 37,1] [L=6998]
mf |
(ikā)n. assenting , showing sympathetic joy.
(H2) | anu-modana [L=6999]
n. |
pleasing , causing pleasure , applauding
[L=7000] |
assent , acceptance
[L=7001] |
sympathetic joy.
(H1) | abhi-saṃjāta [p= 72,3] [L=12755]
mfn. |
( √ jan) , produced (as joy , harṣa) Hariv.
(H3) | a-lomaharṣaṇa [p= 95,2] [L=16810]
mfn. |
not causing erection of the hair of the body (from joy).
(H2) | avana [p= 96,1] [L=16943]
n. |
favour , preservation , protection Nir. BhP. &c (cf. an.avana)
[L=16944] |
( |
= tarpaṇa) satisfaction L.
[L=16945] |
joy , pleasure |
[L=16946] |
(for the explan. of 2. |
éva) desire , wish Nir.
[L=16947] |
speed |
(H1) | avana [p= 100,2] [L=17538]
» |
(H2) | avana [p= 1317,1] [L=314740]
(also) |
mfn. preserving, a preserver, Dharmas3.
(H3) | a-harṣa--máya [p= 124,3] [L=21775]
mfn. |
not consisting of joy S3Br. xiv.
(H2) | ā-kalpaka [p= 126,3] [L=22064]
m. |
(= utkaṇṭhā or utkalikā) remembering with regret , missing Ka1d.
[L=22065] |
( |
= mud) joy L.
[L=22066] |
( |
= moka) loss of sense or perception L.
[L=22067] |
( |
= tamas) darkness L.
[L=22068] |
( |
= granthi) a knot or joint L.
(H3) | ā-tta--manas [p= 136,3] [L=23771]
mfn. |
whose mind is transported (with joy) Buddh.
(H3) | ā-tta--manas-ka [L=23772]
mfn. |
whose mind is transported (with joy) Buddh.
(H2) | ā-nandá [p= 139,3] [L=24352]
m. |
happiness , joy , enjoyment , sensual pleasure RV. AV. VS. R. Ragh. &c
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24353]
mn. |
" pure happiness " , one of the three attributes of ātman or brahman in the vedānta philosophy Veda1ntas. &c
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24354]
m. |
(in dram.) the thing wished for , the end of the drama ([e.g. the VIth Act in the Ven2is. ]) Sa1h. 399
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24355]
m. |
a kind of flute
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24356]
m. |
the sixteenth muhūrta
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24357]
m. |
N. of śiva
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24358]
m. |
of a lokeśvara ( Buddh. )
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24359]
m. |
of a bala ( Jain. ) L.
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24360]
m. |
of several men
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24361]
m. |
of a country
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24362]
mn. |
N. of the forty-eighth year of the cycle of Jupiter
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24363]
mf |
(ā and ī). N. of two plants L.
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24365]
n. |
a kind of house
(H2B) | ā-nandá [L=24366]
n. |
(often at the beginning and end of proper names.)
(H2) | ānanda [p= 1319,2] [p= 1319,3] [L=318760]
(also) |
N. of one of the chief disciples of gautama buddha, MWB. 47 &c
[p= | 1319,3] [L=318760.1]
N. |
of various authors &c , Cat.
(H3) | ā-nandá--kanda [p= 139,3] [L=24367]
m. |
" the root of joy " , N. of an author
[L=24368] |
of a medical work
[L=24369] |
of a country.
(H3) | ā-nandá--ghana [p= 140,1] [L=24376]
mfn. |
consisting of pure joy Nr2isUp.
(H3) | ā-nandá--ja [L=24379]
mfn. |
proceeding from joy T.
(H3B) | ā-nandá--ja [L=24380]
m. |
N. of a teacher
(H3B) | ā-nandá--ja [L=24381]
n. |
semen virile L.
(H3) | ā-nandá--jala [L=24382]
n. |
tears of joy BhP.
(H3) | ā-nandá--tā [L=24385]
f. |
joyfulness , joy S3Br.
(H3) | ānandā* mṛta [L=24429]
n. |
" joy-nectar " , happiness Nr2isUp.
(H2) | ā-nandathu [L=24437]
mfn. |
happy , joyful L.
(H2B) | ā-nandathu [L=24438]
m. |
happiness , joy Bhat2t2.
(H1) | ā-móda [p= 147,2] [L=25599]
mf |
(ā)n. ( √mud) , gladdening , cheering up S3Br. Ka1tyS3r.
(H1B) | ā-móda [L=25600]
m. |
joy , serenity , pleasure R.
(H1B) | ā-móda [L=25601]
m. |
fragrancy , a diffusive perfume
(H1B) | ā-móda [L=25602]
m. |
strong smell , smell Ragh. Megh. S3is3. Katha1s. &c
(H1B) | ā-móda [L=25603]
m. |
Asparagus Racemosus L.
Whitney Roots links: As
(H1) | ās 1 [p= 159,3] [L=27850]
ind. |
(an interjection implying joy , anger , menace , pain , affliction , recollection) Ah! Oh! &c
(H1) | ās 2 [L=27851]
cl.2 A1. |
ā́ste (and ā́sate AV. xi , 8 , 32 , &c ; Impv. 2. sg. ās-sva , āsva , and āsasva ; 2. pl. ādhvam ; p. āsāná , āsat [ R. ],and āsīna [see below] ; āsāṃ-cakre [ Pa1n2. 3-1 , 87] ; āsiṣyate ; āsiṣṭa ; āsitum) to sit , sit down , rest , lie RV. AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. S3ak. &c ;
to be present ;
to exist ;
to inhabit , dwell in ;
to make one's abode in RV. AV. VS. MBh. &c ;
to sit quietly , abide , remain , continue RV. AV. &c ;
to cease , have an end Pan5cat. Das3. Hit. &c ;
to solemnize , celebrate ;
to do anything without interruption ;
to continue doing anything ;
to continue in any situation ;
to last ;
(it is used in the sense of " continuing " , with a participle , adj. , or subst. e.g. etat sāma gāyann āste , " he continues singing this verse " ; with an indeclinable participle in tvā , ya , or am e.g. upa-rudhya arim āsīta , " he should continue blockading the foe " ; with an adverb e.g. tūṣṇīm āste , " he continues quiet " ; sukham āsva , " continue well " ; with an inst. case e.g. sukhenā*ste , " he continues well " ; with a dat. case e.g. āstāṃ tuṣṭaye , " may it be to your satisfaction ") : Caus. āsayati , to cause any one to sit down Comm. on Pa1n2. : Desid. A1. āsisiṣate ib.; ([cf. Gk. ἧ , (σ)-μαι , ἧς-ται: Lat. a7sa changed to A7ra ; A7-nus for A7s-nus.])
(H1) | ā* s 3 [L=27875]
( |
ā- 2 √as) P. ásyati , to throw upon , lay or put upon TBr. Ka1t2h. : A1. (Impv. 2. pl. ā́*syadhvam) to cause to flow in , pour in RV. x , 30 , 2 S3Br. i ;
to put or throw on for one's self MaitrS.
(H1) | ās 4 [L=27876]
n. |
(?) mouth , face , (only in abl. and instr.) āsás (with the prep. ā) , from mouth to mouth , in close proximity RV. vii , 99 , 7
[L=27877] |
āsā́ |
and āsayā́ (generally used as an adv.) , before one's eyes
[L=27878] |
by word of mouth
[L=27879] |
[L=27880] |
[L=27881] |
in one's own person
[L=27882] |
immediately |
RV. vi , 16 , 9 , &c
(H1) | ā- √ stubh [p= 161,2] [L=28129]
P. |
-stobhati , to receive or attend with shouts of joy ;
to huzza to S3a1n3khS3r.
(H2) | ā-hlāda [p= 163,1] [L=28474]
m. |
refreshing , reviving
[L=28475] |
joy , delight |
(H2) | ā-hlādá [p= 1320,3] [L=321080]
( |
TS. )
(H2) | ā-hlādin [p= 163,2] [L=28483]
mfn. |
causing joy or delight , Ratna1v.
(H1) | utkaṇṭakita [p= 175,3] [L=30732]
mfn. |
one whose (thorn-like) short hairs are erected (through joy or emotion) Ka1d.
(H2) | ut-thā́na [p= 179,3] [L=31490]
n. |
the act of standing up or rising S3Br. Sus3r. Gaut. S3a1n3khGr2. Bhartr2. &c
[L=31491] |
rising (of the moon |
&c ) BhP. Ragh. &c
[L=31492] |
resurrection |
MBh. Pan5cat.
[L=31493] |
rising up to depart
[p= | 180,1] [L=31494]
leaving off |
S3Br. TS. Ka1tyS3r. &c : starting on a warlike expedition Mn. MBh. R. &c
[L=31495] |
coming forth , appearing |
[L=31496] |
bursting open |
[L=31497] |
tumult , sedition |
[L=31498] |
rise , origin |
[L=31499] |
effort , exertion
[L=31500] |
manly exertion , manhood |
MBh. Ra1jat. A1p. &c
[L=31501] |
evacuating (by stool |
&c ) Sus3r. Kaus3.
[L=31502] |
an army |
[L=31503] |
joy , pleasure |
[L=31504] |
a book |
[L=31505] |
a court-yard |
[L=31506] |
a shed where sacrifices are offered |
[L=31507] |
a term , limit |
[L=31508] |
business of a family or realm , the care of subjects or dependants |
[L=31509] |
reflection |
[L=31510] |
proximate cause of disease |
(H2B) | ut-thā́na [L=31511]
mfn. |
causing to arise or originate MBh.
(H1) | ut-pulaka [p= 181,2] [L=31766]
mfn. |
having the hairs of the body raised (through joy or rapture) BhP. Ra1jat.
(H1B) | ut-pulaka [L=31767]
n. |
erection of the hairs of the body (through rapture) BhP.
(H2) | ut-sāha [p= 182,1] [L=31884]
m. |
power , strength
[L=31885] |
strength of will , resolution
[L=31886] |
effort , perseverance , strenuous and continuous exertion , energy
[L=31887] |
firmness , fortitude |
R. Mn. Sus3r. S3ak. Hit. &c
[L=31888] |
joy , happiness |
[L=31889] |
a thread |
(H2) | ut-sāha [p= 1321,3] [L=322770]
(in |
(H1) | ut-savá [p= 182,1] [L=31881]
&c |
» ut-sū , col.2.
(H2) | ut-savá [p= 182,2] [L=31950]
m. |
enterprise , beginning RV. i , 100 , 8 ; 102 , 1
[L=31951] |
a festival , jubilee
[L=31952] |
joy , gladness , merriment |
MBh. Ragh. Katha1s. Amar. &c
[L=31953] |
opening , blossoming |
[L=31954] |
height , elevation
[L=31955] |
insolence |
[L=31956] |
passion , wrath |
[L=31957] |
wish , rising of a wish |
(H2) | ut-sava [p= 1321,3] [L=322740]
(in |
(H2) | ud-āna [p= 184,2] [L=32328]
m. |
breathing upwards
[L=32329] |
one of the five vital airs of the human body (that which is in the throat and rises upwards) |
Veda1ntas. 97 AV. xi , 8 , 4 VS. ChUp. S3Br. MBh. Sus3r. &c
[L=32330] |
the navel |
[L=32331] |
an eyelash |
[L=32332] |
a kind of snake |
[L=32333] |
joy , heart's joy ( |
Buddh. )
(H1) | ud-āna [p= 185,2] [L=32479]
» |
2. ud- √an.
(H2) | udāná [p= 1321,3] [L=322950]
( |
AV. ), also (with Buddhists) one of the 9 divisions of sacred scriptures, Dharmas. 62 ( MWB. 63)
(H2) | udānaya [p= 184,2] [L=32334]
Nom. |
P. udānayati , to disclose (the joy of one's heart) Lalit.
(H1) | ud-dhava [p= 189,1] [L=33111]
m. |
( √hu) , sacrificial fire L.
[L=33112] |
a festival , holiday |
[L=33113] |
joy , pleasure |
[L=33114] |
N. |
of a yādava (kṛṣṇa's friend and counsellor) MBh. Hariv. VP. BhP.
(H2) | ud-dhūṣita [L=33150]
mfn. |
having the hairs erect (through joy) Pan5cat.
(H1) | ud-dhṛṣ [p= 189,3] [L=33237]
( |
ud- √hṛṣ) , Ved. A1. -[d] harṣate , to be excited with joy , rejoice ;
to do anything with joy or pleasure RV. iv , 21 , 9 AV. iii , 19 , 6 ;
(in class. lang.) P. -dhṛṣyati , to be merry or in high spirits ;
to flare upwards AitBr. iii , 4 , 5 ;
to open (as a calyx) BhP. : Caus. -dharṣayati (3. pl. -dharṣáyanti RV. ) to make merry or in high spirits , rejoice , cheer RV. v , 21 , 5 ; x , 103 , 10 AV. v , 20 , 8 ;
to make brisk , encourage MBh. Ma1rkP.
(H1) | ud-dharṣa 1 [p= 188,3] [L=33109]
(for 2. |
» [p= 189,3]) m. ( √dhṛṣ) , courage to undertake anything R.
(H2) | ud-dharṣa 2 [p= 189,3] [L=33238]
mfn. |
(for 1. » s.v.) glad , pleased , happy BhP.
(H2B) | ud-dharṣa 2 [L=33239]
m. |
the flaring upwards (of the fire) Sa1y. on AitBr. iii , 4 , 5
(H2B) | ud-dharṣa 2 [L=33240]
m. |
great joy
(H2B) | ud-dharṣa 2 [L=33241]
m. |
a festival (especially a religious one) L.
(H2) | ud-dharṣaṇa 1 [p= 188,3] [L=33110]
mfn. |
(for 2. » [p= 189,3]) animating , encouraging R.
(H2B) | ud-dharṣaṇa 1 [L=33110.1]
n. |
the act of animating or encouraging MBh.
(H2) | ud-dharṣaṇa 2 [p= 189,3] [L=33242]
mfn. |
(for 1. » [p= 188,3]) causing joy , gladdening
(H2B) | ud-dharṣaṇa 2 [L=33244]
n. |
erection of the hair (through rapture) L.
(H2) | uddharṣín [L=33245]
mfn. |
one whose hair is erect (through joy) AV. viii , 6 , 17
(H1) | un-mudra [p= 194,2] [L=34035]
mfn. |
(ud-mu°) unsealed
[L=34035.1] |
opened , blown (as a flower) |
[L=34035.2] |
unbound , unrestrained , wild (through joy) |
(H1) | ullakasana [p= 219,1] [L=37548]
n. |
erection of the hair of the body (through joy) L.
(H2) | ul-lāsa [p= 219,2] [L=37595]
m. |
light , splendour L.
[L=37596] |
the coming forth , becoming visible , appearing |
Katha1s. xiv , 13 Sa1h. Kap. &c
[L=37597] |
joy , happiness , merriness |
Katha1s. Amar. &c
[L=37598] |
increase , growth |
BhP. vii , 1 , 7
[L=37599] |
(in |
rhet.) giving prominence to any object by comparison or opposition Kuval.
[L=37600] |
chapter , section , division of a book ( |
e.g. of the kāvya-prakāśa) .
(H1) | audbilya [p= 238,1] [L=40991]
n. |
(fr. ud-bila) , excessive joy Buddh.
(H1) | ka 1 [p= 240,2] [L=41332]
the first consonant of the alphabet , and the first guttural letter (corresponding in sound to |
k in keep or king).
(H1) | ká 2 [L=41336]
kas |
,kā,kim , interrog. pron. (» kim and 2. kad , and cf. the following words in which the interrogative base ka appears , katama,katara,kati,katham,kadā,karhi,kā , &c ) , who? which? what? In its declension ka follows the pronoun tad except in nom. acc. sing. neut. , where kim has taken the place of kad or kat in classical Sanskrit
[p= | 240,3] [p= 240,2] [L=41336.1]
but the old form |
kad is found in the veda (» Gram. ?? 227) ; ([cf. Zd. ka , ko7 , kA7 , kat ; Gk. πόθεν , πῶς , (Ion. κόθεν , κῶς ,) τίς , τί ; Lat. quis , quid ; Lith. kas ká ; Goth. hvas , hvo7 , hva , Angl.Sax. hwa1 , hwaet ; Eng. who , what.]) The interrogative sentence introduced by ka is often terminated by iti (e.g. kasya sa putra iti kathyatām , let it be said , " whose son is he? ") , but iti may be omitted and the sentence lose its direct interrogative character (e.g. kasya sa putro na jñāyate , it is not known whose son he is) . ka with or without √1. as may express " how is it possible that? " " what power have I , you , they , &c ? " (e.g. ke mama dhanvino'nye , what can the other archers do against me? ke āvām paritrātum , what power have we to rescue you?) ka is often connected with a demonstrative pron. (e.g. ko 'yam āyāti , who comes here?) or with the potential (e.g. ko hariṃ nindet , who will blame hari?) ka is sometimes repeated (e.g. kaḥ ko 'tra , who is there? kān kān , whom? whom? i.e. which of them? cf. Gram. 54) , and the repetition is often due to a kind of attraction (e.g. keṣāṃ kiṃ śāstram adhyayanīyam , which book is to be read by whom? Gram. 836. a). When kim is connected with the inst. c. of a noun or with the indecl. participle it may express " what is gained by doing so , &c ? " (= ko'rthas)
[L=41336.2] |
( |
e.g. kiṃ vilambena , what is gained by delay? kim bahunā , what is the use of more words? dhanena kiṃ yo na dadāti , what is the use of wealth to him who does not give? with inst. and gen. , nīrujaḥ kim auṣadhaiḥ , what is the use of medicine to the healthy?) ka is often followed by the particles iva , u , nāma , nu , vā , svid , some of which serve merely to generalize the interrogation (e.g. kim iva etad , what can this be? ka u śravat , who can possibly hear? ko nāma jānāti , who indeed knows? ko nv ayam , who , pray , is this? kiṃ nu kāryam , what is to be done? ko vā devād anyaḥ , who possibly other than a god? kasya svid hṛdayaṃ nā*sti , of what person is there no heart?) ka is occasionally used alone as an indefinite pronoun , especially in negative sentences (e.g. na kasya ko vallabhaḥ , no one is a favourite of any one ; nā*nyo jānāti kaḥ , no one else knows ; kathaṃ sa ghātayati kam , how does he kill any one?) Generally , however , ka is only made indefinite when connected with the particles ca,caná,cid,vā ,andápi , in which case ka may sometimes be preceded by the relative ya (e.g. ye ke ca , any persons whatsoever ; yasyai kasyai ca devatāyai , to any deity whatsoever ; yāni kāni ca mitrāṇi , any friends whatsoever ; yat kiṃca , whatever) . The particle cana , being composed of caandna , properly gives a negative force to the pronoun (e.g. yasmād indrād ṛte kiṃcana , without which indra there is nothing) , but the negative sense is generally dropped (e.g. kaścana , any one ; na kaścana , no one) , and a relative is sometimes connected with it (e.g. yat kiṃcana , anything whatsoever) . Examples of cid with the interrogative are common
[L=41336.3] |
vā |
and api are not so common , but the latter is often found in classical Sanskrit (e.g. kaścid , any one ; kecid , some ; na kaścid , no one ; na kiṃcid api , nothing whatsoever ; yaḥ kaścid , any one whatsoever ; kecit - kecit , some - others ; yasmin kasmin vā deśe , in any country whatsoever ; na ko 'pi , no one ; na kimapi , nothing whatever) . ka may sometimes be used , like 2. kad , at the beginning of a compound. » ka-pūya , &c
(H1) | ká 3 [L=41337]
m. |
(according to native authorities) N. of prajāpati or of a prajāpati VS. xx , 4 ; xxii , 20 TS. i S3Br. &c
[L=41338] |
of |
brahman MBh. i , 32 BhP. iii , 12 , 51 ; xii , 13 , 19 ; 20
[L=41339] |
of |
dakṣa BhP. ix , 10 , 10
[L=41340] |
of |
viṣṇu L.
[L=41341] |
of |
yama L.
[L=41342] |
of |
[L=41343] |
the soul |
[L=41344] |
a particular comet |
[L=41345] |
the sun |
[L=41346] |
fire |
[L=41347] |
splendour , light |
[L=41348] |
air |
[L=41349] |
a peacock |
[L=41350] |
the body |
[L=41351] |
time |
[L=41352] |
wealth |
[L=41353] |
sound |
[L=41354] |
a king |
[L=41355] |
= |
kāma-granthi (?)
(H1B) | ká 3 [L=41356]
n. |
happiness , joy , pleasure ChUp. iv , 10 , 5 Nir. &c
(H1B) | ká 3 [L=41357]
n. |
water MaitrS. i , 10 , 10 S3Br. x Ya1jn5. &c
(H1B) | ká 3 [L=41358]
n. |
the head
(H1B) | ká 3 [L=41359]
n. |
hair , a head of hair L.
(H1B) | ká 3 [L=41360]
n. |
(also regarded as ind. ; cf. 1. kam.)
(H1) | ka 4 [L=41365]
a |
taddhita affix (much used in forming adjectives ; it may also be added to nouns to express diminution , deterioration , or similarity e.g. putraka , a little son ; aśvaka , a bad horse or like a horse).
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 7.58
(H1) | kaj [p= 243,1] [L=41817]
cl.1 P. |
kajati , to be happy ;
to be confused with joy or pride or sorrow Dha1tup. vii , 58 ;
to grow (in this sense a sautra root).
(H3) | kal--lola [p= 248,1] [L=42862]
m. |
a wave , surge , billow Pan5cat. Bhartr2. &c
[L=42863] |
an enemy , foe |
[L=42864] |
joy , happiness , pleasure |
(H1) | kallola [p= 263,3] [L=46400]
m. |
(1. kam , water , lola T. , but according to Un2. i , 67 fr. √ kall) a wave , billow Bhartr2. iii , 37 Pan5cat.
[L=46401] |
gambol , recreation |
[L=46402] |
an enemy |
(H1B) | kallola [L=46403]
mfn. |
hostile L.
(H3) | kamalā* nandana [p= 252,2] [L=43866]
n. |
" kamalā's joy " , N. of miśra-dinakara.
(H1B) | kilakilā [p= 284,1] [L=50592]
f. |
(an onomatopoetic word) , sounds or cries expressing joy , or the expression of joy by any sound or cry MBh. R. Mcar. Ba1lar.
(H2) | kilakilāya [p= 284,2] [L=50593]
Nom. |
P. A1. °yati , °yate , to raise sounds expressing joy Bhat2t2. vii , 102 Ka1ran2d2. ;
to cry , give a shriek Ka1ran2d2.
(H3) | kilikilaya [L=50594]
Nom. |
P. °yati , to raise sounds expressing joy Ba1lar.
(H1) | kilikilaya [L=50617]
&c |
» kilakila.
(H2) | kilikilita [L=50596]
n. |
sounds expressing joy Ba1lar.
(H1) | kilikila [L=50614]
m. pl. |
N. of a people VP.
(H1B) | kilikila [L=50616]
f. |
(= °lak°) cries expressing joy DivyA7v.
(H3) | ku--muda [p= 286,2] [L=51129]
» |
(H2) | kú-muda [p= 292,3] [L=52411]
n. |
[as m. L. ], " exciting what joy " , the esculent white water-lily (Nymphaea esculenta) AV. iv , 34 , 5 Sus3r. S3ak. &c
[L=52412] |
the red lotus ( |
Nymphaea rubra) L.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52413]
m. |
camphor Bhpr.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52414]
m. |
(in music) N. of a dhruvaka
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52415]
m. |
N. of a particular comet VarBr2S.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52416]
m. |
of a nāga MBh. Ragh.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52417]
m. |
of an attendant of skanda ([ MBh. ix , 2558]) or of viṣṇu ([ BhP. ])
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52418]
m. |
of the elephant of the south-west or southern quarter L.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52419]
m. |
of a daitya L.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52420]
m. |
of a son of gada by bṛhatī Hariv. 9193
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52421]
m. |
of a confidant of king unmattāvanti Ra1jat.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52422]
m. |
of a monkey-hero MBh. R.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52423]
m. |
of a poet
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52424]
m. |
of a pupil of pathya BhP. xii , 7 , 2
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52425]
m. |
of a mountain BhP. VP.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52426]
m. |
of one of the smaller dvīpas VP.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52434]
n. |
camphor L.
(H2B) | kú-muda [L=52435]
n. |
silver L.
(H2) | kumuda [p= 1325,1] [L=328280]
(in |
(H3) | kúla--nandana [p= 294,3] [L=52884]
mf |
(ā) a boy or girl causing joy or doing honour to a family Pan5cat. BhP. Vet.
(H3) | kulā* nanda [p= 295,2] [L=53009]
m. |
" the joy of his family " , N. of an author of mantras.
(H3) | gadgada--dhvani [p= 344,3] [L=62933]
m. |
low inarticulate expression of joy or grief L.
Whitney Roots links: gard
(H1) | gard [p= 349,2] [L=63914]
cl.1 P. |
°dati , to shout , give shouts of joy Ta1n2d2yaBr. xiv , 3 , 19 ;
to emit any sound Dha1tup. : cl.10. gardayati id. ib.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 22.52, 28.106
Whitney Roots links: gu
(H1) | gu 1 [p= 356,1] [L=65339]
( |
cf. √ 1. gā) cl.1 A1. gávate , to go Naigh. ii , 14.
(H2) | gu 2 [L=65340]
ifc. |
" going " » ádhri-gu , vanar-gú (cf. also priyáṃgu , śāci-gu)
[L=65340.1] |
" fit for " |
» tāta-gu , nigu (cf. agre-gū́.)
(H1) | gu 3 [p= 356,2] [L=65341]
cl.1 A1. |
gavate , to sound Dha1tup. xxii , 52 : Intens. A1. (1. and 3. sg. jóguve , p. jóguvāna) " to cause to sound " , proclaim RV. i , 61 , 14 ; v , 64 , 2 TBr. ii Ka1t2h. xiii , 11 f. : P. (impf. agaṅgūyat for aguṅg°) to shout with joy Ta1n2d2yaBr. xiv , 3 , 19 (cf. prati- √3. gu and jógū.)
(H1) | gu 4 [L=65342]
(= √1. |
gū q.v.) cl.6 P. guvati , to void by stool Dha1tup. xxviii , 106 (cf. vi-gūna.)
(H1) | gu 5 [L=65343]
f. |
ifc. = gó , cow
[L=65343.1] |
[L=65343.2] |
ray ( |
Pa1n2. 1-2 , 48) » á-gu , anu-gu , anuṣṇa-gu , áriṣṭagu , upa-gu , uṣṇa-gu , kṛśá-gu , tamo-gu , &c
(H1B) | gu 5 [L=65343.3]
n. |
(u) water L.
(H1B) | gu 5 [L=65343.4]
n. |
the hair on the body L.
(H3) | ghṛ́ṣvi--rādhas [p= 379,2] [L=70113]
mfn. |
granting with joy , vii , 59 , 5 (voc.)
(H1B) | carbhaṭī [p= 390,2] [L=72444]
f. |
= °rcarī , cries of joy L.
[p= | 397,3] [L=74017]
" thought and joy " , in |
(H4) | cid--ānanda---daśa-ślokī [L=74017.1]
f. |
ten verses in praise of thought and joy
(H4) | cid--ānanda---maya [L=74017.2]
mfn. |
consisting of thought and joy Ra1matUp.
(H3) | jágat--prīti [p= 408,1] [L=76266]
f. |
" world joy " , śiva MBh. vii , 202 , 12.
(H3) | jñānā* nanda [p= 426,2] [L=80475]
m. |
" joy of knowledge " , N. of an author.
(H1) | toṣa [p= 456,1] [L=87267]
m. |
( √ tuṣ) satisfaction , contentment , pleasure , joy (with loc. gen. , or ifc.) MBh. &c
[L=87268] |
Contentment as a son of |
bhaga-vat and one of the 12 tuṣitas BhP. iv , 1 , 7.
(H3) | devá--nandā [p= 493,2] [L=95757]
f. |
" gods' joy " , N. of a celestial woman Sin6ha7s.
(H3) | devá--bhoga [p= 494,1] [L=95879]
m. |
pleasure of the gods , heavenly joy Bhag. ix , 20.
(H1) | dvaṃdvá [p= 503,2] [L=98105]
n. |
(the repeated nom. of dva) pair , couple , male and female TS. Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c (°ám ind. , °dve ind. , or °dvena ind. by two , face to face , secretly)
[L=98106] |
a pair of opposites ( |
e.g. heat and cold , joy and sorrow &c ) Up. Mn. MBh. R. &c
[L=98107] |
strife , quarrel , contest , fight ( |
esp. between two persons , a duel) MBh. R. Hit.
[L=98108] |
stronghold , fortress |
(H1B) | dvaṃdvá [L=98109]
m. |
(scil. samāsa ; rarely n.) a copulative compound (or any compound in which the members if uncompounded would be in the same case and connected by the conjunction , " and " cf. devatā- , nakṣatra-) , Pa1n2. 2-2 , 29 ; 4 , 2
(H1B) | dvaṃdvá [L=98110]
m. |
N. of sev. ekā*has Ka1tyS3r.
(H1B) | dvaṃdvá [L=98111]
m. |
the sign of the zodiac Gemini Gol.
(H1B) | dvaṃdvá [L=98112]
m. |
(in music) a kind of measure
(H1B) | dvaṃdvá [L=98113]
m. |
a species of disease , a complication of two disorders , a compound affection of two humours L.
(H3) | dhárma--nandana [p= 511,2] [L=100089]
m. |
" dharma's joy or son " , N. of yudhi-ṣṭhira
[L=100090] |
pl. |
the sons of pāṇḍu BhP. i , 9 , 12 (cf. -ja , -janman &c )
(H2) | dhṛ́ti [p= 519,3] [L=101886]
f. |
holding , seizing , keeping , supporting (cf. carṣaṇī- , vi-) , firmness , constancy , resolution , will , command RV. &c
[L=101887] |
satisfaction , content , joy |
MBh. Ka1v. &c (°tiṃ- √kṛ , to keep ground or stand still MBh. vii , 4540 ; to find pleasure or satisfaction Ratn. iv , 4÷5 ; °tim- √bandh , to show firmness Amar. 67 ; to fix the mind on Mn. v , 47)
[L=101888] |
Resolution or Satisfaction personified as a daughter of |
dakṣa and wife of dharma ( MBh. Hariv. Pur. ) or as a śakti ( Hcat. &c )
[L=101889] |
N. |
of partic. evening oblations at the aśvamedha S3Br.
[L=101890] |
any offering or sacrifice |
[L=101891] |
of |
sev. kinds of metre and of a class of metres consisting of 4 x 18 syllables Col.
[L=101892] |
of the numeral 18 |
Var. Gan2it.
[L=101893] |
of one of the |
astrol. Yogas. L.
[L=101894] |
of a mythical garden |
[L=101895] |
of one of the 16 |
kalās of the moon Pur.
[L=101896] |
of a goddess (daughter of a |
kalā of prakṛti and wife of kapila) ib.
[L=101897] |
of the wife of |
rudra-manu ib.
[L=101898] |
of the 13th of the 16 |
mātṛkās L.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101899]
m. |
wish kṣatrasya = kṣatra-dh° La1t2y.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101900]
m. |
N. of one of the viśve devās MBh.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101901]
m. |
of a preceptor Cat.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101902]
m. |
of the son of vijaya and father of dhṛta-vrata Hariv. Pur.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101903]
m. |
of a son of vīta-havya and father of bahulāśva Pur.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101904]
m. |
of a son of babhru L.
(H2B) | dhṛ́ti [L=101905]
m. |
of a varṣa in kuśa-dvīpa VP.
(H2) | nánda [p= 526,3] [L=103421]
m. |
joy , delight , happiness (also pl.) AV. VS. &c
[L=103422] |
(in mus.) a flute 7 inches long
[L=103423] |
N. |
of one of yudhi-ṣṭhira's 2 drums MBh.
[L=103424] |
of one of |
kubera's 9 gems L.
[L=103425] |
a son (in |
gopa- add. ; cf. nandana)
[L=103426] |
N. |
of viṣṇu MBh.
[L=103427] |
of one of |
skanda's attendants ib.
[L=103428] |
of a |
nāga ib.
[L=103429] |
(also |
[L=103430] |
of a |
Buddh. deity Lalit.
[L=103431] |
of an attendant on |
dakṣa BhP.
[L=103432] |
of a son of |
dhṛta-rāṣṭra (also -ka) MBh.
[L=103433] |
of a step-brother and disciple of |
gautama buddha MWB. 441
[L=103434] |
of a son of |
vasu-deva Pur.
[L=103435] |
of the foster-father of |
kṛṣṇa and ancestor of durgā MBh. Hariv. Pur. &c (also -ka L. )
[L=103436] |
of a leader of the |
sātvatas BhP.
[L=103437] |
of a king of |
pāṭali-putra and founder of a dynasty consisting of 9 successive princes HParis3. Pur. Katha1s. Pan5c. &c
[L=103438] |
of the number 9 (because of the 9 |
nandas) Jyot.
[L=103439] |
of |
sev. scholars and authors Cat.
[L=103440] |
of a mountain |
BhP. (cf. -parvata and nandi-giri)
(H2B) | nánda [L=103460]
n. |
a kind of house Gal.
(H2) | nandaka [L=103498]
mfn. |
delighting in (comp.) MBh.
[L=103499] |
rejoicing , gladdening , making happy ( |
esp. a family) L.
(H2B) | nandaka [L=103500]
m. |
joy , delight L.
(H2B) | nandaka [L=103501]
m. |
a frog L.
(H2B) | nandaka [L=103502]
m. |
N. of kṛṣṇa's sword MBh.
(H2B) | nandaka [L=103503]
m. |
( °kin m. its possessor i.e. kṛṣṇa ib.)
(H2B) | nandaka [L=103504]
m. |
of a bull Pan5c.
(H2B) | nandaka [L=103505]
m. |
of a village Ra1jat. (cf. also under nanda , m.)
(H2) | nandathu [L=103508]
m. |
joy , delight , happiness L.
(H3) | nan° dayitṛ [p= 527,1] [L=103539]
mfn. |
giving joy , making happy MW.
(H2) | nandi [L=103545]
m. |
" the happy one " , N. of viṣṇu MBh.
[L=103546] |
of |
śiva ib.
[L=103547] |
of an attendant of |
śiva TA1r. MBh. &c
[L=103548] |
of a |
gandharva MBh.
[L=103549] |
of a man |
[L=103550] |
the speaker of a prologue |
W. (w.r. for nāndin)
(H2B) | nandi [L=103551]
f. |
joy , happiness , welfare MBh. &c (also m. n. L. )
(H2B) | nandi [L=103552]
f. |
Joy personified as daughter of Heaven or as wife of kāma and mother of harṣa Pur.
(H2B) | nandi [L=103553]
n. |
= dyūta and dyūtā*ṅga L.
(H2B) | nandi [L=103554]
n. |
(with jainas) a class of sacred writings (m. or f. ?) MWB. 533.
(H3) | nandi--kara [L=103555]
mfn. |
causing joy or happiness (with gen.) MBh. ii , 740
(H3B) | nandi--kara [L=103556]
m. |
son of (comp.) MBh. (cf. nandana)
(H3B) | nandi--kara [L=103557]
m. |
N. of śiva ib.
(H3) | nandi--ghoṣa [L=103565]
m. |
cry or music of joy , (esp.) the proclamation of a panegyrist or herald MBh. R.
[L=103566] |
arjuna |
's chariot L.
(H3) | narma--dyuti [p= 530,1] [L=104331]
mfn. |
bright with joy , happy , merry W.
(H3B) | narma--dyuti [L=104332]
f. |
enjoyment of a joke or any amusement Das3ar. Sch.
(H3) | narma--sphañja [L=104339]
( |
Das3ar. ) m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm.
(H3) | narma--sphiñja [L=104340]
( |
Das3ar. )m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm.
(H3) | narma--sphūrja [L=104341]
( |
Sa1h. Bhar. ) m. (dram.) the first meeting of lovers beginning with joy but ending in alarm.
(H3) | nalā* nanda [p= 530,2] [L=104418]
m. |
" nala's joy " , N. of a drama.
(H3) | nāgā* nanda [p= 533,3] [L=105168]
n. |
" the serpents' joy " , N. of a Buddh. play ascribed to king harṣa.
(H3) | nāgā* nan° diya [L=105169]
n. |
" the serpents' joy " , N. of a Buddh. play ascribed to king harṣa.
(H2) | nāndī [p= 535,2] [L=105612]
f. |
( √ nand) joy , satisfaction , pleasure RV. MBh.
[L=105613] |
eulogium or praise of a deity , ( |
esp.) a kind of blessing pronounced as a prologue to a drama Mr2icch. Ka1lid. Sa1h. Prata1p. &c
[L=105614] |
(in music) a |
partic. measure
[L=105615] |
= |
dvādaśa-tūrya-nirghoṣa L.
(H3) | nāndī--nāda [L=105619]
( |
Mudr. ) ( Katha1s. ) m. shout of joy.
(H3) | nāndī--nināda [L=105620]
( |
Katha1s. ) m. shout of joy.
(H3) | nāndī--rava [p= 535,3] [L=105634]
m. |
shout of joy MBh.
(H1) | nāvá 1 [p= 538,1] [L=106170]
m. |
( √ nu4) a shout of joy or triumph RV.
(H1) | nāva 2 [L=106171]
= |
nau , a boat , a ship (in comp. cf. ardha-n° , dvi-n° Pa1n2. 5-4 , 99 , 100)
(H3) | niṣ--prītika [p= 543,2] [L=107628]
mfn. |
not connected with joy or delight Lalit.
(H4) | nityā* nanda---rasa [p= 547,3] [L=108429]
m. |
" essence of eternal joy " , N. of a partic. medic. preparation Rasar.
(H3) | pikā* nanda [p= 624,2] [L=123464]
m. |
" cuckoo's joy " , the spring L.
(H3) | pula° kā* kulā* kṛti [p= 638,1] [L=126668]
mfn. |
" having the frame excited by bristling hair " , thrilled with joy MW.
(H3) | pula° kita [L=126679]
mfn. |
having the hair of the body erect , thrilled with joy Ka1v. Pan5c. Hit.
(H3) | pra-kaṭa---prīti-vardhana 1 [p= 652,3] [L=129771]
m. |
" evidently increaser of joy " , N. of śiva S3ivag.
(H1) | pra-kāmá [p= 653,1] [L=129821]
m. |
joy , delight VS.
[L=129822] |
pl. |
objects of desire R.
(H1B) | pra-kāmá [L=129823]
ibc. |
with delight , willingly , according to desire , sufficiently , very much , indeed MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H4) | pra-° jā° tyānanda [p= 658,2] [L=130856.5]
( |
prá-) m. the joy of propagation BhP.
(H1) | prati- √ mud [p= 669,2] [L=132899]
A1. |
-modate (rarely P.) °ti , to rejoice at , welcome with joy , be glad to see (with acc. , rarely gen.) RV. &c &c : Caus. -modayate , to gladden , cheer S3Br. : Desid. of Caus. -mumodayiṣati , to wish to make cheerful ib.
(H1) | prati- √ ram [p= 669,3] [L=132958]
P. |
-ramati , to look towards with joy , long for , expect (acc.) Ka1ran2d2.
(H1) | prati- √ hṛṣ [p= 673,2] [L=133552]
A1. |
-hṛṣyate , to show joy in return for anything MBh. : Caus. harṣayati , to gladden , rejoice ib.
(H3) | prati-° harṣa [L=133553]
m. |
expression of joy Dha1tup.
(H3) | prati-° harṣaṇa [L=133554]
mfn. |
(fr. Caus.) causing joy in return R.
(H3) | pradyumnā* nanda [p= 680,2] [L=134850]
m. |
" pradyumna's joy " , N. of a bhāṇa (also °dīya n.)
(H3) | praphulla--nayana [p= 683,1] [L=135265]
( |
W. ) mfn. having fully opened or sparkling eyes , having eyes expanded with joy.
(H3) | praphulla--netra [L=135266]
( |
S3atr. ) mfn. having fully opened or sparkling eyes , having eyes expanded with joy.
(H3) | praphulla--vadana [L=135267]
mfn. |
having the face expanded with joy , looking gay or happy W.
(H2) | pra-mada [p= 685,2] [L=135727]
m. |
joy , pleasure , delight MBh. Katha1s.
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135728]
mfn. |
wanton , dissolute Ragh. (also °daka Nir. )
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135729]
mfn. |
mad , intoxicated L.
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135730]
m. |
the thorn-apple L.
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135731]
m. |
the ankle L.
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135732]
m. |
N. of a dānava Hariv.
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135733]
m. |
of a son of vasiṣṭha and one of the sages under manu uttama BhP.
(H2B) | pra-mada [L=135734]
m. |
(f(ā). » below)
(H2) | pra-modá [p= 686,3] [L=136015]
m. |
(also pl. ; ifc. f(ā).) excessive joy , delight , gladness VS. Up. MBh. &c
[L=136016] |
(also |
n.) one of the 8 sāṃkhya perfections Tattvas. Sa1m2khyak. Sch.
[L=136017] |
(with |
jainas) joy as exhibited in the virtuous HYog.
[L=136018] |
Pleasure personified |
Hariv. (as a child of brahmā VP. )
[L=136019] |
the 4th year in a 60 years' cycle of Jupiter |
VarBr2S. viii , 29
[L=136020] |
a strong perfume |
[L=136021] |
a kind of rice |
[L=136022] |
N. |
of a being attendant upon skanda MBh.
[L=136023] |
of a |
nāga ib.
[L=136024] |
of an author |
[L=136025] |
of |
sev. men VP. Ra1jat.
(H1) | pra-moda [p= 687,2] [L=136130]
&c |
» pra- √mud.
(H3) | pra-° modam [p= 687,1] [L=136036]
ind. |
, in uccaiḥ-p° , with loud expressions of joy Prab.
(H3) | pra-° modín [L=136042]
mfn. |
causing excessive joy , delighting AV.
[L=136043] |
delighted , happy |
(H3B) | pra-° modín [L=136044]
m. |
a kind of rice (= °modaka) Va1gbh.
(H3) | pra-vaṇá--praharṣa [p= 690,2] [L=136720]
mfn. |
one whose joy or happiness has disappeared R. (v.l. in B. pravinaṣṭa-harṣa).
(H1) | pra-harṣa [p= 700,3] [L=138530]
&c |
» pra- √hṛṣ.
(H2) | pra-harṣa [p= 701,2] [L=138676]
m. |
erection (or greater erection) of the male organ Car.
[L=138677] |
erection of the hair , extreme joy , thrill of delight , rapture ( |
°ṣaṃ √ kṛ , with loc. " to delight in ") MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138679]
mf |
(ī)n. causing erection of the hair of the body , enrapturing , delighting MBh. Hariv.
(H3B) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138680]
m. |
the planet Mercury or its ruler L. (cf. °ṣula)
(H3B) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138682]
m. |
a kind of metre Chandom.
(H3B) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138683]
n. |
erection (of the hair of the body) Car.
(H3B) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138684]
n. |
rapture , joy , delight MBh.
(H3B) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138685]
n. |
gladdening , delighting. ib.
(H3B) | pra-° harṣaṇa [L=138686]
n. |
the attainment of a desired object Kuval.
(H4) | pra-° harṣaṇa---kara [L=138687]
mf |
(ī)n. causing great joy , enrapturing MBh.
(H2) | pra-hlāda [p= 701,3] [L=138728]
m. |
joyful excitement , delight , joy. happiness MBh. R. Sus3r.
[L=138729] |
sound , noise |
[L=138730] |
a species of rice |
[L=138731] |
N. |
of a pious daitya (son of hiraṇya-kaśipu ; he was made king of the daitya by viṣṇu , and was regent of one of the divisions of pātāla ; cf. pra-hrāda) MBh. VP. ( RTL. 109)
[L=138732] |
of a |
nāga. MBh.
[L=138733] |
of a |
prajā-pati ib.
[L=138734] |
pl. |
N. of a people. ib.
(H3) | pra-° hlādaka [L=138736]
mf |
(ikā)n. causing joy or pleasure , refreshing R2itus.
(H3) | pra-° hlādana [L=138737]
mf |
(ī)n. id. MBh. Ka1v. Sus3r.
(H3B) | pra-° hlādana [L=138738]
m. |
(with yuva-rāja) N. of a poet (brother of king dhārā-varṣa , 1208) Cat.
(H3B) | pra-° hlādana [L=138739]
n. |
( Hariv. Sus3r. ) and (ā) f. ( Ba1lar. ) the act of causing joy or pleasure , refreshment.
(H2) | prīti [p= 711,1] [L=140726]
f. |
any pleasurable sensation , pleasure , joy , gladness , satisfaction (with loc. or ifc. ; with ind.p. , " joy at having done anything ") Gr2S3rS. &c
[L=140727] |
friendly disposition , kindness , favour , grace , amity (with |
samam or ifc.) , affection , love (with gen. loc. , or ifc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=140728] |
joy or gratification personified ( |
esp. as a daughter of dakṣa or as one of the two wives of kāma-deva) Hariv. Pur. Katha1s.
[L=140729] |
N. |
of a śruti Sam2gi1t.
[L=140730] |
the 2nd of the 27 astrological |
Yogas. L.
[L=140731] |
N. |
of the 13th kalā of the moon Cat.
[L=140732] |
a symbolical expression for the sound |
dh Ra1matUp.
[L=140734] |
in a friendly way , amicably |
Mn. Ragh. &c
(H2C) | prītyā [L=140733]
ind. |
in a state of joyful excitement , gladly , with joy MBh. R. Ragh. Katha1s.
(H3) | prīti--ccheda [L=140742]
m. |
destruction of joy Mr2icch.
(H3) | prīti--maya [p= 711,2] [L=140767]
mf |
(ī)n. made up of joy , arisen from joy (as tears) R.
(H3) | prīti--rasā* yana [L=140769]
n. |
" an elixir of joy " , any nectar-like beverage causing joy Hit.
(H3) | prīti--vardhana [L=140772]
mfn. |
increasing love or joy. A.
(H3B) | prīti--vardhana [L=140773]
m. |
the 4th month Su1ryapr.
(H3B) | prīti--vardhana [L=140774]
m. |
N. of viṣṇu A.
(H3) | prema--pātana [L=140798]
n. |
rheum L.
[L=140799] |
tears (of joy) |
(H2) | premán [L=140826]
mn. |
love , affection , kindness , tender regard , favour , predilection , fondness , love &c towards (loc. or comp.) TS. Br. Ka1v. &c (also pl.)
[L=140827] |
joy |
(H2B) | premán [L=140828]
m. |
sport , a jest , joke Sa1h.
(H2B) | premán [L=140829]
m. |
wind L.
(H2B) | premán [L=140830]
m. |
N. of indra L.
(H2B) | premán [L=140831]
m. |
of various men Ra1jat.
(H1) | preman [p= 712,3] [L=141066]
preyas |
&c » [p= 711,2].
(H3) | phalo* daya [p= 717,2] [L=141953]
m. |
arising or appearance of consequences or results , recompense , reward , punishment (with gen. or loc. or comp.) Mn. Ya1jn5. R. &c
[L=141954] |
joy |
[L=141955] |
heaven |
(H3) | phulla--dṛṣṭi [p= 718,1] [L=142053]
mfn. |
having eyes dilated (with joy) , smiling , happy W.
(H3) | phulla--nayana [L=142054]
mfn. |
having eyes dilated (with joy) , smiling , happy W.
(H3) | phulla--netra [L=142055]
mfn. |
having eyes dilated (with joy) , smiling , happy W.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 31.37, 32.14
Whitney Roots links: banD
(H1) | bandh [p= 720,2] [p= 720,1] [L=142512]
cl.9 P. |
( Dha1tup. xxxi , 37) badhnā́ti (rarely A1. badhnīté ; cl.1 P. A1. bandhati , °te MBh. ; cl.4 P. badhyati Hariv. ; Impv. badhāna AV. , bandhāna MBh. , -badhnīhi BhP. , bandha R. ; pf. P. babándha , 3. pl. bedhús AV. , babandhus MBh. ; A1. bedhé , °dhiré AV. , babandhe Gr. ; fut. bhantsyati Br. &c , bandhiṣyati , °te MBh. ; banddhā Gr. ; aor. abhāntsīt Gr. ; Prec. badhyāt ib. ; inf. banddhum , or bandhitum R. , bádhe AV. ind.p. baddhvā́ AV. , °dhvā́ya Br. , -badhya ib. ; -bandham Pa1n2. 3-4 , 41 Sch.) , to bind , tie , fix , fasten , chain , fetter RV. &c ;
to bind round , put on ( A1. ?? ; later also P. " on one's self ") AV. S3Br. MBh. &c ;
to catch , take or hold captive , met. = to attach to world or to sin Mn. MBh. Kap. ;
to fix , direct , fasten , rivet (eyes , ears or mind) on (loc. or inf.) MBh. Ka1v. Katha1s. ;
to arrest , hold back , restrain , suppress , stop , shut , close Ya1jn5. MBh. Katha1s. ;
to bind a sacrificial victim , offer , sacrifice (with dat. of the deity to whom it is presented) RV. Br. : Ka1tyS3r. ;
to punish , chastise Hit. ;
to join , unite , put together or produce anything in this way , e.g. fold (the hands) , clench (the fist) , knit or bend (the eyebrows) , arrange , assume (a posture) , set up (a limit) , construct (a dam or a bridge) , span , bridge over (a river) , conceive or contract (friendship or enmity) , compose , construct (a poem or verse) MBh. Ka1v. &c ;
to form or produce in any way , cause , effect , do , make , bear (fruit) , strike (roots) , take up (one's abode) ib. ;
to entertain , cherish , show , exhibit , betray (joy , resolution &c ) ib. : Pass. badhyáte (°ti Hariv. ) , to be bound &c &c ;
(esp.) to be bound by the fetters of existence or evil , sin again Mn. BhP. ;
to be affected by i.e. experience , suffer (instr.) Pan5cat. : Caus. bandhayati (aor. ababandhat) , to cause to bind or catch or capture , imprison S3Br. &c ;
to cause to be built or constructed Ragh. Ra1jat. ;
to cause to be embanked or dammed up Ra1jat. ;
to bind together (also bādhayati) Dha1tup. xxxii , 14 : Desid. bibhantsati Gr.: Intens. bābanddhi , bābadhyate ib. [cf. Zd. band ; Gk. πενθερός , πεῖσμα ; Lat. foedus , fides ; Lit. be4ndras ; Goth. Angl.Sax. bindan ; Germ. binden ; Eng. bind.]
(H3) | brahmā* nanda [p= 740,3] [L=147170]
m. |
" joy in brahma " , the rapture of absorption into the one self-existent Spirit Ra1matUp.
[L=147171] |
N. |
of various men and authors (also -giri m. , -parama-haṃsa m. , -bhāratī m. , -yogin m. , -yogī*ndra m. , -sārasvatī m. , and °din , m.)
[L=147172] |
N. |
of wk.
(H3) | bhuvanā* nanda [p= 760,3] [L=151519]
m. |
" joy of the world " , N. of an author Cat.
(H3) | bhū́--rati [p= 761,2] [L=151725]
m. |
" earth-joy " , N. of a magical spell recited over weapons R.
(H3) | bhṛṅgā* nandā [p= 765,2] [L=152669]
f. |
" bee-joy " , Jasminum Auriculatum L.
(H3) | bhramarā* nanda [p= 769,3] [L=153589]
m. |
" bee-joy " , Mimusops Elengi L.
[L=153590] |
Gaertnera |
Racemosa L.
[L=153591] |
the red-flowering globe-amaranth |
(H1) | makhá 1 [p= 772,1] [L=154032]
mfn. |
(prob. connected with √1. mah or √ maṃh) jocund , cheerful , sprightly , vigorous , active , restless (said of the maruts and other gods) RV. Br.
(H1B) | makhá 1 [L=154033]
m. |
a feast , festival , any occasion of joy or festivity RV. S3a1n3khGr2.
(H1B) | makhá 1 [L=154034]
m. |
a sacrifice , sacrificial oblation S3Br. &c ( Naigh. iii , 17)
(H1B) | makhá 1 [L=154035]
m. |
(prob.) N. of a mythical being (esp. in makhasya śiraḥ , " makha's head ") RV. VS. S3Br. (cf. also comp.)
(H1) | makha 2 [L=154062]
m. |
or n. (?) the city of Mecca Ka1lac.
(H3) | maṅgala--śaṃsana [p= 773,1] [L=154227]
n. |
the act of wishing joy , uttering a congratulation L.
(H3) | maṅgalā* caraṇa [L=154241]
n. |
benediction , prayer for the success of anything Kap. Sa1h. Cat.
[L=154242] |
pronouncing a blessing , wishing joy |
(H3) | maṅgale* cchu [L=154272]
mfn. |
wishing joy , wishing prosperity MW.
(H1) | matta [p= 776,2] [L=155068]
&c |
» [p= 77,3].
(H2) | mattá [p= 777,3] [L=155289]
mfn. |
excited with joy , overjoyed , delighted , drunk , intoxicated (lit. and fig.) AV. &c
[L=155290] |
excited by sexual passion or desire , in rut , ruttish (as an elephant) |
MBh. R. &c
[L=155291] |
furious , mad , insane |
(H2B) | mattá [L=155292]
m. |
a buffalo L.
(H2B) | mattá [L=155293]
m. |
the Indian cuckoo L.
(H2B) | mattá [L=155294]
m. |
a drunkard L.
(H2B) | mattá [L=155295]
m. |
a ruttish or furious elephant L.
(H2B) | mattá [L=155296]
m. |
a madman L.
(H2B) | mattá [L=155297]
m. |
a thorn-apple L.
(H2B) | mattá [L=155298]
m. |
N. of a rākṣasa R.
(H3) | mattá--mayūra [L=155307]
m. |
a peacock intoxicated with joy or passion L.
(H3B) | mattá--mayūra [L=155308]
m. |
N. of a man L.
(H3B) | mattá--mayūra [L=155309]
m. pl. |
= next Ni1lak.
(H3B) | mattá--mayūra [L=155310]
n. |
a kind of metre Col.
(H3) | madā* lāpin [p= 778,1] [L=155436]
m. |
" uttering sounds of love or joy " , the Indian cuckoo or koil L.
(H2) | madrá [p= 779,1] [L=155684]
m. |
a country to the north-west of Hindustan proper , or a king (pl. the people) of this country S3Br. &c
[L=155685] |
N. |
of a son of śibi (the progenitor of the Madras) Pur.
[L=155687] |
(in music) a personification of the first |
mūrchanā in the gāndhāra-grāma
(H2B) | madrá [L=155689]
n. |
joy , happiness (madraṃ tasya or tasmai , " joy to him! " cf. n. of bhadra) Pa1n2. 2-3 , 73.
(H1) | madra [p= 779,2] [L=155761]
&c |
» col.1.
(H3) | madrá--kāra [p= 779,1] [L=155690]
mfn. |
causing joy or happiness Pa1n2. 3-2 , 44
(H3B) | madrá--kāra [L=155691]
m. |
v.l. for mādra-gāra VBr.
(H2) | mádvan [p= 779,2] [L=155735]
mfn. |
addicted to joy or intoxication RV. viii , 81 , 19
[L=155736] |
gladdening , intoxicating |
ib. ix , 86 , 35
(H2B) | mádvan [L=155737]
m. |
N. of śiva Un2. iv , 112 Sch.
(H3) | manaḥ--sukha [p= 783,3] [L=156754]
mfn. |
agreeable to the mind , of pleasant taste Sus3r.
(H3B) | manaḥ--sukha [L=156755]
n. |
joy of the heart BhP.
(H3) | mano--ratha [p= 785,2] [L=157105]
m. |
(ifc. f(ā).) " heart's joy " (» 2. ratha) , a wish , desire (also = desired object) MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=157106] |
fancy , illusion |
[L=157107] |
(in |
dram.) a wish expressed in an indirect manner , hint Sa1h.
[L=157108] |
the heart compared to a car ( |
» 1. ratha) R.
[L=157109] |
N. |
of a teacher Buddh.
[L=157110] |
of a poet |
[L=157111] |
of various men |
(H3) | mano--ratha [p= 1331,2] [L=337920.3]
( |
accord. to some orig. Prakrit for mano'rtha, "heart-matter")
(H3) | mano--hlāda [p= 785,3] [L=157206]
m. |
joy of the heart R.
(H3) | manmathā* nanda [p= 788,3] [L=157938]
m. |
" love's joy " , a kind of mango L.
(H3) | mayūro* llāsaka [p= 789,3] [L=158102]
m. |
" peacock's joy " , the rainy season L.
(H2) | maháye [p= 794,3] [L=159272]
Ved. |
inf. for joy , for enjoyment RV.
(H2) | máhas [L=159279]
n. |
greatness , might , power , glory (instr. pl. greatly , mightily &c ) RV. AV. Br. Up.
[L=159280] |
joy , gladness , pleasure |
VS. AV. TBr. (°ás ind. gladly , briskly , swiftly RV. )
[L=159281] |
a festival or a festive hymn |
[L=159282] |
a sacrifice , oblation |
[L=159283] |
light , splendour , majesty |
Inscr. Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=159284] |
the fourth of the seven worlds (written |
mahar ; » above and cf. vyāhṛti)
[L=159285] |
= |
udaka , water Naigh. i , 12
[L=159286] |
N. |
of a sāman A1rshBr.
(H1) | mahas [p= 803,3] [L=161639]
mahasa |
&c » [p= 794,3].
(H3) | mahā́--° nanda [p= 796,3] [L=159834]
m. |
(°hā*n° or °hā-n°) great bliss (-tva n. state of great bliss) Up.
[L=159834.05] |
the great joy of deliverance from further transmigration , final emancipation |
[L=159834.10] |
a kind of flute |
[L=159834.15] |
N. |
of a disciple of buddha Buddh.
[L=159834.20] |
of a king |
[L=159834.25] |
of two authors |
[L=159834.30] |
of a river |
(H3) | mahā́--sukha [p= 801,3] [L=161108]
m. |
" having great joy " , a buddha L.
(H3B) | mahā́--sukha [L=161109]
n. |
" great pleasure " , copulation L.
(H3) | mātṛ́--nandana [p= 807,2] [L=162293]
m. |
" mother's joy " , N. of kārttikeya VarP.
(H1) | mā́hina [p= 815,2] [L=164050]
mf |
(ā)n. ( √1. mah) glad. some , blithe , causing or feeling joy (others " great , powerful ") RV.
(H1B) | mā́hina [L=164051]
n. |
dominion L.
Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 2.15, 33.66
Whitney Roots links: mud
(H1) | mud 1 [p= 822,2] [L=165449]
cl.10 P. |
modayati , to mix , mingle , blend , unite Dha1tup. xxxiii , 66.
(H1) | mud 2 [L=165450]
cl.1 A1. |
( Dha1tup. ii , 15) módate (ep. and mc. also P. °ti ; pf. mumóda RV. ; mumude MBh. &c ; aor. amodiṣṭa Gr. ; Pot. mudīmahi RV. ; Prec. modiṣīṣṭhās AV. ; fut. moditā Gr. ; modiṣyate MBh. ; ind.p. -modam MBh. ) , to be merry or glad or happy , rejoice , delight in (instr. or loc.) RV. &c &c : Caus. , modayati , °te (aor. amumudat) , to gladden , give pleasure , exhilarate MBh. Bhat2t2. : Desid. , of Caus. mumodayiṣati S3Br. : Desid. mumodiṣate or mumudithate Pa1n2. 1-2 , 26 : Intens. momudyate , momudīti , momotti Gr.
(H2) | múd 3 [L=165451]
f. |
joy , delight , gladness , happiness (also pl.) RV. &c
[L=165452] |
Joy personified (as a daughter of |
tuṣṭi) BhP.
[L=165453] |
intoxication , frenzy |
[L=165454] |
a species of drug ( |
= vṛddhi) W.
[L=165455] |
a woman (?) |
[L=165456] |
pl. |
N. of a class of apsaras VP.
(H3) | múd--bhāj [L=165457]
mfn. |
feeling joy or pleasure VarBr2S.
(H2B) | mudā [L=165460]
f. |
» below.
(H2) | mudā [L=165462]
f. |
pleasure , joy , gladness MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H3) | mudā--° nvita [L=165464]
( |
°dā*nv°) mfn. filled with joy , pleased , delighted R.
(H2B) | muditā [L=165472]
f. |
joy , gladness , complacency Lalit.
(H2) | mudita [L=165470]
mfn. |
delighted , joyful , glad , rejoicing in (instr. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) | mudita [L=165471]
m. |
a partic. sort of servant R.
(H2B) | mudita [L=165473]
m. |
sympathy in joy Divya1v.
(H2B) | mudita [L=165474]
n. |
a kind of sexual embrace L.
(H2B) | mudita [L=165475]
n. |
a partic. siddhi , sāṃkhyas. Sch.
(H2B) | mudita [L=165476]
n. |
w.r. for nudita and sūdita.
(H3) | megha--nādin [p= 831,3] [L=167581]
mfn. |
sounding like thunder R.
[L=167582] |
crying (with joy) at the appearance of clouds |
(H3B) | megha--nādin [L=167583]
m. |
a car which rumbles MBh.
(H3B) | megha--nādin [L=167584]
m. |
N. of a dānava Hariv.
(H1) | móda [p= 835,3] [L=168492]
m. |
( √2. mud) joy , delight , gladness , pleasure RV. &c
[L=168493] |
fragrance , perfume |
BhP. (cf. āmoda)
[L=168494] |
N. |
of a partic. formula A1pS3r.
[L=168495] |
of a |
muni Cat.
(H2) | ráṇa 1 [p= 863,3] [L=174076]
m. |
delight , pleasure , gladness , joy RV. VS. AV.
(H2B) | ráṇa 1 [L=174077]
n. |
battle (as an object of delight) , war , combat , fight , conflict RV. &c &c
(H2) | raṇa 2 [p= 864,2] [L=174198]
m. |
(for 1. » [p= 863,3]) sound , noise L.
[L=174199] |
the quill or bow of a lute ( |
= koṇa) L.
(H2) | raṇa 3 [L=174209]
m. |
going , motion L.
(H3) | ráṇa--kṛ́t [p= 863,3] [L=174082]
mfn. |
causing joy , delighting RV.
[L=174083] |
fighting , a fighter |
(H2) | ráṇya [p= 864,1] [L=174185]
mfn. |
delectable , pleasant RV. AV.
[L=174186] |
fit for fighting , warlike |
(H2B) | ráṇya [L=174187]
n. |
joy , pleasure ib.
(H2B) | ráṇya [L=174188]
n. |
war , battle ib.
(H1) | raṇya [p= 864,2] [L=174221]
» |
(H1) | rátha 1 [p= 865,2] [L=174494]
m. |
( √4. ṛ) " goer " , a chariot , car , esp. a two-wheeled war-chariot (lighter and swifter than the anas q.v.) , any vehicle or equipage or carriage (applied also to the vehicles of the gods) , waggon , cart RV. &c (ifc. f(ā).)
[L=174495] |
a warrior , hero , champion |
MBh. Katha1s. BhP.
[L=174496] |
the body |
[L=174497] |
a limb , member , part |
[L=174498] |
Calamus |
Rotang L.
[L=174499] |
Dalbergia |
Ougeinensis L.
[L=174500] |
= |
pauruṣa L.
(H1) | ratha 2 [p= 866,2] [L=174786]
m. |
( √ ram) pleasure , joy , delight (cf. mano-ratha)
[L=174787] |
affection , love ( |
cf. next).
(H2) | ratha [p= 1331,3] [L=338620]
(in |
(H2) | rabhasá [p= 867,1] [L=174878]
mf |
(ā)n. (fr. prec.) impetuous , violent , rapid , fierce , wild RV. &c
[L=174879] |
( |
ifc.) eager for , desirous of Ka1lid.
[L=174880] |
strong , powerful (said of the |
soma) RV.
[L=174881] |
shining , glaring |
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174882]
m. |
impetuosity , vehemence , hurry , haste , speed , zeal , passion , eager desire for (comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (also f(ā). L. ; rabhasa ibc. ; °sat ind. and °sena ind. violently , impetuously , eagerly , quickly)
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174883]
m. |
joy , pleasure Gi1t.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174884]
m. |
regret , sorrow W.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174885]
m. |
poison L.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174886]
m. |
N. of a magical incantation recited over weapons R.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174887]
m. |
of a dānava (v.l. raśmisa)
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174888]
m. |
of a king (son of rambha) BhP.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174889]
m. |
of a rākṣasa L.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174890]
m. |
of a lexicographer (also called rabhasa-pāla) Cat.
(H2B) | rabhasá [L=174891]
m. |
of a monkey R.
(H3) | rati--kara [p= 867,3] [L=174985]
mf |
(ī)n. causing pleasure or joy R. BhP.
[L=174986] |
being in love , enamoured ( |
= kāmin) VarBr2S.
(H3B) | rati--kara [L=174987]
m. |
a partic. samādhi L.
(H2) | rama [p= 868,1] [L=175086]
mfn. |
pleasing , delighting , rejoicing (only ifc. ; cf. mano-r°)
[L=175087] |
dear , beloved |
(H2B) | rama [L=175088]
m. |
(only L. ) joy
(H2B) | rama [L=175089]
m. |
a lover , husband , spouse
(H2B) | rama [L=175090]
m. |
kāma-deva , the god of love
(H2B) | rama [L=175091]
m. |
the red-flowering aśoka
(H2) | ramaṇa [L=175096]
mf |
(ī)n. pleasing , charming , delightful BhP.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175097]
m. |
a lover , husband (cf. kṣapā-r°) MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175098]
m. |
kāma-deva , the god of love L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175099]
m. |
an ass L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175100]
m. |
a testicle L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175101]
m. |
a tree similar to the Melia Bukayun L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175102]
m. |
= tinduka L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175103]
m. |
N. of aruṇa or the charioteer of the Sun L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175104]
m. |
of a mythical son of manoharā MBh. Hariv.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175105]
m. |
of a man Pravar.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175106]
m. |
pl. N. of a people (cf. ramaṭha) MBh.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175111]
n. |
pleasure , joy Subh.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175112]
n. |
dalliance , amorous sport , sexual union , copulation Nir. S3ukas.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175113]
n. |
decoying (of deer) S3is3. vi , 9 (cf. Pat. on Pa1n2. 6-4 , 24 Va1rtt. 3)
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175114]
n. |
(ifc.) gladdening , delighting BhP.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175115]
n. |
the hinder parts , pudenda (= jaghana) L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175116]
n. |
the root of Trichosanthes Dioeca L.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175117]
n. |
N. of a forest Hariv.
(H2B) | ramaṇa [L=175118]
n. |
of a town DivyA7v.
(H1) | rāga [p= 872,1] [L=176089]
m. |
(fr. √ rañj ; ifc. ā , or ī) the act of colouring or dyeing (cf. mūrdhaja-r°)
[L=176090] |
colour , hue , tint , dye , ( |
esp.) red colour , redness MBh. Ka1v. &c
[L=176091] |
inflammation |
[L=176092] |
any feeling or passion , ( |
esp.) love , affection or sympathy for , vehement desire of , interest or joy or delight in (loc. or comp.) Up. Mn. MBh. &c
[L=176093] |
loveliness , beauty ( |
esp. of voice or song) S3ak. Pan5cat.
[L=176094] |
a musical note , harmony , melody (in the later system a |
partic. musical mode or order of sound or formula ; bharata enumerates 6 , viz. bhairava , kauśika , hindola , dīpaka , śrī-rāga , and megha , each mode exciting some affection ; other writers give other names ; sometimes 7 or 26 rāgas are mentioned ; they are personified , and each of the 6 chief rāgas is wedded to 5 or 6 consorts called rāgiṇīs ; their union gives rise to many other musical modes) Bhar. Sam2gi1t. Ra1jat. Pan5cat. &c
[L=176095] |
nasalization , |
[L=176096] |
a |
partic. process in the preparation of quicksilver Sarvad.
[L=176097] |
seasoning , condiment |
[L=176098] |
a prince , king |
[L=176099] |
the sun |
[L=176100] |
the moon |
(H2) | rābhasya [p= 877,1] [L=177262]
n. |
(fr. rabhasa) velocity , impetuosity , Dha1tuP. ??
[L=177263] |
delight , joy , pleasure |
(H1) | rāma [L=177264]
mf |
(ā́)n. (prob. " causing rest " , and in most meanings fr. √ ram) dark , dark-coloured , black (cf. rātri) AV. TA1r. (rāmaḥ śakuniḥ. a black bird , crow Ka1t2hGr2. Vishn2. )
[L=177265] |
white (?) |
[L=177266] |
pleasing , pleasant , charming , lovely , beautiful |
MBh. Ka1v. &c
(H1B) | rāma [L=177267]
m. |
a kind of deer Car.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177268]
m. |
a horse L.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177269]
m. |
a lover VarBr2S.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177270]
m. |
pleasure , joy , delight BhP.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177271]
m. |
N. of varuṇa. L.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177272]
m. |
N. of various mythical personages (in veda two rāmas are mentioned with the patr. mārgaveya and aupatasvini ; another rāmas with the patr. jāmadagnya [cf. below] is the supposed author of RV. x , 110 ; in later times three rāmas are celebrated , viz. 1. paraśu-rāma [q.v.] , who forms the 6th avatāra of viṣṇu and is sometimes called jāmadagnya , as son of the sage jamad-agni by reṇukā , and sometimes bhārgava , as descended from bhṛgu ; 2. rāma-candra [see below] ; 3. bala-rāma [q.v.] , " the strong rāma " , also called halā*yudha and regarded as elder brother of kṛṣṇa [ RTL. 112] accord. to jainas a rāma is enumerated among the 9 white balas ; and in VP. a rāmas is mentioned among the 7 ṛṣis of the 8th manv-antara) RV. &c &c N. of a king of malla-pura Cat.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177273]
m. |
of a king of śṛṅga-vera and patron of nāge*śa ib.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177274]
m. |
of various authors and teachers (also with ācārya , upā*dhyāya , kavi , cakra-vartin , jyotir-vid , jyau- tiṣaka , tarka-vāg-īśa , dīkṣita , daiva-jña , paṇḍita , bhaṭṭa , bhaṭṭā*cārya , vājapeyin , śarman , śāstrin , saṃyamin , sūri &c ) Cat.
(H1B) | rāma [L=177275]
m. |
N. of the number " three " (on account of the 3 rāmas) Hcat. (rāmasya iṣu