Sanskrit words for peace


śānta 1 [p= 1064,2] [L=215264]
(perhaps always w.r. for 1. śāta q.v.) = śānita L.

Hariv. R. (Sch.)
śāntá 2 [L=215270]
(fr. √1. śam) appeased , pacified , tranquil , calm , free from passions , undisturbed Up. MBh. &c


opp. to dīpta) AV. &c

śāntam or dhik śāntam or śāntam pāpam , may evil or sin be averted! may God forfend! Heaven forbid! not so!) S3Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R.

ib. Ragh. Ra1jat.

śāntá 2 [L=215277]
an ascetic whose passions are subdued W.
śāntá 2 [L=215278]
tranquillity , contentment (as one of the rasas q.v.)
śāntá 2 [L=215279]
N. of a son of Day MBh.
śāntá 2 [L=215280]
of a son of manu tāmasa Ma1rkP.
śāntá 2 [L=215281]
of a son of śambara Hariv.
śāntá 2 [L=215282]
of a son of idhma-jihva BhP.
śāntá 2 [L=215283]
of a son of āpa VP.
śāntá 2 [L=215284]
of a devaputra Lalit.
śāntá 2 [L=215286]
Emblica Officinalis L.
śāntá 2 [L=215287]
Prosopis Spicigera and another species L.
śāntá 2 [L=215288]
a kind of dūrvā grass L.
śāntá 2 [L=215289]
a partic. drug (= reukā) L.
śāntá 2 [L=215290]
N. of a daughter of daśa-ratha (adopted daughter of loma-pāda or roma-pāda and wife of ṛṣya-śṛṅga) MBh. Hariv. R.
śāntá 2 [L=215291]
(with jainas) of a goddess who executes the orders of the 7th arhat L.
śāntá 2 [L=215292]
of a śakti MW.
śāntá 2 [L=215293]
tranquillity , peace of mind BhP.
śāntá 2 [L=215294]
N. of a vara in jambu-dvīpa ib.
śāntá 2 [L=215295]
N. of a tīrtha W.


[L=215265]thin , slender
(H1) mfn.
[L=215271]soft , pliant
[L=215272]gentle , mild , friendly , kind , auspicious (in augury ;
[L=215273]abated , subsided , ceased , stopped , extinguished , averted (
[L=215274]rendered ineffective , innoxious , harmless (said of weapons)
[L=215275]come to an end , gone to rest , deceased , departed , dead , died out
[L=215276]purified , cleansed
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


śā́nti [p= 1064,3] [L=215338]
tranquillity , peace , quiet , peace or calmness of mind , absence of passion , averting of pain (śānti! śānti! śānti! may the three kinds of pain be averted!) , indifference to objects of pleasure or pain Kat2hUp. MBh. &c

&c ) AV. &c


Br. &c (cf. RTL. 346)

MBh. R. &c

Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.

śānti-kalpa BhP.

&c personified (as a daughter of śraddhā , as the wife of atharvan , as the daughter of daka and wife of dharma) Hariv. Prab. Pur.
śā́nti [L=215346]
N. of a son of indra MBh.
śā́nti [L=215347]
of indra in the tenth manv-antara Pur.
śā́nti [L=215348]
of a tuita (son of viṣṇu and dakiā) ib.
śā́nti [L=215349]
of a son of kṛṣṇa and kālindī ib.
śā́nti [L=215350]
of a ṛṣi MBh.
śā́nti [L=215351]
of a son of agiras ib.
śā́nti [L=215352]
of a disciple of bhūti Ma1rkP.
śā́nti [L=215353]
of a son of nīla and father of su-śānti VP.
śā́nti [L=215354]
(with jainas) of an arhat and cakra-vartin L.
śā́nti [L=215355]
of a teacher (also called ratnā*kara-ś°) Buddh.
śānti [p= 1332,3] [L=339970]


[L=215339]alleviation (of evil or pain) , cessation , abatement , extinction (of fire
[L=215340]a pause , breach , interruption
[L=215341]any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity
[L=215342]peace , welfare , prosperity , good fortune , ease , comfort , happiness , bliss
[L=215343]destruction , end , eternal rest , death
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) (in

1 abhaya (peace) 2 abhisaṃdhāna (peace) 3 abhisaṃdhi (peace) 4 ayuddha (peace) 5 asaṃdheya (peace) 6 asaṃdheyatā (peace) 7 asapatna (peace) 8 ātmāmiṣa (peace) 9 ādiṣṭa (peace) 10 ucchinna (peace) 11 upagraha (peace) 12 uparatāri (peace) 13 kapāla (peace) 14 kapālasaṃdhi (peace) 15 kośa (peace) 16 kṣema (peace) 17 kṣemakara (peace) 18 kṣemin (peace) 19 kṣemya (peace) 20 guṇa (peace) 21 paṇabandha (peace) 22 paradūṣaṇa (peace) 23 parikraya (peace) 24 paribhūṣaṇa (peace) 25 praśasti (peace) 26 manaḥprasāda (peace) 27 mahāsaṃdhivigraha (peace) 28 mahāsāṃdhivigrahika (peace) 29 vidhā (peace) 30 viparyaya (peace) 31 śama (peace) 32 śamopanyāsa (peace) 33 śamaka (peace) 34 śaśvacchānti (peace) 35 śānta (peace) 36 śānti (peace) 37 śāntikara (peace) 38 śāmana (peace) 39 śāmya (peace) 40 śi (peace) 41 ṣaḍguṇa (peace) 42 saṃyoga (peace) 43 saṃśam (peace) 44 saṃgata (peace) 45 saṃtānasaṃdhi (peace) 46 saṃdhaya (peace) 47 saṃdhāna (peace) 48 saṃdhānakaraṇa (peace) 49 saṃdhāya (peace) 50 saṃdhāyagamana (peace) 51 saṃdhāyāsana (peace) 52 saṃdhi (peace) 53 saṃdhidūṣaṇa (peace) 54 saṃdhimat (peace) 55 saṃdhivigraha (peace) 56 saṃdhivigrahakāyastha (peace) 57 saṃdhivigrahādhikāra (peace) 58 saṃdhivigrahādhikārin (peace) 59 saṃdhiviparyaya (peace) 60 saṃdhitsu (peace) 61 saṃdheya (peace) 62 sama (peace) 63 samasaṃdhi (peace) 64 samārthin (peace) 65 sāntvada (peace) 66 sāṃdhivigrahika (peace) 67 sumna (peace) 68 skandhopaneya (peace) 69 hīnasaṃdhi (peace) 70 asaṃdadhāna (peace) 71 upaśānta (peace) 72 yātrāsaṃdhāna (peace)


á-bhaya [p= 60,3] [L=11124]
(ā)n. unfearful , not dangerous , secure
a-bháya [L=11125]
fearless , undaunted S3Br. xiv
á-bhaya [L=11126]
N. of śiva
á-bhaya [L=11127]
of a natural son of bimbisāra
á-bhaya [L=11128]
of a son of idhmajihva BhP.
á-bhaya [L=11129]
of a river in krauñcadvīpa BhP.
á-bhaya [L=11131]
(ifc. f(ā).) absence or removal of fear , peace , safety , security RV. &c (cf. ábhaya-tama below)
á-bhaya [L=11132]
" safety " , (applied as proper name to) a child of dharma and his reign in plakadvīpa BhP.
á-bhaya [L=11133]
a kind of symbol procuring security Hcat.
á-bhaya [L=11134]
a sacrificial hymn recited to obtain personal security Kaus3.
á-bhaya [L=11135]
the root of a fragrant grass , Andropogon Muricatum.
a-bhaya [p= 1315,1] [L=311510]


(H1B) mfn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in


abhi-sadhāna [p= 72,3] [L=12780]
the being allied or connected , connection between (in comp.) MBh. i , 3639

ifc. cf. satyā*bh°)

Ragh. xvii , 76



[L=12781]" speech , deliberate declaration " (only
[L=12782]attachment or interest in any object
[L=12783]special agreement
[L=12784]overcoming , deceiving
[L=12785]making peace or alliance


abhi-sadhi [L=12787]
speaking or declaring deliberately , purpose , intention , object , meaning





[L=12788]special agreement
[L=12789]cheating , deceiving
[L=12790]making peace or alliance
[L=12791]joint , junction


á-yuddha [p= 86,1] [L=14965]
( √ yudh) , unconquered , irresistible RV. viii , 45 , 3 & x , 27 , 10
á-yuddha [L=14966]
not war , absence of war , peace MBh. &c


(H1B) n.


a-sadheya [p= 118,3] [L=20636]
not to be made peace with MBh. xii , 6268 Hit.



[L=20637]for which no amends can be made , not to be redressed


a-sadheya--tā [L=20638]
the state of one with whom no peace is to be made , Ven2is.




á-sapatna [p= 119,1] [L=20651]
not a rival AV. i , 19 , 4
a-sapatná [L=20652]
(ā́)n. (chiefly Ved.) without a rival or adversary , undisturbed RV. x , 159 , 4 & 5 ; 174 , 4 & 5 AV. &c
á-sapatná [L=20654]
undisturbed condition , peace AV.


(H1B) mf
(H1B) n.


ātmā* mia [p= 136,1] [L=23668]
a peace made after having sacrificed one's own army Ka1m.




ā-diṣṭa [p= 137,3] [L=23974]
directed , assigned S3Br. i , 1 , 4 , 24

ChUp. iii , 18 , 1


ā-diṣṭa [L=23978]
command , order , instruction Comm. on Mn. v , 88
ā-diṣṭa [L=23979]
N. of a particular kind of treaty (in making peace)
ā-diṣṭa [L=23980]
fragments or leavings of a meal L.


[L=23977]enjoined , ordered , advised
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


uc-chinna [p= 173,3] [L=30396]
cut out or off

uc-chinna [L=30399]
(scil. sadhi) peace obtained by ceding valuable lands Hit. &c


[L=30397]destroyed , lost
[L=30398]abject , vile
(H2B) m.


upa-graha 1 [p= 197,1] [L=34390]
(for 2. » s.v.) seizure , confinement L.


kuśa grass) Ka1ty.

Comm. on Pa1n2.

e used as nidhana (q.v.) at the end of a sāman La1t2y. vii , 8 , 11

Sam2hUp. ii , 3


sadhi or peace (purchased by the cession of everything) Ka1m. Hit.

pada or voice of a verb Comm. on Pa1n2.

Hariv. 9562.
upa-graha 2 [L=34405]
(fr. graha with upa implying inferiority) , a minor planet or any heavenly body of a secondary kind , a comet , meteor , falling star &c MBh. &c


[L=34391]a prisoner
[L=34392]a handful (of
[L=34393]adding , addition (of a sound)
[L=34395]alteration , change
[L=34396]propitiation , conciliation , coaxing
[L=34397]a kind of
[L=34399]a kind of demon causing diseases (supposed to preside over the planets)
(H1) m.


uparatā* ri [p= 204,3] [L=35499]
one whose foes are quiet


[L=35500]having no foe , being at peace with all.


kapā́la [p= 250,2] [L=43380]
( √kamp Un2. i , 117), a cup , jar , dish (used especially for the puroāśa offering) TS. S3Br. Sus3r. &c (cf. trikapāla , pañca-kapāla , &c )

Mn. vi , 44 ; viii , 93 R. &c

S3Br. vi , xii Ka1tyS3r. Sus3r. &c

A1s3vGr2. iv , 5 , 8 Bha1sha1p. &c

AV. ix , 8 , 22 ; x , 2 , 8 S3Br. i Ya1jn5. &c

S3Br. vi , 1 , 3 Katha1s. &c

S3Br. vii , 5 , 1 , 2

AitBr. Sus3r.

Sus3r. i , 268 , 1 ; 13

kapā́la [L=43390]
a treaty of peace on equal terms Ka1m. ix , 2 (cf. kapāla-sadhi below)
kapā́la [L=43391]
N. of an intermediate caste
kapā́la [L=43392]
N. of several men
kapā́la [L=43393]
N. of a school
kapā́la [L=43395]
N. of a tantra
kapā́la [L=43396]
([Gk. , κωπή " handle " ; Lat. capere ; Hib gabhaim ; Goth. hafyan ; Angl.Sax. haban , haefene , hafoc ; Eng. haven , hawk ; cf. Gk. κεφαλή Lat. caput ; Goth. haubith ; Angl.Sax. heafud.])
kapāla [p= 1323,3] [L=326610]


[L=43381]the alms-bowl of a beggar
[L=43382]a fragment of brick (on which the oblation is placed)
[L=43383]a cover , lid
[L=43384]the skull , cranium , skull-bone
[L=43385]the shell of an egg
[L=43386]the shell of a tortoise
[L=43387]the cotyla of the leg of an animal , any flat bone
[L=43388]a kind of leprosy
[L=43389]multitude , assemblage , collection
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m. pl.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H2) (in


kapā́la--sadhi [p= 250,2] [L=43413]
a treaty of peace on equal terms Ka1m. ix , 8 (= Hit. iv , 114) .




kóśa [p= 314,1] [L=56740]
(n. L. ; in class. literature kośa , or koa ; fr. √kuś or ku? , related to kukí and koṣṭha?) , a cask , vessel for holding liquids , (metaphorically) cloud RV. AV. Sus3r.



RV. vi , 47 , 23 AV. xix , 72 , 1 S3Br.


ifc.) MBh. viii , 1733

&c MBh. R. VarBr2S.

AV. ChUp. Mun2d2Up. TUp. Pa1rGr2. BhP.

Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) ib.

surg.) a kind of bandage Sus3r.

&c Ka1vya7d. i , 13 Sa1h.

cf. bīja-) R. Ragh. BhP. Dhu1rtas.



Artocarpus integrifolia and of similar fruits L.

Ya1jn5. iii , 147 Veda7ntas.

Sus3r. VarBr2. Ma1rkP.


Sus3r. VarBr2S.



vedā*nta phil.) a term for the three sheaths or succession of cases which make up the various frames of the body enveloping the soul (these are , 1. the ānanda-maya k° or " sheath of pleasure " , forming the kāraa-śarīra or " causal frame " ; 2. the vijñāna-maya or buddhi-m° or mano-m° or prā*a-m° k° , " the sheath of intellect or will or life " , forming the sūkma-śarīra or " subtile frame " ; 3. the anna-m° k° , " the sheath of nourishment " , forming the sthūla-śarīra or " gross frame ") Veda7ntas.

ifc.) a ball or globe (e.g. sūtra- , a ball of thread L. ; netra- , the eye-ball R. iii , 79 , 28)

Ya1jn5. ii , 95

Ra1jat. v , 325

°śa- , to drink from that cup) Ra1jat. vii , 8 ; 75 ; 460 and 493 ; viii , 283

of a conjunction of planets VarBr2S.


Buddh. ) of a collection of gāthā verses Ka1ran2d2. Hcar.
kośa [p= 1325,2] [L=328940]


[L=56741]a pail , bucket
[L=56742]a drinking-vessel , cup
[L=56743]a box , cupboard , drawer , trunk
[L=56744]the interior or inner part of a carriage
[L=56746]a sheath , scabbard ,
[L=56747]a case , covering , cover
[L=56748]store-room , store , provisions
[L=56749]a treasury , apartment where money or plate is kept , treasure , accumulated wealth (gold or silver , wrought or unwrought , as plate , jewellery ,
[L=56751]a dictionary , lexicon or vocabulary
[L=56752]a poetical collection , collection of sentences
[L=56753]a bud , flower-cup , seed-vessel (
[L=56754]the sheath or integument of a plant , pod , nut-shell
[L=56755]a nutmeg
[L=56756]the inner part of the fruit of
[L=56757]the cocoon of a silk-worm
[L=56758]the membrane covering an egg (in the womb)
[L=56759]the vulva
[L=56760]a testicle or the scrotum
[L=56761]the penis
[L=56762]an egg
[L=56765]the water used at an ordeal or judicial trial (the defendant drinks thrice of it after some idol has been washed in it)
[L=56766]an oath
[L=56767]a cup used in the ratification of a treaty of peace (
[L=56769]of the 2nd astrological mansion ,
(H2) (in


kéma [p= 332,3] [L=60361]
(ā)n. ( √2. ki) habitable

MBh. R.

kéma [L=60364]
basis , foundation VS. xviii , 7 AV. iii , 12 , 1 and iv , 1 , 4 S3Br. xiii KapS. i , 46
kéma [L=60365]
residing , resting , abiding at ease RV. x AV. xiii , 1 , 27
kéma [L=60366]
kéma [L=60367]
kéma [L=60368]
(Ved. only m. ; g. ardharcā*di) , safety , tranquillity , peace , rest , security , any secure or easy or comfortable state , weal , happiness RV. AV. VS. Mn. MBh. &c (kéma & yóga [or pra-yúj] , rest and exertion , enjoying and acquiring RV. VS. xxx , 14 Pa1rGr2. MBh. xiii , 3081 ; cf. kema-yoga and yoga-k° ; kema te , " peace or security may be to thee " [this is also the polite address to a vaiśya , asking him whether his property is secure Mn. ii , 127], S3a1ntis3. ii , 18)
kéma [L=60369]
final emancipation L.
kéma [L=60370]
a kind of perfume (= caṇḍā) L.
kéma [L=60371]
Ease or Prosperity (personified as a son of dharma and śānti VP. ; as a son of titikā BhP. iv , 1 , 51)
kéma [L=60372]
N. of a prince MBh. i , 2701 DivyA7v. xviii
kéma [L=60373]
of a son of śuci and father of su-vrata BhP. ix , 22 , 46
kéma [L=60374]
N. of a kind of college (maha) Ra1jat. vi , 186
kéma [L=60376]
in security , safely R. Mr2icch. Pan5cat. BhP.
kéma [L=60377]
(ifc. with yathā R. ii , 54 , 4)
kéma [L=60380]
N. of durgā L.
kéma [L=60381]
of another deity (= kema-karī) Devi1P. ??
kéma [L=60382]
of an apsaras MBh. i , 4818
kéma [L=60383]
N. of one of the seven varas in jambū-dvīpa BhP. v , 20 , 3.


[L=60362]giving rest or ease or security
[L=60363]at ease , prosperous , safe
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) mn.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.


kéma--kara [L=60384]
conferring peace or security or happiness MBh. xiv , 973




kemin [p= 333,1] [L=60457]
enjoying peace or security , safe , secure MBh. (e.g. Nal. xii , 90) BhP. x , 88 , 39 Ka1m.




kemyá [L=60459]
(ā)n. (= °ma Pa1n2. 5-4 , 36 Va1rtt. 5 Pat. ) resting , at leisure , at ease RV. x , 28 , 5 AV. xii , 2 , 49 VS. xvi , 33 (kémya) S3Br. vi , 7 , 4 , 7 ; xiii , 1 , 4 , 3 Pa1rGr2.

W. ) Mn. vii , 212

MBh. xiv , 1691

kemyá [L=60463]
N. of śiva MBh. xiv , 194
kemyá [L=60464]
N. of several princes [a son of sunītha and father of ketumat Hariv. 1592 f. ; 1750 ; a son of ugrā*yudha and father of su-vīra ib. 1084 VP. BhP. ix , 21 , 29 ; (= kema) a son of śuci and father of suvrata VP. ]
kemyá [L=60466]
resting TS. v , 2 , 1 , 7.


[L=60460]yielding peace and tranquillity (as a country ; " healthy "
[L=60461]giving peace and tranquillity
[L=60462]prosperous , auspicious
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.


guá [p= 357,1] [L=65497]
( √ grah Un2. ) a single thread or strand of a cord or twine (e.g. tri-g° q.v.) , string or thread , rope TS. vii Mr2icch. Kum. Ragh.


R. iii , 33 , 16 (cāpa-) Ragh. ix , 54 R2itus. Hit.

geom.) a sinew

S3is3. iv , 57 : ifc. (f(ā). ) with numerals " fold , times " (» cátur- , tri- , daśa- , dví- , pañca- ; rarely the numeral stands by itself along with guá [e.g. viśiṣṭo daśabhir guai , " of ten times higher value " Mn. ii , 85] AV. x , 8 , 43 MBh. iii , 15649 Hariv. 509 ; [gua = bhāga] Pa1n2. 5-2 , 47 Ka1s3. )


e.g. gandhasya guā , the different kinds of smell MBh. xii , 6847)

Mn. vii , 160 Ya1jn5. i , 346 MBh. ii , 155

upā*ya (q.v. , denoting the 4 ways of conquering an enemy) R. v , 81 , 41

» °o*pe*ta

e.g. sarva-gua mfn. " reaching to all subordinate parts " , hence " valid throughout " Ka1tyS3r. ) S3a1n3khS3r. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. R. v , 1 , 71

S3a1n3khBr. xxvi , 4

anna i.e. rice or the chief dish) , side-dish Mn. iii , 224 ff.

= -karman , in Gr.) the secondary or less immediate object of an action Pa1n2. 1-4 , 51 Sch.

La1t2y. S3a1n3khGr2. Mn. iii , ix , &c

śabda , or sound for its gua and the ear for its organ ; 2. the air has tangibility and sound for its guas and the skin for its organ ; 3. fire or light has shape or colour , tangibility , and sound for its guas , and the eye for its organs ; 4. water has flavour , shape , tangibility , and sound for its guas , and the tongue for its organ ; 5. earth has the preceding guas , with the addition of its own peculiar gua of smell , and the nose for its organ) Mn. i , 20 and 76-78 MBh. xii , 6846 ff. S3ak. i , 1 BhP. iii , 5 , 35

khya phil.) an ingredient or constituent of prakti , chief quality of all existing beings (viz. sattva , rajas , and tamas i.e. goodness , passion , and darkness , or virtue , foulness , and ignorance ; cf. RTL. pp. 31 ; 36 ; 163) Mn. i ; iii , 40 ; xii , 24 ff. Sa1m2khyak. Bhag. xiii f.

VarBr2S. iic , 1

nyāya phil. twenty-four guas are enumerated , viz. 1. rūpa , shape , colour ; 2. rasa , savour ; 3. gandha , odour ; 4. sparśa , tangibility ; 5. sakhyā , number ; 6. parimāa , dimension ; 7. pthaktva , severalty ; 8. sayoga , conjunction ; 9. vibhāga , disjunction ; 10. paratva , remoteness ; 11. aparatva , proximity ; 12. gurutva , weight ; 13. dravatva , fluidity ; 14. sneha , viscidity ; 15. śabda , sound ; 16. buddhi or jñāna , understanding or knowledge ; 17. sukha , pleasure ; 18. dukha , pain ; 19. icchā , desire ; 20. dvea , aversion ; 21. prayatna , effort ; 22. dharma , merit or virtue ; 23. adharma , demerit ; 24. saskāra , the self-reproductive quality)


Mn. MBh. &c

&c ) Ka1vya7d. i , 41 f. Kpr. viii Sa1h. viii

bāhya-prayatnās [q.v.] and the 3 accents) Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 1-1 , 9 and 50 (cf. -mātra)

a (with ar , al Pa1n2. 1-1 , 51) , e , o Nir. x , 17 RPra1t. xi , 6 Pa1n2.


cf. -kāra) L.

(cf. -kāra) L.
gua [p= 1326,2] [L=330400]
āt, "by virtue of", "in consequence of", "by means of")


[L=65498]a garland
[L=65499]a bow-string
[L=65501]the string of a musical instrument , chord
[L=65502]a multiplier , co-efficient (in
[L=65503]subdivision , species , kind (
[L=65504]the 6 subdivisions of action for a king in foreign politics (viz. peace , war , march , halt , stratagem , and recourse to the protection of a mightier king)
[L=65506]" requisite "
[L=65507]a secondary element , subordinate or unessential part of any action (
[L=65508]an auxiliary act
[L=65509]a secondary dish (opposed to
[L=65511]a quality , peculiarity , attribute or property
[L=65512]an attribute of the 5 elements (each of which has its own peculiar quality or qualities as well as organ of sense ; thus 1. ether has
[L=65514](hence) the number " three "
[L=65515]a property or characteristic of all created things (in
[L=65516]an epithet
[L=65517]good quality , virtue , merit , excellence
[L=65518]the merit of composition (consistency , elegance of expression ,
[L=65519]the peculiar properties of the letters (11 in number , viz. the 8
[L=65520]the first gradation of a vowel , the vowels
[L=65521]an organ of sense
[L=65522]a cook (
(H2) (also "power, might" ;


paa--bandha [p= 580,1] [L=114570]
making a treaty , making peace Ragh.

-na n.) Das3.


[L=114571]a bet or wager (also


pára--dūaa [p= 586,3] [L=116120]
(sc. sadhi) peace purchased by the entire produce of a country Ka1m. Hit. (v.l. para-bhūaa and pari-bh°).




pari-kraya [p= 592,1] [L=117121]
giving up at the cost of (cf. prāaparikr°)

Ka1tyS3r. Sch.


Ka1m. Hit.


[L=117122]hire , wages
[L=117123]redemption , buying off
[L=117124]a peace purchased with money


pari-bhūaa [p= 598,3] [L=118180]
(sc. sadhi) peace obtained by the cession of the whole revenue of a land Ka1m. (v.l. para-bh°).




prá° śasti [p= 695,1] [L=137478]
(prá-) praise , fame , glorification RV. Uttarar. Das3ar. &c (°tidhā , to bestow praise upon , value highly [with loc.] RV. )


dram.) a benediction (praying for peace &c in the reign of a prince) Sa1h.


Vcar. Ba1lar.



of a guide to letter-writing Cat. (also °tikā)


[L=137478.05]liking , desire (as of food)
[L=137478.15]instruction , guidance , warning
[L=137478.20]an edict
[L=137478.25](metrical) eulogistic inscription
[L=137478.30]excellence , eminence


mana--prasāda [p= 783,3] [L=156730]
serenity or peace of mind MBh. Sa1h. Sus3r.




mahā́--sadhi-vigraha [p= 801,2] [L=161039]
the office of prime minister of peace and war Ra1jat. (cf. -sādhivigrahika).




mahā́--sādhivigrahika [p= 801,3] [L=161077]
the prime minister of peace and war Inscr. (cf. -sadhi-vigraha).




vi- √ dhā [p= 967,3] [p= 967,2] [L=196486]
-dadhāti , -dhatte , to distribute , apportion , grant , bestow RV. &c &c (with kāmam , to fulfil a wish)  ; 
to furnish , supply , procure (with
ātmana , " for one's self ") MBh.  ; 
to spread , diffuse
RV. AV.  ; 
to put in order , arrange , dispose , prepare , make ready
RV. AV. Br. Up.  ; 
to divide , parcel out
S3ukas.  ; 
to ordain , direct , enjoin , settle , appoint
Gr2S3rS. Mn. MBh. &c  ; 
to form , create , build , establish , found
S3vetUp. MBh. &c  ; 
to perform , effect , produce , cause , occasion , make , do
Mn. MBh. &c (like √ k to be translated variously in connection with various nouns e.g. with sihatvam , to change into a lion ; with saciva-tām , to assume the office of a minister ; with veam , to put on a garment ; with vttim , to secure a maintenance ; with upā*yam , to devise a means ; with mantram , to hold a consultation ; with rājyam , to carry on government , rule ; with sadhim , to conclude peace ; with kalaham , to pick up a quarrel ; with vairam , to declare war ; with lajjām , to display bashfulness ; with kolāhalam , to raise a clamour ; with cumbana , to give a kiss)  ; 
to make , render (with two
acc.) Ka1v. Katha1s. &c  ; 
to contrive or manage that (
yathā) MBh. R.  ; 
to put or lay on or in , direct towards (
loc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c (with hdaye , to take to heart ; with agrata , or adha , to place before or below)  ; 
to send out , despatch (spies)
Mn. vii , 184  ; 
to take trouble with (
dat.) Kir. i , 3  ; 
to treat , deal with (
acc.) R. ii , 38 , 17 : Pass. -dhīyate , to be distributed &c  ; 
to be allotted or intended for (
gen.) Mn. ix , 119  ; 
to be accounted , pass for (
nom.) ib. iii , 118 : Caus. -dhāpayati , to cause to put , cause to be laid R.  ; 
cause to put in order or arrange or fix
MW. : Desid. -dhitsati , °te , to wish to distribute or bestow BhP.  ; 
to wish to decide or determine or fix or establish
S3am2k.  ; 
to wish to find out or devise (a means)
BhP.  ; 
to wish to procure or acquire
MBh.  ; 
to wish to perform or accomplish anything , intend , purpose
MBh. Hariv. BhP.  ; 
to wish to make or render (two
acc.) BhP.
vi-dhā́ [L=196488]
division , part , portion S3Br. S3ulbas. (often ifc. = " fold " ; cf. eka- , bahu-vidha &c ; also adv. in tri- and dvi-vidhā q.v.)

TS. &c (yayā kayā-cid vidhayā , in whatsoever way , anyhow ; often ifc. ; cf. asmad- eva- , nānā-vidha &c )


= ddhi) L.



vedhana L. (cf. 1. vidha).


P. A1.
(H2) f.
[L=196489]form , manner , kind , sort
[L=196491]increase (
[L=196492]wages , hire


vi-paryaya [p= 974,2] [L=197702]
reversed , inverted , perverse , contrary to (gen.) BhP.
vi-paryaya [L=197703]
turning round , revolution Jyot.
vi-paryaya [L=197704]
running off , coming to an end R.
vi-paryaya [L=197705]
transposition , change , alteration , inverted order or succession , opposite of. A1s3vS3r. Nir. MBh. &c (e.g. buddhi-v° , the opposite opinion ; svapna-v° , the opp of sleep , state of being awake ; sadhi-viparyayau , peace and its opposite i.e. war ; °yaye ind. ,°yena ind. and °yāt ind. in the opposite case , other wise)
vi-paryaya [L=197706]
exchange , barter (e.g. dravya-v° , exchange of goods , buying and selling , trade) MW.
vi-paryaya [L=197707]
change for the worse , reverse of fortune , calamity , misfortune Mn. MBh. &c
vi-paryaya [L=197708]
perverseness R. Katha1s. BhP.
vi-paryaya [L=197709]
overthrow , min , loss , destruction (esp. of the world) Ka1v.
vi-paryaya [L=197710]
change of opinion Sa1h.
vi-paryaya [L=197711]
change of purpose or conduct , enmity , hostility W.
vi-paryaya [L=197712]
misapprehension , error , mistake Mn. BhP. Sarvad.
vi-paryaya [L=197713]
mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW.
vi-paryaya [L=197714]
shunning , avoiding R. vii , 63 , 31 (Sch.)
vi-paryaya [L=197715]
N. of partic. forms of intermittent fever Sus3r.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.


śama [p= 1053,3] [L=212912]
tranquillity , calmness , rest , equanimity , quietude or quietism , absence of passion , abstraction from eternal objects through intense meditation (śamak , " to calm one's self " , " be tranquil ") Mn. MBh. &c

*rdham) MBh.

dharma and husband of prā*pti) MBh.

MBh. Ka1v. &c





cf. śaya) L.

w.r. for śapa) L.

of a king of the nandi-vegas MBh.

andhaka Hariv.

dharma-sūtra BhP.
śáma [L=212926]
tame , domestic RV. i , 32 , 15 ; 33 , 15.
śama [p= 1332,2] [L=339860]


[L=212913]peace , peace with (
[L=212914]Quietism or Tranquillity (personified as a son of
[L=212915]tranquillization , pacification , allayment , alleviation , cessation , extinction
[L=212916]absence of sexual passion or excitement , impotence
[L=212917]alleviation or cure of disease , convalescence
[L=212918]final happiness , emancipation from all the illusions of existence
[L=212919]indifference , apathy
[L=212920]the hand (
[L=212921]imprecation , malediction (
[L=212923]of a son of
[L=212924]of a son of
(H2B) mfn.
(H2) (in


śamo* panyāsa [p= 1054,1] [L=212947]
overtures of peace Ven2is.




śamaka [L=212948]
(fr. Caus.) pacifying , a pacifier , peace-maker Pa1n2. 7-3 , 34 Sch.




śaśvac-chānti [p= 1060,3] [L=214502]
(for °vat-ś°) everlasting peace or tranquillity , eternal rest MW.




śānta 1 [p= 1064,2] [L=215264]
(perhaps always w.r. for 1. śāta q.v.) = śānita L.

Hariv. R. (Sch.)
śāntá 2 [L=215270]
(fr. √1. śam) appeased , pacified , tranquil , calm , free from passions , undisturbed Up. MBh. &c


opp. to dīpta) AV. &c

śāntam or dhik śāntam or śāntam pāpam , may evil or sin be averted! may God forfend! Heaven forbid! not so!) S3Br. MBh. Ka1v. &c

MBh. R.

ib. Ragh. Ra1jat.

śāntá 2 [L=215277]
an ascetic whose passions are subdued W.
śāntá 2 [L=215278]
tranquillity , contentment (as one of the rasas q.v.)
śāntá 2 [L=215279]
N. of a son of Day MBh.
śāntá 2 [L=215280]
of a son of manu tāmasa Ma1rkP.
śāntá 2 [L=215281]
of a son of śambara Hariv.
śāntá 2 [L=215282]
of a son of idhma-jihva BhP.
śāntá 2 [L=215283]
of a son of āpa VP.
śāntá 2 [L=215284]
of a devaputra Lalit.
śāntá 2 [L=215286]
Emblica Officinalis L.
śāntá 2 [L=215287]
Prosopis Spicigera and another species L.
śāntá 2 [L=215288]
a kind of dūrvā grass L.
śāntá 2 [L=215289]
a partic. drug (= reukā) L.
śāntá 2 [L=215290]
N. of a daughter of daśa-ratha (adopted daughter of loma-pāda or roma-pāda and wife of ṛṣya-śṛṅga) MBh. Hariv. R.
śāntá 2 [L=215291]
(with jainas) of a goddess who executes the orders of the 7th arhat L.
śāntá 2 [L=215292]
of a śakti MW.
śāntá 2 [L=215293]
tranquillity , peace of mind BhP.
śāntá 2 [L=215294]
N. of a vara in jambu-dvīpa ib.
śāntá 2 [L=215295]
N. of a tīrtha W.


[L=215265]thin , slender
(H1) mfn.
[L=215271]soft , pliant
[L=215272]gentle , mild , friendly , kind , auspicious (in augury ;
[L=215273]abated , subsided , ceased , stopped , extinguished , averted (
[L=215274]rendered ineffective , innoxious , harmless (said of weapons)
[L=215275]come to an end , gone to rest , deceased , departed , dead , died out
[L=215276]purified , cleansed
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


śā́nti [p= 1064,3] [L=215338]
tranquillity , peace , quiet , peace or calmness of mind , absence of passion , averting of pain (śānti! śānti! śānti! may the three kinds of pain be averted!) , indifference to objects of pleasure or pain Kat2hUp. MBh. &c

&c ) AV. &c


Br. &c (cf. RTL. 346)

MBh. R. &c

Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP.

śānti-kalpa BhP.

&c personified (as a daughter of śraddhā , as the wife of atharvan , as the daughter of daka and wife of dharma) Hariv. Prab. Pur.
śā́nti [L=215346]
N. of a son of indra MBh.
śā́nti [L=215347]
of indra in the tenth manv-antara Pur.
śā́nti [L=215348]
of a tuita (son of viṣṇu and dakiā) ib.
śā́nti [L=215349]
of a son of kṛṣṇa and kālindī ib.
śā́nti [L=215350]
of a ṛṣi MBh.
śā́nti [L=215351]
of a son of agiras ib.
śā́nti [L=215352]
of a disciple of bhūti Ma1rkP.
śā́nti [L=215353]
of a son of nīla and father of su-śānti VP.
śā́nti [L=215354]
(with jainas) of an arhat and cakra-vartin L.
śā́nti [L=215355]
of a teacher (also called ratnā*kara-ś°) Buddh.
śānti [p= 1332,3] [L=339970]


[L=215339]alleviation (of evil or pain) , cessation , abatement , extinction (of fire
[L=215340]a pause , breach , interruption
[L=215341]any expiatory or propitiatory rite for averting evil or calamity
[L=215342]peace , welfare , prosperity , good fortune , ease , comfort , happiness , bliss
[L=215343]destruction , end , eternal rest , death
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2) (in


śā́nti--kara [p= 1064,3] [L=215357]
causing peace or prosperity VarBr2S.
śā́nti--kara [L=215358]
N. of a man Katha1s.


(H3B) m.


śāmana [p= 1065,2] [L=215562]
extinguishing , destroying Pan5cat. iii , 31 (v.l. for śamana)
śāmana [L=215563]
N. of yama (= śamana) W.
śāmana [L=215565]
a sedative Car.
śāmana [L=215566]
tranquillity , peace W.
śāmana [L=215567]
killing , slaughter ib.
śāmana [L=215568]
end (°na- , to go to an end , be destroyed) MW.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


śāmya [p= 1065,3] [L=215590]
relating to peace , peaceful MBh.
śāmya [L=215591]
peace , reconciliation ib.
śāmya [L=215641]


(H2B) n.
(H1) »

Westergaard Dhatupatha links: 27.3
Whitney Roots links: SA

śi 1 [p= 1069,3] [L=216481]
accord. to some = √ śo) cl.3 P. śiśāti (Impv. śíśīhi , śādhi) , to grant , bestow RV. (cf. Nir. v , 23)  ; 
to present or satisfy with (
instr.) ib.  ; 
cl.5 P. A1. ( Dha1tup. xxvii , 3) śinoti , śinute (p. śiāya , śiye ; aor. aśaiīt , aśeṣṭa fut. śeyati , °te) , to sharpen.
śi 2 [L=216483]
N. of śiva W.


śi 3 [L=216486]
i (substituted for jas and śas in neuters) .


(H1) m.
[L=216484]auspiciousness , good fortune
[L=216485]peace , composure , calm
(H1) (in gram.) a technical term for the case-ending


a--gua [p= 1109,1] [L=225160]
the qualities perceived by the five senses and manas GarbhUp. BhP.


sadhi , " peace " , vigraha , " war " , yāna , " marching " , āsana , " sitting encamped " , dvaidhī-bhāva , " dividing his forces " , saśraya , " seeking the protection of a more powerful king ") ib. Das3.
a--gua [L=225163]
an assemblage of six qualities or properties MW.
a--gua [L=225164]
sixfold , six times Hit. Katha1s.
a--gua [L=225165]
having six excellencies or advantages Sarvad.


m. pl.
[L=225161]the six excellencies or advantages
[L=225162]the six acts or measures to be practised by a king in warfare (viz.
(H3B) n.
(H3B) mfn.
(H3B) n.


sa-yoga [p= 1112,2] [L=225750]
conjunction , combination , connection (°ge or °geu ifc. " in connection with , with regard to , concerning ") , union or absorption with or in (gen. , or instr. with and without saha , or loc. , or ifc.) A1past. MBh. &c

esp. in phil. " direct material contact " , as of sesamum seed with rice-grains [in contradistinction to contact by the fusion of particles , as of water with milk] , enumerated among the 24 guas of the nyāya cf. under sam-bandha) Yogas. Kan2. Bha1sha1p.

MBh. &c

gen. , saha with instr. , or comp.) Gaut. Mn. MBh. &c

Ka1m. Hit.

bheda) R.

°gak , " to undertake , set about , begin " ; agnihotra-sayogamk , " to undertake the maintenance of a sacred fire ") A1past. Mn. R.

Pra1t. Pa1n2. &c


astron.) conjunction of two or more heavenly bodies MW.


of śiva MBh.


[L=225751]contact (
[L=225752]carnal contact , sexual union
[L=225753]matrimonial connection or relationship by marriage with or between (
[L=225754]a kind of alliance or peace made between two kings with a common object
[L=225755]agreement of opinion , consensus (opposed to
[L=225756]applying one's self closely to , being engaged in , undertaking (
[L=225757](in gram.) a conjunct consonant , combination of two or more consonants
[L=225758]dependence of one case upon another , syntax
[L=225760]total amount , sum


sa- √ śam 1 [p= 1117,2] [L=226545]
-śāmyati. to become thoroughly calm or pacified , be comforted R.  ; 
to be appeased , make peace with (
instr. with or with out saha) MBh.  ; 
to be extinguished
S3Br. ChUp.  ; 
to be allayed , cease
MBh.  ; 
to be or become ineffective
BhP.  ; 
to calm , allay
S3Br. : Caus. -śamayati , to tranquillize , calm , pacify S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. &c  ; 
to bring to an end , settle , arrange
Pan5cat.  ; 
to extinguish
R.  ; 
to bring to rest , remove , destroy , kill




-gata [p= 1128,2] [L=228465]
come together , met , encountered , joined , united AV. &c

instr. or comp.) Gaut. Ra1jat.

comp.) Ka1v. Katha1s.

MBh. (cf. comp.) , in conjunction (as planets) W.
-gata [L=228469]
(scil. sadhi) an alliance or peace based on mutual friendship Ka1m. Hit.
-gata [L=228470]
N. of a king (belonging to the maurya dynasty) Pur.
-gata [L=228471]
coming together , meeting with (instr. loc. gen. , or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
-gata [L=228472]
frequent meeting , intercourse , alliance , association , friendship or intimacy with (instr. gen. , or comp.) Kat2hUp. Mn. MBh. &c
-gata [L=228473]
addiction or devotion to (gen.) Ka1vya7d.
-gata [L=228474]
agreement MBh.


[L=228466]allied with , friendly to (
[L=228467]fitted together , apposite , proper , suitable , according with or fit for (
[L=228468]contracted , shrunk up
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


sa-tāná---sadhi [p= 1142,1] [L=231240]
a peace cemented by family alliance (by giving a daughter in marriage &c ) Ka1m. Hit.




sa-dhaya [p= 1144,2] [L=231594]
(fr. sa-dhi ; also with anu prefixed Ka1s3i1Kh. ) P. °yati , to put or join together , unite (esp. " to join bow and arrow " , " take aim " ; with ātmani , " to appropriate to one's self , assume , acquire ") Mun2d2Up. MBh. &c  ; 
to be reconciled , conclude peace (only in
inf. sa-dhitum , which may also be referred to sa-dhā) BhP.




sa-dhā́na [L=231607]
joining , uniting , healing Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231608]
a partic. spell recited over weapons R.
sa-dhā́na [L=231609]
N. of a minister Katha1s.
sa-dhā́na [L=231611]
a foundery or place where metals are wrought or stored L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231612]
the small egg-plant L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231613]
the act of placing or joining together or uniting , junction , union Vait. MBh. &c
sa-dhā́na [p= 1144,3] [L=231614]
assembling or meeting of men (°nam ā- , " to receive admission ") Hariv. Ka1m. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231615]
a joint , point of contact , boundary TS. La1t2y. Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231616]
a means of union TUp.
sa-dhā́na [L=231617]
growing together , re-uniting , healing (as a wound) Sus3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231618]
fixing on (as an arrow on a bow-string) , aiming at MBh. R. BhP.
sa-dhā́na [L=231619]
perceiving , perception Nalac.
sa-dhā́na [L=231620]
combination of words (also , " euphonic combination " = sa-dhi q.v.) Pra1t. S3a1n3khS3r.
sa-dhā́na [L=231621]
bringing together , alliance , league , association , friendship , making peace with (instr. with or without saha) MBh. Ka1v. &c
sa-dhā́na [L=231622]
compounding , mixing , preparation (of a beverage &c ; cf. nīla-sadhāna-bhāṇḍa) S3a1rn3gS. Bhpr.
sa-dhā́na [L=231623]
sour rice-gruel L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231624]
a kind of relish eaten to excite thirst L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231625]
spirituous liquor L.
sa-dhā́na [L=231626]
mixed or bell-metal (= saurāṣṭra) MW.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.


sa-dhā́na---karaa [L=231627]
(ī)n. causing union or combination , who or what re-unites or heals or reconciles W.
sa-dhā́na---karaa [L=231628]
the act of uniting or healing ib.
sa-dhā́na---karaa [L=231629]
allying , making peace ib.


(H3B) n.
(H3B) n.


sa-dhāya [L=231640]
having placed together &c



[L=231640.1]having formed an alliance or settled terms of peace with reference to


sa-dhāya---gamana [L=231640.2]
a march after peace has been made Ka1m.




sa-dhā° * sana [L=231640.4]
a halt after terms of peace have been agreed upon (cf. sa-dhānā*sana) ib.




sa-dhí [L=231642]
containing a conjunction or transition from one to the other &c TBr.
sa-dhí [L=231643]
(exceptionally f. ; once in MBh. loc. pl. sadhīu) junction , connection , combination , union with (instr.) Kat2hUp. Subh.
sa-dhí [L=231644]
association , intercourse with (instr.) MBh.
sa-dhí [L=231645]
comprehension , totality , the whole essence or scope of (comp.) Pan5cat.
sa-dhí [L=231646]
agreement , compact TBr.
sa-dhí [L=231647]
alliance , league , reconciliation , peace between (gen.) or with (instr. with or without saha) , making a treaty of peace , negotiating alliances (one of a king's six courses of action » gua ; many kinds are specified e.g. adṛṣṭa-purua , ucchinna , kāñcana , kapāla , satāna , qq. vv.) Mn. Ya1jn5. Hit. &c
sa-dhí [L=231648]
euphonic junction of final and initial letters in grammar (every sentence in Sanskrit being regarded as a euphonic chain , a break in which occurs at the end of a sentence and is denoted by a virāma or avasāna , " stop " ; this euphonic coalition causing modifications of the final and initial letters of the separate words of a sentence and in the final letters of roots and stems when combined with terminations to form such words) Pra1t. Katha1s. Sa1h.
sa-dhí [L=231649]
contrivance , management Ragh. Das3.
sa-dhí [L=231650]
place or point of connection or contact , juncture , hinge , boundary , boundary line TS. A1past. MBh. &c
sa-dhí [L=231651]
critical juncture , crisis , opportune moment MW.
sa-dhí [L=231652]
a joint , articulation (of the body ; esp. applied to the five junctures of the parts of the eye) RV. &c
sa-dhí [L=231653]
interstice , crevice , interval MBh.
sa-dhí [L=231654]
the space between heaven and earth , horizon S3Br. Gr2S3rS.
sa-dhí [L=231655]
the interval between day and night , twilight (= sa-dhyā) VS. &c
sa-dhí [L=231656]
a seam Amar.
sa-dhí [L=231657]
a fold Pan5cat.
sa-dhí [L=231658]
a wall or the hole or cavity or breach in a wall made by a housebreaker (acc. with √ chid or bhid or Caus. of ut-pad , " to make a breach in a wall ") Mn. Mr2icch. Das3.
sa-dhí [L=231659]
the vagina or vulva L.
sa-dhí [L=231660]
a juncture or division of a drama (reckoned to be five , viz. mukha , pratimukha , garbha , vimarśa , and nirvahaa , qq. vv. ; or one of the 14 kinds of nirvahaa or catastrophe) Bhar. Das3ar. &c
sa-dhí [L=231661]
a period at the expiration of each yuga or age (equivalent to one sixth of its duration and intervening before the commencement of the next ; occurring also at the end of each manv-antara and kalpa) W.
sa-dhí [L=231662]
a pause or rest ib.
sa-dhí [L=231663]
a part , portion , piece of anything AitBr. Hariv. Naish. Sch.
sa-dhí [L=231664]
a partic. stotra Br.
sa-dhí [L=231665]
(in mensuration) the connecting link of a perpendicular ib.
sa-dhí [L=231666]
the common side of a double triangle S3ulbas.
sa-dhí [L=231667]
= *vakāśa L.
sa-dhí [L=231668]
N. of a son of prasuśruta BhP. @
sa-dhí [L=231669]
N. of a goddess presiding over junction or union VS.


(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) f.


sa-dhí--dūaa [p= 1145,1] [L=231691]
the violation of a treaty breaking of peace Kir. (pl.)




sa-dhí--mat [L=231703]
containing a concurrence of two days or day periods or life periods (vayasadhi-matī = aprasūta-taruī L. ) Jyot. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. A1pS3r. Sch.

viṣṇu) MBh.

sa-dhí--mat [L=231706]
N. of two ministers Ra1jat.


[L=231704]being or existing in peace (said of
[L=231705]having an alliance , allied
(H3B) m.


sa-dhí--vigraha [L=231715]
peace and war MW.


m. du.


sa-dhí--vigraha---kāyastha [L=231716]
a secretary for managing (foreign) affairs in making peace and war Katha1s.




sa-dhí--vi° grahā* dhikāra [L=231719]
superintendence over the affairs of peace and war MW.




sa-dhí--vi° grahā* dhikārin [L=231720]
superintendent over the affairs of peace and war , a chief foreign minister ib.




sa-dhí--viparyaya [L=231726]
peace and its opposite (i.e. war) Mn. vii , 65.


m. du.


sadhitsu [L=231755]
(fr. Desid.) wishing to make peace or form an alliance with (saha) S3is3. Ka1m.




sadheya [p= 1145,2] [L=231767]
to be joined or united (» āśu-s°)

&c VPra1t.

MBh. BhP.

» a-s°) Pan5cat. &c (» also a-s° , āśu-s°)


sadhi Ka1t.
sadheya [L=231773]
(impers.) it is to be allied or reconciled with (instr. or loc.) MBh. BhP.


[L=231768]to be connected with
[L=231769]to be reconciled , to be made peace or alliance with
[L=231770]to be made amends for (
[L=231771]to be aimed at
[L=231772]to be subjected to grammatical
(H2B) n.


sama 1 [p= 1152,1] [L=232988]
(connected with 7. sa and with 2. samá and samāna ; cf. samaha , used as pron.: declined like sarva e.g. samasmai RV. vi , 51 , 6) any , every RV. [cf. Gk. μός , μός ; Goth. suma ; Angl.Sax. sum ; Eng. some.]
samá 2 [L=232989]
(ā́)n. (prob. originally identical with prec. ; cf. samāna) even , smooth , flat , plain , level , parallel (kara-s° , " on a level with the ear " ; bhūmi- or bhūme sama-k , " to make level with the earth ") RV. &c

instr. e.g. mayā sama , " like to me " ; or gen. , rarely abl.) , like in or with regard to anything (instr. gen. loc. , or -tas , or comp. ; sama-k , " to make equal , balance ") ib.

loc. or gen.) ib.


sama-k , " to put right or in order ") AitBr. &c &c


Mn. MBh. &c



samá 2 [L=232999]
peace (perhaps w.r. for śama) R. Ka1m.
samá 2 [L=233000]
the point of intersection of the horizon and the meridian line Gol.
samá 2 [L=233001]
N. of partic. zodiacal signs (esp. vṛṣa , karkaa , kanyā , vścika , makara , and Mina) MW.
samá 2 [L=233002]
a kind of straight line placed over a numerical figure to mark the process of extracting the square root ib.
samá 2 [L=233003]
(in music) a kind of time Sam2gi1t.
samá 2 [L=233004]
a grass-conflagration L.
samá 2 [L=233005]
a jina Gal.
samá 2 [L=233006]
N. of a son of dharma VP.
samá 2 [L=233007]
of a son of dhtarāṣṭra MBh.
samá 2 [L=233008]
of a king of the nandi-vegas (v.l. śama) ib.
samá 2 [L=233010]
level ground , a plain (samé bhū́myā , " on level ground ") AV. S3Br. Mn. MBh. R.
samá 2 [L=233011]
equability , equanimity , imperturbability MBh.
samá 2 [L=233012]
likeness , similarity , equality (ena , " equally , in the same manner ") Ka1s3. on Pa1n2. 2-3 , 18
samá 2 [L=233013]
right measure or proportion (ena , " exactly , precisely ") S3Br.
samá 2 [L=233014]
settlement , compensation Mn. viii , 177
samá 2 [L=233015]
good circumstances Mr2icch.
samá 2 [L=233016]
(in rhet.) a partic. figure , sameness of objects compared to one another Prata1p. Kuval.
samá 2 [L=233017]
(in geom.) a mean proportional segment (described as a fourth proportional to the two perpendiculars and the link or segment , and used for solving problems in a trapezium) Col.
samá 2 [L=233018]
= samā f. a year (» pāpa-s° , puya-s° , and su-ama)
sa-ma 3 [p= 1153,2] [L=233330]
(fr. 7. sa mā) " together with lakmi " , happy , prosperous Nalo7d.
sama [p= 1332,3] [L=340490]


(H1) mf
[L=232990]same , equal , similar , like , equivalent , like to or identical or homogeneous with (
[L=232991]always the same , constant , unchanged , fair , impartial towards (
[L=232992]even (not " odd ") , a pair
[L=232993]having the right measure , regular , normal , right , straight (
[L=232994]equable , neutral , indifferent
[L=232995]equally distant from extremes , ordinary , common , middling
[L=232996]just , upright , good , straight , honest
[L=232997]easy , convenient
[L=232998]full , complete , whole , entire
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1) mfn.
(H2) (in


samá--sadhi [p= 1153,1] [L=233201]
equal alliance , peace on equal terms W.




samā* rthin [L=233254]
seeking or desiring equality W.

instr.) R. (perh. w.r. for śam°).


[L=233255]seeking peace with (


sāntva--da [p= 1203,2] [L=241992]
giving comfort or peace to (gen.) MBh.




dhivigrahika [p= 1203,3] [L=242036]
(fr. sadhi-vigraha) a minister who decides upon peace and war Ka1v. Ra1jat.




sumná [p= 1231,3] [L=248487]
(prob. fr. 5. su and √ mnā = man) benevolent , kind , gracious , favourable RV. x , 5 , 3 ; 7
sumná [L=248488]
benevolence , favour , grace RV. TS.
sumná [L=248489]
devotion , prayer , hymn (cf. Gk. μνος) RV.
sumná [L=248490]
satisfaction , peace , joy , happiness ib.
sumná [L=248491]
N. of various sāmans A1rshBr.


(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) n.


skandho* paneya [p= 1256,3] [L=254224]
to be carried on the shoulders W.
skandho* paneya [L=254225]
(scil. sadhi) a kind of treaty or alliance to maintain peace , a peace-offering Ka1m.


(H3B) m.


hīná--sadhi [p= 1296,3] [L=262596]
destitute of peace or reconciliation W.




a-sadadhāna [p= 1318,2] [L=316760]
not making peace, Pan5cat.




upa-śānta [p= 207,3] [L=35902]
calmed , appeased , pacified

BhP. Katha1s.

R. Pras3nUp.
upa-śānta [p= 1322,2] [L=324230]
tranquillity, peace, Sukh. i.


[L=35903]calm , tranquil
[L=35904]ceased , extinct , intermitted
(H2) n.


yātrāsadhāna [p= 1331,3] [L=338490]
marching away after making peace (cf. sadhāya-gamana, p.1144), MBh. xii, 2662.

