Sanskrit Words for Depth

agādhitva (depth) 2 āraṇa (depth) 3 ugragādha (depth) 4 utsaṅgavat (depth) 5 utsaṅgin (depth) 6 aikya (depth) 7 gabhvara (depth) 8 gambhan (depth) 9 gambhīra (depth) 10 gambhīratā (depth) 11 gahana (depth) 12 gahman (depth) 13 gahvara (depth) 14 gāmbhīrya (depth) 15 gāha (depth) 16 gāhita (depth) 17 guptikā (depth) 18 dvayasa (depth) 19 dvipañcadvayasāṅgula (depth) 20 dhāra (depth) 21 nimna (depth) 22 nimnatva (depth) 23 nivat (depth) 24 nīcaiḥkara (depth) 25 pravaṇa (depth) 26 budhna (depth) 27 mātra (depth) 28 rātritarā (depth) 29 vanagahana (depth) 30 vitala (depth) 31 vedha (depth) 32 vedhana (depth) 33 samarajju (depth) 34 samavedha (depth) 35 sutala (depth) 36 svaragupti (depth) 37 hāstina (depth) 38 gahsnaṣṭha (depth)


a-gādhi-tva [p= 4,3] [L=841]
depth Comm. on S3is3. i , 55.
(H2) n.

ā́raa [p= 149,3] [L=26067]
(probably connected with araa) depth , abyss , precipice RV. i , 112 , 6 and viii , 70 , 8.
(H1) n.

ugrá--gādha [p= 172,2] [L=30147]
any unfathomable or dangerous depth (of a river &c ) Ta1n2d2yaBr.
(H3) m.

ut-saga--vat [p= 181,3] [L=31837]
having depth , deep-seated Sus3r.
(H3) mfn.

utsagin [L=31841]
having depth , deep-seated (as an ulcer) Sus3r. R. Car.

Mall. on S3is3. iii , 79

utsagin [L=31844]
an ulcer , deep sore L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=31842]associating or combining with , coherent
[L=31843]an associate , partner
(H2B) m.

aikya [p= 233,2] [L=40345]
(fr. eka) , oneness , unity , harmony , sameness , identity MBh. Ragh. Sarvad. &c



math.) the product of the length and depth of excavations differing in depth.
(H2) n.
[L=40346]identity of the human soul or of the universe with the Deity
[L=40347]an aggregate , sum

gabhvara [p= 346,3] [L=63372]
(= gahv°) an abyss , depth Ka1ran2d2. x , 7.
gabhvara [L=63408]
(H2) n.
(H1) »

gámbhan [L=63373]
depth VS. xiii , 30.
gámbhan [p= 348,1] [L=63675]
bhára » gabhá.
(H2) n.
(H1) °

gambhīrá [p= 346,3] [L=63376]
= gabh° RV. (only in the beginning of pādas , six times) AV. &c (in post-Vedic writings gambh° is more used than gabh° ; the deepness of a man's navel , voice , and character are praised together VarBr2S. lxviii , 85 ; hence a person who is said to have a deep navel , voice , and character is called tri-gambhīrá mf(ā)n. MBh. iv , 254 ; v , 3939)
gambhīrá [L=63377]
(= jambh°) the lemon tree L.
gambhīrá [L=63378]
a lotus L.
gambhīrá [L=63379]
a mantra of the RV. L.
gambhīrá [L=63380]
(= gabh°) N. of a son of bhautya VP. (v.l.)
gambhīrá [L=63383]
" depth " , with jamad-agne N. of a sāman.
gambhīrá [p= 348,2] [L=63679]
gambhīra [p= 1326,1] [L=330070]
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H3) »
(H2) (in

gambhīrá--tā [p= 346,3] [L=63386]
depth (of water) W.


(H3) f.
[L=63387]depth (of a sound)
[L=63388]profoundness , earnestness , sagacity

gáhana [p= 352,1] [L=64463]
(ā)n. (g. kubhnā*di) deep , dense , thick , impervious , impenetrable , inexplicable , hard to be understood MBh. R. &c
gáhana [L=64465]
an abyss , depth (" water " Naigh. Nir. ) RV. x , 129 , 1
gáhana [L=64466]
an inaccessible place , hiding-place , thicket , cave , wood , impenetrable darkness , i , 132 , 6 S3Br. xiv , 7 , 2 , 17 MBh. &c
gáhana [L=64467]
pain , distress L.
gáhana [L=64468]
a metre consisting of thirty-two syllables.
(H2) mf
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

gahmán [L=64476]
(= gámbhan) depth TBr. ii , 7 , 7 , 6 (v.l. gah°).
(H2) m.

gáhvara [L=64477]
(ā , ī)n. (g. aśmā*di) deep , impervious , impenetrable TS. v Hariv. BhP.

Katha1s. lxi , 39 and 41
gáhvara [L=64479]
an arbour , bower L.
gáhvara [L=64480]
a cave , cavern L.
gáhvara [L=64483]
the earth Gal.
gáhvara [L=64484]
" an abyss , depth " (" water " Naigh. Nir. ) » °re-ṣṭ
gáhvara [L=64485]
a hiding-place , thicket , wood AV. xii , 2 , 53 MBh. R. &c
gáhvara [L=64486]
an impenetrable secret , riddle MBh. xiii , 1388
gáhvara [L=64487]
a deep sigh L.
gáhvara [L=64488]
hypocrisy L.
gáhvara [L=64489]
Abrus precatorius (?) L.
(H2) mf
[L=64478]confused (in mind)
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

gāmbhīrya [p= 354,1] [L=64850]
being in the depths Pa1n2. 4-3 , 58
gāmbhīrya [L=64851]
deepness , depth (of water , sound , &c ) MBh. xiii , 4637 R.
gāmbhīrya [L=64852]
(of the voice of a jaina saint) , V.
gāmbhīrya [L=64853]
depth or profundity of character , earnestness R. &c
gāmbhīrya [L=64854]
depth of meaning , deep recondite sense W.
gāmbhīrya [L=64855]
dignity. Katha1s. lxxxvi , 32
gāmbhīrya [L=64856]
generosity , cxxiv , 83
gāmbhīrya [L=64857]
calmness , composure Das3ar. ii , 12 Sa1h. iii , 50 and 53
gāmbhīrya [L=64858]
(in rhet.) a hidden allusion , Prata1par.
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.

gāha [p= 355,1] [L=65046]
(g. pacā*di) ifc. " diving into " » uda- , udaka-
gāha [L=65047]
depth , interior , innermost recess RV. ix , 110 , 8
(H2) mfn.
(H2B) m.

gāhita [L=65051]
plunged into , bathed in W.


gāhita [L=65054]
depth , interior MBh. iii , 8772.
(H2) mfn.
[L=65052]shaken , agitated
(H2B) n.

guptikā [p= 359,1] [L=65957]
(cf. svara-gupti) depth (of voice) DivyA7v. i , 372.
(H2B) f.

dvayasa [p= 503,3] [L=98151]
(ī)n. (ifc.) having the length or breadth or depth of , reaching up to Ka1v. Hcat.
(H2) mf

dvi--pañcadvayasā* gula [p= 505,1] [L=98525]
having the height , depth &c of 10 finger-breadths Hcat.
(H3) mfn.

dhāra 1 [p= 515,1] [L=100944]
(ī)n. ( √ dh) holding , supporting , containing (ifc. ; cf. kara- , chattra- , tulā- &c )
dhāra 1 [L=100945]
N. of viṣṇu L.
dhāra 1 [L=100946]
debt L.
dhāra 2 [p= 515,2] [L=101038]
or n. ( √1. dhāv) stream , gush (cf. taila- [add.] and toya-)
dhāra 2 [L=101039]
coming down in a stream or as rain Sus3r. Bhpr.
dhāra 3 [p= 515,3] [L=101091]
a sort of stone L.

L. (cf. 2. dhārā)

W. (to 1. dhāra?).
(H1) mf
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1) m.
(H1B) mfn.
(H1) m.
[L=101092]edge. boundary
[L=101093]deep place , depth

nimná [p= 551,3] [L=109059]
(fr. ni , or √ nam ?) depth , low ground , cavity , depression RV. &c (°naís ind. downwards , x , 78 , 5 ; 148 , 5)
nimná [L=109060]
(ā)n. deep (lit. and fig.) , low , depressed , sunk Var. Ka1v. &c
nimná [L=109061]
(ā)n. (ifc.) inclined towards L.
nimná [L=109062]
N. of a prince BhP.
(H1) n.
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) m.

nimná--tva [L=109070]
depth , lowness , profundity W.
(H3) n.

ni-vát [p= 558,3] [L=110197]
depth , any deep place or valley (opp. to ud-vát q.v.) RV. AV. TS. TBr.
(H1) f.

nīcai--kara [p= 565,3] [L=111349]
causing a low or deep tone , giving depth of voice TPra1t.
(H3) mfn.

pra-vaá [p= 690,2] [L=136718]
(prob. fr. 1. pra and suffix vana cf. vag-vaná , sat-vaná , śuśuk-vaná ; but according to Pa1n2. 8-4 , 5 fr. pra and vana , " wood " ; according to others from √ pru) or n. (?) the side of a hill , slope , declivity , abyss , depth RV. Ka1t2h. MBh. (in RV. only loc. sg. and once pl. ; in MBh. viii , 2369 also abl. sg.)
pra-vaá [L=136718.05]
a place where four roads meet L.
pra-vaá [L=136718.10]
a moment L.
pra-vaá [L=136718.15]
a whirlpool L.
pra-vaá [L=136718.20]
an access to (loc.) MBh.
pra-vaá [L=136718.30]
(ā)n. declining , bent , sloping down , steep , abrupt TS. Br. Gr2S3rS. Mn. &c
pra-vaá [L=136718.35]
(ā)n. (ifc.) directed towards (cf. udak- , dakiā- , nimna- &c )
pra-vaá [L=136718.40]
(ā)n. inclined or disposed or devoted to , intent upon , full of (loc. , dat. gen. inf. or comp.) MBh. Ka1v. &c
pra-vaá [L=136718.45]
(ā)n. wasted , decayed , disappeared R.
pra-vaá [L=136718.50]
(ā)n. generous L.
pra-vaá [L=136718.55]
(ā)n. humble , modest L. [cf. Gk. πρηνής ; Lat. pro1nus.]
(H1) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) m.
(H1B) n.
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf
(H1B) mf

budhná [p= 735,1] [L=145962]
(probably not connected with √ budh ; but cf. Un2. iii , 5) bottom , ground , base , depth , lowest part of anything (as the root of a tree &c ) RV. AV. S3Br. (búdhna) S3rS. ChUp.



of a son of the 14th manu VP. ; often w.r. for budhnya ([cf. Gk.πυθμήν Lat. fundus ; Germ. bodam , bodem , Boden ; Angl.Sax. botm ; Eng. bottom.])
(H1) mn.
[L=145963]the sky
[L=145964]the body

mātra [p= 804,2] [L=161708]
a Brahman of the lowest order i.e. only by birth Hcat.
mātra [L=161710]
an element , elementary matter BhP.
mātra [p= 804,3] [p= 804,2] [L=161711]
(ifc.) measure , quantity , sum , size , duration , measure of any kind (whether of height , depth , breadth , length , distance , time or number e.g. agula-mātram , a finger's breadth Pan5cat. ; artha-mātram , a certain sum of money ib. ; krośa. mātre , at the distance of a Kos Hit. ; māsa-mātre , in a month La1t2y. ; śata-mātram , a hundred in number Katha1s. )
mātra [p= 804,3] [L=161712]
the full or simple measure of anything , the whole or totality , the one thing and no more , often = nothing but , entirely , only (e.g. rāja-mātram , the whole class of kings S3a1n3khS3r. ; bhaya-m° , all that may be called danger , any danger VarBr2S. ; rati-m° , nothing but sensuality Mn. ; śabda-mātrea , only by a sound S3ak. )
mātra [L=161713]
(ā and ī)n. (ifc.) having the measure of i.e. as large or high or long or broad or deep or far or much or many (cf. aguṣṭha- , tāla- , bāhu- , yava- , tavan- , etavan many)
mātra [L=161714]
(ā and ī)n. Possessing (only) as much as or no more than (cf. prā*a-yāsrika-m°)
mātra [L=161715]
(ā and ī)n. amounting (only) to (pleonastically after numerals ; cf. tri-m°)
mātra [L=161716]
(ā and ī)n. being nothing but , simply or merely (cf. padāti- , manuya-m° ; after a pp. = scarcely , as soon as , merely , just e.g. jāta-m° , scarcely or just born Mn. ; kṛṣṭa-m° , merely ploughed Ka1tyS3r. ; bhukta-mātre , immediately after eating Mn. )
mātra [p= 808,1] [L=162446]
traka &c » p.804 , cols. 2 , 3.
(H2) m.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) n.
(H2B) mf
(H2B) mf
(H2B) mf
(H2B) mf
(H1) °

rā́tri--tarā [p= 876,1] [L=177067]
(compar. of rātri) the depth or dead of night Pa1n2. 6-3 , 17 Sch.
(H3) f.

vána--gahana [p= 917,2] [L=185760]
the depth or thick part of a forest Pan5cat.
(H3) n.

ví--tala [p= 950,3] [L=193073]
N. of one of the seven hells A1run2Up. BhP. (cf. pātāla)

(H3) n.
[L=193074]depth of hell

védha 1 [p= 1018,1] [L=206157]
( √ vidh) = vedhas , pious , faithful AV. (v.l.)
vedha 2 [L=206171]
( √ vyadh) penetration , piercing , breaking through , breach , opening , perforation VarBr2S. Ra1jat. Sarvad.



partic. disease of horses L.


Car. (also in measurement Col. )




partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected Sarvad.

partic. measure or division of time (= 100 truis = 1÷3 lava) Pur.

of a son of ananta VahniP.
vedha [p= 1031,2] [L=208673]
» 2. vedha , [p= 1018,1].
(H1) mfn.
(H1) m.
[L=206172]hitting (a mark)
[L=206173]puncturing , wounding , a wound
[L=206175]hole , excavation
[L=206176]the depth of an excavation , depth
[L=206177]intrusion , disturbance
[L=206178]fixing the position of the sun or of the stars
[L=206179]mixture of fluids
(H2) &c

vedhana [p= 1018,1] [L=206201]
piercing , hitting (with an arrow) MBh.


instr.) S3am2k.

cf. 2. vedha) MBh.

(H2) n.
[L=206202]penetration , excavation
[L=206203]affecting with (
[L=206204]depth (
[L=206205]puncturing , pricking , wounding

samá--rajju [p= 1152,3] [L=233141]
equal or mean cord , mean or equated depth Col.
(H3) f.

samá--vedha [L=233183]
the mean depth Col.
(H3) m.

su--tala [p= 1224,1] [L=246393]
( L. also m.) " great depth " , the second of the seven divisions of the regions under the earth (cf. loka , pātāla) Pur.
su--tala [L=246394]
the base or foundation of a large building (= aṭṭālikā-bandha) L.
(H3) n.
(H3B) m.

svára--gupti [p= 1285,2] [L=259887]
depth of voice DivyA7v.
(H3) f.

hāstina [p= 1296,1] [L=262478]
belonging to an elephant AV.

hāstina [L=262480]
= next L.
(H2) mfn.
[L=262479]having the depth of an elephant (as water)
(H2B) n.

gahsna-ṣṭ [p= 1326,2] [L=330220]
(ā)n. being in the depth, MaitrS.
(H2) mf