Svarupa - One’s own form


(H3) svá--rūpa=one's own form or shape , the form or shape of (gen. or comp. ; with or without śabdasya or śabda-sva-r° , " a word itself or in its own form " [opp. to its synonyms or varieties] ; with nāmnām = " names themselves ") MBh. Pan5cat. BhP. &c-own condition , peculiarity , character , nature (eṇa or ibc. , " by nature " , " in reality " " by itself ") RPra1t. Nr2isUp. Mn. &c-peculiar aim W.- kind , sort ib.-a partic. relation (in phil. » under sambandha) MW.-occurrence , event Campak. Uttamac. Sin6ha7s.-mfn. having one's own peculiar form or character MW.-mfn. having a like nature or character , similar , like , Sa1m2khyak. (w.r. for sa-r°)(H3B) svá--rūpa [L=258148] mfn. pleasing , handsome (for sa-r°) L.(H3B) svá--rūpa [L=258149] mfn. wise , learned L.(H3B) svá--rūpa [L=258150] m. N. of a daitya MBh.(H3B) svá--rūpa [L=258151] m. of a son of su-nandā Ma1rkP.(H3B) svá--rūpa [L=258152] m. of a pupil of caitanya W.(H3B) svá--rūpa [L=258153] m. or n. N. of a place Cat.

svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258140]
(ifc. f(ā).) one's own form or shape , the form or shape of (gen. or comp. ; with or without śabdasya or śabda-sva-r° , " a word itself or in its own form " [opp. to its synonyms or varieties] ; with nāmnām = " names themselves ") MBh. Pan5cat. BhP. &c
1276,3] [L=258141]
ea or ibc. , " by nature " , " in reality " " by itself ") RPra1t. Nr2isUp. Mn. &c
1276,3] [L=258142]
1276,3] [L=258143]
1276,3] [L=258144]
partic. relation (in phil. » under sambandha) MW.
1276,3] [L=258145]
Campak. Uttamac. Sin6ha7s.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258146]
having one's own peculiar form or character MW.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258147]
having a like nature or character , similar , like , Sa1m2khyak. (w.r. for sa-r°)
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258148]
pleasing , handsome (for sa-r°) L.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258149]
wise , learned L.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258150]
N. of a daitya MBh.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258151]
of a son of su-nandā Ma1rkP.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258152]
of a pupil of caitanya W.
svá--rūpa [p= 1276,3] [L=258153]
or n. N. of a place Cat.
svá--rūpā [p= 1276,3] [L=258154]
N. of a place MW.
sva-rūpa [p= 1282,1] [L=259269]
» [p= 1276,2].
(H3) n.
[p= own condition , peculiarity , character , nature (
[p= peculiar aim
[p= kind , sort
[p= a
[p= occurrence , event
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) m.
(H3B) f.
(H1) &c

Svarupa Usage

Śaṅkarācārya's concept of relation - Page 104

Sara Grant - 1999 - 205 pages - Preview
(4) Svarupa In his translation of the Brahmasutrabhasya for the Sacred Books of the East series, George Thibaut habitually translates svarupa as "real nature" or "essential nature". It seems doubtful whether this succeeds in seizing the ...

The folk cults of Bengal
Piyushkanti Mahapatra - 1972 - 160 pages - Snippet view
114 Svarupa is manifested in Rupa, so, Rupa is the only way to meet Svarupa. In many Baul songs the theory of Rupa ... It is said that one must realise Svarupa, the innate nature of the self. It is a sin on the part of sadhaka if he is ...
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Sva- Words

svá--rūpa---tā [p= 1276,3] [L=258160]
(or -tva n.) the state of one's own form or nature (°tayā , " literally " , " in reality ") MBh. BhP. S3ak. Sch. Sa1h.


for su-rūpa-tā Ra1jat.
(H4) f.
[L=258161]the having a natural form , identity of form or nature
svá--rūpin [L=258175]
having one's own or natural form MBh.

ifc.) R. Pur. Pan5car.

MBh. Inscr.


(H3) mfn.
[L=258176]appearing in the form of (
[L=258178]having essential properties
svá--samuttha [p= 1277,1] [L=258257]
arising within self MBh.

(H3) mfn.
[L=258258]produced or existing by self , natural
svá--stha [L=258275]
(ā)n. self-abiding , being in one's self (or " in the self " Sarvad. ), being in one's natural state , being one's self uninjured , unmolested , contented , doing well , sound well , healthy (in body and mind ; often v.l. for su-stha) , comfortable , at ease (compar. -tara) MaitrUp. &c


sva-stha [p= 1283,2] [L=259572]
» [p= 1271,1].
(H3) mf
[L=258276]relying upon one's self , confident , resolute , composed
[L=258277]self-sufficient , independent
(H1) &c
svá--sthī- √ k [p= 1277,1] [L=258287]
-karoti , to make one's self , make well , reduce to one's natural condition Pan5cad.
(H3) P.
svá--sthī- √ bhū [L=258288]
-bhavati , to become one's self , return to one's natural condition , become well or sober Prab.
(H3) P.
svá--svabhāva [L=258292]
one's natural disposition Mr2icch.
(H3) m.
svā* kāra [p= 1277,2] [L=258313]
(for sv-āk° » p.1283) one's own nature , natural disposition Pan5cat.
svā* kāra [L=258314]
having one's own form W.
sv-ākāra [p= 1283,2] [L=259575]
(for svā*kāra » [p= 1277,2]) of decent or respectable appearance Hcar.
(H3) m.
(H3B) mfn.
(H1) mfn.
svā* nurūpa [p= 1277,2] [L=258378]
resembling one's self , suited to one's character Katha1s.
1277,3] [L=258379]
(H3) mfn.
[p= natural , innate
svā* rtha [L=258406]
one's own affair or cause , personal matter or advantage , self-interest , one's own aim or object (also pl.) MaitrUp. MBh. R. &c


Sa1h. Veda7ntas. TPra1t. Sch.

*rtha) , a pleonasm MW.

li*rtha-viśea L.
svā* rtha [L=258411]
(ā)n. directed to one's self egoistical (-tā f.) Kum. Tarkas. &c
svā* rtha [L=258412]
(ā)n. adapted to (its) purpose Car.
svā* rtha [L=258413]
(ā)n. having one's object , expressing (its) own inherent or true meaning , having a natural or literal meaning , having a similar merits (= *rtha) , pleonastic MW.
(H3) m.
[L=258407]one's own property or substance
[L=258408]own or original meaning
[L=258409]similar meaning (prob. for
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
(H3B) mf
svau* jas [p= 1278,1] [L=258469]
having natural or peculiar energy MW.
svau* jas [L=258470]
N. of a minister Nya1yam.
(H3) mfn.
(H3B) m.
svaya--k [p= 1278,2] [L=258554]
(ā́)n. (or svayá-k°) made or performed or effected or committed or composed by one's self , natural , spontaneous (with vigraha , " a war undertaken on one's own account ") TBr. &c

(H3) mf
svayám--avadīra [p= 1278,3] [L=258588]
a natural fissure on the surface of the earth Kaus3.
(H3) n.
svayám--ātna [L=258591]
(ā́)n. full of natural holes A1pS3r.
(H3) mf
svayám--ātn° ṇṇa-vat [L=258593]
full of natural holes S3Br.
(H4) mfn.
svayám--mta [L=258666]
one who has died a natural death (lit. of his own accord) Pan5cat. Hit.
(H3) mfn.
svābhāvika [p= 1283,3] [L=259648]
(ī)n. (fr. svabhāva) belonging to or arising from one's own nature , natural , native , spontaneous , original , peculiar , inherent (-tva n.) Up. MBh. &c
svābhāvika [L=259649]
N. of a Buddhistic school (cf. Buddhac. ix , 48 ; 51) .
(H1) mf
(H1B) m. pl.
svābhāvike* tara [L=259650]
(ā)n. not natural or inherent Sa1h.
(H3) mf
svārasika [p= 1284,2] [L=259731]
(fr. sva-rasa) possessing inherent flavour or sweetness (as a poem &c ) MW.

(H1) mfn.
[L=259732]natural , self-evident
svālakaya [L=259751]
(fr. sva-lakaa) specific characteristics , natural disposition Mn. ix , 19.

(H1) n.
brahma--svarūpa [p= 740,2] [L=147133]
of the nature or essence of the one self-existing Spirit W.
(H3) mfn.